
--- Day changed Thu Nov 26 2009
ybithow are you two checking out each others' branches (sounds gay and dirty doesn't it)?00:04
ybiteach pushes to master and selectively pulls what he wants.. 00:05
katsmeow-afkybit, if a couple people show up at the airport to pickyou up......00:05
ybitat some point, i don't see how this model is sustainable when you have someone like myself committing stupid changes00:07
ybit691:om: skdb tutorials00:07
ybitsound more like a wishlist than a bug00:07
fennooh can i be the shifty looking fellow with a caterpillar mustache and patent leather shoes?00:10
katsmeow-afkwho taps his feet with a wide stance?00:10
CIA-33skdb: kanzure * r c9a172b /.be/bugs/099b9ca7-eca6-4bc1-a3a8-9cbf1417a7e9/values: more bug reports00:11
kanzureybit: just be sure to pull before you commit (not before you push)00:11
fennanyway the branch thing.. if you have a lot of people all committing to the same branch and you hate each other, that's a recipe for disaster; a management problem not a technical problem00:11
fennyou can merge branches later if necessary. if you think your changes are dumb and awful and yet you feel the need to commit to someone else's repo, put it on a branch00:12
fenncherry picking is more for bug fixes and such00:12
kanzureybit: technically the bug id for that is just 691, the ":om:" is some attribute info i think00:13
fennwhy is the bug id 691?00:18
fennbe is not backward compatible00:19
fennwhy didn't you use the version in debian?00:21
kanzurehere we go..00:21
fenncan i file a meta bug report?00:22
kanzureonly between the hours of 1 and 2 pm00:23
fennalso i'm not sure what the advantages of a bug tracker are over the current todo list00:23
fennor writing unit tests00:24
fennoh well. /me resigns to the fate of seeing a bunch of .be/51b1ossadf09gf0klk24kl every fommit00:24
kanzurefommit :) heh00:24
kanzureblah all these people are dudes: http://www.last.fm/user/kanzure/neighbours00:25
kanzureand they're all from sweden, finland and germany00:26
genehackerthat's where the techno is at00:26
fennthe only chicks who dig heavy metal live in seattle00:27
genehackerugh one of them is a furry00:27
fennhehe a hot pink mustache furry00:28
kanzurethis guy scares the shit out of me: http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/126/1079595.jpg00:28
genehackeris that a song from k-on in your playlist?00:29
ybithttp://ybit.ath.cx/skdb/ is where my git repo lies for anyone who wants to watch me fuck it up in a somewhat live viewing00:29
genehackerit is00:29
genehackerI am disappoint00:29
fennkanzure: that's not very scary00:29
ybitthat guy reminds me of a person whom we couldn't figure out if it was a dude or girl.. then we saw boobs.. but we still weren't convinced00:30
kanzurewhat is k-on?00:30
fenna time-like virtual particle?00:30
genehackerdear god00:31
genehackerit's an anime that you should avoid00:31
fennhm i seem to have slipped into a time line in which physicists havent yet discovered kaons..00:31
fennoh there it is, nevermind00:32
kanzureybit: please run git update-server-info00:32
genehackerdang it how the heck do I play songs on last.fm00:32
ybitkanzure: done00:32
genehackerI get it00:32
ybitkatsmeow-afk: thanks for mentioning the minerva reefs00:32
genehackeryou listened to the K-on theme00:33
genehackeroh dear00:33
kanzureybit: doesn't look like you've committed anything00:33
katsmeow-afkthere's similar reefs ~100 miles west ofSan Diego00:33
katsmeow-afkwell, similar in use, but diff geology00:33
kanzurei don't think last.fm is actually doing any computations here00:34
kanzureit seems to be basically what you've listened to the most00:34
kanzurebut if you've listened to a million songs from another category, they don't count for anything00:34
kanzureunless they're from the same artist00:34
katsmeow-afkBegg Rock , Islas San Benito , Cotes Bank, Tanner Bank, are all volcanic00:34
kanzureand this determines who your "neighbors" are00:34
genehackeroh that was when you listened to anime radio00:35
genehackeryou're safe00:35
katsmeow-afkAlijos Rocks etc00:35
genehackerheh that creepy dude looks like that guy from dethklok00:35
genehackeryeah that one00:36
kanzureskiwsgaar skwigelf00:36
katsmeow-afkand if you want a site with more ocean wave energy than you can possibly handle, there's a seamount 60ft under about 20 miles outside the usa eez, south of Alaska00:36
genehackerwave energy=FUCKING AWESOME00:36
kanzurehah: http://naturesgraffiti.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/metalocalpyse.jpg00:36
genehackerit's so extractable00:36
katsmeow-afkthere's a few tothe west of Vancouver too, but they are "protected"00:36
fennhigh altitude kites blow wave power out of the water!!!1100:37
