
--- Day changed Wed Sep 30 2009
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-77-21-227.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:18
kanzurehm it seems most efficient if i don't sleep for the next five days00:29
kanzurewrldpc2: so you're in new york, right?00:29
wrldpc2forward advance team go!00:29
wrldpc2I couldn't get access.00:30
kanzurei was wondering if you could fill me in on some details00:30
kanzurelike why the fuck you people pay 20% gratuity on cabs00:30
wrldpc2Vassar shut me down.00:30
wrldpc2I heard the trains in New York are Japanese.00:31
kanzurei'm arriving at la guardia, i was wondering if you could give some protips00:31
wrldpc2I tried getting press access.00:31
wrldpc2I wouldn't be averse to driving you to the spot actually.00:31
kanzureyou have a car?00:31
wrldpc2I won't be able to get in but you will.00:31
wrldpc2Yeah I have a car.00:32
kanzurei'm going to be arriving around 1:30 pm00:32
kanzureon friday00:32
kanzurecan we make this work?00:32
wrldpc2I can program that.00:32
kanzureis your number still 617335645700:33
kanzurehuh you're already in my phone00:33
kanzurewell good job i guess00:34
wrldpc2It's 16 minutes from 1395 Lexington Ave, NYC to La Guardia.00:34
wrldpc2I'll be able to give you that book that came back return to sender lol00:34
kanzureactually i'm staying at 410 east 92nd street00:34
kanzureit's basically around the block iirc00:35
kanzurebut if you want to hang out a bit that's cool too00:35
wrldpc2That's 3 blocks from the venue.00:36
wrldpc2well .. south east00:36
kanzureare new york blocks proportional to regular city blocks like i might find in austin?00:36
wrldpc2I'm down to hang out for sure.00:36
kanzurei have to warn you that my hotelmate is mormon00:36
wrldpc22 standard Austin blocks generally equal 1 NYC block00:37
wrldpc2but it depends where you go00:37
kanzuresounds like it's ok to walk then00:37
kanzurealright, i need to get some sleep00:38
kanzurethanks for this00:38
kanzureand i'm getting a book? how can i resist00:38
wrldpc2I dunno I think that's just hyperbole about the blocks.00:38
wrldpc2Oh for sure!00:38
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genehackerfun fact: electron beam welding can weld 14 inch thick pieces of steel09:50
genehackerfun fact: a lot of aerospace equipment is electron beam welded09:51
genehackerfun fact: electron beam welding works in a vacuum09:51
genehackerfun fact: space is a vacuum09:51
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jonathan__check out the homebrew tech - http://benkrasnow.blogspot.com/2009/07/experimenting-with-liquid-lens.html10:17
genehackerheh learned most of that stuff from the toyota guy10:18
genehackerwhoa diy liquid lense10:19
jonathan__well not really, he bought a camera with liquid lens and stole the lens out of it10:22
genehackerit would be really cool if one could use liquid lenses to make either a microscope or a photolithography setup10:23
genehackerbecause of the low tolerances invovled10:23
jonathan__sure, it should be possible.10:26
genehackerthough it'd be better to use something other than water10:28
genehackerlike something with a higher refractive index10:31
genehackerdoesn't say what they are10:32
genehackerbut that GH stuff has the refractive index of about diamond10:36
jonathan__use multiple lenses, I guess10:42
genehackerwell yeah10:50
jonathan__I dont know anything about optics.10:53
jonathan__except the basic physics 101 stuff.10:53
genehackerhigher refractive index is good10:54
genehackerthat cargille GH optical fluid has a refractive index on the order of diamond10:55
genehackerif we could make fluid lenses from it10:55
genehackerit would do the job10:56
kanzure"I'll soon be goo-gardening collablobject-oriented co-op computronium commonage corpus clusterings of mass-mod-mood-meds as related to GraviTV programming of everware-there-is-mass, requiring mad quality quomputronium quodin squillz and Compile-A-Child source code pharmed by way of repeatedly rebooting fungible front-ends of infomorphs exprisoned within deathcubes."10:57
jonathan__I dont know what liquids have been tried inside the liquid lens.  I know they use 2 very immixable liquids (oil, water).  look for papers like this one: http://jjap.ipap.jp/link?JJAP/48/052404/10:59
jonathan__the only real issue in fabrication is the teflon-on-conductor-on-glass part.11:00
kanzuremost of the liquid lens papers that i read use some sort of ultrasound source to cause changes to the shape11:00
jonathan__these are EWOD liquid lenses11:01
genehackercan't read that11:01
genehackeranyway could these be useful to us?11:02
jonathan__well, it's one exampe only.  there was a good paper in 2006 in applied physics journal or something.11:02
jonathan__aiming LAzERZ!1!11:02
genehackerelectron beams are better11:03
jonathan__it seems lasers are used to slectively kill cells.   so presumably if you had a colony, you could select the ones you want & kill the outliers, as a selection mechanism.11:03
genehackerthey can weld 14 inch pieces of steel and don't produce large heat affected zones11:04
genehackerwould liquid lenses alloy us to do that?11:04
jonathan__the blog post mentioned he was trying to eliminate vibration sources from measurement.11:06
jonathan__thats why he wanted one11:06
jonathan__the other reasonmight be size.  such as, embedding the lens into microfluidics11:06
-!- nykodemus is now known as nykodickie11:07
jonathan__that might be interesting since a problem with microfluidics is capping them in such a way that eliminates evaporation yet provides a good window11:07
genehackeryou can get vibration isolators for record players11:08
genehackeras far as coating teflon with metal is concerned11:08
jonathan__teflon coats the glass11:09
jonathan__at <100nm thick11:09
kanzurewtf? http://www.y-pod.us/11:11
kanzureclaims that it's as important as xerox's gui11:11
kanzureso nevermind it's probably bullshit11:11
jonathan__just like lincoln logs!11:12
* kanzure is browsing through the singularity summit's attendee directory11:12
kanzurethere's only 500 people registered but they claim over 1k will be in attendance11:12
kanzurei like how igem and the singularity summit are at the same time, 11:12
kanzureit weeds all the igem people out11:12
genehackerdang  I can't think of a use for the that ypod thing11:14
jonathan__the singulatiry summit should only have 1 in attendance ??11:14
kanzurejonathan__: what?11:14
jonathan__How can it be a singularity summit if there is more than 1 person there11:15
kanzureobviously they plan to kill us all until there is only one11:17
kanzurehaha he links to mindforth11:56
genehackerwow that looks a lot like a timecube crazy webpage12:00
kanzurehey why don't i have a timecube website yet?12:02
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kanzurewtf you can't search gmail inboxes by date?12:56
kanzurebkero: do you have a copy of "Hacking, Biohacking, and the Future of Humanity" from defcon?13:06
bkerokanzure: If it's from this/last year's defcon CD, yse.13:07
kanzurehm this might be it: https://issa-chicago.org/2009/07/august-meeeting/13:07
kanzureoh it's just an abstract13:07
kanzurebkero: richard talked with me just before he gave the presentation so i was thinking i'd see what he got wrong or misunderstood from me13:08
bkeroReally?  Haha13:08
kanzurecan't seem to find a copy of the talk13:09
bkerokanzure: http://docs.frogwasp.com/defcon/13:12
kanzurehm these aren't transcripts?13:12
bkeroThat's a mounted ISO of the CD that was distributed at the conference13:12
