
--- Day changed Thu Dec 24 2009
* ybit wonders if their software would be useful in other projects, http://www.willowgarage.com/pages/software00:01
ybitColor-Shifting Contact Lenses Alert Diabetics to Glucose Levels :: http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2009-12/color-shifting-contact-lenses-alert-diabetics-changing-glucose-levels00:05
kanzure"help everything's going dark!"00:19
maraineinthat's just diabetic induced retinal detachment00:27
kanzurenice overview00:29
ybithttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utility_fog :: nice, and it was j. storrs hall who came up with it00:38
ybitit's the first time i've heard of the term00:39
ybitintroducted in ~'9300:39
ybit"Suppose you have your car filled with molecular-sized robots, floating00:42
ybitaround in the air.  *Lots* of them.  Now when an accident occurs, they00:42
ybitneed only reach out and grab the assembler/robot next to them, forming00:42
ybita 3-dimensional interlocking structure.  And incidentally transforming00:42
ybitthe air in the car from a gas to a solid.  Assuming the network extended00:42
ybitdown into your lungs and other airspaces in your body, you could drive00:42
ybitinto a brick wall at 100 mph without serious injury. "00:42
drazakyeah, except you might puncture a lung if they're not evenly distributed in the aurspace00:44
* ybit is distracted tonight00:44
katsmeow-afkcould you see thru the fog of floating microbots?00:47
ybitso maybe one day skdb will also control utility fog, this would make me happy: "skdb make me a sandwich' and it appears in my hands without robot arms flying all over the place00:48
katsmeow-afkerr, even if the lungs were solidified, you could crush all the blood from the heart, which is right there with the lungs, causing a hemmorage somewhere00:48
ybit"Records of past temperature, precipitation, atmospheric trace gases, and other aspects of climate and environment derived from ice cores drilled on glaciers and ice caps around the world."00:51
-!- technologiclee3 [n=l@] has joined #hplusroadmap00:54
kanzureybit: you hadn't heard of utility fog? i thought you read the entirety of orion's arm by now00:58
kanzurei have such a hard time keeping track of what you people don't know01:02
kanzureybit: computronium? alpha point? omega point? grey goo? femtotech? angelnets? utility sand? hyperfog? 01:04
ybiti know all of that01:07
ybithyperfog is new, it must be the same as utility fog...01:07
kanzureit's more resistant to subversion :p01:08
kanzurewtf is up with the hashes in their URLs01:08
kanzureah right, "foglets"01:08
ybiter... s/all/some :P01:13
ybitangelnets and utility sand are new01:13
* ybit is trying to recall when he heard about alpha and omega point01:13
ybitit was sometime this previous year01:14
ybiti haven't read all of orion's arm yet, distractions ya know01:15
ybitwould be nice to have the encyclopedia galactia in pdf format01:15
ybitso i don't have to figure out what to click next01:15
ybitwait, angel nets are what i thought they were01:16
ybitgrr, i'm going to bed01:17
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technologiclee3patent buster:   method for keeping track of what contacts in a social network do and do not know through digital or analog means02:01
technologiclee3this could be implemented by a comparison of record of each members searches viewed articles, videos or other information sources including audio02:03
technologiclee3representation includes but is not limited to graphical overlays of knowledge maps indicating areas and points of overlapping or diverging knowledge possesion02:10
-!- genehackerAFK [n=noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]02:13
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Utopiah(regarding yesterday discussion on Lisp "This code is made for walking" cf http://books.google.fr/books?id=EfX0miZllggC&pg=PA37&lpg=PA37&dq=%22this+code+is+made+for+walking%22&source=bl&ots=HzDGyCy1wB&sig=CGLqVdnan8W6UQcul5HODqOQPEo&hl=en&ei=EVczS9GaLsS64QacoKWqCA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CAgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22this%20code%20is%20made%20for%20walking%22&f=false and the originial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRkovnss7sg ;)05:58
Utopiah(too bad nobody made a Vocaloid remix of this yet)05:58
