
--- Day changed Wed Dec 23 2009
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk01:29
-!- eleitl [n=eugen@95-91-110-91-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #hplusroadmap03:20
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ybitthis image sucks: http://thingiverse_beta.s3.amazonaws.com/renders/df/ff/f4/bd/ad/RARM-Ponoko_display_large.jpg03:36
ybitsomeone please hurt the person who made it so small03:36
ybitkanzure: thanks for the notes from the meeting03:37
* ybit has solidworks on his linux machine03:38
Utopiahkanzure: can check link between aging and the suprachiasmatic nucleus (and the consequence of vision and light for re-synchronicity)  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19558140?itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum&ordinalpos=3 if Pubmed works again (got a weird error now)03:38
ybitit was a 10gb torrent too03:39
ybit22:38 < Martyn> kanzure : Um, the cheapest I can get windows XP .. is $8903:43
ybitit's free online, just saying03:43
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@adsl-68-88-72-8.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #hplusroadmap03:45
ybithi El_Matarife 03:45
El_MatarifeOr hell its 3:46AM so how about "Morning"03:46
superkuhhttp://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0008218 - A Wireless Brain-Machine Interface for Real-Time Speech Synthesis , I didn't see it in the logs.03:59
-!- eleitl [n=eugen@95-91-110-91-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #hplusroadmap04:04
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220-253-59-154.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap05:50
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-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap08:02
kanzurehttp://spaceup.org/ san diego unconference 09:04
-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]09:12
-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap09:12
eleitlSan Diego is a long way from Texas.09:17
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 36 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 36 normal]09:20
kanzureeleitl: yesterday i tried my hand at cracking the .sldprt file format, but there's this section of the file that is just raw binary data09:21
kanzureany suggestions?09:21
eleitlI would contact the company. There might be some old stuff on Usenet as well.09:22
eleitlSLDPRT and parser you already tried, I presume?09:23
kanzureas a search query?09:23
eleitlyes. I'm sifting through hits, nothing conclusive so far.09:24
kanzureheh i know how to search- this is why i was doing it myself :/09:24
kanzurehuh google groups now searches forums?09:25
eleitlthen I have no idea. I haven't had to parse a proprietary format in ages.09:25
eleitlyou are going up to spaceup?09:26
kanzureprobably not09:27
eleitlhow are you funding yourself these days?09:27
kanzurepoorly- i'm involved in a lot of initiatives that will start paying out Real Soon Now09:29
eleitlhere's hoping that they do.09:31
eleitldon't spread yourself too thinly. Considered contacting the usual suspects/moneybags for funding?09:31
kanzurewho are you thinking of?09:32
eleitlkurzweil, rothblatt, others. You probably can just ask around, and have some 15-20 names offered.09:33
eleitlcome up with a specific pitch, and ask for funding.09:33
eleitlask Christine Peterson, too.09:34
kanzurechris has money? i was talking with her yesterday09:34
eleitlno, but she knows a lot of people.09:34
eleitlwhat is your core activities right now, skdb?09:35
MartynOkay, back online09:35
kanzurehttp://openmanufacturing.org/ has some videos 09:35
kanzureeleitl: i'm putting together a co-op for skdb/hardware package maintainers in different hackerspaces09:35
Martynkanzure : Create a .sldpart file with blank data09:36
eleitlunfortunately the first hit is the serial killers database, with Jeffrey Dahmer #2 :)09:36
Martynkanzure : Minimal set09:36
kanzureeleitl: yeah i'm pretty terrible at naming things09:36
kanzureMartyn: i think i have one of those somewhere.09:36
kanzureeleitl: the name of the co-op though is http://gnusha.org/09:36
Martynif you don't, I can make you one (sldworks 2010 though)09:36
eleitlyou can move to #1 with no issues, with a few judicious link placements.09:36
eleitlso try making SKDB your project for funding.09:37
kanzurejust need to find out where to dump the backlinks09:37
eleitlthe nano people could be interested, and Peterson seems to be highly interested in rapid prototyping and reprap area as well.09:37
eleitlyou probably do not a lot of money to start, right? what is your monthly burn rate right now?09:38
kanzureburning $800/mo09:38
kanzurei don't need much, nope09:38
eleitlthat looks reasonably easy to get funded. If people see they're getting results, followup should be also possible.09:39
kanzure(most of that is rent- the rest is utility bills)09:39
eleitlwhops, need for afk for 30 min, or so. bbl.09:39
kanzureok. the problem i keep running into is people tell me they want to give me money, and they never do09:40
kanzurealex lightman. dan stoicescu. andrew hessel.09:40
MartynAlso yesterday Ratha, Matt, Les, myself and kanzure got together for lunch.   We're going to get MakerPlace started first week of January09:41
eleitlyou need a structured pitch. afk.09:41
kanzurewtf is makerplace?09:41
Martynkanzure : That's the business name for what we three had planned.09:41
Martynwell "name"09:41
MartynIt's just the working title we were originally using09:41
kanzureeleitl: when you get back, maybe you can help me with the pitch. i'll send the typical pitch email that i've been using09:42
eleitlback for 20 min10:24
eleitlyou should describe a well-defined project for a specific duration, and ask for funding for it.10:25
eleitlmake milestones, and what the result would be. make a kind of report, and deliver it for the guy/gal who gave you money.10:26
eleitlthere's no way to add atomically accurate descriptors to skdb, right?10:26
eleitlno way = no easy way10:26
eleitlbest pitch should be person on person. The shorter you can make it, the better. The more targeted you can make it, the better.10:28
kanzurethere's a list of "low hanging fruit projects" that we can attack10:31
kanzurebut nobody is interested in the low hanging fruit it seems :(10:31
eleitlit will be very frustrating, but you must just keep on trying.10:32
eleitlthe best chances are person on person. work your way through your network.10:33
eleitlget a list of names from Peterson, get those in your area and try to arrange a pitch opportunity.10:33
eleitlyou're asking for some 5-10 kUSD, I presume, to pay for 6-12 months of your time.10:34
kanzurethat much money would probably go longer10:34
kanzurebut yes that's about the right amount10:34
eleitlI wouldn't ask for less than 5 kUSD.10:35
eleitlis there a way to expand SKDB for parts with atomic coordinates?10:35
eleitljust making the internal coordinate system resolve ~pm or less should be enough.10:36
kanzurebut i can't do picometer-scale work right now10:36
kanzurei mean, we can put in as much nano and subnanotech as we want10:36
kanzurebut what use is it if we can't confirm/validate it?10:36
eleitlno, but some 0.1 pm is enough resolution to describe the parts later.10:36
eleitlyou can just define blocks with atomically accurate attachment points. How much work is it?10:37
kanzurenanoengineer1 already has some python classes to do that10:37
kanzurei think it's a matter of copy and paste?10:37
eleitlif it's possible, tell Petersen you want to expand SKDB for molecular manufacturing/machine phase usage10:38
kanzurewould that get her interested?10:38
eleitlnot sure. It's worth a try, since it bridges the macro and the nanoscale fabbing.10:38
eleitlMaybe there are other people interested to see this implemented in a apt-get for matter metaphor.10:39
kanzuretons of people are interested, but never anyone with money :)10:39
