
--- Day changed Fri Jan 01 2010
kanzurekristianpaul: you have to be root because skdb packages are presently installed into /usr/local/share/skdb/00:20
-!- Trooem [n=adfasfda@S0106001d724fcb1d.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:31
kanzurehello Trooem00:32
kanzurei wonder why thx1138 is a banned password on twitter.com00:43
Trooemhello~ Happy new year!00:46
Trooemwe are now living in the future. 2010!00:47
kanzure"bob henry epilog cell phone" apparently brings up my site. hrm. i don't know a bob henry.00:48
Trooemmust be linked somewhere hahaha00:50
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genehackerbecause that is a common password01:11
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* Trooem is watching Avatar in 720p01:41
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Aliksyo elmom02:24
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kanzurewow views on the skdb video just spiked15:03
kanzureoh lookie http://www.acceleratingfuture.com/michael/blog/2009/12/bryan-bishop-and-ben-lipkowitz-on-their-awesome-civilization-seed-project/15:04
randallagordonkanzure, is there any specific CNC and other fab equipment you're aiming to make SKDB work with? I assume the idea is to make it universal, so packages can define what equipment is necessary, but I'd also guess you have some "endorsed" equipment in mind?15:31
-!- thesnark [n=michael@ppp-69-221-4-192.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:36
ybiteric drexler doesn't think basement nanotech dev will take place15:42
randallagordon"It should be kept in mind that concepts for synthesis of diamond-like carbon-rich nanostructures involve using very rigid mechanisms to position highly reactive molecular groups in ultrahigh vacuum."15:46
randallagordonI think I agree in that narrow context...15:46
randallagordonI'd say it isn't *likely* to be a "basement breakthrough", but I wouldn't be quick to count it out, either...15:46
randallagordonEspecially since the hackerspace model can help bring said equipment to those very "basement hackers"15:48
randallagordonAccess to tools, always the problem...15:49
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randallagordonquiet day...you'd think it is New Year's Day or something... ;)16:54
katsmeow-afkand the fools are out there celebrating it like it's the first day of the next decade17:20
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ybitkatsmeow-afk: actually, that was last night, most fools (like myself) are spending this day recovering18:27
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* randallagordon seconds ybit19:35
randallagordonAnd it is all semantics...a decade is just 10 years...the yardsticks are set by perspective :P19:36
randallagordoner, goal posts, even19:36
randallagordon(not that I haven't nitpicked the same issue before, just to be an ass)19:37
katsmeow-afki wasnt going to pick at it, seeing as how they'll celebrate it just as hard next yr and still be clueless19:40
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ybitclueless, yes, but as to what are you referring, katsmeow-afk?20:22
katsmeow-afkyou're going to pick at it?20:22
ybiti'm guessing it's the general mindlessness which you are referring to20:22
katsmeow-afkthat 2010 is the start of a new decade20:23
katsmeow-afk10 yrs is a decade, -10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 , 1-10 is a decade, 10 being the last yr in thatdecade, not the 1ft of the next20:24
Alikskatsmeow-afk, depends on if you start with 020:25
AliksI'm inclined to start with 020:25
Alikseven though the calendar started with 1... obviously they were not programmers :P20:25
Alikswe know the right way it should be20:25
katsmeow-afkthere was no yr 020:25
Aliksyeah I know, clearly their mistake20:25
katsmeow-afkok :-)20:26
AliksI actually like the idea of goign to a decimal time system20:26
ybitkatsmeow-afk: some friends and myself were discussing this last night, as well as the terrible calendar system by which we follow, and the fact that we celebrate a new year after the solstice, what's with that20:26
Aliksit works out pretty well20:26
Aliks100 seconds per minute, 100 minutes per hour, 10 hours per day20:26
Aliksmodify seconds to where it all adds up to the same amount of time (which is a very small adjustment)20:26
Aliksbut I guess there's no point20:26
katsmeow-afkit wold cost trillions to upgrade the cheap 60hz clocks20:27
Aliksworkin on a little "contact management thing" similar to kanzure...20:35
Aliksafter seeing his it motivated me to get off my ass and do it20:35
kanzurelazy bums20:41
ybitthis is sad com/3DPrintShop21:22
ybiter, i meant: http://google.com/trends/hottrends?sa=X 21:22
Alikslots of football stuff21:27
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ybithi cyrozap 23:17
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ybitoi genehacker 23:18
-!- Aliks [n=a@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]23:21
genehackeroi ybit23:40
genehackerkanzure so how's tomorrow's meeting lining up?23:41
genehackerany preliminary discussion topics?23:42
genehackeror projects to invsetigate pursuing23:42
genehackerI won't be able to make it for sure23:43
genehackerthat is all23:44
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