
--- Day changed Tue Dec 01 2009
fenni figured it was because i already responded in that thread with my number00:00
fenni'd much rather the guy giving me a ride have my phone number :P00:00
kanzureoh shit.00:27
kanzure('ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x89 in position 5: ordinal not in range(128)) 00:27
kanzure"DummyResponseFailure: Looks like you're trying to mix encoded strings with Unicode strings00:27
kanzure(most likely utf-8 encoded ones) "00:27
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kanzurebluh this doesn't seem to be working either: http://heybryan.org:8081/package/lego/dimensions.yaml/:log00:31
fennthat just means it's not valid ascii, which we already knew00:31
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kanzuredoes a DummyResponseFailure mean i'm the dummy?00:32
kanzureybit: mackenzie suggests http://blueprintcss.org/00:33
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kanzuremac says skdb needs a utah teapot00:49
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kanzureuh oh mac is cloning /git/lego/.git00:59
kanzureand skdb.git01:16
kanzuresince when does he know how to do any of this01:16
fennthe website must have helped somehow :P01:16
fenni guess i better make that teapot out of solid gold01:16
fennand fill it with liquid oxygen01:17
kanzurehow does this work. "oh look a website, it must be legit!"01:17
kanzureapparently he's done some rails01:20
kanzureMackenzie:  http://www.bio.davidson.edu/projects/magic/magic.html, http://has100ideas.com/prc/sparklines.html, http://chorelog.heroku.com respectively01:21
fennsay i have a big blob of single-molecule dna; how do i describe how many atoms are present?01:24
fennspecifically i'm wondering how to describe the molecular weight of polymers in a way that doesn't clash with more deterministic things like salts or pure elements01:25
kanzurewhat do you mean "how do i describe". how about with a number?01:27
fennnevermind i am just confusing density and molecular weight01:28
fenni was trying to imagine how big a mole of X would be01:29
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fenn_PING adl.serveftp.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.01:33
fenn_From gig2-3-0.hstntxl3-rtr1.texas.rr.com ( icmp_seq=10 Time to live exceeded01:33
kanzuremac suggests Dennō Coil01:44
fenn_fenn suggests skipping the middle 10 episodes or so01:55
fenn_wait, why?01:55
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CIA-33skdb: kanzure * r 1c83794 /doc/todo: updating the todo list, removing old/finished items02:28
CIA-33skdb: kanzure * r 7cdbd90 /web/templates/PackageView.tmpl: fix git clone url in template to point to the .git repository for the package02:32
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kanzureinkscapeareacutter ?03:05
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Utopiahna: http://infosthetics.com/archives/2009/12/gource_software_version_control_visualization.html06:40
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kanzuremodels of people searching the internet http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/Models%20of%20people%20searching%20the%20internet.pdf10:59
kanzureinuyasha makes much more sense in japanese.11:03
kanzurebut why doesn't hulu have a better selection of anime11:03
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genehackeryou can understand japanese?11:12
genehackerwhy the heck are you watching inuyasha11:14
kanzurei was randomly clicking on hulu.com11:14
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ybitfenn or kanzure, could you purchase the rooms? :\11:59
ybitfenn, if it's okay with you and it doesn't take your bank 24 hours to process stuff like mine, then i'm going to send jeremiah back the left over money which isn't 52.82 and then transfer everyone's money to your account plus my $52.8212:01
katsmeow-afki know you guys prefer *nix, but perhaps one of you have an answer to this, or know where to ask (don't say microsoft.com) : http://designerthinking.com/TeraCopy/TC-1.JPG ; Note the path is reported by winxp sp2/sp3 as missing, yet i can open the file and display it. This behavior isn't dependant on Eu code, or TeraCopy, or Explorer, it happens in all three applications. 12:05
katsmeow-afkidiots "run chkdsk"12:35
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ybitfenn, as i was saying on the phone, i'm going to send jeremiah back $27.18  and then transfer everyone's money to your account plus my $52.8212:44
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kanzurei got a "private message" on github today13:17
