
--- Day changed Mon Oct 12 2009
katsmeow-afkybit, weather coming to you soon02:00
katsmeow-afkProduct quality of our company steady noise low air blower have wind amount heavy.02:33
genehackername generation problem solved02:44
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drazakah yes07:41
drazakELISA here I come07:41
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kanzuremeeting with ms. atacama at 2 pm today08:52
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kanzurehello Trooem 09:03
Trooemwow hey09:03
Trooemthat was fast09:03
Trooemor is this somekind of autoscript09:03
kanzureno, it's me09:04
Trooemoh nevermind09:04
kanzurehowever some people suspect that i might be entirely made up of an autoscript09:04
Trooemso i saw your facebook profile09:04
kanzureit's just a bunch of crap09:04
Trooemyou're a big guy09:04
Trooemim intimidated lol09:04
Trooemsorry imon my umpc, writing on a foldable keybaord it sucks09:05
Trooemultra mobile micro pc type of thing09:05
kanzuremy fingers are too big for those09:05
Trooemsony ux series09:05
Trooemhaha yeah you a big guy09:05
Trooemi'm the little marketing asian dude so how is that gonna work for a partnership09:06
Trooemim devising plans at the moment09:06
Trooemto get started earlier09:06
Trooemwithout risking yours or my head09:07
Trooemoh yeah i shouldn;'t talk on irc09:07
Trooemabout it09:07
kanzureyou get to be the ninja, remember?09:07
Trooemhaha i guess so09:07
Trooemyou can be the giant minotaur with the battle axe09:08
Trooemand super intelligence LOL09:08
Trooemi'll be the discreet illegal one err09:08
Trooemwith ninja stars09:08
Trooemi shall send you a email shortly,,...09:10
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Trooemgtg get some sleep bbl09:22
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kanzurehe likes to talk09:35
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drazakmmm elisa and pcr10:14
drazakI forgot how much I can get done if I spend a whole day at the lab10:14
drazakI can run the gel for the pcr today, perfect10:15
genehackerthat's productive10:15
drazakand I can go out to lunch while my elisa incubates and my pcr runs10:15
kanzuretwiddling your thumbs while the pcr runs isn't what i call being productive :)10:34
ybitany67878480: madison is about one hour east of me, right beside huntsville. i must have slept through the storm.10:35
* ybit is off work today for columbus day :P10:37
ybitthink the bosses were taking off to do something today, so they needed me to. you know it's not very important if google doesn't change their logo :)10:38
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ybitwhat do you guys do away from the computer? do you allot some time for play?10:40
fennno. fun is prohibited10:41
ybithehe, seriously, i feel like i'm unproductive by just sitting at the computer 24hr/day, my mind starts to wonder and i lose motivation to do what it is that i started out to do10:42
ybitso i thought that maybe splitting my day into chunks would help, 3hrs of productive work, 1.5 hours of playtime away from the computer, repeat 3x10:43
fenndoes anyone else find it ironic that they only broadcast "sunrise earth" around dawn localtime10:43
kanzureno we just find it sad10:43
fennybit: try tai chi10:44
ybitfenn, thanks for the reminder, i forgot to look that up. some guy @ a hackerspace was mentioning that to me. very interesting guy who graduated from g.tech a long time ago studying a.i. and worked at nasa ames10:45
ybithe was also big into chinese medicine10:45
ybitfenn: but what do you do?10:46
ybitalso, some guy gave me an email address to some transhumanist girl in washington or maybe it was oregon, i should probably email her and get her in here 10:46
ybitbkero, drazak, kanzure, what about you guys?10:49
ybitdrawing on his 35 years of training in qigong and his western scientific background as a physics professor and PhD in ME...10:54
ybitspiritual enlightment..well that just ruined it10:54
fennybit: cry myself to sleep, mostly10:56
fennqigong is all about spiritual crap10:57
fenntai chi is strictly practical, unless you're american10:57