kanzureanyway i'm about to hit send on the peterson email10:39
kanzureanything else i should add in there?10:39
eleitlcan I see the email before you send it? eleitl@gmail.com or eugen@leitl.org10:39
eleitlI need to leave in 5 min. I'll give you feedback as soon as I can see it.10:41
kanzureemail sent. get to it whenever :) we're all way too busy10:41
fennbusy busy busy10:42
kanzurehi fenn10:43
eleitlsounds good. do it. probably won't work, but do it anyway.10:43
kanzurewhat won't work?10:43
eleitlpetersen won't give you money, but she might give you a list of people. Ask her for a list of people in the email.10:43
kanzureyep did that10:43
eleitlright, right at the top.10:43
eleitlexcellent. /me is keeping all digits crossed for you10:44
eleitlokay, I'm away for another 30 min. catch you later. afk.10:44
Martynkanzure : picometer resolution is too small anyway, nanometer is sufficient for most atomic scale work10:48
* kanzure nods10:49
kanzureMartyn: are you familiar with drexler, merkle, and freitas' work in this area?10:49
Martyneleitl : I just looked up what a picometer -is-, and somehow I don't see humanity working on the quark scale in my lifetime10:49
kanzureMartyn: freitas wrote one of my favorite books on kinematic self-replicating machines: http://www.molecularassembler.com/KSRM.htm10:49
Martynkanzure : Only in passing.10:50
kanzureinterestingly he hosts it on a domain "molecular assembler" even though the amajoriyt of the book is not about molecular assemblers10:50
Martyneleitl : Also, there are problems in nanotech "quantum scale" manufacturing that simply don't exist at the macro level.   I actually don't think there is a good "unified theory of assembly" for both macro and quantum scale devices10:51
kanzureMartyn: eugen is probably more interested in molecular manufacturing10:51
kanzurei think the keyword here is "diamondoid synthesis" which isn't quantum (right?)10:52
kanzuretechnologiclee1: this is your area buddy, feel free to start ranting10:52
Martynwhich .. ironically enough .. requires some of the largest machines in the world :)10:52
Martynkanzure : It still suffers from quantum effects10:52
kanzurei haven't seen the simulations yet10:52
kanzurecan you elaborate?10:52
kanzurethis isn't my fortay- i'm with you, i prefer to start small (and by that i mean big) and eat some low hanging fruit10:52
Martynback in a bit .. I need to drive to work to attend a meeting, then back home10:52
kanzurebut i might as well learn some more about it10:53
kanzureyeah i've done that before. 1h bus drive, 1h meeting, 1h bus ride back10:53
MartynHeh.. this is why I repaired and own a car10:53
-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]10:53
kanzureso he doesn't use screen10:53
kanzurefenn: anything new?11:03
kanzure"open source robot arm by oomlout" http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:38711:08
kanzurehope the email was good (be honest)11:16
eleitlthe email sounded good to me, but then I'm not necessarily the right person to ask.11:16
eleitlI've never had to pitch much/had a pitch that actually worked.11:16
kanzureare you self-funding your cryonics-europe work?11:17
eleitlwe're buying stuff from membership fees, and donations. we're well in excess of our requirements.11:17
eleitlwe raised 10 kEUR, we only need about 3 kEUR.11:17
eleitlso far I've blown about 1 kEUR on perfusion packs to last for a decade, and got a roller pump.11:18
eleitlthe Martyn guy has gone for good?11:19
kanzurenah he'll be back11:19
eleitljust wanted to set him straight with his questions11:19
kanzureplease go ahead11:19
eleitlhis mistake is that 0.1 pm resolution is more than you need for nanoscale. In practice, current AFMs already achieve 0.1 pm resolution.11:21
eleitlyou need to position atoms accurately. Arguably 0.1 pm is too coarse, and one should go for 0.01 pm. Assuming, you have enough resolution.11:21
eleitlFloats are not enough resolution arguably. 64 bit or 128 bit integers, or scaled integers.11:22
eleitlhe also looks for a "unified theory" for manufacturing.11:22
kanzurewhy do you need to place the atoms precisely? i thought the idea was to have nanotech tooltips that do this for you11:22
fenneleitl: i think the whole resolution issue is a red herring. the real distinction is whether you define parts by dimensions or procedurally (how to make it, algorithmically)11:24
eleitlthe question is not about placement, the issue is describing atomic parts. If your translation resolution is limited to pm scale, that's too coarse.11:24
eleitlfenn, the requirements is having bulk parts and atomically precise parts (molecules) in the same description.11:24
eleitlhow they are made is completely outside of scope for time being11:24
kanzurei thought this was the point: making?11:25
fenni'm not going to write down the description 999 zillion identical molecules11:25
fenninstead you say 'make 999 zillion of these, then glom them together like so'11:25
eleitlfenn, this is why I mentioned bulk above. Bulk meaning, "stuff" of dimensions. If you want to get fancy, use a unit cell and "iterate to fill a given volume"11:26
eleitlbut bulk if perfectly fine for time being. If you can specify atomically precise points of attamechment. Bonds.11:26
eleitlrealize that this has not been done before in any mainstream CAD. Nor in any NanoCAD.11:27
fenni dont see why we can't just use existing molecular structure formats for this11:27
fennmaybe i dont understand the problem11:27
eleitlBecause you really don't want to specify a 2 m object with .pdb11:27
kanzurein nanoengineer1 you specify bonds between objects11:27
kanzurefenn: me either11:28
eleitlthe problem is that molecular scale can't deal with macroscale, and vice versa.11:28
fenneleitl: can't i do space filling "iterate a unit cell" with pdb though?11:28
eleitlit's not part of .pdb format11:28
eleitland it doesn't address the issue of "stuff"11:28
fennwhat is "stuff"11:28
eleitlplaceholder for an object of unspecified composition. deliberately unspecified.11:29
* fenn wonders if this is a language issue11:29
eleitlspecified dimensions, with atomic points of attachment. 11:29
fennif you don't define what it's made of, how can you know where its bonds will be?11:29
fenndifferent atom types aren't interchangeable11:30
eleitlbasically, this is an issue of having enough coordinate resolution and the system understanding molecular objects + vanilla CAD.11:30
eleitlfenn, you're in premature optimization mode.11:30
eleitltrust me, you'll need this.11:30
eleitlif you want a specific example, "covalently modify an AFM tip with -COOH group".11:31
fenneleitl: do you know what CAM is? (computer aided manufacturing)11:31
eleitlfenn: yes11:31
fennone possible interpretation of what you might be saying, sounds like a simple application of CAM to molecular assemblers11:32
fennbut that doesn't really have anything to do with file formats11:32
eleitlthis is precisely the domain. But the nanoscale people don't speak macroscale, and vice versa.11:32
eleitlyou need a system that can handle both.11:32
kanzurewhat do you mean "handle"11:32
kanzurewhat would "handling" imply11:33
eleitlat the very least represent. I realize you want constructor operations, too.11:33
kanzureAFM tip with a functional group attached, so what?11:33
eleitltry to build one in AutoCAD, kanzure.11:33
kanzurewhy would i?11:33
-!- Phreedom [n=quassel@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]11:34
fennalso perhaps i'm "in premature optimization mode" again, but there's no way to store atomically precise coordinates of a 2 cubic meter object in less volume than 2 cubic meters (excludinge ultradense or exotic matter) so you *have* to describe it algorithmically anyway11:34
kanzurethat's not something that i think i should be able to do in autocad11:34
eleitlfenn, now you have found a use for bulk. Congratulations.11:34
