
--- Day changed Tue Dec 22 2009
-!- Phreedom [n=quassel@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]00:05
-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]00:37
genehacker2hmm... that james cameron guy is going to make battle angel alita...00:53
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kanzurehi MrClif, technologiclee1, kristianpaul 09:20
kristianpaulhello kanzure 09:20
kanzureheh someone was searching heybryan.org for "chemical reactions flex bison". not a bad thing to want :)09:23
fennmatthew laberge (conversion help on OM) was responding to the request for help at the bottom of the skdb wiki page09:46
-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:53
kanzurefenn: no he was responding to an email i sent him 10:08
kanzureon the (what is now called) "makerscan" mailing list10:08
fennhm ok10:09
kanzurefeeling better yet?10:10
fennyeah i got better a week ago10:11
* kanzure is reading up on time perception and how to fix his10:15
kanzurehm: http://everything2.com/user/Professor+Pi/writeups/Why+time+appears+to+speed+up+with+age10:26
kanzure"Did you ever meet those proud parents boasting about their little one who is only x months old, and already walks, writes obfuscated C, or recently sold his first dot.com? No, these youngsters aren't bright for their age; they simply have a high γ-factor."10:27
kanzurehuh. 70% by real-age 20?10:28
kanzurei wonder what this means for longevity escape velocity and perception of aubreys10:30
kanzure(aubreys=one longevity lifetime or somesuch)10:30
kanzurehah we should make aubrey a unit :)10:30
kanzurejournal of irreproducible results. oh boy.10:31
Utopiahkanzure: maybe they are some sort of "daily exercises" (beside looking at the calendar...)10:32
kanzurewhat use is it if you live forever but forever takes only a split second?10:33
Utopiahcould be useful to stay in touch with reality until we get there ;)10:34
Utopiahyou can count in heartbeat, in exponential time, etc... but since we tend to be quite socials I doubt it will change your daily habit a lot, just my guess though10:35
kanzurewell since it's a logarithm it looks like, according to this irreproducible result, that your perception is locked in at an "effective age" of 80, but i'd first ask the GRG people10:40
kanzureheh i forgot to mention in my email that different people probably consider a different perception of time to be "normal" for them10:51
kanzureat age 10, a year feels like 3 years10:51
kanzurethat would feel about right to me- or anything greater. 10:51
Utopiahis it based on physiology or activity?10:51
Utopiah(for example playing vs. stressful job vs. family life)10:51
kanzureUtopiah: the page i linked to seems to just be some math, not an actual study10:52
kanzurei have never met a <10year old kid who reports a year feels like a month10:52
kanzureUtopiah: all of the studies on google scholar seem to be about attention tasks and psychometrics- i.e. things that you can observe within a few hours- instead of tracking people's perception of time over multiple years10:53
Utopiahlinking attention to interest I guess and thus feeling time fyling by when being highly invoved in a motivating task?10:54
kanzurei've heard reports of even bored adults having time fly by10:55
kanzurei.e. the 95 year old grandmother "it seems i wake up, go to the bathroom, and suddenly it's night and i go to bed"10:56
kanzures/grandmother/great grandmother/10:56
UtopiahI guess there should be a psychological adaptation mechanism too, i.e. if there is no value in measuring time precisely (retired as opposed to a trader) then it's a rational optimization to just take very very rought measures10:57
kanzuredoes anyone know how to check whether or not a blogping was successful?11:03
fenntime is measured in new experiences11:18
ybitmy attempt at getting my little cousins to think for themselves: http://pastebin.com/d31357706211:28
ybitthey think hacking is cool and mysterious, like the cheesy video i linked to the other day11:28
Utopiahybit: could force them to read http://www.sup.org/book.cgi?id=3009 ;)11:29
ybitor any other weird thing most people talk about11:30
ybiti only see them once a year, but it would be nice to have someone in the family talk about something besides football or hunting  <- first part11:30
