
--- Day changed Sat Dec 26 2009
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MrClif1oh Hi, guys I've been doing christmass stuff at my Brothers house so haven't been at the keyboard.02:05
MrClif1id mrclif 02:05
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kanzurehello JayDugger 09:44
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@adsl-68-88-72-8.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:47
JayDuggerHello, kanzure. I apologize for the lag in answering. I had some housework to do.11:17
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JayDuggerKanzure, do you plan to attend the Foresight 2010 conference next month?11:34
kanzurei haven't decided yet. i'm kind of annoyed that hod is talking there about open manufacturing11:36
kanzureand that nobody told me about it until last week11:36
JayDuggerHod? A nickname or a typo?11:36
kanzurehod lipson11:37
kanzure"Open source in manufacturing and AI"11:37
kanzure"Principles underlying exponential manufacturing"11:38
kanzurei have no idea why half of these people are speaking. anissimov? he doesn't care about manufacturing11:38
JayDuggerI see Hod Lipson at "Adaptive and Self-Reflective Systems."11:38
kanzurehe's the only one with background in anything vaguely related to open manufacturing11:39
JayDuggerYeah, but you do get Merkle's presentation.11:39
JayDuggerI don't think attendance deserves the airfare and hotel cost, but I don't know about the off-program value.11:40
JayDuggerNot going myself, but I wondered if you were.11:40
kanzurei think we should get at least one goon to go11:40
kanzurei know some people in the area11:40
kanzurenamely fenn11:40
kanzurefenn: please?11:41
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JayDuggerKanzure, if you end up going, you might see if you know a Senior Associate for the Saturday evening Senior Associate Reception. Each S.A. gets to bring one guest.11:53
kanzurenoted :)12:04
-!- biohackernoob [i=4404d867@gateway/web/freenode/x-cwrbnfmchgztcxmc] has joined #hplusroadmap12:25
kanzurebiohackernoob: there's a way to transfer DNA to agrobacterium via flash freezing12:25
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kanzurebiohackernoob: there should be some papers on agrobacterium here: http://designfiles.org/papers/12:26
biohackernoobya, this website has a simple project that does that: http://www.midthun.net/newpage11.htm12:26
kanzureLight strongly promotes gene transfer from Agrobacterium tumefaciens to plant cells: http://designfiles.org/papers/Light%20strongly%20promotes%20gene%20transfer%20from%20Agrobacterium%20tumefaciens%20to%20plant%20cells.pdf12:26
kanzureamong others12:26
biohackernoobit sounds really simple, but is it required to use ampicillin? the project uses it in conjunction with the lux operon12:26
biohackernoobthx for the links :)12:26
kanzurei didn't see anything about flash freezing on that page- looks like a different method12:26
kanzureampicilin shouldn't be too incredibly hard to acquire12:27
biohackernoobbut is it necessary or was that just for the project?12:27
biohackernooball im interested in is bioluminescece12:27
kanzurethis looks like the typical ampicilin resistance project12:28
kanzureampicilin resistance is added so that you can kill off everything that did *not* get the genes you wanted12:28
kanzureeverything that is not resistant to ampicilin will also not have the gene you're trying to throw into it12:28
kanzurethus if you infect the population with ampicilin you will only have your genetically modified organisms left :)12:29
biohackernoobah ya that would be useful12:29
biohackernoobonce a plant has been transformed with a bioluminescence gene, that plant can be then bred and the offspring will exibit that trait right?12:34
kanzureit depends on what you do precisely12:36
kanzureif you inject a plasmid into the plant cells, the plasmid will stay there and in some cases persist over a few generations, but since it's not integrated in the genome it doesn't continue forever12:36
kanzureif you literally modify the genome, then it's in there for good12:36
biohackernoobo i thought the plasmid incorporated itself into the plants genes?12:37
biohackernoobthrough the use of A. tumefaciens12:37
biohackernooband should the introducition of the plasmid be in the early stages of the plant's life or when it's fully grown?12:39
kanzurewait wait12:39
kanzurehold on i might have lied.12:39
kanzurethere are two types of plasmids12:39
kanzurenon-integrating and integrating-plasmids 12:40
kanzureintegrating-plasmids get put into the genome12:40
kanzurenon-integrating plasmids are called episomes (sometimes)12:40
kanzureanyway, sorry about that12:41
kanzureyes some plasmids can be integrated into the genome12:41
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biohackernoobatm im trying to devise the simplest expirement so this can be accomplished....12:42
kanzurethe ampicilin-resistance gene experiments are sometimes performed in high school biology classes12:43
biohackernoobso far im thinking: introduce biolumin. plasmid into A. tumefaciens; introduce A. tumefaciens to the plant in question12:43
biohackernoobi might just skip the ampicilin-res. gene...12:43
kanzurei've never seen anyone handle agrobacterium without a clean room. but this doesn't mean it can't be done (i guess)12:44
kanzureit's also a good idea to just make a clean room in the first place ;)12:44
biohackernooba clean room? why?12:44
biohackernoobagrobacterium isnt harmful to humans..12:44
biohackernoobor so i thought12:44
biohackernooband i dont have the money/supplies to make a clean room :P12:45
biohackernoobill just... "be careful" XD12:45
kanzureusually the reasons why you make a clean room is so that you don't hurt *the experiment*12:45
kanzuredon't get me wrong, i think this is a good project for you12:45
biohackernoobmy dad has a cleanroom at his work12:46
biohackernoobif i could use it over the weekend12:46
biohackernoobi might be able to do this properly :P12:46
biohackernoobif not, ill just deal with it12:46
biohackernoobas for the site that i linked you to, can i just replace the E. coli called for in the experiement with A. tumefaciens?12:49
biohackernoobor is some other procedure probably required?12:51
kanzureyou will need to use another procedure12:52
kanzureagrobacterium and ecoli are different and grow better under different conditions12:52
kanzuresuperkuh: did you ever do an agrobacterium project?12:53
superkuhI have come to the conclusion that any biology projects are currently beyond my means.12:53
biohackernoobthat doesnt sound encouraging :(12:54
kanzurebiohackernoob: he collected some notes here: http://superkuh.ath.cx/users/superkuh/Library/000-Bio%20And%20Chemistry/001-agrobacterium/12:54