kanzureeleitl: we're having trouble understanding you11:35
-!- Phreedom [n=quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap11:35
eleitlI'm quite used to that11:35
eleitlI'll try to explain why you need this.11:35
eleitlThere's a continuum from macroscale to nanoscale, and we're already using macroscale objects which have nanoscale components.11:36
eleitlThis will enter fabrication shortly. You need a system in order to describe and especially have a constructive description, to automate contruction.11:36
fennis a VLSI IC a "bulk" object?11:37
eleitlSuch a system does not exist yet. You're at the right time and place to be able to get it in cheaply.11:37
fenncrap that's still ambiguous11:37
fennsay we have a chip that's atomically precise, i can see it with my eyes and hold it in my hand etc11:37
eleitlit can be, fenn. You can of course descibe a piece of bulk as composite.11:37
fennis that "bulk"?11:37
eleitlyou don't want to describe a macroscale piece of silicon or whatever atomically. Theres' no point in it.11:38
fennyes there is11:38
fennyou could have gates with quantum effects that depend on the number of atoms11:38
eleitlthat is no longer a macroscale piece of silicon, but a molecular device which is attached to a macroscale piece of silicon.11:38
kanzurewhy is that different11:39
fennepitaxial growth is atomically precise11:39
fennthat's part of why IC's are so friggin expensive - the need for a single huge crystal11:39
eleitluse a descriptor for bulk, and attach your device to it. Which can be as simple as specifiying objects of certain geometry and certain properties, and also attaching molecular or atomic parts.11:39
eleitlfenn, in crystallography you just use a "face"11:40
eleitla wafer surface of a given face and treatment is quite enough.11:40
kanzureso you're talking about a mixed representation of nanoscale and macroscale objects, where we specify how to place things in particular areas?11:40
fennis that "bulk"? even though it's atomically precise?11:40
eleitlof course the treatment changes the surface, but that is not important in production.11:41
eleitlyes, kanzure.11:41
kanzureso, make a wafer with some manufacturing process- like epitaxis, and then place on some molecules to functionalize different parts, might be one possible app?11:41
kanzurethis doesn't sound like the original vision for molecular nanotechnology11:41
eleitlyou can of course use a better representation, when you want to attach a group to a specific silicon atom11:41
eleitlkanzure, this is an internal representation format. If you need a vision, use drugs.11:42
fennthere's no difference between assembling a huge grid of silicon atoms and using a self-assembled crystal11:43
eleitlyou can use a crystallographic descriptor, if you want to attach a group to a particular silicon atom, and want to make sure your crystal lattice is accurately described.11:43
eleitlfenn, are you having constructor operator issues, or what is the question?11:44
fenni just dont see the point of differentiating between "bulk" and "molecular"11:44
eleitlso you want to represent phenol as bulk?11:45
fenni just say "this is a silicon wafer, with such and such crystalline orientation" and i can make it several different ways11:45
kanzure1 molar phenol is a reasonable representation, eleitl 11:45
eleitlcovalently attached phenol to a specific location isn't.11:46
eleitlsingle molecule.11:46
eleitlanyways, this is your party. You don't want to do it, you don't do it. I'm just here to suggest things.11:46
fenni can define its dimensions down to the attometer but that doesn't mean all continuous values are possible to make (can't make a non integer number of atoms)11:47
kanzurewell we're still not sure what "it" is, sorry11:47
eleitlfenn, you can have translational motion of one atomically accurate part past another.11:47
kanzurei can imagine creating a phenol object in my code, and saying it's at such-and-such location. what's the big deal?11:47
eleitlthe big deal is that mature code bases for both types of objects exist. But not in the same system. Got it?11:48
kanzureok, and putting them together does what?11:48
eleitlputting them together for a system today can allow it to go places beyond your wildest dreams.11:48
fenni thought you were against all that vision stuff11:49
eleitlyou wanted vision? here's your vision.11:49
eleitlwant another useless suggestion? Put a voxel renderer in there.11:50
fennhow about we just use nano-engineer111:50
eleitlJim van Ehr didn't want voxels in the original software. Strangely enough, years later they did put voxel rendering in.11:51
eleitlfenn, describe a 30 cm ball bearing with nano-engineer1.11:51
eleitla particular ball bearing, with fingerprints and some rust.11:51
fennit will take a few million years to type in, but doesn't seem theoretically impossible?11:52
eleitlyou want this to run on a desktop PC today.11:52
fennno i don't11:52
kanzurewhy not?11:52
fennit's silly11:52
eleitlyou won't, fine. I'm done.11:52
fennthey're not powerful enough11:52
kanzureeleitl: well, i'm interested11:52
kanzureeleitl: i don't think it would be hard to prototype some of this together11:53
kanzureof course, making sure it actually works is another story11:53
eleitlin practice you need just one thing at first: really high resolution for your objects11:54
kanzureyou said 64bit floats wouldn't do it?11:54
fennwe can do arbitrary numbers of decimal points with yaml11:54
eleitlhow large objects can you describe? something 100 km long?11:54
eleitlthe problem with floats is that they're not equispaced resolution across the whole dynamic range11:55
eleitlyou need to crunch the numbers to see how this will bite you. For all I know 64 bit floats *might* be enough.11:55
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-98-234-218-161.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]11:56
kanzureright now you can also impossibly small objects11:57
kanzuremaybe a good first step would be making sure it knows when a boundary representation model is too small to possibly exist11:57
fenneleitl: do you want to use arbitrary precision arithmetic for all calculations? talk about premature optimization..11:57
eleitlcan you place a specific object at 0.01 pm position?11:57
kanzureeleitl: yes but unfortunately you can also do it at 1e-50 meter resolution :(11:58
eleitlmost industrial CAD can't do it11:58
eleitldo you use 64 bit floats?11:58
kanzurewe let python handle that11:58
fennopencascade has an adjustable 'fuzz factor' which is set to 1e-7m by default11:58
kanzurefenn: i don't think opencascade should be used for atomically precise parts11:59
fenni don't either11:59
kanzurenanoengineer1 had some python classes for some of this11:59
kanzureanyway it's worth investigating11:59
fenni also dont understand why we have to do everything in some single huge simulation12:00
kanzurewhat are you talking about?12:00
kanzurewhat simulation?12:00
fennyou can simulate some small 'unit' of crystal with chemistry tools, and you can simulate bulk objects with engineering tools12:00
fennwe dont have to do it at the same time12:00
kanzurei don't think we're talking about simulation12:01
kanzurewe're just talking about representation12:01
fenni mean once you characterize the crystal unit, you dont have to repeat that calculation a zillion times12:01
eleitlyes, fenn, you do have to handle both, but you'll figure that out the hard way.12:01
fenneleitl: you are being misleading with all this bulk stuff12:01
fenneither it's a simple structure of repeating units or it's arbitrarily complex12:01
fennwhich are you talking about?12:01
eleitlI have not been misleading. I have no control over your interpretation, of course.12:02
kristianpaulkanzure: guess you are using pythonocc and opencascade12:02
eleitlfenn, describe an AFM tip with a particular pattern of covelent modifications.12:02