ybitanyway, Utopiah, notice the last part of the message to them11:35
fennan empty pastebin?11:37
Utopiahfenn: yes, they are suppoes to free themselves11:38
Utopiahthe mighty blank page, smart11:38
fennoh, it is self-evident11:38
Utopiahlong :-#11:39
Utopiahdo non cousins have to be free too? :-#11:39
ybithrm, time to install the default firmware on my router, clear out some land on the farm (we start building this week), and then, well.. i won't say because i really want to do this one and get it done11:42
ybitit's kind of odd how we act similarly but don't say a word to each other11:42
ybitanother recent example being the hackerspace dealings in austin while the hackerspace is being constructed here as well11:43
ybityes, i decided on building a lab and living quarters on the huge plot of land11:44
* ybit out11:45
fennthanks for the status report, commander ybit11:45
fennwow that "how to be a hacker" document has this huge screed against RMS and free software12:00
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@adsl-68-88-72-8.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has quit ["Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de"]12:01
-!- Netsplit pratchett.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: branstrom, MrClif, xp_prg, mage2, randallagordon12:23
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kanzurein a meeting with les et al.12:36
kanzure"Hey Brian,12:36
kanzureSorry for being late in replying to you. I'd like to send you some money, will need your bank account details.12:36
kanzureBest wishes,12:36
-!- Netsplit pratchett.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: mage2, branstrom, MrClif, chizu, Utopiah, randallagordon, xp_prg12:51
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-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap17:10
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kanzurecleaning up http://heybryan.org/17:42
kanzureman this sucks17:42
MartynHey, it was nice meeting you today17:43
kanzurehi Martyn 17:43
kanzureyum: http://code.google.com/p/gdata-python-client/18:22
-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]18:40
* QuantumG is liking Solid Works18:57
xp_prgQuantumG want to help me with something?18:57
xp_prgok, I was told the best way to make my bio printer was to make a 3d cnc machine and the best thing to use to design it was solidworks18:59
xp_prgI need 600 dpi movement resolution19:00
xp_prgI was told to use worm gear and extra gears for that resolution19:01
xp_prggot any ideas?19:01
QuantumGwhat I've found good about solid works is it makes me go from "I guess it'll work like this" to "I'll make it 40mm diameter with a 3mm thickness."  19:01
QuantumGit lets you see what will work and what wont19:02
xp_prgwow that is cool19:02
xp_prgso like do you have any ideas how to build what I want to build?19:02
QuantumGstudy up on your mechanical engineering?19:02
xp_prgnot my major sorry :>19:03
QuantumGnot mine either19:03
QuantumGbut if you wanna make machines, that's what you have to learn.19:03
xp_prgcan you pretend it was?19:03
QuantumGthere's books available19:03
xp_prgso you can't help me?19:04
QuantumGthought I just did19:04
kanzureQuantumG: reverse engineering the .sldprt format has been on my todo list for a while. if you look at the data there's some sort of "polylist" that it contains, but i don't know what format the data is in19:05
QuantumGif by "help you" you mean "do it for me" then no19:05
kanzuresome microsoft-special way of serializingdata objects19:05
kanzure*serializing data19:05
kanzureand sometimes it's zipped data in there, sometimes not, but even if it is zipped, the unzipped version doesn't make much sense19:06
kanzure(there's no "pk zip" starting off the "zipped data" segment, it's just based off of the polylist__ZIP naming convention)19:07
QuantumGyeah, fun19:07
QuantumGdecoding the 3ds format was annoying enough19:07
kanzuredoesn't blender have a .3ds writer?19:07
kanzurei'm not familiar with the details of that format now that i think about it19:08
kanzureanyway what i did for solidworks was i made progressively more complex models19:08
kanzureand saved a bajillion versions in different exported formats from solidworks19:08