kanzureWe're looking for someone who is an expert in Python, Django, Git and Unix. If you feel you meet these requirements please send me your resume, websites, and/or any info you feel would let me know a little more about your expertise in these fields. We have multiple projects paid on an hourly basis in the adult industry, so make sure you are fine with that."13:17
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kanzureinteresting: http://m.ginx.com/m/0000000004E7000007755100000A055113:18
kanzure"tobi Btw did anyone else get the django spam by TMChris on @github today? 2:46 am Oct 14th, 2009 that started a conversation13:18
ybitfenn: $264.12 has been transferred to your paypal account13:21
kanzureybit: i think you're making this more complicated than it needs to be13:22
ybithow so?13:22
kanzureyou've sent over 13 paragraphs of text about a hotel room13:22
kanzurejust saying.13:23
* ybit didn't start the thread13:23
ybitjust being responsible and answering questions about other people's money13:23
CIA-33skdb: kanzure * r fb3547a / (2 files in 2 dirs): improved repo-recover.py13:25
kanzuredo you have the .deb files yet?13:26
ybitnope, when i do though, you will probably be asking me to calm down and stop talking about it though13:27
fennhm i think i want some eggnog13:46
fennybit: paypal thinks you're a terrorist13:50
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fennhotel says we dont pay til we arrive14:35
fenni wonder why i gave him my credit card number14:36
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ybitthat's super odd14:50
ybiti gave them my credit card number and could have paid then if we don't pay until we arrive14:50
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CIA-33skdb: kanzure * r c314861 /import_tools/del_repo/ (repo-recover.py repo_to_yaml.py): more improvements on repo-recover.py15:01
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kanzurehttp://analytics.blogspot.com/2009/12/google-analytics-launches-asynchronous.html hm?15:30
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ybitgot the the new lappy in15:50
ybitgod i hate windows15:50
ybitthey included world of goo though, that's neat, but debian is being installed now15:50
fenngot the eggnog in15:50
fenngetting soaked in the rain isnt so bad right after a shower15:51
fennsupposedly it's going to snow here on friday15:51
ybitthat's kind of neat and odd15:51
fennmaybe we will all die in a horrible plane snow runway incident15:51
ybitthat sounds like fun15:52
fennon the list of fun ways to die, it's above average15:52
ybitthe worst way to die is fire15:53
fennwhat about being eaten alive by stinging ants and aardvarks at the same time15:53
ybitif the airplane were to crash and you survived, but it caught on fire, i wouldn't like that so much15:53
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ybitif we were to crash, survive, but start to burn while being stung and eaten alive by ants and aardvarks, i might cry15:54
fennwell its texas, no aardvarks only armadillos15:54
fennmmm i can feel it coating my insides15:56
fennwhen you microwave eggnog, it's too viscous for convection, so the outside circumference gets warm but the inside stays cold16:02
ybithmm, to go x64 or not..16:03
* ybit has never had eggnog16:04
fennnot unless you have >4GB ram16:04
ybitprobably best to go 32 until i absolutely need 6416:04
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genehacker2000 psi is nothing16:54
QuantumGthen I suggest you build a flight weight 2000 psi propellant tank.  ;)17:04
genehackerfor pumps17:20
genehackerthere is nothing special about the pump17:20
genehackerheck halliburton uses something similar to get get up to 17,000 psi and higher17:21
QuantumGmaking a light weight pump that is reliable is the challenge.. not getting the desired psi.17:21
genehackerxcor's using a piston pump17:25
genehackeralso higher pressure means higher efficiency17:25
QuantumGI don't know what you're trying to tell me that I didn't tell you yesterday17:28
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fennnow i am getting "latinux magazine" spam to/from dev@fabhow.com?19:43
kanzurelatina linux? hahah19:49
kanzurehm me too19:50
kanzurefrom ideni.ca?19:50
kanzureer, identi.ca19:50
QuantumGI like how people spam me to submit a paper to their conference.. I feel like replying with "if I was looking to submit a paper, I wouldn't submit it to someone who spams me."19:51
QuantumGof course, I don't do that, cause I usually already have reason to hate the person who is sending the request, beyond just them spamming me.19:53
fennbecause they are a spammer?19:55
QuantumGnah, I mean, if I know the person spamming me to contribute to their conference, chances are I've already had a run-in with them and decided they are a fuckwit.  So it's not really that surprising they are spamming me I guess :)19:56
fennbecause everyone you know is a fuckwit19:56
QuantumGwell fenn, if you spammed me I'm pretty sure I'd be surprised19:57