kanzurekristianpaul: sadly, yes12:02
kristianpaulbut ahve you check the licence of it  jpmandon> kristianpaul, for opencascade ?12:02
kanzurekristianpaul: what? rephrase please?12:02
fenneleitl: and i cant do this with pdb?12:03
kristianpaulkanzure: sorry12:03
eleitlfenn: you can't do that with .pdb12:03
fennwhy not?12:03
* kristianpaul having troubles with clipboard12:03
kanzurekristianpaul: "LGPL-like"12:03
kanzurekristianpaul: yeah i know12:03
eleitlbecause an AFM tip is some ~mm scale.12:03
kristianpaulkanzure: ok12:03
kanzurekristianpaul: it has always been a big issue, and preferably we will one day just rewrite opencascade12:03
fennbut we only care about the very tip12:03
kanzurepdb doesn't do repeating structures.. it just stores all of the data 12:04
eleitlfenn, we want to descibe a macroscale part with a trillion tips. Which fill a large room.12:04
kristianpaulkanzure: have you tought about other software like pythonocc but based on GTS library wich is in python also12:04
eleitlBut each part is modified, and differently. 12:04
fennand that's an algorithmic description12:04
kristianpauli think k3d uses it12:04
kanzurekristianpaul: GTS is for meshes only, unfortunately that's not useful to us12:04
kristianpaulkanzure: :(12:04
kristianpaulkanzure: us, what else about meshes need?12:04
kanzurekristianpaul: what?12:04
kristianpaulyou mean for parametrics12:04
kanzureparametric modeling is useful too yes12:04
kanzuremeshes aren't solid geometry models12:05
kanzurethey aren't even CSG12:05
kristianpaulwell i dont understand well that topic, but i think i got the point12:05
kristianpaulgeneral point*12:06
kristianpaulkanzure: ahve you tied opencasd?12:06
kristianpaulhave you tried*12:06
Utopiah(you probably all know that but I still found it pretty well done http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/cells/scale/ )12:06
kanzurekristianpaul: yes there's no way to convert data from openscad to anything more useful yet. just to meshes..12:06
kanzuremeshes aren't useful12:06
kristianpaulkanzure: i'm looking similar software to openscad12:07
kristianpauldo you have idea?12:07
kanzurekristianpaul: have you tried heekscad?12:07
kristianpaulkanzure: yup, i like and is opencascade again there !! : S12:07
kristianpaulbut is easy to use12:07
kristianpaulblender is not was i'm looking for12:08
kristianpaulAOI wel... i can give a  try...12:08
kanzureAOI is just more mesh stuff12:08
kanzuresorry :(12:08
kanzurewhat's wrong with heekscad?12:08
kristianpaulopencascade weird lgpl like licence12:09
kanzuredon't worry about that: we can always rewrite opencascade on our own12:09
kanzureand heekscad won't have to change much (it will probably look roughly the same)12:09
kristianpaulok :)12:09
kristianpaulkanzure: i was tring to compile you software that is in cvs12:09
kristianpauli'm about12:09
kanzurehm that's interesting12:09
kanzureexcept i don't have a CVS repository12:09
kanzureso i'm very confused12:10
kristianpaulany recomendation?12:10
kristianpaulme too12:10
kristianpaulkanzure: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/ ?12:10
kanzureyeah that's in git12:10
fennUtopiah: i had the book version of "powers of ten" as a kid: www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2cmlhfdxuY12:10
kanzureso you can run: sudo apt-get install git-core12:10
kanzurekristianpaul: then run: git clone http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb.git12:11
kristianpaulkanzure: git ok, lets called cvs ;)12:11
kristianpaulyes i did12:11
kanzurekristianpaul: check the file skdb/doc/installing12:11
kanzureit should list all of the steps for installing everything12:11
Utopiahfenn: no need to click, I remember ;)12:12
Utopiah(but I stil did :-# nearly magnetic)12:12
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kanzurehey KrisC 12:44
KrisChappy Crimbo12:45
KrisChow goes the plotting and scheming?12:45
KrisCso I started in on the archived chat logs. This vacation hasn't given me the time expected. I got some DIYBIO questions.12:49
KrisCWhat can you make now, and what is your goal with the tech?12:50
kanzurehm.. can i make myself some lunch first? :/ i'll brb12:50
KrisClol sure12:50
KrisCbig questions 12:51
eleitlwhat do you want to do KrisC?12:53
KrisCplastics from algae12:54
KrisCand paper12:54
eleitlalgae is not a good match for plastics12:55
KrisCI know12:55
kanzurealgae is quite doable on an amateur level though12:55
KrisCbut it grows compactly12:55
kanzurei was growing neochloris for a while12:56
eleitlfiguring out a hardy strain and according harvesting would be a good project12:56
kanzurehad to keep track of ph, growth medium, etc.12:56
eleitlif you want to use algae as a source of energy then energy-efficient harvesting is surprisingly hard12:57
kanzureyep.. i was on a DARPA project for that12:57
kanzureand the professor didn't get that12:57
kanzureeleitl: did i ever show you the harvestor we designed? it was ridiculous12:57
kanzureit was a scaled-up microfluidic algae/water separator12:57
eleitllipid-rich strains typically only make lipids when starving12:57
eleitlnever knew you were into algae, kanzure.12:58
kanzurei'm everywhere :)12:58
eleitlyou want something that floculates spontaneously, or can be skimmed.12:58
eleitlcareful with the trades, jack.12:58
KrisCby all means, if you have a better idea for a home-grown 3D print stock...12:59
KrisC(*cough* hemp)12:59
eleitlwhat have we here, hempen hempen13:00
eleitlhere will I never thread nor stampen13:00
kanzureeleitl: we have http://utex.org/ here in austin13:00
kanzurelargest algae collection in the world13:00
kanzurei wanted to do some genetic engineering to make the algae kindly give up their lipids when we ask them13:01
kanzureDARPA said no genetic engineering :/13:01
eleitldo you have any lakes or eutrophied lagoons in the area?13:01
kanzureno, we were going to use shrimp ponds13:01
eleitlin CA there's Salton sea13:01
eleitlshrimp ponds are good, a friend of mine wanted to do that in Thailand13:01
eleitlgrowing algae in fish/shrimp ponds13:02
eleitlis Max/Natasha in your area?13:02
eleitlI forget where they live.13:02
kanzurethey live down the street13:03
eleitlhave they invited you over?13:04
kanzureyeah we hang out from time to time13:04
eleitlI used to visit them on parties, in Marina del Rey.13:04
kanzureoddly enough i last saw natasha up in irvine, california a few weeks ago13:04
kanzurewhy doesn't max go to these conferences?13:05
eleitlat the event?13:05
* kanzure nods13:05
eleitlI have the impression Max is massively disillusioned with the whole transhumanism thing. As a movement, at least.13:05
eleitlHe probably expected a lot more traction. It was a waste of his time.13:05
eleitlmy impression, of course. Just ask him.13:06
kanzureno, i've talked with him13:06
kanzurethat's basically my impression too13:06
kanzurehe's also working on his latest book13:06
eleitlsee, Drexler dropped out, too.13:07
eleitla pity, actually.13:07
kanzureoh really? what happened with drexler?13:07
kanzurei met anders up in new york city a few months ago. he is pretty neat :)13:07
kanzurei keep wondering why freitas is focusing on nanotech these days.. his KSRM book really kicked ass, and it needs him13:08
eleitlI last saw Anders in Milan, Italy. That was in November?13:08
eleitlthe whole nano thing is curious. It is not very efficient, to say the least.13:08
eleitlPerry Metzger has been doing a lot of nano lately. He's in NYC.13:09
eleitlWhat he said so far does not inspire me with confidence.13:09
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eleitlkanzure, how old are you, 19?13:20
kanzureeleitl: yes13:21
kanzure20 on 2010-01-0413:21
eleitldo you want to study, or do you want to try things outside of the ivory tower?13:21
kanzurei'm taking a break from the ivory tower right now13:21
eleitldo you want to come back from the break? degree or no degree?13:22