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@adsl-68-88-72-8.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:06
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-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap10:10
eleitlyour machine-phase questions yesterday, Martyn.10:12
MartynPartial sentence?10:13
MartynI think I missed a line during the login...10:13
eleitlDo you still have them?10:14
eleitlI talked about them with kanzure, but I don't think you were there.10:14
MartynAbout picometer vs nanometer measurements?10:15
eleitlYeah, and another one I don't recall.10:15
MartynIt was more a comment than a question.  After looking what kind of matter exists in the picometer range, and then looking at 32 bit ranges .. I was just offering an opinion that nanometer resolution would probably be sufficient for most of our lifetimes10:16
eleitlYou seemed to think pm resolution was equivalent to quark technology, or strangelets, or what have you.10:16
eleitlcurrent proximal probe has less than 1 pm resolution today. You can resolve orbitals, for instance.10:16
MartynOh, sure .. but for practical engineering?10:17
MartynI don't think we've gotten to the level of technology needed for practical subatomic engineering :)10:17
eleitlthat is practical engineering, today.10:17
eleitlyou can position macroscale assemblies relative to each other with less than 1 pm resolution.10:17
MartynWith less than the resolution of a wavelength of light?10:18
Martyn[[citation needed]]10:18
MartynTo quote wikipedia :)10:18
eleitlLight is huge, 400 nm blue light.10:18
eleitlRead Science Magazine, plenty of current work there.10:19
eleitlWe can sort CO by the isotope on metal surface in UHV.10:19
eleitlWe can do many neat things, but few people know for some strange reason.10:19
MartynI'm reading "Picometer positioning system based on a zooming interferometer using a femtosecond optical comb" now10:20
eleitlthat is actually quite recent.10:20
MartynYep, which is why I'm having a read :)10:20
MartynEducation = power10:20
MartynThe system realized a resolution of better than 30 pm and a stability of 1 nm.10:20
MartynWhich is frankly amazing10:21
MartynOkay, then I need to switch to a more practical engineering problem10:21
Martynhandling powers of powers10:21
Martynbecause if you want picometer resolution, and only have a 32bit system to measure in .. you've got a problem10:21
eleitlyou will find silicon surface resolution enough to resolve orbitals10:21
Martyn64 bits helps10:21
eleitlmy point exactly yesterday.10:22
MartynBecause then you have to deal with micro and macroscale measurements... and macroscale engineering does occur in increments of tens and hundres of meters10:22
Martynin fact, when dealing with large scale automated manufacturing of .. say .. roads .. it's possible to have kilometers10:22
MartynSo the problem has to be reduced10:23
Martyn"This system is designed to handle target scales between X and Y"10:23
eleitlyou need a system which can cover pm and Mm.10:23
Martynnot enough bits10:23
eleitlbits are cheap10:23
MartynNo, they aren't.10:23
MartynThat's the problem .. handling calculations that require a shift register is -very- expensive computationally10:23
eleitleach additional bit doubles your resolution, or the dynamic range10:23
Martynbut processors have only so much range, and you don't want to lock out 32 bit systems10:24
Martynor need to require a Cell processor (128 bit resolution)10:24
eleitlyour IT background is not very extensive, from the sound of it.10:24
eleitldamn, must afk for a while.10:24
Martynso you have to take into account the bell curve .. how many projects require scale pm, nm, mico, mili, centi, deci, m, etc...10:25
Martyneleitl: That was a bit insulting .. I'm a linux kernel engineer by trade.10:25
-!- Phreedom_ is now known as Phreedom10:28
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kanzureheh i'm getting ads for virgingalactic tickets in my gmail account11:46
Martynthat's funny11:48
kanzure$200k/seat heh11:48
MartynWell, that's what it will cost for them to continue building out new ships11:50
kanzurewell, guess i should get back to work11:50
MartynConsidering the millions of dollars it takes today to get -anyone- up into a suborbital trajectory ...11:50
kanzurei still want to reverse engineer the .sldprt format11:50
Martynit's a bargain11:50
kanzuredo you have any thoughts on how i can do this?11:50
Martynnot many.11:50
