
--- Day changed Thu Oct 29 2009
-!- genehacker2 [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-51-133.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]00:46
Phreedomkanzure, ybit: pong00:47
PhreedomI tend to think that there must be a separate knowledge db/ apt-get like project, released under gpl-like license00:48
Phreedomthe project would consist of heavily parametrized blueprints of stuff and a piece of software to calculate the parameters eg pick suitable materials00:49
Phreedomamong these parameters would be price and time00:50
Phreedomalso you can expect some packages to be(temporarily) closed-source, like electronic parts00:50
Phreedomthis means that your software engine will sometimes decide that buying some part is the only way or the preferred way to build something00:51
Phreedomand here the commercial stuff gets its way until we build a molecular assembler00:51
Phreedomas a consequence some companies will offer their repositories of closed parts and cost/time estimation code for your hw apt-get to use00:53
Phreedomall this really follows deb's model: multiple repositories, package priorities, different licences...00:54
Phreedomthis implies that there will be multiple commercial hw companies00:55
Phreedomif you offer skdb or anything under non-free license, nobody will care. if you do and place artifical limits, its are forked as soon as its useful00:55
PhreedomI was under impression that skdb was in early pre-alpha stage at best, so only the name of the database project is up to discussion00:56
Phreedomand I thought that giving your project a nice name like omnifab is so much better than dfhk, or skdb or whatever :P00:58
Phreedomreally I wasn't prepared to discuss anything commercial00:58
Phreedomthe reasons are: skdb still doesn't exist so there's nothing to commercialize; there will be multiple and independent commercial manufacturers/part suppliers01:01
Phreedomwhen tiem comes and skbd gets closer to being useful, you can start such a company and do it before anyone else does, right01:01
Phreedombut I don't think you are discussing something like this now?01:02
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-47-152.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap01:33
fennPhreedom: that is 100% exactly what skdb was always about (all this commercialization bullshit is new)01:38
genehackerI missed what phreedom said01:39
ybitgenehacker: ?01:39
fennPhreedom: i have no idea why it's being discussed now, before we even have a useful system01:39
ybiti PMd you01:40
ybitgenehacker ^01:40
ybiti'm just getting a name to work with on the site, that's why01:40
genehackerok got it01:40
fenncan't we just call it kitapalooza or some crap01:40
fennthen shut up and get back to work01:40
fennwasn't this the reason to get a marketing guy in the first place01:42
genehackerfuck this marketing stuff01:42
genehackerjust get something that works01:43
fennthank you01:43
fenn"If you’re 90 percent non-bogus and ten percent bogus, and you work with someone else who’s 90 percent non-bogus, you end up with a team that’s 81 percent non-bogus."01:43
genehackeralso I really wish I had more time to make .yaml's01:44
Phreedomfenn: my point was that I thought I had come up with a nice name for the db and I didn't mind it being using for this. No contracts need to be signed, no strings attached since it's an open and free project01:44
ybit01:40 < fenn> can't we just call it kitapalooza or some crap01:45
ybitworks for me01:45
genehackeralso how useful a process would cylindrical upsetting be?01:45
ybitoh and the part of 01:40 < fenn> then shut up and get back to work01:45
genehackerIE taking a cylinder and smashing it into a less tall and wider cylinder01:46
genehackeror doing the same to part of a cylinder01:47
fenncold heading is used for 99% of screws and bolts01:47
Phreedomgenehacker: I see you like very DIY-friendly technologies;)01:47
genehackerok then01:47
genehackersure I do01:48
genehackerbut I'm starting to think some things are impossible to diy01:49
Phreedomgenehacker: *ATM ;)01:50
genehackernot just at the moment01:50
Phreedomand no you don't have to DIY everything. using nvidia proprietary drivers on linux is so much better than running M$ crap01:50
Phreedomgenehacker: you don't believe in the molecular assembly dairy tale?01:51
genehackerare you going to have a 5000 ton press in your backyard01:51
Phreedomyou better believe in it. you can then start a religion and get a tax-free status01:51
genehackerwell, I took a look at it01:51
genehackerit looks like it could work01:51
Phreedomit will work someday01:51
Phreedomand 5000 ton press isn't that huge01:51
Phreedomalso you foget about community ownership options01:52
Phreedomeven if you need such a press you don't need it everyday01:52
genehackeranyway currently only the process for making diamond has been worked out01:52
Phreedomgenehacker: africans have been making diamonds for ages01:53
Phreedomwith hammers and axes :)01:53
genehackerI'm doubtful if some of those cool nanobearings are buildable01:53
PhreedomI\'m even doubtful they are needed01:53
Phreedomgenehacker: the largest obstacle to DIY things is electronics01:53
genehackerbut my problem is with bootstrapping the damn thing01:53
genehackerpah chips are cheap01:54
Phreedomand closed01:54
genehackerplus how'd you make them?01:54
genehackerI guess we could use E-beam litho01:54
Phreedomsingle-electron transistors made from graphene. you know what you use to assemble this :)01:55
genehackerbut then again stuff like that is crazy high vacuum where you worry about helium leaking i01:55
fenni hope nanoscale self-assembled circuits work goodenough in 10 years01:55
genehackerwell there's also this:01:55
fennyou'll probably be bitching about where to get gold nanodots then01:55
genehackeryeast coated in glass01:56
genehackermade at room temperature01:56
Phreedomeither way this is wankery01:56
Phreedomlets do something that's useful and can be done right now01:56
fenngenehacker: that is so not impressive01:56
genehackerwhy not use copper reducing proteins to make electronics01:56
genehackerit's yeast covered in glass!01:56
Phreedomgenehacker: don't ask me. I don't know what you are talking ;)01:56
genehackeryeah it is01:57
Phreedom*talking about01:57
genehackeryou know there may not even be a need for 5000 ton presses and whatnot if you have different materials01:57
Phreedommost of the time you can work around these complex industrial processes01:58
Phreedomit might be slower, more expensive but who cares?01:59
Phreedomyou can save on lawyers and secretaries to compensate for this01:59
Phreedomindustry often has 10 specialized processes instead of 1 generic because it's cheaper at their scales. it doesn't mean we have to mirror them02:00
genehackerthere are certain processes that are the only reasonable what to make things02:01
Phreedomwhile it's absolutely ok to do e-beam litho using your STM, it's totally unacceptable to the industry02:01
Phreedomnot that many and really is it a big deal if commercial enterprises will still manufacture 5% of what you consume? ;)02:01
genehackerfor example in order to make light sheet metal car parts you have to use metal that has been strain hardened02:02
Phreedomor you can instead build your car with different materials like carbon fiber coposite02:03
fennsheet metal car parts02:03
fennare you joking?02:03
genehackeryes fenn sheet metal02:03
fennit's 200902:03
Phreedomor yeah just make it out of shit metal instead. it will be weaker, but you can repair it at home :)02:04
genehackermetal sheet forming makes complex parts02:04
genehackerfor cheap02:04
genehackeron carbon fiber02:04
fenni could think of about 90 other processes that have a superior end product and are 100x more DIY-friendly02:04
genehackerfor making certain carbon fiber things you have to press em' really hard with a heated press02:05
genehackeras I learned yesterday02:05
fennwhy is that?02:05
Phreedomwe really should concentrate on doing the most with the least effort. not doing everything. and then try harder things02:05
fennyeah 80/20 principle02:05
genehackerbut then again I guess you could use prepreg or something02:05