kanzureso i have a line, a circle, an extruded circle, blah blah blah19:09
kanzureall in .sldprt, .iges, .stp, .xt, anything under the sun19:09
kanzurehaven't done anything with this data yet.. very hard to reverse engineer a format when you don't have the original app running locally19:09
QuantumGthere's like a dozen dimension types and such too19:10
QuantumGjust looking at it from the interface point of view I can imagine the file format is a rat's nest19:10
kanzurei'm hoping there's some structure to it that i'm not seeing yet19:10
kanzurei.e. maybe they're doing an xml serializer and are binary encoding it? please please please?19:11
kanzurehm where did my notes on the format go19:12
QuantumGhttp://torrents.thepiratebay.org/4857163/SolidWorks_2009_for_64_bit_based_systems.4857163.TPB.torrent  is the torrent I used btw19:12
genehacker2did you get it to work quantumg?19:13
kanzureQuantumG: yeah i have a torrent, i just can't get it running under vmware19:13
genehacker2I heard that solidworks reports to a central server or something?19:13
kanzurenah you can crack the hell out of it19:13
xp_prgQuantumG this is priated?19:13
QuantumGyeah, you disable the network when you install19:13
genehacker2well I'm not experienced in the art of cracking software19:13
QuantumGthen crack it19:13
xp_prgheh cool19:13
xp_prgis that the latest?19:14
kanzurei'm amazed at how stupid some software is19:14
kanzurelike "ping a server and browse to port 80 and check if the code is correct"19:14
kanzure"if the code is right, the webserver will return 'true'"19:14
kanzureyeah like i'm not going to add that in my /etc/hosts file..19:14
genehacker2I'm a bit paranoid about downloading expensive software like solidworks and getting caught19:14
QuantumGIf I ever use SolidWorks for something commercial I'll buy it, but that's the only chance I will.19:14
genehacker2expensive software is bound to be backed by expensive lawyers19:15
genehacker2you do have a point though19:15
QuantumGhow are you going to "get caught?"19:15
QuantumG1. it's not even a copyright violation.19:15
genehacker2wait a second how's that on the piratebay?19:15
genehacker2didn't they sell out or something?19:16
QuantumGhehe, the media loves to report the death of thepiratebay more than John Lennon (when he was alive)19:17
genehacker2now I just need 64 bit windows and I'm set19:17
kanzureQuantumG: that doesn't make sense when you have to explain lennon19:17
kanzuregenehacker2: there's non-64-bit versions out there19:17
QuantumGthere's probably a 32 bit torrent out there too19:17
genehacker2and a safe way to torrent19:17
kanzurewith a tinfoil hat on19:18
genehacker2seem to be out of tinfoil at the moment19:18
genehacker2what do you use quantumg?19:18
QuantumGTransmission .. on my linux box19:19
genehacker2any special settings I should know about?19:20
genehacker2for torrent clients?19:20
QuantumGlimit your upload/download bandwidth if you don't want your network to crawl to a halt.19:21
-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit []19:22
kanzureaha there it is. ~/local/solidworks/19:25
kanzureit's called "COM structured output" or "OLE structured output"19:26
QuantumGoh dear19:27
QuantumGthat's the stuff Microsoft used to use for doc files19:27
kanzureQuantumG: sudo apt-get install libgsf-bin; gsf cat mydrawingfile.SLDDRW PreviewPNG > preview.png && eog preview.png19:27
kanzurethere's a pre-rendered "PreviewPNG" in .slddrw files, and usually .sldprt files too (for thumbnails)19:27
kanzurethere's also "gsf list blah.sldprt" which is useful19:28
kanzureContents/DisplayLists__ZLB any idea what ZLB means? 19:28
kanzurei look at the hexdump for it and i'm totally clueless19:29
QuantumGno idea19:29
QuantumGhttp://isohunt.com/download/105184321/solidworks+2009.torrent   <- SolidWorks 2009 Bible   19:30
QuantumGyou should be able to get some domain knowledge from it19:30
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:34
* genehacker downloads a real irc client19:37
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-!- katsmeow-afk is now known as katsmeow21:02
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]21:05
ybitgenehackerclone:so what is this real irc client?21:20
ybitif you use windows, you can use pidgin, quassel, and irssi21:20
