
--- Day changed Mon Nov 16 2009
fennwow... i just watched "zeitgeist the movie"00:00
genehackerhow was it?00:01
fenni want to start handing it out on street corners00:01
ybitah, it's out? i was wanting to watch that as well00:04
genehackerreally? that good00:04
ybitprobably one of the few films i care to watch, i really can't think of another00:04
genehackeryou can't hand out a movie at street corners economically00:04
genehackerbest to hand out papers directing people toward it online00:04
fennyou can get free DVD-R's with rebate deals00:05
fenni think a person is more likely to watch a dvd you hand to them than to look up some URL online00:05
fenni should tell people to watch it with their family on thanksgiving00:06
ybitoh, hah, i've already watched both00:07
ybiti was thinking it was going to be as jacque mentioned in one interview where he said it was to show a family in the future, how well things work for them in the venus project, and then while they are learning about the past, it flips back to present day and juxtaposes the two time periods00:09
genehackernow how do we get there?00:11
fennyeah that's what i expected.. sort of disappointed it wasnt, but happy with what it was anyway00:12
genehackerso it doesn't propose anyway to get there?00:13
fenni havent watched 'addendum' yet so i dont know what it's about00:13
fennjacque fresco's idea is basically a do-ocracy based around robotics and things like SKDB00:14
genehackerso we're headed in the right direction with SKDB00:15
ybitkatsmeow-afk: i looked at seasteading.org today, but i still don't know all the details, all i know is that they plan on setting up a family out there in less than 2 years00:16
ybitthere being the sea somewhere00:16
ybiti didn't see where the money was going though00:16
ybitso far peter has raised about $20k, you can't consider the $500k that he himself put into the funds00:17
ybitcan't say i'd want to on their seasteaded island nation, i'd much prefer my own or the #hplusroadmap nation00:18
ybitor a venus project seastead00:19
ybitone which doesn't deal with money00:20
ybitand isn't out to promote competition00:20
fennyeah libertarianism doesn't really solve anything.. it's basically the religion of the ruling class already anyway00:20
genehackerwe need the robots first00:21
fennwhich 'we'?00:21
ybitkanzure: give us an update if you get a chance00:45
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fennybit: the startup workshop sounded like mostly bullshit from what i heard01:01
ybiti don't understand how they didn't understand the importance of getting the synthesis (and sequencing) prices further down, and hwo could they miss the large profits to be had from it o.O01:05
ybitmaybe my large isn't large enough though01:06
ybit+perception of01:11
ybityep, time for bed01:11
wrldpc2http://www.seasteading.org + http://www.boeing.com/special/sea-launch/  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_Launch01:40
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rmondHackathon this weekend WOOOOOOOOOO! http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Synchronous_Hackathon10:20
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kanzurehello zancas 13:04
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kanzurehey bbacso 13:15
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kanzurehey branstrom 15:03
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-!- genehacker [i=genehack@w-lac-248-39.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap15:47
genehackerwhat are communications people doing in here?15:47
genehackerwhat are communications people doing in here?15:47
genehackerwhat are business school people doing in here?15:47
genehackerwe don't see many of them in here15:50
kanzureanil is a programmer16:06
-!- silverman [n=chatzill@dhcp-84-116.me.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap16:10
silvermanI heard there was world-taking-over in this room.16:10
ybitheh, you heard right, we do it every night, isn't that right pinky?16:11
ybitsilverman: question for ya, how did bryan convince you to come in here? i've seen a bunch of utexas people join today16:12
silvermanHe emailed everyone who was at 3DS this weekend.16:12
kanzuresilverman: sometime you should stop by the 4th floor, we have a lab presence there :)16:13
silvermanIs that the madlab?16:13
kanzure(that's the lab wiki)16:13
silvermanMy office is on 3.16:13
kanzurei'm not there at the moment, i'm supposed to be sleeping right now16:14
silvermanI wouldn't mind sleeping, too. Coffee time draws nigh.16:14
silvermanUsually when I pass the madlab there's just one or two people in there.16:14
kanzureaustin talley, probably16:15
kanzureor pradeep(he does mechanisms/kinematics)16:15
silvermanI know Talley but not Pradeep.16:15
kanzureso, i don't think we talked much about what you do at etc16:19
silvermanI work for Beaman on fuel cell manufacturing.16:20
silvermanModeling and control.16:20
silvermanAnd I like to tinker.16:21
kanzureright now madlb/adl mostly has models of screws and legos because of skdb (the main project in here of sorts)16:21
silvermanYeah I was noticing a lego-centrism.16:21
kanzureit's hard finding ISO docs on standard machine elements.. UT doesn't have access to them16:21
silvermanWhat kind of machine elements?16:21
kanzureall of them :(16:22
kanzurebelieve me, if we had documentation, we'd totally do stuff that  "isn't legos"16:22
silvermanWe have a subset of the ISO documents.16:22
kanzureuh, how big is a subset? 16:22
silvermanLet me find out.16:22
kanzurealso i'm lagging overhere because i'm uploading a youtube video. please excuse tyops16:23
silvermanWe used to have them and now we don't.16:24
kanzurethe library doesn't have access16:24
silvermanI remember my friend asking for one and he gave me the wrong number and it was about how to milk cows or something.16:24
kanzurecow fetish :)16:24
silvermanAnd are all the people in this room madlab related?16:27
kanzureno, not at all16:27
silvermanThey're just interested in protons or something.16:27
kanzurefenn might be, but that's only because he moved down here to austin after i convinced him that i had this 400sqft manufacturing facility / shop thingy16:28
kanzureer, 400016:28
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silvermanWhat facility is that?16:28
kanzuredown on congress and ben white16:28
ybitsilverman: i'm this guy: http://openwetware.org/wiki/User:Heath_Matlock16:28
kanzureit's sort of a hackerspace that still needs some help getting up and running. 16:28
ybitwho is involved in that space btw?16:29
kanzurejust les filip at this point16:29
ybitare there any tools there? i thought it was going by the wayside16:29
kanzureyeah there were lots of tools16:29
kanzurei gave youu a list16:29
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ybitorly, what was the name of that list?16:30
