
--- Day changed Wed Dec 09 2009
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kanzureybit: greg bear.08:53
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kanzurehi eric_ 08:54
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kanzureopencascade architecture overview: http://www.dia.uniroma3.it/~scorzell/cscheme/ocas.htm09:25
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kanzuredoes anyone know why i can never checkout stuff via cvs on sourceforge?09:38
kanzurefor instance,  cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@libgmail.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/libgmail login  tells me that i need a password for the "anonymous" user09:38
kanzurehm looks like libgmail has been having issues since 2009-11-30 on gmail authentication bullshit anyway09:39
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kanzurehey splicer_ 09:45
kanzurelong time no see09:45
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strageswhy did no one tell me there was an H+ magazine?10:36
kanzurehaha :)10:38
kanzureit's relatively new10:38
kanzurethe print version isn't going to be printed any more.. just the online edition10:39
stragesah, I was unaware11:02
stragesjust saw that boing boing mentioned the new issue being out11:02
stragesin print and online11:02
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kanzuresome chick was hanging out around todd at the conference11:25
kanzureand she asked about his magnets11:25
kanzure"what do they do?"11:26
kanzure"well," and he thought for a moment, "they let me experience a level of reality that, uh, you can't."11:26
kanzurethe chick went totally "wow-eee" on him.. :p11:26
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mindspillageI can't decide, generally, whether to be annoyed with the actual behavior of "nerd groupies" or to be happy that they exist.11:52
xp_prgI took apart an inkjet printer and attempted to print with soy sauce but the printer failed12:21
xp_prgI learned alot though12:21
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kanzurepaper due on the 14th15:11
* kanzure pops some pills15:11
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kanzure"To use Microsoft Office Live Workspace beta, your computer must meet one of the following requirements:" <-- i'm not even going to bother reading the rest of this15:20
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genehackerkanzure you know that page you made with all the transcripts of the Hplus talks?15:39
genehackerput a link to a description of SKDB on it15:40
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xp_prggenehacker I took apart an inkjet printer and the inkjet cartridges man!16:38
xp_prgI was ready to try to print soy sauce and the printer broke :(16:38
xp_prgis it possible to measure the viscosity of a substance?16:41
katsmeow-afkgenehacker, yea, but who wants to live any longer? i'd WAY prefer to live better16:50
katsmeow-afkMOSCOW, Dec. 9, 2009 - 16:53
katsmeow-afkA Ukrainian man's jaw was blown off after he laced his chewing gum with an unknown substance, local authorities in the country's Sumy region said of the man who died from his injuries. 16:53
katsmeow-afkA chemistry student at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute who was identified only by his first name Vladimir liked to chew gum and dip it in citric acid, his family said. 16:53
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kanzureQuantumG: the comments in that slashdot article are .. lacking17:04
kanzuregenehacker: yeah i met with greg, he's pretty cool.17:04
QuantumGits slashdot17:06
kanzureusually there's at least one "really good comment"17:06
QuantumGless and less frequently unfortunately17:07
kanzureah the days when i tried to maximize my life for karma whoring.. 17:07
kanzureyou know something's wrong when you're basically a bayesian filter for what might get karma on slashdot17:07
QuantumGthere was a time when you could post a comment and you'd get something just as good back17:07
QuantumG*that* was karma :)17:08
kanzurebah you old people always exaggerate about "them there good old days"17:12
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kanzurehey rmond 17:18
fennso i went to noisebridge last night17:19
fennit was bigger than i expected17:19
fennthe people were really friendly; apparently they'll give a key to anyone that wants one, even non-members17:20
fennthe max-nc mill is godawful slow for cutting metal17:22
* fenn has no spacebar17:22
fennand i have a sinus infection that has progressed into a cold17:24
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kanzurespaces are for weirdos anyway17:36
kanzurebeautifulsoup's findChildren only finds immediate children, not absolute children17:37
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kanzureactually it's rampant because it's so easy17:59
kanzurealso wtf is with the guy with a pistol17:59
QuantumGhe's a cop18:00
QuantumGthe guy with the cassette is the computer criminal18:00
kanzurebah casette will never catch on, criminals of tomorrow will use 8track18:01
QuantumGRT @FakeAPStylebook: "Hacker" simply means "a person who is skilled with computers." To describe a computer criminal, use "Linux user."18:01
kanzureaw :(18:01
fenni wish james choate would just crawl into a hole and die19:06