biohackernoobcool thanks12:56
-!- bct_ [n=bct@S0106001c1041555b.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:59
biohackernoobhm... the agrobacterium pdfs seem to be timing out :/12:59
superkuhMy roommate is torrenting movies currently. Try something that can handle intermittent connections.13:01
biohackernoobill just wait13:01
superkuhYou may be waiting for months. Sorry.13:02
superkuhMy webserver, thttpd, does bandwidth throttling in a funny way and many browsers think the connection drops.13:05
biohackernoobwell it IS downloading13:06
biohackernoobjust intermittently as u said13:06
biohackernooband very slowly :P13:06
biohackernooboh and for bioluminescence there are lots of different plasmids you can buy... any ideas which are the ones to get?13:08
biohackernoobone source suggested plasmid pUCD61513:08
biohackernoobwhich has lux ABCDE i think and doesnt require a promoter13:09
biohackernoobbut i couldnt find anywhere to buy that...13:09
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-!- JayDugger [n=duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has left #hplusroadmap []13:14
-!- Martyn [n=martinb@cpe-70-112-85-99.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:14
kanzurehey Martyn 13:15
kanzureare you on the openmanufacturing mailing list yet?13:15
MartynNot that I know of13:21
MartynOpen manufacturing isn't a huge focus of my life...13:21
kanzurehackerspaces my friend?13:23
MartynYes, but the standardization of protocols and such just isn't something that excites me :)13:28
MartynI'm going to concentrate on the three spaces I have a personal interest in ..13:28
MartynNYC Resistor, Noisebridge, and the new studio here in Austin13:29
biohackernoobsuperkuh 's stuff is a lot to read O.o13:29
MartynToday, I'm working on a gel electrophoresis tray for a friend in San Francisco13:30
biohackernooband the protocols are really complex... i was hoping for something a bit simpler13:31
MartynAll kind of fun gluing glass together :)13:32
-!- Aliks [n=epicurea@76-14-163-117.wsac.wavecable.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:32
Aliksbig room13:32
Alikswasnt expecting this kind of size13:32
MartynWe could shink it :)13:34
Martynshrink it .. *chuckle*13:34
MartynI'll need one of those Dr. Who devices though ... "dimensional stabilizer sonic screwdriver with a fluxtron emitter."13:35
Martyn(or star trek)13:35
biohackernoobso what do u think would happen if i just threw some agrobacterium, agar, and plasmids onto a plate, let it sit for a while, and wait until a colony of agrobacterium is bioluminescent.. then trasfer that colony to a plant? :P13:37
biohackernoobis that overly simple experiment doomed to fail?13:37
biohackernoobor is there even the slightest chance of success?13:38
Martynplasmids are not something you can just stably "dump into a plate"13:39
biohackernoobwhy is that?13:39
biohackernoobcant the bacterium just take up the plasmid?13:39
MartynNot kidding in the noob category?   The explanation is long, and easily fills two -semesters- worth of bioscience13:40
* biohackernoob is basing this off of AP biology from high school.. so bare with him :P13:40
biohackernoobso bacteria need something to force them to take up the plasmid?13:40
Martynbiohackernoob : A comparison would be .. "Can I throw a supercharger into a garage with a car, shake it up, and expect the supercharger to install itself?"13:41
MartynThat' is -precisely- the right analogy13:41
biohackernoobalright, so what is the #1 that is missing from my over-simplified experiment?13:41
MartynHowever, you can educate yourself rather rapidly13:41
biohackernoobi am.. ive read a ton in the past 24 hours13:42
biohackernooband am still learning :)13:42
biohackernoobi just have an obsession with over-simplified experiments13:42
MartynWhat you are missing is a basic understanding of how plasmid transfter between bacteria works, and how the genetics of plants work, and why bacteria and plants are very different.13:42
MartynYou may be more interested in reading about the Tobacco Mosaic virus, and how it can be used as a carrier of gene sequences into tomatoes13:42
biohackernoobhm... i was talking about the parts in the experiment.. i understand the basics of that kind of stuff, enough to understand. i just need help devising an experiment, preferably ultra-simple13:43
katsmeow-afkbare != bear13:43
MartynThere is also now a High School / Early College level set of kits you can use to study how the gene for luminol into a tomato13:44
Martyneverything you need comes in the kit, and there is enough material in the kit to repeat the experiment a couple times13:44
biohackernoobbut it's restricted to tomatoes?13:44
Martyn(It uses a phage, which has already been prepared for you)13:44
kanzuremaybe he was being metaphorical about throwing things together randomly13:44
MartynIt's not that it's restricted to tomatoes .. it's just that the /vector/ (phage) only infects tomatos13:45
kanzurehello Aliks 13:45
MartynIt's still Nobel-level science to inject genes for flourecense into various creatures.  It's -very- useful, but it's not random.13:45
biohackernooband kanzure, in effect, i wasnt :P i'm curious as to what the SIMPLEST experiement for bioluminescence in plants would be13:46
MartynThe fact just is that it -isn't- simple.13:46
kanzureMartyn: it's not a nobel experiment, sorry13:46
biohackernoobits not simple, but can be made simpler i'm betting13:47
Martynkanzure: It's hard bioscience to put the flourecense gene into a creature that doesn't yet have it.   It's -far- from trivial, and involves inserting a long sequence into a metabolic pathway.13:47
kanzurehow is it "hard"13:48
kanzuresorry, i think you're just bullshitting the newbie13:48
kanzurehave you done this ever?13:48
biohackernooband you're underestimating me :/13:49
biohackernoobwhich is understandable13:49
biohackernoobbut i'm definitely not stupid and am willing to challenge myself13:49
kanzurebiohackernoob: well he's right that it takes a lot of hard work and a lot of reading :)13:49
biohackernoobone of the challenges being: to devise the simpliest experiment for bioluminescence that can be done at home13:50
biohackernoobthats the goal anyway...13:50
kanzurewell if you wanted that, get some fireflies :)13:50
Martynkanzure : Yes, with my father, and Nobel Laurate Dr. H. G. Khorana in fact.13:51
biohackernoobwell, i wanted bioluminescence in plants to be exact...13:51
biohackernoobanimals not so much13:51
Martynkanzure : I grew up with bioscience in my house.  My dad is the chair of Biochemistry at UCSC, and I nearly went in the direction of biochem/molecular bio instead of computer science.13:52