kanzureit's in skdb16:31
kanzurebut the filename was convoluted16:31
kanzureit probably has a date in it16:31
kanzurelike 2008-03 or something :p16:31
kanzureer, 2009-0316:31
ybitsweet, i'll check it out, i'm on the phone now with jennifer from biobasic..16:32
kanzuremaybe you should have her call me instead?16:33
silvermanI probably haven't used IRC since 2000.16:33
silvermanAnd so I'm embarrassed that I 16:33
silvermanjust figured out how pms look in this client.16:33
kanzurewhat is pms?16:33
silvermanLike a message just to me.16:33
kanzuredon't feel bad. when it was 2000, i was only 10 and learning to read, or something16:34
silvermanAnyway, first time with this client.16:34
silvermanSo, a hackerspace. I thought it was strange we didn't have one in Austin.16:35
silvermanSo what's holding you back?16:35
kanzurewe have a woodworking shop of some sorts, but it's very commercial-focused16:35
kanzurethe problem with the one on [Bthe poroblem with the one on congress/ben-white is that the other guy involved in the project (footing the bills right now) didn't want to deal with government grants to help fund it16:35
kanzurei mean, not just deal, but not be associated with getting grants at all16:36
silvermanThe woodshop makes things for sale?16:36
ybitkanzure: hows about you call her? it will either be ashlee fan or jennifer __ from marketing 905.474.4493 16:36
kanzurenah, they have people rent out little rooms for storage or something, and the people make stuff and sell stuff individually to help pay for their bills to be involved with the shop overall16:36
silvermanAnd, are existing, famous hackerspaces funded by the gummint?16:37
kanzureybit: can you tell them to expect a call from me, or whether they want a call or not? etc.16:37
ybitashelee is the assistant, jennifer is the vice president16:37
kanzureah neat16:37
ybityeah, i'll let them know they should expect a call from you tomorrow afternoon16:37
kanzuresilverman: fablabs are typically funded by academic grants, yes. fablabs are awesome, if you haven't heard of them you're missing out16:37
ybitor morning, which is good for you?16:37
kanzureuh, i have no idea what my sleep schedule is anymore16:37
kanzurelet's say afternoon16:37
kanzurei have a meeting from 4 to 5 with campbell about VOICED, so probaly before 416:38
kanzuresilverman: the basic idea of a fablab is that you put as much manufacturing capacity into as small a space as possible (within safety limits of course)16:38
silvermanI think I've seen photos, but never been to one.16:39
kanzureand then let people just show up and use the tools to work on cool projects16:39
silvermanAnd I've also never heard one called a fablab.16:39
kanzureme too16:39
silvermanWould you count noisebridge as a fablab?16:39
kanzureah, well there's also a "techshop" but that's way more commercial and insane (gym business model)16:39
kanzurenot quite, noisebridge is a hackerspace IIRC16:39
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kanzureso the difference, as far as i can tell, is that a fablab is from neil gershenfeld16:39
silvermanBut hackerspaces as I understand it also often have laser cutters and shit.16:39
kanzureand a hackerspace is just this LED knitting circle16:40
silvermanMaybe it's just semantic.16:40
kanzureoh really?16:40
kanzuremost hack16:40
kanzureerspaces that i've heard about just have bottles of glue and paint16:40
kanzureyeah it's just semantic16:40
kanzuremy point is, i wan16:40
kanzuret to be fucking awesome16:40
silvermanLED knitting circle is a good way to put it.16:40
kanzurealso my lag is killing me at this point :(16:40
kanzureinventory of a typical fablab: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/doc/BOMs/comparison/16:41
silvermanIt'll be challenging for it to surpass the machine shop+SLS+mechatronics we have here.16:41
kanzureonly students can use the shops. 16:41
kanzurei mean, if you're not associated with the uni, you're screwed16:41
silvermanRight. But we are.16:41
kanzureof a hacerkspace16:41
kanzureer, 16:41
kanzurei also don't get the vibe of a hackerspace16:42
silvermanYou're interested in the general public using your thing?16:42
ybit2009-03 is nowhere to be found in the skdb directories16:42
silvermanI concur.16:42
* ybit is off to grub on chinese food16:42
kanzurewithin reason. i want to be able to get people that are awesome and help them make cool stuff16:42
kanzurei mean, a weekly "open night" would be pretty fun16:42
kanzurethat's how most hackerspaces do it apparently. i don't know about the scheduling issues there16:43
silvermanYeah I think this is a good idea.16:43
silvermanI have a friend who used to go to noisebridge.16:43
kanzurea few months ago i was called up by someone named alex lightman up in LA16:43
kanzurehe made up this wild sotry about how he had previously made $130M from convincing congress to go ipv616:43
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kanzureand he wanted to fund an "HQ" for me and others focused around synthetic biology, mechatronics, fablabs, hackerspaces, diybio, etc.16:44
kanzurebut when i tried to get a flight up there, he kind of stopped talking16:44
kanzureso i16:44
kanzureso i learned that he wasn't as trusting as he originally seemed to be, but there are a lot of others who want to see something like this happen16:44
kanzureaustin miht be the right place too16:45
silvermanYeah probably.16:45
silvermanThat guy sounds nuts. He called you first? Isn't that suspicious?16:45
kanzureoops, no. i cold called him16:45
kanzurethis was after i m et his "assistant" of sorts (the other person working on this project) http://parijata.com/16:46
kanzureshe's like a female version of me16:46
kanzuresrsly though. :p16:46
silvermanThat's hilarious.16:46
silvermanSo who pays for the fablab and who keeps idiots from ruining it?16:47
kanzureso that's what we do in here16:47
silvermanThe "people who need to make something" are paying?16:47
kanzureah, well, the fablabs are usually funded by academic grants. this is an initiative out of MIT's Media Lab's Center for Bits and Atoms16:47
silvermanI might be a professor here in a few years. If that happens, give me a call.16:48
kanzuretechshop is commercially funded but has a bad business model. people buy/pay for a monthly fee/subscription to the shop. it's basically a gym model. but the problem is that the machines cost way too much16:48
kanzureso you must have everyone always on the machines, and even then, people don't get access to the machines at all because they have to be constantly booked16:48
kanzureand even if they are constantly booked, the cost is way way too high16:48
kanzureother ways are usually through the startup route.. where the core team also happens to do some consulting on the side wihich might involve a need for using the machines every once in a while16:49
kanzurelike think of the best excuse for getting a giant CNC machine :p16:49
