
--- Day changed Mon Sep 21 2009
kanzureybit: that url reminds me of http://www.robotwisdom.com/ai/timeline/0000.html00:03
kanzureor at least one of the other pages on there00:03
* kanzure now visits ybit's link00:03
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kanzurei feel like a failed evil mad scientist for not buying it00:05
kanzuresold: http://www.coolbiz.com/robodude/jet.jpg00:06
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fenni guess control-O counts as a character in irssi00:44
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wrldpc2_has anyone seen the singularity is near?03:07
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kanzurein case anyone happens to care about my musical interests:08:51
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jonathan__it's wierd, no one knows the building names even if they work at UT.   everyone always says "what's MBB?"  funny09:37
jonathan__either that or this building is not famous09:37
kanzureit's new.09:39
kanzurejonathan__: how do your scraper scripts work?09:42
kanzurei guess i'm asking how to use them, not how they work09:43
kanzureit looks like they work by "ieee <some url here>" right?09:43
jonathan__go to the web site manually, and copy the link to the first journal09:43
kanzureok so you supply a link 09:43
jonathan__some of them go "forwards" and some go "backwards" in chronology, depending on how I did it09:43
jonathan__the ieee ones are more manual..  you have to save the pages in html09:44
jonathan__the ieee site will have some link that is like  [1 - 20]  [21 - 49] [ 50 - ....]09:44
jonathan__each link is a page, must be saved manually09:45
jonathan__then it spiders thru those09:45
jonathan__the base url is always the same, so it only needs those pages to work09:45
jonathan__a simple top-top level script could fetch those pages too, but I havent gotten around to that09:45
kanzurei think at one point ieee tried to block my ip address09:46
kanzure(i was using my own script)09:46
jonathan__it's pretty whack that before 1995 is nearly always unavailable online09:46
kanzureeveryone knows the world began in 199509:46
jonathan__well, you have to use the delays...09:46
jonathan__it's just good practice anyway, to limit bandwidth09:47
kanzurei wasn't using delays obviously :)09:47
jonathan__maybe they have some fake url's in there, however my parsing gets around it, if there is09:47
jonathan__since it's only getting pdfs, it is not spidering09:47
-!- swabbie_strages is now known as strages09:49
jonathan__I need some high thermal conductivity potting epoxy09:52
jonathan__the scripts dont use cmd line args if thats what you're asking09:53
kanzure"since it's only getting pdfs, it is not spidering" warped definition of spidering imho.. but if it works, it works :)09:55
jonathan__ Synthetic Biology09:57
jonathan__the technoscience and its societal consequences09:57
jonathan__PublisherSpringer Netherlands09:57
jonathan__fluff book09:57
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jonathan__my question goes unanswered: "What is the bill of materials for the open gel box 2.0 ? "10:09
kanzuretito's a jerk.. he's started a company without actually having something10:11
kanzurei really doubt he has a BOM10:11
jonathan__he is shipping product10:11
kanzurehe did the design in google sketchup.. that should tell you something about him.10:11
jonathan__for at least a couple mos10:12
jonathan__come on, there's no need for CAD when making a gel box, it takes more time than it is worth10:13
jonathan__simple list of intructions & materials will do 10:13
kanzurefour prisms too hard to model for you?10:14
jonathan__the google cad is worse, because dimensions arent obvious if they are stated at all10:14
kanzurefive, maybe10:14
kanzureit's not even cad10:14
jonathan__either way there is no BOM10:14
jonathan__and no block diagram etc10:16
jonathan__the schematic is silly10:16
kanzurejonathan__: i have a bunch of .dwg files, do you have anything to convert these to STEP or IGES?10:17
jonathan__no.   i dont use CAD 10:18