-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap21:21
kanzurehello Martyn, ybit21:28
kanzureMartyn: earlier today we were talking about reverse engineering .sldprt 21:28
kanzureit's a "COM structured storage" file with some binary voodoo magic for the "display lists"21:29
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Martynhmm ..21:42
Martynthere is no open file format for it?21:42
Martynthey don't publish it?21:42
QuantumGactually, there are docs for Microsoft's crap21:45
QuantumGbut they're not actually readable21:45
kanzuresolidworks doesn't have an "open" file format if that's what you're asking.21:46
kanzureas far as i can tell, they're using COM files but with their own binary data stored in it21:46
kanzurehah: http://humanpl.us/21:48
Martynwell that's a pain in the butt21:54
MartynI never gave two seconds of thought as to the format of the sldprt file21:54
QuantumGI just presumed it was proprietary and that exporting would be more effective21:55
Martynsame here21:56
kanzureexporting is, in fact more effective22:02
kanzurebut for some reason people still save .sldprt files22:02
Martynthere is a program from .ru I used about a year ago that was able to convert solidworks files to other formats22:02
kanzurei bet they import the solidworks dll22:02
Martynit was pretty good, and free.  I don't know if it was open source.22:02
kanzureyou can do all sorts of fancy solidworks programming if you get their development kit22:03
Martynkanzure : On Linux?  Doubt it22:03
kanzurewas it working on linux?22:03
kanzureneat :)22:03
MartynI wish I could remember what it was though22:03
Martynit was one of those things I googled for, because I was in a hurry and really, REALLY had to get a part made22:03
kanzurei always thought those websites were just spam sites22:03
kanzureso i mentally glaze over them22:03
MartynI had to get an STL file from a part I only had a solidworks part file for22:04
Martynno, there are some very clever programmers in RU22:04
kanzure"convert for free! blah blah blah click here! solidworks keyword keyword keyword"22:04
MartynThe machine I used long ago died too .. back in Jan22:04
kanzurei don't know what to watch. superman or the matrix?22:04
MartynUm, neither?22:04
kanzurei'm bored out of my mind22:05
MartynWell, got any projects you haven't finished?22:05
* Martyn just bought a new iMac 27" today, so it's keeping me busy with it's setup tongiht22:05
kanzurehow do you afford all this crap?22:05
genehackercloneto do fem in solidworks it helps to have it the part in .sldprt22:08
Martynkanzure : I founded a few companies, and work for a good one right now.  I'm also good with money.22:09
kanzurewhat does "good with money" mean?22:09
MartynSmooth-Stone, startup making a new ARM processor22:09
MartynIt means that if I have money, I tend to be able to make more of it.22:09
MartynI'm good at managing my financies.22:09
kanzurewell yeah that goes for anybody who has money22:09
Martynfinances rather22:09
kanzure"takes money to make money", so if you're loaded :)22:09
MartynNo, it doesn't.  I know a lot of people for whom money goes in, and money goes out, but they have little to show for it.22:10
kanzureokie dokie22:10
kanzurewho? i don't know anyone spewing money22:10
MartynReally?  you've never met someone for whom money falls through their bank account like some kind of sieve?22:10
MartynI meet people like that all the time.. spending more than they have, "living the american dream":22:10
kanzuremaybe the internet is just different22:11
MartynIn any case, the machine I bought is for a tax dodge.   I have a small corporate entity I use to make PC boards (http://www.igotu.com/hackthebadge)22:11
MartynMy accountant advised me that I had to do a Capital Expenditure of about $2k to show a loss for the year.  By doing so, the IRS will refund me a good chunk of change .. if I had shown a profit, I would have been massively taxed in a manner disproportionate to the profit.22:12
genehackerclonedefcon badge hacking?22:12
katsmeowso you don't actually hire out board making services?22:12
Martyngenehackerclone : Yeah.   I made it because Joe Grand just _wouldnt_ tell me anything about the defcon badges before the event.22:13
genehackercloneoh cool22:13
