
--- Day changed Wed Oct 07 2009
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ybitgenehacker: yes, get keebler to make it out will ya?00:04
genehackeryup, exactly what I want to do00:05
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fennso nobody has any fm2030 books?01:20
fennthere sure is a lot of chatter _about_ him but very little actual content online01:21
genehackerthe frozen dude?01:30
genehackeraccording to wikipedia some of his books are now in ebook form01:31
fennah i'm a fool.. they list all his works as "esfandiary"01:35
fennhm weird. "There is a problem with your library record. Please see a librarian."01:37
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fenndon't ask me10:07
kanzuretranscript from ed boyden's talk: http://groups.google.com/group/diytranshumanist/msg/aaf0a01a3360008a10:11
kanzurehttp://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0408104 Title: On a group-theoretical approach to the periodic table of chemical elements10:26
kanzureit turns out that jonathan cline is already well known among the transhumanism community10:36
kanzurejames clement, for instance, knew him pretty well10:36
fenno rly10:36
kanzureyeah he's more into the SENS sector10:37
kanzureok how about fabuntu?10:45
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kanzurefabuntu it is11:32
fennfabuntu is the name of your company?11:36
kanzurewhy nto?11:36
fennum.. well.. do you even know what ubuntu means?11:36
kanzurefrom humanity to something11:36
fenn... right11:36
kanzure"    A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.11:37
kanzure"Ubuntu speaks particularly about the fact that you can't exist as a human being in isolation. It speaks about our interconnectedness. You can't be human all by yourself, and when you have this quality - Ubuntu - you are known for your generosity."11:37
fennyou've proven that you can copypaste11:37
fenni think it's a bad name11:40
fennat least for what you are trying to do11:40
kanzureeven canonical sells support for ubuntu11:41
fennyou are not canonical though11:44
kanzurei'm not Canonical enough or not canonical (the word) enough?11:45
fennthough ~= enough11:45
kanzureer, right11:45
fenni'm having one of those moments where every word looks like it's spelled wrong11:46
kanzure(i've actually never investigated canonical)11:47
kanzurethat's being organized by alex. don't know if i'm speaking there or not yet12:13
genehackerfabuntu sounds cool12:14
genehackerbut  it looks like it's taken12:14
kanzurenot really12:16
kanzureit has kind of fizzled out12:16
genehackersounds a little ripoffy if you ask me12:16
genehackerbut it's a cool name12:16
genehackeroh wait most people don't know about ubuntu12:17
kanzureor is it fab-oont-oo?12:22
genehackerhow about naming it after those chinese copycat barons?12:26
kanzuremaybe another name12:28
genehackerI would say U-fabit but that doesn't sound right12:30
kanzurea uniquely googleable name12:30
genehackertaken nvm12:31
fennisn't there some program to do this for you?12:31
fennthat wasn't what i was thinking, but meh12:33
fennit just makes awful RPG-ish names12:33
genehackerperhaps we could do something similar12:34
fennthat's the first not totally awful name yet12:34
genehackertake a whole bunch of combining forms that denote stuff and fabrication and randomely put them together until we get something good12:34
kanzuregod we suck12:34
kanzureweb 2.0 name generator http://www.dotomator.com/web20.html12:35
genehackerperhaps we could eliminate the ones that sound bad by taking into account vocal energy(IE how hard it is to pronounce a word, there are ways to calculate this, languages strive to minimize it)12:35
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fenni'm about to put you all on ignore12:38
fenngenehacker: do you remember about a year ago we had a bunch of names that i said it would be a good idea to write down somewhere?12:39
genehackerhow long ago was that12:39
genehacker and do you remember anything you said12:39
kanzureok i found it12:39
genehackerdang I think we had a good one too12:39
genehackerso what'd you find?12:40
fennanchor plz12:40
fennso much for saving to a file.. sheesh12:40
katsmeow-afkdrat, not only is makeiter a word, so is makeiterator12:41
genehackerI think I did save it12:41
kanzurefenn: i have logs on different machines12:42
kanzurefenn: the keyword is "autofac"12:42
fennwell i dont have it then12:42
genehackeroh yeah12:43
genehackerthat is the keyword12:43
genehackerwell I'm going to lunch12:43
fennthat is a short story by philip k dick12:43
katsmeow-afksounds car oriented12:43
genehackerthe autofac is also something from orions arm12:44
fenni'm sure they were referencing the story12:44
genehackergo read orions arm on backyarders12:44