jonathan__well, EE layout is a CAD but I dont consider it CAD10:19
jonathan__diybio is following the standard "open source => secretive" trajectory, same as computer industry10:22
jonathan__that is, if eveyrone could stop talking about the same old diy agar diy synthesis in order to discuss higher level projects10:23
kanzurenobody understands skdb :(10:23
jonathan__you never explained it well10:24
kanzurewhy isn't there a repository on diybio.org yet?10:24
kanzuredidn't i explain it last year multiple hundreds of times?10:24
jonathan__not well, no10:25
kanzureah, well. yes..10:25
jonathan__"skdb is like apt-get for hardware" is not an explanation10:25
kanzureit is if you know what apt-get is10:25
kanzureand if you don't, you should go install ubuntu10:25
kanzurebecause it doesn't take that much time10:25
kanzureer not even install :)10:25
jonathan__that attitude never works10:25
kanzureright that's why there's an explanation on the wiki10:25
kanzurebut that might also be useless10:26
jonathan__you need to be able to explain to some random guy in a coffee shop in less than 3 sentences10:26
jonathan__thats why they call it "an elevator pitch"10:26
kanzure"download hardware over the web"10:26
kanzurethat's what i've been saying recently10:27
jonathan__hardware != web10:27
kanzurenobody said that..10:27
jonathan__download != hardware10:27
kanzurei didn't say that either10:27
jonathan__download != hardware != over web10:27
kanzurei could do that for anything you say too10:27
kanzurethats != why != they != call != it != "an elevator pitch"10:28
jonathan__too many disseparate ideas in 1 sentence10:28
jonathan__thats the point10:28
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jonathan__"download hardware" = "what? "10:28
jonathan__"what? huh?"10:28
jonathan__"hardware over web" = "what? huh?"10:28
kanzureit's not something they have seen before10:28
kanzureif you have a better idea for a <1 sentence introduction, go for it10:29
jonathan__ha, I'm not the project lead10:29
jonathan__read up on elevator pitches, it will save you10:29
jonathan__how would you explain it to rothenburg in 3 sentences10:30
kanzure"Meir of Rothenburg (Mahram of Rothenburg), a major medieval German rabbi" ?10:30
jonathan__dna orgami guy10:31
kanzurehe and i talked over email actually, and i explained it to him as his professor's matter compiler project except not just for dna10:33
jonathan__i'll tell ya, venture capitalists are equally "dumb" and they have the funding so....10:33
kanzurehe totally went nuts and wanted to spazz on about neil gershenfeld and fablabs10:33
kanzureso i would say it was fairly successful10:33
kanzurei don't think rothemund is a good target, pick someone less mainstream :)10:33
jonathan__ok, then distill that "successful" down to 3 sentences10:34
kanzuredrazak: ?10:36
kanzurejonathan__: would you help me?10:36
kanzurea "not terrible" elevator pitch10:37
jonathan__no one else can help you, since it is your project it has to be your pitch10:37
jonathan__you can solve this by trial & error, worst case.  that is wht postdocs do10:38
kanzurepostdocs don't have friends like you10:38
jonathan__they tell random peope about their project, until the idea is finally distilled down10:38
kanzuredoesn't seem that way from reading papers10:38
kanzureso "downloading from the web" is not distilled?10:39
kanzurei mean, "downloading" isn't distilled enough?10:39
jonathan__a conclusion like "well if they dont know apt-get then they need to go install or read blah blah" is the first wall to break thru10:39
kanzurewhat's wrong with the "download hardware" statement?10:39
kanzurei can easily explain apt-get, but it's just me saying it and why would they believe me?10:39
kanzurei mean it sounds fairly extraordinary when you think about it10:40
jonathan__there is no correct answer to "what is wrong with the X statement?"10:40
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jonathan__the only measurement is: do people 'get' it or they 'dont get it'10:41