silvermanYou know, Slotboom has a machine shop at home.16:49
silvermanI wonder if it's NC.16:49
kanzurea friend in the area has been doing just that, except with bicycles16:49
kanzure(dave rauchwerk)16:50
kanzurehe used to run the machine shop at louissiana university, and then he decided to quit (this was /before/ he knew that his $2M grant request for a new line of CNC machines was approved)16:50
silvermanIs he doing good business?16:51
kanzurehe always has some new parts to show me wihen we meet up,16:51
kanzurelast time i checked it sounded like he was doing great16:51
kanzurehe wants to do all this too, i mean, he's on the same wavelength16:52
kanzurehe was thinking about picking up old rusted CNC machines and replacing their controllers16:52
kanzureben,[Bfenn is my room mate16:52
kanzure- he used to work on the linuxcnc machine controller machine16:52
kanzureer. project16:52
kanzuregod i hate my lag16:52
kanzureso anyway, by redoing their controllers, we can have actualhardware.com hooked up to the shop and do some neat stuff. but i don't know- maybe there's some other opportunities somewhere.16:53
silvermanSo I think I understand your deal, long-tail, open-source, mechatronics, the only piece I don't understand is the synthetic biology.16:54
silvermanI guess it's like me being interested in those things, plus typography.16:54
silvermanThe bonus topic.16:54
kanzuredo-it-yourself genetic engineering16:54
kanzureopen source hardware for lab experiments16:54
silvermanAnd you seem to find that really compelling.16:55
kanzurealso somewhat because of transhumanism: breaking past human limitations,  etc.16:55
kanzureyeah, absolutely, do-it-yourself is the only way to get stuff done it seems16:55
silvermanAh right I left singularity stuff off my list.16:55
kanzurewell, the original purpose of all of this was to make a self-replicating machine (not a reprap) that actually self-replicated16:56
silvermanActually I got off the Kurzweil train at Spiritual Machines, which I think was a good choice.16:56
kanzureyes, me too16:56
silvermanOh that's great.16:56
silvermanWhat a relief.16:56
kanzurei mean, i got off at that too.16:56
kanzurei sent him this terrible email and he kindly replied and offered his other book, but i just deleted the email16:56
kanzurei don't think "intelligence" is the right focus for singularity-anything16:57
silvermanI thought he was an ass, but I guess I've changed my mind.16:57
kanzuresure there may be accelerating change and so on, but that doesn't say anything about intelligence16:57
kanzureso i think that manufacturing has a big role to play in making things16:57
kanzurethis is very anti-"let's move everything to the cloud and not understand it"16:57
silvermanI think the singularity is kind of bogus. I read a pretty convincing article about how everything that looks exponential just ends up being logistic.16:57
kanzureah, well16:58
silvermanAnd it's true. The logistic curve is everywhere.16:58
kanzurethere is a core argument to the singularity ininstitute's claims16:58
kanzurethey claim that that they should mke an ai first before anyone else does so that ai can be world dictator and stop unfriendly (anti-human) ai from popping up16:58
kanzureso that when ai becomes smart enough to modify itself, and make itself smarter, it won't make itself smarter in a way that it would decide to kill all humans16:58
kanzurenow, i find this just as ridiculous as the next guy16:58
kanzurei don't even know what intelligence is16:59
kanzurebut.. exponentials and logplots are interesting. especially when it comes to tech that makes itself (cells, machines, ..)16:59
silvermanSo give me the main example of what you'd like to be able to do with diybio.17:01
kanzuremyostatin inhibitors to increase muscle mass growth in the human body17:01
kanzuregene synthesis, gene sequencing (like of my own genome)17:02
silvermanAnd this is something you can do better at home?17:02
kanzurei would be doing it at the 'fablab' remember?17:02
silvermanDon't get me wrong, I made my own coffee grinder.17:02
kanzurei don't think it matters /where/ it happens17:02
silvermanBut "wow the existing labs are really fucking that up" doesn't come to mind when I think of those topics.17:03
-!- bbacso [n=chatzill@bbacso.mccombs.utexas.edu] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.15/2009101600]"]17:03
kanzurethe existing labs are laregely inaccessible and they don't even publish wthe stuff that matters17:03
kanzurewow yet another poorly worded paper17:03
kanzurejust give me the damn schematics and the software you wrote :(17:03
silvermanA myostatin inhibitor is likely to be a drug, not an organism, right?17:04
kanzurethat's right17:04
kanzureoh you wanted an organism project? hm17:04
kanzurewell mereditrh patterson was working on glow-in-the-dark yogurt17:04
silvermanNo, I just thought organisms were your interest.17:04
silvermanYour other two examples were organisms.17:04
kanzureoops, sorry :)17:05
silvermanSo you'd like to synthesize drugs at home?17:05
kanzuregene synthesis isn't about organisms though17:05
silvermanYour body language about DNA orgami made it seem like you thought it was silly.17:05
kanzurei mean, everything about biology is about cells i guess, but there are different ways to focus on the topics. there are genes and DNA, there's proteins and molecules, entire organisms, embryology, bioinformatics, metabolism, etc.17:05
kanzureyeah that too17:05
kanzuremy body language is fucked up17:06
silvermanMine, too. So you'd like to dabble in DNA origami?17:06
kanzureone sec, paul rothemund spoke at UT a few weeks ago17:06
silvermanOh by the way your fablab needs an SEM. Have you taken that course?17:06
kanzuremaybe, but i think there are some other topics that are more interesting. microfluidics maybe?17:06
kanzurethere's a course on SEMs here?17:07
kanzurei was thinking about building an AFM17:07
genehackersilverman you are in the ME building?17:07
silvermanHell yes, and in the lab part you get a license to drive the SEM on 9.17:07
kanzuresomeone in NJ i think(?) contacted me. he runs the IEEE club. he was going to be building some probe tips for an AFM17:07
genehackeryes kanzure there is a course on SEM here17:07
silvermanDoes AFM use piezo actuators?17:07
genehackeryou need to level up in order to take it17:08
genehackerwhat floor silverman?17:08
silvermanI sit on 3.17:08
genehackergrad student I take it?17:08
silvermanYeah, so I guess I already leveled up.17:08
silvermanI bet Ciulik would let you take it if you made a good case.17:08
kanzureoh a grad student :) neat17:08
silvermanHell yes, I hope to be DOCTOR rude douchebag in August.17:09
genehackerheh I can put in a good word with ciulik17:09
genehackerCiulik is a pretty cool guy, he encourages us to smash pennies in the rolling mill17:09
silvermanHe's quite a cool guy.17:10
kanzureooh 17:10
