
--- Day changed Wed Oct 28 2009
kanzuremust needly optimize00:00
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fenn"We were made for each other, Baby. Nothing can keep us apart." This was the last thing she would ever say to me. 00:51
splicerI guess she was wrong then01:16
splicer...or it could be as a friend once put it that "women are evil in it's purest form"01:17
splicer(present company excluded of course)01:21
katsmeow-afkyour friend still wrote off 50% of the human population on the planet01:21
splicerhe had encountered a specimen that made a big impression01:22
* katsmeow-afk nods01:23
fennsplicer: no actually she died01:26
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kanzurenot sure what to do in these situations: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/screenshots/2009-10-28-captcha-breaker-2.png09:38
kanzurebest idea i can come up with is to have a NN detect when there are multiple letters present in a rectangle and request a new captcha09:39
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kanzurehttp://code.google.com/p/openmanufacturing/ ugh?10:13
genehackerwhy are you trying to break captcha's?10:42
genehackerare you perhaps trying to start a spam empire?10:43
kanzureit's because i can't read them10:49
genehackerwhy can't you read them?10:53
genehackeranyway I think a program that could read graphs would be much more useful10:54
kanzurehave you seen these captchas? they are getting harder and harder to read11:00
kanzurelook at the captcha on this page: http://random.irb.hr/signup.php11:00
genehackerwhat website are those captcha's from11:00
kanzurethe captcha in my screenshot is a simulation of phpBB 3.0.5's captchas11:01
kanzurephpBB 3.0.5 has a script to generate captchas so instead of querying an active forum installation,11:01
kanzurei took the script out of it and wrapped it into my own code11:01
genehackermake a program that solves these and you win the internet11:03
kanzurewhy's that11:03
kanzurenot too hard: there seems to always be two horizontal lines11:03
kanzurewhen they intersect a vertical line, don't remove the horizontal line11:03
genehackerthey aren't always horizontal11:04
kanzure(er, the pixels from the horizontal line)11:04
kanzurewhat's so hard about this11:04
genehackerfiguring out what a line is11:04
genehackerand what's a letter11:05
kanzurethe lines always start at the lef11:05
kanzure(or the right)11:05
kanzureisn't this like a day-1 programming class problem?11:05
kanzurethe part i'm stuck on is whether or not to resize the individual letters, or if i should construct some sort of feature vector, before i dump it into the neural network11:07
kanzureyeah even here this guy uses a resize method: http://code.google.com/p/breaking-captcha/source/browse/src/GuessCaptcha.cpp11:09
kanzure"deprecated, boo go away" well nevermind11:09
genehackerwoo, NASA's new ares rocket took off11:12
genehackeranyway pattern recognition is supposed to be a major compsci problem11:18
kanzurecaptcha breaking is far from a major computer science problem11:20
genehackerthen what's the point of a captcha if computers can break them?11:20
genehackerI don't see much practical use for captcha cracking11:21
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genehacker2since you are doing some pattern recognition work, do you know if there are any good programs for recognizing humans?12:32
genehacker2or even better making a UAV not hit trees12:33
genehacker2ybit remember that software I was talking about?12:59
genehacker2well I found it12:59
kanzurethere are programs that recognize faces, if that's what you mean12:59
genehacker2they don't say how it works13:00
genehacker2I know, let's get the university to buy that software for us!13:00
kanzurewhy not just go download opencv13:03
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fennwhy bother automating with advertisemets like this: "captcha typing teams for 24/7 ready. Rate $1.25 for 1K, up to  100K captchas per day"14:17
fennmaybe i should hire indians to be my spam filter14:21
fennhah "ai seduces ignorant humans to evade captchas"14:23
fennthese news stories are starting to sound srsly sf14:24
fenni love that they named it 'melissa'14:24
fenn(the original, not the captcha breaker)14:29
kanzurefenn: mitch pryor is looking for emc people to make larry page a controller for his two-arm coffee-making robot in his kitchen (well, it's at pickle, but larry wants it in his kitchen)14:54
ybitskdb made it to MAKE :)14:56
ybithttp://elementsofhumanity.com/#/video/entry/25/ :: the video clip of the diybio.org site for a split-second shows 'skdb' :)14:59
kanzurei find it inappropriate that "mackenzie cowell" is "the human element"15:13
kanzureworst ad campaign ever15:13
fennthis reminds me of the evil hacker's pasocon from chobits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejROvUC-gWU15:18
kanzurei like receiving emails from the pidgin development list15:25
kanzurevery often students in college come on the list and ask which bugs they can work on, for a class project, etc.15:26
kanzureanyway nice to see something going right15:26
kanzurematt suggests voronoi path planning for captcha breaking15:26
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fennfor some reason i read 'mitch pryor' as 'mitch kapor'15:32
fennthat had me confused for about a half hour15:32
kanzurelotus doesn't care for you either15:33
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fennkapor ran away from lotus after it mutated into a corporate giant15:34
fenn(and then founded the EFF)15:34
fennhe's a nice guy15:34
kanzurenice of him15:34
kanzureso apparently fenn's mind reading apparatus isn't limited by geographical distance?15:34
fennum. no, it isn't. the coincidence density function simply favors colocality15:35
* kanzure hasn't been plotting coincidence density15:36
fennone dataset to rule them all15:36
fennone schema to bind them15:36
kanzurematt wants me to make a "super translator" for gxml, sysml, yaml, functionCAD, .repo, etc. :/15:37
fennis there any code there?15:39