kanzurelooks like it's not there13:13
kanzureand there's nothing on the web from anyone who attended it13:13
kanzurewhat a boring talk it must have been13:13
bkeroPeople at defcon are...very interesting13:13
bkeroI haven't been able to pidgeonhole them as something yet.13:14
bkeroAre the mostly idiots, security professionals, paranoid schizophrenics?13:14
kanzurethe first few defcons were probably rock solid13:16
bkeroBut defcon is the conference every little boy dreams of going to13:29
bkeroOMG HACKRES13:29
kanzurethat's only because it's been around for a very long time13:30
kanzurewhat a boring website13:30
bkerokanzure: http://staff.osuosl.org/~bkero/ or http://blueheaven.ws/13:33
bkeroor http://docs.frogwasp.com/notes13:33
kanzuremuch better13:33
-!- nykodickie is now known as nykodemus13:36
kanzurehello nykodemus 13:44
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kanzureed boyden uses an "MIT human 2.0" logo for his lab website. "h2o"14:36
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r a17adbf /tests/test_parser.py: unit tests for parsing dependency requirements of a package16:53
katsmeow-afkhow is a computer that was "worth" $1600 six years ago now "worth" $50 ?16:55
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boogleskatsmeow-afk: Because now there are much faster computers available for $1600 than there were 5 years ago?17:00
bkeroBecause they got ripped off 6 years ago.17:00
bkeroI made a computer four years ago for $800, and sold it for $400 a few months ago.17:01
katsmeow-afkthey are P4 "hyperthreading" 2.8 and 3ghz , 400mhz ddr17:01
bkeroWe still have those as our workstations at work17:01
kanzuremy laptop from 2003 was better than that17:01
kanzurenoisy though17:02
katsmeow-afkso you buy another $1600 puter now, that's somewhat faster, and sell it in 4 yrs for $50 and buy another $1600 ?17:02
bkeroI think the solution is to buy a cheaper computer17:02
kanzurei had people ask me to turn off my laptop because it was so loud :(17:02
bkeroAlso the P4's of that era were shit17:02
katsmeow-afkoh, i am, $50 ;-)17:02
katsmeow-afkerr, in what way?17:03
kanzure"bryan i cant hear what these other people are saying, could you uhh"17:03
bkeroThey were badly designed.17:03
bkeroThey couldn't be very fast because they pumped out too much heat17:03
bkeroand intel still charged a premium because it came with an Intel badge17:03
bkeroThat era is what gave AMD a great foothold in the server market.17:04
katsmeow-afkbut the Athlon 3000 of that erea were slower on benchmarks17:04
bkeroNot many17:04
bkeroThe 3000 moniker means it's supposed to compete with a 3GHz Pentium 417:04
* katsmeow-afk nods17:05
katsmeow-afkwhich it seemd to fail at17:05
bkeroOr rather, supposed to be equivalent to a Pentium 4 with a lower price point17:05
kanzureis that how AMD processors are named?17:05
bkeroIt's how they were named17:05
katsmeow-afkthese 4600's come with only 512megs of ram, i think that may be why they are slow? they have no memory for applications to use?17:05
bkeroThat worked when they introduced it, back during the Athlon XP days17:05
bkeroAthlon 4600s?  Those should be around 2.4Ghz Athlon 64's, should be plenty fast if you give them another gig of RAM.17:06
kanzurehm i don't think i've owned an AMD since the K617:06
katsmeow-afkbkero, not, Dell Dimensions 460017:06
bkeroOh, I have no idea how dell model numbers work17:07
katsmeow-afksomeone wants this one reall ybadly, they been selling for $40, this one is $7217:07
bkeroAMDs were great value back in that era, and still great performers until the Core 2 came out.  Since then, AMD has always been a generation behind.17:07
katsmeow-afk$90 , 2 min left17:08
booglesThey're still nice and afforbable, though :)17:08
bkerohttp://www.tomshardware.com/charts/cpu-charts-2004/benchmarks,18.html <-- There are some nice charts of the Athlon 64's cleaning up17:09
katsmeow-afksure, if i required one, $90 is worth it17:09
bkeroFor $90 I could probably get a dual core atom board, case, and RAM17:09
katsmeow-afkbkero, would the Athlons perform better with ubuntu than winxp ?17:09
bkeroAs well as everything performs better with ubuntu than xp17:09
katsmeow-afkbut that atom will be 1.2ghx for that $90,, and not much ram17:10
bkeroThe atoms are 1.6GHz, but clockspeed on atoms are misleading17:10
kanzurei wonder if we can convert their "lab scripts" to something more usable http://2009.igem.org/Team:Calgary/Second_Life/Blog17:10
bkeroAnd RAM is really cheap17:10
katsmeow-afkjeexe, this one sold for $104, ~3x what they have been going for17:10
katsmeow-afk$35/gig cheap17:11
bkeroWAYY cheaper than that17:11
bkero$15/gig cheap17:11
katsmeow-afkfor PC3200 ? where??17:11
bkero$30 for a 2gb stick17:11
bkeroOh, I thought we were talking about Atoms17:11
bkeroWhich use DDr217:11
bkeroAlso on newegg17:12
bkeroPC3200 is $2717:12
bkeroDDR1 is starting to get to the piont where it's not worth it to upgrade anymore17:14
bkeroI had the best DDR1 setup out there, and I sold it a few months ago17:14
katsmeow-afk2 x 1gb is $79 on newegg, ibeen buying for ~15 less17:15
katsmeow-afkfor Corsair brand17:16
katsmeow-afkand Kingston17:16
bkeroOr 2x1gb is $54 by just buying 2 sticks17:16
katsmeow-afki don't know these other brands17:16
bkeroWintec and G.skill have made a reputation with the DDR/DDR2 markets17:17
bkero5 eggs and 205/544 reviews respectively17:17
* katsmeow-afk nods17:17
bkeroI'd trust Wintec, G.skill, and A-DATA to make a decent stick of RAM or flash memory nowadays17:18
katsmeow-afkwish you'd told me about 6gb ago17:18
bkeroIs it you buying RAM, or your department?17:19
bkeroOh damn, sorry17:19
bkeroI try to look in here as much as possible :017:19
katsmeow-afkcourse, then i bought 10gb for $50 for playing with17:21
katsmeow-afkmost of it was PC2100, 256meg dimms, for playing with making a digital storage scope, and other toys17:21
bkeroVrmm vrmm17:23
bkeroRAM speed doesn't matter much at all17:23
bkero10GB is a lot of RAM though17:24
katsmeow-afka 3D bit map of fixed objects for the other toys to not run into :-)17:24
katsmeow-afkyeas, a lifetime supply of 32meg x8 chips17:24
katsmeow-afkto go with the 1,200 same-physical-size 128k and 256k 70ns drams i got for free17:25
katsmeow-afkor the 120 128kx8 15ns statics i got for free17:25
katsmeow-afkso other than upgrading a mobo or two here or there, i think i am out of the memory market for a loooooooong time17:26
bkeroGoing to upgrade some arduinos?  Heh heh17:26
katsmeow-afkheh ;-)17:26
* bkero should order a nice (cheap) arduino clone.17:28
bkeroI'm not sure if I should go with a breadboard-able one or not.17:28
katsmeow-afkwhy an arduino and not a plain AVR with some sorta OS?17:28
bkeroNice C frontend17:30
katsmeow-afki figure someone is gonna make the xmega competitive with the olde 386 any day now17:30
bkeroA serial interface that I don't have to fucking TTL to17:30
katsmeow-afkthere's C compilers for all the avr, i thought17:30
katsmeow-afkyou can run avr at 3.3v17:30
katsmeow-afkif you mean ttl is 5v, and you don';t like 5v, run the chip at 3.3, many of the avr run lower than that even17:32
bkeroI meant RS232 ports look for signals much higher than 3.3v17:32
katsmeow-afkoh,, yeas17:32
bkeroSo I need the 5v :)17:32
katsmeow-afkor the max chip17:33
katsmeow-afkor a couple transistors17:33
katsmeow-afki gotta go afk to put my feet up 17:33
katsmeow-afkthanks, bkero17:34
bkeroNo problem, I'm always available if you need anything :)17:34
* drazak is setting up pcr, again17:36
kanzureslave labor just isn't fun when your slaves want to do it :/17:41