genehackeractually they don't00:37
katsmeow-afkgenehacker, 220 miles south of Alaska, we are talking 30ft waves are the norm00:37
genehackerit's just that wavepower isn't everywhere00:37
genehackerseems dangerous00:37
katsmeow-afki said it was more than you cold handle00:38
katsmeow-afkoh, and it's cold00:38
genehackerthe waves00:38
fennwhich is cooler: surfing, or wind surfing?00:38
genehackerdang it, I think I experienced some00:38
katsmeow-afkyou cold have megawatts of power to keep warm with if you cold keep the wave-energy-collector from falling to bits00:38
genehackerwave power's cheaper than high alt wind at this point00:38
fennwtf how could it possibly be cheaper00:39
genehackerthe rubber snake approach might work00:39
fenna kit is made of cloth and strings00:39
ybitso what's the itinerary for dec. 3? options are: a.) show me the shop b.) show me something interesting at ut.austin c.) lounge around grubbing on whatever is available or a really sweet restaurant (yo fenn, raw vegan buddy o'pal.. anything you and kanzure care for)... or go over the last option go over the presentation.. or all of it..00:39
genehackerit generates so much00:39
genehackeror it's on par with high altitude wind00:39
katsmeow-afkand, there's a methane leak from the ocean floor off LA, enough i figure for 4 megawatts electrical just by anchoring a hood over the seep and attaching a hose tothe surface00:39
ybits/the last option//00:39
genehackeryou could also get some from the petroleum seeps00:40
genehackerwhere petroleum naturally seeps to the surface00:40
katsmeow-afkor sunken ships, some have been slowly leaking since ww200:40
ybitthe only guy who teaches systema ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systema ) is in l.a. btw00:40
genehackerand feeds whole underwater ecosystems00:40
fenni vote for fenn sleeping in then waking up at the last minute and packing madly00:40
ybitthe only who who i can find that teaches in the u.s.00:40
genehackerwhole ecosystems powered by petroleum00:41
* katsmeow-afk nods00:41
genehackerdammit why do we have to be shooting carbon into the atmosphere00:42
genehackerwhy can't we just make it into stuff00:42
katsmeow-afki wonder what a floating barge off LA could do with 4 megawatts00:42
genehackerpower a 4 megawatt pirate radio00:42
genehackerpower a 4 megawatt supercomputer00:42
katsmeow-afkgenehacker, same reason the humans here burn so much garbage the air here smells like a medical plastics incinerator00:43
fenndrive itself somewhere better than LA00:43
katsmeow-afkyea, where?00:43
genehackerthen they are burning them inefficiently00:43
katsmeow-afkof course they are, it's open piles on the ground, or burn barrels with no vents for air to make actual  "burning" occur00:44
genehackerthat's bad00:44
fenni wonder why kite-based sailboats never got huge in the 1700's00:45
katsmeow-afkas long as the populace is of this caliber, there's o way to stop the powerco burning coal to pump it in as much as they want00:45
genehackercontrol systems, lack of cheap strong lightweight fabric, inertia00:45
katsmeow-afkfenn, commercia schedules and the cost of hiring a sailing crew that contribues best 30% of your propulsion00:45
genehackerburning plastic is how you make nasty dioxins00:45
fennsailor = control system, already had cheap strong canvas, which is light enough00:45
katsmeow-afkgenehacker, I KNOW00:46
katsmeow-afkDAMNED caps lok00:46
genehackerit's ok00:46
katsmeow-afki gotta pop all those extra keys of all these new keybds 00:46
fennone huge kite has got to be easier to deal with than those ridiculous masts and fifty little sails everywhere00:46
genehackerwhat do you do about the kite during a storm?00:47
katsmeow-afkuntil you haveto fish it out of the water00:47
fennnaw it has little boats as landing gear00:47
genehackeranyway, I sure your average sailor of back then isn't going to trust a kite00:47
katsmeow-afk"the sail's taken leave of th emast, cap'n!"00:48
genehackermasts work pretty well00:48
genehackerhave you ever been sailing fenn?00:49
katsmeow-afknppe, never sailed a fenn00:49
* katsmeow-afk sailed lil Scorpions and Sunfish in the mid 1970's00:50
katsmeow-afkon the ocean00:50
katsmeow-afkout of sight of land, even00:51
katsmeow-afk"well, the sun is going down, and that's west, that's land, i think i'llfollow it,, fast"00:51
ybitodd, linux has a downward slope as well: http://google.com/trends?q=linux&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all&sort=000:51
ybiti don't know what to take from that when we know that the adoption of gnu linux is increasing00:52
genehackernever sailed?00:53
fennfenns are bad places to sail.. lots of muck and tangly stuff00:53