kanzurei may come back one day in the future. not right now.13:22
KrisChappy early birthday13:22
kanzurethanks KrisC 13:22
KrisCso what are you working on now?13:23
eleitlit is a decision of sorts. If you stay outside, you can go the enterpreneur route.13:23
kanzureeleitl: that's what i'm doing right now13:23
kanzureKrisC: too many things to count, i'm sorry i haven't given you a direct answer13:24
eleitlcan you give me a full dump, or is this secret?13:24
kanzureKrisC: http://gnusha.org/ is the latest13:24
kanzureeleitl: no it's not secret. the full dump is that i'm not taking classes next semester so i can focus on skdb and so on13:24
eleitlbrb, got to get the kid to bed13:24
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kanzureKrisC: i guess the latest that i've been working on is the website front-end to skdb13:28
KrisCI considered ganesha, and several variants, for my site name13:29
kanzurehah :)13:29
KrisC"remover of barriers"13:29
kanzuregnusha is the hardware co-op idea, where skdb package maintainers infiltrate.. er.. hang out at hackerspaces around the world to help maintain open source hardware projects, build cool stuff13:29
kanzureprofits and revenue from running a machine at some spot go into local overhead but also back into the co-op in general to buy more tools, improve performance, etc.13:30
KrisCvery cool, how many operatives do you have in the field?13:31
kanzurehaha :)13:31
kanzureright now i guess we have fenn and ybit, but there's more that don't know it yet 13:31
kanzure"sleeper agents" :)13:31
KrisChaha, yeah, a lot of my people don't know that they are working for me13:32
kanzurewhat i need to be doing is writing technical documentation13:32
kanzureybit: how's the .deb coming along?13:32
kanzurethis is going to become like a classic catch phrase or something. jeebus..13:33
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kanzurehey areyna3 14:23
eleitlhttp://www.serialkillerdatabase.net/jeffreydahmer.html <-- nice favicon14:36
eleitlhttp://www.steorn.com/skdb/ <-- jesus fuck, did you plan this?14:36
kanzureno :(14:37
eleitlyou probably couldn't have done this if you planned this.14:37
eleitlwe need to fix this somewhat soon.14:37
eleitlunfortunately, I don't currently have high-Googlejuice sites14:38
kanzurei have some link spamming tools i wrote14:38
eleitljust a few external links would do. No need to spam anything.14:39
kanzurethe main problem is that the dokuwiki skdb page doesn't even show up in the first 100 google search results14:39
kanzurewe link to it constantly though14:39
kanzureso it's peculiar.14:39
eleitlremarkable. I just looked at my bank account, and there's money there. A regular miracle.14:50
eleitlnot going to last, of course.14:50
ybitkanzure: it hasn't been touched since the last tim we talked, i keep getting distracted with work, stupid traditions around this of the year, family get togethers, xmonad, unbricking my router, the farm, sata drive issues, and interesting papers that i keep finding14:50
ybithi eleitl, heath matlock here14:51
eleitlhi heath! /me waves14:51
* kanzure just cleaned up http://designfiles.org/14:51
kanzuremaybe i'll put a web page there?14:51
kanzurejust threw everything miscellaneous into http://designfiles.org/~bryan/14:51
kanzureit's on a university connection, and i can give it some juicy links from .edu sites14:51
* ybit was looking at http://designfiles.com/~bryan/14:52
eleitlvery nice. Do you have a tarball of http://designfiles.org/papers/ ?14:53
kanzureeleitl: this might be faster: http://bio.cc/Bioinformics/papers/14:53
ybitmy goal is to have the sata issues resolved and it would be nice to have the h+ archive and .deb ready for new year's14:53
ybitif not, slap me with a trout14:54
eleitlyour SATA disks are on the fritz?14:54
ybitmy computer just isn't recognizing it14:54
eleitlsounds like a bad disk14:54
ybitwell, it is, but it's saying that the connection is down or something, i'll have to get the logs14:54
ybiti sent my 1tb drive to bryan and he and fenn were uploading all their stuff on it14:55
ybitdid it so i wouldn't be raping their server and hogging their bandwidth14:55
eleitl1 TByte traffic is cheap these days. Around 13 EUR.14:55
kanzureeleitl: there's an archive of the microfluidics subset: http://designfiles.org/papers/microfluidics_2009-06-01.zip14:55
ybitnext thing is to rape your server eleitl and also add papers from bio.cc and papers that have superkuh has14:55
kanzurei'm pretty sure there was a .tar.gz somewhere around here.. hrm..14:56
eleitlfeel free to rape my server14:56
kanzurehow kind of you14:56
eleitlthere will be some downtime around turn of the year, need to renumber the network, install new firewall.14:57
ybitthat's what i'm faced with the sata drive14:59
kanzureeleitl: christine suggested a guy named "josh hall" ?14:59
eleitlJohn Storrs Hall, IIRC.14:59
eleitlthe SATA codes don't tell me much. Can you stick the drive into a different system?15:00
eleitlWhat does BIOS say on reboot? smartmontools?15:00
kanzurehm lots of fancy names on this page: http://foresight.org/conf2010/15:03
kanzurehod lipson too?15:03
eleitlhttp://www.google.com/#hl=en&source=hp&q=SStatus+FFFFFFFF+SControl+FFFFFFFF&aq=f&aqi=&oq=&fp=52e8f388e5caca67 <-- did you try?15:03
kanzureoh it's just the typical crew15:03
eleitlI'm not sure how many of them will give you money. Asking JoSH doesn't hurt.15:05
eleitlFreitas and Merkle won't.15:05
kanzurei didn't know they had any money15:06
kanzurei would gladly work for freitas for free15:06
eleitlthat's why they won't -- they don't. At least not 5-10 kUSD to random strangers.15:06
kanzureone of their topics is "open source in manufacturing"15:06
kanzurehow can they be talking about open source in manufacturing without any open manufacturing people?15:07
eleitljust write to Freitas, then.15:07
eleitlat the rate IPv4 address space is going I better secure me another /2415:08
eleitlthere's gold in thar them hills15:08
kanzureoh i guess they can claim that hod is there for the 'open manufacturing' part15:10
eleitlwho is that hod fellow?15:10
kanzurehod lipson is my professor's arch nemesis15:10
kanzurehod and matt do automated design15:10
eleitlright, have seen some of his stuff before.15:12
ybit10:52 < kanzure> i think the keyword here is "diamondoid synthesis" which isn't quantum (right?)15:12
ybitdiamondoid made me chuckle15:12
* ybit is reading the log15:12
eleitladamantane, diamantane15:12
kanzurediamond mechanosynthesis is what i meant :)15:13
eleitlperfectly cromulent words15:13
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/graphene.html ?15:13
kanzureheh the ads on the page are relevant \o/15:14
eleitlthere are ads on the page? ;)15:14
ybitlast time i talked with hod, he was pushing hard the fab@home machine15:15
kanzurehey where did this come from?15:15
kanzure"huh. it would be neat if it could integrate with a lot of different online stores automatically finding you the cheapest foobar.15:16
kanzurei wouldn't have expected reddit to be the right crowd15:16
eleitlI didn't submit it for sure.15:16
eleitlreddit can vary. /me has 13 k comment karma15:16
eleitlkanzure 0 points1 point2 points 35 seconds ago[-]15:18
ybiti know you guys are working with what you have in austin, but paying rent seems like a waste of money15:19
ybitwould be nice if you had, say, 37 acres to start building whatever you needed15:19
kanzurei don't think so, ybit15:19
kanzureif i'm moving, i'm moving to the bay area15:19
eleitlbay area still good for technology things?15:20
ybittoo bad my land is based in the heart of the bible belt, but like i was telling jeremiah last night, i've been vocal recently about personal manufacturing to locals here, and there are quite a lot of people that get excited15:20
eleitlland is good. keep it.15:21
kanzureeleitl: bay area has the critical mass of people15:21
ybitwe start leveling the land this weekend15:21
