
--- Day changed Tue Nov 24 2009
ybitgenehacker: a joke00:03
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CIA-33skdb: kanzure * r b402265 /web/web.py: committing before i shoot myself in the foot00:23
ybitthank you00:23
kanzurei guess you want to be looking around line 33400:23
genehackerwhat does web.py do?00:23
kanzuregenehacker: my version of thingiverse00:24
genehackerspecifically what does it do?00:26
kanzureit's the website00:26
genehackerallow for contribution of stuff to skdb, allow for display of files, allow for editing and such?00:26
kanzurewhen you go to thingiverse.com, little gnomes and elves are not manually serving you the pages00:26
genehackersounds like progress00:26
genehackerhow is it better than thingiverse?00:27
kanzureno stl00:27
kanzurerevision control00:27
ybitand package management00:27
kanzuredependency management00:27
kanzureanonymous edits00:27
kanzuretotally open source00:27
genehackergit 3d?00:27
kanzure3d? what?00:28
ybitand we replaced gnomes and elves with engininjas00:28
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kanzureybit: i thought they were ninjaneers?00:28
kanzureor ninjanears00:28
genehackerargh let me find the link to that makers book that cory doctrow wrote00:29
ybitnames don't matter, all you should know is that they are automated macgyvers that kick arse00:29
kanzurerobomacgyver meets doctor who and gets lost in the translation of awesome00:30
genehacker“We have a published protocol for describing changes to the ride—it’s built on Git3D’s system for marking up and syncing three-dee models of objects; it’s what we used all through the Kodacell days for collaboration. The way you get a ride online is to sync up with our version-server and then instantiate a copy. Then any changes you make get synced back and we instantiate them. Everyone stays in sync, give or take a cou00:30
ybitsounds like a love story00:30
genehackerhaven't read the whole thing00:31
genehackeronly skimmed the interesting parts00:31
kanzuregenehacker: they probably just commited step and iges models like we've been doing for the past year00:31
kanzureit's totally not worth calling it "git3d"00:31
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kanzurehey jasonwohlfahrt 00:31
jasonwohlfahrthey there, how's it going?00:32
kanzurejust doing some midnight coding00:32
kanzurewas reading through: http://samba.org/~jelmer/dulwich/tutorial/00:32
jasonwohlfahrtcool. I really like that god helmet idea you sent me!00:32
kanzureyeah that's one of the projects in here that nobody has got around to finishing00:32
kanzurean open source repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation rig00:32
genehackersupposedly you can buy them...00:32
jasonwohlfahrtthat sounds awesome00:33
jasonwohlfahrtI've got another person to bring along to our next meetup00:33
ybitmaybe it's harsh, but i'm not dealing with email for a couple of days until there is some satisfactory progess on web.py00:33
kanzurejasonwohlfahrt: there's lots of papers here: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/open-rtms/00:33
jasonwohlfahrtinteresting, i'll have to skim over them00:33
ybitas long as you remember what you skimmed...00:34
kanzurejasonwohlfahrt: yeah if you're serious about it, keep a spreadsheet with a list of the files you've read00:35
ybitwhen skimming, i tend to forget to easily00:35
kanzureeven if it's just a link or filename or something00:35
kanzureer, not a spreadsheet. text files work too00:35
jasonwohlfahrtcool, will do00:36
ybiti have a list of papers and books to read myself in my ever-growing todo list00:36
jasonwohlfahrtyou know anybody who's tried one of these god helmets00:36
ybiti'm guessing we are talking about rTMS?00:36
ybiti'm going to say yes, and no i don't, anyone else though?00:37
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ybit^ the product of a god helment, poor fella00:37
kanzurejasonwohlfahrt: i met http://edboyden.org/ up in new york. i'm pretty sure he's either tried one or had his students try one00:37
kanzurehe's awesome in person :)00:38
jasonwohlfahrtcool, i just read the Wikipedia article on the technology00:38
jasonwohlfahrtcan't wait to go to one of these really cool-sounding conferences at some point in the future00:38
jasonwohlfahrtI really want to make it out to a Seasteading event00:39
kanzurethe presentations are sometimes lame, but you go for the people00:39
