
--- Day changed Mon Nov 09 2009
ybiti typed it in the wrong irssi windows00:10
ybitchizu: which trevor hardcastle are you on facebook? befriend me, because i haven't a clue who you are or what you do http://facebook.com/heathmatlock00:15
ybitflamoot, are you really connected as root?00:17
chizuybit: I don't use facebook.00:28
bkeroybit: pong00:30
ybit1 packet transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 8400s00:54
ybitchizu: oh, alright then00:54
ybitchizu: just went through the logs, you and bkero are both at osuosl, this is new to me00:57
ybitand chizu, you only talk when people need python help and ping you, heh00:57
* ybit just sent an email to hod lipson asking for source from his 'towards a universal knowledge database for design automation' paper00:58
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk01:01
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-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-182-138.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap08:05
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UtopiahOpen source enters the world of atoms: A statistical analysis of open design http://www.uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/267009:31
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-!- ybit2 [i=449f8e42@gateway/web/freenode/x-ocqbtrqrglxhohzu] has joined #hplusroadmap11:32
ybit2kanzure: i sent you an email, looks like good news. if you get a chance to respond to me through email, please do... or /query ybit11:35
ybit2and sorry about the html crap or whatever gmail used, i realized this after i sent it 11:36
kanzurevery well11:36
kanzureybit2: originally the idea was for synthesis, not sequencing11:40
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kanzurehm does anyone have a list of all wikipedia articles? without having to crawl http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:AllPages15:04
ybitnot that i'm aware of 15:16
ybityou could ask in #wikipedia15:17
ybitkanzure: what about focusing on both sequencing in synthesis?15:19
ybit'welcome to site _blah_, are you interested in sequencing or synthesis?'15:19
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kanzure(325, 'in what state is it illegal to throw an old computer across the street at your neighbor')16:42
xp_prgI want to make my own microfluidic device, I have just completed the laser and Tomach milling class at the Tech Shop16:44
xp_prgI know I can laser etch into acrylic, I am curious how to put the pumps/valves in though16:44
genehackerthat's not how microfluidic devices are made16:59
genehackerat the reynold's numbers microfluidic devices operate at, you can have valves with no moving parts16:59
genehackeractuated solely by pressure17:00
genehackerIE down there liquids tend to behave like syrup17:00
genehackertry making a vortex valve before you make any other microfluidic element17:04
kanzure.deb packages of heekscad: http://yamato.hyte.de/packages/heeks/17:10
katsmeow-afkkanzure, just dl wikipedia17:16
kanzureno thanks, i found something better17:27
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xp_prggenehacker there are valves on a microfluidic device though18:31
xp_prgwhy can't you understand that?18:32
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genehackeryeah there are18:50
genehackerplanar valves with no moving parts18:51
genehackermeaning these aren't your grand daddy's valves18:52
xp_prghow does a planar valve work?18:53
genehackerit's in there19:00
genehackerin the pressure driven section19:07
genehackernow this is cool19:10
genehackersomeone got the shrinky dink microfluidic technique to work19:10
genehackerIE they got them to shrink uniformly19:11
xp_prggenehacker is it feasible for me to make my own microfluidic device?19:17
genehackera microfluidic device that does what?19:25
xp_prgfetch, execute, write instructions with fluids19:44
genehackerI'm confused19:55
genehackerare you trying to make a fluidic microprocessor19:56
genehackerit sounds like you're trying to make a microprocessor20:03
xp_prgyes I am20:07
xp_prgyes a fluidic microprocessor20:07
genehackerhow small do you want to make it20:08
genehackersince you don't have photolithography equipment and I'm not sure if there are any fluidic logic gates that work at low reynolds number probably big20:10
