
--- Day changed Wed Jan 06 2010
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ybit what does frank forman do?00:45
ybitaka, premise checker (checker@panix.com) and www.panix.com/~checker/ 00:46
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kanzureybit: frank forman runs around with a cochlear implant iirc01:17
timschmidthe's a cyborg then?01:19
QuantumGhave cochlear implants advanced much?01:19
kanzuregah i've spent the last 2 hours running around this weird russian webring01:21
kanzurewhy do the russians love ICQ so much?01:21
QuantumGso do the asians01:21
timschmidtI'm not sure.  Much of the research is locked behind trade secret, copyright, and DRM.  IOW, they're pretty standard embedded devices with no user hackability.01:21
genehackerthe problem is with the connection to the human01:23
genehackerweird russian web ring?01:23
genehackerare you trying to become a spam king, I hear the russian mafia doesn't like people trying to encroach on their spam business01:23
QuantumGreminds me of the "bionic eye" research going on in my state/city01:24
timschmidtyou'd think, but not entirely.  A TON of DSP work has to be done on incoming audio.  The implants essentially simulate the entire inner ear, and parts of the ear->brain neural interface in software.01:24
QuantumGnothing like dumping billions into dead-end research like interfacing with the retina.01:25
genehackerI wonder if there are any that will plug into MP3 players...01:25
timschmidtOne of the first cochlear implant hacks I ever saw - perhaps 5 years ago - was to add a line-in port.01:25
genehackerhave they got any that are capable of emulating the cocktail party effect?01:26
QuantumGyeah, cochlear implants have had line-in standard for years now01:26
genehackerso there really are cyborgs01:26
genehackerwith thumps01:26
QuantumGI wonder if the bionic eye research will help at all with v1 implants01:27
genehackerv1 implants, version 1 implants or something else?01:27
QuantumGvisual area 1 implants01:28
timschmidtI think most of the cocktail party effect happens in the auditory cortex.01:28
QuantumGya know.. the stuff that isn't happening.01:28
timschmidtSo long as the implants provide enough raw data at high enough fidelity, the effect should still take place.01:28
genehackerhmmm... let me dig out one of my books on it that seemed to suggest otherwise01:28
genehackerargh, can't find it01:30
genehackerhearing aid makers want to emulate it, apparently people with hearing problems don't experience it??01:30
genehackerit'd seem like it would be in the auditory cortex too01:31
timschmidtI think hearing aid makers want to emulate it for other reasons - not that people with hearing problems don't experience it.01:31
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timschmidtLike a leg brace for someone who can walk, but not well.01:32
genehackerwell if it happens in the auditory cortex then they'd have trouble making that feature into a hearing aid01:33
timschmidtdepends on the amount of processing required.01:33
genehackerwell if you can't get feedback from the auditory cortex on what to focus on01:34
genehackerso do cochelar implants still suck or have they improved?01:34
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timschmidtAFAIK, they still don't approach the fidelity of the inner ear.01:35
genehackerI know01:36
genehackerdoesn't much of the problem stem from stimulating one neuron instead of groups of them?01:36
genehackeror does the inner ear do some weird mechanical signal processing stuff that we can't do very well yet01:36
timschmidtlast I read on the subject, there was some new research suggesting that the hairs in the cochlea did some interesting frequency processing.01:37
* genehacker wonders about doing microfluidic audio signal processing...01:38
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timschmidtIIRC, there was some radio reception research based on it.01:38
genehackertoo bad jet amplifiers don't work at low RE01:38
genehackeryou mean that each of the hairs is tuned to some frequency or something like that?01:39
genehackerIE only responds at one frequency01:39
timschmidtIIRC, that's the case, but there was some new insight as well.  let me google.01:40
