
--- Day changed Thu Sep 17 2009
genehacker2that diybio post of yours was confusing00:00
kanzurepython wrappers to openmodelica would be nice00:18
kanzureredoing pydaylight would also be neat00:20
kanzuredoes anyone want anything from this list?01:11
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genehacker2yeah sure01:16
genehacker2foundations or neural01:17
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drazak /n06:23
kanzurehm apparently the IUPAC alphabets have nothing to do with IUPAC :(07:29
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kanzurethe scilab module in enthought supports units, but i can't find any examples07:32
kanzurethe brick interface here seems stupid: http://mientki.ruhosting.nl/data_www/pylab_works/pw_bricks.html07:37
kanzurejust strings instead of pointers to the actual objects themselves?07:38
kanzureshowcase: http://mientki.ruhosting.nl/data_www/pylab_works/pw_animations_screenshots.html07:40
kanzureyes those are legos behind the python.. sort of.07:40
kanzurepym and libermate apparently convert from matlab to python.07:41
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kanzurehuh, jmodelica doesn't have anything to do with java?09:41
kanzureyummy: https://svn.jmodelica.org/trunk/Python/src/jmodelica/examples/pendulum.py09:46
kanzureew inline compiling09:46
kanzurefenn: ever consider wrapping GNU units with python ctypes?09:55
kanzureis my understanding correct? with jmodelica's python module, what they are doing is compiling modelica models into a shared library, then importing that into python via ctypes?09:59
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kanzurefenn: http://twobits.net/pub/Kelty-TwoBits.pdf10:53
kanzurehttp://jpype.sourceforge.net/ "JPype is an effort to allow python programs full access to java class libraries. This is achieved not through re-implementing Python, as Jython/JPython has done, but rather through interfacing at the native level in both Virtual Machines."10:59
kanzureif only we had that for .NET :(10:59
kanzurefenn: http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/skdb/wishlist11:16
kanzurethere you go i guess?11:16
fennfab-at-home? wtf11:16
fennno, that's not really what i meant, but thanks anyway11:17
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fennwell i finally figured out what interesting event was happening today in the ECJ building, and it wasn't in the building at all - on the plaza outside instead13:14
fennieee 125th birthday party with cancer-inducing blue frosted birthday cake13:14
kanzureisn't it pizza day?13:14
* fenn goes to get some water and try to dilute the toxins13:15
genehackerwhere's the cake?13:19
fennon the plaza13:20
fennnext to the bridge13:20
fennhow come they never have "yummy vegan food for engineers who dont know better day"13:20
genehackerusually they have vegan options13:21
fennyeah, i guess that cake was technically vegan13:21
genehackeryou just have to adjust the settings13:21
fennif you consider petroleum vegan13:21
fennit's made from dinosaurs..13:21
fennbut there was no opression involved so i guess it's ok13:21
kanzurewhat am i doing here again? didn't i do this two years ago? http://heybryan.org/school/Calculus/2007-11-02.html13:25
kanzurefuck same pages out of the book13:26
fenni just had an awesome idea!!11113:27
fennok you use a blu-ray disk as a spin coater, and spread photo protected nucleotides evenly over the cd13:27
fennthen use the blu-ray diode to activate selected areas13:27
kanzureis that the right wavelength for the photo labile protecting groups?13:27
fenn405nm, i have no idea13:28
kanzuredepends on the chemistry in use13:28
kanzurethere's a variety of different photolabile groups apparently13:28
kanzurethough i don't have a list or relative comparison paper13:28
kanzurenpocc would be the effective search term here13:28
fennThe use of the protecting group or the nucleoside derivative according to the invention advantageously permits the use of particularly long-waved light in the light-controlled synthesis of oligonucleotides or nucleic acid chips. In thisconnection, wavelengths above 380 nm, preferably above 390 nm and more preferably above 400 nm are preferred.13:29
kanzureyou're reading a patent?13:29
kanzurewtf has happened to you?13:29
fennwell anyway, it's possible13:30
fennMeNPOC (α-methyl nitropiperonyloxycarbonyl) protecting group13:30
fennhow is there a patent on this in 2008?13:31
genehackerit's 405 nm13:31
genehackerit's not the photolabile groups you have problems with13:32
fennwhat is "it" that is 405nm?13:32
genehackerit's the protecting groups needed protect certain parts of the nucleoside so you can put the photolabile group on13:33
genehackerbluray uses a 405 nm laser13:33
fennso you're saying the synthesis is difficult13:33
fenn(which i sort of expected)13:34
genehackergetting the protecting groups is13:34
fennwhat do you mean 'getting' them?13:34
genehackerbut the protecting groups might be recyclable13:34
fennobtaining the chemicals?13:34
genehackerthough I've only figured out the pyrimidines13:34
genehackernot the purines13:35
genehackerbut I don't know13:35
genehackerjust the C-T part13:35
genehackerwhich is described in notes.txt13:36
genehackerI don't know about difficult13:36
genehackerI'll have to write down all the reaction pathways13:37