kanzureybit: s/wonder/wander/ ?10:57
fennybit: also it's quite possible you have an unproductive environment.. TV going, people interrupting or even just in the same room can be distracting10:58
fennor IRC that blinks at you whenever some idiot says something10:59
kanzurei feel like i'm tripping over myself when writing code with django10:59
kanzuredjango is not pythonic, i'm sorry10:59
fennanyway computers are time sinks, so you probably are wasting your life if you try to use them meaningfully10:59
fenndjango sucks11:00
kanzurei have all these hacks11:00
kanzurewhat are these people thinking though?11:00
kanzurethere's so much hype around this11:00
fennwhat are you thinking? why are you using it?11:00
kanzureif i wanted to hack together spaghetti code, i could just spit out bullshit php11:00
kanzurei'm using it because people have recommended it to me i guess11:00
fennhow about something like cherrypy11:00
kanzurewhat happened to pyjs and pyjamas-desktop?11:01
fennthats just for fancy UI desktop metaphor bullshit11:01
fennmaking HTML is altogether different endeavor11:01
kanzurei looked at it the other day and it wasn't what i expected11:02
kanzurei thoguht it had some way to generate gtk guis from something, and then generate html from that same something11:02
fennit's basically python bindings to google web toolkit11:02
fennand it's really slow, which i guess doesn't matter really11:02
ybiti'd always thought that if i were to use a python web app framework, i'd go with pylons.11:16
ybitfenn: crying yourself to sleep doesn't sound like a fun activity :P11:16
ybiti don't have blinking lights or beeps on this computer, i get to highlighted messages when i feel like it11:17
ybit+for IRC11:18
drazakkanzure: I wasn't really twidling my thumbs, I did some of the ELISA and then ate lunch11:33
drazakboth are noble causes11:33
ybitmore suggestions for acitivities which help to refresh the mind?11:38
ybiti don't advocate it, nor do i plan on doing either, but the day after being high or spending the entire day gaming, you feel like such as waste of humanity, the next day you (or at least i) spend the entire day being productive11:39
fenndon't take it for granted11:40
fenni can go weeks without doing anything productive :P11:41
drazakI can't go more than a few hours without doing something productive11:41
bkeroybit: sure11:43
ybitbkero: go on..11:43
bkeroybit: Invite her in here?11:54
ybiti thought you were about to comment on 10:49 < ybit> bkero, drazak, kanzure, what about you guys?12:06
drazakwhat was all that about12:06
drazakI missed the question12:06
ybit10:40 < ybit> what do you guys do away from the computer? do you allot some time for play?12:07
ybit10:42 < ybit> hehe, seriously, i feel like i'm unproductive by just sitting at the computer 24hr/day, my mind starts to wonder and i lose motivation to do what it is  that i started out to do12:07
ybit10:43 < ybit> so i thought that maybe splitting my day into chunks would help, 3hrs of productive work, 1.5 hours of playtime away from the computer, repeat 3x12:07
drazakI dunno man12:08
drazakI just do whatever crap I have to do whenever I have to do it12:08
drazakI set timers12:08
drazak"need t4o change antibodies in an hour"12:08
ybiti think the problem here is that i'm not seeing progress. i probably should use org-mode more thoroughly to chart out my progress. right now, i'm disappointed in that i don't see many projects being completed. 12:10
drazakI don't even know what projects I'm working on12:10
drazakI come in and every time dr. lee changes his mind12:10
ybitwhen i mention productivity, i'm referring to coding, designing, experimentation, and reading/acquiring knowledge 12:11
drazak"lets work on x" next week "lets work on y" the week after "I wanted to look at Z" the week after "lets loook at X again"12:11
kanzuregoalism is over rated12:12
ybitbut i suppose there are more ways to be productive, that's all i'm listing atm.12:15
ybitdrazak: i suppoe what you are saying is you just do and don't think too much into how productive you are12:16
