
--- Day changed Thu Oct 15 2009
kanzure(in pure python)00:41
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ybitskdbkits.com is available09:49
ybitasis skdb*, e.g. skdbhelp09:50
ybitwrldpc2: i've a long-time friend living in boston btw: http://cs-people.bu.edu/house/ you'd get along with him well09:52
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fennkanzure: https://sourceforge.net/projects/exp-engine/11:29
kanzurerecent development activity11:30
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fennaccording to BOFH, the outage was caused by bogon emissions12:22
kanzurepoor bogon12:25
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kanzurefenn: apparently 30 min14:03
fennkanzure: the idea was to also write a "proper" version and see how long that takes14:07
kanzurewhat's the right way?14:17
kanzurenon-php version?14:18
ybitkanzure: package was just dropped off, i forgot to get bubble wrap or paper shreds from my house this morning, so i just used what was lying around in my car, so you might find random receipts and papers, the contents of the package is a drive and sata cable14:59
ybitwhat are you two trying to do now?15:00
fennhe's trying to distract me with wsgi bullshit15:00
fenni just want a simple easy to understand python<->html module15:01
fenncherrypy seems to be it.. (continues reading)15:01
fenncherrypy+cheetah that is15:01
fennwe want something that doesn't run a new process every page request15:02
fennwell, at least not load every module every time15:02
kanzurecherrypy supports mod_wsgi so it looks the same to me15:03
fennplease just shut up about wsgi unless you can explain it better15:04
kanzurewell i guess we can use fastcgi15:04
kanzurethat seems to make sense to me15:05
ybitkanzure: what's it for?15:11
ybitskdb web-interface?15:11
ybitor genebay?15:11
kanzureybit: sure why not. it's mostly just me cooking up more spaghetti code and trying not to15:12
fennwish every website had this: "cgitb – Displays nice tracebacks when errors happen in of CGI applications, instead of presenting a “500 Internal Server Error” message"15:16
fenn"But mod_python has some problems. Unlike the PHP interpreter the Python interpreter uses caching when executing files, so when changing a file the whole web server needs to be re-started to update."15:20
kanzurethe tutorial kind of just stops at wsgi and doesn't explain how to implement something that uses mod_wsgi15:20
fennok so mod_python sucks15:21
fennwe don't have to implement wsgi, that's what i've been saying over and over15:21
kanzurei didn't say we have to implement it15:21
fennfastcgi is basically what i described in the first place, a 'thing' which runs in the background and talks to the server15:23
fenni don't understand why wsgi is a python PEP15:25
fennit should be a w3c standard or something15:26
kanzurew3c doesn't deal with server stuff apparently15:26
kanzureer, do they?15:26
kanzurethis seems to be what i needed: http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ConfigurationGuidelines15:27
ybiti'm writing stuff for genebay to be hosted on google app engine unless there's a better host? 15:29
ybiti take that back15:32
kanzurehow about adl.serveftp.org15:32
ybitTerms of Service: 4.2. A bill will be issued to your online account for all charges accrued in excess of the Fee Threshold. For use of the Service in excess of any portion of the Fee Threshold, you shall be responsible for all charges up to the amount set in your online account, and shall pay all charges in U.S. Dollars or in such other currency as agreed to in writing by the parties. 15:32
ybitalright, i'll put it up there15:32
ybitkanzure: could you make a writeable folder in /var/www titled genedive?15:33
ybitwriteable for my user15:33
kanzureone second.15:37
kanzuredirectory already exists?15:38
fennybit: why can't you do it yourself?15:38
fennsorry i am poking around behind the scenes15:38
fennybit is in group 'lab' so should be able to make a new dir15:39
ybitfenn: you are right, my memory fails, i thought i didn't have write permission15:40
fenncheetah is kinda weaksauce15:41
fennyou have to do sth like nameSpace = {'title': 'Hello World Example', 'contents': 'Hello World!'}15:41
kanzurewell it works now15:42
fennoh this is better: t2.contents = 'Hello World'15:43
kanzure check out /home/bryan/code/wsgi/test.wsgi and see it running here: http://adl.serveftp.org/app/test.wsgi15:43
fennok weaksauce comment retracted15:43
fenni still dont know why you are messing with wsgi15:44
ybitrobot arm you can purchase at thinkgeek, $49: http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/science/b696/15:47
ybitkanzure, fenn: do you know your bloodtypes?15:52
ybitfsck grammar15:53
fenni think i'm AB15:53
fennaka "my blood will kill you"15:53
fennand even if it isn't, that's my story and i'm sticking to it15:53
ybitoh yeah, i also shipped another package sometime today to you guys, it's for both of you and it's addressed to Bryan Bishop (because it wouldn't let me address both of you and I figured the apt is in that name), anywho it should be addressed to SKDB Technologies :P16:40
* fenn hopes they aren't "special" brownies16:50
fennyou know, the kind with ex-lax in them16:50
drazakfenn can accept my blood16:53
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* ybit wants to know exactly how these eldon cards work17:22
ybit accept my blood17:24
ybit accept my blood17:24
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ybitfor anyone who doesn't know what i'm talking about: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=eldoncard+blood+typing+test+kit17:24
drazakit's just antibodies17:26
ybitit's not listed on birth certificates as rumor would have it17:33
fenngenehacker: i don't get it.. you'd have to hook wires up to every trace in order to plate the17:37
genehackerpoint is17:43
genehackerit works17:43
fennwhy not just print over copper clad and etch away the parts you dont want?17:48
fenneven the solder extruder idea was better17:49