kanzurei can break the file up into identifiable subsections11:50
kanzurebut there's this chunk of binary data11:50
kanzurenow, this is made even harder by the fact that i don't have a local installation of solidworks11:51
kanzurei did at one point but i'm not sure where it ran off to :)11:51
kanzurecould someone in here load up files every once in a while and confirm whether or not they are what i claim they should be?11:51
MartynWell, I certainly can.11:55
MartynI'll reinstall Solidworks today on my Windows 7 parallels install11:55
Martynand generate some blank files11:55
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@adsl-68-88-72-8.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has quit ["Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de"]12:10
kanzurenah i have blank files12:12
kanzureMartyn: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/sw-reverser.zip have fun12:12
MartynWhat's in the file?12:13
kanzurelots and lots of .sldprt files, starting with blank ones, moving up to basic geometric primitives, etc.12:14
kanzureit's about 8 MB12:14
kanzurealso includes each .sldprt file saved in 10 other formats12:15
kanzurehm the first bytes are always 1d23 71d5 81da a248 58a8 b298 891b 99ef 12:28
kanzureisn't 231d "#"? 12:29
kanzureer just 2312:33
technologiclee3Martyn: what were you talking about with the 32bits and picometer resolution?12:59
Martyntech : 32 bits only provides for 4 billion integer resolution13:02
Martynwhich means you would be only able to measure four meters, at picometer resolution13:03
Martyn(assuming an unsigned integer)13:03
MartynThere are tricks you can use, to increase your integer sizes (long long)13:03
Martynhowever, in the end you add overhead since the processor can't handle numbers that large in one tick13:03
Martyn64 bit processors, of course, have no such issues13:04
MartynThat is, for example, why a 32bit ARM processor can only address 4GB of RAM.13:04
Martyn(unless you want to use special paging tricks)13:04
Martyn0 to 2^64 covers 18,446,744,073,709,551,61513:08
MartynOr 18 exabytes13:08
MartynSo you could measure something about eighteen million kilometers long .. roughly the distance between the sun and the farthest the moon gets from the sun ... in picometers13:11
MartynBig difference :_)13:11
kanzureyou could also use scientific notation13:12
kanzurei know, it's lame to not have a billion zeroes in your integers13:12
kanzurewell, 64 zeroes or something ;)13:13
Martyn    ×13:13
Martyn      1013:13
Martyn      1913:13
MartynEr .. 1.84*10^1913:13
Martynso 19 zeroes13:13
kanzureno why would you store 19 zeroes?13:14
MartynYou're not storing 19 zeros13:21
Martynyou are doing binary math13:21
Martynwhich means you need enough bits to -do- the math13:22
Martynwhen you talk about picometer resolution, it means you have to be able to do the following:13:22
Martyn2,445,324,923,210,836,421 + 564,275,345,226,264,211 / ..... etc.. etc..13:23
Martyn(even though, admitedly, measuring something the distance between the sun and venus .. in picometers .. is a bit do-laly)13:24
kanzureusually when i deal with small scales i just use units13:24
kanzureso i say 19 pm + 15 pm13:24
kanzurewhat's the big deal13:24
kanzurejust say 19 instead of a float representing a trillionth of a meter13:25
Martynkanzure : We're talking about manufacturing here13:25
technologiclee3well what is this resoulution for a CAD system?13:25
kanzureMartyn: yes i'm well aware :)13:25
Martyntechnologiclee3 : kanzure and eleitl were discussing what the base resolutoin for the model exchange format should be13:26
kanzureactually, no13:26
Martyneleitl has an interest in pico-scale manufacturing13:26
kanzurewell that's true :)13:26
MartynMy apologies, I misundersood though13:26
kanzureyeah i agree it would be a stupid idea to make the file format use picometer resolution for everything13:26
kanzureeven, say, 100km designs13:27
kanzurehave you ever played with GNU units before?13:27
Martynalthough pm scales respresent distances that describe distances of electrons from their nuclei .. and even the nuclei themselves.13:27
technologiclee3do you have a specific software in mind?13:27
kanzuretechnologiclee3: skdb13:27
MartynI still say that nm resolution, in 64 bit, is sufficient13:27
kanzuretechnologiclee3: eugen was suggesting we add in support for these multi-scale resolution on CAD parts13:27