ybitkanzure: and you are saying that becoming too goal orientied can waste in itself, aka meta-rot12:16
ybitbe wasteful*12:16
fenn<- goalie12:16
fenni was the star of my soccer team in first grade12:17
drazakif you have like 6 goals that you work on relatively simultaneously then you're nmot being wasteful12:17
kanzuredon't goalies *stop* goals from being achieved?12:17
fennkanzure: why do you have to be so negative!!!12:18
kanzuremaybe you were a bad player12:18
ybithe was the star for the other teams ;)12:18
fennit's true... i made it all up12:18
fennthose bastards never kept any records.. how am i supposed to brag about my accomplishments if they won't even publish my victory?12:19
ybitthey published my stats online and then deleted them12:19
* ybit had one of the top 5 batting average in the southeast junior olympic league at one point :P12:20
ybityay! i can brag now and look idiotic, w00t12:20
ybitmore braggin? okay. i had a baseball scholarship and lost it because i was showing off my dunking skills and ruptured a disk in the lower back region, probably the best thing that ever happened to me12:23
fennhttp://fennetic.net/irc/album_0093.jpg  see see i'm a real human, honest12:24
ybit..because i realized i wouldn't be playing sports and started pursuing my other passions: science.. read all i could and got up to speed on a lot of stuff those months while lying in bed, it helped that the local library would bring me books whenever i needed them (was a ref. librarian at the time of killing my back)12:25
ybityour pads are on backwards :P12:25
ybitwere you in the 'special' league ;)12:25
* ybit also played soccer growing up12:26
kanzurewe all played soccer?12:27
ybitit doesn't matter, but at that age, you should be playing with a size 3 ball12:27
kanzure.. why?12:27
ybitparents pushed for it12:27
* ybit guesses12:27
fennbecause they didnt do kickball in little league?12:27
fenni think i started playing soccer with the international grad students from the chemistry department12:29
fennpostdocs and stuff, at summer barbecue12:29
ybiti remember mentioning some really cool science projects to my parents several times and each time i was told "oh that's nice, shouldn't you be outside playing some ball" no lie. 12:31
ybitwanted to build a hoverboard once when i was ~7 and my grandfather just lied to me instead of explaining to me that he didn't know.. i eventually figured it out and wanted to plug a small motor to the skateboard, and they wouldn't go with it. 12:32
ybitbut you can't blame the parents for everything, i could have found interests in other things i suppose, which i did: videogames > computers > programming12:32
* ybit did have a chem set growing up, and a basic electronics kit as well. so it all wasn't put to waste, just not very efficient12:34
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CIA-23djangit: kanzure master * r6f47ad1 / docs/architecture : urlconf resolution plan (next: write unit tests for urls) - http://bit.ly/TvGjT12:42
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drazakkanzure: you must not read many diybio threads, I feel that most of the people on diybio are stupid enought o use those sorts of interfaces14:32
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ybitkanzure's presenting a better way of doing thing things imho, though it simply is just an alternative to what you recommended drazak. there are over 900 people on the list, i'm sure some will prefer your method drazak14:39
drazakI'm not saying to nto add the functionality to add programs and all that14:40
drazakI'm saying that her idea of making ti select different running variables based on the primers is retarded14:40
kanzure"A Team of Advisers, including from the Moon Society, is assisting the Air Force in Chile in designing a modular analog research team to simulate activities on both Moon and Mars in the Atacama desert near the growing complex of world-class observatories there. This collaboration has been arranged by TATA, The Astronaut Teacher Alliance based in San Diego, already involved in planning outreach for the new Inca del Sol Observatory.14:41
