
--- Day changed Sat Jan 09 2010
randallagordonMarvell makes all sorts of ICs00:10
randallagordonoh...MediaTek is only cell phones?00:11
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kanzurerandallagordon: to be honest i have no clue. "shanzhai" seems to be a term only for cell phones.00:16
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kanzurehello splicer00:16
splicerhi kanzure00:16
-!- parolang` [n=user@keholmes.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:27
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kanzurehttp://www.design-reuse.eu/view/a-make-electronics-lab-journal,12265 picked up cathal's dremelfuge01:12
-!- MrClif [n=clif@c-67-189-76-247.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #hplusroadmap []01:13
kanzurearduino-powered mood meter http://www.design-reuse.eu/view/arduinopowered-mood-meter,1226601:16
kanzureinstructables.com is hiring a "user interface engineer" a.k.a javascript dood http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/eng/1542141688.html01:16
kanzurepythonocc 0.4 released today http://tpaviot.webfactional.com/blog/01:19
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kanzuredoes anyone know about "the human speechome project"?01:24
katsmeow-afkData is being gathered at an average rate of 200 gigabytes per day.01:26
katsmeow-afkthey could just ask kids wth aspergers01:28
katsmeow-afk~1962 it took me 10 minutes to figure out they were not mispronouncing "automatic" for "atomic", and calling a wringer washer "automatic" was my intrduction to lies in advertising01:29
QuantumGhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHdRJqi__Z8 is awesome01:29
QuantumGnah, the cool part is that they've combined 4 different lectures on the same topic01:31
katsmeow-afk thorium reserve in Lemhi Pass of Idaho/Montana was 600000 tons01:31
* nsh has question01:31
katsmeow-afkwe all have those, nsh01:32
QuantumGfor example, "where's nsh?"  I'm asking that all the time01:32
nshwhy do people think that 'for' is a good way to link the operands in phrases such as "replace X for Y", "substitute X for Y", "mispronounce X for Y"01:32
nshis this magically unambiguous if you happened to burst womb in north america?01:33
nshreplace X with Y, mispronounce A as B01:33
nshthank you.01:33
katsmeow-afki think it's because of the phrase "use for"01:33
nshmy brain parses that differently01:34
nshugh, now i'm thinking about reverse polish notation in sentences01:34
katsmeow-afki am not disagreeing with you, however, if i spoke any more correctly irl, then absolutely no one irl would understand me01:34
nshyou need to speak with projectiles more :-)01:35
* nsh wishes he could sleep like all the normal people01:35
katsmeow-afkthat's gotten me into enough trouble01:35
nshinstead of trawling html comments on nsa.gov on a whim01:35
katsmeow-afkhell, they even ignored the projectiles part , even after picking up the side effectsof the projectiles01:36
nshpray expand01:36
katsmeow-afkoh, lets not01:37
nsh'(pronounced "speech-ome", rhymes with "genome")' ... fuck you wikipedia01:37
katsmeow-afkwell, somone wold be sure to say it speech-o-me01:38
nshsounds like a weapon from H2G201:39
nsh"Many older English poems, particularly those written in Middle English or written in The Renaissance, contain rhymes that were originally true or full rhymes, but as read by modern readers they are now eye rhymes because of shifts in pronunciation. An example is prove and love." --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_rhyme01:39
nshdoes that mean they pronounced prove as in "pruv", or love as in louvre?01:40
nsheither way sounds pretty gay. no wonder they wore those frilly neck travesties01:41
katsmeow-afkhere they say "de techer larned mah my speeching"01:41
* nsh read that in the voice bart uses to say "i wash mahself with a rag onna stick"01:41
katsmeow-afkor chief and chef ?01:41
* nsh wonders how human specheome baby will be psychologically affected01:42
katsmeow-afkwent = we-unt01:43
katsmeow-afkroad = raod01:43
katsmeow-afkcow = caw-oh or cay-ow01:44
katsmeow-afkor worse case: cay-yeow01:44
nshif you have time to pronounce cow with two syllables, chances are you're NOT EVOLVING HARD ENOUGH01:44
katsmeow-afki am convinced some chars from Star Wars were named after southern words: Chewbacca? = do you chew tobacco? <<== i have heard that myself01:45
QuantumGwhenever I see quotes from ye-olde books I see people putting 'e' on the end of dozens of words I've never seen 'e' on the end of before.01:45
katsmeow-afki do that in fun sometimes01:46
QuantumGit's like people in the 17th century just thought it was funny to shove 'e' on the end of words01:46
katsmeow-afkmaybe it was a gender denotation, like 'o' and 'a'?01:46
QuantumGI just imagine wig wearing dudes with quill pens scribbling e's and giggling like people writing 'oh hai' today01:47
katsmeow-afkand as prudish as some were back then, the ducks were naked for down pillows and writing pens01:50
katsmeow-afkthat thorium speech is 70megabytes, i'd prefer html text and pics01:51
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QuantumGif you're gunna read you might as well just read a book on the subject02:01
katsmeow-afkthere's been a lot on the internet over thorium02:02
QuantumGwanna know why?02:03
katsmeow-afkcause it's good stuff?02:03
QuantumGhe's talking about ITAR and its restriction on speech about rockets by knowledgeable people02:04