kanzurehow can i tell if they do or do not get it?10:41
jonathan__thus the primary way of finding the working pitch is just to practice10:41
jonathan__then see if random people get it or dont get it, and try different ways of explaining it10:42
jonathan__obviously they need to be new people, otherwise they are tainted10:42
jonathan__you have the perfect environment for this..  pick random undergrads10:42
jonathan__but pick ones who are not enginers..  maybe pick english majors or something10:43
jonathan__you dont know the major apriori of course, tho basically it means, dont pick the nerdy looking people10:43
drazakkanzure: typo, I was doing /n10:44
kanzurenathan is so funny. "am i going to have to make an index.html so you can't peruse!!!"10:51
kanzure"nathan.. you gave me root on the server."10:52
kanzurehm i need a way to distinguish my nathans10:55
kanzuredrazak: there is a way to inject bare DNA through the tail of a rat and have it puncture the cells of the kidney (haptocytes)10:58
kanzurejust thought i'd mention that re: your latest post10:59
drazakbut it's a bitch11:01
drazakI think nathan has a problem reading11:01
drazak"transdermal" = through the skin11:01
kanzurethe harwell subroutine library has a terrible license11:07
kanzurewhat's the point of ipopt if it doesn't provide any solvers with its code base?11:09
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genehackernow what are you talking about with english majors?14:17
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jonathan__use them for experimentation14:25
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kanzurethat took forever.14:43
kanzureoops, didn't upload it. the lag is affecting my brain.14:45
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kanzure(that's the pendulum problem running)14:55
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ybitkanzure: that robotwisdom link is neat, wish it would go past 2004 though :)16:50
ybitjmodelica or openmodelica, still deciding?16:51
kanzurechemical informatics: http://code.google.com/p/cinfony/16:53
kanzureybit: uhrm. well, jmodelica works, but i'm not sure if it does anything other than optimization problems16:54
kanzure(one of the openbabel professors got back to me and suggested some links)16:54
ybit10:17 < kanzure> jonathan__: i have a bunch of .dwg files, do you have anything to convert these to STEP or IGES? 16:55
ybitis that from the diy-CNC guy that you, kanzure, linked to yesterday?16:55
kanzureybit: they are on adl:/home/achiestdragon/16:55
kanzurehm paredis wants to do a proposal with campbell16:58
ybit0:33 < kanzure> he totally went nuts and wanted to spazz on about neil gershenfeld and fablabs16:59
ybitas in liked fablabs or didn't?16:59
ybit10:41 < jonathan__> the only measurement is: do people 'get' it or they 'dont get it'17:00
ybitthey usually get it, what exactly is wrong with the explanation right now? i don't think there's anything wrong with 'download hardware from the web, hardware package management system similar to apt-get, etc'17:01
kanzureybit: no it was not from the diy-CNC guy, btw.17:02
kanzuredifferent people, sorry17:02
ybitpeople understand the elevator pitches that have been presented, i don't think measuring if it's successful based on if they contribute any to the project is a correct measurement 17:02
ybitah, okay17:02
ybitpeople understand diybio, but many people don't contribute17:03
ybitmaybe they feel like they can't contribute anything and are waiting for someone else to do the work? :-\17:04
ybitas nykodemus has pointed out to me :)17:04
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kanzurethis is what i am hoping jmodelica is capable of : http://www.iti.de/uploads/pics/scr_Modelica_02.jpg17:11
kanzurehuh dymola is owned by dassault? doesn't dassault do solidworks?17:13
kanzureoh they do CATIA17:13
kanzurenice overview: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modelica17:14
drazaknext time I'm at the lab when nobody else is I'm going to try agar vs. agarose vs. polyacrylimide for dna, image the results, and post them17:14