genehackerbecause copper clad is expensive and copper sulfate is cheap17:53
genehackeralso 10^10^10^717:53
genehackeris the number of estimated multiverses17:54
fenno rly17:59
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kanzure[Thu Oct 15 18:18:59 2009] [error] why are we using something that's not even in debian (python-graph)?18:19
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r 24cc81f / (__init__.py core/part.py): cleanup prints18:22
* ybit wonders if spanish lessons are even worth the time18:26
drazakgenehacker2: by saying that you just created 10^10^10^7th multiveses18:27
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ybithttp://genshi.edgewall.org/wiki/GenshiPerformance , http://www.makotemplates.org/18:51
kanzurei am having some issues with buffet: "expected string, tuple found". but buffet says to use a tuple18:51
kanzureand cherrypy wants a string :(18:51
ybitstop cross-posting for god-sake! ;)18:55
* ybit is off to watch a one-man show -_- where the actor supposedly imitates me at some point, damn my acting history and stupid social situations where my presence is required18:55
fennstupid life getting in the way18:56
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kanzurefenn: there's also haml19:53
kanzurebut i have cheetah working now.19:53
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CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r 2549972 /clients/web.py: simple cherrypy web interface to skdb20:09
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ybitand i survived remarkably20:41
* ybit trys out the cherry py interface20:41
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ybitwtf, "hi there, 1" isn't an interface to skdb :P20:42
kanzurei'm not sure how i want to set up the urls20:51
kanzurei was really liking the idea of making all of the keyword arguments at the end of the url string20:51
kanzureso: /some/page/goes/where/edit would lead to an edit page20:52
kanzurebut with cherrypy i guess i have to do list(**kwds).reverse().pop() or something to check the command (or at least the left-most "reserved word" in the url string) when a page doesn't match anything else 20:53
kanzure(so that would be in the default method)20:53
kanzurebut is that wanted? do we want this to be a wiki?20:55
kanzureor am i doing it wrong again?20:55
kanzureok i don't know where that idea comes from anyway. project aggregation doesn't require a wiki frontend for everything21:01
ybityou have to make it usable for non-programmers, there are non-programmers that could contribute to the db. of note, i was listening to some VCs complaining today about how there's a lot of great oss out there, but none of it's easy to use (no gui)21:12
kanzureshow them ubuntu21:14
kanzureok, so what would you think is "user friendly"?21:17
kanzurestuff like that?21:19
ybitstuff like http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Swimming_Hole&action=edit21:30
kanzurethat looks disgusting21:31
kanzurewhy not just http://en.wikipedia.org/The_Swimming_Hole/edit21:31
ybitthat's preferable, but it's not the url that mattters, it's giving non-coder something to work with in their browser21:32
kanzurethe url doesn't matter?21:32
kanzurewhy do people use is.gd, bit.ly, tinyurl.com and other crap all the time? :(21:32
ybitbecause twitter only allows 140 characters21:33
kanzureno, people use them in other contexts for some reason21:33
ybithttp://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Swimming_Hole&action=edit is ugly long url but people still use it21:33
ybitsometimes they use it on irc because some people have mobile devices with small screens while IRCing21:34
ybitbut the person doesn't remember the url obviously, the use a search engine to find the page which directs them there21:35
* ybit goes back to comparing mako and cheetah21:35
kanzurecheetah is pretty decent, what do mako templates look like?21:35
ybithttp://www.makotemplates.org/ actually has an example21:36
ybithttp://www.makotemplates.org/docs/syntax.html there we go21:37
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genehackergah disconnected21:55
kanzurethere's a way to be connected all the time21:56
genehackercellphone internet?21:56
genehackerthe system broke down today21:57
kanzureno you can use your ssh login to have irc open all the time21:57
kanzureand then just log back in when you want to check things21:57
genehackerbut what about black swans?22:00
genehackerI'm not going to be connected all the time it'd be impossibe22:01
kanzuredon't you have a login to adl.serveftp.org?22:01
genehackeralso does campbell's software work22:03
genehackereven just a little22:03
genehackerI'm wondering about having the rube goldberg team use it22:03
kanzure"Isn't it interesting how some people scold us for working to keep software free while those who keep theirs proprietary get a free ride?"22:28
genehackeradesign correct?22:33
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kanzuregenehacker: http://graphsynth.com/22:42
kanzureadesign doesn't work any more22:42
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katsmeowall the electricity ran out22:42
kanzurefenn: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/legos/stewartsmall.gif have you seen this?23:03
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kanzureso much for an "import warning" being just a warning?23:35
genehacker2have you figured out how to import lego blocks from lego cad software yet?23:35
kanzureyes but it's stl only23:36
genehacker2not only import em' but how they fit together?23:37
kanzureyou shouldn't do that with stl23:38
genehacker2I know23:38
kanzurebut yes23:38
genehacker2stl shouldn't be used23:38
kanzurehave you made any step files of lego parts yet?23:38
genehacker2then can I put my lego printer into skdb yet?23:38
genehacker2I didn't know that was a task that needed to be done23:39
kanzureyeah we only have a handful of legos23:39
kanzurebut more would be nice23:39
kanzurethere's a master catalog here:23:39
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