genehackerfor the ones I've figured out so far13:37
genehackerso find out how to do the purines13:40
genehackerhelpful paper here13:48
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drazakkanzure: man do people not know how to read?15:49
drazakkanzure: one person got what I was saying15:49
drazakwhich was: instead of making a vacuum mold, just make tupperwear do what you need15:50
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kanzureany ideas as to what the environment variable RMLHOME is? or what "rmlc" is?17:26
kanzureyummy: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/unsorted/mouse_electroporation_piezoelectric_gas_igniter.pdf17:29
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kanzureah mmc is found here: https://openmodelica.ida.liu.se/svn/MetaModelica/trunk17:31
kanzurehm wonder where antlr.Tool is found17:52
kanzureapparently it wasn't in the 'antlr' or 'libantlr-dev' package17:52
kanzureand my /usr/share/java/antlr.jar exists17:52
kanzurefor whatever it's worth here's my partial install notes on openmodelica. i can't get past that antlr.Tool error. http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/install-openmodelica17:56
kanzureheh i like the current picture on utexas.edu18:01
kanzurewonder if they were already wearing orange robes?18:02
kanzuresvn co https://jcline.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jcline jcline18:10
kanzurehe has some web scrapers in there too, although they look rather simple18:10
kanzurelooks like he has a shell script for each major journal hoster and just wants to fetch pdfs from their individual pages18:10
kanzureinstead of massive kill-them-all-with-fire scrapes18:10
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* bkero scrape scrape18:22
wrldpc2kanzure the book came back return to sender18:37
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kanzurewrldpc2: uhhh18:40
kanzurelet me double check on the address18:41
drazakwhat book?18:41
kanzurepretty sure i got it right18:41
kanzurei know my mom's address :)18:41
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wrldpc2well i think she may have sent it back because I used an anagram of your name for the Send To:  LOL!!!18:53
wrldpc2"Rabbi Syphon"18:53
wrldpc2She was probably like "who the fuck ... ?" and sent it back RTS18:53
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ybithttp://img6.imageshack.us/img6/7388/referencefolder.png looks like a typical grouping of books from some torrent19:46
ybitinteresting.. "PyDaylight is an object-oriented wrapper for Python to the Daylight toolkit. PyDaylight adds classes, exceptions, and iterators to simplify the rapid development of new chemical analysis programs. "19:48
ybitty kanzure for mentiong open-modelica as well19:50
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ybithey you other people.. eugen:"What's the wget incantation?"21:05
ybitwhat's he talking about?21:05
ybiti was thinking rsync [options] blah21:06
ybiti know what it is silly21:06
drazakwell what I mean is21:06
drazakwtf does it mean21:06
drazakkardan: what's the link to your mailing lists again?21:06
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ybitdrazak: windows or linux?21:06
ybitwhich do you use21:06
drazakkanzure: what's the link to your mailing lists (aka the ones you're subscribed to)21:07
drazakybit: linux21:07
ybityou are asking what wget is right?21:07
drazakI'm not asking what it is21:07
drazakI'm saying what does that question mean21:07
ybitit's the for the rsync mirrors of interesting content21:08
ybitrelated to diyh+21:08
ybitpapers,books, possibbly sites and videos 21:09
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ybitThere was a fellow in21:26
ybit#wrongplanet that underwent some surgery to get a tube sticking out of21:26
ybithis abdomen or chest to get food into his system. Not sure how much21:26
ybitthese operations cost, or how much the food-slop costs that he's now21:26
ybiteating all the time.21:26
* ybit could ask my mum or granfather the costs of such things since gramps is on this stuff now21:26
ybitnobody probably cares though :)21:26
ybitgenehacker2: don't worry about it21:27
genehacker2you mean he can eat without having to eat?21:27
genehacker2was this for medical reasons or for upgrade reasons?21:27
genehacker2I'd like an intravenous feed so I'd never have to eat again21:28
ybitLong-term, in vivo incremental/gradual scans might become available,21:28
ybitusing swarms of nanoagents who migrate into the CNS and record in21:28
genehacker2ok cool, but how do you make the nanoagents21:29
ybithow do you make this transistion though, you still have biolobical parts functioning...21:29
ybitgenehacker2: i was hoping you could tell me :)21:29
genehacker2 and how do you make 'em move and talk21:29
genehacker2well there's bulk micromachining21:30
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genehacker2but it's bulk micromachinging, so you'd need to scale it up21:30
genehacker2maybe use small picnic table sized wafers the semiconductor industry is working on21:31
genehacker2problem is making 3d stuff21:31
genehacker2though getting them to move and talk is more of an issue21:32
ybitgeez, the rate of replies is too fast, hows about you keep the reply-rate low for people who have to work with no internet access ;) :( <-re;DIY DNA synthesis and nanoscale structures21:32