ybitthe kind that know what are going on, less time needed in changing minds15:21
eleitlbay area might start losing people. But, who knows.15:21
kanzureeleitl: we're setting up a hackerspace in the austin area15:22
eleitlif you want to actually make things happening, Bay Area might be the wrong location. But, I'm the wrong person to ask.15:22
kanzureand ybit is concerned that i'm wasting money if i help pay the rent15:22
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eleitlno idea. I'm more than twice your age, and I went back to Germany, so I'm pretty much opposite polarity.15:23
eleitlif I was young and single I'd probably go East. Way East.15:23
kanzureah you were out of germany for a while?15:23
kanzurehey wait15:23
kanzureyou ran wta for a while?15:23
ybiti'm just concerned that the money spent on rent isn't helping you build infrastructure in the most efficient manner, i.e. you could lose that building 15:23
kanzurewhat the fuck is wrong with this org, eugen?15:23
eleitlI lived two years in SoCal, working for 21CM and CCR.15:23
kanzureit listed you as a former executive director of WTA15:24
kanzurejust something i remember reading somewhere15:24
eleitlforget WTA, it's dead, Dead, DEAD.15:24
kanzureyeah i know15:24
kanzurebut still, what happened15:24
kanzureand how can i make sure that doesn't happen again15:24
* ybit is curious as well15:24
ybitnews to me15:24
eleitlit's mostly politics, and takeover of an org, and then everybody dropping their balls.15:25
eleitlhuman nature. 15:25
ybitgood thing i'm transhuman and tape my balls?15:26
* eleitl is transsimian15:26
ybitthis is the time someone slaps me with a trout on irc15:26
eleitlkanzure, if you have something nice going, then people come and will try to take over.15:26
ybiteleitl has a point15:27
eleitlso, either don't try to have something nice going, or prepare for that eventuality15:27
eleitlat this point, I'm just trying to have a functional group of people doing local cryonics15:28
eleitlas far as I can see, this is not going to happen15:28
ybitfenn: are you back in austin?15:28
kanzureno fenn is not back15:28
eleitlso far, entire transhumanism was a completely wasted effort on my part15:29
ybitentire h+? are you saying you were spread out too thin on many projects?15:29
eleitlyou don't seem to be making that mistake, kanzure. Good for you.15:29
eleitlHaving actual projects is good. Just talking with people is bad. Nothing will come out of it.15:30
ybitor thinking too far into the future and not being practical15:30
eleitlSo, raise money, do real things, don't bother with blah blah.15:30
kanzureeleitl: i've learned that the rule is that "people suck"15:30
eleitlsome even swallow.15:30
kanzureif you ask her nicely15:31
ybitunless she's into bdsm15:31
xp_prgyou guys are going to shit on yourselves when you hear what I am going to get to do tonight15:32
kanzurethat's the second time you've mentioned that15:32
kanzurexp_prg: go away15:32
ybitanyone had experience with the issues i'm having with my sata drive, guess i can ask in ##linux15:32
ybitor #hardware15:32
kanzure##linux will know.15:33
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kanzureeleitl: i still can't figure out who todd is. he's everywhere i go. 15:33
kanzureand he always has plenty of women hanging off of him15:33
xp_prgI am going to lively labs where they are going to allow memberships to use all their equipment patent free in a "collabratory"15:33
kanzureyes we know about livly15:33
eleitltodd spent a night at our home.15:33
xp_prghe is going to help me with my bioprinting stuff too15:33
kanzurejohn scholndorn is into longevity and anti-cancer stuff15:33
kanzurejohn or michael?15:33
eleitlso, he is everywhere :)15:33
xp_prgI will be talking with John tonight15:34
eleitlwe met at the Oxford whole brain emulation thing.15:34
kanzurexp_prg: say hi to john for me15:34
kanzureeleitl: a society of neuroscience meetup?15:34
xp_prgok, is that not cool?!15:34
kanzurexp_prg: no, because you're wasting john's time15:34
xp_prgno I am not!15:34
kanzureplease go away15:34
xp_prgI am working on a project with Drew Endy bitch15:35
xp_prgget over yourself15:35
eleitlthat uehiro event which resulted in http://www.philosophy.ox.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/3853/brain-emulation-roadmap-report.pdf15:35
xp_prghe came and talked at my bio group15:35
kanzurei'm sorry, i can't stop laughing over here. it hurts.15:35
xp_prgwhat else would I have to do to get your respect?15:36
kanzurego the fuck away and never come back15:36
xp_prgeveryone else thinks it is cool what I am doing15:36
kanzureyou don't learn15:36
kanzureyou make everyone do your work for you15:36
xp_prgexcept when I don't :>15:36
kanzureand frankly i've known you for over a year and you haven't changed15:36
kanzurego away15:36
xp_prggetting Drew Endy to come talk at my bio group is nothing?15:36
xp_prgI give up on your stupid ass then15:37
kanzureplease do15:37
eleitltime to hit the sack. you take care, guys.15:38
ybitjohn is into longevity, i stalked him before speaking with him at h+15:38
eleitlgood night.15:39
-!- eleitl [n=eugen@95-91-110-91-dynip.superkabel.de] has quit ["leaving"]15:39
ybit15:35 < xp_prg> I am working on a project with Drew Endy bitch15:39
ybitlol, i think that sums up drew's work ;)15:39
kanzurejohn does a lot of stuff15:39
xp_prgyou guys amaze me, he is the father of synthetic biology, you diss synbio?15:39
kanzurexp_prg: go away15:39
xp_prgwhy do you guys act the way you do, I will never understand it, oh well15:40
kanzurewe've already told you15:41
xp_prgI kick names, and take ass all day long, nobody cares in here for some reason15:41
kanzureno you don't15:41
kanzurego away15:41
xp_prgI KICK ASS ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15:43
xp_prgknow this, learn this, love this :>15:43
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KrisCKanzure, your wealth of links reminds me that their are not anough hours in a day15:50
ybitxp_prg: this is highly related to your situation: http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html15:50
genehacker2there aren't15:50
xp_prgybit I know this already thanks15:50
genehacker2that's what space mirrors are for15:51
KrisCyou know, they used to say (in classical Rome) that an educated man would be THOROUGHLY eductaed, knowledgable in every science15:52
KrisCat that was from some guy you paid on the street corner15:52
genehacker2well the problem is science is getting too complex for polymath's these days15:53
genehacker2how so?15:53
genehacker2am I blinded by the every increasing specialization?15:54
-!- Spance3000 [n=Foonever@manxo.me] has joined #hplusroadmap15:54
kanzurehey Spance3000 15:54
Spance3000hello, kanzure 15:54
kanzurewhat's up?15:54
kanzurewhere do you hail from on the webs?15:55
ybitmanxo.me of course15:55
Spance3000kanzure: reddit, you (or someone who stole your name!) invited me because of my sparkfun-apt-get joke15:55
kanzureoh yay15:55
ybitah :)15:55
kanzureyep that was me15:55
Spance3000and I now site your site involves legos and python. that's definitely enough to make me stick around for a while15:56
* kanzure nods15:56
kanzurelegos + python is a geekgasm in of itself15:56
genehacker2didn't know you were a redditor kanzure15:58
kanzurei'm not15:58
Spance3000so someone DID steal your name!15:59
kanzurenope, that was me15:59
kanzurei just don't use reddit often15:59
kanzurei'm guessing a redditor is some reddit addict or something?15:59
genehacker2a user of reddit15:59
kristianpaulkanzure: http://www.pearlbiotech.com in real life aplications what is this for if you know?16:00
Spance3000I've got like 5 reddit accounts, that doesn't count as an addict, does it?16:00
kanzurekristianpaul: it's a load of shit, ignore it16:00
genehacker25 accounts?16:00
kanzurekristianpaul: if you wanted a gel box, we'll show you how to cut one yourself16:00