QuantumGbut the same argument applies to nuclear secrecy.02:04
QuantumG"It is annoying to me that my concepts are probably reinventing the square wheel for the most part and the people that know can’t straighten me out or take the few good ones further."02:05
* katsmeow-afk nods02:06
katsmeow-afkwell, the other thing i have noticed is some misinfo on military design, like the accordion submarine plans, praps no one wants the idiotic plans debunked02:08
QuantumGya, those parts of ITAR are funny.. it specifically prohibits US citizens from telling non-US citizens that they are designing their weapons wrong.  02:10
QuantumGI watch ITAR violations happen on the arocket list every day02:10
QuantumGbecause many of the people on there would rather say "you're more likely to blow your hands off using that propellant, don't do that." than obey the law.02:11
katsmeow-afkdamned considerate well meaning bastards02:14
katsmeow-afkoops, sorry02:14
katsmeow-afkdidn't mean to say that aloud02:14
QuantumGI've sure the US gov would prefer them to allow all those evil foreigners to blow their fingers off02:15
katsmeow-afkwell, sure, less fingers = less ieds02:15
katsmeow-afki am stillw aiting on the black hats to deny they got the xmas bomber to use the wrong materials or the wrong methods02:19
katsmeow-afk"x blows up ok, and y blows up ok, but x + y is a really big bang", when praps it's a dud, as it was02:19
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kanzurefenn: who is jonathan nelson?10:08
kanzurefrom jelle: evocad, evolution-assisted CAD http://www.demo.cs.brandeis.edu/pr/buildable/evocad/aid00/10:09
kanzurejelle finally read through http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/presentations/updates-from-austin.pdf10:09
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kanzuresuperkuh: do you know of a paper that explores an EEG setup with 32+ channels?11:16
kanzurein particular i'm trying to find "good" examples of high-throughput EEG, i.e. human commands/control11:16
kanzurehints for how to search for this on google scholar would be nice too11:16
-!- Kuro_ [n=kuro@host81-156-148-187.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #hplusroadmap11:22
kanzurehello Kuro_ 11:22
* kanzure just linked matt campbell to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnfW9ggtiEk the mfg.com open source CNC machine video11:22
ybitfiles yet?11:23
ybiti'm sure you'll post when they become available, so no more pestering11:23
kanzureybit: no, i'm waiting to send a follow-up email until later today when my phone will have a charge (i forgot my phone charger when i went to mum's)11:23
kanzurehttp://www.printerscats.com/index.php?tag=fabber&page=3 Miniaturización de la Civilización11:24
kanzureprinterscats.com .. what a terrible domain name. easily misconstrued11:24
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kanzure Temporal Change in Bimanual Interkeypress Intervals and Self-Reported Symptoms During Continuous Typing 12:02
kanzurewish they would have done this study on QWERTY and dvorak12:02
kanzureto see if it's really a per-hand issue or something to do with the keyboard layout12:02
kanzurethey found that the left hand types slower when you start pushing 90, 60 or even 30min of continuous typing12:03
kanzureah someone else had the same idea. "Effects of input methods on inter-key press intervals during continuous typing."12:04
kanzure"Microsoft New Phonetic and Boshiamy, "12:04
-!- parolang [n=user@keholmes.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:22
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kanzurehttp://designfiles.org/dokuwiki/braininterface (thesnark)12:49
-!- Trooem [n=adfasfda@S0106001d724fcb1d.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:52
kristianpaulhope they move to reprap13:05
-!- thesnark [n=michael@michael-laptop.ni.utoledo.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap13:21
Trooemwhere is kanzure?13:29
thesnarkybit ar is on its way up for sure13:43
thesnarkit's so cheap 13:44
ybitthesnark: i think you may be the first person aside from kanzure or fenn to actually edit dokuwiki and add another page :)13:47
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* Trooem is formulating a fomula of form for fo f14:54
Trooem....doesn't make sense14:55
kanzuregood to be home15:02
Trooemwhere were you?15:03
kanzuremom's house while i was recovering15:03
Trooemit took you only a day to recover? haha 15:03
kanzureybit: i'm not happy with dokuwiki entirely. maybe i'll play with hatta-wiki some more15:03
Trooemwolverine man15:03
kanzureTrooem: take the pain like a man15:03
Trooemi'll take the pain like wolverine thanks. just give me nanites healing my body one day.15:04
Trooemnever as a human will i want to get sick.15:04
Trooembut a mutant!15:04
Trooemkanzure, get online on gtalk, i've got quite a few things to talk about, devised few interesting plan15:05
kanzurei literally just got home. give me a few seconds to boot up everything.15:06
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kanzurehttp://www.longtail.com/.m/the_long_tail/2009/01/a-business-mode.html a business model for open source hardware15:36
thesnarkhmm I think the business model would be the easier part....not everybody can manufacture everything on their own15:50
* thesnark goes on to actually read the article15:50
kanzurethe article got it right i think15:50
