
--- Day changed Thu Nov 12 2009
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-37-139.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap00:02
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/meetlog.txt updated. who are all these people from today? blah00:03
-!- rmond [n=strages@c-76-29-231-141.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]00:17
genehackerThirty years ago the technology in this toy would have cost $100,000.00:19
ybitanyone know of a better frequency counter script? i'm getting tired of my alias freq="sort $x | uniq -c | sort -nr | less"  00:42
ybitgenehacker: i requested your friendship on facebook over a year ago i believe and you still haven't responded :P00:50
ybitfreq() { sort "$1" | uniq -c | sort -nr | less; }01:03
fennthis is a neat optical illusion; stare at the cross in the center: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lilac-Chaser.gif01:09
fenn"there is no green dot"01:09
ybitkanzure, how large is http://anonetnfo.brinkster.net/ now or did you ever actually use it?02:05
genehackertodo figure out where the heck a tooling board would go in skdb02:08
genehackerespecially a urethane tooling board02:08
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katsmeow-afkbut http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilac_chaser has the lilac dot edited out already03:32
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genehackerheh, someone made a fluidically controlled robotic arm for amputees to use11:22
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kanzureybit: what's the name of the text speech synthesis library?12:46
kanzurefenn: when are you waking up?12:48
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ybitkanzure: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75116914:56
ybithts are the best voices, though cmu and mbrola have some decent ones14:57
ybitkanzure: did you ever try anoynet?15:06
ybithod lipson never responded to my source code request, guess i'll have to hit up his co-conspirators15:07
* ybit just discovered Package: reportbug15:08
kanzurewhat is reportbug?15:09
ybita way to report bugs on debian from the cli15:13
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-249-241.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap15:27
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ybitnih is throwing 12.2 million dollars at a social network site for scientists15:53
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ybitany decent scholarly papers to read while grubbing?17:15
ybitguess i'll read the black hole paper finally17:16
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-!- kardan_ [n=kardan@p54BE6B3D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:07
kanzure12.2mil for a what now?18:20
ybitprobably a flop18:22
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ybiter, don't look!18:57
ybitif you check back every 30 seconds it has a new css problem 18:57
kanzure"seed to harvest" by "octavia butler"19:35
-!- ve [n=a@cpat002.wlan.net.ed.ac.uk] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]19:37
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-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-43-130.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap20:56
kanzureneat, mit runs a qdb server now? http://qdb.mit.edu/20:59
fennthis old testament is pretty hilarious21:28
fennat least when rendered in legos..21:28
genehackerhuh, is skdb outputing the bible or something, or is it that lego bible thing21:29
fenni'm reading http://thebricktestament.com/king_david/index.html21:33
ybitfenn: you cringed at the website yesterday, what didn't you like?21:40
-!- oddboy [n=oddboy@adsl-75-51-154-162.dsl.snlo01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:45
ybithi oddboy 21:48
oddboyhey hey21:49
ybityour mum's a boy? 21:49
kanzuretrixie's not?21:50
kanzureer, trixie is?21:50
ybitmy best friend is a boy named trixie, what are you trying to say? :)21:50
kanzureso if you guys want to infiltrate the 3 day startup mailing list,21:50
kanzurefeel free to totally up-promote anything i write21:50
kanzurelest these crazy cell phone people on steroids or "droids" or whatever get to me ;-)21:51
oddboythis is todd21:51
kanzureoh cool :)21:51
kanzurewhat's up?21:51