kanzurethere's one coming up in january00:39
jasonwohlfahrtwhich one?00:39
kanzureone sec00:39
ybiti'm still trying to figure out if peter thiel and bunch are right for me 00:40
kanzureybit: the answer is no00:40
ybithow do you figure, what have you read or listened to ?00:41
kanzurejasonwohlfahrt: so the outlaw biology conference isn't really wired into the transhumanism community, but they ride similar wavelengths00:41
kanzureybit: i guess i mean by the people he surrounds himself with00:41
jasonwohlfahrtsounds cool00:41
kanzureeliezer, bruce, robin, etc.00:41
kanzurei'm surprised that ben goertzel is able to hang with them actually00:42
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jasonwohlfahrtSo many interesting people to meet00:43
ybitor just email00:43
jasonwohlfahrthey bryan, I'll be out of town to till Friday afternoon (Saturday morning at the latest), but we should definitely meet up again this weekend00:45
ybitjasonwohlfahrt: you should add heath matlock to that list, he's probably the coolest diy transhmanist i've met, and he knows the answer to life, the universe, and everything00:45
jasonwohlfahrtwas a really cool event on saturday00:45
kanzurejasonwohlfahrt: don't listen to ybit, he's heath's bitch00:45
kanzurethey're one in the same00:46
jasonwohlfahrthave i met you in person, ybit?00:46
ybitdoubt it00:46
kanzurejasonwohlfahrt: ybit will be in town on december 3rd00:46
kanzurein fact, we need a car00:46
jasonwohlfahrtyou still debating on attending the transhumanist feast?00:46
jasonwohlfahrtoh, and i'd be happy to do transportation00:46
kanzureno, they called it off since nobody was going to attend00:46
jasonwohlfahrtto whatever00:46
katsmeow-afkybit: Sea-Steading ; Jerome FitzGerald ; isbn 0-595-38758-6 ; an in-your-face 288 pages on philosophy ethics and the assholes that are around us putting up roadblocks to everything00:47
kanzurejasonwohlfahrt: i was going to take the bus to pick heath up from the airport, but a car would be way more awesome00:47
jasonwohlfahrtyeah, I'll probably be available that day, just remind me when the date comes close00:47
kanzurethe next day we fly up to california, so if you want to hang out on the 3rd with us that's cool00:47
kanzurecool, will do00:47
ybitbtw, kanzure i'll just pick up my hdd drive when i'm there, save you shipping, and fenn and you can fight over the $1000:51
kanzurewe bought chocolate00:51
ybithehe, always thinking ahead00:52
kanzurejasonwohlfahrt: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/web/web.py is what i've been hacking on tonight00:52
ybit..or just think about food00:52
ybiti'll go with the latter00:52
ybitstrages: you do IT for NASA, no? hax0r the database and upload to skdb please :)00:53
kanzurei'm sure their data sucks just as much as everyone else's00:54
genehackerbut hopefully a bit less00:54
jasonwohlfahrtcool stuff 00:54
genehackerbecause their nassa00:54
ybitmaybe they have access to this national step cad file repo that we don't have access to00:54
jasonwohlfahrtgonna catch some sleep, but I'm gonna keep this window open from now on00:54
ybitgn jasonwohlfahrt, catch you later00:55
jasonwohlfahrtnight, later everyone00:55
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kanzure_adl just crashed?00:56
kanzure_what did you guys do to it00:56
* ybit eyes hesaidcheesehead 00:57
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ybithow much time am i look at wasting for reading AUTOPASS: An Automatic Programming System for01:00
ybitComputer Controlled Mechanical Assembly01:00
kanzure_probably a lot01:01
ybiti'll hold off since it says nothing about making a git based wiki01:01
kanzure_ybit: i need you to figure out what i do with a new commit. is the parent SHA the latest tree SHA or the latest blob SHA?01:01
genehackerso what is that autopass stuff about?01:02
genehackerand why is it a waste of time?01:03
kanzure_it's a paper fenn was reading a few months ago i think01:03
kanzure_i think i might have read that.. or maybe not.01:05
kanzure_jasonwohlfahrt: this is why you should keep a list01:05
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kanzure_whee: http://www.last.fm/music/Matthew+Dear/_/Takes+on+You01:26
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kanzure_hey Juul 01:43
Juulhello hello. morning in denmarkland01:43
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kanzurerepo.get_object(dulwich.object_store.tree_lookup_path(repo.get_object, repo.get_object(repo.head()).tree, "readme.txt")[2])12:34