Phreedomyou can expect that a DIY movement that can do 50% of stuff at home to greatly influence manufacturing ;)02:06
genehackeryou know a reprap capable of integrating fibers into parts would sorta moot the whole press issue or something02:06
Phreedomnot reprap but yeah, why not weave the fiber in place, coating it with epoxy on the go?02:06
genehackerthat is what I'm saying02:07
genehackerdammit, why does carbon fiber have to be so expensive02:07
fennmaybe you should switch to e-glass02:07
genehackerwhat's that?02:07
fennor s-glass or whatever02:07
fennor even basalt fiber02:08
genehackerhow about we modify that one glass sponge02:08
fenncarbon fiber is for weenie engineering students who don't do any independent research02:08
genehackerdid you do any?02:08
fennffs just google 'basalt fiber'02:09
Phreedomglass fibers are nice too and cheap02:09
genehackerI know what basalt fiber is, and it's certainly an option02:09
fennthe only reason carbon is expensive is the unpredictable nature of the military market02:09
Phreedomalthough most of the cost of fiber composites comes from manual work and low volumes02:09
genehackerdurr everyone knows that02:09
fennso why bother if you don't need that last 2% of optimization02:10
fenn(hint: you don't)02:10
genehackeranyway the problem with glass fiber is when you want to make your own02:10
genehackerbasalt fiber might be okay though02:10
fennwhy is that a problem?02:10
genehackerhow cheap is cheap for glass fiber?02:11
fennthe process goes like this: you make a block of silicone, burn the shit out of it, melt it, then drop it in a heated column02:11
fennguh. fuck you02:12
fenni'm finishing my book now02:12
genehackerI've never heard of that process02:13
genehackerI think I should stop talking02:13
Phreedomgenehacker: glass fiber is cheap enough to be used for heat insulation02:15
Phreedomnot in space mind you02:15
Phreedomor it was used sometime ago02:16
Phreedomprobably less used now02:16
Phreedomat least in buildings02:16
Phreedomwhen you are dealing with higher temps, I believe it's still useful02:16
genehackerthat's pretty cheap02:16
fenns-glass isn't that cheap02:17
fennit's mostly for airplanes02:17
fennuffda.. basalt fiber was first produced in 192302:56
fenni wonder how much work goes into something like this 03:01
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-!- marainein [n=marainei@220-253-55-191.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap04:04
katsmeow-afkyou could prolly take over Somalia without a lot of opposition, if you could do so fast enough07:16
katsmeow-afkthat would give you land and uneducated workforce and ocean access07:16
maraineinand all the malaria you could eat07:17
katsmeow-afkin my wildest dreams, i say let the robots do it07:17
katsmeow-afkyeas, and yellow fever, dengue, and annoying flying bullets07:18
katsmeow-afkthey have solar power and cooling water and cheap land no one else wants, let the robots convert it to one huge sealed space, it's already useless for modern humans, so little loss there07:19
katsmeow-afksmall enclaves for existinghumans, naturally07:19
katsmeow-afksq mile parks, reserves, jungles, made better with technology and side effects of the robots' properity07:20
katsmeow-afkclean drinking water fromthe ocean cooling water,  micro-managed farms, etc07:21
katsmeow-afkjust that keeping the humans alive wouldn't be the robots' primary attention, no more than it is the humans now07:22
katsmeow-afkbut condenced steam from cooling tower <shrug> free desalinated water07:22
katsmeow-afkindustries based on dirty tech, like lead, lithium, zinc, etc need a place to be that can be written off by the world, and they've already written off Somalia07:24
maraineinthat's great. now you just have to sell the idea to the locals07:24
katsmeow-afkthe locals use less than 1% of the land, i imagine07:24
katsmeow-afkand they are literally dying for improvements, like food and water and bullet filters07:25
katsmeow-afkjust a place to get out of the sun, like a bush that someone else isn't breaking down for firewood (not even able to *chop* it down)07:26
katsmeow-afkuncontaminated water somewhere in a day's walking distance07:27
maraineinactually, if the locals raise cattle, i'd imagine they use a lot of the land07:27
maraineinwhy not pick a place with better neighbours?07:27
katsmeow-afkthe land is unproductive for cattle, that's a cultural thing07:27
katsmeow-afkmarainein, the point isn't neighbors, it's more like "neighbors? whatever!"07:28
katsmeow-afkraising cattle is a means to an end: money and food07:28
katsmeow-afkso provide other means07:28
katsmeow-afkmost African countries int hat area are world-wide aid drains, bottomless money holes07:29
katsmeow-afkand atm, Somalia is said to not have a governemnt, it's effectively a land mass with no state status07:30
katsmeow-afkyou cold prolly a) buy it for 10cents acre all at once, or b) buyit for 10 cents an acre as long as the humans living on that acre will leave it for that price07:31
katsmeow-afkeithe way, it's your's by imminent domain, and if you improve the locals with aux fallout of the technology, they won't complain07:32
katsmeow-afkthey'll come running and say "take over my land too, please!"07:33
katsmeow-afkplease and more pleas07:33
katsmeow-afk"look! omnifab is making a new place a mile away, lets move there to enjoy the free water for our home and animals and garden!"07:34
katsmeow-afkand free 100watt/hr of lites/nite, and maybe other perks, depending on howmuch you feel owning the  country without human revolt is worth07:35
Phreedomkatsmeow-afk: I like your neoimperialism07:37
katsmeow-afkRechargeable zinc-air batteries can store three times the energy of a lithium-ion battery.  Wednesday, October 28, 2009 :::::::::: i been trying to get my paws on these for years, even n non-rechargeable forms07:37
katsmeow-afkPhreedom, i didn't really say anything about governing the humans, did i?07:38
Phreedomhow about reliability, toxicity, charge cycles07:38
Phreedomkatsmeow-afk: if you control their land, food, water...07:38
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220-253-55-191.VIC.netspace.net.au] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]07:38
katsmeow-afkwell, atm, most are squattrs with no food or water 07:38
katsmeow-afkthere's no gov, so no land titles. If the side effects of the land use is providing food and water as cheap byproducts or side effects, why not?07:39
katsmeow-afkif the humans rejoice, allow, don't complain, and crime drops, why not?07:40
Phreedomit will work for some time07:40
Phreedomthen people will demand more07:40
katsmeow-afknaturally, there will be a short pacification interval07:40
Phreedomand more and more07:40
Phreedomit's not like they build the infrastructure themselves07:40
Phreedomaaand why do you need so much land?07:41
Phreedomyou could buy some cheapass land in the us too07:41
katsmeow-afkthe land is cheap, the land is sand and rocks, build a wall like the isralies do, park ED209s or autotargetting Samsung miniguns on them, let peace happen inside07:41
Phreedomyeah it would be much more expensive than africa, but only nominally07:41
katsmeow-afkwher is land with unlimited water access cheap in the usa?07:42
Phreedomsince it'd be cheaper than anything you might build there07:42
Phreedomsome desert :)07:42
katsmeow-afkunlimited water access07:42
Phreedomwhy do you need unlimited water?07:42
katsmeow-afkcooling, alt energy cycles, pacifying the natives who need water07:42
Phreedomthere are no natives in arizona :)07:43
katsmeow-afkhell, most of the aquifers under the midwest are dry or pollluted now, but the land price is stillastronomically high, and there's the usa gov to deal with07:43
katsmeow-afkfor nearly any industrial process, you need water07:44
Phreedomif you are prepared to defend yourself with guns and are ok with never leaving your premises, africa is indeed the land of freee07:44
katsmeow-afkespecially for food, bioenergy, liquid fuel making, etc, and then there's cheapness of international shipping07:44
katsmeow-afki imagine there's a lot of people in Africa who cannot afford guns, don't want guns, are tired of guns, and if you treat them nice will not shoot you, and will let you defend them from shooters07:46
