
--- Day changed Sun Dec 06 2009
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kanzuredon't really agree with his last three sentences about "the problem is no longer access to tools" although he might just be talking about web stuff (although he mentions a drill press one sentence previously)09:25
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JayDuggerRe: Seth Godin's post. My employer threatened me with legal and disciplinary action for merely posting photos of a piece of machinery.09:35
JayDuggerGood thing I knew where we'd buried bodies, so to speak.09:36
JayDuggerI do like that final sentence, though.09:36
kanzureoh shit, for posting photos of machinery?09:37
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kanzurewas it on your public blog?09:37
JayDuggerMy no longer public blog, and Flickr, yes.09:39
JayDuggerMy lawyer said they'd no real case, but I lacked money to go to court.09:39
JayDuggerHas anyone mentioned book rippers at the conference?09:40
JayDuggerHomemade book scanning machines; e.g., http://bkrpr.org/doku.php09:42
kanzurehm doesn't seem to flip pages09:48
JayDuggerYes. Good thing the design has room for improvement. Otherwise the project would have less interest.09:50
JayDuggerAnd page turning matters. Doing that manually slows down and makes unreliable the whole process.09:55
-!- jasonwohlfahrt [n=chatzill@adsl-69-149-116-71.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:00
kanzureJayDugger: IIRC, xerox copying machines (used in high schools etc.) have an input feed10:01
kanzureso if you unbind the pages then stick it in, all should be good10:01
JayDuggerThey do. That has problems.10:02
kanzurebut for some reason i don't see that often10:02
kanzuredo you know what these problems are?10:02
JayDuggerFirst. I want PDFs or TIFFs, not photocopies.10:02
kanzureyes they give PDFs10:02
kanzureor if they don't it's an easy fix10:02
JayDuggerSome copiers will do that, but I haven't access to one.10:02
JayDuggerSecond, unbinding a book takes a great deal of work.10:02
JayDuggerIt also destroys the book's resale value.10:02
kanzureno there's a quick way to unbind with a giant piece of .. er. metal10:03
JayDuggerIf I spend, or have, a book worth real money, I might not want to make a sacrificial scan.10:03
kanzurelet me remember. there's lots of stuff on ebay10:03
JayDuggerA paper cutter? A knife?10:03
kanzurea paper cutter of sorts10:03
kanzureit's basically a knife yes10:03
kanzurebut anyway it's made for unbinding huge books10:03
kanzureyes it's unfortunate that you have to destroy the binding10:04
JayDuggerAh. I didn't know specialized tools existed for that.10:04
kanzurewhat do you think about mechanical page turning?10:04
JayDuggerI'd like to try it.10:04
kanzurei've seen an implementation before, but it wasn't made for scanning10:04
JayDuggerI've worn out sheet feeders.10:04
JayDuggerScraps of binding glue, paper dust, and just good old wear-and-tear.10:05
kanzureit was made for disabled or challenged individuals, so it had this piece of tape to stick to the page, and then this was attached to a metal rod ("the arm")10:05
JayDuggerI don't know how scanning services work around these problems. I suspect they throw manual labor at the problem.10:06
JayDuggerGoogle might sit on a neat patent or two, but I've not looked.10:06
JayDuggerDo you recall the name of that page turner?10:07
kanzureyes, one moment.10:07
kanzure"ez reader"10:07
kanzureit's totally proprietary, but here's the CAD files: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/ezreaderfiles.zip10:07
JayDuggerThank you.10:08
JayDuggerHere's a $3800 page turner. http://www.tfeinc.com/shop/index.php?_a=viewProd&productId=2010:13
JayDugger$3400 if you buy a used model.10:13
JayDuggerThis one only costs $1550. http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/ezreaderfiles.zip10:14
JayDuggerWhoops. http://www.touchturner.com/pricing_info.htm10:14
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kanzure#openhardware quote "arduino makes hardware easyware"11:18
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Utopiah(for the person who shared a link on stigmergic collaboration a while ago : http://nyreelemmens.weebly.com/publications.html Stigmergic Landmark Foraging by Nyree Lemmens and Karl Tuyls, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems AAMAS 2009)12:22
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kanzurechinese artificial brain agency?13:47
Utopiahtheir FPGA project?13:47
-!- mason_l is now known as mason-l14:00
ybitkanzure: what book is he talking about?14:23
ybit something about evolution...14:23
ybithere is one mentioned at the break room: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakpoint_%28novel%2914:27
ybithttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakpoint_(novel) ..cleaner link14:27
ybitwill get around to posting an entire list of novels later today14:28
ybitre: chinese a.i. agency... yeah... i was talking with goertzel last night, he's wanting to do the 'red brain' in china14:39
kanzurei like the paypal virus14:41
QuantumGahh Goertzel15:19
QuantumGhe's addicted to non-english speaking dev teams.. I'm guessing they are more easily dazzled by his semantic arguments.15:19
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ybit     the webcast or the videos and feel kinship with the people who attended the conference.17:28
ybitPrivacy Type:17:28
ybit    Open: All content is public.17:28
ybitDescription: Attendees of the H+ Summit 2009 held Dec. 5 and 6 at EON Reality, Irvine, California, created by Humanity Plus (http://www.humanityplus.org) in cooperation with Mindshare Labs http://www.mindshare-labs.com). 17:29
kanzurewell i lost my phone17:56
kanzureit's somewhere on a beach off the coast of los angeles17:57
kanzurewhat's a "lamborghini"? apparently i was in one17:58
QuantumGits a car18:07
QuantumGtypically red18:07
QuantumGmade by italians, driven by wankers18:07
kanzuresomeone here is telling me that they cost a lot?18:15
QuantumGya, they do18:15
-!- strages [n=strages@c-76-29-231-141.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:15
QuantumGbut they have terrible resale value, so its possible to get older models for cheap.18:15
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-55-90.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap18:50
genehackerdid you see that thing Jonathan Cline sent out18:53
genehackerit's a lego robot that does pippetting18:53
genehackermost notable is that this robot is a delta robot18:56
genehackerwhich is a bit excessive considering this is done with legos18:56
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-!- JayDugger [n=duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:16
JayDuggerHow goes Smart's presentation. I can't watch--preparing for work.20:16
JayDugger?, even.20:16
JayDuggerDoes he have anything new to say since the Accelerating Change conferences?20:17
genehackerhaven't been watching20:17
genehackerlost vid connection20:17
genehackerstarted to get weird anyway20:17
JayDuggerAh. Too bad. 20:17
JayDuggerOh, the Leary references?20:17
genehackersorta stopped at the quantum conscience stuff20:18
JayDuggerYeah...the whole cyberdelic angle has some weirdness to it.20:18
JayDuggerI find "show me something, preferably hardware" a good bogosity filter.20:20
genehackerand this music guy20:20
genehackerI dunno some guy who made music for ads or something20:21
genehackerI don't really care20:21
JayDuggerFair enough. :)20:21
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jasonwohlfahrthey bryan21:20
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kanzurehey jason22:09
jasonwohlfahrthow ya doin there, sir22:33
jasonwohlfahrtI was so busy yesterday, I wasn't able to tune in for your presentation. Anywhere that I can view it now?22:34
jasonwohlfahrtOr will it be archived for future viewing?22:34
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