kanzurei don't know why paul hates skdb15:39
kanzurethere's some code here though: http://code.google.com/p/openvirgle/15:43
kanzurebtw i more or less have a "clean slate" for any paper to be written with matt15:49
kanzurecan anyone think of anything paper worthy?15:49
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fennjust about anything you can think of, by the looks of it15:54
fennrepresenting soap-opera plots with social network graph grammar rules15:54
kanzurehave we done that?15:56
fennthose little humanoid robots are exactly the sort of fiddly plastic crap that reprap would be good at making15:56
fennminus gears and electronics of course15:56
kanzuresorry did i drop some packets?15:57
fennwe're logged in to the same server15:57
kanzureso when did we do soap-opera plots?15:57
kanzureand what does this have to do with little humanoid robots?15:57
fennoh sorry i'm still stuck on http://file.mujaki.blog.shinobi.jp/cw_090921.JPG15:59
fenn(from http://clockwork.shikisokuzekuu.net/ but it's getting pounded)16:00
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r a3c5d2d /thirdparty/graphsynth.py: partial xml reader for graphsynth.py Graph class16:00
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r 89f60b6 / (22 files in 6 dirs): web development stuff needs to be under a repository16:00
fennand i'm reading the book "makers" which incidentally was released for free today file:///home/fenn/book/Cory_Doctorow_-_Makers.html16:01
fennwell i'm sure anyone can find it if they try16:01
fenni do sort of wonder what sort of social institutions must be in place in order for one guy to manufacture something like this http://www.geekalerts.com/u/manga-robot.jpg16:16
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kanzurewhen your most popular pop star is named "lin minmay", things become possible17:11
ybit"A method for promoting momentum" john christie17:22
ybitand the book 'disciplined minds' that paul keeps talking about, i'd like to take a look at both 17:22
ybitd.minds is non-existant on the interwebs it seems17:23
kanzurefenn: ybit has been meaning to ask you about omnifab i think17:23
ybiti think i did last night when i was sleep deprived17:24
ybithadn't heard back, but that's okay17:24
ybitthink the only thing i wanted to know is if you two would be willing to change the name of skdb to omnifab... since omni = all, and skdb is about gathering all the engineering knowledge, it kind of makes sense.. but i'm fine if it doesn't17:25
* ybit naps before diving into code17:26
ybitwell, the questions i asked last night were related to the video17:47
* ybit had some lucid dreams last night, something about trazodone and ritalin that causes this, i have them everytime i take the stuff17:48
ybiti can still recall the flippin awesome dream scenarios17:48
ybitit was pretty cool, i was in what seemed like the future and there were these super people who able to change into their transformer state whenever they wanted. and there was a really idea of an elevator17:49
ybitthe only thing missing from it being an elevator was doors17:50
* ybit was about 100 stories up on some platform.. the guy was demonstrating it, but was terribly wicked17:50
ybitthe idea was that you jumped where expected the elevator to be and suddenly a cloud like object would zoom at nearly the speed of light to where expected it to be, then it would just as quickly take you to your destination17:52
kanzureyou're either missing words or you just suck17:52
kanzure"to where expected it to be"17:53
ybityeah yeah17:53
ybit"you" is missing twice17:53
ybitno matter where you jumped it would immediately recognize where you were going and allow for a soft landing... this is all well and good until you realize that if the operator didn't like you.. he would allow you to just fall and not activate this cloud to zoom upward and catch you :P17:53
ybiti also remember last time i was on this stuff, my face was being beaten with some metal object by what looked like 'sting' from wwf/e 17:54
ybitanywho, good sleep, over 12.5 hours of it, and the only reason i got up was because i knew i had to leave in 5 mins for work17:55
ybitso next time, maybe i won't take as much and i won't fill up the channel with nonsense :)17:55
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fennso he just wants to change the name, is that all?18:03
fenn(to omnifab)18:04
kanzuretbh i don't know about name changing18:04
kanzure(but i'm certainly ok with omnifab.org existing or possibly being the name of the business i was hoping to do)18:05
fenni never liked the name skb anyway18:05
kanzuredid i come up with it?18:05
kanzurei was sorta blaming it on you18:05
fennno i was calling it 'autogenix' remember?18:05
kanzurefor some reason we stopped that?18:05
fennautogenix was the distribution name, i guess18:06
kanzurenames names names18:06
fennyeah :\18:06
kanzurei wonder if i can somehow avoid null terminating the name of any child i might one day have18:07
kanzure<-- too much C programming?18:07
kanzuredo we want to rename skdb? the only reason i'm slightly against this is because (even with grep) it's a pain in the neck18:07
fennnobody looks at the code anyway :P18:08
kanzurei wish you were joking18:08
fenna massive sed isn't very hard18:08
kanzurehow do you make sed avoid .git/ ?18:09
fennone way you could do it is backup the .git dir first18:09
kanzureso you prefer omnifab?18:11
fenni'm biased; after reading 'skdb' millions of times over the last year18:12
kanzurei don't know which way you are biased18:12
fenntoward not changing18:12
kanzurei guess even gaim changed its name. although that was over a legal matter18:13
kanzureybit: it'd be hot if you let me try using omnifab as the business name/front for skdb :)18:14
fennomnifab.com is a company.. hm. well whatever18:14
kanzureprecision sheet metal fabrication18:15
kanzurenot terrible18:15
kanzureno photos? hmph18:15
ybitlink, link please18:18
genehackerhow about we change the name everyday to confuse people18:18
kanzuregenehacker: on wednesdays it will be called, "flying spaghetti soup"18:18
