
--- Day changed Sun Nov 15 2009
ybitkanzure: it is now00:08
ybitdiy tissue culture00:09
ybitsure they want you to purchase, but they tell you exactly what you need 00:10
ybitanyone ever had dragon fruit?00:10
ybitnote to self, bookmark tabs before going into private mode00:24
ybitwas looking up oakland california, was curious how far it was from irvine00:25
ybittoo far00:25
ybitam wondering if there's something to visit while there, something like the blue brain project, or a tour through something like the allen institute or EPCOT as mention on OM mailing list00:26
ybitor someone in california having something futuristic, similar to the venus project research center (which is up for sale)00:26
ybit00:26 < Flannel> ybit: Well, about 90 minutes south of that is Balboa Park (in San Diego) which is a bunch of museums, including Reuben H. Fleet Science Center.  Irvine  is next to Disneyland (and the other stuff at that same location), and there's also a discvery center in Irvine too, although I've never been there.   Let me find it00:27
ybit00:27 < Flannel> http://www.discoverycube.org/00:27
ybit00:27 < Flannel> That's the one in Irvine... er, Excuse me, Santa Ana.  It's right there.00:27
ybiti wonder if visiting berger's lab would be interesting at all..00:36
ybithttp://www.californiasciencecenter.org/ is downtown00:42
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ybiti bet guys from somewhere like http://sio.ucsd.edu/ might know of some interesting things to do.. planning on shooting a few emails tomorrow to a few people in the area00:53
ybitbtw, kanzure, fenn: are you two okay with the hotel i mentioned and paying me when i get to austin?00:53
ybitit was originally going to be around $17 with jeremiah, and it still may be, but i would plan on $20/night00:54
fennepcot is in florida, and it's terrible anyway01:01
fennthe exploratorium is pretty cool but that's bay area01:02
fenni'm fine with whatever hotel01:02
fennLA sucks; why would anyone hold a progressive tech conference there? :P01:04
ybiti wouldn't mind visiting some geothermal power plant01:04
fenndo those actually exist in america?01:04
ybityou only get to see them near the tectonic plates 01:04
ybitcali has them01:05
fennwhat about the tar pits01:05
fennyou could watch animatronic dinosaurs drown to death01:06
ybithehe, that might be fun01:06
fennthat 'power plant' is about as large as one of the air conditioners at UT01:06
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fennoh, times 2101:07
ybitthere's going to be rocket launch on the 7th at http://maps.google.com/maps?q=vandenberg air force base01:12
ybitat 6am01:12
ybitsee http://www.nasa.gov/missions/highlights/schedule.html01:13
ybithttp://mbrd.ucsd.edu/ is only an hour away from irvine01:19
ybitoff to bed01:20
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kanzureTypeError: not indexable 05:05
kanzureblah. 05:05
kanzurehey wrldpc2 05:05
kanzuredoing indoor localization at 5:30 in the morning: priceless.05:31
kanzurebut if i knew that i should just scrape data from iwlist, i would have done this years ago05:31
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ybitkanzure: so your group is building some type of way to find out where people are with similar interests in a certain area through wireless networks?11:19
kanzurewe're stalking them11:26
ybitheh, yeah, i see that on my phone through twitter now11:31
ybitor not, it says the same thing11:32
ybitLimekiln Beach State Park11:44
ybitno earthships near irvine11:44
ybitfenn, kanzure: would you two be interested in visiting berger's lab?11:45
ybitalso, are you two giving me the go ahead on purchasing the hotel room 11:46
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ybitinteresting story, i was hit on some guy who ran a stem cell research center, he kept inviting me to come out there and when i told him that i wasn't interested in men, he immediately quit talking to me12:03
ybitokay, it isn't interesting but i was reminded of that when looking at the stem cell research center in irvine12:03
ybitlook at the image on the top, something like that would be interesting to visit12:07
ybitthat's a good idea12:27
kanzureyes go ahead on the hotel room14:01
ybitWestern Evolutionary Biology Meeting 2009 :: NERE, the Network for Experimental Research on Evolution, is pleased to announce that it is hosting an informal meeting on biological evolution. This meeting is open to all members of the scientific research community.14:19
ybitThe WEB 3 Meeting will take place on the University of California, Berkeley, campus on Saturday, December 5, from 10 AM to 5:30 PM. Lunch and snacks will be provided to all registered attendees. Registration is free and on-line. 14:19
ybit Michael R. Rose         mrrose@uci.edu, (949) 824-8121, 819814:19
ybitProfessor & Director of NERE14:19
ybitExperimental Evolution; Aging; Biological Immortality; Drosophila; Human Evolution; Evolution of Sex14:19
ybitokay, i'll get the room this wednesday when money is transferred to the account14:22
ybit..from my workplace14:22
nshheh: http://sandbox.chad.org/books/Stephenson-Anathem/14:24
nsh(googled "invoke the steelyard")14:24
nshGardan's Steelyard:14:26
nshA logical rule-of-thumb, analogous to Occam's Razor. A 'steelyard' is a scale, thus the lighter or least complicated idea rises to the top when balanced against a heavier, more complicated idea.14:26
nshThe word "steelyard" is probably a reference to Orazio Grassi's book of 1619, "The Balance", which weighed Galileo's early works and found them wanting.14:26
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ybitone of the u.c. irvine professors pointed me to this guy: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~jmoorkan/16:43
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genehackeryou should visit it sometime20:15
genehackerit's surpsingly small20:15
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ybit"Pimp your Xmonad" http://braincrater.wordpress.com/22:40
ybiti'm slowly pimping mine22:40
ybitcheck out the dimming of unselected windows, that's kind of neat, but all i've really done is mess with my Xdefaults out of necessity22:42
ybitthe default bpython color scheme is terrible on a white background 22:43
ybitheh, you can see in the screenshot that my time is still off, i need to get around to fixing that at some point22:43
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ybitthat shows the dimming22:45
ybitback to work22:45
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genehackeranyone know how a pantograph engraver is used?23:03
genehackerapparently its how fluidic circuitry is made23:04
genehacker*was made23:08
ybitnot surprisingly, there is little information on it 23:11
genehackerit looks like it's a special engraving machine that reduces a pattern23:15
genehackerit allows one to make make very precise not very deep cuts23:16
genehackerI am surprised how thin fluidic circuitry is 23:17
genehackerit's like 0.3 mm thin23:17
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