xp_prgwell I want to go as small as I can20:10
xp_prgbut I don't have photolithography equipment or clean room20:10
xp_prgso am I screwed?20:11
genehackeryou can make a fluidic microprocessor that isn't tiny20:13
xp_prgoh sweet20:18
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genehackerwell you'd first have to design the circuit20:32
xp_prgcan I do it with a laser on acrylic somehow?20:32
xp_prgwhat would I use for a pump and valve?20:32
genehackeryou don't use valves20:32
genehackeryou use fluidic amplifiers20:33
xp_prghow much are those?20:33
genehackeras much as it cost to cut them in acrylic20:33
xp_prghmm... ok20:33
xp_prgI am confused what causes things to flow in the circuit20:34
genehackeras far as a pump is concerned depends on the fluid20:34
xp_prgwhat is the "pump" ?20:34
genehackerin what circuit20:34
genehackerit's a pump that provides a pressure differential20:34
xp_prglets just say it is a circular mixing circuit with two inputs20:34
genehackerhow many outputs?20:34
genehackerok the fluids enter the 2 inputs then exit the output20:35
xp_prgit has to mix around in the circular mixer area20:36
xp_prgwhich means you have to close the flow from the out to the in and force it to circle around20:36
genehackerI don't know what type of fluidic mixer you're talking about20:36
xp_prgwell how do you propose mixing two things together?20:37
genehackerat what reynolds number?20:37
xp_prgwhat is a reynolds number? :(20:37
genehackeris the mixer small or big?20:38
xp_prgwell it is big enough so I can make it with acrylic and don't need a clean room and stuff20:38
xp_prgdoes that answer the question?20:39
genehackerthen the reynolds number is probably high enough that you could inject two fluids into a channel and they'd mix themselves(given that the fluids aren't sufficiently viscous)20:39
xp_prgno I want to do it the advanced microfluidics way, imagine a circular channel20:40
xp_prgboth fluids flow into it, then close the valves and they circle around mixing with each other like two gay loers20:40
genehackerI haven't seen that one20:41
genehackerusually for low reynolds number mixing you pass two fluids through a curvy channel and they come out mixed20:41
xp_prgits in here20:41
genehackerat what point in the video?20:43
xp_prgdon't remember20:43
genehackerI don't know how they do that20:45
xp_prgthey tell you in the video20:45
genehackerit might be using electricosmostic flow20:45
genehackermore likely it's somesort  of peristaltic device20:46
xp_prgwell lets say I wanted to do it with acrylic, just give me some ideas20:47
genehackerthat's crazy20:47
genehackerthey're running at high reynolds numbers20:47
genehackerin other words the fluid could be going through there at faster than the speed of sound20:49
xp_prgthe video doesn't show it that fast20:50
genehackerthey don't say how they're doing it in the video, but they're probably doing it electrokinectically20:51
genehackerthey're doing it mechanically20:52
genehackerthey're using rubbery microfluidics20:53
genehackerusing this20:53
xp_prgwell you get my question though right?20:54
xp_prgI want to do it at the diy level20:54
xp_prgbut I do have access to a laser and drilling machines20:54
genehackeryou might beable to do that with shrinky dink microfluidics20:55
xp_prgI have to go in 5 minutes20:55
xp_prgwhat is shrinky dink microfluidics20:55
genehackerrubber microfluidics formed with molds made out of shrunk shrinky dinks20:56
xp_prgwhat acts as the pump and valves?20:56
genehackersomething like this21:01
xp_prgI am confused by that21:01
xp_prghow do you make it go open?21:01
genehackerthese are the valves they used21:02
genehackerthe channel on the top expands like a ballon when pressure is applied closing the channel21:03
xp_prghow is pressure applied?21:03
genehackerwith air21:03
genehackeror pressure from a syringe pump21:03
xp_prghow does the air get there?  With like a mini hose or something?21:03
xp_prggenehacker, I want to create a microfluidics chip, please be thinking of a way I can do that at a size that is not too difficult21:04
xp_prgI have to go right now, thanks again for your wonderful help!21:04
xp_prgjust curious how much is a lithography machine?21:04
genehackerthen it won't be a microfluidics chip21:05
xp_prgwhy not?21:05
xp_prgwon't be small enough?21:05
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