
--- Day changed Sat Nov 07 2009
kanzuretype in "what are" and see what "google suggest" suggests. http://www.google.com/00:32
katsmeow-afkFen, so really, a 60v mosfet will take 50v *reverse* voltage when off, without damage?00:44
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kanzurehttp://code.google.com/apis/sketchup/ sketchup/ruby api12:02
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ybithey makefile and autoconf ninja ( kanzure ), http://pastebin.com/f70d37c0213:31
ybiti need you to use your ninja-like skills if you will13:32
ybit*this* close to having the pythonocc .deb file13:32
kanzurelooks like it's in /usr/local/lib/libShHealOper.a13:33
kanzureon http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/pythonocc there was a line about copying some symlinks around13:34
ybityeah, i did that13:34
ybitwants to have a look?13:36
kanzurei'm thinking.13:37
kanzurei can't seem to find ShHealOper via apt-file13:37
kanzureoh i was using apt-cache13:37
ybiti didn't want you to have a look anyway! 13:39
* ybit pouts13:39
kanzurewhat is your library paths on that call?13:40
kanzureis this it? -L/home/heath/builds/opencascade/ros/lib -L/opt/SalomeGeometry/lib -L/opt/salomesmesh/li13:40
kanzurei mean are there others13:40
kanzureso are you sure you're linking against files in /usr/local/lib/ ?13:41
-!- danielfalck [n=chatzill@pool-71-111-79-148.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:42
kanzurehello danielfalck 13:42
kanzurewe were just debugging a .deb that ybit is making for pythonocc13:42
danielfalckok wow 24 users13:42
kanzureyeah i harvest brains13:42
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 24 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 24 normal]13:42
danielfalckis there a log file somewhere?13:43
kanzurethis is from 2009-10-10 going back to the beginnings of the channel: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/hplusroadmap.log.tar.gz13:44
kanzure(6.8 MB)13:44
danielfalckok thanks13:44
kanzureand just for grins i extracted all links we've ever mentioned in here: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/hplusroadmap-urls.txt13:44
ybithi danielfalck 13:47
ybiti'm sure the links are there13:47
ybitln: creating symbolic link `/usr/lib/libmscmd.so': File exists13:47
ybiti get a similar error each time i recreate the links13:47
danielfalckhi ybit13:47
ybit13:40 < kanzure> what is your library paths on that call?13:48
ybiti haven't a clue13:48
kanzurei'm pretty sure this is it: -L/home/heath/builds/opencascade/ros/lib -L/opt/SalomeGeometry/lib -L/opt/salomesmesh/lib13:48
kanzureso you need to make sure ShHealOper.a is in there somewhere13:48
ybitdanielfalck: i think i remember being jealous that you had something i didn't in one of the cad/cam channels :)13:49
kanzurea job?13:49
kanzurea life?13:49
ybiti've a job, maybe it was the life13:49
danielfalckybit: ?13:50
ybiton second thought, i have the life of a linux geek, who doesn't want that, so there's no way it was the life13:50
ybitdanielfalck: i think it was a machine tool13:50
danielfalckwell, I can't park my car in the garage because of the iron that's in the way13:51
kanzurethere is no shame in that13:52
ybiti have a similar problem, but it's more with electronic parts scattered about13:52
danielfalckand the acorns from the oak tree dented my van recently13:52
danielfalckso, I got my karma13:52
ybitsomeone wrote 'wash me' on my car because it's not in the garage :) 13:53
kanzureback to work13:53
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kanzurehttp://www.google.com/ig/log?msg=foo wonder what this does14:26
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ybitkanzure: i just gave you access. cd /home/kanzure/pythonocc-0.3.3/src/ && make debbuild14:37
ybit..to see the error14:37
ybiter /home/kanzure/local/pythonocc-0.3.3/src/14:37
* ybit naps 14:38
ybitand er, builddeb14:39
kanzureybit: i suggest -NO_GEOM14:47
ybitfor what?14:47
ybitgood point14:47
kanzurei'm trying to figure out why i get different data here:14:56
kanzurehm maybe i don't14:58
ybitmeh, same error, i'll play with it in an hour when i get back15:03
kanzurei don't get an error15:04
kanzuredid you add -NO_GEOM to the pythonocc build line?15:04
danielfalckkanzure: '<awallin.:not sure I can access ISO-standards, if you have any links I can try' over in #cam15:09
kanzureoooh ISO 286-1:1988 looks cool15:30
ybitthat's the Makefile15:36
kanzuredoes it work?15:36
ybitthat's what i keep executing 15:37
ybitit may not be correct, will have a look in a bit when i get back15:37
kanzurehm. http://www.google.com/ig/jserrors?msg=hi15:51
kanzureha ha15:53
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kanzurethat was the first person to randomly call me up from the internet16:38
kanzure"hey bryan, wtf are you doing in my search results? how are you doing?"16:38
* fenn looks at http://hplus.eventbrite.com/ and is confused again16:39
-!- strages [n=strages@c-76-29-231-141.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:46
kanzurefenn: wtf16:49
kanzurewhy is andrew hessel talking about "open source ecology"?16:50
kanzureshouldn't that be marcin?16:50
kanzurealso i thought we were doing a presentation together16:50
kanzureor some such16:50
kanzuredoes anyone know what http://google.com/insights/search/ is actually displaying, information-wise?16:52
-!- kardan_ [n=kardan@p54BE44D8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:06
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ybitmy official proposal for a mascot: Gnusha19:46
ybitbased on Ganesha, the god of knowledge, and also education, wisdom, and wealth: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganesha19:48
ybitso it's a twist with gnu replacing gane19:48
ybithere's my mockup: http://ybit.ath.cx/images/mascot_gnusha.png19:48
ybitobviously it needs some work, but i dont' want to fix it up further if there is no interest in this19:49
ybitso vote please...19:50
ybitso with 'gnu' in the name, it's freedom of knowledge, education, wisdom, and wealth, or whatever we want it to be :)19:51
ybiti didn't know what gnusha could hold, so i just found some random svg files and shrunk them for the time being19:53
kanzureyay: ftp://ftp.itri.bton.ac.uk/bnc/20:17
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kanzureybit: where's my .deb foo20:18
ybitworking on it bar..20:25
ybithope to have it ready no later than sunday20:25
kanzure"anti kidnapping expert kidnapped"20:36
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fennybit that's hilarious21:32
ybitfenn: glad to hear you liked it, i'll finish it up sometime later this month, and post the result. 22:08
ybitthe next 24 hours are dedicated to pythonocc-0.3.3.deb22:08
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kanzurewell.. http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/search-queries.txt23:46

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