
--- Day changed Tue Oct 06 2009
katsmeowi am not seeing it as better than a poured form, unless you can't do forms00:00
ybitkatsmeow: poured form?00:01
katsmeowmake form, pour concrete intoit00:01
katsmeowit's intoitively stronger00:01
ybitah, we have a witty one our hands00:02
* ybit is reminded of eddie izzard's "ah yes, i can be a funny man, see"00:03
ybit..one of his god monologues00:03
ybitwow, i'm going to hate myself for staying up too late, gn Noahj, katsmeow 00:04
katsmeowjust remember, you are building underground, figure 200lbs/cuft of dirt load, and for every bit of concrete youleave out, or don't have in contact with the next concrete, you have weakness00:04
katsmeowk, gnite00:04
katsmeowi wonder if i can make a cheap low tolerance roller bearing for a 20 deg oscillating load, using drill rod, and sealed simply by gooing it with plain silicone sealant00:09
katsmeowbecause basically, i suspect no matter what, i'll be replacing them often, and if they are 10x cheaper and i replace 2x as often, i am ahead00:12
katsmeowidiot bearing site: they organise the bearings by OD, and list the ID as radius00:24
katsmeowwhat size shaft? oh, .25 radius00:24
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bkeroBTW I got my bearings out :)01:41
bkeroExtraordinarily easy when you have the proper tools01:41
any73000628so they are replaceable?01:41
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bkeroOh my yes01:42
bkeroThere's just a dust cover, and beneath that there's a small retainer with 6 bearings.  My retainer was smashed.01:42
any730006286 bearings?!01:43
bkeroI just greased it up, added some floating bearings, and it's good again.01:43
bkeroSorry, 7 on one side.  9 without the retainer01:43
any73000628most just have one bearingon each side01:43
bkeroI meant 6 balls01:43
bkero7 balls01:43
any73000628that's about right01:43
any73000628so, you now have a good-as-new rear axle for cheap :-)01:44
bkeroWell, no01:45
bkeroThe outer races of the bearing IS the wheel01:45
bkeroand that had terrible pitting01:45
bkeroSo I had to get a new wheel.  WHich came with new axle, bearings, etc01:45
bkeroand was $2901:45
any73000628sonds right01:46
any73000628i bought new front wheels, tires included, for ~$6001:46
any73000628it was actually a bad deal for me, but i needed the rims and spokes, tire and tube, that as all01:47
* any73000628 waves gnites01:50
bkeroWheels include rim, spokes, and axle.  Mine also included a quickrelease mechanism.01:53
bkeroHad to get a crappy new tire01:55
genehackerflex bearings01:56
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genehackerCathal Garvey does Reprap and diybio04:41
kanzure_ybit: carissa just spontaneously started to memorizze the digits of pi (i think she's up to 200 now) and doing web development stuff. i didn't encourage it. i tried to encourage andrew to do stuff at a young age, but now he's just a business-only psychopath with no interest in anything except screwing people over.05:35
kanzure_ed boyden says: > The issue is: right now it's a lot of high-voltage debugging in05:37
kanzure_> person, for better or worse, and also a bit of microcontroller05:37
kanzure_> programming (but highly driven by the need for high-voltage05:37
kanzure_> debugging).  (Or would you want to come out for a few months,05:37
kanzure_> potentially??)05:37
kanzure_fenn: you should know him for http://forums.koalawallop.com/viewtopic.php?p=50341&sid=7dec9d4bdff43624f326cf1e87346ad4#p5034105:42
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kanzure_Noahj: i met ed boyden. didn't know he had a lisp.05:48
NoahjHm, I don't remember that05:49
genehackermind farming kanzure?05:53
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fennwebcomic characters twittering to other webcomic characters.. it's too much06:08
genehacker2uh oh06:15
fennheh "How long should you wait after poking someone on Facebook to delete your account if they don't say anything back?"06:16
* fenn wonders if anyone else thinks that's funny06:17
genehacker2whoever finds a pdf of this paper wins a prize06:17
genehacker2the answer to your question fenn is a day, which is equivalent to 2 weeks in internet time06:18
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fennprosthesis anchor technology.. apparently this is new? http://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/news-articles/0607/0607040106:25
genehacker2it's harder than it looks06:26
genehacker2think about a balloon06:27
genehacker2a tied off balloon06:27
genehacker2you want to a pipe into the side of the balloon06:28
genehacker2this pipe also has to transfer forces to the balloon06:28
genehacker2don't pop the balloon06:28
genehacker2this research is a big deal really06:29
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kanzure_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texhnolyze never heard of this10:34
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genehackerkanzure what's the name of that .net thing for linux?13:33
genehackermono right?13:33
genehackercan't install mono13:34
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kanzure_i wonder if the FBI has anything on me? http://foia.fbi.gov/foia_request.htm14:53
kanzure_oh or maybe this: http://foia.fbi.gov/waiver.htm15:02
kanzure_fenn: i'm trying to think of a way to use gnuplot to make up the graphs that todd wants from me15:09
kanzure_any hints? i was thinking of splotting cost per kit versus number of kits versus total funding, or something15:10
kanzure_really the function should be more complex than this15:10
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katsmeow-afkthey have data on everyone, 20 megabytes on each human on earth at *one* datacenter, as of 2005, by my estimates15:53
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katsmeow-afkpicture a warehouse, 3ft elevated floor, filled with racks of backplanes with racks of transmetas on them, so much ram the harrdrives are all merely backup, and a row diesels for power, and a row of diesels for a/c, rows as long as the building is16:00
katsmeow-afki am sure they have extended the building by now, and prolly changed out the hardware since it was a DOE project back then16:02