bkeroYou have minions?17:42
drazakI am a minion17:42
drazakbut I think it's fun17:43
kanzureit is i who has minions17:43
kanzureor do the minions have me? not really sure17:43
drazakyou guys need to get more confused17:43
drazakread the principa discordia17:43
bkeroRead it17:43
* drazak can't finish his pcr reactions until the cDNA finishes17:43
drazakbkero: what'17:44
drazakwhat'd you think?17:44
bkeroNot bad17:44
bkeroI still don't get the entire allure of the Bob Dobbs/Discordianism shit17:44
kanzurei need to implement something in my grammar where i can do {something:property=whatever same_something:property2=another} (i think most people think of this as a join)17:44
kanzurere: test_parser.py17:44
-!- jonathan_ [n=jonathan@66-90-154-118.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:50
jonathan_yesterday I got 13 mosquito bites from sitting out by the pool.  Today I got at least that many.  DNA transfer occurs thru mosquito bites so I am wondering how much genetic material I am picking up from TX mosquitos...17:51
bkeroMaking a big monoprice order17:51
bkeroand by big I mean $617:51
drazakon what?17:52
drazakjonathan_: not a lot17:52
bkeroStereo shit17:52
drazakjonathan_: think nano or pico grams17:52
drazakbkero: what kind?17:52
bkero3.5mm->RCA, some RCA couplers, HDMI->DVI17:52
jonathan_i'm wondering if it will affect my horrible TX allergies17:53
bkerojonathan_: I've heard a nice way to fix some allergies is to eat local honey.  Takes a while to have any affect, but your body should get used to the pollens.17:53
jonathan_I have heard that too, although it didnt work for me in california when I tried it.  got local honey from farmers market17:54
bkeroHow long did you give it, and how often?17:54
jonathan_long time ago, I dont remember17:54
drazakare any of you into ceramics?17:55
jonathan_these TX mosquitos are damn aggressive though17:55
jonathan_i gotta get some DEET next time17:56
jonathan_which causes more damage from a SENS point of view, massive qtys of DEET applied to skin, or massive numbers of mosquito bites?17:56
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bkerolol I just pulled up the Chewbacca defense at work18:14
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ybitbkero: eh?18:32
ybitkanzure: why are you going to the singularity summit?18:32
ybitdraz|lab: what are you wanting to know about ceramics?18:32
-!- draz|lab is now known as drazak18:35
genehackerI know a bit about that18:35
drazakybit: tips for centering the clay on the wheel18:35
genehackerwhat are you making?18:36
drazakmugs, pots, bowls, teapots, etc, but I'm learning18:36
drazakI've only thrown 4 times, been successful twice, but I cut it in half both times, to see how even it was18:36
genehackerslip casting is the way to go18:36
drazakno thanks18:37
drazakI want to learn how to throw it on a potters wheel18:38
jonathan_oh great, I'm gonna get yellow fever.  "Dengue vector abundance was monitored from 54 sites in Dallas County, Texas, from June to November 2006, using oviposition traps. Both dengue vectors--the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, and the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus--were present."18:38
genehackerguess we need to make some sort of rapid disease detector18:39
drazakuh huhhh18:39
drazakbkero: oh god18:39
drazakbkero: about what?18:39
genehackerhow about a serpentine PCR chip18:39
drazakuh huh18:40
genehackerperhaps youshould try jiggering18:47
drazakwhat's that?18:47
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kanzureybit: it's sort of a highlander thing18:58
kanzureor jedi thing18:58
ybitgo on19:00
kanzureit has been written that "there can only be one"19:00
ybitdamn you principia discordian followers and your confusion19:01
ybitkanzure: are you giving a talk or just going to listen because you can and you got a discounted ticket for working with these guys ~1.3 years ago?19:02
kanzure"MacLeod eventually becomes a blacksmith in Glencoe, where he marries Heather (Beatie Edney). In 1541, he is located by a much older Immortal, who introduces himself as Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez (Sean Connery)."19:03
kanzure"He explains that the pain he feels in the Kurgan's and Ramírez's presence is "The Quickening," which compels Immortals to battle each other. Ramírez appoints himself MacLeod's tutor in the ways of being Immortal, their pursuit of The Prize, and the rules of an age-old "Game,""19:03
kanzure"2~which will end when the few who remain participate in "The Gathering," noting that "in the end, there can be only one." Immortals can only die by decapitation and can only avoid battle on holy ground."19:03
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wrldpc2Finite game :\19:14
kanzurefenn: how would you specify material requirements?19:19
kanzurei'm thinking of something like this: "(package1 or package2) and (package3 or package4 or package5) and gold{mass:" or something19:19
kanzure(for some reason dependencies related to materials was originally put into the tree of requirements for making a screw, for instance)19:20
kanzure"Xorg: At Least We're Not XFree86"19:20
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drazakxorg sucks19:23
drazakkanzure: how far are you from rice universtiy19:56
-!- Noahj [n=noah@ip98-182-59-157.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:57
drazak3 hours eh20:00
kanzurehello noah20:01
kanzurehow was your first day?20:01
kanzurematerials ? 400 < thermalcapacity < 600 & meltingpoint > 40020:01
kanzureobjects ? type ~ "lamp" & width < 20 & height < 20020:01
kanzuredrazak: i visited rice once. they have some pretty small dorm rooms.20:01
drazakyeah, they have decent research though20:02
drazakand they waived my admission fee20:02
drazakbecause I had a 5 on the chem ap20:02
kanzureNoahj: you alive?20:05
NoahjFirst day was pretty fun 20:07
kanzurewho is teaching it?20:07
NoahjAdrian, the reprap guy, told us about border representation and function representation 20:08
kanzureadrian bowyers is teaching the class20:08
kanzurewhat the fuck20:08
kanzurewhat do you mean "function representation"? 20:08
kanzureand "border"?20:08
NoahjIn border representation you just store the edges and the vertices and that sort of thing20:10
kanzureah, this is for CAD?20:10
NoahjIn function representation, you define a function that generates the object 20:10
kanzureare you sure he didn't mean a mesh?20:10
NoahjUsing integrals inside boxes 20:10
kanzurelike a bezier curve or bspline?20:10
NoahjBorder representation utilizes meshes a lot20:10
drazakI could go to rice20:11
NoahjMost CAD stuff uses it20:11
kanzuredrazak: they have a good chemical engineering program that i was looking at20:11
genehackerwait a second20:11
kanzureNoahj: "function representation" is more popular20:11
drazakkanzure: we should set up our hackerspace in between austin and houston20:11
genehackerAdrian Bowyer is teaching a what class?20:11
kanzureand travel 1.5 hours ? bah20:11
NoahjFunction representation is more popular?20:12
NoahjAdrian said it wasn't20:12
kanzureadrian is biased20:12
genehackerthere's one there20:12
genehackerthey do repraps20:12
kanzurehe works with a reprap20:12
NoahjBut maybe he only meant for a certain set of programs 20:12
NoahjLike, commercial CAD20:12
kanzurewell you see the reprap and other 3D goo squirters like to use STL and other mesh formats20:12
NoahjHe hates STL20:12
kanzurethat's news to me20:12
* kanzure also hates STL20:12
NoahjHe was pretty adamant about his hatred for it :-p 20:13
