
--- Day changed Thu Sep 24 2009
kanzuregenehacker should feel free to add new bricks to skdb00:00
fenngenehacker: i meant to write a generator script to ease the process of adding bricks, but never got around to it00:00
genehackerhow do I add bricks to skdb?00:00
* kanzure is working on ybit's issues at the moment00:00
fenngenehacker: keep in mind there are sth like 3000 brick shapes available in ldraw already00:00
ncravensnow I'm understanding why so many materialist philosophers are from Australia. . ;p00:00
genehackeryeah I know00:00
* ybit is changing monitool_wrap.cpp atm00:00
fenngenehacker: do you have heekscad installed?00:01
genehackerthere are only several essential part types00:01
kanzureybit: tell me when you're done i guess00:01
kanzurethen run: g++ -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DHAVE_LIMITS_H -DCSFDB -DOCC_CONVERT_SIGNALS -DLIN -DLININTEL -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -D__PYTHONOCC_MAXINT__=2147483647 -I/usr/lib/opencascade -I/home/kanzure/local/pythonOCC/src/wrapper/SWIG/linux_darwin -I/usr/include/python2.5 -c /home/kanzure/local/pythonOCC/src/wrapper/SWIG/linux_darwin/MoniTool_wrap.cpp -o build/temp.linux-i686-2.5/home/kanzure/local/pythonOCC/src/wrapper/SWIG/linux_darwin/MoniTool_wrap.o -O0 -march=i68600:01
fenngenehacker ok see this screen shot? http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/lego_interfaces_technic.png00:02
genehackerstud, tube, axle, and the anti interfaces there of00:02
fennthose coordinate systems define where the interfaces are00:02
fennnow, it turns out the cad models i have are scaled wrong or something00:02
ncravensMother: "You'll meet some fat-ankled, loud-mouthed American girl and I'll never get to see my grandchildren!"00:02
ncravensFather: "What if MIT doesn't have as good a workshop as our own? What will you do?"00:02
fennMIT didn't have as good a workshop i bet00:02
ybitseems it changed on disk since i've been in here, i'll let you do whatever it is you were going to do00:03
genehackercool so you have a cad file for that type of brick right?00:03
kanzureybit: no please go ahead, i haven't touched it00:03
genehacker.yaml file I mean00:03
ybitthen who touched it dammit00:03
ncravensprolly not, like I'd know what that was, of course. ;p00:03
kanzurenot me said the little red hen00:03
* ybit is going to kill pikachu00:03
ybitheath@togetic:~$ cat /home/kanzure/pikachu_is_dead.txt 00:03
ybitpikachu couldn't handle the devastating seismic toss from togetic00:03
fenngenehacker:  skdb/import_tools/heeks_coords.py will convert a .heeks with those coordinate systems to .yaml00:03
fennthen you get to label them00:04
fenni'd much rather label them in heekscad but i havent done that yet00:04
genehackerwell if you have a yaml for that brick type then why not lengthen it for other brick types?00:04
genehackeror why don't I do that?00:04
fennthe numbers are pretty easy to figure out00:05
genehackerone just has to put coordinate systems in holes in heekscad?00:05
fennright, but the way you do that is by editing coordinates00:05
fennotherwise it crashes and makes a mess00:05
kanzureybit: i need to sleep but i'll bitchslap togetic in the morning00:05
genehackerwell if you can characterize geometry you might be able to automate it00:06
fennfeature recognition? not gonna happen00:06
fennthat's like trying to do OCR in 3d00:07
fennthere's this program "lego digital designer" that does just about everything i intended to do00:07
fennso after seeing that i haven't been terribly inspired to work on lego stuff00:08
ybitoh right, kanzure, i'm done. i fail. going back to edit00:08
ybityou can do what you need to, i'm working on a backup of the file00:09
fennyou're still compiling pythonocc?00:10
ybitworking on it00:11
ybitbut i should be sleeping any min now since i have to be somewhat awake tomorrow while welding00:11
ybitthis computer generated code is confusing00:12
fennyou aren't supposed to look at it00:12
ybitthat's what i gathered, but i figure there's something small that can fix this current issue00:12
ybitbut i'm not seeing it00:13
ybits/something small/some small error in the syntax 00:13
ybitguess it's time for sleep00:13
fennprobably a gcc version difference00:14
fennchar*& doesn't look right tho00:15
genehackerit would really be nice to have a nice estimate of interference force in the lego00:17
genehackerso you could figure out if the arbitrary struct you built out of lego would actually stand up00:17
genehackerthat gets hard because you have stuff bending00:17
jonathan__ahhh whyyyy lego?00:19
fennbecause it's easy00:19
jonathan__lego is the most proprietary interlocking system on the planet00:20
fennthere's actually a system there to study00:20
fennwhat do you propose instead?00:20
jonathan__i guess you are using someone else's lego library right00:20