genehacker2yeah you might be an addict16:00
kristianpaulkanzure: show !16:01
kanzurekristianpaul: did you see michael katsveman's gel box schematic generator?16:01
kanzurerighto well that's a good place to start. let me dig16:01
* kristianpaul googling16:01
ybitany of those? http://groups.google.com/groups/search?q=michael+katsevman+gel+box&btnG=Search&sitesearch=16:02
* ybit didn't see it either16:02
kanzurekristianpaul: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/msg/f2ea1e440cc7258e16:02
kanzureit is detailed here: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/browse_thread/thread/4f2b19be43ad649f/fb0cb0b7d6bf9b35?lnk=gst&q=electrophoresis.py#fb0cb0b7d6bf9b3516:03
ybitah, yeah, that's it16:03
kanzureybit: please note, i don't actually know how to spell his name16:03
kanzure"katsevman" is the correct way apparently16:03
ybitnp, that's what google is for16:03
Utopiah(more about crowdsourcing http://www.openinnovators.net/list-open-innovation-crowdsourcing-examples/ )16:04
ybitthat's a nice little script16:05
kanzureybit: haha i thought you knew about it?16:05
ybitnope, but thank you for pointing it out16:06
kanzurehuh he's on the tsi-book-dev mailing list too16:06
kanzurethat's right, he was into seasteading wasn't he?16:06
ybiti miss important emails often16:06
xp_prgkristianpaul I am assisting with fab of that product16:40
xp_prgI also assisted the initial designer with prototyping the approach16:41
kanzuretito didn't write that script, sorry xp_prg16:41
xp_prgI am talking about the hardware16:41
kanzurethe $200 google sketchup mesh model?16:42
xp_prgI am assisting him with lasering the acrylic16:42
kanzurei think you should go now16:42
xp_prgybit do you see why I get confused?16:43
-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:46
kanzurehello Martyn 16:46
xp_prgkristianpaul it is possible to do electrophoresis without a "gel box" if you will16:46
xp_prgjust in case your wondering16:46
Martynwell .. that took about 5 hours longer than I thought it would16:46
Martynhi Tim16:46
kanzureoh god you know xp_prg 16:46
xp_prghi Martyn, do I know you?16:46
Martynyes, yes you do.  #noisebridge16:46
kristianpaulxp_prg: i dont if i want yet16:46
xp_prgoh wow cool16:47
xp_prghave we met personally?16:47
xp_prgremind me of you16:47
* Martyn recounted the take of NoiseFridge last week16:47
xp_prgthat noisefridge is in the Tech Shop now!16:47
MartynI'm aware .. Jim and I talked about it16:47
xp_prgoh cool!16:48
Martynsmall world, anyway16:48
xp_prgyou inti bio?16:49
Martynkanzure : M C Howard electronics surplus is going out of business16:49
Martynkanzure : That's the last electronics surplus store in Austin16:49
MartynNo more places to go root through racks and racks of old chips, parts, and components16:50
kanzurenever heard of them16:50
Martynkanzure : Google 'em.16:50
MartynThey are in the same fine tradition as Haltek and Wierd Stuff in San Francisco16:50
MartynI think that's the PROBLEM... 35 years they have been in the same place, and it's a place hackers should have known about16:50
Martyn9417 Neils Thomson Dr16:51
kanzurehm they don't have their address on their website16:51
Martynxp_prg : http://www.igotu.com/hackthebadge   www.linkedin.com/in/martinbogo16:51
xp_prgwhat can I do with hack the badge that I can't do with a regular arduino?16:53
Martynxp_prg: we've been over this before.   The last debate we had on it reached the limits of my patience as I recall.16:54
xp_prgI don't recall that ok16:55
QuantumGlooks like a nice board16:58
MartynIt is!17:00
Martynquite fun, and I'm down to the last 817:00
Martyn7 actually .. someone from NL bought one today17:00
KrisCwho paid to have christmas decorations flown to the ISS?17:12
QuantumGmy bet is on the Japanese17:12
KrisCthe Japanese astronaut does have the best hat17:13
kanzurehttp://code.google.com/p/biohacker/ metabolic network debugger17:17
QuantumGNada Amin, MIT, Dan Wheeler, MIT, Jeremy Zucker, MIT .. it must be useless :)17:20
xp_prgwhy does this use lisp and python?17:21
kanzurebecause they are academics17:21
QuantumGI think I just answered that question.17:21
kanzureQuantumG: nah, not unless tom knight is on the list :p17:21
kanzurealthough he doesn't recommend lisp much these days as it happens17:22
QuantumGWe implemented the network debugger on top of a logic-17:22
QuantumGbased truth maintenance system (LTMS)17:22
kanzurehah :)17:23
QuantumGironically, I think this paper does do something useful17:23
QuantumGit demonstrates a practical use for EcoCyc17:24
genehacker2what? Austin only had/has one surplus electronics store that's going out of business?17:28
Martynthats about it17:28
MartynCentex is gome17:28
Martyngone, and now MC is closing17:28
Martynleaving .. zero17:28
xp_prglisp is a function based language and so is lisp, not clear why you would choose to use lisp as it is the exact same paradigm of programming languages17:29
* genehacker2 hopes the local surplus store down here has the parts he needs for his latest project17:29
QuantumGpeople use lisp because they're bigots or they love the "reflection" available in the language.17:30
QuantumG.. if you can call it a language.17:30
QuantumGlanguages have syntax17:30
xp_prgpython does not have reflection?17:30
QuantumGnot really17:31
xp_prgwhen you say reflection do you mean introspection?17:31
xp_prgpython has hasattr and is operators that allow for introspection just fine17:32
xp_prgyou can also use repr and __class_17:32
QuantumGblah, you can't walk code in python17:32
xp_prgwhat does it lack in that way?17:32
xp_prgwalk code?17:32
QuantumGwith lisp you can "introspect" the expressions that make up a function17:33
xp_prghmm.... ya not sure if python can decompile code in that way17:33
xp_prgyou can discover if a class has an attribute or function however17:34
xp_prgnot sure why that would be needed QuantumG, you want to get the actual code of a function for what purpose in runtime?17:34
QuantumGyou'd have to ask a lisp advocate17:34
xp_prgit seems everyone is going python these days17:35
xp_prgQuantumG do you know python?17:35
xp_prgwant to help me with something kind of non-trivial I have been wanting to do?17:35
QuantumGand what "everyone" does is not a good way to choose a programming language )17:35
QuantumGxp_prg is management material17:36
xp_prgI am? :>17:36
kanzureno 17:36
xp_prgI am a developer :>17:36
kanzureget the fuck out17:36
-!- Foone2 [n=foone@adsl-065-005-235-122.sip.ard.bellsouth.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:37
xp_prgQuantumG you want to help me or not?17:41
QuantumGno, fuck off17:41
QuantumGI don't want to "help" you with any of your projects17:41
QuantumGI thought I made that clear the last time you asked17:41
xp_prgwow ok17:41
QuantumGdo your own work, christ17:41
MartynTim, you really do try people's patience.   This isn't the first time.17:41
MartynIt's a personality thing.17:41
kanzureyes, listen to martyn, and then leave17:42
xp_prgI am not easily offended so everyone take a pill, I have nothing to prove17:42
QuantumGif you want people to help you with your projects, just tell people what you're doing, they'll offer if they're interested.17:42
kanzurexp_prg: we don't care if you're offended. just leave and go away17:43
xp_prgI don't want your help now, so don't worry about it17:43
kanzuregreat then you can leave17:43
Martynthat wasn't a joke.17:44
xp_prgit is to me17:44
xp_prgmakes me laugh17:44
genehacker2what color pills do you have17:45
genehacker2I'll take the red pill17:45
xp_prgwhite ones17:45
-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has left #hplusroadmap []17:45
QuantumG>>>Augustine: "Relatively simple unguided artillery shells somehow demand literally thousands of test rounds, whereas a new intercontinental ballistic missile needs only a few handfuls of test flights to demonstrate its adequacy."17:46
