
--- Day changed Mon Oct 05 2009
-!- genehacker2 [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-40-105.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap01:00
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fennwatching 'a mormon perspective on transhumanism'01:44
fenn"you have got to learn to become Gods yourselves, th same as all Gods before you have done." -joseph smith01:45
genehacker2the mormons are strang01:55
fennfor any mormon lovers out there http://jmichaeloday.blogspot.com/2009/05/these-people-are-some-batsht-crazy.html02:03
katsmeowthings that catch one's eye : Its Penola project has a measured resource of 11,000 petajoules02:07
katsmeowroughly 30,000megawatt-years02:08
fennsome kind of geothermal power plant in australia? is this a mormon thing?02:09
katsmeowit is geothermal, i do not know if any are mormons02:09
fennuh.. ok02:10
fennwhat does "Its" refer to?02:10
katsmeowunsure, possible "joint venture partner "02:11
katsmeow~ 1/2 down on http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/business/story/0,,26034789-30538,00.html02:11
fennam i missing some link in the train of thought? was that just a random comment?02:12
katsmeowrandom comment, very sorry i brought it up02:12
fennok sorry for the misunderstanding02:12
genehacker2geothermal power works everywhere on earth, as long as you can dig deep enough02:13
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wrldpc2Mormons .. Morlocks ... hmm06:13
wrldpc2Both start with MOR!!06:13
wrldpc2MOR MOR MOR!06:13
wrldpc2the morlocks lived underground, yes?06:14
wrldpc2omgz correlation 06:14
fennmormons eat elohim06:45
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fennkanzure_: http://www.autistics.org/library/bingo.html14:12
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kanzure_so what exactly does this mean?14:38
fennit means you're too old to understand14:40
fennthis is how i feel when family guy is on14:40
kanzure_but his hand fell down the hole14:40
kanzure_hwo does vader have it?14:41
kanzure_cool telomeres made the 2009 nobel prizes14:45
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kanzure_met the guy behind dresden codak and another guy behind phpbb15:03
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kanzure_hey wrldpc2 16:16
kanzure_thanks again for everything16:16
wrldpc2the eagle has landed16:17
wrldpc2oh not a problem at all16:17
kanzure_ok i'm going to go get a burrito16:20
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kanzure_hey noah17:30
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kanzure_wrldpc2: you asked for music recommendations. http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/music/17:58
wrldpc2thanks, kanzure.17:58
kanzure_i think i'll use gnuplot for the business plan, or something18:37
kanzure_it would be fun to have real-time self-adjusting prices that match demand/supply to target goals in a business plan18:38
-!- ve [n=a@94-193-95-252.zone7.bethere.co.uk] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]18:55
katsmeow-afksegmented markets19:15
kanzure_http://dresdencodak.com/2006/12/03/dungeons-and-discourse/ 20:31
NoahjHeh 20:31
NoahjBryan, did you go to Singularity Summit? Apparently Aaron Diaz was there.20:31
NoahjToday at Fab Academy we did nothing except get various CAD tools working, and even though Adrian claims to hate .stl, you're right about reprap using it20:32
NoahjI've no idea what's up with that20:32
kanzure_aaron diaz, i mean20:32
kanzure_Noahj: yes i went. i also met david.20:33
kanzure_here are the people i met:20:33
kanzure_hm that's not updated20:33
kanzure_okay updated20:34
NoahjOoh, you met Stephen Wolfram 20:35
NoahjSTAR POWER20:35
kanzure_but gregory benford isn't star power? come on now20:36
NoahjIs "Kevin from 2600" /the/ Kevin from 2600?20:37
NoahjOr a non-Kevin-Mitnick Kevin from 2600?20:37
kanzure_non-kevin-mitnick kevin20:37
NoahjI don't know Gregory Benford, I'm not up on the science fiction scene 20:38
kanzure_he's an oldie in the scifi scene by now20:39
NoahjI'm still slowly trudging through Asimov 20:40
NoahjI tried a bit of Bradbury but it gets annoying when he's all luddite and incoherent 20:41
NoahjIt's intriguing but not really about the technology 20:41
drazakI think I almost bought a benford today20:45
kanzure_you can do better20:46
kanzure_but he's not terrible20:46
drazakI'm reading a stephenson21:22
drazakI read cryptonomicon21:23
* ybit just noticed the 'administering anesthetics to mice' thread again, didn't realize there were so many responses22:06
ybitit's kind of odd that it all boils down to one private org. which sets the rules on working with animals (aaalac)22:07
ybit  topright22:18
ybitGuide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals is available in pdf from nap.edu22:19
ybitsomeone must have it floating around on the interwebs22:19
* ybit should distract himself someday with thoughts on how to encourage science in children, in particular nephews/nieces (/me is about to be an uncle)22:23
ybitscience/rational thought22:23
ybitkanzure_: you have a younger sister, i'm sure you've given thought on the matter. katsmeow-afk, what do you think? and anyone else who wants to chime in22:24
NoahjSpend a lot of time reading the encyclopedia together, maybe?22:24
NoahjI think Kanzure has at least one page on this :-p22:25
ybiti laughed when i read that, but that actually may be fun :)22:25
ybitor at least you could find something they may find interesting and do some acitivity with that in mind22:25
NoahjKids love water-powered stuff and crystal sets 22:26
NoahjAnd all those little experiments like making spectrometers in cereal boxes 22:26
ybitand things that go 'boom'22:26
NoahjAnd graphite resistors 22:27
katsmeow-afkarc lamps22:35
NoahjMorse code22:43
NoahjAnd substitution ciphers22:44
NoahjI don't know if that's science-y enough 22:44
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ybitNoahj: that could be used for his/her clubhouse :)23:37
ybitor (/me hopes) their underground lab23:38
NoahjHe/she could have a pretty sweet clubhouse23:38
NoahjLike, a hexayurt, or something 23:38
NoahjCut one out of aluminum on a waterjet :-p23:38
ybitplease let me have a 'dexter' for a nephew or niece :)23:39
Noahj(not a hexayurt)23:39
ybithexayurts are neat, but they aren't in a tree, though they could be placed underground23:39
NoahjYeah, a steel box underground might be cool 23:40
NoahjYou could dig it out with a firehose, maybe? 23:41
NoahjI've no experience creating underground labs 23:41
ybiti really don't think they could be placed underground safely, ftr :P23:49
ybit...without modifications23:50
NoahjYeah, you'd have to put in ventilation and stuff 23:50
NoahjWhen I was a bit younger there was a little house under a hill in our backyard that had one of those round ventilation fan things on it 23:50
NoahjI'm not sure why, but, er, you could always put it aboveground and then put dirt on top 23:51
NoahjI think that's how this one was constructed, although I'm not sure, there were some trees growing on it, but it was pretty old as well 23:52
ybitor just construct an earthbag building for them to play in :)23:56
ybitthanks again bkero for mentioning this alt form of construction23:57
NoahjThat's a good idea23:58

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