fennalso there are LOTS of freely licensed cad models already available for lego00:20
fennunfortunately the models don't include connection information00:21
fennwhich i find really odd00:22
jonathan__surely some ME somewhere has built their own system?00:22
genehackerlego is simple00:22
ncravenslater goons!00:22
jonathan__lego is proprietary00:22
jonathan__"lets get rid of money"  != lego00:22
genehackerit's a good starting point00:23
-!- ncravens [n=chatzill@s66-76-64-254.nacdcmta01.ncgdtx.tl.sta.suddenlink.net] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.3/20090824101458]"]00:23
genehackerwere teaching skdb to play with block first before we move to V8 engines00:23
jonathan__bsd unix could have copied AT&T code because "it was a good starting point" however they didnt because it was proprietary and knew it would hurt in the long run.   so they rewrote all the libraries00:23
fennjonathan__: provide constructive criticism or shut up00:24
jonathan__that is constructive example00:24
genehackeranyway it'd be nice to figure out the manufacturability of various lego assemblies00:24
jonathan__so you're saying you havent found anything?00:24
fenni'd love to add makerbeam or whatever, but it doesn't exist yet00:24
genehackerfor example square brick to square brick connecting by one stud to anti stud isn't going to be very manufacturable00:25
genehackerit's best to pick up blocks from the center push them down from the center00:26
fennmin-a-max is a neat idea but i'm nowhere near as familiar with it as lego (and it's probably just as encumbered from a legal standpoint, even if nobody is going to enforce it)00:26
fennit helps to actually understand how a system works before trying to write a bunch of code about it00:26
genehackerso if you try to push them together from the easy to grab center to one of the corner studs it's not going to go on well00:27
genehackerbecause you got a couple that wants to rotate the brick00:27
jonathan__so utex.org has a 2 day microalgal culture workshop tomorrow & fri.   only $600 per person...00:30
jonathan__any way to bypass that?00:30
jonathan__must be some killer workshop00:31
fenngenehacker: i know what you mean and it's not a big deal.. we know what interfaces are connected and can calculate the centroid (where to push)00:32
fennthe harder problem is figuring out what order to put things together00:33
fenni bet there are even structures you can come up with that are impossible to assemble00:33
fennthere are a lot of building systems that are hard to see even though we use them all the time00:37
fennlike 2x4 and drywall screws, or plexiglass+solvent+hot bender00:37
jonathan__I had this http://www.erectorusa.com/00:37
fennbut a lot of them involve modifying the geometry in some way, which turns out to be harder to do than I thought00:37
fennhow is that any less proprietary than lego?00:38
ybitheath@togetic:~$ gcc --version00:38
ybitgcc (Debian 4.3.2-1.1) 4.3.200:38
ybitwhat do you have fenn & kanzure?00:38
fenn4.3.3 but i doubt it matters00:38
ybitcouldn't hurt00:39
jonathan__I am sure it is also proprietary.  however its basically metal rails with bevelled edges, normal bolts/nuts, and different predrilled plastic parts00:40
fenni could do GIK instead, would that make you happy?00:40
fennonly problem is i don't have any way to make GIK00:40
jonathan__I wonder if the plastic guys like TAP plastics have ever designed their own, whether they marketed or not00:41
fennor pvc pipe.. 00:42
jonathan__as long as the s/w layer is swappable, then it doesnt matter of course, ditch it later for something better00:42
ybityeah it doesn't matter, bedtime or there will be death in the shop tomorrow00:42
ybitor even worse, little ybit is welded off00:43
genehackerI don't think it's possible to figure out all the above automatically00:43
fenni'm not terribly enthusiastic about building toys because "real stuff" isn't made with them00:44
genehackerbecause one would have to do FEM on the interlocking bricks to figure out if such couples were capable of dislodging the brcik00:44
fenni have to get geometry modification figured out eventually00:44
fennyes, and also machining, welding, casting, etc00:45
genehackermin a max might be easier00:46
genehackerit's just a cylinder00:46
fennmin-a-max can't do everything00:46
fennyou can't make a jet engine from it00:46
genehackeryeah you can't here's the thing00:46
genehackerFEM takes a long time00:46
fennoh pfff00:46
fennthey were doing FEM on computers in 198000:46
genehackerFEM needs to be analyzed by a human much of the time00:46
fennyou young'uns just have to use super detailed meshes for some stupid reason00:47
genehackergood point00:47
fennanyway i don't plan on doing FEM any time soon00:47
genehackerbut here's the thing, doing FEM for assembling each brick isn't such a good idea00:48
fenni agree00:48
fennall of these construction toys are either lego clones or erector set clones00:55