kanzurei'm going to be spending this weekend doing 3daystartup21:51
oddboyi've decided to start hanging out on irc more21:51
oddboywhere at?21:51
kanzureaustin technology incubator21:51
kanzureit's like a 100 MBA: 2 programmer ratio going on here21:52
oddboyi've been to those events before21:52
ybitoddboy: anything good ever come out of them?21:52
oddboyit's like "OMG, this person has talent, let's hook them up to a yoke"21:52
ybitsuch as?21:52
kanzurei just wrote up an email proposing the gene synthesis bidding website21:52
kanzureoddboy: have you seen http://ybit.ath.cx/images/omnifab.png21:53
kanzureor http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/web/test.html21:53
oddboywell, it's not as bad as disillusionment, but it's enough to make you earn a healthy distrust of MBAs21:54
kanzuresince when did you have to earn that21:54
fennybit: mostly the color scheme and huge image based letters21:54
ybitspeaking of the test site, kanzure, you wouldn't happen to know offhand how to specify that the ul needs to be a 1column, 3 row table (without tables) would you?21:54
kanzurewhat units are you talking in boy21:54
kanzurebee arrrr beee21:55
oddboybrb, going on a walk21:56
ybitalso see omnifab2.png21:56
ybiti was thinking it would be nice to replace "what, how, start"21:57
ybitthe arrow needs to be larger21:57
ybitand Gnusha needs to be fixed at some point 21:57
fennthe old testament makes much more sense if you take the perspective that yahweh and friends were extraterrestrial people21:58
-!- oddboy [n=oddboy@adsl-75-51-154-162.dsl.snlo01.sbcglobal.net] has quit []22:04
kanzuregod damnit don't scare todd huffman away22:09
kanzurethis guy has .. people :p22:10
ybita few annoying things...22:24
ybit23:17:27 up 1 min,  2 users,  load average: 1.25, 0.53, 0.1922:24
ybiti had to reboot22:25
ybitsecondly @font-face doesn't work in uzbl nor firefox (sorry fenn).. however there are javascript options 22:25
kanzurecampbell wants to publish something with me in at least one (or more) of these22:26
ybitand thirdly my webdev minutes are over tonight for the time being since i again am unable to boot into xmonad with a working mouse and keyboard 22:26
kanzureit's not @font-face22:29
kanzureit's just "font-family"22:29
ybithad to reboot after attempting to start xorg22:32
ybitit is @font-face, it's a new css feature 22:32
ybitcheck out http://ybit.ath.cx/test/style.css to see it in action!22:32
ybit..not really22:32
ybitbut you can see how you specify it22:32
fennnew css feature... why??22:32
ybitbecause _someone_ doesn't like large images22:33
fenni must be missing something22:33
ybityou don't like the large text images, so i was going to replace them with actual text with the same font-family22:34
kanzureheh 'text images' sounds like an oxymoron22:34
ybitunless you are referring to svg22:34
ybitthat's another option, you can replace the text with svg for webkit and gecko browsers, and use vml for ie22:35
ybitusing a little javascript to tie it all together22:35
kanzureyou're making this too complicated22:35
* ybit goes back to introducing xorg to hald22:36
kanzureif they bark at each other, make hald sniff xorg's butt to get them acclimated to each other22:37
-!- oddboy [n=oddboy@] has joined #hplusroadmap22:45
kanzurehello oddboy22:47
kanzuredid you get a chance to check out http://ybit.ath.cx/images/omnifab.png or http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/web/test.html 22:47
ybitstop being mean to me22:47
kanzureybit: ?22:47
ybitterrible attempt at a joke22:47
ybitcomputer may be rebooting if you attempt to reach ybit.ath.cx 22:50
ybithere goes nothing...22:50
ybitit works, and i know the problem22:51
ybitthe mouse doesn't start working until you press ctl-alt-enter to bring up a prompt22:52
ybiter, Mod-Shift-Enter, just for you xmonad nerds. drazak, have you ever experienced this?22:52
ybitokay, back to work22:52
ybittim__: you have your reprap problem fixed?23:14
tim__ybit: mostly23:31
tim__It's printing out quite usable Mendel parts as I type23:31
tim__Improving quality with every iteration23:31
ybitexciting, isn't it :)23:32
tim__I still can't figure out how to get Nick's extruder body model to print, but oh well.23:32
tim__It is!23:32
tim__PLA is a wonderful plastic to work with...23:32
ybitso how did you _mostly_ fix the problem, i never saw a response in the thread23:32