kanzureThe command module will be the wingless fuselage of a surplus Hercules C130B cargo plane. Additional modules may be soil-shielded Quonset huts (simulating buried cylinders). The design is in flux, but they have a firm target date for initial deployment of March 2010. "14:41
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ybitkanzure: you never went on to explain your work with the atacama desert colonization project14:42
kanzure"the design is in flux"?14:42
kanzureybit: i can do better than that.. i have all of my logs from all of my chats on that project over the span of 3 years14:42
kanzurebut don't bother reading it, it's really not that good14:43
kanzureanyway the plan was to go to the atacama and rebuild most of civilization from scratch14:43
kanzureit was part of a philosophy (calxism) that roughly translates as "goalism"14:44
kanzureso i and two others (sean, kurt) werew orking on this full time for a while14:45
drazakwhat is atacama14:48
kanzurea desert in chile14:48
genehackerdid you plan on building compressed air dome cities14:48
genehackerthe driest place on earth drazak14:48
genehackersupposedly even bacteria have trouble living there14:48
drazakdefinitely the place I want to live14:49
* drazak eyerolls14:49
genehackerthe spice must flow14:49
kanzureso we were planning the whole infrastructure, writing code and discussing philosophy (i don't know why)14:50
kanzureit has no relation to the current project14:50
ybitcalxia.com is dead14:50
kanzurebut srsly, thanks lazyweb14:50
kanzureyeah it's been dead for a while14:51
ybitso this calxism is?14:51
ybit14:44 < kanzure> it was part of a philosophy (calxism)14:51
ybitjust wondering what this calxism was14:51
ybitit's a saying for how the project progressed?14:51
kanzurei'm going to move the index file to a .bak file so you can see the files in that directory14:52
kanzurealright, have fun14:52
kanzurethese were from 2005, the timestamps lie :(14:54
genehackerhow would the atacama project work?14:54
genehackermassive water recycling, greenhouses, robot factories?14:55
kanzurethey're using this: http://cdn-www.airliners.net/aviation-photos/middle/1/7/7/1195771.jpg14:55
kanzurebasically if i was to go back now and redo the idea of calxia i'd basically say "ok implement a space habitat on earth, using skdb as the backend"14:56
kanzurethat's basically the idea.14:56
kanzurebut i got into the calxia idea before i was thinking straight about skdb14:56
genehackerok well talk to me later14:56
genehackerI have to g14:56
ybitso it's monday, kanzure, do you have time to help start this diy-h+ archive? :)14:59
kanzurei'm not at the lab today. i think i should just upload files manually.15:00
kanzureer, not manually, but from here15:00
ybitdjangit for mercurial15:01
ybitnot sure how nice it really is though15:02
kanzureoh it's in python :)15:05
kanzureah, cherrpy15:05
ybitholy crap, aye?15:05
ybitor am i the only one who says 'holy __' anymore? :P15:07
ybithttp://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4039164/Mythbusters.S06E06.MacGyver.Special.PROPER.HDTV.XviD-FQM :: mythbusters macgyver special15:14
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ybitthis works better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p55A9SYrqCE15:21
kanzure retrofit MMARS habitat with necessary infrastructure (Peter Kokh, Dan Fouts, Ben Husset and local talent);15:23
drazakMy ELISA results look good, but the increase isn't significant15:30
* drazak sighs15:30
kanzure"This group will work on a paper to introduce the idea of an International Lunar Research Park with key roles for Contractors, Enterprises, and Academia along with the various national space agencies. The goal is to set up something that over time will naturally morph into the 1st lunar settlement."15:34
kanzureDave Dietzler?15:34
bkeroThat sounds like a place I could escape my persecution.15:35
kanzureDave Dietzler <pioneer137@yahoo.com>15:36
drazakfuck ELISAs15:36
drazakI want an ELISA machine15:44
bkeroMake one :P16:03
bkeroIf something is worth doing, it's worth doing yourself :P16:03
kanzureben husset seems to be the author of the "moon miner's manifesto"16:07