jonathan__what do the professional ME's use?  or do they.00:59
jonathan__the ME guys I knew in industry never rapid prototyped with physical models.  I guess kind of like most programmers dont write pseudocode.01:01
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genehackerso I got a challenge for you01:44
genehackerautomatically design a powered lego cart from a graph01:45
genehackera cart that goes in straight line along a flat surface01:45
genehackerlego grammar01:50
genehackerwell I think you're going in the right path 02:09
genehackerreading some automatic design papers02:09
genehackerI didn't know that programs could make their own grammars02:10
katsmeow-afkgoogle "self-modifying code" and "string execution"02:38
katsmeow-afk"dynamic includes"02:39
katsmeow-afkor if you don't care about breaking namespace and variable scopes of the originating program, simply write a new script to a file,a nd callthe interpreter/compiler to execute it02:40
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kanzurejonathan__: like most labs, it can be bypassed by just hanging out in the lab05:07
kanzureybit: i did some magic to /home/kanzure/local/pythonOCC/src/wrapper/SWIG/linux_darwin/MoniTool_wrap.cpp near line 7298 and 1107605:25
kanzureoh why did i bother05:26
kanzureswig is just going to regenerate it05:26
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 3d784b2 /doc/ (architecture proposals/action.py): Outlined architecture discussed yesterday.10:35
kanzurefenn: i didn't bring in the external hard drive today. if you end up wanting to come in, could you grab that for me?10:36
kanzureybit: you ran out of disk space10:40
kanzurei guess i can move to /mnt/g but i don't know what's on there10:48
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 5b42efe / (5 files in 3 dirs): Various changes to the bearing package and import_tools/surf.py11:46
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r a26b23e /import_tools/del_repo/yaml_fixer.py: old uncommitted code that fixes up yaml imported from DEL .repo XML11:46
kanzurecall me crazy: http://onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2004/08/18/ikvm.html12:00
kanzure"The third and final component of IKVM is the ikvmstub compiler, which can be used to generate stubs in Java that wrap .NET classes. With this, you can write Java code that calls into .NET libraries. Note however, that the compiled Java code has to be run on the IKVM JVM. This feature, when coupled with the ikvmc command, makes Java a first-class language to develop applications targeting the .NET CLR "12:00
kanzurewonder if jpype works with ikvmjvm12:01
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xp_prgI am trying to figure out the brst plant cells to use in a bio printing inkjet printer, any ideas?12:15
xp_prgwhat plant cells readily fuse together?12:15
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xp_prgand could be printed?12:15
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kanzureare there any ocr programs that correctly identify "fi"?12:56
katsmeow-afkspell cheackers?12:59
kanzurewell in ocr'd documents usually "fi" is replaced with "  " instead of any particular indication that there was a problem at that location13:00
katsmeow-afktunally, goool ODH !13:00
kanzureyour speaking privleges are hereby revoked13:00
katsmeow-afki know the frustration, i scanned in books too, wore out two scanenrs13:01
kanzurefenn: well it turns out i'm not the only one who plants his trees upside down http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/instructions/Generating%20effective%20natural%20language%20instructions%20based%20on%20agent%20expertise.pdf.fig518.png13:01
katsmeow-afki finally resorted to plain ole spell check and text replacement13:01
kanzureimho recaptcha would be so much cooler if we could apply it to our own ocr collections13:02
kanzurei.e., seed your local recaptcha server with stuff from your collection that might not have been scanned properly (an ocr algorithm could conceivably flag certain items for human review)13:02
kanzureif they're going to make you type in random text, might as well make it useful. they claim that you're helping to ocr some google library or something, but i don't believe it13:03
kanzure(haven't seen any evidence of any recaptcha answer going anywhere useful, ever)13:03
* katsmeow-afk nods13:03
katsmeow-afk they send it out to 1000 sites, and then average the results13:03
kanzurebut then put it where?13:04
katsmeow-afk992 people said it was "the" , etc13:04
kanzureyeah but it seems to be just a black hole13:04
katsmeow-afkpraps 1000 other peple hadn't responded yet, so it isn't used where you were looking for it yet13:04
katsmeow-afki dunno13:05
kanzurehm i have a screen session within a screen session13:05
bkeroYou use ctrl+a+a+<command> to control the nested screen13:05