fennif you have fabvi you have to have diyemacs12:49
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genehackeryou guys figure it out yet?13:28
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kanzurehey did anyone see this? http://www.fabbaloo.com/2009/09/wanna-git-skdbing.html15:17
bkeroA blog article on skdb?15:17
kanzurelooks like it15:18
bkeroFancy stuff15:18
bkerogg on publicity15:18
kanzurebut i didn't do it15:18
kanzure"fabget" could be used i guess15:23
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ybitone day, skdb.freefab.org will exist16:30
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kanzurei now officially hate the three letters 'f', 'a' and 'b' in consecutive order17:08
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kanzurewhat a terrible name17:33
kanzurei don't think "diy" should be in the name17:33
ybitdiy, fab, so cliche, and yet each domain in possession has those characters. guess the reason to grab them is because it's what immediately comes to people's mind17:44
* ybit was prescribed retalin, wonder how that will work out17:44
kanzureare you on ritalin right now?17:45
ybitnot yet, got the prescritpion today17:45
* ybit doesn't understand why the adrafanil worked the first day, but after getting little sleep consecutively for so many days, its effect was never the same17:46
ybiti even took over 1kmg one day, it just gave me a minor headache17:46
* katsmeow-afk notes the same effect17:53
katsmeow-afkon lesser doses17:53
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drazakybit: a what? kilomilligram? you mena a gram?18:07
drazaklearn fucking metric prefixes18:08
ybit1 thousand milligrams18:08
drazak1 gram moron18:08
ybitfor modafinil, the recommended dosage is 300 - 600 mg/day, for adrafanil it's the same18:09
ybitwell, 600 mg to 120018:10
ybitkatsmeow-afk: did you try adarafanil or modafinil?18:11
ybitgrr, excuse grammar18:12
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genehackerThe radioisotope battery can provide power density that is six orders of magnitude higher than chemical batteries.18:48
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bkeroIs it rechargable and cheap? ;)19:08
kanzurehow about19:34
kanzurei think i choked while pronouncing it19:35
ybitwhat about pybiomechautomate? ;)19:37
ybitor pyautomatebiomech or pamba for short19:39
ybitor just skdbus19:40
katsmeow-afkadrafinal, 300mg por un comprime` , it does help alertness, and 7-keto dhea gave energy, but the energy was shortlives, and i wonder if the boost in accuity now is trading it against the long term19:41
ybitssma "sudo make me a..."19:44
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ybitffuck, or flying ferrets utilize computers knowledgeably19:50
* ybit has always wanted a company to be called 'go fuck yourself'19:51
ybitah, the wonders of nnimap. what mua do you all use?19:55
* ybit thinks he has asked this once19:55
ybitfenn, i know you're a pine nut19:55
drazakmua? make up artist?19:55
ybitmail user agent19:56
ybitya know, gnus, mutt, pine and alpine, unix mail, etc.19:56
ybitcron + mua of choice is helpful if you aren't aware of it19:59
drazakin another channel I'm in uses muas for make up artists19:59
drazakit's a photography channel19:59
ybiter, i mean #photogeeks?20:00
ybiti'm in there as well :P20:00
drazakdo you know where I can find translations for ecce romani II?20:00
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ybitnot a clue, have you tried google eecce romani (II|2) +(torrent|ebook|pdf|rar|zip) ?20:01
drazakI'm googling it20:02
drazaknot finding much20:02
ybitp2p file sharing clients, usenet, or emailing and PMing people who may have it20:03
ybitand lastly to the library and scanning it yourself20:04
ybitor whatever it is20:04
drazakI have the textbook20:04
drazakI wnat the translations20:04
ybitooh, a latin twist on the name, i almost like if the implications of a dead language weren't tagged to it20:13
ybitit almost sounds japanese just because of the Wii20:16
ybitand when you think japanese, you have to think futuristic tech or perverted grown men, either way it's kind of intriguing20:17
ybit..in a weird oriental way20:20
* ybit finally got gnus working on this debian machine20:20
ybitwhat nntp server do you ladies and gentlemen use?20:21
ybitguess it doesn't matter20:24
ybitit wasn't gnus having problems, it was my imap server syncing properly 20:25
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ybitso i'm a little behind, but i did find it: http://www.newzbot.com/20:42
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genehackerwhat are you looking for?22:12
ybitgenehacker: more newsgroups with decent content22:47
ybitkatsmeow-afk: how much are you estimating to build your houseboat?22:47
genehackeroh nvm22:48