kanzurehttp://freespaceshot.com/ free trips around the moon (only for kids <13 yrs)16:09
drazakbkero: I have nfc how16:10
kanzureoh snap16:12
kanzureso that's who this "peter kokh" guy is?16:12
kanzure"Peter Kokh joined NSS, then NSI (National Space Institute) as "Life Member #2" shortly after it was founded by Werner von Braun in 1974."16:12
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kanzuredoes anyone have a git2hg tool laying around?16:23
ybitwanting to give hatta-wiki a shot?16:27
ybithttp://hg-git.github.com/ 16:30
ybithttp://wiki.darcs.net/RelatedSoftware/Tailor is what you are looking for kanzure 16:33
ybithttp://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/ConvertExtension there16:33
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kanzureybit: i'm going through some old emails.17:44
kanzure2005-09-01: 17:44
kanzuresacha chua emailed me17:44
kanzureso there.17:44
drazakdo any of you knwo hwo to do a ptest?17:45
ybitkanzure: um, okay, heh. what'd she want? 17:53
kanzuresomething for her article18:06
kanzureabout productivity tools?18:06
kanzuremy first CFD book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0070016852/qid=1134278131/sr=2-2/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_2/002-7227723-2284041?s=books&v=glance&n=28315518:06
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ybithi bct_ 19:07
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drazakybit: do you remember orgchem?19:13
ybitof course.. not :)19:16
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bkeroawesome ms paint.  Thanks wikipedia.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Prophage.JPG19:39
kanzureTotal 4745 (delta 2942), reused 2044 (delta 1139)20:23
kanzureimporting Git objects into Hg20:23
kanzureabort: Not a directory: /home/kanzure/local/hg-git/skdb-hg/doc/todo/TODO20:23
kanzure(not that it matters)20:27
kanzurebonus points for whoever can figure out when the real comments stop and the bots start20:52
kanzurethe last few comments get pretty sophisticated20:52
kanzurefenn: it wouldn't be the end of the world if different developers put their skdb packages in different repositories20:56
kanzurebut are you going to insist that all packages that i make be git?20:57
kanzureer be in a git repo20:57
kanzurei'm trying to sort out the architecture needed for the website20:58
kanzuredefinitely a gallery of projects, and the documentation pages etc. would be under revision control20:58
kanzurebut those projects/packages could just as easily be on other wikis somewhere20:58
kanzuremaybe the web front should be a front-end like aptitude except for hardware?20:58
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kanzurei wonder why http://kaixin001.com/ (a popular chinese social networking site) links to heybryan.org21:29
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genehackeryour papers21:33
genehackerthat's why21:34
ybitso kanzure, you are switching to hatta-wiki?21:36
fenngit can be converted to hg and vice-versa, but it's not something you want to do all the time21:37
ybitfenn: have you two talked about switching? 21:37
fennespecially because the conversion will probably get flubbed by us amateurs all the time21:37
ybitdjangit to hatta?21:37
fennybit: no, i don't even know what hatta is, besides samrose likes it21:37
fennall i remember is not being terribly impressed21:38
ybitokay then, what's all this conversion stuff for?21:38
fenn"are you going to insist that all package tht i make be git?"21:38
fennsmari thinks it's OK for no two developers to speak the same language21:39
fenni think that's a bunch of crap21:39
kanzurei'm kind of embarrassed about how terrible djangit's codebase is21:40
kanzurecherrpy is nice and sweet21:40
fenninsecure as hell though21:40
kanzurebut hatta-wiki is hg-only. although it wouldn't be too hard to replace its 6 calls to mercurial21:40
fennis hatta good? i mean comparable to dokuwiki?21:40
kanzureanyway, why did we need a web front?21:40
fennso ignoramuses can contribute21:41
kanzurewhat do you mean "contribute"21:41
