
--- Day changed Fri Nov 13 2009
tim__It's not easy days yet in RepRap land, but things are steadily getting better.00:00
tim__If Linux is any indication, in about ten years, they'll be easy enough for normal people to use.00:01
* fenn hopes tim__ is wrong00:01
tim__me too.  :D00:02
tim__It really helps a lot to band together in groups.  Using the Linux metaphor, I modeled our group after a Linux User Group.  It worked better than expected.  Everyone has a different background, and knows more about / has an easier time with different parts of the build process.  Not to mention that everyone has different tools and other resources.00:06
tim__It's been 1000 times easier to build a working RepRap in a group than alone.00:06
kanzuresorry but the groups i've come across down here in austin are totally incompetent00:06
kanzureand this is me being very forgiving00:06
tim__:(  how so?00:07
kanzurewell they hold meetings in a retirement home00:07
kanzureok, that's not bad00:07
kanzurebut they don't do anything00:07
tim__You are, or were at one time part of these groups, no?00:08
kanzurei guess i still am, but need to get stuff done. can't sit around talking about "what are we going to do next year" with a bunch of old guys doin' nothing00:08
kanzurei sound like a meanie00:08
kanzurefenn: make me sound less mean. say something stupid!00:08
tim__I only ask to point out that you could take the initiative...  organize a group purchase (one of the first things I did with the MiRUG) to lower costs for everyone, or something else creative :D00:09
tim___someone_ has to do the work that makes life easier on the other group members :D00:10
fennthe one "The Robot Group" meeting i attended, they talked about the budget for like half the meeting, then there was a guy with crows that pecked at a dead baby, then a dancing robot wind up toy00:10
tim__that does sound horrible00:11
tim__So start a group that doesn't suck :D00:11
fenneasy for you to say :)00:11
kanzurewell we are that group00:11
kanzureyou're talking to it00:12
fennhow did you advertise the first couple meetings? i mean how did they even know it was there00:12
* fenn wouldnt know how to start a linux user group either00:13
kanzurethere's one in austin00:13
kanzurebut it's pretty small00:13
tim__fenn: it's not so hard.  Create a google group (or use some other mailing list / forum - Google groups are just super easy), spam a few local mailing lists, and dictate a first meeting date.  Then it gets easy, because you can start delegating  :D00:13
kanzurespam? i'm good at that00:14
kanzurei made a total of $0.83 spamming so far!00:14
tim__I sent around a few emails to local LUGs, Con mailing lists, etc.  Interested people forwarded that on to other lists.00:14
tim__and by 'a few' I literally mean 3 or 4.00:14
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/mailing_lists.html too many?00:15
tim__Also, mentioned it on the RepRap blog a few times.00:15
kanzureyeah but there's lots of hype around reprap00:15
kanzurenot fair00:15
kanzurecan someone make sure trey daniels gets hooked up into here?00:17
tim__I tried to do the same thing with starting a hackerspace a couple years back, didn't get a good response.  Tried again a few days ago, and we already have 10 or more interested people.  Sometimes we're a bit ahead of our respective times.00:17
kanzureybit: can you googlestalk him? i'm checking out for the night00:18
kanzuretim__: yeah but what's the right waiting time before tries00:18
kanzurei mean, i've done 30k google searches but i have no idea which ones i should redo and when. :(00:18
kanzuresometimes they didn't end up anywhere good00:18
kanzureand in the mean time awesome stuff pops up, but i won't ever know about it because i've thought i've already queried for it00:18
katsmeow-afkhave a proxy log your browsing?00:19
kanzureyes that's been on my todo list for a very long time now00:20
kanzurealso google has "email me new stuff" feature, but that's pretty hard to manage AFAIK00:20
kanzurei'd rather manage it myself..00:20
ybitkanzure: who am i googletalking again?00:37
ybitgoogle needs to get their act together google rape 2.0 is down indefinitely :\00:37
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ybitlooking better than it has02:08
ybittime for sleep02:08
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fenngolly gee, according to deathclock.com i can double my lifespan simply by switching from pessimism to optimism05:09