kanzureboundary representation is more popular though20:13
kanzurei mean, the only people who use meshes are people who are clueless20:13
kanzureand lots of animation/animators20:13
kanzure(you can convert from boundary representation to a mesh)20:13
kanzurebut it's hard to go from a mesh to a boundary representation20:13
kanzurei've been trying to write some code to do that but it's not the easiest 20:14
kanzure(for the record, someone remind me to try a level set method instead of what i'm currently doing in surf.py)20:14
genehackerif he hates .stl then why doesn't reprap take other formats than .stl20:14
NoahjSo yeah, we didn't do much, but it was a good first day 20:14
genehackerwhat class?20:14
kanzurei wish they taught me that much in the first year of mechanical engineering at ut :(20:14
genehackerhave you had statics yet?20:15
kanzurethey won't let me takei t20:15
genehackerno thermo?20:15
genehackerno diff eq?20:16
kanzurethey also won't let me take that20:16
genehackeryou haven't gotten to the fun stuff yet20:16
kanzureoh well20:16
kanzureNoahj: sounds like fun20:16
genehackerthe fun stuff that eats away all your time, keeps you up all the time, and drives you to near Lovecraftian insanity levels20:17
NoahjNo differential equations 20:17
NoahjThey're The Nature of Mathematical Modelling 20:17
genehackeris it taught by an engineer?20:17
kanzurei do use them of course and i know my way around them20:18
Noahj*They're in20:18
NoahjNah, that's one of Neil's books 20:18
genehackerif so you're getting a better educatioon20:18
kanzurebut there's three calculus courses and the fourth one is called diff eq, noah20:18
ybitkanzure: "you should try a level set method instead of what" you are " currently doing in surf.py". yw20:18
NoahjI know I'll have to learn that at some point, but I don't know any calculus at all20:18
kanzurejust use sympy20:18
kanzureuntil you can guess its output20:18
genehackeranyway ask bowyer sometime why reprap doesn't use more plastic to achieve replication of everything but screws and extruder parts20:19
genehackerand by plastic I mean motors too20:19
NoahjI can ask him20:19
NoahjI expect he'll say because it's plastic is weak 20:19
NoahjBut ABS is pretty strong, right?20:20
genehackerdepends on how you measure something as strong20:20
drazakkanzure: so what places were you looking at for your hackerspace?20:21
genehackeralso why hasn't he done any investment casting using the ABS plastic burnout process20:21
drazakbrenham looks nice20:21
genehackerdammit wtf is an involute stub20:22
drazakhow big is a 1/2 acre?20:22
genehackeraccessing visualization data20:23
genehacker1 acre visualization20:23
drazakis it big enough for some shipping containers?20:24
NoahjI think Adrian may've been a special guest star 20:25
NoahjSo you could probably just email him20:25
kanzuredrazak: texas is very hot20:25
genehackeryeah drazak20:25
NoahjBut if he does show up on the conference again I'll ask him questions about printing steppers and using plastic structurally 20:26
drazakkanzure: yeah20:26
drazakI'm trying to find some cheap land somewhere between houston and austin20:26
drazakthe tx hackerspace, unless kanzure has a place in mind20:27
drazaktoo small20:31
genehackerhmmm... though some country land would be good for blowing stuff up20:31
drazakI'm fairly sure I could find donated shipping containers20:31
genehackerfinding shipping containers is hard20:31
drazakI know where to find them20:31
drazakone for soldering, one for tissue culture, one for biology shite, one for meetings, one for classes, and 3 or 4 more for other shite, machine shops, etc20:32
drazakshipping companies :D20:32
genehackerthey are fairly expensive20:32
genehackermy dad's been trying to find one for storing farm equipment for a while now20:33
drazaklots of places20:33
drazaktrain stations20:33
drazakthey may have extra ones hanging around20:33
genehackerit's the transportation cost that kill you20:33
genehackertissue culture?20:33
genehackeryou have my full attention20:33
drazakI pretty much have a plan for setting up a tc shipping container20:34
genehackerdocument it20:34
drazakuv light in the ceiling, 2 flourescent lights in the ceiling, 2 vertical hoods, 2 incubators, a centrifuge, sink, 4C fridge, -20 freezer, -80 OR liquid N2 freezer20:35
drazakboth hoods equiped with UV lights20:35
genehackeryou'd probably need to add airconditioning too20:36
drazakone pipette gun in  each hood, one on the sink/workbench area, a set of micropippeters20:36
drazakyou need a positive pressuresystem, with a hepa filter20:37
drazakalso a vaccum system is nice, either pump or water driven20:38
genehackerwhat sort of tissue culture?20:39
drazakmammal cells20:39
drazakbut you could do other cells20:39
genehackerbacteria zoo?20:39
drazakno bacteria20:39
drazakbacteria is not allowed in tissue culture rooms20:39
genehackerthere's this bacteria that makes a component of gun powder20:39
drazakthe risk of cross contamination is too great20:39
drazakbacteria are handled in the general biology container20:40
genehackerok plan it out20:40
drazakit's useless if people don't know how to use it20:40
drazakI could put together a shopping list and some rules20:41
drazakthey should be common sense to biology people :P20:42
drazakI can also put together a list of common reagents that need to be kept in a lab20:43
drazakor should be20:43
genehackerso figure out how much it cost20:43
drazakI figured it out in my head after looking at some prices20:43
drazaklike 20 grand20:43
genehackerif it costs too much then the price of being a member or using said boxes will be expensive20:43
drazakyou could do it for less20:44
drazakI'm going to reprice it on excel at some point20:44
drazakwell, you could make do with less reagents20:44
drazakprobably about 100 things20:44
genehackerfigure out price as is20:45
genehackerwe can't make reagents yet20:45
drazakwhat I mean is20:45
drazaktheres things you can omit20:45
drazakthat wouldn't be awfully detrimental20:46
drazakbut to do basic cell biology analysis there are things you need20:46
genehackerdo we need to do that20:50
drazakstuff for pcr, stuff for westerns, (antibodies are expensive), stuff for southerns, stuff for northerns, stuff for RNA isolation, DNA isolation, protein isolation, BCA assay, stuff for histology if you do it, stuff for cell culture, gel electrophoresis, waterbaths for stuff, enzymes for restriction digest20:50
drazakif you want to do any sort of reasearch, sure20:51
drazakyou could get enough to get a grant, get the grant, buy the rest20:51
drazaktransfection reagents, plasmid stuff, there's more, but whatever20:52
genehackerresearch in a shipping container?20:53
genehackerhow do you intend to pay for it?20:53
drazakI have no idea yet20:53
drazakI'm still working on it in my head20:55
drazakif we get a couple people in the lab who are published it would work20:56
drazakpublished as first authors, that is20:56
kanzurei like the idea of using shipping containers20:56
genehackeris this a lab or a hacker space?20:57
genehackerI do too20:57
kanzurethis was what we were planning for headquarters20:57
drazakit could have a lab portion, a hackerspace portion, a fablab20:57
genehackerbut the shipping containers are going to need to be retrofitted20:57
drazakthe whole thing would be generalized as a hackerspace, any sort of hobby you want20:57
kanzuredrazak: none of this is new20:57
drazakkanzure: nope20:57
kanzurethis is already what we want to do20:58
drazakI know20:58