MartynI still do TA work for my dad from time to time, like correct tests.13:52
MartynNOW ..13:54
Martynas I was saying13:54
kanzureha ha13:54
MartynYou can buy kits these days that take the extremely hard thing (inserting a gene sequence into a vector) and make it easy by giving you a pre-prepared vector13:54
biohackernoobbut is there such a kit for Plasmid pUCD615 in A. tumefaciens?13:55
MartynI don't think you have to be related to a university or high school to buy them .. but I could be wrong on that point.13:55
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biohackernoobwell i attend UCLA, so im sure connections can be made if necessary13:56
kanzureMartyn: i haven't seen a place that ships plasmids to anyone, sadly :(13:56
kanzurebiohackernoob: oh you're in a university? that helps13:56
MartynAny reason you want to insert the gene for an antibiotic resistance into a bacteria?13:56
biohackernoobnope, all i care about is the bioluminescence13:57
kanzureMartyn: he didn't want to do that for some reason. i tried explaining to him that it helps to pick out the bacteria that didn't get the new plasmids.13:57
Martynkanzure : "plasmid"  "plasmid carrying strains"13:57
kanzureMartyn: i meant "just anyone"13:57
biohackernoobwell im just saying if i have to, then fine13:57
kanzureMartyn: of course they ship to universities and businesses :) sorry for the ambiguity13:57
biohackernoobotherwise, i could leave it out to simplify the experiement13:57
biohackernoobso the resistance gene can be in, or out i dont care atm13:58
MartynOkay, look .. if you hold on for a second, I'll call my dad and see where he gets the lab kits for the BMB100 course he teaches.13:59
MartynI'll be "away" for about 10-20 minutes13:59
kanzurebut that's a professor13:59
MartynYes, but I've ordered the DNA PCR experiment kits before to teach a boy scout troop, and I definitely am /not/14:00
kanzuremy guesses: fisher scientific, carolina supply co., merck, sigma-aldrich (last)14:00
kanzureah well that was probably from carolina14:00
Martynand I didn't use my dad's association to buy them14:00
Martynno, not from Carolina ..14:00
kanzurewell let's see what he has to recommend :)14:00
MartynIt's a bioscience place over in North Carolina14:01
MartynAh, he uses an ATP Bioluminescence assay kit from Roche for the experiment ... still requires lab equpment you don't have acess to.14:05
kanzureroche. huh14:07
MartynHe is reminding me that the bioluminescence experiment I'm thinking of involves a bacteria with the Lux sequence ( Tomato Cancer bacteria ) to see if the tomatos are resistant or not to the bacteria14:08
MartynSo it's not actually inserting the gene sequence into the tomato, it's inserting the gene sequence into the bacteria using a bacteriophage, and it's a complex and low-yield experiment to get the sequence into the bacteria in the first place.14:09
MartynI'm also getting the standard lecture about doing experiments in  my garage.  -laugh-14:10
Martyn(as in "DON'T!" )14:10
Martynkanzure : How much gene sequencing have you done, out of curiosity?  Have you done lab work to do gene splicing?14:12
kanzurei have not done splicing14:12
kanzurei have not done sequencing either 14:12
kanzurefyi everyone the skdb server is back up for a few minutes. was showing someone else and thought i'd drop a link14:14
MartynThen why the _heck_ would you take the position that it's not Nobel class science?    Just two years ago Martin J. Evans (and two others) won the nobel prize for creating a knockout gene mouse14:16
MartynThe whole point of the Lux sequence, and why the Lux sequence itself is Nobel-class science, is that it has provided a metabolic pathway to find the specific action of gene sequences.  It's still cutting edge science, and far from easy to do!14:17
kanzurethat was for gene targeting14:17
MartynInserting the Lux sequence in a specific location is an incredibly hard task, and one that any grad-level student can still persue to get a PhD.14:18
biohackernoobhere is something interesting: http://www.genome.ou.edu/protocol_book/protocol_adxF.html 14:18
biohackernoobheat shock is what the high school project was about14:18
biohackernooband apparently it doesnt only work on e. coli14:19
kanzureusually it's more important that you put the promoter somewhere near to the target gene so what you do is put the promoter next to the gene sequence you want14:19
biohackernoobmaybe it could be tried on agrobacterium?14:19
kanzureand then put in the entire sequence just about anywhere14:19
MartynOkay, enough time online .. I /need/ to get back to working on this gel tray14:20
kanzurecad files please? :)14:20
kanzureand if you gimme a mesh i'll bonk you over the head :p14:21
biohackernoobok, well, kanzure what do u think of heat shock to agrobacterium?14:21
MartynCad files?  It's just cut glass :)14:21
MartynThere is nothing I'm doing that involves more than using a glass cutter, a pair of glass pliers, a heat torch, or glass glue...14:21
kanzureyes but not everyone wants to do it manually forever14:22
kanzure(i'm glad that you do, though)14:23
MartynIt's not that different from this one ..14:23
MartynAlthough I don't make it from plastic ...14:23
Martynsome people have been making it out of acrylic, and have discovered that acrylic will spoil some runs14:24
kanzureany reason why? i see lots of people making theirs with acrylic these days14:24
Martyn(the best thing to use is polycarbonate)14:24
kanzureah i see14:24
kanzurei didn't know that about acrylic14:24
MartynWhen you are trying to separate things above a molecular weight of 4000, it's not an issue14:24
Martynwhen you are starting to use cutters to get below 800, then acrylic has some properties that get in the way14:25
kanzuredoes it depend on the gel too?14:30
kanzurewait there should be a paper on this by now14:31
kanzurecomparing different gels vs. voltage vs. box material14:31
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biohackernoobif i took the experiment from here: http://www.midthun.net/newpage11.htm , swapped out e. coli for agrobacterium, and tried multiple cultures at different temperatures, according to this: http://www.genome.ou.edu/protocol_book/protocol_adxF.html it should work14:39
biohackernoobeven if the rate of success will be incredibly low.. doing it many times should yield some sort of result14:40
biohackernoobthen once u have the agrobacterium, u could just breed them so u can try multiple trials on various plants14:41
Martyn*shakes head*14:44
MartynJust because a bacteria infects a plant, does not mean there will be exchange of DNA14:44
Martynyou need a vector you know will do the job.14:45
biohackernoobya, agrobacterium is the most common vector for transection in plants14:46