genehackeralso carbon fiber is hard to assemble by hand18:21
genehackeralso it's quite awesome, argh, why does the military have to make it so expensive....18:21
ybitthere are no trademarks for omnifab18:23
ybitseems the company owns those as well18:23
ybitor maybe not, they all seem to be in diff locations18:23
ybiteither way, our product is different18:24
genehackerthere are no trademarks for omnifab?18:24
genehackerare you fucking kidding me?18:24
genehackerI don't believe it18:24
genehackerhow could such an awesome name go unused18:25
ybitgenehacker: did you see http://omnifab.org/index.html18:25
fennwell i guess that's a vote in favor18:26
kanzurewe're voting?18:26
kanzurei thought keeping the names separate was fine?18:26
fennwe're playing duck duck goose18:26
* kanzure shifts his eyes nervously18:27
* fenn wonders what noise geese make18:27
ybitthat's too much like what we are doing :|18:27
fennso the monster sweet potatoes are more starchy than sweet18:28
fennif anyone was wondering... (i bought a five pound potato the other day)18:28
kanzureybit: omnifab layout has been added to skdb18:34
kanzurei was trying to remember how to do pure CSS gradients but i forget18:34
kanzurecan't be "web2.0" without a gradient18:34
* katsmeow-afk heard bird sounds18:35
ybitkanzure: did you see http://ybit.ath.cx/omnifab/images/bar2_120.png ?18:37
ybitcan't recall if i sent you that link18:37
kanzurewhat's the point of this image?18:38
ybitit was going to be the navigation bar color18:38
ybitkatsmeow-afk: i realize it isn't two colors18:38
ybitor multiple colors*18:39
ybitnot sure why index.html fails to read my mind successfully18:39
kanzureyou should use the code in the repository18:39
kanzurei basically copied most of what you had18:40
kanzureexcept simplified it and removed some absolutisms and cruft that inevitably builds up with CSS18:40
kanzurewith CSS it's more of a guessing game if something is going to work or not18:40
kanzureso you end up with lots of needless attributes that have to be flushed out every once in a while18:40
ybit copy clients/templates/IndexTemplate.tmpl => web/styles/speech.css 18:40
kanzurenope that's a lie18:41
ybitdid you actually make these css files, /me checks18:41
kanzurei just did "touch"18:41
kanzureand since IndexTemplate was blank, it figured it was the same thing18:41
kanzureanyway, IndexTemplate should have something new in it18:41
kanzureIndexTemplate.tmpl i mean18:41
ybitheath@togetic:~/projects/skdb/web/templates$ file IndexTemplate.tmpl 18:42
ybitIndexTemplate.tmpl: empty18:42
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r 2d10936 /web/templates/IndexTemplate.tmpl: index template18:42
kanzurethat's right, don't move and rewrite at the same time18:42
ybitwell that saves me some time tonight18:43
kanzurebe sure to run:18:43
kanzurecheetah compile IndexTemplate18:43
kanzurealthough i think web.py does that for you now :)18:43
ybitCheetah *18:43
ybitstupid caps sensitivity18:44
ybitsee the following for an example18:44
ybit>>> import cheetah18:44
ybitTraceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>18:44
ybitImportError: No module named cheetah18:44
ybit>>> import Cheetah18:44
ybit>>> 18:44
kanzureoh was i doing it wrong?18:45
kanzureno i seem to say from Cheetah.Template import Template18:45
kanzurecheetah has command line utilities, is what i was referring to18:45
ybityou weren't, i was just correcting 18:43 < kanzure> cheetah compile IndexTemplate18:45
kanzureno 18:45
kanzurecheetah compile18:46
ybiti have cheetah-compile18:46
ybit$ cheetah-compile IndexTemplate.tmpl 18:47
ybitCompiling IndexTemplate.tmpl -> IndexTemplate.py18:47
ybitsee it worked18:47
katsmeow-afkOptimizing the design of mechanical components18:47
katsmeow-afkfor reliability and cost18:47
kanzuresounds like one of matt's papers18:48
katsmeow-afkRobert Tryon*, Animesh Dey* and18:48
katsmeow-afkSankaran Mahadevan{18:48
katsmeow-afk*VEXTEC Corporation, Brentwood, TN, USA.18:48
katsmeow-afk{Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA.18:48
ybitmy previous hometown18:49
katsmeow-afkif it helps design stuff that will stay together18:50
katsmeow-afkit gets all calculussie 18:51
katsmeow-afknot true:  The only other option to change the vibratory characteristics is to18:53
katsmeow-afkchange the frequency of the flow disturbance. This usually requires a fundamental18:53
katsmeow-afkchange in the entire system.18:53
katsmeow-afkyou can do interesting things by porting off some high pressure fromt he engine and directing it to the airflow over the or under the wing, as needed18:54
katsmeow-afkthephysical wing remains unchanged, but thefuild dynamics atthe surface have been changed byt he injected air18:55
katsmeow-afkdog, i am tired18:55
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genehackerthat vextec stuff is amazing19:13
genehackerthey're doing what we thought was impossible19:13
genehackerpredicting metal fatigue, how accurately I don't know19:14
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ybitfirst four suggestions from google for finishing the phrase 'how-to': tie a tie', 'kiss', 'get pregnant', 'lose weight'19:25
ybitwas looking for howstuffworks19:26
ybitand indeed it was on the list19:26
drazakkanzure: your job is to make me a motor assisted kickwheel for when I come to texas19:27
kanzureplease don't come here19:28
drazak3 weeks ago you were inviting me19:28
kanzureoh, are you coming now?19:28
kanzurei can't keep track19:29
drazakfor college probably19:29
kanzurei thought i said don't come to texas for uni?19:29
drazakprobably rice for uni19:29
drazakand then mit for grad school19:29
drazakorsome shit like that19:29
kanzureyeah yeah, everyone says that19:29
ybit19:29 < drazak> and then mit for grad school19:29
ybithehe, sounds like me when i was in high school19:30
drazakyour job is to make me a kickwheel that I can also  use a motor on19:30
drazakac motor19:30
kanzurefor pottery?19:30
katsmeow-afkmanhole cover from the street outside?19:30
drazakI love kickwheels over electric wheels19:31