QuantumGgenehacker... not so much.19:57
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genehackerhave I been spamming?20:01
QuantumGjoking genehacker20:01
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fenni hope they got more data points than that20:12
kanzurestep 1: make fake google site?20:18
genehackeranyone know what a high speed chuck is with respect to engravers?20:23
fennengravers dont use chucks, they use collets20:23
fennanyway, 20krpm+ at least20:23
genehackerit's not the cutting tool?20:24
genehackerthe fluidics paper said cut with a high speed chuck or something like that20:25
fenna chuck is what holds the tool bit20:26
fennunless it's a lathe20:26
genehackerit's not a lathe20:26
genehackerI'm sure it's just a mistake in the paper20:27
genehackerbut it still doesn't explain how they managed to make cuts 0.1 mm wide 0.8 mm deep with undercuts20:28
genehackerundercuts that weren't intentional20:28
kanzurefor some reason i made $1.28 on sunday20:28
fennmagic elves20:31
fennthey sneak in at midnight in search of cookies, and click things on peoples computers20:31
fennit's always a good idea to leave a few cookies out in strategic places to distract them20:32
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kanzurewhy are you freaks clicking on ads on my website20:33
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fenni love the logo on this page http://www.ladyada.net/make/bedazzler/index.html22:04
fennsort of dreading the whole arduino shields thing22:07
kanzurei hear you pasting22:08
kanzurestop it :(22:08
kanzure*boom* you're going to paste it anyway aren't you22:08
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fennshift-insert can suck my balls22:22
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QuantumGhmm.. kinda seems Hydrogen is the only "fuel gas" available at high pressures from my local supplier.. at least in the "industrial gas" catalog.23:00
QuantumG"used with argon in a range of gas mixtures for plasma cutting, primarily stainless steel and copper alloys."23:00
QuantumGthanks for telling me what to say to the guy at the shop to get him to sell it to me.23:00
fennwhy do you need high pressure?23:01
QuantumGrockets, pressure, that's how it works :)23:01
fenni hope you arent going to try to make a rocket from a hydrogen cylinder23:01
QuantumGfeed a rocket with compressed hydrogen and oxygen, yeah, that's what I was thinking.23:02
kanzurei heard that >:(23:03
fennthe eye tracker thing? did i paste that last night?23:04
fennthis was pretty cool; projecting onto a cloud http://elm-chan.org/works/vlp/gikosky.jpeg23:06
genehacker2I remember that one23:06
QuantumGya, I was hoping "eye writer" was a system for writing to the eye.. silly me :)23:08
fenndo you know what the poky things sticking out in front of the eye-tracker are?23:08
fennamusing. "I sure hope this doesn’t end up in the military’s hands…the pupil pistol in Robotech started out for playing games and ended up in use for the hovertanks if I’m not mistaken."23:15
genehacker2I once looked into using my eyes as mice23:16
genehacker2some one wrote some software for doing it23:16
genehacker2problem is we make a whole bunch of involuntary eye movements23:17
fenni also make a lot of voluntary ones23:17
genehacker2when you wanted to click something you had to make an initial click which would enlarge the area being clicked  so you could get precise enough movements to click on something23:20
kanzureif your voluntary and involuntary eye movements are exactly the same, why are you bothering to make voluntary eye movements?23:20
genehacker2to look at different things23:21
kanzurei hate how the singularity institute is focused on "existential risks"23:24
genehacker2what sort?23:24
kanzureall of them23:24
genehacker2existential risks to them or to humans or to the biosphere or to the universe23:25
genehacker2what sort of existential risks have they evaluated?23:26
kanzurerisks just aren't interesting. you can sit around worrying about everything if you wanted to23:26
genehacker2they make for good scifi23:27
ybitkanzure: you may want to changine python-psyco in the installing doc23:33
ybitit is non-existant23:33
kanzurewhuddabout python-psycho?23:33
kanzurepython-psyco exists in the ubuntu repositories at least :/23:34
kanzurei was writing the installing doc while installing on a fresh ubuntu installation23:34
ybiti'm on a fresh ubuntu install for this lappy23:34
kanzureapt-get update?23:34
ybitit's a temporary thing, trying to get a comfortable dev environment and wireless setup as quickly as possible, yeah did that23:35
ybitdownloading it from sourceforge atm23:35
kanzurewtf 23:35
kanzurei don't remember why you need it23:35
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