kanzureagrobacterium specifically invades cells and has a pore that DNA translocates out of, IIRC14:46
kanzurethe protein pore is pretty awesome btw, i've been trying to figure out all of the genes that encode it so it can be ported to other organisms in the future14:46
* kanzure loads his paper dir14:46
kanzurehere we go: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/competence_proteins_ADP1.jpg14:47
kanzure(this was not agrobacterium however)14:47
kanzureer wait, sorry14:47
kanzurei'm getting things mixed up14:47
kanzurethe competence proteins listed there are for making a specific cell "competent" in the sense that it takes up and absorbs DNA naturally14:47
kanzureand it isn't the same exact one used in agrobacterium14:47
kanzurein particular that was from acinetobacter: http://heybryan.org/docs/Acinetobacter_instead_of_ecoli.html14:48
kanzurepaper: http://heybryan.org/docs/Acinetobacter_ADP1.pdf14:48
biohackernoobhm.. after reading some stuff about transfection, apparently you can do it without a vector14:48
biohackernoobyou just insert the plasmid directly14:49
-!- Aliks [n=epicurea@76-14-163-117.wsac.wavecable.com] has joined #hplusroadmap14:49
biohackernooblower chance of success, but still works O.o14:49
kanzurehey Aliks 14:49
Aliksback for a bit, got booted14:49
Alikslo kanzure14:49
Alikswhats going on in the hplus world?14:49
kanzureright now we're talking about "natural competence" in organisms where they take in DNA from their environment14:50
biohackernoobim asking tons of rediculous questions is whats going on :P14:50
kanzurejust some links from the last few moments14:50
* Aliks nods.14:50
Aliksyou guys involved in DIYbio?14:50
Aliksyour name looks familiar14:50
biohackernoobbut apparently i can skip the agrobacteria step14:51
kanzureAliks: yes, we're everywhere14:51
Aliksthats funny14:51
Martynokay, first box finished .. 9 to go14:51
biohackernoobit says with calcium phosphate, you can transfect DNA directly into a cell14:51
biohackernoobthe likelyhood of incorporation into the genome is low, but happens14:52
kanzureyes that's a very popular method14:52
biohackernoobwhy dont i just trying that with like 200 samples!?14:52
biohackernoobas long as a single one does it, i can breed the plants to my hearts desire :D14:52
kanzurehttp://protocol-online.org/ is your friend btw14:52
Alikshey bryan, your pics take a while to load man.. gotta reduce resolution lol14:53
kanzureAliks: yeah it's being served up on my home internet connection14:53
kanzureany pictures in particular? i might have them hosted on a faster server somewhere14:53
Aliksthe one on the right top14:53
Aliksthat makes sense then14:53
kanzureok try this: http://designfiles.org/papers/competence_proteins_ADP1.jpg14:53
Aliksjust the home host thing14:53
Aliksyeah the pic is small actually, 53k14:53
kanzurethat should be so fast it blueshifts your face off14:53
kanzureer, redshifts :)14:53
kanzurei'm sorry :)14:54
Aliksdid I get disconnected again or did you guys get quiet?14:56
kanzurewhat was the last message you received14:56
Aliksnah I'm connected14:57
Aliksyou guys were just quiet14:57
kanzurehi doug14:57
kanzureew mysql14:57
Aliksmeh it works14:57
AliksI don't really care about what db I use, I adapt to whatever the needs are of the project14:57
kanzuredo you do xhtml/css/javascript/ajax pretty-stuff? :)14:57
Aliksand mysql has worked find14:57
Alikser fine14:57
kanzureeveryone always uses a database14:58
AliksI do pretty much everything web based14:58
kanzureyes but do you like doing it? i hate web page design/development and need help14:58
Aliksalso I do C/C++ etc.14:58
Alikslearning biology & chemistry14:58
Aliksyeah I like it14:58
Aliksleaning toward doing things more directly toward bringing about the singularity/longevity escape velocity lately14:59
kanzureyay is there any way i can get you to help out with some diybio-related websites that are in desperate need of not sucking14:59
Aliksbut I still like it14:59
Aliksyeah sure14:59
AliksI can let you in on a preview of one I just finished up14:59
kanzureAliks: http://heybryan.org:8081/ this is the front-end website to skdb ("apt-get for hardware")14:59
kanzurehave you been keeping up with the project? i'd be happy to explain if not14:59
AliksI've been pretty distracted with school (check education part of my personal site)15:00
kanzuredo you not want to share those links with everyone?15:00
Aliksbut I'm familiar with omnifab15:00
Aliksit's not quite ready yet15:00
Aliksanother 24-48 hours it will have its final content15:00
kanzurewell we're all friends of aubrey's.. :)15:00
AliksI have a partner who's workin on content15:00
kanzureAliks: you might want to watch out, the title can be misconstrued to "campaign against /the/ aging"15:01
kanzure*picture of an aging person*15:01
kanzureyou can see how this might backfire15:01
Alikshadnt thought of that15:01
AliksI'll see how it goes15:01
Aliksif we need to clarify I can change it up15:01
biohackernoobhttp://www.its.caltech.edu/~bjorker/Ca-P_Transfection_MDCK.pdf this looks simple enough15:01
kanzureAliks: one of my recent tools that i like is this: http://fivesecondtest.com/test/nR5qw7_w15:02
Alikswe've been tweaking it a lot the last few days15:02
MartynTwo finished, 8 to go15:02
kanzureAliks: the result of that is this: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/screenshots/2009-12-24-gnusha-results.png15:02
MartynI love glass glue, at least when the fixture is working right and holding all the pieces in place15:02
kanzurei've been using it for every design mockup i've been doing lately15:02
Martynit's as fast as cyanoacrylate15:02
Aliksbut yeah, just a quick bio on me... I have been pretty much all comp sci/web dev until a few years ago when I started to learn about chemistry, biology, other sciences... trying to get involved in computational chemistry for anti-aging drug design15:04
Aliksprobably wouldve leaned more toward chem/bio earlier if the opportunity had been there, but we all do what we can when we can I guess15:04
kanzuredrug design is a fun field15:04
kanzureyou seem to have the same web background as me15:05
kanzurei was a php script kiddie back in the day :(15:05
Aliksyeah, but just for the record, I treat PHP as if it was a more complex language15:05
AliksI do a lot of db intensive work15:06
Alikslike my current project is completely automating the community college to university transfer planning process15:06
Aliksstudents punch in their major, schools they want to go to, where they assessed in english/math, max # of units to take per semester15:06
Aliksit goes and grabs the transfer requirements, then the prerequisites (all of this was a pain in the ass with no cooperation from the bureaucracy at the college)15:07