katsmeow-afki still say ImageMajick could clean up capcha so ocr can read it13:06
kanzureis this robust? i mean, can i do nested nests of nests of hives of nested nests?13:06
katsmeow-afkthat's what you said13:06
bkerokanzure: yes13:06
bkeroctrl+a+a+a++a+a+a+a+a+n works13:06
kanzurebkero: ctrl+a+a just switches to another active window in my root screen13:06
kanzureah nevermind13:07
kanzureyou have to unpress ctrl13:07
kanzuredo beeps and requests for attention funnel correctly?13:11
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kanzurehm tinytree (on pypi) implements a Tree class where they let a Tree be a node, but that doesn't let a tree become a graph (if it has to) because nodes are never going to have edges pointing away13:48
kanzureguess it doesn't matter, python-graph is fine13:48
kanzurefenn: suppose you had two people making your pie. even if you make the crust yourself, and you slice the apples yourself, it's effectively two different branches and it might as well have been two separate agents. 14:25
kanzureas far as Pie.build knows, it might as well have been two (different) agents14:26
kanzureso there can be an 'asynchronous tree' which means a single agent can doodle around for a while on his own,14:26
kanzureand a 'synchronous tree' which means that two agents must be "synchronized" in order to carry on14:27
kanzurethis is where the state merging occurs14:27
kanzureit's not just a merging of states in the skdb code Pie.build code but also a merging of states as far as the agents are concerned with each other14:27
kanzurei.e., "the pie hand off" as it were14:27
kanzureer, 'sliced apples hand off'14:28
kanzurethis solves the state merging problem.14:33
kanzureblargh having actions as edges is weird, how can you have multiple inputs to an action if an action is an edge? that means that you're pulling the "campbell hyperarc" nonsense on me14:42
fennfine do it the other way14:48
kanzureshould Part.build modify the part instance? maybe a "private build tree" that doesn't have to be recomputed?14:53
fennwhy would you want that?14:54
fennis this just memozing?14:55
kanzureactually it's so that it's more clear to the author of the build method14:56
kanzureinstead of passing a "build tree" (wtf) to an agent's action method, you just say agent.insert(object=apples, into=crust)14:56
kanzureand "apples" and "crust" have their build trees associated14:56
kanzureso "insert" can check the state if it wants to14:57
kanzure(a state is built)14:57
kanzureer nevermind. 14:57
kanzurelet me write code for now.14:57
fennheh latest issue of hplusmagazine has the phrase 'neuroengineering fabratories'14:58
* kanzure looks around suspiciously14:58
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kanzurea part isn't just a Part, it's also the entire history of building that went into it14:59
fenni see15:00
kanzureheh so a part is both an assembly (which is a graph) as well as a build-tree of sorts (which is a tree)15:01
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 1d4cbcd /doc/proposals/action.py: simplified the action.py example for instruction generation15:45
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kanzurefor some reason i wanted to try making a 'marker' that indicates whether or not __init__ has been called for a class, but this screws up in situations with inheritance from multiple inheritance using that "init has been called marker" scheme15:57
kanzurehey jonathan__, i'm just now leaving for the bus, so we'll have to catch each other later15:57
jonathan__i just found out my project is hosed15:57
jonathan__vendor won't give out the docs to control the rest of the robot15:58
jonathan__just as nice as microsoft15:59
fennyou're an EE, just reverse engineer it :P16:02
fennyou have a logic analyzer?16:03
fennor DSO16:03
jonathan__it's a very large serial protocol.16:08
jonathan__so the size of the problem is very large as well.16:09
drazakjonathan__: see if nenolod is interested, he reverse engineered a driver for the audigy crystal card thinger in 1 week16:24
drazakjonathan__: also if you're an ee do you have any extra nice multiumeters that you're looking to get rid of?16:25
jonathan__ha, what is "extra nice"16:25
drazakuhmmm more than 10k count16:31
jonathan__I'd guess no16:32
drazakyou're no metrologist then? :)16:33
ybitkanzure: feel free to move to /mnt/g16:34
jonathan__one of my EE profs long ago mentioned a story about a really smart roommate he had while an undergrad.  He said he guy used to use his tongue to test the beta of transistors across a 9v battery and used them to build a CRT TV with tuner.16:35
drazakwell, I need to match resistors to .01% tolerance16:35
ybiteric raymond emailed me back16:35
drazakI might just build a wheatstone bridge16:36
ybitthe guy with solar flight16:36
ybitdamn this bug in xmonad16:37
ybiteric's response:16:38