kanzurea front end to a package validator/checker?21:42
kanzureok what else is on thes ite21:42
kanzure*the site21:42
fenna list of packages, renderings of cad files, links between packages and idioms21:42
-!- strages_ [n=strages@c-76-29-231-141.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:42
fennuser pages, wiki-like howto crap21:43
kanzuredoes it bother you that we don't actually have any content to display on said site?21:43
fennlook at the todo list21:43
ybitso hatta or djangit?21:43
fennit's not an either or choice21:44
kanzureyour git repo is compatible with both21:44
kanzure(er, more or less)21:44
ybitright, but the site is using which?21:44
fenndon't ask me21:44
kanzurei'm perfectly ok fixing up djangit a bit more, it's just going to look like shit21:45
kanzurethe advantage of this is that other django apps can be dropped in to add "functionality" to the site21:45
ybityou tell me which one to work on21:45
kanzureyou're working on something?21:45
kanzuredjangit, fix its bullshit21:45
ybitabout to21:45
ybitare you sure that's what we want?21:45
ybitit may be quicker to use hatta if it's had more development time21:46
fenni don't see anything particularly alluring about django, but kanzure seems to think it's worth something21:46
fennall i really want is a html/python template system21:46
kanzurei used to hack together these websites in php that were absolutely terrible21:47
kanzurebut they were mostly a templating system21:47
kanzurewith cracks and crannies filled in with database queries21:47
ybitfenn: /me is in the need of such a system as well21:47
kanzuremysql_connect, mysql_select_db, mysql_query, mysql_fetch_array, is all one ever needed to know.. back in 2002.21:48
fennsome html_repr method wouldn't be too awful?21:48
ybitbut i don't want to work on two systems, so i'll implement whatever it is that fabgalaxy implements :)21:48
fennthe hentai video game where you make the perfect fembot21:48
ybitthough i must say you might get a lot more people interested in it, if only because they were mislead to believe they would receive something else21:49
ybitaka nerds implementing 'mad science'-like gal21:49
ybiter, weird science*21:49
kanzuredo we really not have any useful content for a website?21:50
fennguess i'm a perv.. i have a thing for chii21:50
kanzurei tried to get into chobits once,21:50
ybitplenty of content21:50
kanzurebut it was hard without reading the manga or watching the anime21:50
kanzureybit: where?21:50
ybitthe interwebs21:50
kanzureno i mean in skdb21:50
fennyeah i tried playing with computers but using a mouse or keyboard is just too hard21:51
ybitkanzure: you ready to walk me through the directory tree?21:51
ybitnow i have something to do, get paths.py working21:52
kanzureit's mostly self-explanatory21:52
kanzuredo any of the folders not make sense?21:52
* ybit just took a look. nope21:53
ybitlooks self-explanatory21:53
-!- strages [n=strages@c-76-29-231-141.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]21:53
ybitand plus iirc, most of smari's work is in clients21:53
kanzureand inventory? maybe21:54
ybitkanzure: what were you saying about combined.dat?21:55
kanzurei was asking if you have that file21:55
ybitoh yeah, it's there21:56
ybitthe complaint is about def units_happy(self, call_string, rval):21:56
ybitthat function21:56
ybit  File "/home/heath/projects/skdb/core/units.py", line 60, in units_happy21:56
ybit    raise UnitError, str(call_string) + ': ' + str(rval)21:56
ybitskdb.core.units.UnitError: pi/2 radians: Unknown unit 'pi'21:56
ybit*** glibc detected *** python: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x09f59270 ***21:56
kanzurethat complaint still happens?21:56
kanzureif you look at combined.dat do you see "pi" in there?21:56
ybityeah, i haven't looked at it since the other day21:56
kanzuresupplemental.dat there?21:57
kanzuredo you have units installed yet?21:58
ybitheath@togetic:~$ pastebinit /home/heath/projects/skdb/core/combined.dat21:58
ybitthere's supplemental_units.dat21:58
ybityes, i have units installed21:58
kanzurecheck it for "pi" in supplemental_units21:58
kanzureunits '2pi'21:59