kanzurehere we go17:10
kanzurethis was the presentation by the DNA origami guy when he came to UT a feew weeks ago17:10
genehackerhe brought an air blaster into processing today and started shooting people when they left class17:10
kanzureof course, i took the opportunity to type up what he said17:10
kanzureso have fun17:10
silvermanI took these in our SEM. http://tinyurl.com/yecserc17:11
silvermanIs transcription like a tic or a policy?17:11
kanzurewill look when i have more than 5kb/sec bandwidth17:11
silvermanLike, it's your personal policy to keep that kind of record.17:12
kanzuremore like a policy i think17:12
kanzure"might as well. nobody else is"17:12
kanzurealso it's good to look back over them over the years17:12
kanzure"hey i can really say that you never mentioned this ever in class" :p17:12
kanzureit's a good reality check17:13
genehackerwhy's your bandwidth down?17:13
kanzureuploading youtube vid17:13
kanzureor vid to youtube17:13
kanzureuploading anything takes forever on a residential connection17:14
genehackerfair enough17:15
silvermanSo if you can't make money even if the machines are fully booked, how can you make money?17:17
silvermanOnly if the machines were free?17:17
kanzureusuallconsulting, selling products, etc.17:17
kanzuresigh. still lagging17:18
kanzureusually consulting, selling products, working on outside projects, and generally getting a lot of bang for the buck17:18
silvermanThat says to me that the fees for using the machines are too low.17:18
silvermanIf selling their output produces much more money.17:18
kanzureyeah but who would want to use the machines if you have these outrageous fees?17:18
kanzurebut what if they don't want to sell their output?17:18
silvermanShouldn't using the machine cost as much as the produce they could have made in the same time?17:19
kanzurebasically i want an incubator or cacoon around a group of hackers17:19
kanzureand all the money bullshit is dealt with, and these people are allowed to be awesome17:19
silvermanYeah and that sounds good.17:20
kanzurein many cases they will want to commercialize something, and in other cases, they want to go all open source hardware on it17:20
silvermanIt just sounds like philanthropy has to be involved.17:20
silvermanI have an idea.17:20
silvermanAustin has no technology museum/science center.17:20
kanzurei hope it doesn't have to be17:20
kanzurebut so far it does sound like that, doesn't it?17:20
kanzureyes we do. Chaoos Research Center17:20
kanzure*Chaos Research Center17:20
silvermanWhat is that?17:21
silvermanNothing on the web.17:21
silvermanAnyway, at the exploratorium they have a pretty excellent workshop for making the exhibits.17:21
kanzureohg maybe it died. anyway. continue? it was just this museum for science/tech, it had a giant workspace component17:22
silvermanAnd the exploratorium is a magnet for philanthropy and admission fees.17:22
silvermanSo there's a front door where people consume a subset of what's made in the back.17:22
genehackerso make an exploritorium/hackerspace in austin to get a hackerspace in austin?17:22
kanzurei see17:22
genehackerthe exploritorium people are professionals17:23
genehackerthey put a lot of work into those exhibits17:23
silvermanThat's right.17:23
silvermanI'm not talking about amateurs making exhibits.17:23
genehackermaking sure they are easy to maintenance, easy to understand, and such17:24
silvermanI'm talking about part of the shop's output is exhibits and part is for the Public Good (OSH) and part is goofing off.17:24
kanzurethat's not terrible17:24
kanzuregoofing off must be an important ingredient :) yes, of course17:24
* kanzure puts in a work order for an ironman exoskeleton (ok, maybe thicker than a few inches)_17:24
silvermanNow I'm not sure the science center business model has room for a lot of goofing off. But maybe it does.17:25
silvermanThere can also be some commercialization.17:25
kanzurei thnk OSH/FOOSS is totally compatible with commercialization :)17:26
silvermanBecause the goofing off would be crucial to the accomplishment of the other two objectives.17:26
kanzuresigh. hey, i'm going to brb. or bbl. this typing thing sucks. i'll wait until i'm done uploading17:26
silvermanI'll also gtfo.17:30
-!- silverman [n=chatzill@dhcp-84-116.me.utexas.edu] has left #hplusroadmap []17:30
kanzureaw :(17:30
genehackerwho is this silverman guy?17:31
genehackeryou and your low bandwidth17:32
genehackeralso leonids tonight, tesla coils on wednesday17:37
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kanzureheh japanese x-men: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnAUEnnRdEE18:06
ybit17:06 < silverman> Oh by the way your fablab needs an SEM. Have you taken that course?18:07
kanzureso if i take the course i get an SEM. right :p18:09
ybiti don't know if he wants his flickr account shared, but he has some pretty funny photos18:12
ybitand smari is working on upc codes 18:13
kanzurewhy isn't he in here?18:14
ybitHi there Heath,18:14
ybitI've been absurdly busy recently and not managed to do a lot of work18:14
ybiton Tangible Bit proper; I have however been working on one aspect of it,18:14
ybitwhich is market information extraction, in the form of an application18:14
ybitfor cellphones that uses the built in camera to act as a bar code18:14
ybitscanner. This allows users to build shopping lists as they go and check18:14
ybitprices against other stores, whilst using the users as agents to18:14
ybitcrowdsource a database about product availability and local pricing. It18:14
ybitties in to the Tangible Bit database in various ways; most importantly18:14
ybitproviding a relationship between EAN/UPC codes and object definitions.18:14
ybitI've also been doing some work on a functional constructive solid18:14
ybitgeometry engine and a query engine for constraints (such as material18:14
ybitconstraints)... they have largely the same syntax, it's actually pretty18:14
ybitcool, but there's a shit ton of work that still needs to be done.18:14
ybitAll my "spare" time this month has been funneled into travels, though,18:14
ybitI'm afraid... and next month will be a lot of travels too. Hopefully18:14
ybitthings will settle down in January.18:14
-!- johnnyk [n=johnnyk@cpe-66-68-110-40.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:14
ybit- Smári18:14
ybiti dunno18:14
ybiti don't really care for this bar code scanner idea of his, i'll let him know this too18:15
ybithi johnnyk 18:15
ybitno point in it imho since if it's a price comparison he's after, it can be done online18:15
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kanzureso what's the deal with the random logouts18:16
ybitthere are two new guys who haven't logged out: zancas and hesaidcheesehead18:17
ybitneither though are utexas18:18
kanzureno i think hesaidcheesehead is ben peterson18:18
ybitgotcha :)18:18
kanzurebe are be18:18