kanzurelotta work for a lotta little12:34
kanzurestalk: Jeremiah Petit12:42
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kanzurehey jasonwohlfahrt 12:48
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fennwow this is great, someone else aggregating recipes for once http://open3dp.me.washington.edu/?cat=313:37
fenntheir "manifesto" is pretty weaksauce though13:41
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fennevery time i get an email from vitaly mankevich i think 'vitaly chernobyl'14:09
kanzureevery time i get an email from vitaly i think his name is vitaliy14:09
fennnamed after José Antonio Menchaca14:13
fenn It is named for the nearby Manchaca Springs, where Jose Antonio Menchaca ( pronounced Men-cha-ca) once camped. 14:14
fennfucking ignorant texans14:15
kanzureaccording to Manchaca, Texas it's "man-check"14:15
kanzureAustin pronunciation guide http://texaswatertowers.com/kayandlyn/pronunciation.htm14:15
fennyeah, they're the fucking ignorant texans i'm talking about14:16
kanzure"going to" -> "fixin' to"14:16
kanzureshouldn't config.yaml be under .gitignore in skdb.git?14:52
kanzure"I won't get out of bed for less than £10,000 a day"15:09
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fenni support your high standard of excellence and motivation15:14
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xp_prghow come a dvd laser cannot be used to do micro fluidic etching on a dvd?15:20
nshbecause the laser only changes the colour of a dye15:29
nsh(according to) http://osdir.com/ml/diybio/2009-11/msg00248.html15:29
nshi wonder if you could formulate a light-activated etchant15:34
tim_xp_prg: in other words, "writable" CDs and DVDs are never etched.  Only 'darkened' by the laser.  Like paper that's charred, but not burnt through.15:34
kanzuregee like photolithography nsh?15:34
nshyah but cheap15:35
* nsh smiles15:35
kanzurehow expensive are the echants anyway? i haven't looked up prices15:35
kanzurepiranha, for instance15:35
nshnot sure15:37
kanzureoops that's a cleaning agent15:37
kanzuresilicon nitride, silicon oxide, KOH, etc.15:37
kanzure# `See also the two papers 'Etch Rates for Micromachining Processing' Part I and II in Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems by Kirt R. Wiliams et al.`15:37
kanzurefor a list of etch rates: http://www.eng.utah.edu/~gale/mems/etch%20rates.pdf15:37
kanzurebut that doesn't list cost15:37
kanzurelooks like you can etch PSG just by looking at it weird :)15:40
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nshquestion: how do you pronounce tuple?15:48
nshah, good15:48
kanzuretuhp uhl?15:48
nshcurrent lecturer pronounces it as in "tuesday"15:49
nshand i'm just checking around to make sure that not everyone in the world will be doing that15:49
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kanzureprogrammers are not meant to speak with each other anyway15:49
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fennyou know a dvd burner is practically a spin coater already16:00
fenni am waiting for blu-ray to become cheap, so we can use blue light activated resin16:00
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genehackerblue light activated resin damn16:36
genehackerI didn't even think of that16:36
genehackerblu-ray isn't cheap but HD-DVD is...16:37
genehackerusing a DVD burner as a spin coater sounds like a messy proposition16:38
kanzurefenn: net will be slow for a few moments16:38
fenngotta make the mess somewhere16:38
genehackerusually you do it in a spin coater that closes up16:39
fenndvd drives close16:39
fennalso you could use the setup for dna synthesis16:39
genehackerso you'd spin coat a CD?16:40
fennsome disk shaped substrate16:40
genehackersilicon shaped like a CD?16:40
fennwho said anything about silicon16:40
genehackerwhat would you be spin coating and why?16:41
genehackerwhat material would you be spin coating16:41
fennwhatever cd's are made from, probably16:42
fennmicrofluidics was the initial conversation topic16:42
tim_meh.  why wreck the DVD drive using it to spin coat?  A $2 12v hobby motor (or one salvaged from almost any household gadget) will spin a CD just fine.  Enclose it in a cardboard box. 16:42
fenni could see lots of uses for an automated pattern depositor thingy16:42
fenntim_: the dvd drive already has fine control over speed up to the cd's breaking speed practically16:43