katsmeow-afkit's not classified as a houseboat, it's classified as a trimaran yacht22:50
katsmeow-afkhouseboats have a bathtub hull22:50
* ybit was looking at prices of yachts, it seems quite expensive22:51
ybitoh, genehacker, drazak was looking for a translation of eecce romani 222:52
ybitfor a damn cheap yacht...22:52
ybit22:41 <ybit> ~$8k starting off22:52
ybit22:41 <ybit> then you have to install solar ~$13k22:52
ybit22:41 <ybit> and you need to redo the broken down yacht ~15k^22:52
ybitmy terribly inadequate estimate22:53
katsmeow-afk15K is all? new engine, drive, prop, rudder willc ost you that much22:53
ybiti was waiting for you to correct my figures :)22:53
katsmeow-afkit's not all in materials, half the cost is it sittin on someone's land while you do the out-of-water stuff, and some sites charge $2k to take the boat out, and then $2k to putit back in22:54
ybitthat's another problem i ran across, marina fees22:54
katsmeow-afk$13k for solar is 2kw pointed directly to full noon sun , less if you buy more efficent panels to fit them all on the boat at once22:55
ybitrvboatlife mentioned some site in N.C. where you could stay two nights22:55
katsmeow-afkmarina fees to live quietly, no boat overhauling, is $350+22:56
ybit..for free, and i'm sure there's others22:56
* ybit knows nothing about boating22:56
katsmeow-afkFla has state parks with docks, you can tie up for the cost of camping for 30 days per park per year, and there's 13 parks on the Gulf/Atl22:57
katsmeow-afkand some inland22:57
ybitwhat price?22:57
katsmeow-afkafaik, you can legally drop anchor in nooks and crannies off the ICW, over nite, but expect the cops to drop in unexpectedly22:57
katsmeow-afk$2 - $5 / nite, iirc22:58
katsmeow-afkyou get to use a campsite if there are some free, and washing/restroom facilities on land22:58
katsmeow-afkbeware, some sites are under-docked, and people have been known to triple park their boats (crawling over yours to get toland)22:59
katsmeow-afkalso, for liveaboards, some Fla land communitied have been trying to outlaw dropping anchor in the ICW overnite, but their efforts have been overturned in court23:00
katsmeow-afkthere were a lot of marinas for liveaboards, but no new ones have been approved on 20 yrs, some old marinas still exist23:00
katsmeow-afkyou can expect boarding by cops to inspect the boat for everything23:01
katsmeow-afkyou better have land-based paperwork too, showing a permananent land-based residence23:01
katsmeow-afkif you go out of 200 miles EEZ, and return, they will jail you for indeterminate time (months) if you do not have passport on you23:02
katsmeow-afkmany marinas have some form of ethernet23:03
katsmeow-afkonce marina that looked interesting in Boston had pilings in their harbor with power, water, wired internet, for $300/mo, and pumpout boats came to you when you called23:04
ybitthis is good info katsmeow-afk, keep it coming please :)23:04
katsmeow-afknewpapers and mail couldbe delivered23:04
katsmeow-afksome marinas have a water taxi, so you don't need to put your dinghy in the water and worry about where to tie up to go get a pizza23:05
katsmeow-afksome have mailboxes, and at least a few will open and fax your mail to you23:05
katsmeow-afkland bases satinternet is cehapcompared to boat-basedsatinternet, because of the dynamic pointing requirements and saltwater intrusion problems, expect to pay $k's more for boat-based23:07
katsmeow-afk50ft seems to be a general length break point for marinas for dock tieups23:08
katsmeow-afkhauling out a 50ft boat is expensive, most sites cannot haul a cat or tri out for any amount of money23:08
katsmeow-afkmost marinas are shallow, if you have a sailer, it better have a retractable centerbd23:09
katsmeow-afkmost marinas want liability insurance, some will not allow docking of a hull that overhangs or juts under a dock23:09
katsmeow-afkmany have 2 forms of power: 20a@120vac, or 50a@240vac , you pay for which you want, price per kw is individual per marina, most are unmetered23:11
katsmeow-afkif they see you liveabd and have an ac, expect to pay a lot23:11
katsmeow-afkyou do not want to swim in a marina, the water will be fouled with anti-algae boat paints and prolly sewage23:12
katsmeow-afksome marinas are first-come, most charge reasonable for months, double for day rates, and a month off for a yr paid in advance, no refunds23:13
katsmeow-afkkeeping up with wildlife protected areas will be a serious pita, all of SE Alaska coast became federally protected sea otter habitat today, no idea what that means for small boaters23:14
katsmeow-afkif a cop plane ovreflies you in the everglades area, and sees you kicking up silt with the prop, they WILL send a boat for you and WILL take your boat from you23:15