Aliks(easier to scrape their data than get a more usable format)15:07
kanzureyep i've written one too many scrapers in my time..15:07
Aliksand then it will likely use a travelling salesman type algorithm to identify the best path15:07
Aliksunless I can find a better optimisation15:07
kanzurethat's actually what i started to do when i signed up at utexas.edu 15:08
Aliksyeah my main interest now in web is doing stuff to indirectly move forward the singularity/LEV15:08
kanzurei saw this huge list of course offerings in the schedule15:08
kanzureand had no idea what i wanted to take15:08
* Aliks nods.15:08
kanzureand not only that, but what would the most optimal schedule be15:08
kanzureso i scraped the data set and got cracking :)15:08
Aliksits totally nuts how many courses places offer15:08
Aliksand then to expect people to be able to transfer etc.15:08
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Aliksand every school/school combination has different agreements15:08
Aliksits ridiculous15:09
AliksI'd like to see a DIYuniversity.  Some sort of grassroots funded, accredited university that offers courses online for cheap after it gets off the ground.15:09
kanzurethere's a few people in here working on that.. not as the project lead, but somewhere involved15:09
Aliksgo out of its way to make the process easier on students15:09
kanzureuh, now if only i could remember who it was15:09
Aliksthats crazy15:10
UtopiahAliks: http://www.ocwconsortium.org/15:10
kanzureyes there was one guy from p2puniversity15:10
kanzurenah it's not ocw15:10
Aliksthis must be the place to be... lots of smart people crawling around this place15:10
kanzureand another from wikiversity15:10
kanzureAliks: i hoard brains15:10
Utopiahthe p2p uni project was linked to OCW afaik15:10
kanzurehuh okay15:10
Utopiah(can't find their blog anymore though)15:10
Aliksonly thing about OCW is you dont get an actual degree... we need to arrange an accredited institution to pull it all together and offer degrees15:11
UtopiahAliks: my related links if you are interested http://fabien.benetou.fr/Content/Education#EducationWebsites15:11
Aliksand if you're like me you probably have gained twice as much knowledge outside of college as in15:11
Aliksand its a shame we cant get any paper for that15:11
Aliksthanks Utopiah15:11
kanzureyou can get fake diplomas from the web15:11
Utopiahdiploma mills...15:12
Alikskanzure yeah but who wants that?15:12
AliksI mean for real15:12
kanzurepeople who are screwed15:12
Aliksreal, accredited degree, but with DIY/noninstitutional mentality15:12
UtopiahAliks: check http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Education too15:13
Utopiahlink I was looking for first was : http://www.p2pu.org/15:14
kanzureaha i knew it existed and wasn't just a figment of my imagination :)15:14
biohackernoobok lets say i transfect a bioluminescent gene into a plant cell. once that process is complete, will the cell begin to produce light quickly afterwards? or does it take a long time?15:15
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kanzurewb Martyn 15:17
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Martyn5 done .. aaaand now I'm out of glue15:17
MartynOr more specifically, I can't find the new tube of glue I -just- bought last week15:17
kanzurewhere'd you buy it? name? details15:19
Martyn3M Duro Glass Weld15:21
Martynit's a clear, UV curing glass glue15:21
Martynused for glass to glass bonds15:21
MartynIt's a urethane acrylate ester15:23
MartynI think it's trade name is Ritelok15:23
* biohackernoob just realized he didnt ask a yes/ no question :P15:31
biohackernoobso quick or take a long time?15:32
kanzureit really depends. sometimes gene expression can switch on and off within a few minutes15:33
biohackernoobok so i wont have to wait 24 hours or anything15:37
biohackernoobif i wait 5-20 min i should be good right?15:38
biohackernoobmaybe 5-30?15:38
kanzurewaiting 24h requires that you wait at least 5min and at least 30min so what's the problem? either way you're waiting at least 5min15:38
biohackernoobor better yet, i could experiment with that and find out how long it takes XD15:38
kanzureand in the worst case you're waiting 24h anyway15:39
biohackernoobok, so back to selecting a plasmid.... so far the only good one i know of is: pUCD615 but i can't find where to purchase it, or anything like it for that matter15:40
biohackernoobjust found another.. pHK555, and there seems to be more info about it. reading....15:49
Martynbiohackernoob : I know this may sound like a complete shot in the dark ... but have you considered finding someone who does these experiments and having them mentor you?15:53
biohackernoobnot really... because i figured since im just doing this for kicks that they wont be interested in wasting their time teaching me :/ maybe im wrong?15:54
Martynbiohackernoob : If you're in the Austin area, I'm sure there are plenty of researchers in the University of Texas who .. if approached politely .. perhaps.15:54
biohackernoobim at UCLA15:55
Martynbiohackernoob : Even better, there is a large bioscience program there15:55
MartynWhat year?15:56
biohackernoobbut how do i approach someone with something like this? hey, i want to make glowing plants for fun. can you help me?15:56
MartynPretty much15:56
biohackernoobfreshman undergrad :S15:56
MartynMaybe better, find someone who is doing something related and ask "Hi, I'd like to know more about what you do..."15:56
biohackernoobbut then they ask what experience i have, and all i've done is AP chem and AP bio.... and im a comp sci major :P15:58
genehackerAFKso bioluminescent genes in plants tend to be disappointing15:58
kanzurenah, they like helping hands15:58
kanzurei was working in a molecular biology lab before i was a freshman15:59
genehackerAFKso don't be trying to make some luminescent roses to light the garden path just yet15:59
kanzurethey wanted to assimilate my brain early or something15:59
MartynHeh.. no15:59
biohackernoobbut i kinda want to avoid doing work for other people if possible... this is just something i want to try out XD16:00
MartynYou're not likely to be able to make glowing roses .. /flourescent/ roses, maybe16:00
kanzurethey will especially like you if you're willing to wash dishes16:00
biohackernoobwhy not glowing roses?16:00
genehackerAFKyou can make glowing roses16:00
genehackerAFKthey will be very dim16:00
biohackernoobwhy dim?16:00
genehackerAFKI looked into doing something like this once16:00
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MartyngenehackerAFK : There isn't a lot of flow in the petals16:01
Martynit's kind of hard to get lots of ATP in a petal.16:01