drazakI should try pre-run agar too, and pre-run then remelted and re-set agar17:15
kanzure"job requirements: you know your way around wireshark and you have published one public exploit picked up by security team. 'nough said."17:22
kanzurethat was a job posting from a security company in austin today17:22
kanzurethe guy who posted it contributes to the bodyhacking mailing list, a transhuman-friendly group here in austin17:23
drazakan article in scientific american this month mentioned h+17:24
kanzurehah. "richard mendez: first webmaster of utexas.edu"17:41
genehackerwhere's that?17:44
kanzurei was looking around at stuff because i was annoyed that ecac.engr.utexas.edu doesn't remember that i registered with them last year17:45
kanzureso i can't use their spiffy resume generator dealy to update my pdf file17:45
genehackergoing to expo?17:48
-!- rook [n=rook4@ip68-226-92-62.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:50
rookwhat about fibonacci indexed-placeholders in programmed array's in c/c++ or java17:51
kanzurehello rook18:07
kanzurewhy would i use fibonacci numbers as indices in an array?18:07
Utopiahnumber thery applied to data structure indexing? o_018:09
fenndrazak: why not just do it next time you're at the lab? it's not like you're cooking up LSD18:19
drazakfenn: weird looks mostly18:20
drazakfenn: and "why are you doing that's18:20
drazakyeah well18:23
rookoh, i write code too, fibonacci numbers -- i was wondering myself what would happen with visualization of the output when fibonacci number sequence 11235.. .were used to place the index of some visualization, where the 11235 numbers would simply represent the amount of times to shift [0..1..3] in a direction in the array, if the array index of the array, if the ends of the array are reached by the index [playhead] bounce back n' forth , e18:38
rookr.. circular buffer?18:38
rooksry its like 1/2 in the middle of dinner time, i didn't mean to be rude or anything, i hope i didn't offend anyone18:38
kanzurewhy are you here?18:58
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ybitkanzure: thanks for anime music, i forget how nice it is for background music19:22
ybitbecause i don't understand a word so i'm not distracted by what they say and it's upbeat19:23
drazakinfected mushroom is good for that too19:31
drazakI lost all my IF though :(19:31
ybitsome girl was telling me about 'infected mushroom' the other day while she was rubbing my leg, don't ask why19:36
ybit19:31 < drazak> I lost all my IF though :(19:37
ybitthink i've heard these guys before19:39
-!- Netsplit orwell.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: tarbo2, bct19:47
drazakthey're good19:57
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ybitoptions for a hackerspace atm:20:15
ybit1) Take the house, build a garage which friends are welcome to use (can't make it an official hackerspace where people can come at anytime during the night for neighbors' sake)20:15
ybit2) Form the NPO, get stuff donated to build a warehouse on the farm, and run the risk of the property being sold 20:15
ybit3) Find an unused warehouse and pay rent20:15
ybit4) Go to Spain and eventually get around to forming one there20:15
ybitleaning toward 1 or 220:15
kanzurehow about you come down to austin20:15
ybitwarehouse there?20:16
ybittake that as a no :(20:18
genehackerwe got one20:18
genehackerno goodies though20:19
ybitstill working through that mess and a sugar shock at the same time 20:19
ybitthat's the last time i have 4 biscuits with jelly, 3 cornbread muffins, sugared down ketchup and blueberry cheesecake ice cream, _ever_ :)20:20
ybitgenehacker: seriously? what's the square footage?20:20
genehackerask kanzure20:21
drazakmaybe I should come down to austin20:21
drazakhelp you guys set up the warehous20:21
ybitkanzure: woah, that's not bad, how tall is the ceiling?20:22
kanzuretall enough to lug big stuff20:23
ybiteven a 16 foot tall airplane?20:23
ybit~40ft wingspan20:23
kanzure40ft ? hm.20:23