superkuhThe hairs themselves do not detect frequency. They detect amplitude at a given frequency as a function of the vibrartion of the basilar membrane which has frequency mapped onto spatial location by acting as a resonating tube.01:40
genehackerah cool01:41
timschmidtbetter said that I could have, but that is largely what I meant.01:41
genehackerthanks superkuh01:41
superkuhI don't think variation of response at the hair cell, or protein linkage level, is likely.01:42
katsmeowrows of PLL tone decoders01:42
timschmidtfor future reference, home made apfelwein is ridiculously delicious.01:43
katsmeowwhat's interesting is the brain provided feedback to dampen the hairs, making for the nonlinearity curve seenin human hearing levels01:43
genehackerwhat's a PLL tone decoder01:43
katsmeowgene, like aLM567 chip01:44
genehackerI'm a mechanical engineer I don't know your electronic voodoo spirit names01:44
genehackeryet at least01:44
superkuhkatsmeow: Dampen the hairs? Could you expand on this?01:44
katsmeowit's been noted the feedback can occur in abswence of incoming signal, so a mic placed at the ear can pick up the hairs *sending* audio01:44
katsmeowsuperkuh: to reduce amplitude01:45
katsmeowgene, i can't even search my own db atm01:45
genehackernow the thing to do is to see if this can't be emulated with MEMS...01:45
superkuhYeah, but ... are you talking about mechanical dampening or changes in the firing behavior of interneurons?01:45
genehackersounds like mechanical damping if you can hear it with a microphone01:46
genehackergot in papers in your database about this superkuh?01:47
superkuhMaybe. I am entirely ignorant of this specific topic. It sounds very interesting.01:47
genehackerabout the inner ear at least01:48
genehackerah cool 01:49
katsmeowSubmitted 31 October 2007; accepted in final form 30 January 200801:50
katsmeowElectrically evoked otoacoustic emissions are sounds emitted from the inner ear when alternating current is injected into the cochlea. Their temporal structure consists of short- and long-delay components and they have been attributed to the motile responses of the sensory-motor outer hair cells of the cochlea. The nature of these motile responses is unresolved and may depend on either somatic motility, hair bundle motility, or b01:50
katsmeowsuperkuh, got  paper on making 256m ddr1 sdram modules look like sram?01:52
genehackergot a technique for making tamiflu at home?01:58
superkuhNone that I've tested myself. I discussed it quite a bit with a friend back in 04-06. There's no point anymore, though.01:59
genehackerno point because H1N1 became resitant to it?02:00
superkuhIt was not easy to acquire Oseltamiver during those years. Now it is easy to buy.02:00
genehackermakes sense02:01
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timschmidthmmm...  just made another steel extruder barrel on the lathe.02:57
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QuantumGtimschmidt: your lathe?03:41
genehackerwifi controlled helicopter http://www.parrot.com/parrot-ar-drone/en04:28
genehackerget it working with wimax and you'll freak security people out04:28
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timschmidtQuantumG: I have a sort of middle-sized lathe.  It's a chinese-made 9x20.  There's a couple yahoo groups and lots of webpages about them.11:21
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kanzureoctopart.com has expressed an interest in SKDB12:26
* kanzure has scheduled a spontaneous phone call for sometime later today12:27
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timschmidtwoo!  octopart is awesome13:05
kanzuretimschmidt: the problem with octopart that i've always complained about is that the datasheets are still PDFs13:12
kanzureso you can't actually search through attributes etc.13:12
kanzurewe can use mechanical turk to hire people to type up the data sheets13:13
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kanzuretimschmidt: i've been thinking that if we put up a website with a donation button (paypal or somesuch), people would donate to that cause13:14
kanzureif they were specifically hiring a certain number of people to type in certain datasheets13:14
kanzureso as soon as they put in the money, and link to the PDFs on the web, the mechanical turkers will type it up ASAP13:14
kanzure$1/page maybe13:14
kanzureand then just have a queue of pages that are yet-to-be-processed13:15