ybitI can not release to you any of the technical data you asked for until we have a solid business plan together. 16:38
ybitThe batteries are good for over three years, and thousands of cycles.16:38
ybitThe batteries I fly with are not safe, but there are safe ones with lower energy density. 16:38
ybitThe Stemme needs to be built light from the beginning to become a viable electric aircraft.16:38
ybitexpected but still lame16:38
fennsince it's a glider it wouldn't really need that many batteries16:40
fennjust enough to get up in the air16:40
fenni think i calculated it once for an ultralight, would be about $15k in lithium ion batteries (if li-ion works that is)16:41
ybitwe have an ultralight at work16:43
ybitspeaking of, i got to use a plasma cutter today16:43
ybitlife doesn't get any better than that :P16:43
ybiti was all grins when blasting through sheets of metal16:43
ybitanyone shared a similar exp when using a plasma cutter, surely i'm not the only only who thought it was fun16:47
ybitkatsmeow-afk, bkero, fenn, eh?16:47
ybitheath@togetic:/home/kanzure/local/pythonOCC/src/samples/Tools/CADViewer$ python CADViewer.py 16:48
ybitTraceback (most recent call last):16:48
ybit  File "CADViewer.py", line 24, in <module>16:48
ybit    import OCC16:48
ybitImportError: No module named OCC16:48
ybitfunny thing is locate shows no occ.py16:48
ybiti've worked around this error once before i do believe 16:48
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fennyeah yeah good for you kid16:51
fennOCC is a module; in python terms that means a folder named OCC with a file __init__.py16:51
ybiti almost feel like an idiot, but i can blame this on sleep deprivation, right? right.16:52
jonathan__big ruckus outside MBB now16:53
jonathan__8 big fire trucks, 2 EMS16:54
jonathan__3 or 4 cop trucks16:54
jonathan__they wheeled some guy out of the physics lab on a stretcher16:54
jonathan__ha, it's all over twitter... figures16:55
kanzurewait he was wheeled out because of twitter?17:04
kanzureybit: did you fix the storage issue or continue setup.py's build -NO_GEOM in /home/kanzure/local/pythonOCC/src/ ?17:06
ybiti didn't know where you were, i was trying to figure out where you got to17:12
ybiti'll mv /var/www to /mnt/g, that should free up 18gb or so17:13
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drazakybit: you asked for technical data?17:30
drazakyou do realize that's one of the biggest faux pas ever17:31
ybitthe build sure got further along this time18:09
ybitbuild/temp.linux-i686-2.5/home/kanzure/local/pythonOCC/src/wrapper/SWIG/linux_darwin/XCAFPrs_wrap.o: file not recognized: File truncated18:09
ybitcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status18:09
ybiterror: command 'g++' failed with exit status 118:09
jonathan__"there was a chem explosion in RLM and a grad student got hurt. i saw him wheeled out with his head covered in bandages. "18:10
jonathan__that's the rumor anyway18:11
genehackerso that's what the hazmat trucks were for?18:13
genehackerRLM is the physics building isn't it?18:13
kanzurethat's barbaric18:13
genehackernot the chem building?18:14
genehackerthat's odd18:14
genehackerI don't think there are any chem labs in RLM18:15
katsmeow-afkwoo, i found Florence18:16
katsmeow-afkwasn't even looking, either18:16
genehackerRLM doesn't have any fume hoods18:19
kanzurehow do you know18:21
drazakhell we have fume hoods here18:23
ybit18:16 < katsmeow-afk> woo, i found Florence18:52
ybithehe, you were in town today?18:52
ybityou could have stopped by the junkyard on 72, i just now got back from there18:53
ybitthe, er, "red's"18:53
genehackerbecause there aren't any filter columns on top of RLM18:54
genehackeror at least none that I know of18:54
-!- ve [n=a@94-193-95-252.zone7.bethere.co.uk] has quit ["leaving"]18:55
genehackeryou know those things on top of CPE?18:56
genehackerthey're filter columns18:56
genehackerI think18:58
katsmeow-afkybit : nono, it's labeled on the weather map19:08
genehackerthese are what fumehood exhaust systems generally look like19:12
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-!- any04446805 is now known as katsmeow22:01
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk22:04
ybitdamn i hate professors who seem to feel they continually have to prove that they are knowledgeable 22:13
ybits/professors/people in general22:13
ybit'let me finish my sentence a-hole' is one of my thoughts when dealing with these people22:14
* katsmeow-afk nods quietly so you may continue22:15
ybitno i'm good :)22:15
* ybit has been stressing on how to make a living after gradiating22:15
katsmeow-afksounded there for a sec like you had been edumacated in Alaabamy22:16
ybitideally i want a plot of land near the beach with enough room for a runway, crops, hydroponic garden, and maybe a small house22:16
ybitkatsmeow-afk: hehe22:16
ybitjust the qwerty keyboard being quirky22:17