kanzureno, the garage door is only 40 by 15 or something :p20:23
ybitrenting or owned?20:24
drazakalthough you guys would all be mad at me20:24
drazakI'd buy commercial crap20:24
ybitdrazak: why so? :P20:24
ybitoh, bah, nah20:24
kanzuredrazak: if you have money to buy it, that's not terrible20:24
drazakused or refurbed20:24
drazakkanzure: it's called a job20:24
kanzurewhat job?20:24
drazakI dunno20:25
drazakI'd have to go to college down there20:25
drazakand then find a job from that20:25
kanzureit sucks here20:25
drazakI could make some money doing data entry20:25
drazakit's boring as shit20:25
ybiti figure if i form a npo (yuck) then businesses will assist me in building a warehouse. i haven't had problems in the past with businesses helping npos and charities out20:25
drazakbut you can do it online20:25
ybitjobs are boring.20:25
ybitgrants for research are fun though20:26
drazakyeah well20:26
drazakneed a helluva a good grant20:26
drazakwhich we couldn't get easily20:26
drazakwell that's not true20:26
drazakthere's some stuff at natures website where you can write proposals and get like 5 grand each20:26
drazakI could do that shit20:26
* ybit is thinking that if the warehouse is built on the farm, there's already a well dug, just need pipes to transport the water to the building using pipes that are donated, setup a few solar panels (donated *fingers crossed*), etc. go off the electrical grid and the only bills to pay would be property tax20:28
ybitthe members' money wouldn't all go to bullshit bills, just prop tax, rest toward building things20:28
kanzureso, it's not that hard to get a small loan under $50k20:30
kanzureto just do my shit20:30
kanzuremaybe i'll get the loan and a few of you can come down here to work on skdb20:31
drazakI couldn't work on skdb though20:31
ybitdidn't you look at this already?20:31
* ybit could :)20:31
drazakI'm biology only ;P20:31
kanzuredrazak: why not20:31
ybitdrazak: skdb has bio though20:31
drazakkanzure: I don't know how to program and my documentation writing sucks20:31
kanzureyou don't do programming?20:31
drazakI've said this like 10 times20:32
ybitdrazak: might as well start now20:32
ybitit's not too difficult, seriously, start with some python tuts20:32
drazakI know enough to know what a piece of code does, and enough to write little hackish scripts20:32
kanzurewhat do you not know?20:32
drazakit's not difficult, I know, I just can't do it20:33
drazakkanzure: I can't think the right way to do it20:33
drazakI think parralel, not linear20:33
kanzurewhat does that mean20:33
ybitre:grants, kanzure, what grants are you referencing? didn't you already look into this?20:33
kanzureno not grants20:33
kanzurea loan20:33
ybitoh, yeah, slightly diff... hmm..20:34
drazakI can't go A-F I go A-B and C-D and E-F and then B-C and D-E20:34
drazakwe could get grants20:34
drazakit's not that hard to get grants if you can write and think andread20:34
genehackerso kanzure I got an idea for some stuff you could sell as a kit20:34
kanzuredrazak: it's not hard if you have previous grants to back it up20:34
kanzuregenehacker: so?20:35
genehackeror something to sell interim20:35
drazakkanzure: nah, just start with small ones20:35
drazakkanzure: 100k grants, not 4mil grants20:35
ybitdepends on what for, i've heard from it's easy and i've heard it's difficult 20:35
drazakit's difficult20:35
kanzuredrazak: have you done it?20:35
drazakbut if you apply for 5 grants you'll likely get one20:35
genehackerkanzure you might consider selling repraps20:35
drazakkanzure: I've done westerns and such for 3 grant applications20:35
ybitgenehacker: i thought of doing the samw20:35
drazakkanzure: and helped outline two of them20:36
kanzuredrazak: the NSF guys told me the chances are more like %520:36
drazakkanzure: depends on the grant20:36
kanzuregenehacker: i don't want to sell repraps. go away.20:36
ybit20:36 < drazak> kanzure: depends on the grant20:36
ybitis what i was saying20:36
drazakkanzure: certain grants are easy20:36
drazakcertain grants have 30% acceptance20:36