kanzureunits -v21:59
ybitheath@togetic:~/projects/skdb/core$ pastebinit supplemental_units.dat 21:59
kanzureis togetic still online?21:59
ybitheath@togetic:~/projects/skdb/core$ units '2pi' Definition: 6.283185321:59
ybitheath@togetic:~/projects/skdb/core$ units -v21:59
ybit2411 units, 71 prefixes, 33 nonlinear units21:59
kanzureunits version?21:59
kanzurei have 1.8722:00
ybit units --version22:00
ybitGNU Units version 1.8722:00
kanzurecheck /usr/share/misc/units.dat on line 58122:00
kanzuresorry line 75722:00
kanzure(just search for 3.14)22:00
ybitcirclearea(r)   [m;m^2] pi r^2 ; sqrt(circlearea/pi)22:00
ybitthat's l58122:01
kanzureline 757 is more important22:01
ybiti see22:01
kanzureis it there?22:01
ybitit recognizes pi, we knew that from units '2pi'22:01
* ybit wasn't trying to offend ya. come back! :P22:05
fennpi/2 radians is from threads.py right?22:05
fennor are you running paths.py?22:06
ybitfenn: i'm trying to run paths.py22:06
fennhmm SetRotation22:07
* fenn blames kanzure22:07
ybitseems it's from geom.py22:08
ybit/home/heath/projects/skdb/geom/geom.py:    def SetRotation(self, pivot_point=Point([0,0,0]), direction=Direction([0,0,1]), angle=Unit("pi/2 radians")):22:08
ybit/home/heath/projects/skdb/geom/geom.py:    def __init__(self, pivot_point=Point([0,0,0]), direction=Direction([0,0,1]), angle=Unit("pi/2 radians"), parent=None, description=None):22:08
fennpaths.py shouldn't even be using geom.Transformation22:08
fennkanzure: i haven't run it in a month or so, so if paths.py doesn't work it's probably something you did22:09
ybitthe traceback: http://pastebin.ca/161712422:09
ybit  File "/home/heath/projects/skdb/geom/__init__.py", line 1, in <module>22:09
ybit    from geom import *22:09
ybit  File "/home/heath/projects/skdb/geom/geom.py", line 123, in <module>22:09
ybit    class Transformation(gp_Trsf):22:09
ybit  File "/home/heath/projects/skdb/geom/geom.py", line 166, in Transformation22:09
ybit    def SetRotation(self, pivot_point=Point([0,0,0]), direction=Direction([0,0,1]), angle=Unit("pi/2 radians")):22:09
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-146-74.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]22:09
fenni'm guessing somewhere in the mountain of steeming doodoo that is OCC_shape22:11
fennomg why does skdb take 10 seconds to load22:14
fennybit launch a python shell and do import skdb; angle=skdb.Unit("pi/2 radians")22:15
ybitgood call22:16
ybitsame error22:16
fenni don't get any error. why?22:19
* ybit grabs the latest22:20
ybitwell, that didn't do anything :P22:21
ybitL22-37 might be of relevance 22:26
ybit..of units.py22:26
kanzurefenn: paths.py crashes for me because of driver issues. when i reboot into 2.6.26, it works just fine22:27
ybitheath@togetic:~$ cat /proc/version 22:31
ybitLinux version 2.6.26-2-686 (Debian 2.6.26-19) (dannf@debian.org) (gcc version 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.2-25)) #1 SMP Wed Aug 19 06:06:52 UTC 200922:31
-!- strages_ [n=strages@c-76-29-231-141.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]22:31
ybitcan you do that?22:43
* ybit thought you were supposed to give two characters if you use -22:44
ybitam looking at sci = '([+-]?\d*.?\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?)22:46
* ybit doesnt' like cathal garvey's lack of citing sources22:49
ybitwill a few of you send me stats from ping -c 3 http://ybit.ath.cx23:06
ybit3 or more23:07
fennybit: http://pastebin.ca/161719923:09
ybitty fen23:10
fenndigital camera noise fingerprinting: "Fridrich's lab analyzed 2,700 pictures taken by nine digital cameras and with 100 percent accuracy linked individual images with the camera that took them."23:10
kanzureit kind of sucks though23:38
kanzurewhat's the point?23:38
kanzurevarious crappy blog posts: http://blogs.seds.org/oed/23:39
ybittake your pick for a name: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creation_myth23:45
ybitor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mythological_creatures look at See Also23:52
-!- any67878480 is now known as katsmeow23:59

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