drazakbut more than 9lbs of clay and you're fucked on a kickwheel19:31
drazakalmost continually kicking a 150lb disk of cement for 10 minutes19:31
drazakcan't imagine where that would get tiring19:32
* drazak eyerolls19:32
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drazaksome have a motor on a lever that by moving your foot down on the lever it moves the motor down, aka a class 3 lever, I think19:33
* ybit was about to ask for the initial tutorial on making a screw if we should include making metal rods as well, but it may just be easier to walk a user through creating lego like structures using some type of rapid prototyping machine 19:34
drazakif you wonder why I say to make one, it's because they cost like a grand19:34
katsmeow-afka pottry turntable?!19:35
drazaka potters wheel costs like a grand19:35
genehackerkanzure you haven't had any real engineering classes yet19:37
kanzureybit: i think legos are a good example of when you don't want to make stuff19:37
kanzuregenehacker: nope.19:37
kanzureybit: $0.01/brick over teh webs19:38
* katsmeow-afk goes for a nap19:38
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: kat nap?19:38
katsmeow-afkkorrect :-)19:38
kanzureare you a kde-abuser?19:38
ybita klindows klover?19:38
genehackeranyway drazak that seems simple enough for you to make19:38
katsmeow-afkyeas, i confess to pulling ubuntu off 2 puters and installing winxp onto them19:38
drazakguess it's hard to make a flat piece of cement and a attach it to a rod of metal, and then to a dish of steel, then suspend it all on bearings19:39
genehackeralso kanzure, so you want to make piezoelectric stuff right?19:39
katsmeow-afkit was a productivity issue, learning curves, etc19:39
ybitpoor machines19:39
katsmeow-afki saved one boot hd, prolly won'thelp any19:39
kanzuregenehacker: i wouldn't mind19:39
ybit19:37 < kanzure> ybit: i think legos are a good example of when you don't want to make stuff19:40
ybiteh, clarify please19:40
genehackerthen get a car jack19:40
kanzureybit: they are cheap to buy 19:40
genehackera hydraulic one19:40
kanzurewell, when you buy them used19:40
genehackerpiezoelectric materials can be made by powder pressing19:41
ybithttp://www.yankodesign.com/images/design_news/2007/11/22/switch_me.jpg 19:41
ybitso are screws, it's either or screws or legos if we are to demonstrate a working example of skdb19:42
ybitminus first instance of 'or'19:42
genehackeroh wait, you'd probably need a furnace too19:42
ybitso which is it?19:42
genehackera furnace and a heat resistant jack19:42
kanzurethere is no working example..19:42
ybitoh but there will be19:43
ybitso which one :)19:43
drazakwell a kiln would be nice too kanzure, but I bet you can't make something that gets 2600F19:43
kanzureno because you can only go too far down the rabbit hole before you'll find something fenn or i haven't implemented19:43
kanzurelike cold rolling19:43
fennybit: re: yankodesign.com did you get there from eric's post i forwarded to OM?19:44
ybitfenn: yeah i did19:44
genehackerhow about lego made from refractories?19:44
fennlego has to be flexible to stick together19:44
fenntransparent PETE would be cool though19:45
genehackerwater cooled lego covered in refractories?19:45
ybitand the futuristic audio car on yanko is sexy19:45
fennthe one with no wheels?19:45
ybithaha, yep19:45
genehackerwhat are you talking about?19:45
fennyeah that just about sums up yankodesign19:45
ybitscroll downward for car with wheels that don't turn19:46
fenni dont see any wheels at all19:46
ybitthey are there though is what it says19:46
genehackerthat spiral can doesn't seem like such a good idea19:46
genehackerto me19:46
ybityeah, looks like a lawsuit waiting to happen19:47
genehackerI'm more worried about forming it19:47
genehackerand the fact that it's a pressure vessel19:47
genehackeralso where's the suspension on that car?19:48
fenni hope cars of the future don't have steering wheels19:48
kanzureand people19:48
kanzureand combustion engines19:48
fennand people? the whole point is to move people around19:48
kanzureoh, uhh19:48
fennyou misanthrope19:48
kanzureget off my lawn19:48
genehackerI hope the car of the future is a space car19:48
kanzurewith lasers!19:48
kanzure(and people)19:49
ybitmy only request is that it has an ejection seat in case the damn ai fscks up19:49
genehackerthat can fly from colony to space colony or even mars with a megawatt vasimir19:49
fennit looks like an apple computer case to me19:49
ybitin that case a module to carry to my next destination after being ejected19:49
kanzureybit: so a matrioshka vehicle?19:49
genehackerif your car has an ejection seat what happens if you eject in a tunnel?19:49
genehackerI know, just like one of those things from the sonic games19:50
ybitmatryoshka, get it right! ;)19:50
fenn1MW isn't very much for space propulsion19:50
genehackerI know19:50
ybitnot like one of the tradition ejection seats then19:51
ybitlegos or screws?19:51
genehackerbut it still gets you to mars FAST19:51
genehackerscrews are adjustable19:51
ybitwell then you're fscked :P19:51
fenngenehacker: 55 meter square of solar panels = 1MW19:52
genehackerlego isn't fscking adjustable and it has lots of slop19:52
ybitfenn, kanzure ..19:52
genehacker55 meter square is a lot right?19:52
ybitgenehacker: your opinion counts too, just curious what they think :)19:52
ybitmy vote is with legos19:53
fennybit: please repeat the question, in summary19:53
genehackermy vote is with adjustiblocks19:53
genehackeradjustable blocks19:53
ybitfor the first working example of skdb, do we want to demonstrate how to make screws or legos? fenn19:54
fennlegos i guess19:54
fennwe actually have cad models of those so it can be reprapped19:54
fenncan't believe i spent a week trying to make a fucking helix19:55
* fenn kicks opencascade19:55
genehackerlegos are made by injection molding19:55
* ybit msgs timschmidt19:55
kanzuremaybe tim can get his michigan group to do it19:56
genehackerthere is a machine on the 8th floor of ETC, the code is 751319:56
ybitkanzure: right19:56