kanzurei'm sure even some companies would be interested in sponsoring this, as long as everyone has access to the datasheets13:15
timschmidtMost datasheet PDFs don't seem to be all-images.  IOW, they still contain machine-parse-able text.  We can't search them only because octopart is not currently indexing them.13:15
kanzurefor supplierst hat have 1k+ datasheets, yes you could write a parser/regex13:16
kanzuremany datasheets do not follow the same format13:16
timschmidtmeh.  we can just cat them through pdftotext and index the output.13:16
kanzureper-supplier you're sometimes lucky13:16
kanzureyeah but the output is usually really broken. have you ever tried that? ;-)13:17
kanzureif you have a favorite supplier that hosts a lot of PDFs, i'll write a scraper if you gimme a few links13:17
timschmidtDoes it have to be human readable?  I'm not completely up on indexing theory, but it seems like word frequency would count a whole lot more than pretty much anything else.  And an indexer doesn't care if a sentence line breaks half way through.13:18
kanzurefenn: and no i haven't forgotten that you want to do this with the machine handbook13:19
kanzuretimschmidt: oh, well i wasn't thinking about sentences actually13:19
kanzurelike min/max operating ranges on certain pins13:19
kanzureor where (geometrically relative to the chip) each pin is13:20
timschmidtyeah, to extract tables of useful data, one would have to craft a custom parser.13:20
kanzureso each supplier usually has the same format for all of their PDFs.. sometimes ;-)13:20
timschmidtYou might be right that for that sort of thing, mechanical turk might work better.13:20
kanzureit's worth trying a parser first i guess13:20
kanzureif you have some favorite PDFs, a few links would be hawt13:21
timschmidtYou'd have to turk (verb!) each datasheet several times to reduce error rates.13:21
timschmidtI've only really ever dug into the Atmel datasheets.13:21
timschmidta few others, but nothing I've cared about enough to save links13:21
kanzureyeah i'm fond of atmel myself (haven't ever used an AVR yet)13:22
Kuro_I think there's a text-recognition script that could be modified for PDF indexing.13:22
kanzureblah let me just get you guys an example13:22
ybitwhere are the design files for the mfg open source cnc machine?13:25
kanzureybit: that's why i'm trying to stalk down jorge.. he owes me a few files hehe13:25
kanzurei have his phone number but want to wait to do a cold call13:26
ybiti've already sent him an email requesting them13:26
ybita few mins ago13:26
kanzuregood luck13:26
kanzuretimschmidt: from looking at the pdftotext output, PA7 is VCC, but it's hard to figure out what everything else is13:26
ybitoctopart + skdb would be nice13:26
kanzurePB7 is "reset" i guess13:27
kanzure"D1 D C13:27
kanzure0˚~7˚ A1 L"13:27
timschmidtkanzure: does pdf2html do any better?13:27
kanzureoh, i think the output is just fine.. it's just a matter of figuring out what the heck the order is13:27
kanzuretimschmidt: but here it is anyway: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/atmel/8059Ss.html13:28
kanzureybit: jason wants to open up a trailer/shop off of s. congress (a street near me) called "Gnusha's 3D Print Shop"13:29
kanzurehaha.. "confusion research center" (james choate's proclaimed "hackerspace") has 511 square feet of space13:31
kanzureer forget i said that. i don't want to talk about that guy.13:32
ybiti have officially stalked five people associated with the mfg open source cnc machine and even started a discussion thread on the facebook group, i'm bound to be hear back from someone...13:37
ybitkanzure: ahaha, sounds great13:38
ybitthe mascot will need to be changed if you are creating a business with it, since i ripped off several online sources13:39
ybittwo primarily13:40
kanzureit's too bad the GNU mascot has no name13:40
kanzurehttp://www.afar.org/ american federation for aging research13:42
ybitor perhaps you could just get permission from the artists13:43
MrClifMorning... Do you guys have a link to the OS CNC machine?13:55
MrClifHere are some others I've collected: http://mtm.cba.mit.edu/13:57
ybitMrClif: http://opensourcecnc.blogspot.com/13:59
kanzureMrClif: there are many DIY CNC machines out there, but i have never seen one explicitly licensed as open source14:01
MrClifwell look at the first link i sent.14:01