genehackerAFK well the stalk will glow a bit16:01
kanzurebiohackernoob: if you want, tell us where you are, and someone in here probably knows someone who can introduce you to someone appropriate, or give a recommendation16:01
kanzureif you found your way in here i'm sure they will be happy to help16:01
genehackerAFKluciferase in plants tends to be disappointing is all I know16:01
biohackernoobi said, UCLA16:02
kanzureoh sorry16:02
kanzureyeah we have goons in LA16:02
biohackernoobim sure you do :P16:02
MartynOn the other hand, they already -have- bred in a nicely flourescing pigment into a rose.  I saw a couple of them at a flower show in Fort Lauderdale "The future of roses..."16:02
kanzurelet's see.. um.16:02
MartynSure, it needs a UV light ... but hey ...16:02
biohackernoobim just not too interested in committing time to other ppls projects... im not trying to be selfish or anything, i just have other hobbies too....16:03
genehackerAFKhobbies like?16:03
kanzuresome times people are cool enough to let you in on the lab meetings and just being around to talk with16:03
kanzureother times people aren't so awesome16:03
biohackernoobbuilding shortwave radios, programming computer games, ect16:03
genehackerAFKare you taking o-chem?16:03
genehackerAFKMartyn what are you doing with glass glue, are you perhaps doing something with high grade optics?16:07
MartynI'm building gel elecrophoresis boxes for a friend in San Francisco16:10
MartynI need to finish 10, then pop them in the mail to him tomorrow morning16:10
Martyn( I found my tube of glue in the end .. it was still in the trunk of the car, hiding under the "Dominon: seaside" game box)16:11
MartynI love UV curing glues...16:15
Martyneasy to position the pieces in the fixure, until I'm satisfied that there are no bubbles or gaps .... then turn on the UV lamp and /poof/16:15
Martyn30 seconds later .. hard glue16:15
kanzuregenehackerAFK: when are you back in austin16:36
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kanzurehttp://www.thinkgeek.com/tauntaun taun taun sleeping bag17:04
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biohackernoobo man HEPES buffer is expensive O.o17:13
biohackernooblike $200 for 500 mL :(17:13
biohackernoobi only need like 60mL....17:13
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kanzureobservation of molecular orbital gating: http://designfiles.org/papers/Observation%20of%20molecular%20orbital%20gating.pdf17:21
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kanzureybit: are you alive today?17:42
genehackerAFKisn't ybit in oklahoma?18:17
kanzuretodo: http://www.guykawasaki.com/18:34
kanzureinteresting how longevity-interests recently exploded on diybio18:57
kanzurei didn't know there was that many of us lurking18:57
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kanzurehey Spance3000 20:19
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kanzurefenn: freecad seems to be using opencascade20:43
kanzureand it's terrible/hard to use21:07
kanzuregod why can't i have a simple "click to rotate" function in something using opencascade21:08
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kanzureholy shit wtf is wrong with this world22:27
fennyarr. the backlog has defeated me22:27
ybityou suck22:28
* ybit just got through with it22:28
ybitfenn: all you need to know is that you are needed at some conf22:28
fenntoo many n00bs22:28
kanzurenoob to boob ratio is off :(22:28
fenntaxin' my spirit22:28
ybiti'm kind of alive, i should be out of it in about an hour as this trazadone kicks in22:29
* ybit was cutting down trees with a chainsaw today22:29
fennomg skeinforge is so terrible22:30
katsmeow-afkmaking a log fabhouse, ybit?22:30
ybitkanzure: ask me to finish that script when i'm not lazy, i.e. after the weekend is over22:30
ybitkatsmeow-afk: heh, no, had to cut down some trees so that we can haul dirt in22:31
katsmeow-afklarge log fabhouse might look nice22:31
ybitneed to fix a part on the tractor so i can bush hog, then we'll bring in the bulldozer 22:31
* ybit isn't a fan of wooden houses22:32
ybiti do have a trailer i'm considering putting a few hundred in22:32
katsmeow-afkslab the logs and attach to the sides of a house that's less fuel-looking22:32
katsmeow-afksawn length wise22:32
katsmeow-afk2 "logs" for the price of one22:33
ybit..so i can go ahead and live on the property... but i need power... and i don't want to pay for a damn pole to be placed on the land, because supposedly once it's there, it's there for good22:33
ybitand supposedly it's about $30/10ft22:33
katsmeow-afkhow much power do you require?22:33
ybiti haven't figured it up yet22:34
katsmeow-afkwell, then i cannot suggest anything yet22:34
ybitfeel free to suggest away for the fun of it :)22:34
ybitit's irc, it's allowed22:34
katsmeow-afki was gonna say run s trech 2ft down where the driveway goes, before it's graveled/cherted, and lay in 2 inch cheap grey pvc to pull wire in later22:35
katsmeow-afkthen put a small service hut at the road for the utilities to hit22:35
katsmeow-afklay in the water too22:35
katsmeow-afkat 2ft, you sholdn't have freeze problems22:36
katsmeow-afkyou can pull 100amp service, triplex, in 2inch pvc, iirc22:37
katsmeow-afkand the triplex is cheap,, rather22:37
ybitwe have large metal tubes22:38
ybiti don't even know what they are called22:38
katsmeow-afki set a trailer service pole (10ft tall) at the road, all plumbing and electrical on my property is mine, utilities stop at that pole22:39
ybiti was googling away, closes thing i could find was 'square tubing'22:39
katsmeow-afkthey wanted to put two poles on my place22:39
ybitit's been sitting on the land for quite some time unused, we have various sizes of conduits22:39
-!- Aliks [n=epicurea@76-14-163-117.wsac.wavecable.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:40
Aliksfinally back22:40
katsmeow-afki wanted all service underground, they said no, i said i'd do it myself then, and i did22:40
kanzurehello aliks22:40
ybithi Aliks 22:40
Alikshey kanzure22:40
Aliksmy laptop got unplugged and its battery is totally dead22:40
ybitkanzure: i've been into wikiversity and p2pu, maybe i'm the guy you were referencing22:40
Aliksthen had to go somewhere22:40
kanzureybit: sadly not22:40
kanzureybit: there was someone else22:40
ybitthough michel knows the guy over p2pu22:41
Aliksyou were mentioning something in need of some web dev... feel free to shoot me some info on what it needs22:41
ybitit needs a good dosage of web 2.022:41
kanzureAliks: did you see it? http://heybryan.org:808122:42
kanzureit looks terrible because it is22:42
ybitspeaking of p2pu, i find it funny that i'm the only one ever in #p2pu even though it's mentioned on the site as a point of contact22:44