kanzuregenehacker: huh that's the same code for the 6th floor19:56
genehackerto the door19:56
kanzureor very close19:56
fennsomeone's already reprapped lego blocks, even "parametric" supposedly but i couldn't figure out how that worked or what it even meant19:56
genehackerI forgot the code at the moment19:56
genehackerbut I could get it19:56
genehackerhowever, puting in another die could be a pain19:57
fenn'a machine' == injection moulding machine?19:57
fennthat's not gonna happen anyway19:57
genehackeran injection molding machine19:57
fennmaking a mold is a pain in the ass19:57
genehackerI know19:57
fenni wouldnt know how to do the square corners except by EDM19:58
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fennunless one of you brave soldiers can come up with how to do it, i'm going to say 3D printed is the only feasible option19:58
genehackerhmmmm... though if we could get a mold, we could probably use the machine, my processing professor encourages us to smash pennies with the rolling mill19:59
fennguess one could make a silicone rubber mould from an existing lego, but it would probably suck (and you hav to have a lego brick already)19:59
genehackerhow about machining wax into the desired shape, then use that to make the silicone mold form20:00
fenni like the screw example because there are lots of ways to do it, but that's not so good for writing a tutorial20:00
genehackeror possibly investment cast aluminum legos20:00
ybittim says he would be glad to print up a lego brick20:02
ybit19:53 <timschmidt> almost certainly20:03
ybit19:53 <timschmidt> I've almost got my machine printing, and I would be glad to.20:03
ybit19:53 <timschmidt> And I'm sure I could find other volunteers.20:03
kanzurei guess we'd have to ship them a linux box with pythonocc already working :p20:04
kanzureor just send them the files (yawn)20:04
kanzurewhat i'm hacking on: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/repo-recover.py20:06
ybiti told time to take his pack20:09
fennybit: feel free to add more models.. it's a pretty easy process20:09
fennthere are only like 20 in step format though20:10
ybitactually if you go up one directory, there are more 20:10
genehackerhow does one add stuff to skdb, are there instructions on how to do so?20:10
fennnot really20:10
genehackerok then20:11
kanzurecopy pasta existing package, edit the hell out of it20:11
fenna lot of the code hasn't been written yet20:11
kanzureybit: probably not gear_pin120:11
fenni'm not about to write a 'guide to writing code'20:11
fennbut eventually you should be just writing data files and maybe tweaking some existing code20:11
genehackerwhat if I want to make a new package or add a new cad model of surprise.step20:11
kanzure"look! we made a cylinder thingy!"20:11
kanzuregenehacker: you drop the file into the folder20:11
genehackerthat's it20:12
kanzureand then reference it where-ever you want (like in data.yaml)20:12
genehackerok good20:12
fennyou know a 4x scale model lego set would be pretty funny20:12
fennlike duplo but not20:12
kanzurewhat about lego costumes?20:12
fennoh god20:12
fenni went as a lego brick once20:12
kanzure"ok stay put for the next 2 hr"20:12
kanzurehave them cycle/tag out :)20:13
genehackerhow about even bigger legos than duplo?20:13
ybiti'm going as a lego book scanner this year ;)20:13
genehackerstructural grade lego20:13
fennyeah someone wanted to make concrete legos to build houses20:13
ybiti'll just read while everyone gets drunk ;)20:13
kanzuremaybe not costumes20:13
kanzurebut a large-scale set might be a better idea20:13
kanzureprecision will not be as much of an issue20:14
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kanzurebut it will not be compatible with normal legos :(20:14
fennit's just hard to get enough detail on a reprap to make sure they stick together20:14
genehackera large scale technic set would be interesting20:14
kanzurelego compatibility is probably important no?20:14
ybitbah, normal legos, schmormal schmegos20:14
genehackerperhaps legos should be redesigned to fractalate20:14
genehackerall the way down20:15
ybitmaybe departing from the legos is a good thing, ours are open source at least, and can be promoted that way, maybe they'll take off too20:16
kanzurewhy isn't there an "open source" lego yet?20:16
ybitabout to be20:16
kanzurethousands of geekparents will totally dump cash on that20:16
genehackersounds like makerbeam or whatever the heck it is20:16
kanzureespecially if the price isn't artifically controlled by the dutch20:16
kanzure"anyone can make these bricks."20:17
genehackerdammit, there was this universal construction system I saw in a magazine awhile back that seems perfect to use20:17
kanzureno random harry potter brick bullshit either20:17
kanzurecan we use the lego dimensions that fenn has already put into skdb?20:19
ybitare you asking for IP purposes [kanzure]20:20
kanzurewasn't the lego patent expired?20:21
ybitoh goody20:23
* ybit needs a list of parts made with repraps20:24
ybit..so far20:24
ybithuh, a door handle and a water filter20:25
kanzurethere are a lot of parts that have been gooed, ybit20:25
ybitcan i has cad files?20:26
kanzurelots of stl files on thingiverse20:27
ybit"For a cornucopia of items that can be made in a RepRap, visit the Thingiverse Website, where the world's reprappers share designs. "20:27
fenna lot of lego stuff is still under patent (design patents)20:28
fennwhich is more or less like copyright20:29
ybit"Since the expiration of the last standing Lego patent in 1988, a number of companies have produced interlocking bricks that are similar to Lego bricks.  ...One such competitor is Coko, manufactured by Chinese company Tianjin Coko Toy Co., Ltd. In 2002, Lego Group Swiss subsidiary Interlego AG sued the company for copyright infringement. A trial court found many Coko bricks to be infringing; Coko was ordered to cease manufacture of the infringing brick20:31