* ybit keeps his mouth shut, upc/ean stuff might be helpful18:21
ybithe's rebuilding opencascade it seems too18:22
ybitreally wish he wouldn't seperate his efforts18:22
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ybitjeremiah petit may or may not show up for the h+ summit, if he does, we can knock off a few dollars each for the room18:31
ybitback to wiki work18:31
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-!- silverman [n=chatzill@adsl-75-54-84-2.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:38
ybitsilverman: if you look on the diybio mailing list, i mentioned building a sem18:42
ybiti think that's a far ways away though considering all the other projects that will take up time before it18:42
silvermanYeah it shouldn't really be very hard, should it?18:44
silvermanI mean, you could make a crappy one out of an old CRT.18:45
ybithaha, not exactly18:45
ybitmy thoughts originally were those too18:46
ybiti have several old crt monitors taken apart for this very purpose18:46
silvermanOh wow you're farther than I am.18:46
silvermanSo what's the roadblock? The detector?18:46
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zancasim still here18:49
zancasim just really sick toda18:49
kanzurehe's rebuilding opencascade?18:50
kanzurewhy wouldn't he tell me about this?18:50
ybithe's build a csg geometry and query engine, so not quite rebuilding opencascade, but more like building something similar ..probably so he doesn't have the dependencies to worry about18:51
kanzurewhy not use brlcad's csg system18:53
ybitoh right, occ is brep18:54
ybitthough it can do some csg? that confuses me18:55
kanzureif you want to subtract two given solids, it can do that18:55
kanzurecsg/brep refers to internal representations of wtf is going on18:55
kanzurein the end most people just see solids and think it's solid :)18:56
kanzurei know fenn hates it, but the step importer i was writing could be a good base for doing brep/csg 18:57
kanzurei.e., support all of the primitives and abilities that occ has with respect to iso 10303-214, and then go from there18:57
kanzurewhat occ implemented of step214 rerally isn't that huge.. i mean, it's more than 50 features, but still.18:58
ybitmy first re search was for http://[w\\.-/]+\.?(?\w.-/])19:00
ybitfigure i need to learn it eventually19:00
kanzureyour first search evar?19:00
ybitwell, using python's re, yes19:00
ybiti have never messed with regular expressions, aside from a few basic ones in bash19:01
ybiti'm adding re, sed, and awk to my skillset, reading a little bit on it each day19:02
kanzureanil made that19:03
ybiti've used it before in the past, but this one i made up myself and i feel kind of proud of it, the rest, i've just googled for :P19:04
kanzurereally? i find that hard to believe19:04
kanzuredon't you spend a lot of time in text editors?19:04
ybitemacs ftw19:04
kanzuresurely you know at least *.?19:04
ybitof course, i think i've mentioned quite a few regexes on here19:04
kanzurebut you never knew what they meant?19:05
kanzureoh man this is almost as bad as me :)19:05
ybiti know a few bash reg.expressions19:05
ybitand i googled for the python regex way back when i was messing with mechanize, anywho, i'm going to setup a template for the wiki19:07
kanzurehm the "robosim" doesn't seem to do anything but switch views19:07
kanzurewhat wiki?19:07
ybiti thought you saw the pic i posted19:08
kanzuredunno about the profiles sidethingy19:10
ybiti emailed the hatta guy, he made the default interface instead of "", he said he'll fix it19:12
ybitnot that big of a deal, but i guess the point i was trying to make ( and i fail at it) is that he sounded like a nice guy19:12
ybityeah, i didn't know what could go there, but certainly something needs to19:13
ybiti figure the social aspect of thingiverse is appealing to some19:13
ybitand plus going 'social' or at least listing what equipment you have and what you are willing to make for others would be nice19:14
ybitfenn, kanzure: any suggestions on sorting by category?19:17
ybitthat's going to be one massive list19:17
kanzurei think you're crazy and should go back to work on the inventory representation19:17
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-!- [ym]uptown [n=uptown@] has joined #hplusroadmap19:28
kanzurehey [ym]uptown 19:28
kanzurewhat's up?19:29
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ybitoi [ym]uptown 19:30
[ym]uptownnot much, refered by ybit :)19:34
[ym]uptownso what's this channel about?19:34
ybittaking over the world19:34
ybitcan we please make that the topic so we don't have to keep repeating ourselves, brain?19:35
ybit19:27 <[ym]uptown> you have a chance to let anybody else know about stiqr?19:36
ybit19:28 <ybit> i let others know on #hplusroadmap but they are all free open source software fanatics like  myself and want  source code19:36
ybit19:28 <[ym]uptown> cool cool19:36
ybit19:28 <[ym]uptown> we're debating the opensource idea :)19:36
ybitor so i thought i mentioned it in here19:36
genehackerdid the upload finish?19:37
genehackerdo we have control of the central mainframe19:38
ybitdamn that's annoying19:42
kanzurecould you please stop working on silly templates and work on the inventory representation?19:42
kanzurealso the openmanufacturing.org link is wrongs19:43
ybitah, indeed19:43
kanzurewhy? because that's what needs to be done?19:44
ybiti was referring to openmanufacturing.org19:45
ybiti thought we already talked about what i would be doing from now until a little before december19:45
ybitputting up the site and creating a .deb19:45
kanzureso no .deb, no egg? no inventory representation?19:45
kanzurewhy did the name change to fabhow?19:46
ybitbecause there are three other companies with the name omnifab, and the one in (i believe it's) washington work would be doing similar work19:46
ybitbuilding custom manufactured parts19:46
[ym]uptownyou know, i've taken a look at this site and I still don't understand what it is19:53
[ym]uptownand what is skdb?19:54
drazak[ym]uptown: I've been asking that for 4 months and still haven't gotten a straight answer19:54
ybithaha, it's the societal-engineering knowledge database19:55
ybitthe sum of man's useful knowledge at your fingertips19:55
drazakexcept it's empty19:55
ybit..or it will be19:55
[ym]uptownis there anything I can do to help?19:55
[ym]uptownit sounds big.19:56
ybitmassive is the word actually19:56
ybitwhat do you have to offer?19:56
[ym]uptowni'm a phpcoder19:56
[ym]uptownbeen freelancing for about 5+ years19:56
ybitthat would be wonderful, i suck at webdev19:56
[ym]uptownso who else are working with you?19:57
ybitwell, fenn has written a large portion of the code in skdb19:57
ybitand kanzure has helped19:57
ybitthey have both worked on it while at the automated design lab in austin, tx19:58
[ym]uptownis there a site for it?19:58