maraineinif you're a true pessimist, you wouldn't believe that05:10
fenna true pessimist would simply see the life as half empty05:11
tim__fenn: we talked about it taking 2 weeks to replicate...  found out today why.  Got through 4 mendel parts and my extruder esploded.06:02
tim__(the heater barrel slipped out of the PTFE spacer)06:03
tim__First extruder lifespan: approx 15 hours print time.06:03
tim__The next one will do better.06:04
fennwell how long does it take to make an extruder?06:05
fennalso i think the stainless/aluminum extruder looks a lot better than all that teflon acorn nut stuff06:05
fennand pinch wheel drive.. seriously wtf were the guys in england thinking?06:06
fennmaybe i'm spoiled by machine tools06:07
tim__The pinch wheel works MUCH better than v1's drive screw.06:07
tim__I don't need to build a whole new extruder, just replace the PTFE spacer.06:08
fennit seems to me that you could use the same worm wheel as the pinch wheel and reduction drive06:08
fenner.. like this http://hydraraptor.blogspot.com/2009/10/worm-drive.html  but with only one wheel06:09
tim__that looks like a nice extruder.06:10
fennand the rest of it 06:12
fenni dont see why it has to be so long though06:13
fennin the comments it says stratasys just uses thin wall stainless tubing06:13
fennthe end piece then clamps on06:13
fennthat's probably what i would do06:13
fennyou'd have to use a spring to keep it clamped, because of thermal expansion06:14
tim__meh.  at the end there he mentions that he's made some pieces taking an hour or two, and sometimes it worked.  Mine worked splendidly over 4x 2.5 hour prints - three of which were in a row.  I don't think I'm far behind using the nearly-100% plastic official RepRap design.06:18
tim__A couple quick improvements, and I'll be off to the races again.06:18
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fenni dont like the standard version because 1) there's no automatic adjustment for slop and 2) you have to get a stepper with a sharp splined shaft06:25
fennand it looks like it puts a lot of load on the stepper motor's internal bearings06:27
fenni mean where do you get a motor like that? it looks like some random thing he pulled out of the junk box06:28
tim__and what do you have against steppers pulled from the junk pile?  Mine came from a long-dead printer.06:54
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fennit's not a good way to make a "standard" design spec07:06
fennthe jameco motor has splined shaft? it doesn't look like it07:06
fenn("something from the junk pile" was referring to the splined shaft, btw)07:07
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kanzureybit: how goes the .deb?07:37
tim__fenn: no, it doesn't.  Neither did mine.  I splined it manually with a jig and a dremel, and cleaned it up a bit with a triangular file.  Works great.07:51
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kanzuretodd has odd ip addresses10:06
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genehackerso tim__ you want a reprapable construction kit?10:08
genehackerkanzure you're posting on the 3ds thing10:09
genehackerok cool10:09
kanzurewhat's up?10:09
genehackeroh you are doing 3 day start up10:10
genehackeractually the programmer ratio might be a bit higher, but most of the things i've seen so far from those 3daystartup things tend to be ideas that seem like good ideas to business people10:11
genehackerthe 3daystartup things tend to focus on "niche market/underserved market" things10:13
genehackerand they usually like web2.0 things and software things10:15
genehackerone of the ideas that won was a cellphone games for families thing10:18
genehackerthe reason: the family game market for cellphones is underserved10:18
kanzure"ideas that won"10:18
genehackerI'm not sure if it won, it was something one of the TES guys did10:19
genehackertheir startup10:19
kanzurewhat do you mean "won"10:19
genehackerI seem to have confused idea 2 product and TES10:20
genehackeranyway need any help with it? 10:21
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CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r 8fe27a4 / (2 files in 2 dirs): graphsynth save_gxml method12:09
kanzurepleasestalk: william andregg, michael andregg12:59
ybitkanzure: i haven't attempted to fix the error in days, figured i would make a little more progress on the site before bashing my head over the .deb again13:06