fennand it has a laser that focuses on the surface, position control to 1 micron, et etc16:43
tim_fenn: that laser isn't going to be useful long if you're flinging goop around with the same drive.16:43
fennyeah i havent really figured that out.. maybe some kidn of 'eyelid'16:44
tim_fling the goop with a cheap motor, then place the disc in the drive.16:44
genehackerhow about a plastic box?16:44
fennyou have to make modifications to add the goop anyway16:44
fenntim the dna synthesizer requires 4*number of bases in the sequence16:44
genehackercyranoacrylate can be vapor depositted on to surfaces..16:45
fennso that many times ptting it in the drive, taking it out, putting in spin coater,... lots of room for error and a pain in the ass16:45
fennmuch rather have it completely automated, even if it requires modifications to the drive16:45
tim_sounds like you'd be better off building a custom machine anyway.  It would be challenging to modify a modern CD/DVD drive to cope with random crap being flung around inside it's case.16:46
fenntim_: have you been reading the replab mailing list?16:46
genehackerperhaps by shinning some UV light one could pattern cyranoacrylate on a surface and use it like a photoresist16:46
tim_fenn: nope16:46
fenncyanoacrylate hardens in air though16:47
genehackeryou could do it like you do finger print fuming16:49
genehackerthough one might need some sort of initiator16:50
genehackeranyway if this is for making microfluidics it'd better to go with the shrinky-dink route16:52
genehackerone group was able to get the shrinkage right by shrinking them fast16:52
kanzure"QuicKutz® Silhouette SD desktop digital craft cutter "17:05
kanzureblah $250?17:06
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kanzurefenn: http://www.rsc.org.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/delivery/_ArticleLinking/ArticleLinking.cfm?JournalCode=LC&Year=2010&ManuscriptID=b918089c&Iss=Advance_Article17:12
kanzureif it was cheaper than buying a heating iron it might be worth it17:23
kanzurehm i wonder if dulwich works with bare repos17:25
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QuantumGWe miss you. <- lies17:27
QuantumGwhat do you call material that changes consistency when an electric current is passed through it?17:30
xp_prgcan I ask dumb questions about microfluidics with paper/cutting etc... ?17:31
xp_prglike can you do pcr with it?17:31
QuantumGyou can always ask17:31
xp_prgwould you use microfluidics for pcr?17:32
xp_prghelp me to know stuff about it17:33
QuantumGI don't remember which of these lurkers is the microfluidics dude17:33
kanzurexp_prg: go help yourself and go away17:35
QuantumGhey kanzure, ever read Ender's Game?17:37
kanzureQuantumG: i was doing some reverse compiling stuff a few weeks ago17:38
QuantumGever thing about how to make a flash suit?17:38
kanzureand somehow i came across your name17:38
QuantumGI'm not surprised :)17:39
kanzureQuantumG: i was wondering if you would be willing to help me on a few tasks, actually17:48
QuantumGwhat ya got?17:49
kanzurei've been looking into some DLLs17:49
kanzurei want to use some reverse compilers but i can't seem to find any :)17:49
QuantumGya, they don't exist.. it's still mostly a manual process17:50
QuantumGhow many dlls and how big?17:50
kanzurethat's 5 MBs of function/class _names_17:50
kanzurebut let's say i pick one function and want to twiddle with it a bit17:50
kanzurewtf. *MB17:51
QuantumGload the dll up in IDA.. copy out the asm, convert it to semantics by hand, do the minimum amount of work to get it into C, compile it, patch the DLL in memory to point to your new code (either use a debugger or inject a new DLL into the process) and test a lot to see if your C replaces the function correctly.. then try to make the function easier to read.17:53
kanzureyou're insane :)17:54
kanzurei've never done DLL patching though17:54
kanzureany hints or tutorials or links on that?17:54
QuantumGbut.. if you give me the DLL I'll take a look for ya17:54
kanzureno thanks, there's nothing in particular i want in it17:54
kanzureif you have some tools to do this automatically and clean up common crap, then sure17:55
kanzurehow do you swap out the addresses in the DLL file?17:55
QuantumGya, I don't.  You can try Boomerang ... but I stopped working on it a few years ago, so I don't know what state it is in17:55