kanzureshow me20:36
ybitselling repraps isn't bad, especially if it's by word of mouth20:36
drazaknystem grants for non-cell systems are 30% acceptance20:37
kanzurei don't want to sell repraps20:37
kanzureyou guys suck20:37
* kanzure goes away20:37
drazaknystem for cell systems are like 10%20:37
drazakwe get 1/3 of every nystem grant we apply for20:37
genehackeryou're a molecular biology lab20:37
drazakwe're a cardiology lab20:39
drazakhalf of what we do is an animal model20:39
genehackeraren't you at a university20:39
kanzureok then shut up20:40
genehackerwell I'm outta here20:40
ybitOT: anyone carry a gun on them?20:41
* ybit is considering it. i've already got a few shotguns, but i was thinking of obtaining a handgun with alt bullets (the one which paralyze)20:42
* ybit has never used the shotguns except as a wee little man20:43
ybitpepper spray just doesn't cut it for me either, especially if the intruder has a gun and is several feet away making the spray ineffective20:43
drazakshotguns are nice20:44
drazakwhat kind of shotguns do you have?20:44
ybitdunno, i know they're 10 gauge 20:45
ybiti do know how to use them if need be, but i'd much prefer a handgun w/ alt bullets20:46
drazak10 gauge?20:47
drazakthat's rare20:47
ybiti don't think so20:49
ybitbtw, there's some 'open source' ak-47 designs floating around supposedly 20:50
drazakthey don't really make shells for it anymore20:51
drazakit's the biggest gauge availible20:51
* ybit is curious where swig defines compiler flags20:51
drazakthe most common is 12, then 20, then .410, then 2820:51
ybiti knew "the most common is 12, then 20" not "then .410, then 28"20:52
* ybit can't find i686 in setup.py, plenty of i386 and -m32 though20:55
ybitgenehacker: what are you wtfing over?20:55
genehackeroh nothing20:57
* ybit makes a skeptical look toward to genehacker 20:59
ybitfsck grammar20:59
genehackerI think I just broke math21:00
drazakybit: my uncle is a competition skeet shooter21:00
ybitgenehacker: g?del beat you to it ;)21:02
ybitdrazak: i played that on nintendo once :P21:02
* ybit was flawless lying on the bed and shooting gangsta style21:03
ybit...while the gun was on the screen :)21:03
drazakI used to shoot a 2021:04
ybit20 what?21:04
ybitwhat gun that is21:04
-!- rook [n=rook4@ip68-226-92-62.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]21:06
ybitrook is from the atl area it seems21:09
-!- splicer [n=acme@h107n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap21:18
ybitatm, i'm being fucked in every hole by both pythonOCC's build systems21:35
fennwelcome to the club21:36
fennis this your first time?21:36
ybitfenn: yes21:36
ybit#    ECA = ['-O0','-march=%s'%architecture]^M21:36
ybiti could have swore i had a successful build on gentoo awhile back, oh well21:36
ybitanywho, if i can findout where that is being declared, i might be able to work around the m32/i686 error21:37
kanzurepastebin the output 21:37
kanzurei have recently become a makefile and autoconf ninja21:37
ybit20:19 < ybit> http://pastebin.ca/157469821:38
kanzuremy pikachu can totally womp on your togetic21:40
ybitalso http://pastebin.com/m739a6b48 is the scons build21:40
ybithells no he can't, there's about to be a throw-down in here21:40
kanzureyou don't have stdlib.h ?21:40
kanzurewtf mate? isn't that in build-essentials or something?21:41
ybiti already have build-essential21:42
* ybit locates21:42
kanzure try libstdc++21:42
fennthis is good, keep track of packages you have to install (and plz dont add packages that didnt solve the problem)21:48
ybitwell it's funny, installing python-dev fixed the scons problem awhile back, seems it was uninstalled recently and now i have the same error. so i re-installed, same error presents itself, guess i will try libstdc++ in just a bit21:52
ybitum, yeah /usr/include/stdlib.h21:52
ybitso that lib dir just needs to be specified21:53
ybitwhere does setup.py get it's i686/m32 shiz? it's not from sconstruct obviously21:59
fennbtw ybit you know about apt-file right?22:00
kanzuretry environment.py22:02