ybitwho doesn't want to live on the beach22:17
katsmeow-afkwell, you got the river there22:17
katsmeow-afkso i didn't know which beach you meant22:17
katsmeow-afki did a lil calculating, figured the cost of an acre of ocean front = the cost of an acre of boat22:18
ybitthat's one large boat22:18
katsmeow-afkand at least with the boat, you can travel22:19
katsmeow-afkand the taxes are lower22:19
katsmeow-afkwll, i didn't mean you should by an acre of boat any more than you should get an acre on the beach22:19
ybitoh and ideally, i have a boat, plane, underwater plane/personal submarine type thingie, and i have enough space to shoot things into outer space22:19
katsmeow-afkyou have a few more ambitions than i do22:20
ybitreally, why not?22:20
ybitif you are living, why not do these things22:21
katsmeow-afkoh, you could spread yourself too thin22:21
katsmeow-afkand, things cost money22:21
ybitso i'm told, grr22:21
katsmeow-afkit's not my fault?22:22
ybithow can you spread yourself too thin, you concenrate on one experiment, get it done, move on to the next project, after awhile you just accumulate a bunch of things, you aren't necessarily working on several projects at once, maybe 2-3 at most22:23
katsmeow-afkbecause some things turn into several projects22:24
genehackeryou could shoot stuff into space on a boat22:24
genehackerespecially with a ram accelerator22:24
katsmeow-afkforinstance, the drive syatem for your boat, your plane, and your sub, need a lathe, so you need to build one of those too22:24
genehackerI think you only need a 15-40 meter ram accelerator to get something into space22:25
katsmeow-afkthe ram accelaerator, and the testing for a pack tho withstand 60Gs , money and time and more stuff to make22:25
ybitholy shit, build worked o.O kanzure, did you do something?22:25
genehackerI think more than 60 gs22:25
genehackerlike a lot more22:25
katsmeow-afk60G for 40 meters, is too low?22:26
katsmeow-afk32ft/sec^ * 60 * 40 meters,, how fast is that?22:26
ybitpythonocc install was successful o.O22:30
ybitthis calls for some type of celebration22:30
ybittogetic:/home/kanzure/local/pythonOCC# python /home/kanzure/local/pythonOCC/src/samples/Tools/InteractiveViewer/InteractiveViewer.py22:31
ybitTraceback (most recent call last):22:31
ybit  File "/home/kanzure/local/pythonOCC/src/samples/Tools/InteractiveViewer/InteractiveViewer.py", line 54, in <module>22:32
ybit    import wx.aui22:32
ybitaww, so close22:32
ybitImportError: No module named aui22:32
ybitgrr, python-wxgtk2.8 is installed, and...  export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/OCC:/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode/wx22:35
* ybit is waiting on fenn to mumble something of value ;)22:38
ybitoh, so why the beach? at the end of the day, it just seems a lot more relaxing to be looking over the ocean then to be staring at a backyard fence22:42
ybitkatsmeow-afk ^22:42
ybitthere's something psychological about limits where an ocean view represents unlimited potential whereas a fence represents borders and limits which you aren't allowed to step over? 22:44
ybitanyone else thought of this? if no, at least i know there's a problem22:45
katsmeow-afki agree22:49
katsmeow-afkwhich is why i got 12 acres on a mountain that i can see down the valley as far as the smog allows22:49
ybityeah, nice views i suppose are what i'm going for22:50
katsmeow-afkbut i can't afford ocean property, hence the boat22:50
kanzurehello ybit22:51
ybithiya kanzure, have you been working on python-occ this afternoon?22:51
ybitthe build and install didn't complain22:51
kanzurei'm looking for togetic22:51
ybit    import wx.aui22:52
kanzureah found it22:52
ybitthat's what's failing now which is odd since the path to the file is stated in the pythonpath22:52
ybitat least it's a problem which is much more simple 22:53
kanzurecan you show me your $PYTHONPATH22:53
ybittogetic:/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode/wx# echo $PYTHONPATH22:53
ybit//usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/aui/aui.h ..EEK22:53
kanzurehuh you have 2.4 libraries and 2.6 libraries all at once?22:53
kanzurefenn: say: "the limit as n approaches infinity of the series as i approaches n of (x+2)"22:54
kanzuresorry not x, but i22:54
kanzurefenn: "the limit as n approaches infinity of the series as i approaches n of (x+2)"22:55
kanzuresum of (x+2) from x=0 xto x=1222:56
kanzureybit: i once had this same error but i don't remember how i fixed it. where are you running InteractiveViewer.py?22:56
ybitthey pythonpath sure is redundant22:58
ybitmaybe it had to do with sourceing env_DRAW.sh, /me peers into the contents of that file22:59
kanzureiirc the problem was that wx2.6 was still installed and active22:59
kanzureand even then, your python distribution will still think 2.6 is the main/default installed version or something weird like that23:00