Martynthat is enough to describe distances within the -galaxy-13:27
kanzureshow me a case where i need a 64bit integer that i can't get by just saying "some number in pm units" or somesuch13:28
kanzureor whatever the appropriate units would be13:28
technologiclee3there can 2 parts to the program13:29
technologiclee3one for dealing with the pico/nano/micro world and it's rules and then a general CAD program on top13:30
kanzureright now in skdb you can (sadly) scale down any boundary representation model to as far as you like13:30
kanzurefenn says OCC limits it to 1e-8 or something13:31
kanzurebut even then, let's say you remove that threshold13:31
kanzureit still would let you scale it down as small as you like13:31
kanzurewhich isn't exactly useful because at some point, you hit atoms13:31
kanzureand finite resolution, and the boundary-representations are usually curved in weird ways that atoms just don't look like :)13:31
technologiclee3there can be a solar system / galaxy scale for bigger projects, but that can wait for now13:31
kanzureso i don't know how to mediate that "threshold" between the point where you have a boundary representation and you get atoms13:32
kanzureif you take Martyn's idea, everything is automagically in atomic resolution *always*13:32
technologiclee3it's the granularity of the material13:32
technologiclee3and the forces involved13:32
kanzureMartyn: is that right?13:32
kanzureMartyn: you were thinking of a representation of CAD models that would be based on atoms and scalable to large structures?13:33
MartynI was13:33
technologiclee3if it is just the model that is fine it can have that precision whether we can manufacture to those tolerences or not, it only matters it you want to simulate - or if the structure is very small13:34
kanzuretechnologiclee3: if i gave you a 2D or 3D curve that was differentiable at all points, could you write a program to figure out the right sequence of atoms that would construct that curve? with correct bonds etc. using nanoengineer113:34
kanzureyeah i'm not too worried about simulation. i think someone else should handle that13:34
MartynIn fact, I was just thinking that you set the base resolution to some reasonable real world distance that is likely to be used in the project13:34
kanzureMartyn: :p sounds like you're a planck-length advocate13:35
Martynnm seems like a good one, because 2^32 nm is a very large object13:35
kanzureplanck? plank?13:35
Martynbut one nm describes a small one nicely13:35
Martynand everything in between is likely a useful measurement for manufacturing13:35
Martyn( nm nicely describes colors too ..)13:35
technologiclee3theoretically - i could get it done more quickly by finding a real programmer - at this point i could look up a structure of a given diameter. NE-1 will let you put an atom wherever you want and bond it - then one - does Energy Minimization13:36
Martynin 32 bits, the maximum size of an object is still 4 meters, but in 64 bits .. well .. you're in great shape13:36
kanzureMartyn: i still think you're bullshitting me. in skdb we have had thousands of km long objects13:37
kanzurewe just say "the length is 100km"13:37
MartynSure, because you're saying that a variable base is desireable, which frankly I can agree with13:37
kanzurewhat is a "variable base"13:38
MartynThe smallest unit of measure you can break the project down into13:38
Martynor need to represent13:38
Martyni.e. how accurate do you need to be on an object that you're describing that is .. say .. 1km in size13:38
MartynIf you have to be accurate to a mm, you're in good shape ...13:38
kanzureon the question of accuracy, you can also get some extra umph out of doing it algorithmically13:39
Martynif you have to be accurate to a nm .. then you're going to have an interesting time ..13:39
kanzureeven if you need sub-mm in your example13:39
Martynit's all theoretical13:39
kanzurefor instance a repeating set of 4 atoms to make up a 1km object13:39
Martyngive me a practical object :)13:39
technologiclee3the chemists like the angstrom or 1/10 of a nm - which is fine for the program - the user may prefer to see things in engineering notation nm,UM, mm13:39
kanzureMartyn: just saying, it seems like a non-problem13:39
MartynMight be.  Lets see what happens during implementation13:40
MartynI'm a practical man, and I like Things that work now.13:40
kanzureok great13:40