genehackerwoo water on the moon for sure this tiem13:07
genehackeras in a significant amount13:07
ybitwhat were we supposed to know about andreggs, kanzure?13:08
kanzurewhether or not they are bullshit13:09
kanzureandrew hessel claims no13:09
kanzuretodd huffman claims they've gone the commercial route and i shouldn't bother with them13:09
ybiti've never heard of them13:13
kanzurezach claims he wants to integrate skdb into thingiverse13:13
kanzurei don't believe it though13:13
kanzurehe said that a year ago too13:13
ybityeah, i just saw that13:14
kanzurehm let's get a vote. who thinks he's likely to be serious this time?13:15
kanzurei say nay13:16
ybiti think he'll have a look and realize it isn't ready to be integrated13:16
kanzureit's easy to assume that without actually looking13:17
ybithe'll probably want something simple for the users, when it has a simple installation, he may change his mind13:17
kanzurei mean13:17
kanzurehow can you prove that he will take a look before thinking that?13:17
ybityou can't13:17
kanzureno he said integrate into thingiverse13:17
kanzurethat's not the same thing as a .deb13:17
kanzureactually i think we might be able to13:17
kanzurei have his ip addresss13:17
kanzureoh god google is crawling /lab/2008-10-30/R_1/13:18
genehackerwait zach said a second time he wants skdb in his thingiverse?13:18
genehackersounds like we're gtting assimilated13:18
kanzuredo you think zach uses opera? if so he is
kanzureah, nope13:20
kanzurethat's some random scanner bot13:20
kanzureif he uses macintosh, maybe
kanzurenope that's someone on mit.edu13:21
* ybit snacks and naps for 1.5 hours13:23
kanzurei wish i gave people unique URLs so that i could figure out which IP address they are13:23
ybiti just don't think hacking into someone's computer and setting up skdb is a good idea :P13:25
genehackerhe probably has some security stuff installed13:25
ybitscrew napping13:25
kanzurejust because you know an ip address doesn't mean you want to hack13:26
ybityeah, but if it's windows, then there's nothing to it ;)13:26
genehackeranyway I think skdb needs to do more stuff13:26
genehackerI'm also wonder what shape classification I should give to metal spin forming13:27
genehackerit makes rotationally symmetrical parts13:27
genehackernot knowing it can have expensive consequences13:28
genehackermy professor told us a story of someone who made a hollow metal dome by machining it down from a solid block 13:29
kanzuregenehacker: sorry but you've probably never used skdb.13:30
kanzurein fact, i am sure of it13:30
genehackeryes I know13:30
genehackerI haven't13:30
genehackerhow the heck do I use it?13:31
genehackerand what can I do with it?13:31
kanzurehuh: http://afterthedeadline.com/13:34
kanzuregenehacker: you use it by running it under python13:34
kanzuresay "python skdb.py" or something13:34
kanzureyou can share hardware designs, run a thingiverse-like website (almost), and check dependencies13:34
genehackerI don't need to run a thingiverse like website13:51
genehackerhow does dependency checking work?13:51
genehackeranyway what geometry classification should I give bending?13:59
ybitkanzure, fenn 15:14
ybittim__: exactly what i was asking you to make it seems15:15
ybitproof of concept it can be done, which is a plus15:15
ybitkanzure: will you do me a favor a render some rather large cad files in wireframe mode, take some snapshots and send them my way? i can't render a drill or transmission on this computer, at least not within a 24 hour timeframe15:20
ybitgenehacker: we have already discussed dependencies15:21
ybitwhat exactly do you mean by geometry classification?15:21
ybithod got back to me15:49
ybitThat's from almost a decade ago... I don't think I can find the code, and it15:50
ybitwouldn't work anyway.15:50
ybitRegarding your platform, check out our fab@home15:50
ybitit's not _my_ platform obviously, i just mentioned the skdb project to him, that it was doing something similar to what he proposed in his papaer15:51
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ybitoh, he was referrign to the precision positioning system i bet *face to the head*16:13
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genehackerthe type of geometries that bending can make17:09
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ybitfenn: are you around20:30
ybitkanzure: you wouldn't happen to have a local copy of the 3ds notes?22:19

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