kanzure"fooey i hate your idea because you weren't born to experience how things used to be"19:06
kanzurebesides, none of the people he mentioned really /did/ anything19:07
kanzureer.. i mean, like packaging19:07
fennyeah if there were an existing example of something like this, i think i would have found it by now19:07
fennoscomak just barely counts19:07
fennwhat is an "8 cube" anyway?19:08
fenna blinky led thingy?19:09
kanzurei don't think we're planning on doing blinky led shit19:09
kanzurei count only 6 sides on a coube, so maybe i'm missing something?19:10
fennyeah, papercraft rulz :P19:10
fennit's probably an 8x8x8 blinky19:10
kanzurewow even more spectacularly fail19:11
kanzurei guess it's a good way to be introduced to multiplexing or managing lots of blinking lights at the same time19:11
fennanyway what choate doesn't realize is that anything that isn't on the internets doesn't exist19:11
fennnot because people are morons who hate their grandparents19:12
kanzurestupid grandparents..19:12
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drazak_fenn: who's at choate?19:50
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genehackerof course we all know the cassette the guy's carrying has already been erased by the superconducting electromagnets embedded in his house...19:53
genehackeranother one by the same author19:58
genehackerfairly dystopian future for a kids book19:59
genehackerthey almost got this right20:13
genehackerexcept for the machine which makes things out of plastic you design yourself...20:13
* fenn wonders if that was a reference to cryptonomicon20:20
kanzuregrr development costs20:21
kanzurealready spent 2 pennies20:21
genehackerfirst one yes20:22
genehackerwhat'd you spend 2 pennies on?20:23
kanzurei registered on two captcha human typing networks20:25
kanzureone just asks the other one to solve the captchas for it..20:25
kanzureand then i take the profit20:25
genehackerso that captcha reader program of yours is making money?20:25
kanzureno i'm not using that right now20:26
kanzurejust using humans20:26
genehackerwhat are you using the humans for?20:26
kanzureto solve the captchas20:26
genehackerfor what?20:26
kanzurefor the other captcha solving network (which thinks i'm just a really really fast human)20:26
genehackeroh I see20:27
kanzurebut in reality i'm like a few hundred wage labors all acting at once20:27
genehackerso you're gaming the system20:27
kanzureno this is "business"20:27
genehackeris it profitable?20:27
kanzuredunno yet20:28
kanzurethings aren't running yet20:28
genehackeryou finish up your finals yet?20:29
genehackeryeah finals20:30
genehackerit's finals week20:30
genehackerare even taking classes20:34
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kanzurehm 1% success rate21:01
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kanzurebah you do better21:10
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kanzurehi jason21:39
jasonwohlfahrthello there21:41
jasonwohlfahrtdid you ever get your presentation video edited down to one video file?21:41
jasonwohlfahrtI wouldn't mind doing this, if you haven't already21:42
kanzurejasonwohlfahrt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg21:45
kanzurepart 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S9z6H_EFqQ21:45
kanzurepart 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edl6uFn3_g421:45
jasonwohlfahrtnow I can share with the friends21:45
kanzurei had to split them up because of youtubes policies21:45
QuantumGI become most aware of the existence of "muscle memory" when I type something while thinking something else.. I can literally see the characters coming out wrong and by the time I figure out that no amount of "executive" control is going to make them come out right there's already 5 or 6 characters.21:45
kanzureis it bad if my muscles remember typing that very same message before, QuantumG?21:46
jasonwohlfahrthey bryan, I'd love to do a video for your project with the new camera I'm getting21:47
kanzuresounds like fun21:47
jasonwohlfahrtLet me know if you'd like me to make anything in particular. Otherwise, I'll brainstorm some ideas!21:48
kanzurei'd like to hear what you have in mind :)21:48
jasonwohlfahrtI think it would be fun to do some kind of video demo for skdb21:48
jasonwohlfahrtSomething under five minutes that would highlight the software21:49
kanzurehaha how good are you with teh special effects?21:49
jasonwohlfahrtActually, I'm fairly proficient, depending on what you want21:50
kanzureworld domination?21:50
kanzureok ok21:50
kanzureone sec21:50
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genehackerso you could produce one of those videos we could inject into all media outlets in the world and play at once?21:51
kanzurei was thinking of something like this:21:51
kanzurei'm not sure though21:51
jasonwohlfahrtThat's awesome21:52
jasonwohlfahrtI can definitely do lasers, sparks, and such21:52
jasonwohlfahrtYeah, I could make you look like a world dominator21:52
kanzurehaha i'm really kidding on the world domination part21:52
kanzurei think it would be cool to show someone at a computer typing a command like21:52
kanzure"make me an exoskeleton"21:53
kanzureand one is assembled around the user21:53
kanzurebut that's really complicated21:53
kanzuresimilar things can be done though21:53
jasonwohlfahrtCould be done21:53