QuantumGinsert a jump at the start of the original function to your replacement function17:56
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kanzureQuantumG: i used to do this with ROMs for video games, and it was space-specific, so inserting stuff randomly would totally fuck it up17:56
kanzurebut i can just arbitrarily add in as i see fit?17:56
kanzurewith DLLs17:56
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kanzureby "fuck up" i mean change the size and thus fubar everything, all the offsets, etc17:57
QuantumGwell, you overwrite the original 5 bytes of code with the jump17:57
QuantumGso you're not inserting anything17:57
QuantumGway I typically do it is to write a DLL with a init function that patches the original DLL and inject it into the running process17:59
kanzurehow do you inject DLLs into a process?17:59
kanzuresource and everything :) thanks18:00
kanzurewhat's with the random comment spam?18:00
QuantumGno idea, people are dicks18:01
kanzurewonder if this works under wine18:01
QuantumGyou'll need to VirtualProtect the original code of the DLL that you want to overwrite, to make it writable18:02
wrldpc2is there a build of skdb I can point someone to?18:03
QuantumGanother way of getting your DLL into a process (and there are many) is to look at the imports of the main EXE and see if there are any DLLs that are imported with only a few imported functions18:06
QuantumG1 is best18:06
QuantumGthen you just write a wrapper for each function18:06
QuantumGname your DLL the same as the imported DLL (renaming the original DLL if needed) and shove it in the same dir as the EXE18:07
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QuantumGkanzure: and you think you have problems18:23
QuantumGI just found a dos exe that I want to decompile18:24
QuantumG16 bit18:24
QuantumGlast time I did this was Commander Keen .. and I did it using a modified version of DosBox18:24
QuantumGthankfully someone else has rewritten it18:31
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drazakdosbox is <318:34
drazakI play star commander in dosbox18:34
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genehackerargh, why the heck isn't openscad documented?19:12
kanzurepeculiar interface: http://www.windowshop.com/19:15
kanzurehey jasonwohlfahrt 19:15
kanzuredoes amazon own imdb? since when19:15
genehackerkanzure you wouldn't happen to know any nifty ways to generate .dxf files now would you?19:16
kanzuresure there's lots of python modules that do that19:16
genehackerso I want to draw lines to make a gear, I assume it's pretty simple to do such a thing/19:17
kanzurei suggest you do it the way fenn did it for you19:19
kanzurewith a python script to write svg19:19
kanzureand then import it into heekscad and convert to dxf19:19
kanzurebut you can also just use a dxf library with python19:19
genehackerI think I'll go with the svg route19:21
kanzuregood choice19:21
genehackerI think I'm going to hack at figuring out how to generate the ring gear first though19:22
genehackerand figuring out the math to automatically generate the inner gear19:23
kanzurehere's the script he wrote for you: http://fennetic.net/irc/cycloidal.py19:23
genehackeryeah I saved that19:26
genehackerwoo found a 1 tooth difference cycloidal gear design19:35
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genehackeryou know gear design that I made awhile back might actaully work19:57
genehackereven though its always in contact19:57
genehackerbecause there's a patent that says it's ok19:58
genehackeror should be]19:58
kanzuredoes it worry you that your knowledge is coming from patents20:05
genehackeryeah a bit20:05
genehackerquite annoying too20:06
genehackerbut it's unfortunately it's the only good source of information like this20:08
kanzurehey why do they call them labor atories?20:32
genehackerthey are a place where labor is performed20:40
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kanzure"Your Yahoo! Mail account is no longer active.21:10
kanzure# All email messages, folders, attachments and preferences have been deleted and cannot be recovered."21:10
kanzureit would have been nice if they would have notified me before trashing it21:12
-!- Netsplit brown.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: mason-l, genehacker, mage2, CIA-33, Overand, QuantumG, nchaimov, kardan21:17
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ybitkanzure: why are you stalking jeremiah petit?21:33
