
--- Day changed Sun Oct 04 2009
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-32-184.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]00:47
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kanzure_fenn: ok i think i can get us $10k10:26
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fennthat's a good start :P10:54
fennif it's real10:55
fennsorry if i'm not willing to get my hopes up immediately10:55
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-32-184.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap11:36
kanzure_well it's todd this time11:47
ybittodd huffman?11:53
ybittodd davies?11:53
kanzure_todd huffman11:58
-!- genehacker2 [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-40-105.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap11:58
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genehacker21.make PCR machine12:24
genehacker22.make PCR machine capable of detecting TB12:24
drazakuh huh12:39
drazakdoesn't exactly work that way12:40
drazakbut sure12:40
drazakI'd do it with antibodies12:42
genehacker2are they cheaper?12:42
drazakpcr isn't exactly cheap12:44
drazakyou could do pulsed field electrophoresis (maybe) to seperate the bacterial genome from the hosts's genome12:45
drazakthen cut it out of the gel and pcr it12:46
genehacker2ok can you do that in a third world country with little knowledge of the process?12:50
genehacker2IE could a liberal arts student do it12:51
drazakwith a well written protocol and a little practice anyone can do anything12:52
drazakthey might need some practice pipetting12:52
drazakand crap like that12:52
drazakbut sure12:52
genehacker2is it cheap?12:53
genehacker2like cheaper than $512:53
drazakwell it's kinda like12:54
drazakrun a gel, cut it, do pcr, run a gel, bingo or bingno12:54
drazakthe first gel with be a 1% agarose gel12:54
drazakother than equipment it's like 4 bucks a test12:56
genehacker2other than equipment12:57
genehacker2so what other processes are there?13:14
drazakwell the first gel is pulsed field13:15
genehacker2if it involves training then it's probably not what they're looking for13:20
genehacker2seems like a job for lab on chip if you ask me13:23
genehacker2though I might be biased13:23
genehacker2but are antibodies expensive?13:24
drazakthis method doesn't use antibodies13:28
drazakand yes, they are13:28
genehacker2ok then MIPs could be an option13:29
-!- Phreedom [n=quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap14:40
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fennanother exciting day on the internet22:29
kanzure_you make it sound so easy22:37
wrldpc2i <3 teh internets tho22:37
kanzure_the internets hate you22:37
kanzure_go away22:37
kanzure_meetlog: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/meetlog.txt22:41
kanzure_don't judge me22:42
kanzure_oh i also met aaron diaz22:44
fennthat's an interesting concept.. not what i expected at all22:49
fennyou should also include 'context'22:50
fennkeep in mind it's biased to formal "meetings" whatever that means22:51
kanzure_i sometimes include random passings22:52
kanzure_i just don't include all the times i'm hanging out with you because it will become incredibly redundant22:52
kanzure_also because i will realize how lame i really am22:52
fennone of the prime factors in determining how information will be structured is how you will use that information22:53
kanzure_so far i've used it to draw a graph of my rate of meeting unique/new individuals22:54
kanzure_what's interesting though is that it will probably be biased anyway22:54
kanzure_since when i meet new people i am more likely to want to write them down22:54
-!- katsmeow-afk is now known as katsmeow22:54
fennyes but you can get a sense of absolute value22:54
kanzure_although maybe my ability to remember "old" names offsets that when i write down a large group of people that i hung out with at once that weren't new people22:54
fennhow many new people now vs past, not new vs not-new22:54
fenni can never remember if it's called derivative or differential22:55
fennwriting down names may help you remember them22:56
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