ybiti have done squat except talk about it, attempt to build a site, and attempt to build a .deb.. i have actually installed pythonocc, occ, skdb, and have it running which is a feat in itself19:58
[ym]uptownwhat's occ?19:59
[ym]uptownand again, what is skdb?19:59
[ym]uptownah this is about modeling?19:59
ybit[ym]uptown: see the topic for a link to the description20:00
ybitif you want something, you download it to your computer and if you have the machinery, it is automatically built for you20:01
ybit..in theory, right now, instructions are printed out for you20:01
ybit..well, not even now, but soon! :)20:01
ybitdrazak: what do you not know silly?20:03
genehackerinventory representation?20:03
ybitwhat about it?20:03
ybiti would explain, but i have a feeling you know what it is genehacker 20:04
genehackerthe inventory of ?20:05
ybit'do you have a reprap' 'o wonderful, now let's make some lego bricks'20:05
genehackeruseful knowledge20:05
genehackercad files?20:05
ybitlisting of machines, tools, and materials from the owner20:05
ybits/from the owner/the owner has20:06
ybit[ym]uptown: you still here?20:07
[ym]uptownat work20:09
kanzureno we're not doing php web development ybit, i thought you knew this20:09
kanzureybit: you suck at explaining skdb20:09
[ym]uptownso how do i get this machine?20:09
ybitkanzure: :P20:09
kanzuregod i hate people20:09
[ym]uptownyou guys close?20:09
kanzureto what20:09
drazakybit: I kinda know20:09
[ym]uptownto each other20:09
kanzurea lot of the time is spent yelling at ybit for doing stupid shit20:10
[ym]uptownwho's leading this project?20:10
ybitwe know each other throught this channel, but some people go ass-fucking kanzure on occassion20:10
ybiti.e. afk20:10
kanzure[ym]uptown: i guess i am. fenn does too a lot.20:10
drazakkanzure: what else is new20:11
kanzureit's a way of downloading hardware from the web20:11
kanzuredrazak: hm?20:11
kanzuredrazak: i don't know how many times i've told you this20:11
kanzurebut i think it's "many"20:11
kanzuremaybe you just don't understand things?20:11
[ym]uptownvery interesting idea20:12
[ym]uptownsaw something like this on ted before.20:12
drazakI'm saying you being the leader is "what else is new"20:12
kanzureyeah it was probably neil gershenfeld20:12
[ym]uptowni'd love to help20:12
kanzurewell i think i spend a lot of time leading or acting like i'm leading20:12
kanzureso does fenn.. it's not really fenn20:12
kanzurei mean20:12
ybitkanzure talks a lot20:12
kanzureit's not really an official leader position20:12
kanzurebecause there aren't positions20:12
kanzurei'm just grumpy20:12
[ym]uptowni think you guys need a designer :)20:12
kanzurei need someone who actually knows css20:13
ybiti agree!20:13
kanzureand doesn't fucking bullshit me20:13
kanzureeither you know it well or you don't20:13
[ym]uptownybit: any idea you didn't go with a traditional design?20:13
ybitbecause i suck at life20:13
kanzurei just spent the last three days fighting with people who thought they knew how to do design..20:13
kanzure[ym]uptown: web2.0ier look would be cool :)20:13
ybit[ym]uptown: what do you mean by traditional?20:13
[ym]uptownybit: like a normal site :).20:14
[ym]uptownybit: the current design looks very uncommon and out there20:14
kanzuresorry what's a normal site?20:14
[ym]uptownjust something clean :)20:14
[ym]uptownthat's what 2.0 really is20:14
ybit[ym]uptown: see http://ybit.ath.cx/images/website.png for my latest design.. it needs to go in the wiki direction imho 20:14
[ym]uptownother than all the other features that come with it20:14
kanzureybit: can you just stop with this design crap and get back to work?20:14
ybitwell, you did use the magic word20:15
[ym]uptowntrying look at some of the predesigned CSS templates and just work off of that.20:15
[ym]uptownmakesy our live a lot easier.20:15
genehackerCSS doesn't help me build robots20:15
kanzuregod that's what all these wackos did20:15
kanzure"yeah we just steal layouts"20:15
silvermanHa I was there.20:15
kanzureyeah i know :)20:16
silvermanAnd that's how it happened.20:16
kanzurei don't think you stole any layouts though20:16
silvermanCorrect! I was mostly doing puzzles during that phase of the operation. http://www.collegepuzzlechallenge.com/20:16
genehackerso that's what 3day startup is all about20:16
genehackerhuh what did I miss?20:17
kanzurethat's not what it's about20:17
ybitit seems like a great way to.. make contacts maybe?20:18
ybitwork on a site that might give you some income while in college?20:18
kanzurewell they actually start you a company and give you the legal infrastructure20:18
ybitlegal infrawhat exactly?20:19
ybiti.e. someone does all the drudge work of filling our tax forms for you, that would be nice for a change20:19
kanzurethey just wave a magic wand and hope you give them ip20:20
kanzureit's ok, i didn't give them anything :)20:20
genehackerso does your company real yet?20:20
kanzuresorry, what?20:20
kanzurecan you please speak english20:20
kanzurewhat is 'real'?20:20
ybithe's doing better than me, give him some slack :)20:21
silvermanYes! I had the same impression about the wand.20:21
genehackerdo you a gene synthesis company20:21
kanzuregene synthesis was never the idea20:21
ybitgenehacker: i told you they didn't except it20:21
genehackerbidding company20:21
ybitright, no20:21
silvermanWhen I signed the "we own everything you create this weekend" contract I thought, "well I guess I'm not creating anything this weekend".20:21
kanzuresilverman: heh :)20:21
genehackeroh shit20:21
genehackerthey do that?20:21
genehackerI should have known20:22
silvermanOh yes that contract is pretty serious.20:22
ybiti have to go trash some floor tiles, unless anybody wants them?20:22
ybitno takers? okay brb20:22
silvermanWhat kind?20:22
ybitfake wood20:22
[ym]uptownybit: http://layouts.ironmyers.com/20:22
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silvermanNo, what am I thinking, I don't want them.20:22
silvermanThank you.20:22
kanzurehey Richard 20:22
ybitnope, about 600 sq ft of old fake wood20:22
ybitokay, brb20:22
-!- Richard is now known as Guest3970020:23
silvermanIs that /the/ richard?20:23
silvermanNot anymore!20:23
Guest39700hi bryan20:23
[ym]uptowngot a good clean feel20:23
genehackeranother utexas20:23
kanzure[ym]uptown: if you want examples please see http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/sites-layouts20:23
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-!- silverman_ is now known as silverman20:28
kanzurejust added http://cssremix.com/visit/ballpark/ to the list20:29
kanzureGuest39700: use "/nick richard2" to change your username20:30
-!- Guest39700 is now known as richard220:30
genehackerI presume these are people you met in 3day start up kanzure?20:30
richard2I'm from 3 day startup!20:31
ybitoi richard2 20:31
silvermanRichard laughs on command20:31
silvermanOr also without command20:31
genehackerso I hear 3 day startup gets your IP in return for helping you make a startup?20:32