ybitLego Group has attempted to trademark the "Lego Indicia", the studded appearance of the Lego brick, hoping to stop production of Mega Bloks. On May 24, 2002, the Federal Court of Canada dismissed the case, asserting the design is functional and therefore ineligible for trademark protection [4]. The Lego Group's appeal was dismissed by the Federal Court of Appeal on July 14, 2003 [5]. In October 2005, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that "Trademark 20:32
kanzurewhat if they aren't sold?20:32
ybitthat last paragraph puts us in the clear20:32
ybitomniblocks :)20:32
* ybit squats ;)20:33
fenni think it'd have to be "omniblox" to sufficiently enrage the japanese kids20:37
fennsquatting and dumping on peoples' ideas just seems to go together20:38
ybitgoogle doesn't suggest 'blocks' when you type blox or vice-versa20:43
ybitit does however suggest 'omnibox' since it's included in their chrome browser20:44
* ybit is curious to know why apache suddenly starting handling what nginx was handling20:46
ybite.g. apache took control of http://ybit.ath.cx/cad/stepmodels/ but http://ybit.ath.cx/cad20:46
ybitanyway, back to writing20:47
genehackerwhy the heck isn't my math working out21:23
kanzurefenn are you downloading something?21:49
kanzureor is it me?21:49
fennit's me, sorry21:49
kanzurejust making sure it's not my box becoming a zombie on a global zombienet21:49
fenn"you could just include a 'shop' link" -> what's the problem wit this again?21:49
kanzureis there a problem?21:50
fennheh i was trying to torrent "zombi" by goblin21:50
kanzureuse non-standard port please21:50
fennybit wants to add yet another name21:50
kanzureanother name to omnifab?21:50
ybityeah, i was thinking that's what could happen21:50
ybitre: add a shop link, 21:50 < ybit> yeah, i was thinking that's what could happen21:51
ybitkind of like a 'support what we're doing you lazy bastards' part of the site :)21:51
ybit..not in those specific words ;)21:52
kanzurei feel like you haven't listened to me21:52
kanzureor maybe i haven't told you what i was originally thinking of for omnifab21:52
kanzurebut i find that hard to believe21:52
genehackerso this is odd21:52
ybitnope you haven't21:52
kanzuresome people are in fact lazy, yes21:52
genehackermy math looks like it works when a radian value is added to a degrees value21:52
kanzurein these cases, people don't want to apt-get a screw from cosmic wankery jism,21:52
ybityou told me that you are wanting to sell kits21:52
ybitand that's about it21:53
kanzurethis analogy particular helps when you explain to people that "it's like an app store" (i always seem to be -_- etc. when saying that)21:53
kanzureso, right, "buy it now" links and such all over the place21:53
ybitgood analogy21:53
kanzurebut also tuning to user preferences like "i never want to go more than 3 levels deep" or something21:53
kanzure(deep into dependencies)21:53
kanzurebut also charging for API calls that physically deliver the machine, part, kit to the user's door21:54
kanzurefor instance some fablab might want to have a "buy room" where people go to select what they want on a computer screen21:54
kanzureand by clicking on the icon of what they want (maybe on a website), it charges their account and it's shipped to their door somehow21:54
kanzurei'm especially thinking of situations where you want to do this without human interaction, like ordering a thousand kits but not wanting to press "order" on each and every subcomponent21:55
kanzurei'm not sure how to distinguish between OEM parts and kit parts yet though21:55
kanzurei mean, kit parts are from OEMs21:55
kanzure*are OEMs21:55
kanzurebut kits have more involved: extra documentation, instructions, parts, support, a fancy box (?)21:55
kanzurewhereas a part, i would expect to just show up sorta21:55
fennhum. why all the other stuff just for kits?21:56
kanzureother stuff?21:56
fennisnt a kit just a package like anything else?21:56
kanzurebut not to us21:56
kanzurebecause we have to do some extra work on it21:56
kanzurelike physically put the parts in a box and ship it21:56
fenni thought the idea was to sell copies of the package21:57
fennok so why 'extra documentation, instructions, parts support, box 'etc21:57
fenni'm not expecting more than ziploc bags21:57
fennand a flat-rate box21:57
kanzurea kit might be a ziploc baggie with a flat-rate box and an extra CD or something21:57
kanzurewhereas an OEM part might be just the ziploc baggie :)21:58
kanzuresomething like that21:58
fennbleh whatever21:58
kanzurewell then what's the point of calling it a kit?21:58
kanzure"here are some parts, good luck"21:58
fennthe instructions should be included with the package anyway21:58
kanzureyeah but apparently not everyone wants to actually use skdb21:58
kanzurethink of this as an ignorance tax21:58
fennif the packages suck then what's the point of doing anything at all?21:59
kanzureeven if the package rules, people like paul still don't care apparently21:59
fennwell too bad for them21:59
kanzurei'm lost21:59
kanzurenot everyone wants to install skdb21:59
fennok so back to the agenda21:59
kanzuretherefore, selling kits is bad?21:59
fennso, do you need a business name?22:00
kanzurei thought we are using omnifab?22:00
fennneed not want22:00
fennybit seems to think omnifab is just a name change22:00
ybitno i don't22:00
kanzuresynapses crossed22:00
fennybit: then you're planning omnifab to be the commercial face of skdb?22:00
fenn(which i think is terrible in the first place, to separate them)22:01
ybitwhoo, i feel like i'm not in that position to answer right now without speaking to Phreedom since he originally came up with the name. i'm willing to sale kits with omnifab 22:01
kanzurei thought the whole reason i was investigating names was to figure out a commercial front name for skdb?22:01
fennwe control the skdb webpage whatever it will be called, so we can put buy buttons pointing to our paypal22:02
kanzureyeah, isn't that the idea22:02
fennnot taking advantage of that fact is dumb22:02
ybiti don't see what not22:02
fennok so if you go and add another website off in the matrix somewhere, who is going to look at it?22:02
ybitkanzure: it was the point of coming up with names22:02