Utopiah( OS House : Supplying a platform that shares drawings and construction information in an open source way http://www.os-house.org/ )13:40
MartynSPEAKING of things that work now ... I'm going to get back to getting my new nozzle drawn up in SolidWorks today13:41
MartynSo I can have a faster and more accurate makerbot13:41
technologiclee3so, say SKDB is doing a reprap build or such - it just needs to know that the tool places 1/10 of a millimeter or whatever on each pass13:41
kanzureMartyn: what i'm still confused about is the actual features that are needed to satisfy eugen's requests13:42
Martyn(The head I'm working on right now will have a 0.18mm nozzle hole, and the tip is 0.20mm ... that's going to be good enough for most of my needs for rapid prototyping )13:42
kanzurei guess that was just a chemical binding operation13:43
kanzureso that's what needs to be described. there's no chemical reaction tools yet in skdb13:43
technologiclee3until you want to hook up an ion beam to it...  then ...   what if you just consider atoms and molucles as parts?13:43
MartynI still have to figure out how I'm going to improve the MakerBot's accuracy so that it can position the head with 0.1mm accuracy13:43
kanzurewhat else would they be but parts?13:43
MartynI have some rotatry optical encoers...13:44
kanzureMartyn: is it windy in your neck of the woods?13:44
* Martyn shrugs13:44
MartynI'm going to worry about things that exist :)13:44
kanzureyeah.. hm.13:44
Martyngusts that are bending trees over13:44
MartynSolidworks installed!  Woot.13:44
technologiclee3so does SKDB interface with any reprab driver software yet?13:45
MartynI found my license key .. it was hiding at the bottom of a box, in the back of the closet, labeled "misc stuff thrown in at last minute"13:45
kanzuretechnologiclee3: no, i don't have a reprap to play with :(13:45
Martynkanzure : See what I mean?13:45
Martynkanzure : PRACTICAL first :_  -grin-13:45
MartynI have a makerbot you can play with.. it's rep-rap-ish13:45
kanzurehow is that practical? it's all the way over there13:45
MartynI'll bring it to the space once we have things set up :)13:45
Martynand I'm reasonably sure it won't be damaged13:46
kanzureoh you're thinking about the future13:46
MartynJust a short way into the future... a few weeks.13:46
technologiclee3we have internet - tools could be networked like printers13:46
kanzureMartyn: hey did the techshop epilog laser have any cupsd drivers?13:46
Utopiahtechnologiclee3: IPv6 and APIs on every production mean13:46
technologiclee3or if you own the printer you could 'permit' prints as one sees fit13:46
kanzurei haven't been able to find non-windows-drivers for the laser cutters13:46
Martynkanzure : No.13:48
Martynkanzure : Epilog doens't play well with CUPS13:48
kanzurethat's sad13:48
MartynCUPS doesn't handle vector13:48
Martynand epilog isn't postscript based13:48
kanzureis there a vector-based linux-compatible print server?13:49
Martynkanzure : The J-TEC laser cutters from China have linux drivers13:49
MartynThe program directly drives the J-TEC through USB13:49
kanzurethe program? so it's not through kernel-land?13:49
Martynand uploads bitmaps for etch, vector data for cut13:49
Martynno, it's all userspace13:49
Martynthere are no kernelspace laser cutter drivers, nor would I expect there to be any13:49
kanzurethe emc peeps do kernelspace for controlling their cutting machines13:50
Martynalmost all laser cutters available today operate on a "transfer job to cutter" queue mechanism13:50
kanzureyeah but that doesn't let you do real time feedback13:50
Martynwell, they take advantage of realtime extensions in the kernel, but that's a different kettle of fish13:50
kanzureanother thing for the todo list13:50
MartynWow... this apple is faster at running Solidworks through emulation .. than  my laptop was at doing it in real hardware.  That's sad :)13:51
kanzurewhat emulator? 13:51
kanzurevirtualbox? bochs? er.. running out of ideas13:52
kanzureMartyn: sometime later in the week would you be willing to help ybit or me package up skdb or one of its depenencies (pythonocc) into a .deb?13:53
kanzureor a .dmg if you're familiar with that13:53
technologiclee3i tried to use BitRock Install Builder once - didn't quite get it13:57
kanzuremaking a .deb is a long process the first time you do it, i hear13:58