drazakI'm taking about what I'd like to do with a container or two20:58
drazakI'd teach some biology classes20:58
drazakat the hackerspace20:58
kanzurehave you taken an inventory yet20:59
drazaknot yet20:59
kanzureyou suck20:59
drazakI have a mental inventory20:59
drazakthere's a lot of things that are too specific20:59
drazakthat are never used20:59
drazakor that were special ordered for one thing20:59
genehackerdefinately nothing like this drazak?21:02
genehackeranyway drazak, didn't you say tissue culture was hard?21:02
genehackerwhy not just bacteria?21:02
drazakbecause I like mammalian cells, and the best grants are in mammalian cells21:03
genehackerhave you worked with mammalian cells?21:04
drazakby hard,I meant that if you've never done it before or nobody has taught you, it's hard21:04
drazakthat's half of what I do :)21:04
genehackerdo you ever use microfluidic concentration setters?21:05
drazakyou trypsinize for 5 minutes, add serum containing media, then count cells21:06
genehackerlet's see here I think there's a way to make that21:06
drazakor pellet, and resuspend and then count then and then dilute21:06
genehackerhow much is serum?21:07
genehackerthat's what I though21:08
genehackerwell if you can pay for it21:08
drazak500ml for 250$ and you use it 10% for FBS21:08
drazakbtw, trypsin is expensive21:08
drazakreally cheap21:08
drazaktaht's 10x21:09
genehackercan trypsin be made in a bacteria?21:10
drazakso you put it in either hanks saline, media without serum, hepes saline, to 1x before use21:10
drazakand you only use ~1-5ml for each use21:10
drazaknot easily21:10
drazakthey get it from pigs21:10
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genehackeroh dear21:11
genehackernow that's a problem21:11
genehackeris it one of those proteins that can only be made like that?21:11
drazakI do believe21:11
drazakit's cheap as hell though21:12
genehackerdefine cheap as hell?21:12
drazaklook at the link21:12
drazak22.70 for 100ml of 10x21:13
genehackerthat's cheap as hell21:13
drazakexactly :)21:13
drazakmedia is cheap as hell too21:13
drazakthe only expensive thing in cell culture is serum21:13
genehackerwhat's it made from21:14
genehackerbovine something rather?21:14
drazakfetal bovine serum21:14
drazakit's the serum from blood21:14
ybitdirect link to cad files dir: http://downloads.openmoko.org/developer/CAD/21:14
genehackerwell then can we grow cow blood?21:15
drazakit's one of those things that you can't do at home21:15
jonathan_is everyone here writing a grant for the gates foundation?21:15
genehackeronly drazak21:16
drazakthe thing with FBS is that it's already variable enough21:16
drazakI'm not writing a grant21:16
drazakfor anything21:16
drazakanyway, FBS is variable from lot to lot in how it affects your cells21:16
ybitgrants, what? no, not me :)21:16
jonathan_annnnnnyone can apply as long as it fits under the catagories21:17
ybitthat's a lot of n characters for one word 21:17
drazaknone of the grants are something I'd want to be working with until I get BSL3 certified21:18
drazakand then I could have no hackerspace minions21:18
drazakand would need a negative pressure culture room21:19
genehackerBSL3 in a hacker space?21:19
drazakthat's what I mean :)21:19
drazaknot gonna happen21:19
drazakHIV/AIDS is BSL221:19
drazakcould do that stuff21:19
genehackerwhat do you want to do at Bsl3?21:19
drazakeverything else the gates foundation offers is pretty much BSL321:19
drazakgenehacker: the gates foundation grants almost all require BSL321:20
genehackerbad bad bad not even BSL2 at a hacker space21:20
genehackerno viruses21:20
jonathan_not "everything"21:20
jonathan_did you read some of the winners from prior rounds?21:20
drazakgenehacker: I'd want the TC room tobe BSL221:21
drazakgenehacker: BSL2 is fine21:21
drazakI've worked in BSL2 rooms befor21:21
drazakadenoviruses are BSL121:21
drazaklentiviri are BSL121:21
drazakthe point is: theres a lot you could do21:25
ybitkanzure: found another picture of you: http://ybit.ath.cx/images/dbeard.jpg21:27
drazakybit: do you like, takenotes on what I say?!21:27
* drazak runs21:29
ybitdrazak: no that's me procrastinating moving http://gitorious.org/diyhplus/diyhplus_org/blobs/master/todo.org to trans-tech.yaml21:29
drazakthat's the bottom left, what's the bottom right?21:30
ybitfrom skdb21:30
drazakwe'd also need some living spaces21:31
ybithrm? 21:31
drazakwe'd need a bathroom, some couches, some beds, etc21:31
ybitmy hackerspace plan isn't on-screen, where is this coming from? :P21:31
drazaka food fridge, microwave21:31
drazakme thinking outlound21:31
drazakI'm sure thats already planned21:31
ybityeah, i wrote down most of this already21:31
kanzureybit: do you know which episode that is from?21:32
drazakI is just commenting21:32
ybitare you building a hackerspace?21:32
drazakreiterating if you will21:32
ybitkanzure: yeah s2,ep121:32
drazakI'd like to help with your guyses21:32
kanzureybit: thanks21:32
kanzuredrazak: how serious are you?21:32
drazakif I go to Rice21:32
* ybit decided to form two npos21:32
kanzurei mean, you're more than welcome to just come live with me21:32
drazakkanzure: if I go to Rice or U of T, for sure21:32
kanzurei really don't recommend university21:32
drazakI'd like to go to university21:33
drazakkanzure: I've been playing with some configurations in my head21:33
drazakkanzure: what sorts of spaces are you planning?21:33
ybitbe weary of the local colleges21:33
drazakobviously, I'm sure, a machine shop/fab area21:34
drazakybit: no local crap21:34
drazakas list of stuff you're thinking of having would be helpful for my idea putting togetherness21:34
ybitgood for you21:34
drazakRice is nice because it has good research stuff21:34
ybitask in a month when it's mostly complete21:34
ybitright, that's what you need to aim for, and make sure you can stand the profs.21:35
drazakare you working on a layout of how you're going to have the storage containers?21:35
ybitbut don't listen to me21:35
drazakif so I'd ask that if there are 2 or 3 for biology, that one of them is only connected to one other container21:35
kanzurewhy does it matter21:36
kanzurethe point is that they are reconfigurable21:36
kanzureif you have an issue you can change it21:36
drazakthey're hard to move21:36
drazakand presumably there will be doors between them21:36
bkeroI need to come up with a good senior project.21:36
kanzurebkero: do you need to impress someone, or can you just do something you're interested in?21:37
ybitdrazak has a point, you have to have a crane or cherry picker, and they aren't very cheap to rent.. then again if you're npo and some construction comp. is looking for a tax writeoff..21:37
bkeroIt has to be a project that would take a year for a retarded CS student to complete.21:37
genehackercalculating PI out to a googleplex21:38
kanzurebkero: so sounds like you want something that you can finish in a night21:38
ybitmaybe estimating the date of easter :P21:38
drazakI'm not trying to find fault, they're just hard to move21:38
kanzurebkero: maybe a "patch and fix a bug in a project" would work here?21:38
bkerokanzure: This is a list of projects they're proposd.  http://eecs.oregonstate.edu/capstone/listproposals2009.php21:39
kanzureoh these aren't entirely terrible21:39
ybitbtw, it's cheaper to not go with the shipping containers if you want to just build, if you want to reconfigure, it's still about the same price to just knock the wall down then to pay hundreds of dollars for someone to come out there and arrange the bins21:39
drazakresearch containers are expandable, not reconfigurable21:40