kanzurei can't remember who PeerInfinity is22:44
kanzurebut i think he's the contact point for that?22:44
ybit"IRC/Webchat: #p2pu on irc.freenode.net, or use the web client at http://p2pu.org/chat"22:44
kanzureAliks: so yeah, it's supposed to be a website to kill http://thingiverse.com/ and http://instructables.com/ 22:45
kanzurein the backend it's running OpenCASCADE 22:45
kanzureso it's literally a CAD kernel exposed to the web22:45
kanzureprojects are maintained in git repositories22:45
Aliksback, was making update to my other site22:57
Aliksyeah I did see it last time22:57
Alikslooking at your competition now22:57
kanzureit's not "exact" competition since the sites serve different purposes, but it's the closest thing i can point you at22:57
kanzurei actually hate their designs22:57
kanzurewe just need to look better than that crap22:57
kanzureor "not suck as much as presently"22:58
Aliksgot any ideas what you want it to look like?22:58
kanzureanyway, if you drop some tips or ideas that would be awesome22:58
fennAliks: i personally want something simple and reliable22:59
fenneven on weird browsers that don't have every stupid proprietary plugin installed22:59
Alikshttp://www.templatesbox.com/ for-pay templates (to browse), http://www.oswd.org (free)22:59
kanzurehaha everyone i talk with just says take someone else's template22:59
kanzurei should just take thingiverse's and scratch out their name22:59
Alikswell or get a better one22:59
Aliksand the thing is, basically I'm saying, find a template that's CLOSE to what you want22:59
Aliksand then it's easier to tweak it23:00
Aliksrather than start from nothing and change it 7 times23:00
kanzureback in my day, we wrote our xhtml from scratch23:00
AliksI still do23:00
kanzuregod i feel old23:00
AliksI dont use any editors other than a color highlighter23:00
Aliksmainly I look at templates for ideas/inspiration, since I'm more of a coder than a "designer"23:00
fennxhtml? what's that? some newfangled html extension?23:00
AliksI can do some design, but it's not my #1 specialty23:01
kanzurexhtml is strict html23:01
kanzurewell, sort of23:01
kanzurei don't know the exact w3 history23:01
Aliksbut yeah I never ever use the XHTML that comes with a template even if I end up using their layout... usually I just rechop the images and make my own CSS/xhtml to display it23:01
kanzurehow do you chop your images? most people used to do something with photoshop iirc23:01
kanzureand then had terrible tables with background images everywhere23:02
AliksI also chop in either photoshop or paintshop23:02
Alikstables/divs/other depends on the type of layout it is23:02
AliksI mean in reality EVERYONE chops images that way, it's a totally separate part of the process23:02
Aliksin production shops you usually have a dedicated "graphic designer/layout man" who creates photoshop images of the site23:03
kanzurei just mean that creating a layout completely out of graphics23:03
kanzuremakes for big downloads on the end-user23:03
Aliksnot if you optimize23:03
Alikslike you dont actually chop out the ENTIRE background and make it the background23:03
Aliksyou chop a 1 px wide slice23:03
Aliksand do repeat-x or repeat-y in CSS23:03
kanzurei see23:03
kanzureyes i guess23:04
Aliksbasically you want to find graphics that are easily "optimizable"23:04
Aliksyou use photoshop to get the exact clean, good looking effects you want23:04
Aliksbut keeping in mind you dont want colors everywhere all over the page that would force you to chop out these huge 200px by 200px squares of images23:05
Aliksso mostly you just focus on buttons etc.23:05
kanzurehave you ever seen csszengarden?23:05
Aliksthey're actually total shit23:05
Aliksyeah, in my opinion, from a production design standpoint23:05
kanzureis there something better?23:05
Alikswell its not about the look really23:05
Aliksit's about, how flexible is that stuff really?23:05
kanzurethey were showing off a bit "look how much bang for the buck we get"23:05
Alikstheir stuff is nice dealing with their specific example23:05
Aliksbut in real situations their approach often doesnt work23:05
kanzurebut if there's something else that's a better example, please show23:05
Aliksalso they use absolute positioning all over the place23:06
kanzureyes i hate absolutes23:06
Aliksits not about the look23:06
Aliksyou can make anything look good, CSS or not23:06
ybitkatsmeow-afk: i was under the impression that it's illegal for you to lay your own underground power cables to direct energy from transmission lines, i.e. you have to pay for the city to hook up the power... that is unless you aren't linked into them23:06
Aliksit's about, in the real world, how much time/money/flexibility does it have23:06
Alikser ... have/take23:06
Alikslike, I know guys that refuse to use tables categorically on layouts23:06
Aliksguess what.. they dont work for me23:07
kanzureyou have people working for you?23:07
AliksI subcontract frequently23:07
AliksI have people I work with consistently23:07
ybitfenn: told you i was the only one in #p2pu :P23:07
kanzurecool, cool23:07
AliksI can get something that looks right in all browsers in like.. 1 or 2 hours that have taken them DAYS to try to do with divs23:07
Aliksbecause they try to do it the "ideologically correct" way23:07
Alikswhich kills profit margin23:07
fennplease don't swear23:07
ybit'profit margin'23:08
Alikswhats wrong with profit?23:08
fennit's the devil23:08
Aliksits so not the devil23:08
Alikswhat you guys want to work all day for some grey gruel?23:08
kanzureAliks: we'd rather not have to have money23:08
Alikscome home to a shack?23:08
Alikswell thats what I'm saying, in the world as it is people work for money23:08
kanzuresorry but this isn't optimal23:08
Alikswhen the revolution happens, let me know23:09
fennpeople have a hard time understanding what we mean, so forget about it23:09
kanzureneither are tables ;) but i'm not ideologically categorically excluding them :)23:09
kanzurei think i tried that for a while23:09
kanzurecouldnt' get much done23:09
AliksI'm not a greedy person, but I do think there's not something wrong in principle with profit....23:09
AliksI mean, assuming a fair economic model anyway23:09
Alikscurrently there's a lot of unfair gain going on23:09
kanzurewe're not talking about economics23:09
kanzureseriously, forget it23:09
Alikslol ok23:10
Alikswe'll have to talk about that sometime23:10
Aliksbut... I'm about to run to get some coffee.. I'll be back in like an hour23:10
ybithah, you guys and gals remember the 'so you want to be a hax0r' email i sent to my little cousins? here's the response: 'which one do i pick so i can steal my neigbors high speed internet"23:10
fennybit: network operations center23:10
