
--- Day changed Thu Oct 22 2009
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bkeroAnybody have experience with audio stuff?02:22
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ybit21:08 < kanzure> something about training under turtle master roshi10:04
ybit21:10 < kanzure> also a better picture of the interesection problem would be hawt (also the graph exported in yaml)10:04
ybiti ran into another error last night after knocking myself out for bed (nothing significant i'm sure), i'll have to take a look this afternoon, not sure exactly where the paths.py graphs|yaml are located if created either, but if you don't tell me, i can find out i'm sure10:06
ybitinteresting bits of conversation last night it seems10:07
ybitbkero: what kind of audio stuff?10:07
kanzureheh what if we allowed only digital power tools in the instruction generation? no qualms about twisting screws and other bullshit, just "attach. press the button." (we can assume press-the-button is something we don't have to teach, right?)10:08
kanzureybit: under the menu there should be a "save" thingy. it doesn't generate yaml but it does make a file called output.dot i think10:09
kanzurethe problem i've been having with instruction representation is that in some cases you want to break it all the way down to force-body diagrams10:11
kanzureand in those situations, it is not ideal for human consumption10:11
kanzureyou can't quite tell a human, "apply a torque in this direction".. well, you could, but that kind of sucks10:11
kanzure(and fenn likes to bring up another problem with that, which i presently forget)10:12
kanzurebut with digital power tools, a single button press works just as well10:12
kanzureany kinematic mechanism that needs to implement the motion that the digital tool does, can and should10:12
kanzurebut we don't need to represent its motion :) yay10:14
kanzureif someone makes a motion representation library and people can easily understand what the motions are, then motion comparison, equivalence, and augmentation would be nice to have, but i don't think we should rely on it when we have discrete solutions already (like power tools)10:16
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kanzuremaybe i'll write a "motion bootstrapping library"- starting with the most simple motion to understand, and work a path out to more complex motions that amplify human strength (like by using simple machines that you have constructed)10:18
kanzurein the mean time it is too complicated to figure out which "simple motions" are required to build a power tool, or acquire one from the hardware store10:18
kanzuredoes anyone want to model up a consumer power toolset for skdb?10:19
kanzureybit: what time are you arriving in austin?10:43
kanzureybit: larry (travel dude) suggests going through phoenix. i need to know when you'll be arriving in austin so i don't leave before then.10:48
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bkeroybit: Some amps12:07
katsmeow-afkthis is often done by mechanics : [10:14] <kanzure> you can't quite tell a human, "apply a torque in this direction".. well, you could, but that kind of sucks12:15
katsmeow-afkat least, by intelligent ones12:15
katsmeow-afkstupid ones say "turn it this way" and demo the direction, and the part is often over rotated12:16
katsmeow-afkre: motions to get power tool: some Ai projects have done this already, if i can remember which ones12:18
katsmeow-afkdone in the 60's even,, Erasamon?12:19
katsmeow-afkunder the ehading of "how to get from outside the window looking in, to inside the building beside the table" and such things12:20
katsmeow-afkshortest linear direction wasn't acceptable : thru the wall12:20
katsmeow-afki think Cyc did it too, for function/action domains: HowToEatInRestr......12:22
katsmeow-afkfastfoodtakeout vs sitdowninside , etc12:23
katsmeow-afk<1> lets got do drivethru McDonalds12:23
katsmeow-afk<2> car required12:23
katsmeow-afk<1> ok, lets steal that Bentley12:24
katsmeow-afk<2> check fuel12:24
katsmeow-afk<3> ok, everyone pick a window to climb thru12:24
katsmeow-afk<1><2> done12:24
katsmeow-afk<3> the window i picked wasn't open, but i managed12:24
katsmeow-afk<4> you guys are in the wrong Bentley12:25
katsmeow-afk<2> we need a driver12:26
katsmeow-afk<3> how do we see outside from this position?12:27
katsmeow-afk<1> my locker key won't fit the ignition12:27
katsmeow-afk<5> are we there yet?12:28
genehackera power tool set?12:28
genehackerKanzure, you know what you should do about that?12:28
genehackeryou should ask some engineering students to do it for you12:28
katsmeow-afkno, for the steps required for almost anythng a human would do12:28
katsmeow-afkfor sitting down at table: requires a sit-on-thing12:29
genehackerhow do you determine if the power tool can reasonably fit into the space?12:29
katsmeow-afkknow the dimensions12:32
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CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r 5f74ae3 / (6 files in 2 dirs): dot repo file utilities and tools14:02
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ybit10:43 < kanzure> ybit: what time are you arriving in austin?16:58
ybitwell, i was thinking of coming in on thursday and spending a day there so i wouldn't have to get up so early for a fligth on friday, i'll look at the flight times and get back with you16:59
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ybit10:48 < kanzure> ybit: larry (travel dude) suggests going through phoenix. 18:03
ybitthis phoenix? http://www.phoenixair.com/home.php18:03
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ybitnew papers: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/unsorted/?C=M;O=D18:44
ybitthe last error last night http://pastebin.com/m3bc0b11918:45
ybithttp://ybit.ath.cx/code/problems/ has an example of what i was talking about yesterday, these legos can't fit together, or at least i'm not seeing how this is correct18:59
ybitnotice both connectors for the legos don't have holes, if the cylindrical shaped lego had a hole in one of its connectors or whatever you call them, the rectangular lego might be able to fit into that.. 19:03
ybitthis isn't always, the case, the past two times i've rant it, parts match up just fine19:18
ybitignore comma splice and s/rant/ran19:25
* ybit notices that 'connectors' are actually called anti-studs in this case19:30
ybitdiff anti-stud stud-cup?19:49
ybitanti axle?..19:50
ybit    anti stud: !lego_feature19:52
ybit        comment: this typically has 3 or 4 contact points, but is not round19:52
ybit        complement: [stud, technic stud]19:52
ybit        example: 300519:52
ybit        technique: press_fit19:52
ybit        kinematics: revolute19:52
kanzureybit: feel free to come earlier. i don't know when i want to arrive, i guess the 5th.19:57
ybitany good recommendations on drafting/eng drawing? maybe there's a huge flippin' glossary with these terms20:00
kanzurethe reason why cgraph.dict doesn't have self.interface1.part in it is probably because you commented it out on a previous problem.20:02
kanzureall of those images in http://ybit.ath.cx/code/problems/ look absolutely fine to me20:03
ybitkanzure: nope, this is a fresh skdb install20:03
kanzureybit: these terms come from the LDRAW book (yes there's a book)20:03
ybitonline and free?20:04
ybitVirtual LEGO: the official LDraw.Org guide to LDraw tools for Windows20:06
kanzurei saw it on austin talley's shelf, he's one of the been-there-forever grad students at the MAD LAB.20:06
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ybiti don't think that's the book, or at least google isn't finding 'anti-stud'|"anti stud" in it20:13
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ybitdirty mind activate! http://www.ldraw.org/gallery/album01/lcd_18a.gif20:21
ybitalex never responded, i'm guessing he isn't interested as you suspected kanzure 20:35
ybitnor did he join the om mailing list20:36
ybitinfolibs.com available20:36
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ybitoi strages_ 21:06
ybityou going to phraknic?21:06
kanzureybit: fad-lab.com21:15
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