genehackerlast.fm sucks00:54
genehackerit doesn't have any of the obscure music I listen to00:55
fennwhy do you need last.fm if you listen to obscure music00:55
genehackerI'm playing around with it00:55
fennjust set your music player to shuffle00:56
genehackeron last.fm?00:56
fennno, the one you have previously stocked with your obscure music00:57
* katsmeow-afk has decided to go get pizza for tomorrow, and chocolate, eggnog, PB&J , since it's 1am and there's likely parking places00:57
genehackererrr... I don't know how to torrent safely00:57
fennkatsmeow-afk: i endorse your decision00:57
fenndo me a favor and stand around in the aisle staring at nothing for 20 minutes00:58
fennoptionally, lay on the floor and make dust angels00:58
fennbecause it's 1 am and i can do whatever i want00:58
genehackerpics or it didn't happen00:59
fennit didnt happen00:59
* fenn wonders if he feels like riding 3 miles in the dark to see if les is in the shop so i can get my components01:00
genehackerwhy ride in the dark when you can make it not dark with some horrendously bright 1 watt LEDs01:01
fennbecause my horrendously bright 1 watt LEDs are in the shop01:01
genehackerare they luxeon LEDs?01:01
fenni forget. maybe01:01
genehackerare they white or are you going with green-blue because that's what humans see best01:02
fennwhite of course01:03
fenngreen-blue is just obnoxious.. washes out your night vision01:03
kanzurei have a horrendously large flashlight somewhere around here01:03
genehackerbut it let's you see so much more01:04
genehackerhalogen or something?01:04
fennfor beating people with mostly01:04
genehackeror is it a nuclear fusion incandescent illuminator01:04
fenni have a pocket flashlight that is 5-10x brighter than that01:05
genehackercomponents for what?01:06
genehackerthe beagleboard case?01:06
fennand so i dont have to chop up my only keyboard01:06
genehackerdon't you have keyboard pants?01:07
genehackeror is that what you are making?01:07
fenni need to get my batteries and charger and soldering iron and probably a zillion things which i am never going to remember01:07
fennhavent figured out what to do for the beagleboard case yet01:08
genehackerif you have access to the UT soldering lab...01:08
fenni'm not going to a 'soldering lab'01:08
fennyou kids are so spoiled you dont even know what to do01:08
* fenn grumbles01:09
genehackerI tried tinning it but the solder just won't stick01:09
genehackeryou could cast it out of aluminum01:09
fennjust stop while you're ahead ok?01:10
* genehacker sleeps01:10
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kanzuresome really peculiar comments here: http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/9yek3/im_27_have_a_rare_condition_that_is_100_treatable/01:52
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fenni wish you'd stop forwarding replab to OM02:16
fennthat guy needs some DIYBIO02:25
fennor go to mexico, i guess02:27
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fennpriceless http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/9yek3/im_27_have_a_rare_condition_that_is_100_treatable/c0f0vl802:46
fennthe HPLC is probably overkill02:48
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kanzurehm how should the "history", archive, etc. views work? in terms of urls10:16
kanzureback when i was doing websites years ago, making crappy urls was the norm :)10:16
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kanzurefor meshes?15:46
QuantumGcrappy meshes by the looks of it15:47
kanzureneat but 15:47
QuantumGautomatic and online is pretty cool though15:47
QuantumGthey need to work on scene decomposition next15:47
kanzurei think this is just one guy15:48
kanzure"In a few months time when code porting (to new library versions) is complete, a Linux-based demo of ProFORMA should be released."15:48
QuantumGya, no doubt it's all in matlab15:48
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fennthis is really cool (not the documentary) 18:49
fenni would love to get a 3D version of that18:50
fenneither just stereoscopic or full on bullet time18:51
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genehackerwhat torrent client is best?19:11
fennthat's awful subjective19:14
fennutorrent, ktorrent, azureus (piggy)19:14
genehackerwhich one is "safest"19:15
genehackersay I lived in dystopian britain where if they detect you using bittorrent you disappear19:18
genehacker*dystopian future britain19:18
QuantumGalmost all of them support encrypted torrents now19:19
QuantumGfor some reason most of them don't have it on by default though19:19
QuantumGno idea why19:19
fennit's not that it's not on by default, but it also allows unencrypted connections19:30