ybitpythonpath isn't specified in env_draw.sh23:00
kanzureit doesn't have anything to do with pythonpath23:00
ybitstrange, okay23:00
kanzurewhat are you removing at the moment?23:01
ybityay, removing 2.6 fixed that prob23:02
ybit  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/OCC/TopoDS.py", line 27, in <module>23:02
ybit    import _TopoDS23:02
ybitImportError: libTKDCAF.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or director23:02
ybitalmost there..23:02
kanzurei think that's in my ~23:03
kanzurehm maybe not23:03
kanzurewell fenn showed you how to do this23:04
kanzurethe problem is that /usr/lib/libTKDCAF-6.2.so is not properly linked 23:04
fennwho what huh23:04
fennyou should have 6.3 installed23:04
ybitln -s /usr/lib/libTKDCAF-6.2.so /home/kanzure/somewhere23:04
kanzureybit: wrong.. check the pythonocc install notes23:04
kanzurefenn had this huge section of symbolic links23:04
fennpythonOCC-0.3 won't work with opencascade 6.223:05
* kanzure just made the link for ybit23:05
fennthe symbolic link stuff was because debian didn't package it the same way as opennovation (and ubuntu(?))23:05
ybit  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/OCC/TopoDS.py", line 27, in <module>23:05
ybit    import _TopoDS23:05
ybitImportError: libTKDraw.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or director23:05
ybitwhat was the code for the link kanzure?23:05
fenndid making a link fix the TKDCAF error?23:06
ybitit seems so23:06
fenn(btw i never needed DCAF or Draw or wok)23:06
ybit23:05 < ybit> what was the code for the link kanzure?23:07
kanzuresudo ln -s /usr/lib/libTKDCAF-6.2.so /usr/lib/libTKDCAF.so23:07
fennyou shouldn't need all the opencascade pacakges because in the configure "checking to see if you have libraries installed" it'll just say "... no" and then not build the python module for that library23:07
kanzurestuff in /usr/lib/opencas/ had to be there for the compile/swig stuff to work apparently23:07
kanzurebut on my local installation, i don't have /usr/lib/opencas/23:07
fennbtw ybit can you do 'from OCC.gp import *' from a python prompt?23:07
kanzureno module named _gp23:08
katsmeow-afkall this talk of ocean views, i had to go make a dead-fish sammich23:08
fennhmm. "plot of land near the beach with a runway" makes me think of alaska23:11
ybiti just did ln -s /usr/lib/opencas/* /usr/lib/23:11
ybitthat seemed to take care of "can't find this file" complaints23:11
ybit  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/OCC/TopoDS.py", line 27, in <module>23:11
ybit    import _TopoDS23:11
ybitImportError: /usr/lib/libTKXSDRAW.so: undefined symbol: _ZN10DrawTrSurf3GetERPKc23:11
katsmeow-afkyeas, i doubt you'll find affordable 2500ft strip , and neighbors who'd allow a airport, in the lower 4823:11
ybit>>> from OCC.gp import *23:12
ybitTraceback (most recent call last):23:12
ybit  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>23:12
ybit  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/OCC/gp.py", line 27, in <module>23:12
ybit    import _gp23:12
ybitImportError: /usr/lib/libTKXSDRAW.so: undefined symbol: _ZN10DrawTrSurf3GetERPKc23:12
ybithuh, same error23:12
* ybit has recently come to the realization that if you want something done, you do it yourself.23:14
katsmeow-afksucks, doesn't it?23:14
katsmeow-afkwell, sometimes it sucks23:14
* ybit wonders why it took so long to learn 23:15
katsmeow-afki waited 2 weeks for two epople who said they'd sell me monitors in other irc channels, and gave up and did this buy :  Desktop Computer w/Monitor & Peripherals ; 10 Used Black PS/2 Keyboards ; Gateway 15” LCD Computer Monitor ; DELL E153FPb 15” LCD Computer Monitor ; Dell E152FPb 15" Color LCD Monitor ; Compaq Presario SR1222NX (P4 2.9 GHz) ; Dell Dimension 4550 (P4 2.53 GHz) Tower PC = $148.5923:15
ybitwow, not bad23:15
ybitif you're not off the grid, that electrical bill has got to be monstrous23:16
ybitwell, maybe not with just 2 pcs and 3 monitors23:16
ybitat some point, space is a consideration as well with comps23:17
katsmeow-afki am looking at 2sec booting with ubuntu, and peripheral avr to do lil stuff23:17
ybityou have exp with avr-gcc?23:17
katsmeow-afkyeas, i just hunk the shelf for the puters, with a kvm switch and gbit lan switch23:17
ybityou programming types, how do you fix a binary issue o.O23:19
ybitonly thing i can think of is to reinstall the file and i know that isn't very practical nor does it mean it will work afterward23:20
fennlooo loo loo loo... now i'm going to be thinking about calculus all night23:20
fenn"binary issue" = what exactly?23:22
ybitwrite(2, "/usr/lib/libTKXSDRAW.so: undefine"..., 67/usr/lib/libTKXSDRAW.so: undefined symbol: _ZN10DrawTrSurf3GetERPKc) = 6723:22
ybitwrite(2, "/usr/lib/libTKXSDRAW.so: undefine"..., 67/usr/lib/libTKXSDRAW.so: undefined symbol: _ZN10DrawTrSurf3GetERPKc) = 6723:22