ybiti don't understand fenn.22:03
kanzurefenn: don't worry about that, the good ol' bullshit/hype machine will take care of that22:03
fennybit: ok so get your story straight about what omnifab is supposed to be22:04
fennand we can continue this later22:04
kanzurei wasn't aware that we weren't allowed to use omnifab.org22:04
ybiti don't see why omnifab can't have a purchase a kit place on it22:04
kanzurebut apparently Phreedom has his fingers in everything?22:04
kanzurePhreedom: what are you doing here anyway?22:04
kanzurei mean, you hardly talk22:04
fenni think it's like 4am russia time22:05
ybit3am in the ukraine*22:05
kanzureprime time, then22:05
kanzureno excuses :)22:05
ybitanyway, Phreedom and i had discussed omnifab being the software which allows users to create and share parts22:06
kanzuresince when22:06
ybit...a year ago?22:06
kanzureweren't you in here a year ago?22:06
fennwas this before or after you learned of skdb?22:06
ybitabout the same time really22:06
ybitwe were all thinking along the same lines22:06
kanzureshoot the mind reader!22:06
* fenn shoots22:07
kanzurewait, wait22:07
kanzurei'm the prime, i'm the prime22:07
ybitand i don't think there's a conflict in interest if omnifab is a place which promotes skdb and sales kits, because frankly right now, there isn't omnifab software22:07
kanzureybit: i think you're stepping on toes here22:07
kanzurethis is the problem with commercial operations anyway22:07
fennyeah, add money and open source development goes to shit22:08
ybitright, i meant, phreedom and i haven't whipped up anything ourselves22:08
kanzurebut for some reason he gets to control it?22:08
ybithis name idea, i just wanted to see what he thought22:08
kanzurefenn: maybe we should look into the pinkarmy coop model?22:08
fennpinkarmy doesn't have a model22:08
kanzurebesides the fact that they don't do anything22:08
kanzureco-op: people give you money22:08
kanzureor something22:08
ybityou give yourself money in a co-op22:09
fenni used to think it might be something interesting, but he just sort of waved his hands aroudn the issue of actually doing stuff22:09
kanzureno but i'm talking about the membership system22:09
* ybit wishes Phreedom would wake up, i really don't think he'll have a problem22:09
fennkanzure: i'm perfectly willing to put others' "buy it now" links up22:09
kanzurethere's an actual legal idea there22:09
kanzurefenn: yeah but i don't want to do random work for a website that someone else owns or something22:09
fennsorry what? a co-op is a type of legal entity?22:09
kanzureyes it has a particular model that i'm not well versed in, but it didn't sound evil22:10
ybitand it works well22:10
fennand how does it deal with 500 people in 126 different countries?22:10
ybitcheck out Emilia Romagna, they tend to do well even in recessions22:10
fenni've only ever heard of corporations and sole proprietorships22:11
ybitand a large part of the business activity there is co-op22:11
kanzurei wonder if my grandmother would like to show up at tim's group meetings22:11
kanzureshe lives in detroit22:11
ybitthat's one cool grandma22:11
fennyou could have her snuggle in a camera/audio recorder22:11
kanzureno kidding22:11
kanzuregee thanks metafilter: http://ask.metafilter.com/82330/why-a-coop-business-model22:11
ybitdammit, my days have been mixed up, today was supposed to be wiki wednesday :|22:12
ybitwhen are we leaving for h+ summit, kanzure, fenn 22:12
ybitwhich flight on friday?22:12
ybiti'm purchasing the ticket this friday22:12
kanzureare you arriving in austin ever?22:12
* ybit doesn't want to wait around while prices get jacked higher22:13
fennwhich thursday?22:13
ybitthe third22:13
ybitor something like that22:13
kanzureyou wanted travelocity?22:13
ybitmeh, straight from the airline, it's cheaper22:13
ybitsouthwest and american airlines had the same prices22:14
ybit@ $138 i believe22:14
kanzurewhat's the destination airport?22:15
kanzurejohn wayne22:15
ybitis that a choice?22:15
* ybit was going LAX22:15
fenn$138 is round trip?22:16
ybitone way22:17
ybiteven if you specify multi-city, it's still $13822:17
fennwhat does multi-city mean?22:17
kanzurei'm getting $20022:17
ybitah, it was $134 not $13822:19
ybiti'm getting $100 now o.O22:19
ybiti need to buy22:19
ybitthat's damn cheap22:19
ybitthis is from aus to lax22:19
kanzuresouthwest is giving me $100 too22:19
ybitand no plane changes if you do the 7:25 departure22:20
fenni just get " We are currently unable to complete your request due to an undefined error."22:20
kanzureok, let's depart at 1:20 pm22:20
kanzureybit: you ok with that? there's a change in houston, but that doesn't suck much22:20
kanzurein particular flights 3151 and 287322:21
ybithttp://ybit.ath.cx/images/2009-10-28-221524_1024x768_scrot.png fenn22:21
ybithmm, let me look22:21
fennwhat can i say, i'm a cheapass22:22
kanzurefenn: does that sound good then? i'm assuming you want to fly at the same time22:22
ybitkanzure: that's fine, but we may experience a slight delay with the plane change22:22
kanzurefenn: can you manage to not experience an undefined error?22:23
ybiti'm guessing you two are fine with that22:23
kanzure40min is nothing22:23
kanzurethat's 15min walking, 5min anxiety attack, 20min sitting around doing nothing22:24
ybitalright, flight 3151 it is22:24
* ybit purchases ticket now22:24
ybitthey didn't have these prices last time i checked22:24
kanzurehm they let me add a suffix to my name? CEO, JD, PhD, PharmD, .. can i select all?22:25
ybitwow, i'm getting $75 for a one way to austin o.O22:26
kanzure"lower fares may be available through DING!"22:28
fenni hate websites22:29
kanzurei hate people22:29
kanzuretogether, we hate everything!22:29
fennis it possible to buy a one-way ticket?22:30
kanzuredo you need a computer?22:31
bkeroYou guys flying to Irvine?22:38
bkeroNice price!22:39
bkeroThat's cheaper than driving22:39
fennok done22:50
kanzureso what am i doing right now? 22:52
kanzureno takers? really?23:05
kanzurearen't i supposed to be writing code for something23:05