MrClifhere is one: http://mtm.cba.mit.edu/machines/mtm_az/index.html14:02
MrClifits targeted at PCBs but it is a milling machine.14:02
kanzuredoesn't look open source to me14:03
kanzure"Permission granted for experimental and personal use. License for commercial sale available from MIT. "14:03
MrClifopps... oh welll. :-[14:03
ybit"The total cost of the components is to be equal or less than $ 20,000 USD"14:10
ybitthe mfg machine14:10
MrCliffor the OS CNC?14:10
kanzurefor jorge barrera's project14:10
MrClifbut thats one Hot green machine...14:11
MrClifI think you'll find that those servo motors are quite expensive.14:16
timschmidtBig CNC machines intended for cutting hard metals - like jorge's - are not cheap.14:30
timschmidtBig motors, very strong and long linear bearings, huge heavy stiff and strong structural elements.14:31
timschmidtI believe the cost of all of these things increases far faster than linearly as any of the various desirable properties increases.14:33
ybitalso MrClif http://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-CNC/14:36
ybitPhreedom has pointed some important points14:37
ybit(01:29:47 PM) phreedom: traditional cncs don't replicate well14:37
ybit(01:30:15 PM) phreedom: steppers, leadscrews, parts that are larger than the machine itself have to be sourced elsewhere14:37
ybit(01:30:37 PM) phreedom: also even if it could make leadscrews, copies would degrade14:38
ybit(01:32:55 PM) phreedom: also you probably hav already noticed lots of manual labor14:38
timschmidtybit: although it's a popular misconception, copies don't necessarily degrade.  It is quite possible to use a machine with parts of a given accuracy to produce parts of higher accuracy.  14:40
timschmidtIt's not easy, but it's very possible.14:41
Phreedomtimschmidt: depends on what you consider "accuracy"14:41
Phreedomif you are referring to lapping, yes14:42
Phreedomtry making a leadscrew that's more precise than machine's leadscrews14:42
timschmidtIt's not particularly hard.14:43
timschmidtIt's not necessarily do-able on a stock CNC machine, but other machinery has no problem.14:43
timschmidtThe leadscrew can be geared down, for instance.  Assuming you cut the new screw in one constant cut in the same direction, the gearing would not contribute appreciable backlash.14:44
timschmidtI can cut screws of almost any thread on my lathe for instance, even threads finer than the leadscrew used to drive the cutting tool.14:45
Phreedomtimschmidt: I'm talking about things like linearity14:46
Phreedommaking a more linear thread that's larger than the machine's working area(which is smaller than the machine's leadscrews) is pretty much impossible14:47
ybit"Hi Heath, the files were turned over to http://www.facebook.com/l/e93cc;mfg.com.  They should be able to provide you with the info you need.  There are a few people from http://www.facebook.com/l/e93cc;mfg.com who belong to the Open Source CNC Machine group (facebook).  I suggest you contact them.  And if there is any help you need... I'll be more than happy to help with what ever I can."14:47
timschmidtPhreedom: I wouldn't say so.  It doesn't take much reading through turn of the century machining manuals to realize that there's a low-tech trick to do just about anything.14:49
timschmidtOn top of that...  it's common sense.  We weren't gifted the world's largest machining tool two hundred years ago - from which all machines are descended.  It's very possible to use a small machine to build parts for a larger version of itself...  We've obviously done it before.  it just takes some creativity and a suitably designed machine.  14:51
timschmidtThat said, you're probably not going to do this with a bog standard 3 axis CNC router.  But who cares?  The entire act of designing a self-replicating machine is an exercise in thinking outside the box.14:52
timschmidtThe working area of a square or rectangular router is certainly capable of containing all of the router's pieces.  Corner-to-corner distance is going to be significantly longer than any of the working axes.14:56
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ybithrm, errno 111, connection refused at http://www.moonsociety.org15:08
ybitkanzure: another person for you to stalk: Michelle Wojtaszek Religious Views: humans are silly15:13