ybit"make your computer wifi enabled, and then get back with me" should be my response23:11
fennor just go to college, apparently23:11
* fenn says from the screen session hosted on davinci23:12
fennwe need to get a ronja unit up on the bell tower23:12
kanzureheh does anyone remember the poor math grad who came in here thinking i was in his class?23:13
ybitwho offered free hosting recently?23:13
kanzurei have some23:13
kanzurebut what are you talking about?23:13
ybitokay good23:14
kanzurebkero's servers always seem laggy when i ssh in, ybit23:14
ybitmarcin just contacted me, he wants a mirror in place for openfarmtech.org23:14
ybitsame here23:14
kanzureoh i'll gladly do that23:14
kanzurehells yeah23:14
ybitgreat, i'll forward the email your way23:15
kanzurewonder why he asked you23:15
ybiti told him he needed to mirror awhile back and we got into a discussion about it23:17
bkerokanzure: You SSH in to my server?23:17
bkeroWhich server?23:17
ybitbkero: would there be any chance of hosting, say, redmine there?23:18
kanzurewhat is redmine?23:18
kanzureybit: i have a fast connection off of pdx.edu if we want some more reliable hosting than OSOU23:18
kanzureOSOUSO :p23:18
kanzurebkero: of course i'm just yanking your chain.23:18
kanzurebut really, the ssh lag is kind of nasty23:18
fennaww dillo was dropped from ubuntu23:19
kanzurepoor dillo23:19
ybitkanzure: is the pdx host static or vps?23:19
kanzureit's uh, svcs23:19
kanzureit's like a virtual private server except the kernel is shared23:21
kanzuredon't think my explanation is good23:21
kanzurebkero: have you used svcs before?23:21
bkeroSVC's, like solaris shit?23:23
bkeroybit: Yea, I've seen redmine before, I can't get it to scale.23:23
bkerokanzure: That's not at OSU, that's my colo in portland.23:24
bkerokanzure: traceroute to blueheaven?23:24
bkeroOh, SVC, like containers23:24
kanzurehuh it's in portland too? isn't that where pdx.edu is 23:25
* ybit wonders... how exactly do people mirror a mediawiki site?23:25
bkeroBandwidth for my colo is through cogent, I think pdx.net is through nero for commodity bandwidth, and i223:25
ybiti can backup everything, but mirroring...23:25
ybitthat would require customized scripts, no?23:25
kanzureyou probably backup the database periodically23:25
kanzurethere's likely a script already written for that23:26
kanzureon a cron job probably23:26
ybitthat's a backup23:26
kanzurebkero: what do you want from the tracert?23:26
fennmaybe server 1 serves pages A-D server 2 serves E-J etc so you never have cross-server editing conflicts23:27
kanzuresorbonas.info, gi1-19.ccr01.pdx01.atlas.cogentco.com, te4-3.ccr01.sea01.atlas.cogentco.com23:27
kanzurei've never mirrored a wiki that needs to be resynchronized23:27
kanzuregee this feels like a job for distributed revision control23:27
ybitoh, there are plenty of articles on mirroring mediawiki sites23:27
fennbtw kanzure did you ever backup davinci?23:27
kanzurethey only wanted /var/www/23:28
kanzurebut i can go back and do everything else23:28
bkerokanzure: pastebin the whole thing23:28
fenngood enough for me23:28
kanzurebkero: can you install pastebinit? :p23:29
* fenn has to go to bed to wake up in time to go to the opera tomorrow (golly gee whatsits)23:29
ybitmaybe something like this is the way to go: http://scytale.name/blog/2009/11/announcing-levitation23:29
fennoh now my timezone handicap is backwards23:30
kanzureglad to see someone's doing that, ybit23:31
ybitwget --mirror23:31
ybitthat's all we need, he offered ftp access23:31
bkerokanzure: patebinit?23:31
kanzurepastebinit is a program to submit stuff to pastebin23:31
kanzurebut anyway, that link should give you the traceroute23:31
bkerokanzure: Er, I meant atraceroute to bluheaven.ws23:32
bkeroThat's going to DNS error :P23:32
kanzurei thought "blueheaven" might have been in /etc/hosts or something23:32
bkeroOh, no23:32
kanzureok updated23:32
kanzuressh is still sluggish23:33
kanzurejust fyi23:33
kanzureapparently i'm on maetel23:33
bkeroYou just posted a traceroute from blueheaven.ws to blueheaven.ws23:33
bkeroI meant from your computer you're coming from23:33
bkeroSorry, Maetel = blueheaven.ws23:34
kanzureit gets really hung up at te4-4.ccr01.pdx01.atlas.cogentco.com23:34
kanzureok file updated23:35
bkeroLooks like you're hopping straight from roadrunner to cogent23:36
bkeroaustin->houston->dallas/fort worth->denver->seattle->portland23:36
bkeroTry SSHing to your school, then to blueheaven.ws23:37
kanzurei don't know if this is because of the double effect or not23:38
kanzureit seems slightly more responsive23:38
kanzureyep definitely23:38
bkeroGuess your ISPs peering with cogent is done through at 14.4 modem or something23:39
kanzurewonder why ybit also experiences this, does his isp also suck?23:39
kanzuregive me an isp that doesn't suck, and you'll get yourself a new resident23:40
bkeroDoes ybit have roadrunner?23:40
kanzureybit: ping23:40
kanzureyes? no?23:40
bkeroMy connection isn't lagging at all, and I'm at 1 bar of stolen 802.11b from a neighbors modem in rural montana23:40
kanzurelooks liek comcast23:41
kanzurebah bar isn't an actual unit :)23:41
bkeroI'm not sure how to get units from OS X23:41
ybiter, google.com/linux says roadrunner is a supercomputer23:41
kanzureroadrunner is also a brand of internet service offered by time warner cable23:42
kanzureit's pure evil and should be avoided at all costs23:42
kanzureanyway, thanks bkero23:42
bkero-85dB signal strength, -86dB noise23:43
kanzurebtw use the "airport" command i think23:43
bkeroNegotiated 2megabit with it23:43
kanzure(why do i know this?)23:43
bkeroit's /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport23:43
bkeroNot in the $PATH because...fuck, I don't know23:43
ybitbkero: the osl connection has been better recently23:43
ybitit hasn't been as slow 23:43
bkeroybit: blueheaven.ws is in Portland now :)23:43
ybitbkero: i see you didn't mention xmonad on your post about WMs...23:45
bkeroybit: Tried it, don't know if it was worth mentioning23:46
ybitwhy not?23:46
ybitbkero: you could also try bluetile, it's an offspin of xmonad, more click friendly23:47
bkeroI don't like programming my window manager in haskell :P23:47
ybitwell, okay, i suppose that's an acceptable argument :)23:47
kanzurehe has a point, ybit23:47
bkeroOr lua23:48
* bkero cringes23:48
bkeroMusca's pretty cool, but I've had to hack the keyconfigs all to hell to get it to behave like wmii23:48
* ybit is off to bed23:49
ybitenjoy the opera tomorrow fenn23:49
ybit..i guess23:49
* ybit doesn't know if the opera would be enjoyable23:49
bkeroOh yea, my gift to you23:49
bkeroAdam Savage's talk at Defcon :)23:49
ybity bn23:50
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