fennlook at the todo list23:09
fennsee if anything strikes your fancy23:09
fennif not, do the most awful boring thing on there (because otherwise nobody will ever do it)23:10
kanzureyes but should i start something new or go back to captcha breaking, repo_recover, stl2web, web.py, XHTML/CSS bullshit, skdb inventory representation, skdb ode screw joint stuff, dedicated server cloud thingy for CAD modeling, ruby wordnet library thing, graphsynth.py unit tests, mcmaster-carr scraper, ..23:11
fennhow the hell should i know23:11
kanzurewell how do other people know?23:11
fennthey make gantt charts :)23:11
kanzurehow does that help?23:12
fennuh.. it doesnt23:12
fenni'd like to see a CAD preview generator script23:12
kanzurei thought i showed you it23:12
kanzureiges2png, etc.23:13
fenni thought it didn't work for some reason23:13
kanzureit works23:13
fennso is there a way to store those images without having to re-render everytime someone looks at the page?23:13
kanzureyeah of course :)23:13
kanzurebtw they should be rendered when the models are uploaded/updated, not at view-time23:14
fennok that makes sense23:14
fennhow do you know a model has been uploaded?23:14
kanzurelast resort is hash checking, but i thought i made an "upload model" form a few days ago for this23:14
fennbut you will be getting stuff in via git too23:14
kanzureso when it goes through the system like this, it dumps it into dave's cloudthingr23:14
fennboo hiss23:15
kanzurewell it's better than blocking the process on the server23:15
fenni dont know what that means23:15
kanzurewell the problem is that it takes more than 10 seconds to generate the previews23:15
kanzureso if you have 10 models being uploaded at once, that's a problem23:15
kanzurebut what if you offloaded that to never never land?23:16
fennrun a cron job?23:16
kanzureeven with a cron job it would still take the server's resources23:16
fennwhat "cloud" server is going to have all the crap we need installed?23:16
kanzurehave i showed you vmware yet? i was playing around with it the other day23:16
kanzureit turns out that you set up the box you want, as you want it, and that's that23:16
kanzurebut i haven't investigated it completely23:17
fennyou know what, don't ever say "cloud" if you're actually trying to explain something23:17
kanzurethey are running images of machines on other people's computers23:17
fennunless it's about final fantasy 723:17
kanzureso anyway, i'm not a big cloud fan, but that's one option if things start slowing down23:17
fennpremature optimization23:17
kanzureok then it definitely works for now :)23:18
fennshow me a webpage with an automatically rendered preview of each file in the package23:18
fennbased on the metadata i guess23:18
kanzureoh we still don't have a package view page yet do we? hm okay23:18
fennalso limit it to the first 5 files or something23:19
fennalso i dunno how you're going to deal with auto generated geometry23:19
kanzurenow that i think about it you might be right about the problem. i haven't done any "smart" camera location settings23:19
kanzureauto generated geometry like.. screw helices?23:20
fennyeah for all 9 bazillion screws23:20
fennmaybe preview should be on each part's page23:20
ybit"I just don't understand why23:21
ybityou don't just make an SKDB project at Google Groups and an SKDB discussion23:21
ybitlist and ask people to join it? "23:21
kanzurehe's annoying23:21
ybitthere is skdb-support if you guys do want to go that route23:21
kanzurebullshit, we've invited him in here more than once23:21
ybiti had it in place as a mock-up for freefab.org23:21
kanzureand shown him the git repo23:21
kanzurehe's just an ass or something :(23:21
kanzureno matter how many :) smiley faces :) he :) puts in his :) emails :-)23:21
fennwho are we talking about?23:23
kanzurepaul wrote ybit's quote23:23
fennok so my mail is just slow23:23
kanzureit's from earlier today23:23
fennoh hey it's a hijacked forwarded message heh23:25
kanzurewe're your local thread hijacking agency, please standby23:27
fenntrim the bourgeois fat ruthelessly, comrades23:29
fennwordnet was around in 1988?23:31
fenn1985 even23:33
fennhmm TortoiseGit23:37
* kanzure nods23:37
ybita webpage in svg, how cool23:38
kanzurethat's sick23:38
fennyou mean totally awesome?23:38
kanzureyes, in the totally awesome way23:39
ybitno, as in 'dope' 23:39
fenni don't see any content though23:39
ybiti think it's just a mockup23:39
fennoh weird23:39
* ybit was afk23:40
fennit's using stylesheets?23:40
* ybit purchased the ticket23:40
ybitall 'open web standards'23:40
kanzurefenn: did you purchase the same flight?23:40
ybitjavascript,css, svg xslt transhofrm23:41
ybitanyway, she's going to some dhtml flash stuff here soon :-\23:42
* ybit is concerned about http://www.omnifabllc.com/OmniFAB%20about%20us.html and us starting a business with the same name23:43
ybit...though.. there are two other omnifab businesses as well23:43
ybitthe other two focus on sheet metal23:43
kanzuredid you read about coops?23:43
ybitthis one does it all, very much like my current employer except on a slightly larger scale (51000 sq ft and more employees i'm sure)23:44
ybitoh yeah, co-op23:44
fennmaybe you could call it lzybstrd.com23:44
-!- genehacker2 [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-51-133.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap23:44
ybitthought about it 23:45
ybitfenn, do you see any reason to be concerned about omnifab llc?23:45
ybitkanzure doesn't mind it seems23:46
kanzurewhat do i know23:47
ybitright, kanzure, why don't you go form your own mailing list specifically for this skdb stuff, jeebus23:48
kanzurei'm so terrible23:48
ybitno :-) you're not ;) ;) :)23:49
* ybit takes it to the bed23:49
ybita play on 'take it to the house'23:50
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-51-133.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]23:54
genehacker2*bashes head against weird gear profile again23:57
* genehacker2 *bashes head against weird gear profile again23:58

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