genehackerport forwarding is only important for speed right19:41
fenn"Search  Man Marries Anime Game Character19:47
* fenn fails at paste-fu19:47
genehackerthe scary thing is that this isn't the first time this has happened either19:49
genehackerrelevent for UAV delivery19:50
genehackercan't find the picture that explains it19:51
genehackerthink I have it though19:51
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genehackerlet me find the pictures19:52
fennlike a reverse lasso19:53
katsmeow-afkwhile the cable winds up 1000 times, so the human cargo is spun to death as they are winched up to the plane19:54
genehackerI don't want to deliver humans this way19:54
genehackerthe picture explains a lot19:55
genehackeroh dear there's a gibson novel about what a virtual japanese singer that people want to marry?19:56
fenni never read it19:57
genehackerand now we have a virtual japanese singer...19:57
katsmeow-afkshades of Simone the movie about the virtual actor19:58
fenni hope you're not talking about the vocaloids19:58
katsmeow-afkbs : Trivailo's cable system could help take the pressure off, since it would allow almost any large aircraft to collect water and spray it from the air or deliver it to remote sites without the need to land. 19:59
fennhatsune miku and friends19:59
katsmeow-afkthe "cable", the hose, wold change weight etc drastically as it filled with water, and the hose iteslf wold be so long you'd be unable to suckwater up thru it19:59
genehackercall them by their proper name, fancy voice synthesis software19:59
genehackerI think they want to use buckets20:00
genehackerdammit why does newscientist have to suck20:00
fennit's kind of amazing how bad the vocaloids sound, compared to even basic TTS software20:00
genehackerthe cable system becomes unstable if you drop the thing the cabl is holding20:00
genehackerTTS software?20:01
fenntext to speech20:01
fennlike festival20:01
QuantumGvirtual light.. one of gibson's more horrid books20:02
QuantumGnot that I've enjoyed any of them since neuromancer20:02
genehackerheh I'd like to find the TTS software they used for half-life so I can make my computer sound awesome20:03
fenn"This competition will pit participants against each other, piloting custom designed 1/24th scale robots- armed with Airsoft weapon systems and higher end weapons such as micro rockets, flame throwers and CO2 projectile weapon systems."20:03
genehackerthe mecha thingy?20:03
kanzurewhy does it matter that it's "from ben lipkowitz"20:05
kanzureshame on you20:05
* fenn looks20:05
kanzurewe can read commit logs, thank you very much20:06
fennbecause marcin copied it from an email i sent20:06
fenni think that's the default admin username20:07
kanzurenot when i installed mediawiki :/20:07
fennThe new currency will be issued in three convenient denominations, ranging from 10,000 positrons to 1,000,000 positrons. The anti-money will be backed by antimatter stored in the bank's own vaults. 20:07
kanzuregustavo got back to me today about booleano20:07
kanzurethere's a depends_on() function apparently20:08
kanzureso you have to say depends_on(A) && depends_on(B) or something20:08
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fenni dont get what this brain implant chip has to do with fMRI20:13
katsmeow-afkthe mri erases it, praps20:15
genehackerwhat brain implant?20:20
genehackerMRI ease installation20:21
katsmeow-afkthe 8087 i have always wanted20:21
genehackerimplants need to be MRI safe20:21
QuantumGif you could fully utilize an 8087 wired into your brain I expect it would actually be impressive20:22
katsmeow-afkthat's why i aimed low, by now, the 8087 should run a lifetime on an AG-13 cell, yet be quite fast enough20:24
QuantumGhow about that fully utilize part?  20:25
katsmeow-afkif i cannot use it, i don't want it20:25
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katsmeow-afkgranted, i do not expect to say the numbers flowing in and out of it in it's real time20:25
QuantumGya, I meant, how do you expect to20:25
katsmeow-afkbut i wold mostly expect it to have solved the problem by the time the person talking tome stopped and shut his mouth, theni could provide the answer20:27
QuantumGI can imagine that there is known techniques for determining what number a subject is thinking of.. but is there any known techniques for presenting one to the subject?20:27
katsmeow-afkyeas, speech, writing, braille20:27
QuantumGwas kinda expecting direct presentation20:27
katsmeow-afkno, it wold haveto go thru the wearer's wetware20:28
katsmeow-afkand each wold be different20:28
QuantumGso you think of root 2 and can experience that number in its floating point goodness20:28