tim__I've gotten to VERY high quality parts without nearly as much trouble as Nick - who is printing with ABS.23:33
tim__ybit: I started printing other parts :D23:33
ybiti start building mine in ~january-feb23:34
ybitright after i get the car23:34
ybitif my budget stays true23:34
tim__I asked this in #reprap, but might do here too...  I'd like to have a printable "construction kit" ala Erector or Meccano for making on the RepRap - for all those times when you'd like to throw something together, but don't want to take the multiple hours to CAD a custom part and print it.23:35
ybitkanzure: you wouldnt' happen to know a quick-fix for the buttons on the slideshow on http://ybit.ath.cx/test/test.html ?23:35
kanzurewhat's wrong with them?23:35
ybitthey need to be to the right of the image and in 1 column, three rows23:36
kanzuredid you try setting display:inline on the ul element?23:36
kanzureor maybe that's the li elements. hrm.23:36
ybittake a look at http://ybit.ath.cx/test/style.css23:38
ybitis that what you are saying?23:38
ybitor are you talking about stripViewer?23:38
kanzurei only see "float: left" on .stripViewer23:38
katsmeow-afkybit, i find css fails at the stuff tables is best for,, and you can nest css inside a table, or a table inside css23:38
fenntim do you make your own PLA filament or buy it in bulk?23:38
tim__fenn: I'm buying in bulk ATM - will be for sale online soon.  I have 200lbs coming in a few weeks.  Hopefully about a thousand lbs after that, and if that sells, I've already started looking into purchasing my own equipment.23:42
fennthat's pretty hardcore23:42
tim__The majority of the 200lbs is likely to get snapped up by MiRUG members.23:42
tim__I apparently take my hobbies seriously :D23:43
tim__That said, it will be easier for me to get off the ground than most.  I've started the MiRUG, which has fostered a LOT of RepRap activity in Michigan, and I'm looking at a 10,000 square foot warehouse space tomorrow morning - in which I would do the plastic extrusion.  I am splitting the space in half, and offsetting rent by starting the Grand Rapids area's first Hackerspace in the second half.23:45
tim__I'm an energetic fellow.23:46
kanzurecool someone wants to make us some SiC AFM probe tips23:46
* katsmeow-afk looks impressed23:46
fennhow many repraps are there in michigan? 40?23:47
kanzurewell at a replication cycle of 1 day, by now there should be..23:48
kanzureO WIATS23:48
fennit's longer than 1 day23:48
tim__I would guess closer to 20 - based strictly on the one's I've seen show up to our meetings.  Only 2 are working ATM - mine and Nick (mccoyn)'s.  Devon's is _very_ close.  We ordered 25 sets of parts for building extruders, and Nick has been printing extruder parts like mad.  I intend to do same.23:48
tim__The plan is to have all of the existing members' repraps working by mid-year 2010.23:49
tim__Hopefully a few extras will get printed between now and then.23:49
tim__kanzure: it takes ~ 2weeks to print all the printed parts.  Plus time to purchase non-printed parts, build electronics, program, debug, and assemble.23:50
tim__I'd put a speedy replication at no less than one month.23:50
fennhttp://hydraraptor.blogspot.com/2009/07/hydraraptors-second-child.html   puts build time at 3 days working around the clock, so call it a week to print the parts23:51
fennhydraraptor is somewhat slower than darwin though23:51
tim__"I aimed to print these parts over the course of a week, three batches a day, but the machine had other plans and it actually took me two weeks. I will give more details tomorrow. "23:53
tim__from bottom of page23:53
fennwell it seems like if you're doing this all the time you could work most of the bugs out23:53
tim__believe me, he already has.23:54
tim__It will improve with time, but this was already quite a fast replication.23:55
fennnophead's a hacker.. he pushes the envelope so it makes sense his machine has bugs23:55
tim__RepStraps are the hardest.  There are a lot of assumptions in various places - the firmware, skeinforge, host software.  If your machine is not a CupCake, Darwin, or Mendel, you're on your own making the thing work at all - let alone finding settings that work well.23:58

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