ybitsupposedly i stalked her awhile back since we are facebook friends :P15:14
kanzureoctopart is just 3 people apparently15:17
timschmidtI believe it15:18
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fennso they are still working on this... http://kokompe.cba.mit.edu/16:35
fennthat is the "f-rep" i was talking about16:35
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timschmidtThat cast cement CNC chassis looks like a relatively inexpensive way to produce a machine capable of some serious work.16:52
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fennthere are some better designs out there17:21
fennanother gripe about techshop; those "safety and basic usage" classes get expensive!17:40
fennnot to mention you have to go to them17:42
QuantumG<- no access to hardware, stfu17:43
fennboo hoo17:46
fennthe point of techshop is that it's a buffet17:47
QuantumGya just sound like an ungrateful whiner.. either go somewhere else or suck it up.17:49
fennbut that's different if it's $50-100 per new tool, and you have to make a date for a class every time17:49
QuantumGso.. you wanna use the machines without training?  I mean, I'm sure if you show up with proof of previous training you could skip it, and if not you'd be within your rights to request a refund and go away.17:51
fennwell i don't plan on signing up to techshop, i'm just collecting reasons why they suck17:53
QuantumGhaha.. you're such a dipshit.  It's true what they say, a man who wants to do something will find a way, a man who doesn't will find an excuse.17:54
Phreedomtimschmidt: good point about diagonal placement :)17:55
Phreedomtimschmidt: there are some designs which have working area = 1/2 of table length and these won't work with diagonal placement17:57
Phreedommore space-efficient designs can probably fit17:57
Phreedomso well, if you try hard probably you'll be abl to do it17:58
Phreedombut I wouldn't want to be the one who does it :)17:58
timschmidtLike I said, it probably wouldn't be easy.17:58
timschmidtIt's likely one would have to take a multimachine-like approach, incorporating aspects of several machines into one.  Adding some of the capabilities of a lathe would be an obvious first choice.18:04
fennhah one of the techshop lathes broke due to member abuse, so "Rather than tackle this job at TechShop, I took the tailstock off and broght it home to my shop, where I knew I had all the equipment and tooling necessary to fix it up."18:08
* timschmidt can't wait until my hackerspace has lathes - plural.18:11
kanzurejerry was talking about seeing these giant CNC machines before18:12
kanzuresomething like 40x30 (feet)18:12
kanzuregear hobbers or something?18:12
timschmidtHave you ever been to IMTS?18:12
kanzureno? what's that18:12
fenncorporate circlejerk session18:13
kanzureanyway i'm in kyle, texas for the next few days, so i'm going to check out jerry's epilog laser cutter18:13
kanzurefenn: oh you mean congress?18:13
timschmidtit's held in Chicago every year.  I went last year.  They had CNC machines big enough to carve a bus out of a solid block of steel.18:13
timschmidtfenn: sure, but the equipment is a lot of fun to look over18:13
kanzurehm was andres morey in here earlier?18:13
kanzurehe's our octopart contact18:13
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kanzureso did anyone else notice octopart's parametric part search?18:36
kanzurei was oblivious to it18:36
fenni never noticed it18:36
kanzureup at the top above " Results 1-10 of 282,862 for resistor:18:37
kanzurefor resistor"18:37
kanzureclick on "parametric search" then on "show all"18:37
fennhmm it killed my firefox18:38
fennwell, locked it up for a while, seems to have figured itself out18:39
kanzureapparently they don't do part classification or categories.. just generic "eh it says resistor in the document so it must be a resistor right?"18:39
kanzurei also pitched the "turk it all at $1/page" idea, but andres didn't like it18:40
kanzureat least let users type up the data.. jeebus.18:41
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drazakdoes nathan mccorkle come on irc?18:41
fenni've never seen him (afaik)18:42
kanzurei wouldn't mind seeing him in here18:43
kanzurecan you drop him the details?18:43
drazakI did18:43
kanzuregood job, then18:43
drazakI was composing the email when fenn responded18:43
drazakhe seems not-retarded18:44