ybitChecking whether c++ compiler "gcc" works...no22:02
ybitChecking for swig ...(cached) yes22:02
ybitChecking for C++ header file libstdc++... no22:02
kanzurecan you read the configure file to see what the actual check is?22:02
ybitafk, bbl22:03
-!- katsmeow [n=someone@75-121-60-152.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:53
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-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-55-92.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap23:09
flamoothttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRslKeT0EmQ During a routine Speech Kasparov is stopped in his tracks by an adapted Pico 23:20
flamoot                 Helicopter with a giant Penis. 23:20
-!- splicer [n=acme@h107n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]23:20
ybitsudo ln -s /usr/lib/libTKWOK-6.3.0.so /usr/lib/libTKWOK.so23:22
ybitgots to enjoy sharing one computer in a household23:24
fennwhy only one computer?23:25
ybitanyway, i realized that i was previously using the dir what was extraced from the tarball, forgot i had even used a tarball at one time.. so the most recent pastebin is from the svn v.23:26
fennapt-file search libTKDCAF23:26
fennthe answer should be libopencascade-draw23:26
ybitfenn: i have other comps, but only one that is currently functional, and this one is the fastest of all of them o.O23:26
fenni thought that would have gotten pulled in by default tho23:26
ybitcpu MHz: 1132.91423:27
ybitcache size: 256 KB23:27
ybitamd athlonx xp :P23:27
fenni'd rather use a release because then i can tell people what to do and expect it to work23:27
fennsvn could be broken (probably will be too)23:27
fennoh wait a minute, you just had to ln -s the 6.3.0 libs23:28
fenni thought i listed all of those23:28
ybitexcept for TKDCAF it seems :)23:29
kanzureok andrew wants to pay me a few hundred bucks to fuck up pinkarmy.org23:30
fennto what end?23:30
ybitso everyone there can have username-afk?23:30
kanzurejust random sysadmin bullshit23:31
fennthat doesnt sound like it's really solving any problem23:31
kanzurewhy not?23:31
ybitglad you reminded me, if i ever get free time, i need to read hessel's stuff or just watch the presentation vid23:31
fenner.. does he have a business plan yet?23:31
fennthere are 7 people signed up23:32
kanzuresorry, what?23:33
fenn$40 life membership would mean he's squandering it all on sysadminning23:33
fennthat's not a business plan23:33
kanzureis this a business?23:33
fennis it?23:34
kanzuredoesn't look like it23:34
fennif you're trying to get paid somehow you need to go where money is going23:35
ybitdown the toilet?23:36
ybit*comedy drums*23:36
* ybit waits for the tomato slinging23:36
kanzuremaybe i should stop being excited about the system23:37
kanzureand more excited about .. ? what's supposed to  be the alternative?23:37
ybitE: Couldn't find package libopencascade-draw23:38
ybitit doesn't exist23:38
kanzuredid you update your /etc/apt/sources.list file?23:38
ybitheath@togetic:~$ pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list23:38
ybit    else:^M23:42
ybit        ECA.append('-march=%s -m32'%platform.machine())^M23:42
ybitjust had to remove (without quotes) ' -m32'23:52
ybitln -s /home/heath/builds/opencascade/ros/inc/* /home/heath/builds/pythonOCC/src/wrapper/SWIG/linux_darwin23:52
ybitso here's where i'm at now:23:53
ybitheath@togetic:~/builds/pythonOCC/src$ pastebinit fuck.txt 23:53
ybithrm, seems ln -s /home/heath/builds/opencascade/ros/src/Standard/* /home/heath/builds/pythonOCC/src/wrapper/SWIG/linux_darwin has alredy been done23:56
ybitln: creating symbolic link `/home/heath/builds/pythonOCC/src/wrapper/SWIG/linux_darwin/Standard_Size.hxx': File exists23:57
ybitln: creating symbolic link `/home/heath/builds/pythonOCC/src/wrapper/SWIG/linux_darwin/Standard_Static.hxx': File exists23:57
ybitln: creating symbolic link `/home/heath/builds/pythonOCC/src/wrapper/SWIG/linux_darwin/Standard_Stream.hxx': File exists23:57

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