* ybit tickles CIA-43 20:32
* ybit hugs CIA-43 20:32
richard2who is ybit?20:32
* CIA-43 hugs ybit20:32
* ybit is a bot20:32
richard2I like robots20:32
kanzureybit stalks me all the way from alabama20:33
-!- tabs [i=cbceeb51@gateway/web/freenode/x-xbrdvxzyxjzkusdy] has joined #hplusroadmap20:33
kanzurehey tabs20:33
ybiton my dial-up modem20:33
ybitoi tabs, glad you could join us20:33
kanzureso, richard, i was surprised that everything worked for the presentation20:33
kanzuredid you print out the pdf?20:33
kanzurei looked around on the server and didn't see the pdf20:33
richard2well, no20:33
tabsthanks :)20:33
richard2only the image upload worked20:34
richard2we just printed the image20:34
kanzurei see20:34
kanzurewell that needs some more testing20:34
ybittabs here might be able to help us with web design as well20:34
kanzureybit: sorry but you suck at web design. i don't trust your friends either20:34
silvermanOne time the server unexpectedly made a 42-byte pdf.20:34
kanzuresilverman: wait, do you have an account?20:35
kanzurewho are you?20:35
ybitno offense taken, i like to start out introuducing myself to others by letting them know i suck at life20:35
kanzuresilverman: i don't think i met you20:35
ybitthen nobody expects much from me20:35
ybittabs is http://nomzz.spot.bz/20:35
silvermanWell I met you.20:35
kanzurei'm sure he stole the layout20:35
tabs url: http://nomzz.spot.bz/j20:35
kanzuresilverman: ok. i was probably sleep deprived, i'm sorry20:35
silvermanMaybe it's not commutative? Is that the word?20:35
kanzuresoemthing like that20:36
kanzureok that was a legitimate typo20:36
silvermanNo just continue blaming youtube upload.20:36
silvermanWe'll believe it.20:36
kanzurenope, that stopped hours ago20:36
kanzureit turns out they only want 10min videos20:36
kanzureand i had this ~hour presentation20:36
silvermanOh shit that was for nothing?20:36
ybittabs: see the topic for an intro to skdb, and here's my attempt at a short description of what it is: a repostiroy for hardware designs with the goal of automating the construction of the designs20:36
silvermanAnyway no I don't have an account, I have the same test account Richard had.20:37
kanzurerichard had his own account btw20:37
kanzurebut i don't think he remembered20:37
kanzureoh, he's in here20:37
kanzurehi richard220:37
silvermanYeah he's here, and quiet.,20:37
silvermanIs there an IRC client for the iPhone? Then he'd be less quiet.20:37
kanzureanyway, i'll be happy to throw you up an account20:37
tabsok ybit got it20:37
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silvermanDon't worry about it, I have very, very little to contribute to that business.20:37
kanzurehey johnnyk 20:38
genehackerdon't you know that youtube only accepts 8 minute videos?20:38
silvermanI am not really a programmer.20:38
kanzuregenehacker: 10min20:38
kanzuresilverman: ah i see20:38
genehackerbig mistake20:38
johnnykhey kanzure20:38
kanzureso while i was sitting on my throne today20:38
kanzurei realized that we should have all used separate cherrypy servers20:38
kanzurebecause they allow really really rapid web development20:38
kanzurewe were using just one giant server20:38
kanzureintegrated into apache20:38
kanzurebut there's no reason it couldn't have been done with everyone having their own tiny server20:38
kanzuresince the code could all be thrown together in the end20:38
kanzureoh well. lesson learned20:39
silvermanWhy would that be better?20:39
kanzurecherrypy comes with a built-in server20:39
kanzurei integrated it immediately with apache20:39
ybitand its pythonic20:39
kanzureso the website is running the version up on apache20:39
kanzurebut it could have just been "iphone image uploader" or something, and someone else could have done a python interface to paypal for another cherrypy server20:39
kanzureand then copy-pasta the code together when we were all ready to integrate20:39
kanzurethis is the video that i was uploading:20:40
kanzure220MB :(20:40
kanzuresilverman, richard2: this guy might sound a little bit like cameron houser20:41
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kanzureeven though his idea is different20:41
genehackerso you are going ahead with the gene synthesis bidding plan?20:47
ybityes, i will bug him until he does20:50
silvermanI have a question on that topic.20:51
silvermanHe said the machine is cheap and the chemicals are cheap in bulk.20:51
genehackerwhat machine?20:51
genehackerthe synthesis machine?20:51
ybitsilverman: carry on..20:52
silvermanSo why not buy a machine and organize the small-time synthesis customers into a big cohort yourself?20:52
genehackerwell uh we could make one20:52
silvermanRather than organize them and then hand their business to someone else for the commission?20:52
genehackerbut it might be illegal20:52
silvermanIllegal to do what?20:52
genehackeryou know what a DLP chip is?20:52
genehackerwell you can use one to make a DNA synthesis machine20:53
ybitsilverman: i think with the bidding process, we could force the price to drop quicker20:53
genehackerit might be possible to use a DLP projector to do DNA synthesis20:53
silvermangenehacker: Oh that's cool, how?20:53
genehackerbut the problem is, this might violate a patent20:53
kanzuregenehacker: stfu20:53
kanzurewho cares about patents?20:53
silvermanybit: Drop quicker than if you just cut the profit margin to the minimum?20:54
ybitkanzure, fenn what do you have for line 1470 of the file above?20:54
silvermanPatents are important if rich people hold them.20:54
ybitfor the _bind_addr variable20:54
kanzuresilverman: patents are important if you sell something20:54
silvermanThe exclusive right is to make, use, sell or import.20:54
kanzureyeah but that's kind of crazy when there's 100+ trillion cells on the planet already doing it20:54
kanzure"prior art"20:54
silvermanSo that covers that class of patents.20:55
kanzure*doing DNA synthesis20:55
silvermanBut not every patent.20:55
kanzurewhy would you do that?20:55
kanzureor support that ?20:55
silvermanDo what now?20:55
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kanzurewhy would you support this about patents, i mean20:55
kanzurehey ras :)20:55
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kanzureit sounds very counter-productive20:55
genehackerare there?20:55
silvermanI'm just explaining that you don't have to sell a patented invention to break the law.20:55
kanzurei'm sure i'm breaking the law right now, somehow20:56
silvermanAnd I made no statement about what I support.20:56
kanzurethat's how it is isn't it?20:56
genehackeryou are20:56
genehackerand silverman is too probably20:56
genehackerwho cares though20:56
kanzureso yeah20:56
genehackeranyway now what were we talking about20:56
kanzuresilverman: the reason why was because i wasn't thinking about that :)20:56