kanzureybit: jata introduced me to him21:35
kanzurewhy, do you know him?21:35
genehackere.coli PLA production:21:39
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ybit17:25 < kanzure> hm i wonder if dulwich works with bare repos21:41
ybitthanks one of the first things it mentions in the tutorial21:42
kanzurebah tutorials are for quitters21:42
kanzureer maybe just 40 :)21:46
kanzurein fact that doesn't look like much of a good idea21:46
ybityou linked to the tutorial, so... :)21:46
kanzureshould the hash come before or after the command in the url?21:46
ybityes, that's jeremiah the guy who refuses to respond to my emails if he's coming with us or not21:47
kanzureafter would be most convenient now21:47
ybithe posted something on my facebook wall21:47
kanzurewell jata says he needs a place to sleep21:47
kanzureso she introduced me to him today21:47
ybithe told me he was trying to get in touch with jata but never could and was wondering how to get around the credit card charge they have in place online to register for the event.. that was a couple weeks ago..21:47
ybittell him to respond to my messages21:48
kanzurehe hasn't actually said anything to me21:48
kanzurejust by proxy of jata21:48
ybitmy afternoon was kind of wasted, i finished the last of the 20% of ksrm via tts/mp3, read some git ref material, read the dulwich tutorial, read web.py all the way through except for the last two pages (11 of 13 pages got to the unit tests).. and had to deal with bad music and singing for 4 hours21:50
kanzurewhy are you.. why are you printing this shit otu?21:50
ybitbecause i don't have a notebook computer21:50
kanzureuh, want one?21:51
ybiti'm supposedly getting one in less than a week so that i can have one while traveling21:51
ybitif that weren't the case, then yes21:52
kanzurei'll give you one if you buy a $40 power adapter for it. 21" screen. P4 dual core (yes it's old)21:52
ybit21" o.O21:52
ybitthat's bigger than my desktop screen21:52
ybitthat's probably still faster than this computer21:53
kanzureit's what i was using all through high school21:53
ybitjeremiah is on all the mailing lists but never says anything21:54
ybithis email is something like lord.redeemer@gmail.com or something21:54
ybiti've done some stalking awhile ago, so you don't have to21:55
ybitright so if he needs a place, we can fit a roll-away in is what i was told, they doubled checked for me21:55
ybitit's $20 extra per night21:55
ybitthat's actually a good thing, the price will go down to about $60 total for everyone21:57
ybitQuantumG: why would you need to inject some code into a running program. can you give me an exmaple of this?21:59
QuantumGif a program does something and you want it to do something else...21:59
ybitan example?21:59
QuantumGand, ya know, you don't have source21:59
kanzurewell, if you need to get it to do something else21:59
kanzurefor instance, let's say you want to get around some activation feature22:00
kanzureor maybe you want to figure out how solidworks works22:00
ybitkind of hard to do that without the source wouldn't you think?22:00
fennQuantumG: electrorheological fluids work on voltage, not current22:00
kanzureyeah it's a pain in the ass, ybit22:00
QuantumGexample: I had a game that would switch out of full screen every time my mouse moved off the screen with synergy.. I figured out how it worked and why it was doing that.. so rather than patch the binary I just wrote a dll that patched it in memory22:01
ybitthanks for the link fenn ( http://open3dp.me.washington.edu/?cat=3 )22:01
ybitalright, i'm going to call it a wasted day and wake up early tomorrow morning, gn22:02
QuantumGfenn: awesome, that's what I was looking for22:03
QuantumG... got any guides on how to make them?22:03
fennpowdered silica in PEG?22:04
genehackerhas anyone figured out how to make decent actuators with them?22:04
fennhow would that work?22:04
genehackerI don't know22:04
fennit just changes the viscosity22:04
QuantumGI was thinking of making clothing with it embedded in it22:04
fennwell in that case you probably want magnetorheological fluid22:05
fennit works a lot better, no high voltages etc22:05
QuantumGso when you apply the voltage the wearer is "frozen"22:05
fennburn some extra fine steel wool and mix the rest in mineral oil.. or just buy it from scitoys.com or something22:05
genehackerwhy would you want to do that?22:06
fennit makes magnetorheological fluid22:06