katsmeow-afkbesides, the premise being robots to run things, what's a  bullet or two?07:46
katsmeow-afkSomalia demands food aid, and medical aid from diseased water, they need the side effects of tech, and have the land to exchange for it07:47
katsmeow-afkgovernment-less land, let the robots build it, let the robots run it, let the humans drink the cooling water after it cools more ovrnite07:48
katsmeow-afkyou haveto defend anything you do with lawyers here, there you do it with Samsung miniguns at a distance,,, so what if the majority of the poeple will be your friends between those points?07:49
Phreedomyou have to defend anything of substance with lawyers07:50
Phreedomyou can keep your laptop07:50
katsmeow-afkthere's no courts in Somalia07:50
Phreedomwhile over there anything you happen to have is a treasure07:50
PhreedomI was talking to the us07:50
katsmeow-afki was talking about Somalia07:51
Phreedomin somalia a typical us bum is a walking treasure07:51
Phreedomoh and a gun that you carry to defend you is a treasure too;)07:51
katsmeow-afkyep, so any industrial side effect you give away, is buying allegances07:52
Phreedomthere's a certain percentage of population that holds no allegiance07:52
katsmeow-afkhell, even the shade from your factory walls can be a treasure there07:52
Phreedomthey take something if they can. even if it's detrimental to the society07:52
katsmeow-afkif they don't need it, praps they won't take it07:52
katsmeow-afkand if yoou bring bolts, it's less portable07:53
katsmeow-afkhi kanzure07:53
Phreedomkatsmeow-afk: but what you describe might make some sense for large-scale effort07:53
Phreedomkatsmeow-afk: you're yet to tell what huge thing you plan to manufacture07:53
katsmeow-afkyeas, i did mean a *COUNTRY*07:53
Phreedomperhaps a space elevator? ;)07:53
Phreedomotherwise, really why bother owning a country?07:54
katsmeow-afki didn't go that far, no one will let me decide that anyhow07:54
kanzurePhreedom: why haven't you contributed to skdb ever?07:56
kanzurejust wondering07:56
Phreedomkanzure: time07:56
PhreedomI'm tyring to break away from nepomuk07:56
Phreedomin a constructive way I mean07:56
kanzuredespite what fenn might think we're really doing ok ("not bad")07:57
Phreedomjust to finish things that depend on me or things I can do so much better than anyone else07:57
kanzureso when ybit gave us a domain name that happened to have strings attached to you,07:57
kanzureyou can imagine how upset i was :(07:57
Phreedomkanzure: there are no "strings"07:57
Phreedombut we need to agree on what's going to happen07:57
Phreedomif you want a better name for skdb07:58
kanzureno, that's not what's happening07:58
Phreedomif skdb is released under a fossy license07:58
* katsmeow-afk is more into data : frankly, i no longer know what Tiggr does or doesn't know, but i just counted bytes in one dir of *answered* how-when-why questions: 9.5gigabytes; even at 1000:1 noise factor, that's 9.5 megabytes of howto-when-why; and there's other dirs; bigger dirs; domain specific dirs07:58
Phreedomthen you can have the name07:58
kanzurePhreedom: i feel like you don't actually follow us07:58
Phreedomkanzure: quite possibly. I don't read the channel 100% of the time07:58
kanzureybit wants to rename skdb, that's true07:58
kanzurebut what's actually going on here is, as fenn said, is "commercial bullshit"07:58
katsmeow-afkrename? or one name own the other?07:59
Phreedomcommercial bullshit without contracts, shares etc sounds strange ;)07:59
kanzurethat's why i'm asking you guys to not step on my toes until i get things worked out07:59
* katsmeow-afk steps lightly07:59
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: women excluded of course08:00
katsmeow-afki can put on boots too08:00
kanzureno thanks08:00
katsmeow-afkk :-)08:00
Phreedomkanzure: really I saw my name being mentioned along with omnifab so I decided to chime in and explain how I see this whole thing08:01
kanzureright but it sounded like you didn't know the current position either08:01
katsmeow-afkbend at ......08:01
kanzureanyway, don't mind me, i'm just a "misanthrope" (i learned this yesterday)08:01
* kanzure goes back to sleep08:02
katsmeow-afkerg, people seriously mixing up "semantic" "Symantec" and "semitic"?08:03
katsmeow-afkthe web has become Alabama08:04
Phreedomkanzure: if wikipedia's definition of misantropy is correct, then we all are misantropes :)08:04
katsmeow-afkthis is why i count on 1000:1 noise factor on all web content:08:05
katsmeow-afk<meta meta name="description" content="Auto Mechanics">08:05
katsmeow-afk<meta name="keywords" content="auto, mechanincs, wrench, sex, penis, tits, clit, boobs">08:05
katsmeow-afkYou see how it was abused. Any more advanced semantic tools will be similarly abused.08:05
katsmeow-afkplus the overhead of thetags all over everything08:05
katsmeow-afkand misspellings08:05
katsmeow-afkybit you are about to get weatherly pounded08:22
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katsmeow-afkBirmingham Alabama mayor guilty on 64 counts of bribery and corruption, possible 800+ yrs in jail, awaiting sentencing10:27
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* kanzure adds "fabbage engine" to the list12:42
fennfabroidal sounds like a n uncomfortable medical condition12:49
genehackerit's not a condition12:51
fennshouldnt it be "stallman's russia" instead of "stalin's fablab"?12:51
genehackerit could describe a condition12:51
fennkanzure: i have more crap to add, where is that wiki page dammit12:52
fennoh no we've been spammed12:52
fennsee spammers have no problem coming up with domain names12:53
genehackerwe have a wiki?12:55
kanzurefenn: http://adl.serveftp.org:808012:59
kanzurehey why don't we have recaptcha installed on dokuwiki yet?12:59
kanzurealso why did i just set up hatta-wiki?12:59
genehackerforgot about that12:59
genehackerI thought you didn't like captchas?12:59
kanzurei sometimes feel like the dokuwiki is more for the lab12:59
kanzuregenehacker: well, i don't, but it stops people like me from spamming websites13:00
kanzurethis is self-defeating in some sick way, i'm sure13:00
fenndokuwiki was only spammed once in 6 months.. that's not enough to bother with captchas13:01
fennah dammit now there's two versions13:02
fennwhat is this hatta wiki supposed to be for/13:02
kanzurei thought you wanted me to set up a wiki?13:02
fenni thought you werent doing anything so i made a new page13:02
fennand fixed the spammage13:02
kanzureok. /me uses dokuwiki13:02
fennwhy does it need a new port anyway? that's whack13:03
kanzureit's running using cherrypy's custom server at the moment13:03
kanzureit would take me a minute more to reconfigure apache13:03
kanzurei figured it wouldn't be worth it13:03
fennalso it doesnt really seem to be a wiki13:03
kanzurewhy's that13:04
fennoh it just changed behavior13:04
fennsomething about mime types i guess13:04
fennyeah the pages are plain text type13:04
fenneven edit page13:05
fennwell, some of them at least13:05
kanzurei have to admit, hatta wiki is pretty close to being perfect for me13:05
kanzurenot quite there yet- for instance, the url scheme seems a little off13:06
kanzureand it's not immediately obvious how someone else can clone the repository without asking me13:06
fennwhat you want page/edit instead of edit/page?13:06
kanzureyes please13:06
fenndoes hatta work with git?13:06
kanzureshould be easy enough for me to fix, since i'm doing that for skdb/web/web.py anyway13:06
kanzurehatta works with hg13:06
fennbut does it work with git?13:06
kanzureno, it imports mercurial13:06
kanzuremercurial has a git plugin (on the command line) but it doesn't convert skdb.git13:07
fennwhat does 'git plugin' mean?13:07
fennit can import repos to hg format? or it can actually use a .git repo?13:07
* fenn hates this crap13:07
kanzureyou drop some files in a ~/.hg/plugin/ and you can call hg clone git:// or hg clone skdb.git 13:07
kanzureit does both13:07
kanzurewell, not really, hold on a sec13:07
kanzureit can import a .git into a .hg 13:08
kanzurebut it can also allow a .hg to push to a .git13:08
fenndoes it screw everything up is what i'm asking :)13:08