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genehackerperhaps a big warehouse21:41
genehackerwith roomicles21:41
ybiti would invite you guys to come here, but i'm sure you don't want to live in the backwoods state of al21:41
wrldpc2we should just live on the moon.21:42
genehackerindeed we should21:42
genehackerand form the lunar colony selene21:42
ybitwrldpc2: good idea, i'm sure the aliens on the backside have couch surfing equivalent21:42
ybitor that21:42
kanzurei'm sorry headquarters didn't work out with alex lightman21:43
kanzurei'll be able to physically jump parijata this weekend though21:43
bkeroybit: Have you priced shipping containers?21:43
kanzurewe'll see who's who then21:43
wrldpc2alien douchebags21:43
ybitbkero: as A*********** pointed out, as did my fasha: they are about 1.5k each21:44
bkeroDamn, that's pretty expensive21:44
wrldpc2Lightman's a good dude21:44
ybitthat ebay link was misleading, they aren't 1.9k for 2021:44
bkeroReally really used ones are $1.5k I imagine21:44
kanzurewrldpc2: have you met him?21:44
kanzurei haven't21:44
kanzurehe doesn't return calls21:44
kanzureand it's just all fishy i guess21:44
wrldpc2We've had some back and forths on FB21:44
bkeroToo bad shipping containers have terrible insulation.21:44
kanzureoh, facebook21:44
kanzurewrldpc2: well, yeah, he and i phoned each other a few tim es21:44
ybitsomeone needs sleep or modafanil ;)21:44
kanzureand parijata and i talked a lot21:44
kanzurebut then nothing came of it21:45
* ybit was referring to himself :P21:45
ybitadrafanil doesn't work with lack of sleep like modafanil does, in my exp.21:45
ybitif you want something, you have to do it yourself.21:46
ybit..with the help of others :P21:46
drazakI like shipping containers because they have weather protection, you can build to them cheaply, and a little bit of workand they're perfect for biology21:48
drazakalso I'm going to bed21:48
* ybit was about to say that..21:49
ybiti'm tucking myself into bed ;)21:49
ybitanywho, the cheapest way i've found is to dig a hole and use the mud21:49
ybit+ everyone loves underground laboratories21:50
ybitafk, but not in that dirty sense. gn.21:56
drazaknight for me too21:58
jonathan_wow.  if the govt passes the health bill, we will be p0wned22:08
katsmeow-afkwhich one?22:09
katsmeow-afkand, the usa gov patented some of your dna, they own you anyhow22:10
jonathan_the govt will decide what is appropriate health care or not, for real22:12
genehackeroh dear I guess (congress member here) hasn't been paying their royalty fees, guess they'd better fess up22:13
genehackeroh dear they've made (very large number) copies of that gene and have been using it everyday?22:13
ybitor stay awake, seems to be what my body wants to do. kanzure, fenn_adl how do you want methods of creating microfluidic devices placed in trans-tech?22:13
ybite.g. laser scanner, t-shirt, stm, aftm, etc.22:14
ybiti'll just wing it, and you can edit or deny22:15
jonathan_Ok i'm gonna start a sect.  who wants to join.  "Subsection (a) shall not apply to any individual (and any qualifying child residing with such individual) for any period if such individual has in effect an exemption which certifies that such individual is a member of a recognized religious sect or division thereof described in section 1402(g)(1) and an adherent of established tenets or teachings of such sect or division as 22:18
jonathan_described in such section."22:18
jonathan_my "RELIGIOUS CONSCIENCE" prohibits taking part in gov't plans to aid my "health"22:18
genehackerperhaps you should consider making your own healthcare facilities22:19
jonathan_i believe private companies are fine...   the gov'ts will suck balls22:20
genehackerhave you seen the automatic surgical robots the robotics department is working on for darpa?22:20
jonathan_private = competition = increased quality.   govt = no competition = legacy of suck22:20
genehackerthe videos22:20
jonathan_no, i havent.  though I know, those robots take years to completely succeed thru human trial tests (like 10+ years)22:21
kanzurei'm not too interested in obeying any health care laws that say i can't maintain my own health22:21
jonathan_sure.  you'll just pay 5+% tax on your income for that22:24
genehackeranyway this bill has a good chance of passing22:24
genehackeryou'd better hurry up with those diy healthcare facilities22:24
kanzurethe point is that you shouldn't wait for me to do it22:25
kanzurewhy aren't you already doing it?22:25
jonathan_there is no benefit to doing that, because there will be no return on investment ($$$)22:25
kanzurejonathan_: why do you insist on bringing money into this channel all the time?22:25
genehackerresearched serpentine microfluidic channels today for doing pcr22:25
kanzurejust a repetitive theme i've noticed22:25
jonathan_private = competition = people invest $$ to succeed in marketplace22:26
jonathan_lol, you asked about $10k yesterday22:26
kanzureyeah my bad22:26
genehackerI want a PCR disease detector22:26
jonathan_you cant invest in technology w/o it22:26
kanzurejust go build stuff22:26
jonathan_at a minimum, you need to eat22:26
kanzurei seem to be doing that22:27
jonathan_at a maximum, you need many employees and you need to pay them22:27
kanzurethat's only because they demand to be paid22:27
jonathan_then they dont work for you if you don't pay22:27
kanzurethat's not true22:28
jonathan_there's a commune in china that has "solved" the problem for you, they make stuff22:28
kanzuredo you have any legitimate arguments against post-scarcity agalmics or are you just bullshitting?22:28
jonathan_however, they still get "paid" to make stuff, although everyone gets the same pay.22:28
genehackerrapid tooling doesn't need to be paid22:29
kanzuregenehacker: a bit yesterday asked me for a few hundred bucks to be given a torque22:29
kanzurei smacked it upside the head22:29
jonathan_it's 2009 man..   20 years ago techies say bandwidth was supposed to be free by now..  and server space and internet hosting and and..  22:29
kanzurewhy are you comparing me to those techies?22:30
jonathan_..and gnu kernal was supposed to be ready, lol22:30
jonathan_oh, we're talking about you now, I see22:30
kanzurearen't we?22:30
jonathan_ha, no22:30
kanzurethis was about why you keep bringing up money into my world22:30
genehackerI don't quite understand what you said kanzure22:31
jonathan_you could say the same thing about the letter "e".   "why do you keep using the letter e?"22:31
jonathan_"why do you keep bringing the letter "e" into my world?"22:31
genehackertorque a bit?22:31
kanzuregenehacker: i was bullshitting22:31
kanzurejonathan_: you mean to say that money is part of a grammar?22:32
jonathan_yes, lemme see...22:32
jonathan_"genehacker: perhaps you should consider making your own healthcare facilities"22:32
genehackeryour world? if your a solipsist I have some very good information physics arguments disproving that22:32
kanzurethere are many possible grammars, i don't see why i should care that you don't agree22:32
ybitjonathan_: i'm guessing you are speaking of open money/metacurrency?22:33
ybitre: 22:32 < kanzure> jonathan_: you mean to say that money is part of a grammar?22:33
kanzureno i am not a solipsist22:33
jonathan_"build"  => "invest"22:33
jonathan_"invest" => "resources"22:34
kanzuresorry building came before money22:34
jonathan_"resources" => "stuff"22:34
jonathan_"resources" => "people"22:34
genehackernot precious ore's?22:34