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kanzurehm.. http://octopart.com/api/documentation18:44
kanzuredropout_voltage, forward_voltage, load_capacitance, mated_height, clock_speed, ..18:46
kanzure(under "Part methods")18:46
drazakkanzure: so we're allowed to use everything except transistors for this project at school18:46
drazakit's retarded18:46
kanzurehigh school still?18:47
drazakI was going to make a timer555 board with transistors (we're not allowed to use ICs(18:47
drazakscience olympiad18:47
drazakalso, for some reason I'm not doing cell bio (????)18:47
drazakretarded coaches18:47
kanzurebiology people tend to outnumber electronics people, in my experience18:48
drazakit's not even an electronics event18:48
drazakits and event that allows you to use electronics18:48
drazakjust... no transistors or ic's18:48
kanzurehm i have a conference call at 6pm and dinner at 6pm18:48
kanzurethis will be fun18:49
drazakconference call dinner18:49
kanzurehey does anyone know of a keyboard fan attachment?18:49
kanzurei seem to type better when the keyboard is cold18:49
drazakI applied to rice, I might be in texas next year18:49
fennwelp i guess you could get some vacuum tubes18:49
kanzure"Thanko’s Cooling Fan Keyboard Cools Your Over-Heated Wrists"18:49
kanzurebecause my hands are on fire 8)18:49
kanzure(i'm kidding- i'd get an external fan before i even thought of buying/building that)18:50
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timschmidtYay!  Another batch of apfelwein started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOChgLzw2Xk20:04
QuantumGtim: wish you had cut the sound..  :)20:06
timschmidtsorry.  sensitive mic20:08
timschmidtI'll have to upload the next one with an equally annoying audio track...  perhaps some nickelback.20:09
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timschmidtkneejerk response to youtube audio track complaint.  Can always be worse.20:15
genehackerI know20:23
drazaklongevity project thread sounds retarded20:30
QuantumGmaybe with enough time they wont be so stupid (but unlikely)20:33
drazakit seems that the proponents are non-biology people, and they seem like they're going to have a hard time getting lab animals20:34
QuantumGthrough proper channels.. I await poorly produced research done on petshop supplied hamsters20:35
drazakhamsters are the worst animals for this that I can think of20:35
QuantumGlucky guess then20:36
drazakyou can't do IV injections, not easily atleast, IM is a bitch to quantify for stuff like cancer (trust me, we try to do this with our lab hamster)20:36
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genehackerjust a reminder, sparkfun's freeday is tomorrow, we might want to pick up some stuff for the hackerspace21:45
genehackerwhat do you think about picking up some RFID readers and chips for the hackerspace Kanzure?21:46
kanzurehow much are the readers21:46
genehackernot much21:46
kanzurethat's kinda lame21:47
kanzureto be honest i do have the money (we have funding now)21:47
kanzurebut it still sounds lame21:47
genehackerwe don't need money21:47
genehackerit's freeday21:47
kanzureyeah but it's not repeatable21:47
kanzureis there anything else on the list you'd like21:48
genehackerI'd like a good gps receiver21:48
kanzurei can write a program to take up all of their stock on freeday21:48
genehackerand an imu21:48
kanzurebut i need to know what to order21:48
genehackerso here's the deal on freeday21:49
genehacker$100 of free stuff per person21:49
genehacker$100000 of freestuff total21:50
genehackerso 1000 people get freestuff21:50
genehackeror are you already familar with the rules?21:50
kanzuredo they do it per address?21:50
kanzure$100 free stuff per address?21:51
kanzurethat sucks21:51
kanzurethere's no way i'm going to get 1k addresses and names by tomorrow21:51
fenndon't be an ass21:52
genehackerI have two addresses21:52
fennthe sparkfun people are nice21:52
genehackeryou have the hackerspace and your apartment21:52
kanzuregenehacker: great that's only three21:52
kanzurefenn: ok21:52
fennthat said, i think the rfid readers would be a good thing to have around21:53
kanzureerm. guess there's nothing else i want to get21:54
kanzurecan either of you drop some links?21:54
genehackeranyway I really just want a gps receiver21:54