kanzurei thought it sounded awesome until it totally failed on skdb.git because of some funky shit we were doing with git13:08
kanzurelike moving files around or something13:08
kanzureit errored on skdb/doc/todo/TODO (which doesn't exist)13:08
fenntry iporting a clean git clone13:09
fennthe repo on adl has a lot of dangling commits from all that --force stuff you did13:09
kanzuremy hdd has been slow to respond to "ls" and other commands today, any thoughts13:09
kanzurebtw i was trying it on my local working directory13:09
* kanzure tries13:09
fennuse ps -ef and see if anything unusual is running13:10
fennor top13:10
kanzurewhy is firefox using half a gigabyte of RAM? it's only showing dokuwiki13:10
* fenn guesses something is accessing disk and erasing the disk cache13:10
kanzure29367 kanzure   20   0  478m 260m  34m R   12  8.8 325:06.37 firefox-bin        13:11
kanzurethe order is virtual, res, shared13:11
katsmeow-afkit does that, i just crash it and restart it, have it reload the urls/files13:11
kanzurewhy do i use firefox13:11
katsmeow-afki find myself using IE8 more and more <sigh>13:12
kanzurewhy isn't there a cli browser that has javascript support? that's all i really need13:12
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: you are banned for the next 20 minutes13:12
kanzureplease just use wget13:12
katsmeow-afki use that too, when both browser fail  :-)13:12
katsmeow-afkor i copy/paste links to wget13:12
genehackerI use firefox and opera for double redundancy13:13
kanzurehow's opera working out for you?13:13
katsmeow-afki ROT13 everything twice too13:13
fenni tunnel everything through DNS13:13
kanzurehm how do i make a bare repository again?13:14
kanzuregit init -b or something?13:14
kanzuregit init --bare13:14
fenn(you shouldn't have to do that)13:14
kanzurejust a backup plan for when hg gclone inevitably fails again13:14
katsmeow-afki wanna know why there's $ stuck into the keybds in http://craphound.com/images/makerslaunch.jpg13:14
kanzurecreating bookmarks failed, do you have bookmarks enabled?13:14
kanzureabort: Not a directory: /home/kanzure/sandbox/hg-testing/skdb-hg/doc/todo/TODO13:14
kanzurei wonder why google hasn't released their own mail client yet13:15
fennkatsmeow-afk: there's gold in them thar junk hills13:17
fenn(is the main theme, sorta)13:17
* katsmeow-afk offers fenn 200 cabletvboxes13:20
* fenn offers kata cakitty treat13:20
katsmeow-afkin case you are counting, that's 1200 70ns 128k/256k drams, 200+ flash chips, 200+ 40watt switcher psu, 800 7seg led, etc13:21
kanzureah, adding [extensions]\nhgext.convert= to ~/.hgrc makes "hg convert skdb" work.13:21
katsmeow-afkand none of it worth a damn13:21
kanzurebut this is a one-way conversion13:21
fennkatsmeow-afk: maybe you can convince some kids in the philippines to take it off your hands13:22
katsmeow-afkor India, or China13:23
katsmeow-afkthing is, there's a few useful chips in these if someone needed them, like very lowpower 20mhz a/d convertors13:23
fennif only we had a comprehensive database of physical things and how they are made13:24
kanzureah i had to run "hg update" to get all of the files to show up13:24
katsmeow-afkyou missed what i said earlier?13:24
kanzureok. now what?13:24
kanzurewhy did i do that13:24
fennwhy did you?13:24
kanzureyou asked if hatta works with git, and then i commented about the hg git conversion not working, and i decided to go try it out again13:25
fennis there any reason it can't work with git directly?13:25
kanzureso yeah.13:25
kanzureno, it's just not implemented13:25
fenni mean if we're going to have some arbitrary choice of dvcs we might as well make it a choice13:26
* fenn realizes that was confusing13:26
fennhatta ought to be able to use git, is what i'm saying13:26
* fenn reads more about hatta13:27
katsmeow-afk"Monitoring Pressure in Milking Systems" .... duh,, is the cow getting bigger?13:27
fennso they don't bruise the tender nipples?13:28
kanzurethere's probably a drop off in milk pressure when your cows start going dry13:28
kanzurefenn: i have a copy of hatta in adl:~/public_html/ (hatta.py) if you're interested13:29
kanzureer, adl:~/public_html/wiki/hatta.py13:29
fennkanzure: what does hatta have to do with cherrypy?13:29
katsmeow-afkturns out the article is about heat exchanger pressures and temperatures vs protiens plating out of the milk onto the exchanger surfaces13:29
kanzurefenn: hatta uses cherrypy13:29
kanzureer, actually, that's not entirely true13:30
katsmeow-afkprotiens covering up the sensors makes the thing runaway 13:30
kanzureit uses cherrypy's server, but it mostly uses werkzeug13:30
fennseems like every time WSGI comes up i get confused13:31
katsmeow-afk- Storage. 75 file cabinets and 27 tons of reports from 1965 were not needed.13:34
katsmeow-afki guess they kept the 75 file cabinets and 27 tons of reports from 196613:36
kanzurehatta wiki should use cherrypy and anyvc under the hood, instead of werkzeug and mercurial. (actually i dunno about werkzeug)13:37
* kanzure secretly wants optfunc to work with cherrypy :)13:38
fennit doesnt/13:38
kanzureit does, but only on the CLI side of things13:39
Phreedomkanzure: I can't keep up with you guys. you are too spammy :(13:39
kanzurewhat are we spamming about?13:40
Phreedomkanzure: but if you decide something about the name let me know13:40
Phreedomjust about anything :)13:40
katsmeow-afkthe thing about spam is..........13:40
kanzureall i asked is for you to not step on any toes until i get things worked out13:40
kanzurei don't know how that's spam13:40
fennhe just means channel activity13:41
Phreedomcatching up is almost impossible. I go pee and have several pages to read after I come back13:42
fenndoes anyvc have some sort of .. documentation, webpage, anything but a web interface to the source code/13:42
kanzurethere's documentation in the source, apparently, and a makefile, but i haven't run it yet13:43
kanzurei was looking at the unit tests. they weren't helpful.13:43
kanzuremaybe one day there will be a bridge between all of the dcvses, but for now that doesn't look likely13:48
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kanzurefenn: maybe it would be better if you replied to sam's email instead of paul's14:20
kanzureseeing as how sam asked about ISO standards for screws in skdb :)14:20
fenni'm slow, i was writing that email before sam's arrived14:21
fenndo you have gnumeric installed? kspread looks kinda funky and im wondering what it's supposed to look like14:21
kanzurei have openoffice.org installed14:21
fennfrom what i can tell it doesn't have any actual data like what pitch goes with what diameter14:21
fennjust formulas14:21
kanzureyou want to come look?14:22
kanzurefenn: btw loading the screw package fails due to something being wrong in the threads package (in threads.py)15:08
fenner, what exactly15:10
fenni'm looking at threads.py right now and i seem to have stopped halfway through rewriting it :)15:10
fennfor example this is totally wrong assert self.form=="UN" and Unit(self.pitch).compatible('mm/rev')15:11
fennwhy did you do this? (in screw.py) thread = Thread(diameter='1mm',pitch='1rev/in')15:13
fennjust leave it as None15:13
fennor raise a warning or something, don't just make up shit15:13
fenn'fail early and often'15:14
fennman everything takes so long15:16
* fenn cries15:16
kanzurethe imports?15:17
CIA-23skdb: fenn * r c34fe3d /packages/screw/screw.py: remove bogus instantiation15:21
fennwell it took me an hour to respond to two emails15:22
kanzurethat might be a new record15:23
kanzureusually you do 1/day15:23
kanzurehm eugen asks if there's a way to do "atomically specified parts" in skdb. i sent him a follow-up asking if he means something like SMILES (etc.)15:25
kanzurei don't know of any representations for nano-anything, to be honest, other than the chem stuff15:25
kanzureer i guess nano isn't atom specific, sorry15:26
kanzureato :)15:27
fennthere are a few nano-CAD programs15:27
kanzurethere was one that drexler did, right? you were playing around with it once.. how was it?15:27
kanzurenanoCADengineer or something15:28
fenni spent a couple days trying to get nanoengineer-1 to compile, but ran out of time or something15:28
fennit's really complex15:28