QuantumG>>How many test flights do you think Space Ship Two will have before their first revenue flights?17:46
QuantumG>>I would guess closer to "handfuls" than "literally thousands".17:46
QuantumG>Depends how effective it is at stalling the media while the rocket dev schedule slips ;)17:46
MartynQuantumG : They published the test flight schedule ...17:46
MartynFAA has already approved the first four17:46
MartynI think they are in a race against Bezos' thing .. Blue whatever17:47
-!- blueshift [n=noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:48
kanzurehey blueshift17:50
kanzurehm are you genehacker?17:50
QuantumGMartyn:   They published the test flight schedule  <- got an url?17:53
-!- blueshift is now known as genehacker17:53
-!- genehacker is now known as genehackerAFK17:53
MartynQuantumG : I'm not an investor, sadly.18:02
MartynI think that Virgin Galactic is a -very- good investment18:02
Martynsince they have more private flights into space on record than any other company18:02
QuantumGoh, so by "published" you mean they didn't publish it?18:02
MartynI mean they published it to their investors.18:02
MartynI don't think they put it on their website .. but since they have to register the flights with the FAA, I assume it's in the public record18:02
genehackerAFKthe step from orbital to suborbital is a bit of a jump though18:03
MartynThey previously published 4th quarter of '10 for the first testflight18:04
QuantumGgenehackerAFK: read this?  http://www.bristolspaceplanes.com/library/The_Aviation_Approach_to_Space_Transportation.pdf18:04
QuantumGapparently there's a path there.18:04
QuantumGno-one has walked it of course18:05
genehackerAFKnow if we could only get a small orbital spaceplane...18:06
genehackerAFKthough isn't the spaceplane route to space fairly expensive on a per kg basis?18:07
QuantumGthe ideology at play here is fully reusable vehicles18:08
genehackerAFKthough I guess it's still way cheaper than using big rockets18:08
QuantumGa 747 is pretty expensive, but you don't just use it once :)18:08
genehackerAFKgood enough for launching cubesats18:08
genehackerAFKare all the rocket parts reusable and refuellable?18:09
QuantumGbut the fact is, no-one knows if it can be done or not.. there's a whole lot of risk.18:09
genehackerAFKbut the spaceplane route is easier to get man rated, now that's a pretty strong argument18:10
QuantumGits non-destructive to test too18:11
-!- Phreedom_ [n=quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap18:16
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-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]18:19
ybitcvs -d:pserver:anonymous@tinyos.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tinyos login18:29
ybitcvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@tinyos.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tinyos co -P tinyos-2.x-contrib/ecosensory/18:29
kanzurei have never been able to get anonymous cvs to work with sourceforge18:30
ybit..until now18:32
ybitjohn said he would create a schematic and send it my way18:34
ybit"That will show the flat flex connector, low power cut off FETs, muxes, analog switches18:34
ybitused to make 12 channel analog sensor board that is not published yet, except for the18:34
ybitTinyOS code I pointed you at before."18:34
ybitsaid it will be ready after xmas18:35
kanzuremy internet connection is slow, don't expect me to visit links today18:36
ybityeah, griessen18:44
* ybit has to watch a movie tomorrow, luckily..19:18
ybiti get to pick it :)19:18
ybitin my mini quest for less boring, i found 'Science Ninja Team Gatchaman', just thought that was worth pointing out :P19:19
ybitit comes down to battle for terra, moon, and monsters versus aliens19:20
ybitwill i watch any of it, probably not, but it will be more distracting and entertaining then another sports film about someone overcoming poverty or whatnot19:20
kanzureugh... http://singinst.org/challenge19:26
-!- kristianpaul [n=kristian@] has quit ["leaving"]20:18
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220-253-20-86.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap20:47
-!- areyna3 [n=chatzill@75-1-75-31.lightspeed.snantx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:53
kanzurehey areyna3 20:57
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]20:59
areyna3what's up21:20
kanzurenot much21:50
ybit   22:19
ybit2010 Art Theme: Metropolis22:19
ybitTumult and change, churning cycles of invention and destruction - these forces generate the pulse of urban life. Great cities are organic, spontaneous, heterogeneous, and untidy hubs of social interaction. In 2010, we will inspect the daily course of city life and the future prospect of civilization.22:19
ybit^ burning man's theme this coming year22:20
genehackerAFKI can't wait to see the destruction22:24
ybitforesight 2010, the synergy of agi and molecular manufacturing.. strange22:29
-!- areyna3 [n=chatzill@75-1-75-31.lightspeed.snantx.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]22:30
ybitapparently martyn is a ranger ath burning man22:31
ybitfirst time to hear about this: http://www.google.com/mobile/goggles/22:37
ybitcooking robots, that's pretty sweet22:46
ybiti'm giggling right now watching them prepare a dish22:47
ybitthe object recognition input data: http://people.csail.mit.edu/jieyunfu/23:29
ybitthey are looking at replacing or already have replaced the notebooks with pc104 chips 23:29
ybitand a gps system for the plant pots 23:30
ybitgoogle scholar needs notifications23:32
* ybit wants to know when "Building a Distributed Robot Garden" is released23:33
ybitnot available online yet -> "The Robot in the Garden Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet"23:36
ybithttp://www.easybloom.com/learn/overview.html :: "EasyBloom is a sensor that you can stuck into the earth close to a plant or where you would like to grow something. Various sensors then measure various parameters (temperature, light, humidity) that can be downloaded via USB after 24h. Recorded sensor data is then compared with the requirements of 5000+ plants on the EasyBloom website, which then tells you whether this spot is suitable for a particular 23:41
randallagordonheh, interesting23:47
genehackerAFKybit those nextage robots are amazing23:47
randallagordonI'm actually getting read to make something similar to the EasyBloom for my hydroponics setup using a Teensy23:47
genehackerAFKI wonder if they're actually inspecting the parts23:48
QuantumGhttp://quantumg.net/watercooled.jpg   some SolidWorks eye candy for ya23:48
genehackerAFKDO SOME FEM23:48
genehackerAFKDO SOME FEM23:48
ybitthe mit csail robots: "The robot base (iCreate), arm and notebook are held together by a acrylic rack that can be created using a laser cutter. The necessary files (CorelDraw) are available here" .cdr :\23:49
genehackerAFKsomething's not quite right with that nozzle23:49
ybitrandallagordon: are you now23:49
ybiti'm certainly interested in creating one of these myself23:49
ybitQuantumG: why solidworks again, i missed that conversation23:50
genehackerAFKQuantumG you got the deluxe version with fluid dynamics software?23:50
ybitno fucking idea23:50
genehackerAFKyou got something called cosmoworks?23:51
randallagordonI want to do realtime pH, TDS and temperature monitoring, eventually serve it up AJAX style all pretty like with an embedded webserver...at least that's what the ambition of the moment states23:51
QuantumGI'm sure it's one of the 2000 features I haven't used yet23:52
genehackerAFKI'd try putting a pressure force in that part to get started23:52
genehackerAFKsince you aren'23:53
genehackerAFKt simulating something real rubbery or in high detail it shouldn't take forever23:53
genehackerAFKto get you started with something practical I'll send you a test part you can play with23:57

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