kanzurehalf the time i can't even remember where i put the intermediate files, and i take good care of my path structures.. blah.13:58
technologiclee3that .deb for NE-1 i saw did not have the dependencies - i do not see how it was different form the tar.gz download13:59
kanzureit didn't have any dependencies?13:59
Martynkanzure : I'd be happy to teach you, sure.13:59
kanzureMartyn: have you done it before?13:59
Martynmany times.  I'm an Ubuntu maintainer14:00
kanzuredoes ubuntu have the same debian-dev-server-ring setup going on?14:00
Martyneven more so14:00
technologiclee3if you want some atoms ready to go in Ubuntu... http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg1405690.html14:01
kanzurei still don't see the point of nanoengineer114:01
kanzureyou shouldn't have to "see" DNA14:01
kanzureisn't the sequence more important?14:02
technologiclee3the point is that it is a design tool - the sequnce can be modeled to atomic detail - the oragami feature leats you work at a larger scale14:02
technologiclee3it is a set of parts that should be in SKDB http://www.dana-farber.org/abo/news/press/2009/scientists-create-custom-three-dimensional-structures-with-dna-origami.html14:04
technologiclee3the atoms make the DNA and the DNA makes the parts - all that can be ignored by the person who wants to make the parts into a material - which is used to make somethink like a road that extends for kilometers and absorbs sunlight to make electricity14:06
technologiclee3had to do a reinstall - lets see if i can get NE! running in lucid  - http://nanoengineer-1.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=NE1_Build_Requirements#Linux14:14
technologiclee3this is about to turn into an NE! install session...    Hey Bryan about that NE! install script.. you skil python2.5 and g++14:19
technologiclee3also skip the qt4-devtools=4.3.5-0ubuntu3, libqt........ i sent you the script i was working on - which gets 1/2 way thru the install and after the pyqt the rest is just cut and past here it is fot the others http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AcY64lRR9IiPZGMyNjg4OXhfMTE0Z2t0a2poZ3g&hl=en14:25
technologiclee3*set root pwd....*14:43
technologiclee3apt-get install build-essential14:43
technologiclee3oops wrond box14:43
kanzurei get stuck elsewhere because of some bad drivers on my laptop (i965)15:05
kanzureanyway if i boot into an earlier kernel i'll be able to play with it, but the downside is that wifi won't15:06
technologiclee3dam the PyQt i need is not there anymore - NE1 s got one foot in the grave if its dependencies are outdated...  http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/static/Downloads/PyQt4/PyQt-x11-gpl-4.4.4.tar.gz15:21
technologiclee3anyone where i can get that file - it was the onlu place on the net i could find15:22
kanzureit worked for me with python-qt415:23
kanzureand python-qt4-gpl15:23
kanzure(this was on the debian repositories)15:23
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technologiclee3berkley db 4.5 is longer in the reposotories either 4.6 and change the path or , go find 4.515:42
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technologiclee3well, i saw the start screen then i got ImportError: No module named idlelib.Delegator15:52
technologiclee3l@EV007:~/ne1/112/cad/src$ python2.5 main.py15:52
technologiclee3ImportError: No module named PyQt4.Qt15:53
kanzuresudo apt-get install idle-python2.515:54
kanzuresudo apt-get install python-qt415:54
technologiclee3they installed - same error15:58
kanzuretry just: sudo apt-get install idle15:59
technologiclee3same error16:01
technologiclee3here is the packages doc they are doing for fedora http://fitzsim.org/packages/NanoEngineer-1.spec16:02
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kanzurehello Redeemer 18:03
RedeemerHey, whats up.18:05
kanzurerandallagordon: thanks for the feedback19:12
kanzureblargh, spammers: http://groups.google.com/groups/profile?hl=en&enc_user=C2762x8AAADcopddhEWYDBSbYFWiBPHyk_b8rF62FW1FmIgf2U6ekw20:31
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randallagordon_Still tweakin' your site?22:17
kanzureyes :) a few tweaks here, a few tweaks there22:20
randallagordon_ah, evolution ;)22:22
randallagordon_working on a site for a new client myself...custom WordPress template22:22
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kanzurewho is peer infinity?22:46

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