genehackerclonethere's a reason he doesn't tell people22:14
MartynSo I built a very flexible board .. 0.8V to 5V, with a buck booster so it could run off batteries, and capable of SPI, I2C, and 46 pins of GPIO22:14
genehackercloneafter all wouldn't want to spoil the surprise22:14
MartynI generally still get a heads up about two weeks ahead of time.  This time, they decided to make it a black badge contest . so there was more at stake.22:14
MartynI still think my team should have won with our blimp :)22:14
MartynZoz so social engineered his win.22:15
MartynNot that I think 2nd place is bad, given some of the really tough hacks we were up against.22:15
genehackercloneany pics of said blimp?22:16
Martynkatsmeow : Hmm?22:16
katsmeow[22:11] <Martyn> In any case, the machine I bought is for a tax dodge.   I have a small corporate entity I use to make PC boards (http://www.igotu.com/hackthebadge)22:16
genehackerclonedoes it actually fair well in windy conditions22:16
Martynkatsmeow : No, I design my own boards, and program them.22:16
katsmeow[22:12] <katsmeow> so you don't actually hire out board making services?22:16
Martynkatsmeow : I have e-teknet make the boards in china (thank you globalization), and Virtex here in Austin does the assembly and population.22:17
MartynI specialize these days in SMT22:17
Martynsince it's sooooo much cheaper22:17
katsmeowyou don't make pcb for people, that is22:17
Martynhell no22:17
MartynI put the company together mostly so I could have fun, and sell designs I come up with.22:17
katsmeowbut you bought a machine to do it22:17
MartynWhat, the mac?22:17
MartynI bought that because I was at the Apple Store when the accountant called...22:18
Martynand .. um .. got excited :)22:18
MartynImpulse buy, but at least it has a reason for being.  It also will ROCK at running Ubuntu :)22:18
MartynAnd it will let that entity run at a net loss for '0922:19
Martynkatsmeow : Most of my designs these days are 4+ layers and for SMT ... DIY machines haven't quite caught up, and the machines I would need to produce PCB's like those cost as much as some houses.22:23
Martynalthough I did have -great- results recently in Noisebridge, with a special kind of 4 layer board.  (route the top, route the bottom, and use the middle layers for ground and power)22:24
Martynnot all designs can work that way though22:24
Martynalso vias are tricky22:24
kanzurewas making dinner22:28
Martynno worries22:30
drazakMartyn: maaan you  should look at some of the audio boards at tangentsoft.net that are 4 layer22:32
drazakMartyn: pretty much just like that22:32
drazakvground and power as inner boards22:33
Martynyep, that works if you're not too worried about EMI22:33
drazakthe wanted signal on the inside and vground and power on the outside but something wasn't quite right22:34
Martyn(large groundplane near powerplane ... always bad)22:34
drazak(maybe they seperated the planes)22:34
drazak(you'd have to look, it'sbeen 4 months or so since I last checked around onthere)22:35
* Martyn is almost done installing two more operating systems into the new box22:36
MartynParallels runs FAST on this thing.   Ubuntu is installed, so is Windows 7 (can't get around it for some software ... I'm OS agnostic)22:36
kanzurewait, there's software already dependent on windows7? _why_22:36
Martynno, just dependent on Windows22:37
MartynI can get Windows 7 from UT for $2922:37
kanzureso what?22:38
kanzurei'm sorry, i don't understand22:38
Martynkanzure : Um, the cheapest I can get windows XP .. is $8922:38
Martynso, Windows 7 being cheaper, is what I'm going to use :)22:38
kanzurethat wasn't my question though :/22:38
MartynWhat was your question again then?22:39
kanzure22:36 < kanzure> wait, there's software already dependent on windows7? _why_22:39
kanzure22:37 < Martyn> I can get Windows 7 from UT for $2922:39
kanzure22:38 < kanzure> so what?22:39
* kanzure goes back to work22:39
MartynYeah, that's a bit unclear....22:40
MartynSo what... what?22:40
kanzurereally? it doesn't surprise you that people are already writing software for windows7 only?22:40
MartynI haven't come across windows 7 dependent software yet22:41
MartynSolidworks 2010 works on it, so I just chose the cheaper option.22:41
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