kanzuresomewhere i saw a video of anime geeks dressing up as transformers21:53
jasonwohlfahrtI love me a challenge21:53
kanzureso when they kneeled down, they "transformed"21:53
kanzurebasically they were wearing cardboard boxes21:53
jasonwohlfahrthaha, that sounds awesome21:54
genehackermake an exoskeleton?21:54
jasonwohlfahrtAll I need is an image of an exoskeloton and I can do some simple motion tracking21:54
kanzurehere was another fun one:21:55
genehackerAR trackers?21:55
kanzurethis is also neat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaFceggR1ew21:55
ybitso here21:55
ybit's the video i have in mind after hearing kanzure's suggestion..21:55
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genehackeryou know what would be cool to do sometime?21:57
ybityou have a skinny nerd looking guy who is sitting at a computer.. he does 'skdb-get exoskeleton' and you see robot arms flying around him and sparks flying, and within a few secs, the guy looks super cool after a few more commands like 'skdb-get ar-visor' etc.. at the end the guy has replicated earth and he controls it... the tagline 'with skdb, anything is possible, including world domination' 21:58
genehackeris once we have enough useful things in SKDB start automatically generating videogame style tech trees21:58
ybitthis could a 30 sec commercial21:58
kanzureyeah my vote is for way less than 5min21:59
ybitanywho, i'm off to brush up on my java skills21:59
jasonwohlfahrtPeople get bored after 30 seconds ususally21:59
jasonwohlfahrtwhich is unfortunate21:59
kanzureyou have anything up on youtube?21:59
jasonwohlfahrtNot really, I'm not much of a youtube uploader22:00
jasonwohlfahrtI need to upload more though22:00
kanzurei have about 300 MB of short clips of manufacturing equipment22:01
kanzureall of the clips are in the creative commons22:01
jasonwohlfahrtSure would be nice to have a camera that shoots 1000 frames per second22:01
kanzurehave you seen koyaanisqatsi?22:02
jasonwohlfahrtYeah, its pretty neat22:02
kanzurehave you seen the follow-up, anima mundi?22:03
kanzureit's on google there22:03
kanzureanyway if we just have clips in the end maybe that would be useful22:03
kanzureer i mean a good direction22:03
kanzureand throw some 'good' music to it22:04
jasonwohlfahrtgoogle video has lots of hidden treasures22:04
genehackerwhat are we trying to do with the video22:05
genehackerwhat is the message being communicated22:05
kanzurea demo of skdb being really neat22:05
genehackerwhat do we have to demo22:06
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jasonwohlfahrtit would22:07
jasonwohlfahrtI'll have to think about this22:07
genehackerdo we have anything that people would find neat?22:07
jasonwohlfahrtSomehow we should distill your h+ presentation down to 30 seconds to a minute22:07
jasonwohlfahrtand make it very visual, of course22:07
kanzurejasonwohlfahrt: actually i think that could be done just by speeding up fenn's portion... just show those 100 images in a 20 second period22:07
kanzure"download it all in 2010"22:07
genehackerok why don't we figure out a way to put all the things fenn showed in the presentation into SKDB?22:08
kanzurebecause most of them don't have CAD files22:08
genehackerwhat about just reprap then or that opensource mill thing?22:09
kanzurereprap is a good candidate22:09
kanzurethe opensource mill from openmfg doesn't have any CAD22:09
genehackerwhat about the pillow dome, is that open source?22:09
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genehackerare cad files made of it?22:09
genehackerotherwise is sufficient data available that cad files can be made for it?22:10
QuantumGbtw, has anyone put together a stop-frame video of a reprap being assembled?22:10
jasonwohlfahrtbe back in a little while, gotta take care of something22:10
kanzuremaybe that data is hidden genehacker22:10
QuantumGonly one I've seen was timelapse of a guy doing it.22:10
kanzurebecause i haven't found it yet22:10
genehackerno, no one has22:10
QuantumGcould you do that with cad?22:11
kanzureif there are models of each component yeah22:11
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kanzuresomehow i doubt that there are, though :(22:11
QuantumGoh, I thought you had reprap cad22:11
kanzurei don't. but reprap.org might22:11
genehackerreprap changes a lot22:11
kanzurethen choose a version22:11
genehackermendel version at this moment22:12
QuantumGonce you have a stop-motion video of reprap being assembled you can prepend timelapse video of it printing its own parts22:13
QuantumGthen its actually feasible to *visually* see the self replication promise22:14
QuantumGeven if that promise hasn't been realized yet (human labor required)22:14
kanzurehuman labor isn't the issue22:15
QuantumGits an issue22:15
genehackerit is22:15
kanzureyeah it is an issue22:15
genehackerwhich is why I want to build something like that moses thing22:16
genehackerexcept with better unit cell design22:17
QuantumGawesome, I have 7 versions of a source file I wrote22:19
QuantumGmanual merging ftl22:19
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QuantumGok, that didn't take long22:28
kanzureenter the letters under the smiling emoticons: http://blog.phpbb.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/captcha_poc.png22:40
kanzurea test made to defeat me it seems :(22:40
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