timschmidtI have three addresses as well21:55
genehacker$25 RFID reader21:55
* fenn looks at the hordes massing in #sparkfun and doubts he'll be able to get any discount at all21:56
kanzurethat's why i suggested a scraper :)21:56
genehackerme too21:57
fenndamn i guess $100k doesn't go as far as it used to21:57
fennhell of an advertising mechanism though21:57
genehackercheapest rfid chip out there21:58
kanzurewho would be in on the scraper21:58
genehackerI'd be in on it21:58
kanzurei hope they don't do it per ip address :)21:59
kanzureoh well there's a way around that too21:59
genehackerwould it work better running on a computer with a dammn fast internet connection?21:59
kanzuredon't worry.. we have the connections21:59
genehackerI have a helluva of a fast connection here21:59
superkuhWhat happens to orders after the 100k is used up?22:00
genehackerso now to figure out what gps receiver to buy22:00
superkuhI am ready (http://superkuh.ath.cx/users/superkuh/clutter/SparkFun%20Electronics%20-%20View%20Cart.mht) but worried.22:00
genehackerno more freestuff22:00
kanzureif sparkfun has done this before then i'd ask in #sparkfun if there's an error message after the free stuff is bought22:01
fennthey actually show what the discount will look like on the order page22:01
fennso you know if it applied or not22:01
kanzureer *after there is no more freebie goodness left22:02
kanzureok i need a file to maintain some information22:02
kanzurefor the scraper to use22:02
kanzurei need a link to the product pages that you want to include in the order22:02
kanzureand an address, and whatever other information they ask on their current shipping page22:02
kanzure*current order page22:02
kanzurecould any of you who want this please give me that information via email?22:04
kanzurehm don't know if i can pull this off.. i have surgery at 7AM tomorrow22:04
genehackeryou going to be ok?22:05
genehackeryou need a standby team?22:06
kanzurei'll be ok.22:06
kanzurejust fyi22:06
genehackerthis is all I want22:07
kanzurehow many22:08
kanzureok i need you to email me the link, quantity, and your mailing address, and any other detail that they want from you on the order confirmation pages22:09
drazakkanzure: so how much funding do you have?22:13
kanzurethe rules of the funding go like this:22:13
fenn"the order rate is going to be server-limited" haha22:13
drazakdon't talk about the funding?22:13
kanzure(1) i am not allowed to reveal how much funding i have22:13
kanzureer wait that was #222:13
drazakit's fight club! :P22:13
kanzurethe real #1 is i am not allowed to reveal who has given me this funding22:13
drazakare you doing the 40x8 trailer things?22:13
kanzure#3 is: i am not allowed to use it on personal living expenses22:13
drazakcan't remember what they're called22:13
kanzureshipping containers22:14
kanzurenot in the next couple of months22:14
fennkanzure: surgery is kindof a sucky birthday present22:14
drazakwhat kind of surgery?22:14
fennso i am guessing < 5 minute window to place orders22:15
genehackerugh I'm still recoverying from my wisdom teeth removal I had on monday22:15
drazakwtf is a brass sponge for?22:17
drazaknever heard of such a thing22:17
drazakassume it has to do with soldering22:17
timschmidtwisdom teeth are odd...  they can be a breeze, or horrible.  I only had a local, drove myself home, filled a prescription on the way, and only took a couple pain meds.  Friends of mine have had basketball-sized heads afterwards.22:17
drazakI kinda like the good ol' sponge22:18
genehackeryou mean the shiny golden spongy thing that is awesome for soldering?22:18
genehackerI came to love mine22:18
drazakI like by blue sponge :P22:19
ybitthe scraper would have to make sure the freeday discount isn't up before purcashing, you are supposedly told in your cart before checking out. the thing, it's hard to prepare a scraper for this, right, not knowing what method they will be using to let you know22:19
drazakcan someone pay shipping for me? :S22:19
kanzureybit: i think i can pull it off22:19
kanzuremy other scrapers are still spamming various forums.. they fuck up their forms all the time trying to stop me22:20
genehackerwill you be able to be other scrapers though22:20
genehacker*will you be able to beat other people's scrapers22:20
kanzuredunno :)22:22
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