genehackerthat would be no fun without a spacestation22:06
QuantumGfreeze laser tag22:06
genehacker* a large space station22:06
fennand lots of horny ten year olds22:07
genehackersounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen22:07
fenn... or whatever you were planning to use it for22:07
kanzure4chan party van?22:07
genehackerRULE 1 VIOLATION22:07
fennrule 1: there is no rule 122:07
fennor was that "do not talk about rule 1"?22:08
genehackerI can't say, that might violate the rules22:08
kanzureneat joe just offered us up some hosting22:09
genehackeralso why don't LED throwies use surface mount22:10
genehackerand smaller coincells22:10
fennwhy dont people not suck22:10
fennled throwies? wtf22:10
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genehackerso you could shout them out of a coil gun22:10
genehackeryou mind hosting those on your server?22:12
genehackerthese are some very interesting papers you should read them22:13
QuantumGare there people who have actually put bioengineered organisms into production making textiles?  Or is this just more research-with-possible-application-tacked-on22:18
genehackerin fact I'm wearing a shirt made from bioengineered textile right now22:19
genehackeryou could be too22:19
genehackeroh and pants22:20
genehackerthis bioengineered textile is known as cotton22:20
genehackerlooks like research directed toward a practical application22:20
QuantumGlemme fix that up for you... bioengineered microbes22:21
genehackerdon't think that's ever been done22:21
QuantumGstep three it would seem22:23
QuantumGto answer my own question22:23
genehacker>petroleum based monomer22:24
genehackerthat's cheating22:25
QuantumGstill, they're making the monomer in vivo and genetically enhancing the microrganisms to do it, that's pretty awesome22:26
genehackerthe PLA thing is cool because PLA is a plastic that reprap happens to use22:26
fennhuh. sparkfun.com is giving away $100 free electronics to anyone who orders on january 722:28
fennuntil they go broke, that is22:28
kanzureprobably a scam. "only these special capacitors"22:29
fenndoesn't look like it22:29
kanzurei wish "alt+tab" would cause me physical pain via an electric shock22:30
kanzuremaybe it would train me to stay more focused22:30
fennmaybe you should just close all that crap22:30
kanzurewhat crap22:30
kanzurethis terminal, the other terminal22:30
fennwhatever you are tabbing to22:30
kanzurenot the same as pain-reinforced learning22:31
genehackerwait really?22:31
genehackeranyone fenn?22:31
genehackeror just one or two people?22:31
* fenn protects his cherished alt-tab reflex22:31
fenndon't ask me read the fucking page yourself!22:32
genehackerI'm sorry22:32
genehackerI'm just in shock22:32
genehackerI can't believe it22:32
* genehacker looks for some gps modules...22:34
fenndo you even have a project to use those with?22:35
genehackerI want a UAV22:35
fennthey should just make 1 out of 10 random orders free22:35
fenni guess that wouldnt be the same22:36
genehackerand one needs a gps unit for a uav22:36
fennor maybe a community based moderation system, but for deciding where teh moneys go22:36
fennhuh they have an irc channel?22:37
genehackerhmmm... now if we pool resources we could get all parts to make a UAV22:38
fennwhy can't you use a $5 accelerometer and an avr?22:38
kanzureheh SarahEmm is in there22:39
fennyep lots of ##electronics people22:39
kanzureoh even fenn22:39
fenngenehacker: you know about ardupilot right?22:40
genehackera little bit22:40
genehackerI'm not a big fan of the thermopile stabilization system22:41
genehackerthough I wonder if it could be used to make the UAV do aerial maneuvers...22:48
kanzurehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbwpgyRUv5 ninja kitten23:09
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genehacker2error, video link invalid23:10
kanzurebah whatever23:12
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fennwell this is certainly interesting http://web.media.mit.edu/~ankit/bokode/23:44
kanzure2.5 microns?23:45
kanzure2.5microns from 4m.. er, how many bits?23:46
fennhow many bits what?23:46
kanzureis this a binary signal?23:46
fennit's an "angular modulation scheme"23:46
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fennwow these new gyro chips are amazingly cheap23:56
fenn$7.50 in qty 1, $3.00 in qty 10023:56

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