fennlike 15 external libraries15:28
fenntheir instructions are pretty good though15:28
CIA-23skdb: fenn * r 5a9f69a /packages/screw/screw.py: check_compatibility function15:30
kanzurewhat happened to regular old compatibility?15:30
fenni just turned it into a function15:30
fenni think it needs to be moved anyway15:30
kanzurei thought Part.compatibility15:30
kanzureoh wait, no, it was Interface.compatible15:30
fenni'm confused about how to separate screw and thread15:30
kanzuresorry, don't mind me15:30
fennmaybe check_compatibility is a bad name15:30
fenni was also thinking of calling it makes_sense15:31
kanzurei was originally going to use makes_sense for checking if a newly instantiated <whatever> "makes sense"15:31
fennyeah that's the same idea15:31
kanzureis this the same or different? (i don't care if you use it, but i just want to know)15:31
kanzureok cool15:31
fenni think i meant curve fitting, not symbolic regression15:40
fennthere are a lot of standards that follow something like a linear function, sampled at regular intervals, then rounded to the nearest whatever15:41
fennsometimes they even tell you how they did it15:41
kanzuredoes list.index() use the __eq__ of its members?15:42
fenntry and see15:43
fenni don't know15:43
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kanzurehello corvinius 15:55
corviniushi kanzure 15:55
* kanzure is hacking at cherrypy15:56
corviniuscherrypy? what is that?15:56
kanzurehighly pythonic web framework, basically15:57
corviniusi'm working on rails, on this project management software (redmine) for my job15:58
corviniusi'm customizing it for our need15:58
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ybitlink to nanoCAD mailing list archive?16:32
ybit"Fungimol is a free nanocad, that is, a free system for doingcomputer aided design of molecular-scale machines."16:48
ybitFungimol is an extensible system for designing atomic-scale objects. The intent is to eventually extend it to be a useful system for doing molecular nanotechnology design work. At the moment it's a PDB file viewer and Buckminsterfullerine editor. 16:48
ybitprobably old, haven't looked16:49
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ybitshocking study of japanese wives (2005) http://www.boingboing.net/2005/12/15/how_soon_after_marri.html17:08
ybitnanoCAD mailing list archive is non-existant, not even on the creator's homepage17:10
kanzureyay for david cary17:34
kanzurenice to see he's not dead17:34
kanzuresuperkuh: have you been able to figure out who david cary is yet?17:34
kanzurethis guy: http://www.rdrop.com/~cary/html/idea_space.html17:35
superkuhI don't remember reading the name previous to this date.17:39
-!- tyson_ [n=tyson@68-114-130-93.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #hplusroadmap17:44
kanzurehello tyson_ 17:44
tyson_Ah, hello17:44
tyson_Ill be honest i cant stay long17:44
tyson_i have to pack and get drive into nashville for my flight17:44
tyson_hello everyone17:44
kanzurei saw a flock of green parrots outside17:45
tyson_where are you?17:45
kanzureaustin, texas17:46
tyson_Huh, not exactly parrot country17:46
tyson_but i suppose it will serve17:46
tyson_just dont ex them17:46
kanzurethat's what's so confusing17:46
kanzurewhy would it happen right after we were talking about exing parrots?17:47
tyson_well i need to stop by the grocery store17:50
tyson_i need more cat food17:50
tyson_if Rufus isn't going to devour the house he will need a larger dish17:50
ybittyson_: where are you?17:58
ybitsomewhere in tn it looks like17:58
fennlion kimbro is associated with david cary?18:00
fennbased on my reading of http://www.communitywiki.org/en/TerseWriting18:01
fennactually a lot of those names on the right look familiar18:02
kanzurePatrickAnderson haha18:05
kanzureSamRose.. hm. yeah18:05
kanzuresomehow i don't think this is the one we know: http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?PatrickAnderson18:05
kanzurewait, no18:05
fennalso thomas kalka and bayle shanks18:16
kanzureis thomas kalka the emc thomas that i should know by now?18:18
ybitfenn: you'll have to rent a car if we are to get from lax to irvine18:31
ybiti'm not 25 yet18:31
ybitand neither is bryan, even though the beard may fool others18:32
ybitwhich means you'll need your credit/debit card and other stuff that i will have to call and ask about18:32
fenni guess i would need a license and car insurance too18:32
kanzurewhy do we need to rent a car?18:35
kanzureanyone in LA?18:35
ybitkanzure: that was suggested to me 18:35
ybittalking to lax rent-a-car right now18:35
ybitenterpise rent-a-car18:36
kanzurei'm sure they'd recommend themselves even if you had to walk one block18:36
ybitthree days with full protection and tax: $274.14, $27.97 for full insurance, and we pay for gas18:37
ybitmore than the flight there18:37
ybitthat's for renting it friday through monday18:37
kanzureno thanks18:38
* ybit wonders if hunter would be willing to drive us there and back for about $6018:39
ybittaxi is more expensive than rent-a-car18:39
fennwho is hunter?18:39
ybitmy friend in malibue, we traveled playing baseball for several years18:39
fenn"It is also possible to take the Metro Rail train from LAX to LA Union Station in Los Angeles, and then transfer either to an Amtrak or Metrolink train which will get you down to Irvine."18:40
ybithe's uber christian, but, it's cheaper than having to rent a car18:40
kanzurethere's also a bus18:40
fennhow far are we talkin about anyway?18:41
kanzure40 miles18:41
ybit50mins away18:41
fennwhat's the hotel again? sheraton?18:41
ybiti don't think it's sheraton18:43
kanzureybit: google maps suggests something way cheaper18:43
drazakI might go to irvine18:43
ybitthat bus ride could get us back to lax from irvine, not sure about from lax to irvine though18:43
kanzureybit: why are you so intent on paying so much money to go 40 miles?18:44
kanzure$120? 18:44
* ybit isn't, it was just recommended to me from people i've talked to today who have been there18:44
kanzuresorry, $120 is crazy18:44
ybitit being rent-a-car18:44
ybiti glanced @ $718:44
kanzurerent-a-car for $274 is also silly18:45
kanzureoh, $7?18:45
ybitwait, i was right, it's $718:45
ybitso that's the way to go on monday18:45
ybitdrazak: if you are serious, we need details if you plan on rooming with us18:45
drazakybit: for school18:46
drazakUC irvine18:46
fenngoogle suggests 2 trains and 4 buses18:46
fenn(in series)18:46
ybiti considered that school, i considered a lot of places and stayed home, probably not the greatest decision on my part, anywho..18:46
fennyeah i think one of the shuttles is best18:48
bkeroDon't go to school in LA.18:48
drazakwhy not?18:50
bkeroLA sucks, sometime around the early 2000's, the UC system reached critical mass, and stopped giving a shit.18:51
ybitit's $69 total for all of us from lax to irvine with the prime time shuttle, fenn, kanzure 18:51
bkeroTo your professors you're just a number.  It's almost impossible to get to know them.18:51
drazakbkero: eh18:51
bkeroMy school has around 11,000 students.  I'm on a first name basis with almost all of professors in the computer science department.18:52
ybitdrazak: if i had to do it over, i'd say pick a school where they allow you to pick your course curriculum, self-directed study.. there was a school where your last 1.5 years was your own project, which is neat18:52
kanzurewhat happened to the $7/ride shuttle18:52
ybithampshire college, that's it18:52
ybitkanzure: that's from irvine to lax18:53
ybitwe need to get to irvine18:53
kanzurethe bus doesn't go back?18:53
fennone way ticket to HELL!18:53
ybitnot from what i gathered, will look again18:53
ybithampshire college, that's the name of the school, drazak 18:53
ybitit's pretty neat18:53
kanzureconservation of buses, ybit18:53
drazakybit: no thanks18:53
ybitdrazak: and you are allowed to visit other schools, amherst and umass 18:54
ybits/visit/take classes at18:54
ybitthe flyaway shuttle bus takes you to the union station18:56
* ybit checks to see if union station can get you to irivine18:56
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fenntotally stupid that the train doesn't go to the airport18:58
ybit$14 from lax to irv at amtrak18:58