ybitImportError: /usr/lib/libTKXSDRAW.so: undefined symbol: _ZN10DrawTrSurf3GetERPKc23:22
fennprobably that function doesn't exist in 6.223:22
fennmy recommendation is to install 6.3 23:23
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fennor else just not use whatever is using TKXSDRAW23:24
ybitiircPackage: opencascade-draw23:24
ybitSource: opencascade23:24
ybitVersion: 6.3.0.dfsg.1-2opv123:24
ybitOCCViewer.py is calling TopoDS.py which is having the issue of importing libTKXSDRAW.so23:26
* ybit wonders why it's using py2.5 and not 2.623:26
fennwonder why gp is calling *DRAW23:27
fenni would uninstall opencascade-draw and recompile pythonOCC23:28
fennalso make sure you don't have any extra copies of pythonOCC lying around in your pythonpath23:29
ybitthen you get this error: ImportError: No module named Display.OCCViewer23:30
ybitso you need opencascade-draw23:30
fennno -draw has nothing to do with Display23:31
fenni bet it just didnt put Display in the right place23:31
ybitit =?23:31
fennsee pythonOCC/src/addons/Display/23:31
fennit = setup.py install, i guess23:32
fennDRAW is a "test harness"23:32
fenn(no i dont know what that means)23:32
ybitImportError: libTKTopTest.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory23:33
ybitln -s /usr/lib/opencas/* /usr/lib23:34
fennwhy is it opencas?23:34
ybitthe error repeats23:34
ybit+ most of the files already existed anyway from last time23:34
fenn"ln -s /usr/lib/opencas/* /usr/lib" does what exactly?23:34
ybiti did this same thing earlier (see above)23:34
ybiti'm *guessing* that it creates links of all those files and puts them in /usr/lib23:35
fennfirst of all, you don't need to do that23:35
fennsecondly, i don't think it does that23:35
* ybit couldn't find a recursive option in man, so i figured that's the way23:36
ybittogetic:/usr/lib# file libTKTopTest.so23:36
ybitlibTKTopTest.so: broken symbolic link to `/usr/lib/opencas/libTKTopTest.so'23:36
ybitthat's the way to create batch symlinks, because it did tell me 'this file already exists, this_file2 already exists, etc.23:37
fennok the ln -s seems to work23:37
fennyou can check to see if it's pointing the right place with ls -l23:38
fennbut still ldconfig should look in your /usr/lib/* directories anyway23:38
ybittogetic:/usr/lib# ls -l libTKTopTest.so 23:38
ybitlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 Sep 24 23:04 libTKTopTest.so -> /usr/lib/opencas/libTKTopTest.so23:38
ybitmaybe it's broken because i removed opencascade-draw23:38
fennyeah probably23:39
fenni don't have any libTKTopTest23:39
ybitit is23:39
* ybit reinstalls opencascade-draw23:39
* ybit re-uninstalls opencascade-draw :P23:40
fennit shouldn't be looking for opencascade-draw23:40
fennbecause you should have compiled without opencascade-draw present23:40
* ybit was reminded of cryptographic errors after the install23:40
fennbtw how long does recompiling take on that comp?23:41
ybitnot long23:41
* ybit revisits compile time23:41
fennquantitative estimate please23:41
* ybit is in need of /usr/lib/opencas/libTKTopTest.so23:42
* ybit recompiles23:42
fennthis is pretty cool http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~cuspaceflight/meteor.php23:43
-!- mquin [i=mike@freenode/staff/mquin] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]23:43
ybitoutput from build and install: http://pastebin.com/m138da7623:44
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ybit(including time)23:44
ybitwho mentioned orbital speed?23:46
ybitmaybe that was #highaltitudes23:46
fennprobably me23:46
ybit* #highaltitude23:47
fennit always irks me that people think they did something by getting to 100 km altitude23:47
fennbig woop23:47
ybitkind of what i was saying in that one-liner email to luf-team23:47
fenn"My one complaint about these is that they are just rockets with no way of sending data back."?23:48
ybityeah, they get there and no data is being transmitted back, you just shot something into outerspace, so now what?23:49
fennno, you're missing the point23:49
ybitgo n23:49
fennthere's nothing special about 100km altitude23:49
fennthere's nothing special about mach 1523:50
fennbut at mach 25 or so something special happens23:50
fennyou're going fast enough that you never fall down23:50
fennit just so happens that you have to be at 100km altitude to not burn up at mach 2523:50
fennorbital velocity is the magical thing that makes microgravity and space development possible23:51
fennanything less is just a glorified vomit comet23:51
fennspaceship one is a scam23:54
fennspaceX falcon is not23:55
genehackerredstone was a scam23:56
fennnobody ever said redstone was going to space23:57
fenn"the Eisenhower administration wanted the first US satellite to be launched by a civilian-developed rocket instead of a missile derivative."23:58
fennso i guess it could have if they tried23:59

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