
--- Day changed Sun Nov 08 2009
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ybittwo seperate talks from fenn and kanzure, aye?14:31
ybitwhen did this occur?14:31
kanzurethey made it up14:31
ybitso they are just winging a schedule together14:31
kanzurethey are full of shit14:31
kanzurealso, andrew hessel knows nothing about open source ecology14:32
* ybit wishes jata would spean on diy-h+ instead of diybio, nothing wrong with diybio, but i've heard enough of it already14:32
ybiti thought that was nathan cravens14:32
ybitthe singularity summit 2k9 vids are up on vimeo14:32
kanzureabout damn time, i was wondering what i missed14:32
ybitheh, there are only three interesting ones so far14:33
kanzurechalmers wasn't terrible14:33
kanzureed was cool14:33
kanzureanders wasn't bad either14:34
kanzureaubrey did the typical spiell14:34
ybitaubrey's new talk which it seems i will hear again in a few weeks,ed boyden, and stuart hamelhoff or however you spell it14:34
ybitalready saw it14:34
ybitgot ed and stuart queued up14:34
kanzureif you want a laugh look at the one with eli and pete14:35
ybitheh, yeah, i did14:35
kanzureand stephen wolfram was hilarious. he's basically an animatronic robot designed for synchronous hand-waving in tune with his words14:36
ybiti was a little frustrated that they were talking non-sense in the world-changing panel14:36
kanzureyeah it's bullshit14:37
kanzurebut you don't go to these things for the presentations14:37
kanzurei only watched one or two talks.14:37
ybiti'm afraid that this volunteering thing might have been a bad idea14:37
ybiti don't want to be stuck behind a camera for every damn talk14:37
kanzurewhy would you be operating a camera?14:38
ybiti don't know what i'll be doing, but i think goertzel mentioned that they need people manning the cameras14:38
ybitkanzure: did you happen to log in and take a look at the code or maybe you just know off-hand where ShHealOper.i is being called14:40
ybiti'm grepping this poor system to death14:40
kanzurewhy do you not have libShHealOper.a?14:41
ybitit was nowhere to be found14:41
ybitdo you have it?14:43
ybitand OCC provided it, yes?14:43
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kanzureybit: are you sure you have all of the dependencies?14:45
ybiti'll send off for all of them again14:57
ybiti was thinking open source media ecologies btw14:57
ybit..was and is cravens14:57
ybitapt-file shows no results for libShHealOper.a14:58
ybitso i have everything on dokuwiki, and i guess i should go ahead and remove the 'python-gccxml' from the wiki when i get time.. the results of reinstalling everything mentioned only resulted in three packages having upgrades15:01
kanzureOSE was marcin15:01
ybitkanzure, fenn: in what package is libShHealOper.a located on your systems?15:02
ybitit's not my grepping skills btw, i was grepping -i -r for all instances of ShHealOper15:03
kanzurei don't remember this happening before15:28
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wrldpc2Anyone have links to research on computers being able to detect normative assertions?   I realize we don't discuss AI in here :\16:56
wrldpc2if you want to laugh hysterically watch the EmTech 09 Ben Veerwayen talk ... it's fucking HILARIOUS  https://www.technologyreview.com/emtech/videos/login.aspx?ETCEvent=95&y=200916:58
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-32-190.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap17:21
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ybitanyone able to view the files on this page? http://sourceforge.net/projects/techiebrain/files/17:23
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* ybit wrote 'software' 4 times in less than 4 sentences :-\18:55
kanzuredid you just watch the silly eff video about autonomous vehicles?19:04
drazakdude have you guys seen the calc 1 in less than 20 minutes video?19:11
kanzureno.. but that sounds about the right length.19:20
genehackeris that silly video?19:27
-!- strages [n=strages@c-76-29-231-141.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:28
drazakyoutube indoubtably19:32
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ybitkanzure: no i haven't it watched it yet, i saw some software for it and i wondered20:02
ybitfenn, kanzure: in what package is SalomeGeometry?20:18
ybitlibopencascade-visualization-dev or libopencascade-dev, or..?20:19
kanzuresgeom is a separate package, but you shouldn't need it20:29
kanzurewtf is nltk doing? "please use nltk.download() to grab the corpora"21:34
kanzureand then this ancient tk (gtk? i'm not sure) gui pops up /during/ my interactive python session21:35
kanzureto download some packages21:35
kanzurethey claim to have the brown corpus.. http://nltk.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/nltk_data/packages/corpora/brown.zip21:36
ybitthanks for the synonym following article kanzure 21:59
ybitwow, all of the links actually22:00
kanzurei need a way to cluster words based off of synonyms and their semantic context.. i.e. rake,garden should be clustered22:01
ybittk isn't gtk, it's for tcl22:01
kanzuretcl is the graphical one, right?22:01
ybittcl is the lang 22:01
ybitsorry, but it's philosophy time...22:05
ybiti have an injured grasshopper in my room22:05
ybitshould i kill and take it out of its misery or 'set it free' where it will be easy prey?22:05
ybitif i 'set it free' i'm feeding another animal, but the grasshopper will die a slow death probably22:06
kanzurehm not sure how to get nltk.wordnet22:06
ybitnobody, come on..22:06
ybitwhere's xp_prg when you need his infinitesimal wisdom22:09
ybitping: any69671647, bkero, fenn, and you other animal lovers22:10
kanzurecome on guys this is a grasshopper emergency!22:11
ybitheh nah, it isn't going anywhere, poor fellow22:11
fennobviously the most compassionate thing to do would be to take care of it for ever and ever22:12
ybitfsck you fenn22:12
ybitanyone else? :)22:12
ybitactually i think i will22:14
ybitdo grasshoppers easily regrow their limbs?22:14
ybiti could keep it for however long it takes to regrow the limbs, just for the fun of it, and then release it into the wild so that it may be ran over by a car22:15
kanzureyes we regrow our limbs22:21
fennyou aren't a grasshopper22:23
kanzurethat's what sensei calls me22:23
ybitfenn trained under turtle master roshi, and kanzure is training under a grasshopper sensei, i really don't know what to think of this channel anymore ;)22:28
ybit..and i'm the only one who still uses emoticons it seems22:36
kanzureaha. http://nltk.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/howto/wordnet.html22:38
ybitif i don't need sgeom, then why am I getting such an error, and what is calling it, argh.22:40
kanzurewhy didn't you get this error before22:41
ybiti don't know22:42
ybiteverything still works fine of course, it's just complaining when attempting to create a deb22:43
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genehackergrass hoppers have about as much capacity for feelings as a complex computer program23:30
ybityeah, but it's fun to pretend23:36
ybitand plus i get to play with it23:37
ybiti mean how often do you get to play with grasshoppers?23:37
genehackershow it some windows 98 field of stars screensavers or star wars battle scenes23:39
genehackerobserve results and reverse engineer it's eyes23:39
ybityeah, i'll get on that23:42
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ybiti fail as a mad scientist23:55
* ybit searches ebay for a microscope23:55
ybityeah, i don't have one, which is why i fail23:56

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