ybitplus the $7 shuttle ride to union station18:58
ybitso we're looking @ ~$25 to get to irvine18:59
fennthat sounds not too bad18:59
ybitand we may need to schedule ahead just to make sure we get the tickets18:59
ybiton monday, it's about ~$1018:59
kanzuredo we need to pay to reserve?19:00
ybitlooking @ http://tickets.amtrak.com/itd/amtrak19:00
ybitno, it's like a plane tickets19:00
ybitmight be useful to have on the netbook/lappy: http://www.lawa.org/uploadedimages/lax/images/GT_mapF.gif19:02
fennprint it out19:02
fenndo it now! i command you19:02
ybitme? never!19:03
* ybit reaches for strages kiddle19:04
ybiter, kindle*19:04
fennthere is also a $25 "flyaway bus" straight from the airport19:05
ybitthat's the shuttle i was talking about19:07
ybitit's $7 from what i recall looking at19:07
fennno $25 to irvine19:07
ybitthat works, let's do that19:08
ybitto and from irvine, $25 each way, so $50 for transportation. you pay when you get one the bus19:11
ybitjust called19:12
ybitnow on to hattit19:12
fenngood old last mile problem19:12
fennwhat's hattit?19:12
ybitare we going to use hattit?19:12
ybitthe mercurial wiki19:12
ybityeah, that19:13
kanzurejason morrison likes to claim he "geeks out" but i don't trust him19:13
ybiti was looking at it during my break today @ work19:13
ybitit's setup on my comp here19:13
kanzure(referring to his latest thread and his lack of understanding that an xml-tweeting thermocycler is not news)19:13
fenngod i wish twitter would hurry up and die19:13
ybitmind if we just stick it into the stack for the time being so we have a wiki?19:13
kanzurewhat's wrong with dokuwiki?19:14
kanzurethe installed dokuwiki i mean19:14
ybitcan you git-clone yourdokuwiki?19:14
kanzure"yeah let's get excited about lab instruments hosting their own RSS feeds!"19:14
ybiti thought we were going for a vc wiki, one where you edit a text-file as opposed to having to open a browser to edit a file19:14
kanzure"but jason, wouldn't you rather want to do something more geeky than RSS?"19:15
kanzure"no! rss is the ultimate!"19:15
* ybit whips out his ant farm and waves it in the air for the rss feeds, w00t19:15
fennwell rss would be good for non-critical sensor alarms19:15
kanzureno, it should push messages somewhere else19:15
fenn'humidity is up in the greenhouse'19:15
kanzurei'd rather not have an rss feed hosted on a little chip somewhere19:15
kanzurewhy not just have it push messages every once in a while?19:15
ybit19:14 < ybit> i thought we were going for a vc wiki, one where you edit a text-file as opposed to having to open a browser to edit a file19:16
kanzurethat way, if it dies, you have the messages sitting elsewhere19:16
kanzureybit: yes that's still the plan19:16
fennhm ok i have no idea how rss works, nevermind19:16
ybitso why not use hatta?19:16
kanzurefenn just wanted to put domain_ideas.txt 19:16
kanzureon a wiki19:16
kanzurebecause it's mercurial, mainly19:16
kanzurefenn: look at any rss feed. at the xml markup.19:16
ybitbecause it has troubles with skdb.py19:16
kanzureyou query a web server, it spits out xml19:16
fennybit: you can edit dokuwiki pages from the back end, they're just text files19:16
kanzurefenn: but the dokuwiki revision control system is custom or somesuch19:17
fennok let's not confuse unrelated issues19:17
kanzureyeah but how would you commit if you edited their flatfiles19:18
kanzurejust wondering19:18
fennuh.. i think it just says 'edited from backend' or something19:19
fennactually i think it obliterates the version history19:19
fennanyway.. at least it's not some awful xml sql database dump19:20
ybitwhere'd the lego .stp files come from?19:24
kanzurenational design repositoryt19:24
kanzurei refuse19:24
ybitkanzure is more shy than japanese wives 19:24
kanzurethey are valuable19:25
ybithave we had discussions previously on auto-generation of cad files?19:26
* kanzure nods19:26
fenni think it was sort of taken for granted19:26
kanzureyou're only grumpy because occ doesn't want to draw your helices19:26
kanzurethere's a parametric demo in pythonOCC somewhere19:27
kanzureusing sympy to control the sizes19:27
kanzureybit: unless you mean something else? like deciding which shapes to use?19:27
fennyeah but it's a lamesauce example19:28
kanzurewas it just a prism or something?19:28
fennand you have to have all that other crap installed so i never actually tried it19:29
fenn(also more or less useless outside of an interactive UI cad program)19:29
kanzureme either :)19:29
fennwtf is up with this connection19:29
kanzurei seem to be ok19:29
ybiti am raping it, that's what19:29
kanzurethank you and welcome to "guess your rapist"19:30
kanzurethis week's rapist is short, self-described pipsqueak, and running on a 56k line out of alabama19:30
fennobviously a product of his environment19:30
kanzureyes, short19:32
ybitno no, i'm a tall mofo19:32
kanzuresee? every mofo is from alabama19:32
ybitso i guess it isn't me.. odd, there's another server rapist in the area...19:32
fennhide your servers!19:33
kanzurelock the firewalls!19:33
ybittake it like men dammit19:33
ybitlinux cam software?19:35
ybitwhat were the plans for that.19:35
ybitautomatic g-code generation from cad files19:36
ybitoh, no. emc doesn't do that19:36
ybitandypugh from #emc thinks heekscnc might19:40
fennso pycam is not bad19:43
fennthat's what heekscnc uses19:43
fennit's sorta slow; i think it could be fixed by rewriting the dropcutter function in C19:44
fennanders was going to do that but flaked out19:44
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fenni'd be surprised if sandberg were even thinking about anything so concrete19:44
fennthis is the kind of crap i grew up with http://www.macrovu.com/image/VLBkimg/vlbkwhtisvlpict.gif19:49
fennthat was probably done in macdraw and imported into hypercard19:51
ybithttp://code.google.com/p/pycam/wiki/PythonComputerVision :: not the python i just downloaded from sf19:57
fennthat's dumb. why didn't they call it pycv?19:58
-!- kardan_ [n=kardan@p54BE56FB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:58
ybitpycam only imports stl19:58
fennyes, it only works on triangles19:58
fennit's more for continuous surfaces than highly process specific geometry19:58
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ybitso what else is on the list?19:59
ybitaside from pycam19:59
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fenndo you really want a list?19:59
ybitthat'd be nice19:59
* fenn thinks once an author's books sell for $1 on amazon they ought to just release the damn thing for free20:00
ybitfenn: do you have a list?20:00
fennhang on, this connection takes forever to do anything20:00
fennyou can probably get there faster than me20:01
fenngo to wiki.linuxcnc.org and the page named Cam20:01
ybitgrr, your connection is still faster than my 56k ;)20:01
ybitdxf, stl, stp... /me wonders how easy it is to convert between each20:02
kanzureit's not20:03
kanzureare you looking for something to do?20:03
fennso of the stuff on that list, dxf2gcode, inkscape biarc, aptos, mesh2hmap/image-to-gcode20:04
fennthose are the most useful and reliable20:04
fenn(not counting heekscnc stuff)20:05
fennVectorSection is a cool idea, dunno if it ever went anywhere20:06
fennThe goal is to be able to convert between and access most vector graphic file formats such as dxf, dwg, dgn, svg, pdf, ps, jpg, png, ogr, ifc.20:06
fenni'm not sure jpg and png really belong in that list20:06
ybit20:03 < kanzure> are you looking for something to do?20:07
* ybit was afk just now. will be for another 20 mins in about 2 mins... but well, i'm working it out, a tutorial for the new skdb user. which will also help me in the process of what to work on after the site is templated 20:09
ybit20:06 < fenn> i'm not sure jpg and png really belong in that list20:09
ybitme either20:09
ybit2d representations of 3d models, that doesn't sound like fun20:10
kanzurethere's a big juicy todo list in the skdb/doc/ folder20:10
fennthe neato inspiring documentation for rhizopod (formerly vectorsection) sees to have disappeared20:10
fennnah dxf always was a 2D format20:10
fenndwg too20:10
fennthen they hacked in 3d support some time in the 90's20:10