ybitgenehacker2: don't stop, keep going21:33
genehacker2oh dear21:33
ybityou were fixing to propose some method for communication between these 'agents'21:33
genehacker2guess I'm running at 5 seconds per seconds21:33
genehacker2ybit you do know I'm not human right?21:33
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ybit"Procedural CAD using Python bindings to Open Cascade" http://groups.google.com/group/diykeyboard/browse_thread/thread/79767bd8defe79d821:34
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genehacker2communication method I have no idea21:35
ybitgenehacker2: you are like the bunny from rainbows end, right? except you happen to be using a defunct os :P21:35
genehacker2maybe it was to deceive you21:36
ybitargh, i need my neorunner asap so i can read ebooks or whatnot while free @ work21:36
genehacker2well communication is hard on that scale21:36
genehacker2not just the algorithms but sending a signal21:37
ybitoh, boo, the occ thread above is lame21:37
genehacker2that technology is quite far off21:37
kanzurethat link sucks ybit21:37
ybitkanzure: indeed21:37
ybitit's not just lame, it's fail?21:37
* ybit nods yes21:37
ybitthought it was something to do with keyboard bindings with occ, oh well21:38
kanzureskdb has some keyboard bindings in paths.py21:39
genehacker2have you gotten skdb to automatically design stuff yet21:40
kanzureit depends on what you're asking21:40
kanzurei mean, technically, we can make it randomly add bricks together21:40
kanzureand we can make it add other parts together21:40
kanzurebut is that useful?21:40
genehacker2any part I through at you?21:41
kanzureimho i think the 'download a piece of hardware' thing is cooler21:41
kanzureyeah you can add a part to skdb if you want21:41
kanzurewe can walk you through it21:41
genehacker2It's a puzzle21:41
kanzureyou're a puzzle21:41
genehacker2a puzzle for skdb to solve21:42
genehacker2downloading a piece of hardware is cool21:42
genehacker2when you have hardware to download21:42
genehacker2sorry I'm in business mode, just got back from i2p rapid21:44
ybitbtw, what's with all this reprap isn't the final end to all ends or something21:44
genehacker2it isn't21:44
ybitgenehacker2, you were saying you were just realizing this21:44
genehacker2it can't make itself yet21:45
ybitbut with mendal it is supposed to be able to create it's own parts21:45
ybitbecause of the metal extrustion head thingie21:45
genehacker2current goal seems to be make mendel cheap21:45
genehacker2forget about replication make it cheap21:45
genehacker2I want total replication21:46
ybitand mendal can't do this? (i haven't looked yet)21:46
genehacker2reprap can also only make stuff out of plastic21:46
genehacker2the surface finish sucks21:46
genehacker2if they can improve the surface finish, it might be possible to do high quality investment casting21:47
genehacker2if you're willing to have a foundary in your backyard and most importantly if your neighbors are21:48
ybitfsck the neighbors21:52
ybitthe go-ahead to restore a house for myself was given sometime yesterday :P21:52
* ybit plans on decking it out in diytech21:53
ybitand there's a nice level lot to go along with it which makes for a nice place to build a garage lab21:53
genehacker2so here in [redacted] an investment casting company might get shut down becuase people worried about the nasty fumes from investment casting21:54
genehacker2happens to be near a neighborhood21:54
genehacker2really, how are we going to make steel in our backyards?21:55
ybitbuild a furnace?..21:55
genehacker2it's a bit more complicated than that21:55
ybitsure sure21:55
genehacker2steel is something you really need to scale up to be cheap21:55
ybitmy dad and i are considering the farm for this type of stuff21:56
genehacker2yeah you need a farm but then21:56
genehacker2you aren't going to be making I-beams for that warehouse of yours21:57
ybitfsck the warehouse :(21:57
genehacker2taht you want to build because this is ahypothetical situation21:57
ybitit's going to be scalled down to just metal working and electronic/lab thingie in my sideyard21:57
genehacker2unless there's some new way to make steel or what not21:58
ybitor metal @ farm and electronicFab @ garage, dunno21:58
ybityeah, because there's always new ways being invented :P21:59
genehacker2not really21:59
ybitthus the silly emot21:59
* ybit loves the confusion of text21:59
genehacker2unless there's someway to grow something as strong as steel or we can get molecular manufacturing to work22:00
ybit"molecular manufacturing to work" one day22:00
ybitnanoengineer + skdb ftw?22:00
genehacker2some biocatalyst that makes carbon-nanotubes would be nice22:01
genehacker2maybe there's a way around steel22:02
genehacker2grow stuff which you turn into composites22:03
ybitoff to bed... on the bright side i get to test out adrafinil tomorrow22:07
ybit22:03 < genehacker2> grow stuff which you turn into composites22:07
ybitthat is an interesting thought22:07
ybitbtw, olmifon has a braile writing on the front box which is neat 22:08
-!- glytch_afk [n=glytch@li40-165.members.linode.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]22:57
-!- glytch_afk [n=glytch@li40-165.members.linode.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:57
kanzurehello glytch_afk 22:58

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