kanzurelook all i'm saying is that you're wrong to insist that money is some sort of physical constant in the world22:35
kanzurei don't need to crack open a physics book to show you this22:35
jonathan_I guess back when "building came before money", the people that didn't build were kicked out of the tribe to find their own meat.  so they had a good motivation to build, eh.22:35
genehackerpeople are like $8 worth of mineral I don't think turning people into stuff is a good idea22:35
bkeroAs raw material, yes22:36
bkeroBut if you sel organs and other such things, they're worth millions22:36
kanzurethe people that were kicked out weren't sufficiently loved obviously22:36
jonathan_money represents "unit of work"22:36
kanzurehow are you defining "work"22:36
jonathan_how many people do you have working on your project?22:36
genehackeris it measured in joules or calories?22:36
kanzureprobably neither22:36
jonathan_would you like to accelerate that work?22:36
kanzureno not if it means compromising integrity of vision22:37
jonathan_how will you motivate other people to also work on "building" your project?22:37
kanzuresome people are just naturally motivated to "do stuff"22:37
kanzurei.e., me22:37
jonathan_how will you motivate "the best" people to also work on building your project?22:37
kanzureif you don't have that motivation, don't make me use your money22:37
genehackeranyway how do you transition to this state and don't tell me you're one of those Zeitgeist Venus Project people who don't have to explain anything22:38
kanzurewho are you talking to?22:38
jonathan_how many of "those people who are naturally motivated" exist and are available to work on your project,  vs.  the people who will work for pay?22:38
kanzurejonathan_: if you want to pay them go ahead but i really don't care22:39
jonathan_which is why the gnu kernel is still, to this day, not run by anyone22:39
genehackerno one, it's a viral sorta thing that working it's way throught the memetic networks22:39
kanzurei'm pretty sure hurd is run by a few guys22:39
genehacker30% saturation has been achieved22:39
jonathan_sure, a "few guys"22:40
kanzureok so it works for them22:40
kanzurewhat's the problem?22:40
kanzureleave them alone22:40
genehackerslasdot article link: linux nerd myth22:40
jonathan_resources of a "few guys" != "perhaps you should consider making your own healthcare facilities""22:40
genehackerhave you started doing that yet22:41
kanzurethat's only because you don't know how to do it effectively22:41
kanzurebut remember we're changing that22:41
genehackerthis bill could come into action soon22:41
genehackerGO GO GO!22:41
jonathan_yeah, better be changed by tomorrow22:41
kanzureok sorry i'm so slow22:41
kanzuremaybe you should help us out?22:41
jonathan_not unless you can pay, lol22:41
jonathan_I gotta buy stuff "today"22:42
kanzurethen why are you bothering me?22:42
kanzureseriously i'm confused22:42
jonathan_oh, we're talking about you?  ha22:42
jonathan_I sense a circle here22:42
kanzurethere might be one22:42
kanzureso you don't want to help make healthcare facilities22:42
kanzureis that right?22:43
kanzurebut because i do, and i don't care about money, there's a circle?22:43
jonathan_I think  you're missing the "time" variable22:44
kanzureyeah if only i was better22:44
kanzuremaybe i could get it done sooner?22:44
jonathan_or, if you had more "resources" you could get it done sooner22:45
jonathan_"resources" => "invest" => "stuff" + "people"22:45
kanzuresorry what does this have to do with money22:45
kanzurejust seems like common sense to me22:45
genehackerso build more ore refineries?22:46
kanzureseems reasonable to me22:46
jonathan_ore refineries?22:47
kanzureyeah that's how you can extract and refine ore-related resources22:47
kanzureit's not magic22:47
genehackeranyway how do we transition to the no pay world?22:47
kanzuregenehacker: by building what we need22:48
genehackerhow is that done22:48
kanzurewell first you look at what you need22:48
kanzurethen you go ask skdb how to make it22:49
kanzurethen you follow the instructions and make stuff22:49
genehackerok but does skdb do that yet?22:49
genehackerhow do you get skdb to that level?22:49
kanzureworking on it22:49
genehackerwhat work is necessary22:49
kanzurewell we have to input more data into the system22:49
kanzureso the way that this works in the software world is that you find software on the web22:50
kanzureand you say "hey, that should be included in the repo"22:50
kanzureand then you package it up and submit it for inclusion22:50
kanzurethen everyone can use it by just getting the package and having skdb take care of it22:50
kanzureinstead of manually installing it or manually figuring out how to build something22:50
genehackerok how do I put something in the repo?22:50
kanzureso what this means is that we have to either make our own hardware projects or harvest them from other free hardware projects on the web22:50
kanzureyou can get an ftp/ssh account i guess22:50
genehackerpackage to be included in repo: primitive photolithography machine22:51
kanzureor you could email me the files, or filebin them, or sneakernet me the files22:51
kanzuredo you have those CAD models?22:51
genehackerok how do I make a CAD file22:51
kanzurebecause i'd be very interested in including those in skdb22:51
kanzurewait wtf22:51
genehackerI don't22:51
kanzuredon't you know CAD tools?22:51
genehackera CAD file of something I don't have22:51
kanzureright that's why it's hard22:51
kanzurewe can't just make shit up22:52
kanzurein some cases we can but then we need to also doubly test it as well22:52
genehackerso how do we make a CAD file of (expensive hardware here)22:52
kanzurei mean, what's the point of this giant database of mechanical components that just immediately fail when you try to do anything :(22:52
kanzurein many cases it's going to have to be an original design i think22:52
kanzureotherwise you might get sued22:52
kanzureor people will shoot you22:53
kanzureat least, that's the threat that they usually give22:53
genehackerit's expensive to test mechanical components22:53
kanzureyes that's true22:53
kanzurebut there are simple tests you can do22:53
kanzurewhether or not something within a given tolerance actually works maybe22:53
genehackerI'll start designing a guided missile launching system immediately22:53
kanzureor whether or not the tolerances don't make sense22:53
kanzurei think that we should start with the basics though22:54
genehackerwell we don't have anything to make the stuff to make the missile factory22:54
kanzurebecause if you have a launch bay, loading mechanism, and a missile/rocket, then the missile bay is easy to design 22:54
kanzurewe have to start with simple components and tools22:54
kanzurethat's why fenn has been so eager to start with screws22:54
genehackerbut wire guided rockets are fairly simple and can use 50's era electronics22:54
kanzurescrews are pre-50s22:54
genehackerdo metric screws22:55
kanzureyeah we've done metric 22:55
genehackerso you're doing screws?22:55
genehackeryou can get files for those EVERYWHERE22:55
kanzurehey if you know of any open source parametric screws i'd like to know about them22:56
genehackermake sure to have screw making machines too22:56
kanzurethat are already modeled22:56
genehackeruse the internet22:56
kanzureyeah that's a dependency on the screw right now (at least for the "build dependencies")22:56
kanzurewell i've searched for open source machine components before and found nothing, sorry22:56
kanzureso i really doubt its existence22:56
genehackerI'm sure there are files of them somewhere in old format22:56