fenn"There are even more ways to help with VectorSection than with typical open-source projects. If you can write code, you can write a connector. It doesn't matter what language you know. "20:12
fenn"Q:  There should be a C API."20:13
fenn"A:  That's not a question."20:13
fennhey where did this come from http://openscad.org/20:16
ybitwow, that's not bad, and a common license too20:19
ybit20:10 < kanzure> there's a big juicy todo list in the skdb/doc/ folder20:19
ybityeah, i've already went over it20:19
ybitit is juicy and helpful20:19
kanzureseems to only export STL20:20
fenni think it is mostly just opencsg20:21
fennwith a goofy language tacked on20:21
kanzurewhat's with the goofy lang, yeah20:21
fennmaybe i should make python bindings to opencsg20:22
kanzurehe mentions "structured terminal forms library" hrm20:23
-!- tyson_ [n=tyson@68-114-130-93.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]20:24
kanzureheh: http://www.clifford.at/fun/20:24
fennyes looks absolutely rambunctious~20:27
ybitwhy was the GEOOM Salome package left out of the pythonocc install instructions on http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/pythonocc20:36
kanzurethe -NO_GEOM is to make it work20:37
kanzurethere's sgeom.sf.net floating around out there but i don't remember how to make that compatible20:37
ybiter, yeah, i meant geom, maybe if i switched over to a dvorak i would be more conscious of what i press20:39
ybitso why not geom?20:40
ybittoo much hassle to get it working?20:40
kanzurejoseph jackson might give us a ride from LA20:43
ybitthat would be nice20:44
* fenn finds this amusing http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/user/inddes/open.gif20:44
fennybit: i never needed anything from salome and thus never installed it and thus didnt feel right including instructions that i didnt actually test20:45
fenni often wish opencascade were simpler, so addin even more crap seemed like a bad idea20:45
kanzurehe heh has guido and ed20:46
kanzurebut anyway, he thinks he can fit us in20:46
kanzurehe's driving in from sf20:47
fenno rly20:47
fenni might go to bay area; hijacking joseph's caravan sounds attractive20:48
kanzurethere are some folks there that would like to house you20:48
ybiti call rooftop, fenn, bryan you will have to fight over who gets the rope tied to the trunk20:48
kanzureor at least put up with you for a few days at minimum20:48
kanzurei'll weld a chair to the front hood20:49
fenni was going to hang out with my brother for a while, but others might be interesting too20:49
kanzureoh right, a brother20:49
kanzurei want you to meet steve, just because he's in the area20:49
fenner, i still havent asked my brother or anything20:49
kanzurebut there are others, like michael anissimov20:49
ybitdammit, python's api ref page froze fsckfox20:50
fennfsckfox froze itself20:50
ybitsomething like that20:50
kanzurei don't know why anyone puts up with firefox20:50
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* ybit wonders why paul doesn't use salome 21:03
ybitkanzure: who's ed?21:18
ybitand is that Guido D. Nez-Mujica?21:18
ybitnez-mujica seems like an interesting character21:18
fenned probably is embraceunity.com21:20
kanzureed miller21:20
ybitfenn: you're part of the hardware liberation front as well, aye? :P21:20
fennybit: i'm the founding member apparently21:20
ybitthat must be frustrating with bryan being part of the people's hardware liberation front21:21
fennyou mean the hardware liberation front of the people21:21
fenn"Porn will be the vanguard"21:24
ybithttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DJOTEDBA2c :: was that really the quake engine, because it looks to me like they put the mouse in a windows 95 maze screensaver, poor rodent21:26
fennthat's not a mouse, it's a trackball!21:29
fennbut seriously where do i get one21:30
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ybita simple lego brick isn't a good example22:11
ybitit needs to be multiple legos forming something22:11
ybitthat way skdb is actually useful22:11
ybitotherwise the user might as well use any cad/cam coupling22:11
fennyeah, we talked about assemblies being a series of manufacturing techniques, such as press-fit or adhesive bonding22:12
ybitthen again it could still just be useful as a database via agx-cache search22:12
ybitor whatever method chosen22:12
ybitkanzure: i think you linked to some lego cars at some point...22:14
ybit'the most basic lego car i could make' isn't so basic22:14
ybitmaybe we could do a convertible22:17
ybitor for the tutorial, just two brick combined to make a tetris piece22:17
kanzurefenn: thought you might like this. https://store.iso.org/isoweb//order/OrderDownload.html22:20
kanzurealso, i hate java22:21
ybitkanzure: what do you open that that with?22:23
ybitIceweasel doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (ognl) isn't associated with any program.22:23
ybitit's java according wikipedia22:23
ybitObject-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL), created by OGNL Technology, is an open-source Expression Language (EL) for Java, 22:23
kanzurethose are the backend template files22:26
kanzureif you read through it you'll see they are doing some embedded scripting22:26
ybithttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asZJHIpwpQ4, that doesn't seem too difficult22:26
kanzureanyway, that's how to figure out how to download ISO documents for free22:26
kanzureit looks like they are using a hash at least once, but it might just be a hash of the file name, for instance22:26
kanzureybit: fenn and i were originally thinking a good first demo project would be "skdb make spacebase"22:26
kanzurebut in legos22:27
kanzurepeople need to understand that while it would be great for skdb to be a one night stand,22:27
kanzureit really takes some time (like any project)22:27
kanzureso the spacebase tutorials or project would be broken up into installments22:27
kanzurethe first one would be making a basic lego spacebase framework.. also known as "a giant board" 22:27
kanzurethe second one, maybe you get some people22:27
kanzurethird time around, maybe there's something new to get for your spacebase22:27
kanzurebut the problem is you might as well be making /actual/ stuff 22:28
ybitthere's no reading through this: http://ybit.ath.cx/images/2009-10-29-222150_1024x768_scrot.png22:28
kanzureybit: the html source22:28
kanzurenobody reads the web like that22:28
kanzurehey who's raping this server?22:29
fennquit showing pictures of your scrot22:31
ybitthe base might have different 'terrain' different colored legos maybe?22:31
-!- kanzure_ [n=kanzure@cpe-72-177-121-106.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:31
ybitor even varying altitude (read: stacking bricks)22:31
kanzure_ybit: what did i last send22:31
ybit22:27 < kanzure> third time around, maybe there's something new to get for your spacebase22:31
ybit22:28 < ybit> there's no reading through this: http://ybit.ath.cx/images/2009-10-29-222150_1024x768_scrot.png22:31
ybit22:28 < fenn> quit showing pictures of your scrot22:31
ybit22:29 < ybit> :)22:31
ybit22:29 < ybit> the base might have different 'terrain' different colored legos maybe?22:31
ybit22:30 -!- kanzure_ [n=kanzure@cpe-72-177-121-106.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:31
ybit22:30 < ybit> or even varying altitude (read: stacking bricks)22:31
fennheh racing stripes22:31
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ybitwatch out, there's a 56k rapists on the loose22:32
ybitfenn, kanzure: are you thinking the board needs to be many pieces connected? or just one large plastic part with stubs sticking in an orderly fashion?22:39
fennit should be a graph, not just a tree or chain22:41
fennsome kinematics would be nice too22:41
fennbut i havent written any code for that yet22:41
fennalso there's no way to rotate bricks 90 yet either22:42
kanzurefor the spacebase? i dunno22:47
kanzurehow would you integrate technics into a spacebase design anyway22:47
kanzure"look, a regolith!"22:47
ybitisn't this just a simple copy here, copy there type thing from pythonocc's api?22:49
ybit..for rotation22:49
ybithi bkero 22:49
ybitdid you get my PM earlier?22:49
bkeroyea brb22:49
ybitno probs22:49
ybitfenn ^22:50