katsmeow-afkone hopes20:28
katsmeow-afkjust how, i dunno20:29
katsmeow-afkinterfaces have been done to hearing and sight, but i dunno those are good enough,,maybe20:29
QuantumGhave some experience of the floating point stack depth would be interesting too20:29
katsmeow-afkhaving each digit apear in my sight as a 9x16 dot matrix might not be enjoyable20:30
katsmeow-afk"but doc, it's pi! it won't STOP!"20:30
genehackeryou might be able to adapt...20:30
QuantumGI think neural implants that interface with senses are missing the point20:30
katsmeow-afkQuantum , i sorta do too, butthat's pushing state of the art already20:31
QuantumGis it?  I ask because I don't really follow it.  I see occasional articles about sensing "what you're thinking about" and rarely see anything about restimulating those states20:33
QuantumGand yeah, numbers are a common one20:33
katsmeow-afkfmri can call out topics, like hate, but not what part of the table you hate20:34
katsmeow-afkafaik, it's not down to cellular level yet20:34
katsmeow-afkidk why i am starting every sentence with a abbr or ackronym20:35
QuantumGassume you've seen this article: http://www.wired.com/magazine/2009/10/mf_optigenetics/all/120:37
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fennthanks for linking to that article QuantumG 21:02
fennreminds me of 'reasons to be cheerful' by egan (which is a great pun btw)21:04
kanzurefenn: haven't i been showing you optogenetics papers for months now?21:10
kanzureoptigenetics, whatever21:10
kanzurehell i even met ed :(21:10
fennyes i know, but i had no idea they were already doing experiments with mice and monkeys21:11
fennthought it was just in vitro21:11
fennalso didn't know it was location-specific (gene therapy not germline recombinant)21:11
kanzurewhat the FUCK21:12
kanzureBryan Bishop wrote:21:12
kanzure> I phoned up the bildr guy. He doesn't have any code, he's a "Design21:12
kanzure> Student" (read: not engineering design). You're better off going with21:12
kanzure> what we've done homebrew.21:12
kanzureHow alarmingly arrogant.21:12
kanzureThe stuff that's been done is nothing near being a design library. The21:12
kanzurebildr guy is getting stuff done.21:12
fennheh what has he gotten done21:12
kanzurethis is Smári21:13
kanzurethis makes me cry21:13
fenni guess smari does hate you after all21:13
kanzurei don't even know what to say21:13
fenni dont understand why we arent working with the bildr guy (or smari for that matter)21:14
kanzuresmari hates us remember?21:14
kanzureand the bildr guy never got back with us21:14
kanzureeven after ybit emailed him too (this was after i phoned him up- he was very enthusiastic)21:14
kanzurei don't know what to say21:15
fennbildr is just one page with javascript swoopytext right?21:15
kanzureand a video21:16
fenngod i hate this fucking webpage already21:17
kanzurewhat should i say21:17
fennnevermind about working with the bildr guy :P21:17
kanzurei want to throw a pile of shit at smari21:17
kanzurei'll hold off on a reply email until i get some suggestions21:23
fennflame wars are generally a bad idea21:24
kanzurewhat do i do21:25
kanzurepeople have already taken sides (with 21:25
fennyour witty sarcastic reply will end up making you look like a fool, just say nothing21:25
kanzurebut he's *wrong*21:26
kanzuresomeone is wrong on the internet!21:26
fennis this a private email?21:26
kanzureit's on the replab list21:26
kanzurehe claims i am on a "high horse"21:27
kanzuremaybe i suck, but that's no reason not to ignore skdb21:28
kanzureno reason to ignore21:28
CIA-33skdb: kanzure * r 7c5d86b /web/web.py: change url scheme to allow /package/lego/data.yaml/:edit21:29
fennwhy :edit?21:30
kanzurenamespace issues21:37
kanzurenobody starts a filename with ":" :)21:37
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QuantumGI'm sure the GNUArch dipshits gave it a go22:51
kanzurefenn: do registered users get to modify branch master? or is branch master super-locked down?23:29
fenni dunno23:32
fennit's too early for access control stuff23:33
kanzureuh no it's not23:33
kanzurei was writing the code23:33
kanzureit's a good idea to nail it down /before/ writing the code23:33
fennyou know what an access control list is right?23:34
kanzureis it what it says it is?23:34
kanzureor do you mean the linux chmod model23:34
fennno, unix permissions suck23:34
-!- jasonwohlfahrt [n=chatzill@cpe-67-11-208-33.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap23:37
kanzurehey jasonwohlfahrt 23:46
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-!- cameronhouser is now known as cam23:58
-!- cam is now known as thehouse23:58

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