kanzurebut that doesn't mean it's open source22:57
genehackerdoes it matter?22:57
genehackerno it doesn't22:57
genehackerjust get the files22:57
genehackerthe asm handbook isn't opensource22:58
genehackerbut it's free22:58
kanzurebut we can't fork it22:58
kanzureand we can't sell it22:58
kanzureand it has all sorts of nasty copyrights on it22:58
kanzurebut don't get me wrong it's a good reference guide of course22:58
kanzurefor instance i've been using the machinist's handbook22:58
kanzureto encode information into skdb22:59
genehackeranyway if just you and fenn are doing screws it's going to take a long time to get to medical devices22:59
genehackeralso try patents22:59
kanzuredo you consider a gel box to be a medical device?22:59
kanzurei dunno if i do22:59
genehackerpoint taken22:59
kanzureno really i don't know22:59
genehackercan you make it from scratch?22:59
genehackerwhat about the electronics and copper?23:00
kanzurejust the box23:00
genehackerok so how long is it going to take to get to a milling machine?23:00
kanzureactually i'm looking at the todo list in skdb23:01
kanzureand we have this list of stuff that we want to package up23:01
kanzureit's a pretty lame list23:01
kanzureso complete this pattern:23:01
genehackershould I wrangle up some people on the internet to do the job for us?23:01
kanzurescrews, threads, bearings, washers, .. what comes next?23:01
genehackera damn lot23:01
kanzurewell yeah23:01
genehackerother fastening systems23:01
kanzurewhat about besides fasteners?23:02
genehackermachining process, forming processes, stuff that can't be modeled yet23:02
genehackerempirical data23:02
kanzuremaybe a small dc motor is a good package to add next?23:02
genehackerhow do you make the motor?23:02
kanzurei'm not really thinking straight at the moment--23:03
genehackerhmm... we could probably pay chinese guys to do this23:03
kanzurethere's a few ways to figure out "what to do next with skdb"23:03
genehackerI'm not either23:03
genehackeroh dc motor23:03
kanzureone way is to look at the packages that are already in skdb23:03
genehackergot it 23:03
kanzureand look at the dependencies23:03
kanzureand then you say "is there an skdb package for that yet?"23:03
kanzureand if not, you go make it23:03
kanzureanother way is to pick a random direction and just start there23:04
kanzurebut you can't pick something too complex because you won't be able to use any of the skdb packages to make it23:04
kanzurei don't mean "complex" but i mean "stuff that uses a lot of other stuff not in skdb"23:04
genehackerok how about just a wax milling machine23:04
genehackerthingiverse has somesort of dependency system23:05
genehackeranyway we need more brains23:05
genehackerlike a lot23:05
kanzurestl files?23:05
kanzurewhat is the dependency system on thingiverse?23:05
genehackerthere's no way you and fenn can have digitize everything yourself within a reasonable time frame23:06
kanzureoh "required tools"23:06
genehackeranyway we need to get people to do this for us23:07
kanzureanyway maybe those dxf files can be converted to something more useful 23:07
kanzureit looks like it's under a BSD license23:07
kanzurewell yeah23:07
genehackerwhy don't we set up a point system for skdb23:07
kanzurea what?23:07
genehackerpoints or a moderator system23:07
genehackermoderators give points to skdb packages23:08
kanzurewhat for?23:08
kanzurewhat do the points indicate23:08
genehackerto motivate people23:08
genehackerhow good or bad a package was23:08
kanzurethere's actually some code that i was writing along those lines23:08
kanzureyou say "here's the package i just made"23:08
kanzureand it reads it and then yells at you if it sucks23:08
genehackermake a gui for making packages23:09
kanzurethis is "validation"-style not a creativity sensor23:09
genehackerpeople are lazy23:09
genehackerthat's fine too23:09
fenni'd just like to point out that the asm is not free beer or speech23:09
fennUT has a paywall subscription23:09
kanzuregenehacker is behind the paywall so he wouldn't know that23:09
genehackeroh oops23:10
genehackerwonder what else this paywall works on...23:10
genehackeranyway kanzure make it easier for people to make submissions23:10
kanzureis it hard right now?23:11
fennpoints is a popularity contest?23:11
genehackeralso can we setup a site that isn't named skdb but is skdb, so I can wrangle people to it and we need not worry if people try to mess it up23:12
genehackerno points are determined by moderators23:12
kanzureso you mean quality reviews?23:12
fennso a politicized popularity contest?23:12
genehackermoderators are determined by metamoderators who moderate the moderaters23:12
fennthis sounds pretty dumb23:12
kanzurean endless hierarchy of metamoderators!23:12
fennjust use a trust network23:13
genehackerit's a pyramid with main mods at top23:13
fenn"people you know like this project"23:13
fenni'm trying to get away from the whole rigid hierarchy thing23:13
kanzuresleep mode23:13
fennit's sooo 20th century23:13
genehackerOk kanzure I want to submit a part I made in superdesignCAD where's the box I click to upload superpart.sdc to?23:14
fennyou publish it on gitweb?23:16
fenner, github23:16
genehackerwhere's the file upload box?23:16
genehackersurely you have one?23:16
fennit's not like we won't have a website but nobody's bothered to write one yet23:16
genehackerthen write one23:16
fennyou write one23:16
genehackerI can't I'm a user of SKDB23:17
fennwhat's better a website with nothing on it, or no website and a bunch of useful stuff?23:17
genehackerwe need to wrangle people to do stuff for us23:17
fennalso i'm sort of afraid of what kind of submissions we'll get, if there are no 'good' examples up first23:18
genehackerthere won't be any good examples up first23:18
fennthen i spend my entire time "educating" people how much their contributions suck, which is bad for morale all around23:18
genehackerhence the point system23:18
genehackerpeople do irrational things for points23:18
fennbut everyone loves thingiverse even though it sucks23:19
genehackerwhy is that?23:19
fennbecause they use twitter!23:19
genehackerit's because it's easy to use and polished23:19
genehackerplus it was made by Bre Pettis, a pretty popular guy23:20
fennthat's what i mean23:20
fennan asshole who stole reprap23:20
fennand works for a proprietary publishing company23:20
fenndon't expect me to like it23:21
genehackerone option is to push thingverse toward doing what we want skdb to do and then steal files from it23:21
genehackerhmmm... you wouldn't happen to Know a Matthias Lang would you?23:24
genehackeror any good facial recognition programs capable of recognizing faces from a provided picture23:26
-!- nykodemus [n=nykodemu@user-24-236-97-56.knology.net] has left #hplusroadmap []23:27
fenni haven't looked into it but there are several23:35
fennstart with opencv i guess23:36
katsmeow-afki thought all those face recog programs in airports did only false positives23:36
genehackerthat will not be necessary23:38
genehackerhahaha 23:41
genehackerI definately won't need it23:41
fennfailure is not a requirement23:42
fenni'd rather it just feed me the raw statistical certainty23:43
fenni seem to have lost an hour23:44
fennwhat happened from 2200 to 2300?23:44
fennguess i was reading the backlog? didn't think i was that slow23:45
ybithttp://diybioforum.org/wiki/index.php?title=FAQ&oldid=186 :: pr0n spam!23:58
ybitwhere are these schematics fo a bci kanzure, from cosmeng23:59

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