ybit...or the misanthrope the hardware liberation front of the people22:51
ybitgrr, why am i completely missing words on a regular basis (rhetorical, please don't answer)22:51
fennkanzure: the classic space base had these radar dome panel things that swiveled out22:52
kanzureybit: pythonocc's api is just opencascade crammed down swig's throat22:55
kanzureopencascade doesn't do part mating22:56
kanzureso it doesn't know about revolute joints22:56
kanzureODE does, so that's what i was supposed to be doing for the past month22:56
kanzureright now if you notice, paths.py just kinda builds a wall22:56
kanzureeven though the legos should be able to be rotated.. well. now you know why22:56
kanzurehow much should i pay for an ISO document that usually costs 92 chf?23:01
kanzureping? anyone23:01
ybitoh noes, not this part23:02
* ybit prepares to see this for a long time: http://ybit.ath.cx/images/2009-10-29-225545_1024x768_scrot.png23:02
ybitor just ctl-c and hope it picks another part23:03
ybitit, being paths.py23:03
ybitisn't someone in here from switzerland?23:04
ybitwouldn't someone be willing to share teh iso doc?23:04
kanzureiso docs cost money23:04
kanzurewell, usually23:04
kanzureanyway, how about a tenth of a penny23:04
ybitso do some books which i get for free23:04
ybityou name your price?23:05
kanzureyeah but iso docs aren't running around the net really23:05
kanzureno, but they have stupid programmers working for them23:05
kanzurethey put the price in HTML on their order page23:05
kanzureas a form value23:05
kanzurethe ISP at my college dorm did the same thing23:05
ybitif it works out for you, i say go for it23:05
ybitdid that work out as well?23:06
ybithaha, nice23:06
kanzurei paid $0.37 for my semester of 10 MB/sec connectivity on two machines23:06
kanzurei had to register two accounts actually23:06
kanzurethey only allowed one mac address to be associated with a payment23:06
ybitwow, did they find out eventually?23:06
ybitthat's the best story i've heard this hour :)23:07
kanzureanyway, http://ybit.ath.cx/images/2009-10-29-225545_1024x768_scrot.png is because it's randomly putting parts together23:08
kanzureit's not even searching for the first compatible part23:08
ybityup, and it continues to do so: http://ybit.ath.cx/images/2009-10-29-230238_1024x768_scrot.png23:08
kanzureoh there's also the problem with the round brick that i still don't understand23:08
ybitwhich is?23:09
kanzurewhat you're seeing.23:09
kanzuresorry, i got confused. you're seeing the problem with the round brick23:09
kanzurefenn: what's the brick that should never ever be used as the starting brick?23:10
ybitnp, so what is the problem exactly... and why does it matter that you can't rotate the lego bricks if you can rotate the view?23:10
kanzurethe bricks have an orientation in the CAD file23:12
kanzurebecause of this, when you make a new 2x2 lego brick, it has the same orientation as in the CAD file23:13
fennthe round brick gets messed up for some reason (something to do with the coincidence detector)23:13
kanzurethat orientation in the CAD file is not expressive of all possible orientations of the lego..23:13
kanzurethis is a terrible explanation23:13
kanzurewhat if you have 2 bricks that need to go together, how do you "rotate the view" to fix /that/?23:14
fennybit: you can rotate the connection between two bricks by 90 degrees right?23:14
fennybit: but we dont have any code for that yet because i havent implemented kinematics (which would allow you to rotate around one stud)23:14
ybitkinematics via ODE?23:16
* kanzure twitches http://www.iso.org/static/payment-template.html23:16
kanzureyeah i was thinking of just importing pyODE23:16
* ybit removes any trace of his talk in hsv *shudder*23:17
* kanzure spots free software on iso.org https://store.iso.org/isoweb/js/filterlist.js23:19
kanzureit's a gnu saffari23:19
ybithaha, the payment-template :D23:20
ybityou might be known as the guy who pirated ISO before long :)23:20
ybitand Nature23:20
ybitso fenn, what are you working on currently in skdb? and you kanzure?23:22
ybitwhat is the timeline here, what are you both realistically hoping to complete within about 2 months? 23:22
ybitkind of hard to write a tutorial if it doesn't work, but this is what i was hoping to figure out, why it doesn't work and where my energy can be used (aside from putting up a wiki on bkero's server)23:23
fennumm.. another wiki would not be helping anything23:24
ybiti'd like to work on getting the first tutorial out, which would be a spaceport (ala base plates)23:24
fennok we dont have any way to load 'saved' lego configurations23:24
ybitfenn: the wiki is djangit or hatta, for the website.. for people to share what they have (later on)23:24
fennon the other hand i'm not sure i really want to do too much with legos, it's sort of endless23:25
ybitit's nothing to it, it's a matter of just running it23:25
ybitare you referring to the number of parts?23:25
fennhave you played with lego digital designer?23:26
fennwell, making a clone of that would be pretty cool23:26
fenni had the same idea from the beginning as ldd23:26
fennbut it shouldn't be all about legos23:26
fenni really dont think it's time for a tutorial yet23:27
ybitof course, but i would like to get to that point23:27
fennok well.. /me looks at todo list23:28
ybitthat's the goal, now how to get there, what needs to be implemented... hmm. that's a good idea23:28
ybitfenn: still though, what are you working on in skdb currently?23:28
fenni'm not doing anything in skdb currently23:29
fennthis morning i was answering samrose's question about metric screws which reminded me i'd never finished some of the threads code i was working on23:29
fennso i'll probably finish that first if i do work on anything23:30
ybitkanzure: what are you working on?23:30
ybiti'm assuming you mean tonight or within the next day.23:30
ybitfenn ^23:30
fennybit: why?23:31
ybiti'm just wondering 23:31
ybit23:28 < ybit> that's the goal, now how to get there, what needs to be implemented... hmm. that's a good idea23:31
fennyou probably would have gotten a better answer 2 months ago23:32
fenni'd like for someone to investigate ODE.. maybe a simple demonstration of lego bricks falling or something23:32
ybitwhy aren't you working on skdb?23:33
fennit doesn't do anything interesting enough to hold my attention23:33
fenni should be working on this wearable thing while i still have access to my electronics gear23:34
fenni'm such a dumbass, i passed up myvu crystals at $119 buy it now on ebay23:36
fennybit: what have you been doing lately?23:38
genehackeryou have a heads up display fenn?23:40
fennnot yet23:40
fenni know you're all probably sick of hearing about it23:40
ybitfenn: last week i wasted time brainstorming names, had a site up by this week, and am now realizing that we need a cad file for a baseplate23:42
ybitalso wasted time with audio voice recording explaining the site, meant to be overlayed on an animation 23:42
genehackerthere's a new heads up display coming out with 800*600 resolution23:43
fennyeah yeah whatever23:44
fennit's not $170 on ebay though is it23:44
ybitand there was a lot of cherrypy and cheetah documentation read23:44
fennand probably huge goggly obtrusion sticking off your face23:44
genehackeralso does the pressure angle of an involute change along the length of the involute?23:44
fennybit: did you ever do anything with cherrypy?23:44
ybitabout as much as kanzure did :P23:45
fennwell, uh, hm. why doesnt anyone do anything useful :P23:46
ybitthe cheetah templates this week was a nice surprise23:46
fenni mean just add some cherrypy functions to the existing code, and it'll do stuff!23:50
fennthat's the whole point of cherrypy right?23:50
ybitdoing stuff?23:50
ybiti thought that was nike's job.23:50
fennthat you dont have to design a website23:50
fennyou just add stuff to the existing code23:51
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ybityou didn't miss anything23:51
ybitfenn: so the point is to allow other potentially interested beings to join in on the fun23:52
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ybitoh, i read incorrectly, that's python package deps, poo23:54

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