ybitokay, that's what i have, guess i'll have to look somewhere else then20:56
genehackerpoint is we could probably make an DNA synthesizer20:56
kanzuresilverman: the other big reason is that they won't ship me the chemicals20:56
kanzurei'd have to synthesize them from scratch20:57
genehackeryou could incorporate20:57
kanzureand i currently don't know how to do that competently20:57
rasmy name is already in use :(20:57
silvermanThat's right, we have to register every fkn beaker in Texas.20:57
kanzureras: quick, use /nick blah to change it20:57
genehackerrobots automation society?20:57
rasyah...Chad is already in use20:57
kanzurehey chad :)20:57
richard2 hey chad!20:57
genehackerchad2 perhaps?20:57
rasawww...i has better idea20:58
-!- ras is now known as Chad020:58
kanzureChad0: http://diybio.org/ http://openwetware.org/ http://biobricks.org/ http://syntheticbiology.org/ http://partsregistry.org/20:58
genehackerkanzure if you incorporate, they will most definately ship the chemicals to you20:58
kanzuregenehacker: no there are other regulations20:58
genehackercrap there are?20:58
kanzureyeah lots of inspection details iirc20:58
kanzurelet me look it up though20:58
kanzuresilverman: would that be a good excuse?20:58
genehackerwhat did the polynucleotide synthesis consortium draft some new rules or something?20:59
Chad0thanks bryan!20:59
silvermanYes, if you're unable to legally obtain the chemicals, that's a good excuse.20:59
kanzureChad0: yeah, i'm full of all sorts of fun links20:59
Chad0i mean brian20:59
kanzureno, bryan20:59
Chad0oh crap20:59
Chad0i really meant bryan20:59
genehackeranyway so how do we make the reactors for making the chemicals and by make the chemicals from scratch how deep into that process do you want to go?21:00
kanzurei thought i already told you?21:00
kanzureblah if i have to repeat myself every day this is going to get ridiculous, genehacker21:00
kanzurethere's probably a link in that thread you linked to21:00
silvermanIs it illegal to buy the chemicals but legal to buy them?21:01
silvermanSorry, legal to make them?21:01
kanzureit's probably also illegal to make them without the right permits21:01
genehackerok then, how do you suggest we make a microfluidic microfactory?21:01
kanzureone of the reactions involves phosgene21:01
genehackeryup yup21:01
kanzurebut it can maybe be avoided21:01
kanzurelike in non-phosphoramidite reactions21:02
genehackernot so sure about that kanzure21:02
kanzureer non-phosphoramidite oligonucleotide/gene synthesis21:02
genehackerlet me dig up the reactions I've mapped out21:02
genehackeryeah and HF if you want to make it from scratch21:03
kanzuresome relevant papers21:03
kanzurethat should be good for a while21:04
genehackerare we actually considering starting a DNA synthesis company?21:05
kanzurenone of us can do it21:06
kanzureso i don't think starting a company around something we can't do is a good idea21:06
genehackerthen what do you propose doing21:06
kanzurewell i was working on a gene synthesis bidding website21:06
kanzureybit made some calls too21:06
genehackerso have you been able to get any agreements with gene synthesis companies?21:07
kanzurethere's potentially some work with one, yes21:07
genehackeryou might consider screening the submitted DNA sequence to make sure it isn't bad, IE not a dangerous terrorist bioweapon21:09
genehackerthat'd give you some leverage21:09
kanzurewhy would that give me leverage?21:09
kanzurenobody would want to use it because it might say they can't make whatever it is they are making21:09
genehackerespecially because DNA synthesis companies don't want to screen DNA21:09
kanzurethen why would they want me to screen it?21:09
genehackerand governments do21:09
kanzuregovernments do since when ?21:09
kanzuredon't believe the hype21:09
genehackerthere was a big talk about DNA screening procedures21:10
kanzuresigh i'm sorry but i'm not really understanding you21:11
kanzurethere's been talks about a billion and one things in this world..21:11
genehackeroh well21:11
genehackerall that matters is you get agreements with gene synthesis companies21:11
genehackerwhich it looks like you're doing21:11
kanzureChad0: so what's up?21:12
ybitdrr, python hatta.py -i
kanzurei wish hatta-wiki.org would use anyvcs or at least have git support :)21:12
kanzurealso their url scheme is kind of funky21:12
kanzureoh well. that's something that's worth doing21:13
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kanzureChad0: like the links?21:25
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ybitnot bad22:18
ybitkanzure: wasn't sure if you were aware of them22:19
kanzureno, i fixed :)22:19
kanzurealso staticcontent is a good page22:20
kanzure#cherrypy sucks22:20
ybitbut fuckmandu or whatever his name was helpful like you said22:20
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kanzurehey zancas_ 22:26
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ybitoi Uptownhr 23:00
ybiti think most of us are busy right now23:01
ybitbut check out the topic for details on what SKDB is23:01
Uptownhrits coo23:01
Uptownhrnice update.23:01
Uptownhrbut still not informative....23:01
ybitskdb is a repository for hardware designs with a goal of automating manufacturing of the designs23:02
Uptownhryou provide a link to something that describes and informs people of what "automated manufacturing" is23:03
Uptownhrlike a wiki page or something23:03
ybitin particular: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automation#Automated_manufacturing23:03
Uptownhrthere we go23:04
ybiti.e. 'hey computer i want a new car' *plump* 'you're welcome now leave me alone while fsck myself' 23:04
ybitbut in the simplest cases, you will probably ask for various types of screws and lego blocks 23:06
ybitlet's say someone designed an atomic force microscope from lego blocks made of polyactic acid (this would probably come from something like the reprap ( www.reprap.org )).. and let's say they submitted it into the database and you wanted it. well click the pretty icon on the webpage that says 'download me' or grab it from a commandline prompt, and if you have a reprap, it should automatically communicate to it what to build, and if the system is proper23:09
ybitwoah, that's too many "it's", if you are confused, i'll explain further23:11
Uptownhrno i'm good23:12
Uptownhri get it23:12
ybitgreat, now who are you? :P23:12
Uptownhrthis is uptwon23:13
Uptownhron a different computer23:13
ybitah, gotcha23:13
ybitthe lack of [ym] threw me for a loop23:14
ybiti think something like hatta wiki is what we are needing, we don't need really need anything fancy, though some good web designers would certainly be welcome.. and it would be nice to have a simple login system implemented on top of it as well23:16
ybitignore grammar from this sleep-deprived mind23:17
* ybit is afk for 30 mins23:18

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