katsmeow-afkit had it's own trunk str8 to a local power plant16:03
katsmeow-afkthey found the diesels used so much fuel that it was optional to install a small nuke power plant for long term power, trucking in fuel would have been cost-prohibitive,, i was thinking "pipeline?"16:04
drazakwhy the fuck does fleanode have a server in luxembourgh anyway16:04
katsmeow-afki had pics somewhere, hopefully on a drive that's still working16:05
katsmeow-afki tossed out a terabyte of dead drives yesterday16:05
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katsmeow-afka 160, 2 300's, and a  25016:05
katsmeow-afkgot a dead 80 lastn ite16:05
katsmeow-afkfor luxembourghers?16:06
katsmeow-afk32 servers is a lot, i spose they haveto spread the load16:06
katsmeow-afkumm, now i am assuming you didn't mean freenode16:08
drazakuhm, yes16:09
drazak(18:44:21) [freenode] -christel(i=christel@freenode/staff/exherbo.christel)- [Global Notice] Hi all, we appear to be having some routing issues with our server in Luxembourgh, I'm going to jupe it for  now to prevent the constant bouncing. Affected users around 2300! Apologies for the inconvenience.16:09
katsmeow-afki don't see one in luxembourgh16:09
katsmeow-afkheh, maybe that's why16:09
drazakbecause they just huped it16:09
drazakjuped it that is16:10
katsmeow-afki saw Dusseldorf and Frankfurt16:10
drazakthings went down hill after lilo died16:11
* katsmeow-afk makes a note to tell her brain that the germans do not still occupy luxembourgh16:12
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r d0424e4 /geom/geom.py: working on a way to click on individual interfaces in the visualization front16:40
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 60db287 /doc/lists/adesign-library.yaml: more data from adesign16:40
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ybitkanzure: what are you blarghing over?20:02
ybitodd, my clocks are all funny, irssi says 20:04, xmobar is showing 19:5520:03
ybitand here's the kicker: it's 20:0520:04
ybitor was20:04
ybitcp -Rv makes my bosses happy. so note to anyone who has to deal with those who are slightly oblivious to the inner workings of nix, always use the visual flag so they think you are doing a god-awful amount of work while you read up on your favorite man page or something20:08
kanzurejust playing around with gnuplot to make the number-people happy20:10
kanzure"At least 17 startup and existing companies are in the sequencing20:18
kanzurerace, pursuing a range of third-generation technologies. Sequencing"20:18
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bkeroAnnounced my sr design project21:13
bkeroI get to make a job manager for a whole-genome sequence analysis cluster21:13
bkeroEasy stuff21:14
kanzurewhat does a "job manager" do that a kernel does not?21:20
katsmeow-afktask switching and gui overlays?21:28
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-!- kanzure changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: http//adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/skdb - the guts and volts of manufacturing21:47
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kanzureok, name for a company built around skdb? not "tangible bit"22:30
NoahjStuffmeister, LLC?22:31
genehackeranyway have you figured out how to make it profitable?22:38
NoahjMaybe MaterialMeister22:38
kanzureis that a suggestion22:39
kanzurethanks for your valued contribution22:40
fennbay-area rapid protofype friendly diy!22:40
kanzurerapid protohype22:40
fennthat's what i meant, yeah.22:40
fenndoes anyone have any fm-2030 books?22:46
kanzuretangobits ?22:46
genehackersounds good22:46
fennsmari will kill you22:46
genehackerdo you have something to sell or have you made a VC say wow! ?22:47
kanzurewhy do you care22:47
kanzurefenn: yes22:47
genehackerI want to be a developer for skdb or whatever it is if it works22:48
genehackerI just want to build stuff22:48
kanzureit already works22:49
kanzurejust do it.22:49
genehackerand make money doing that if possible22:50
fenntangible kits22:50
kanzureis that better or worse?22:50
genehackerdamn that's not taken22:50
fenntango is a latin dance22:51
kanzureyes but would smari kill me for "tangible kits" ?22:51
genehackerFerre- latin for to form or make22:51
kanzureno thanks22:52
kanzurehow about "deployables" ?22:53
kanzureor just "ployables"?22:53
ybitlab for atoms and bits, aka L.A.B.22:54
ybitlab.org is taken though, imagine that22:54
ybitare you going llc, npo, what?22:54
kanzurethis is the name for a business22:54
genehackerployables sounds like some weird scheme22:54
kanzureso, not an npo22:54
ybitkanzure: are you trying to get someone to fund you, or you already have the funding? why business and not npo?22:56
kanzurei sort of already have the funding but need a business front22:56
kanzureif this was 1997, i'd say "ekitment"22:57
kanzurenot available22:58
kanzurebitget.com is registered to 1307 Kinney Ave. #132, Austin, Texas 78704 (that's just down the street)22:59
kanzureok maybe kitgets23:00
genehackerstuff-net, your source for IRL items on the internet23:00
kanzurekitgets sounds better anyway23:00
kanzuregeneric philosophical comment!23:01
genehackerrandom wordlike character set!23:01
* ybit does the ben frankline asshole thing and finds some kid to fly a kite in this storm for experimental purposes23:02
genehackertoday that function is performed with lasers23:03
ybitholy crap, srsly sounds like there's an alien warship blasting ships from the sky23:04
kanzurea lot of .org addresses are available where the .com address is not23:04
genehackerPEW PEW23:04
genehackerMatter Compiler Inc.23:06
kanzurename must be uniquely googleable23:06
kanzurestop trying23:06
genehackerso you're going to get that domain name?23:07
kanzurewhich one?23:07
genehackerthe one that is local23:08
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genehackerkanzure do you want the inventory to a semiconductor fabrication lab?23:58
wrldpc2Data Matter23:58
katsmeow-afki bet someone it old to go find that tomorrow morning23:58

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