katsmeow-afkif you anchor in coral *anywhere* in usa waters, expect to lose your boat23:16
katsmeow-afkthere are two protected coral banks south of the Ms/Lo line way out in the Gulf23:16
katsmeow-afkthe *entire* keys from Miami almost to Tampa is in multiple overlapping protections23:17
katsmeow-afkif you are in the ICW with a sailer, be prepared to demast to clear inoperative lift/swing bridges23:18
katsmeow-afkif you think you see a huge area of clear water you can sail across for any reason, doesn't mean you can, it may be military training ground,, err, water23:19
katsmeow-afkthere's numerous munitions dumping grounds off Fla, and btw it's illegal to be on the water with out CG charts of the water and bottom23:20
katsmeow-afkyou drop anchor on a bomb and it detonates, it's your fault23:20
ybitalmost certain to have some questions for you tomorrow, thank you very much for the info katsmeow-afk23:22
ybittime to call it a night here23:22
katsmeow-afkLake George in Fla has a nice state park on it's entire west side,, the lake was also training grounds for aerial torpedo and bomb dropping23:22
katsmeow-afkduring WW1 and 223:22
katsmeow-afkin between and after23:23
* katsmeow-afk waves gnites to ybit23:24
-!- tarbo2 [n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo] has quit [Connection timed out]23:25
katsmeow-afkmost bays, estuaries, etc can be deceptive in : currents, depth, tide flows23:25
katsmeow-afkmost have wrecks, these wrecks may cost you an anchor when it get tangled23:26
katsmeow-afkin related new, LosAngles will be dredging it's bay and depositing 400,000cu yds of fill on a 3 mile long swath to cap over 130 tons of ddt off the coast there, expected operations 2010-201223:28
katsmeow-afkre: right of way of sailing boats: does not apply to comemrcial boats avoiding you on the oceans/gulf or in dredged areas, they may cut your boat in two, or swamp you with 20ft waves, and do not haveto throw you a life vest23:29
katsmeow-afkand it's generally illegal as hell to anchor anywhere on the mississippi shores now, due to mesh retaining mats being hauled up with anchors23:30
katsmeow-afkmany smaller rivers, beware of barge "trains", they geenrally park along the shore at dark, they will not see your small boat, will not call out on the radio,23:32
katsmeow-afkand have more than enough tonnage to mash you into the river bottom permanenetly23:32
katsmeow-afkit's happened23:32
katsmeow-afkit's up to you, whereever you are, to park where you are not an obstruction to anyone else23:33
katsmeow-afkor they may park on you23:33
katsmeow-afkthe Atl is a bigplace, the area from Bahamas to Mediterranean is often used as military training grounds23:34
katsmeow-afkdo not expect emergency signalling equipment to work, especially the kind that automagically transmistts when it gets wet23:35
katsmeow-afkit may still work, but transmit it's burp while underwater, and do so only once, despite the blinky lites23:36
katsmeow-afkthee's 2 bands of emergency alerts, one is being phased out 08/0923:36
katsmeow-afkdon't buy a cheap alert system for a band no one is monitoring23:36
katsmeow-afkanything on a tower, mast, flying bridge, may be fried by lightning, keep handheld stuff clear of the permanently mounted electronics stuff23:39
katsmeow-afkif you do not have a radar reflector, it's your fault for getting yourself run over23:39
katsmeow-afkmilitary ships arenot required to avoid you23:40
katsmeow-afki have video where they don't even avoid themselves23:40
katsmeow-afktechnically, there should be someone at all times scanning the horizon, meaning awake at the throttle to get out of someone else's way23:41
katsmeow-afksome boats do a min awake, 10 min sleeping, i hear it's rough23:41
katsmeow-afkit is not rare to snag a submarine in a net, and they will keep going and likely pull you under23:42
katsmeow-afkno matter why you are fishing, there's strictly enforced catch rules, know what fish you just caught and if yo can keep it at the time of catch, and have fishing permits for that location23:44
katsmeow-afkbasically: CYA and scour the internet and CG stations for rules, you will be small fry and easy to put in jail23:45
katsmeow-afkhave 2 sat positioning systems, they better agree if you have any question about where you are23:46
katsmeow-afksome countries that may accept you with open arms last yr, may not this yr23:47
katsmeow-afkif you goto another country, clear customs, have radio gear for that place23:47
katsmeow-afkthere's flotillas of private boats in some places, like from Fla (Jax, Miami, etc) to Bahamas , because of pirate attacks23:48
katsmeow-afkyou hit bottom , in some places, in some countries (Bahamas, Bermuda, etc), you goto jail23:49

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