kanzureat least the concept of (1) not everyone wants to make their own screws, and (2) different people call it "quits" at different places, so instruction generation is really useful15:50
thesnarkthis strategy is already being used by a few companies, olimex in bulgaria being one15:52
thesnarkit will be interesting to see how the regulations get with this stuff15:52
thesnarkI bet you the powers that be will claim "safety issues" with open source hardware or something stupid like that15:52
kanzureyep, so kits would come with the warnings and signed consent and other things like that15:53
kanzure"it's your choice how to assemble these things.. this is the way that most people don't die: plug X into Z"15:53
kanzurewere you in here when andres explained his idea for wiring up skdb and octopart? the automatic ordering system i pitched him15:54
kanzureuser picks something they want to build/make on an skdb-front-end-website -> spits out a BOM -> BOM goes to octopart -> results are organized, classified, cheapest first, etc. etc. -> parts on material list are automatically purchased once the user types in cc info and whatever15:59
randallagordonSounds slick16:01
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kanzureit would also be nice to somehow have all the parts arrive at a central location first so that instructions can be added.. but in the mean time i guess they will be emailed or generated and ask the user to save them or something16:02
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kanzuregood ol' internet connection. laggy as usual, even when i pay the bill17:18
thesnarktrying to download papers from you....17:18
kanzurewho is "william millard" is17:19
kanzureoh, from heybryan.org?17:19
kanzureyeah don't do that17:23
* kanzure kills apacvhe17:23
kanzureok try now17:24
kanzurestill painfully slow on my end17:27
thesnarkkanzure it's slower =[17:29
thesnark_much_ slower now actually17:29
thesnarkdon't worry about it, I'll get them later17:29
thesnarkkanzure you should do traffic analysis on your end to see what is taking your bandwidth17:30
thesnarkkanzure they _probably_ are giving you what you are paying for17:30
thesnarkbut it's time for me to go socialize now. back later tonight.17:31
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kanzurerandom open hardware stuff about openmoko and barriers to entry http://www.mail-archive.com/community@lists.openmoko.org/msg56704.html17:32
kanzurei still find it weird how nature.com thinks diybio is a synthetic biology group17:34
splicerwhat would you call it.. citizen science?17:50
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kanzuresplicer: i'd call it do-it-yourself biology18:02
kanzurethey don't have to be citizens18:02
* Trooem scared kanzure away. :(18:02
Trooemi'm sorry :P18:03
Trooemi talk too much.18:03
* Trooem is going to relax now... focus on what he needs.18:04
Trooemwow looks like longevity research is coming to fruition(!)18:04
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:05
Trooemhello genehackler18:15
* Trooem is going to look back on his practice in solitude for a while...18:16
* Trooem is getting a bit paranoid...18:17
genehackerso Trooem what technological sins have you commited recently, or shall we discuss this in a private heavily encrypted chat?18:18
Trooemthat would be more...18:20
Trooemhahaha shall i message you in this channel?18:20
* Trooem is a sinner.18:21
* Trooem will become a greater sinner.18:21
* Trooem however, sinner with money.18:21
-!- JayDugger [n=duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:26
JayDuggerNeat! A 3D printer using cement or plaster. http://rockprinter.com18:27
genehackeris that the one that printed that weird organic gazebo thing?18:28
genehackeror something new?18:28
genehackeroh it is18:28
JayDuggerI don't know of the one which printed "that weird organic gazebo thing."18:28
JayDuggerDid seacrete ever come up in the chats here?18:29
genehackerno but seasteading has18:29
JayDuggerDarn. 18:29
JayDuggerI hoped someone had tried that.18:29
JayDuggerOh well.18:29
genehackerthe consensus on seacrete is that it's not a magic bullet18:29
JayDuggerA magic bullet for what?18:29
JayDuggerI wouldn't think so, no.18:30
genehackerseacrete is?18:30
JayDuggerI doubt seasteading has a magic technical solution of any kind.18:30
JayDuggerFew political problems have technical solutions.18:30
genehackerI'm not so sure about that18:31
genehackerwho says we can't do things algorithmically?18:31
genehackerusing pie slicing algorithms and what not?18:31
genehackerso what's seacrete again18:31
JayDuggerFission bombs come to mind, but that's about all.18:31
JayDuggerYou can precipitate dissolved minerals from seawater onto a conductive mesh.18:32
genehackerhow fast is the process?18:32
JayDuggerI've never seen good details on the process, and it might have encumbering patents.18:32
JayDuggerI've meant for decades to try it in an aquarium, but good intentions pave a slow road to anywhere.18:33
JayDuggersorry, good intentions pave a slow road to nowhere.18:33
genehackerwell seawater sitting in an aquarium for a long time can't be good either18:33
JayDuggerOh, I don't know. People keep salt water fish in aquariums, after all.18:34
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genehackersalt water tends to like to form growing salty crusts as it dries18:34
JayDuggerI know from my Dad's experience that it's not easy, but hardly impossible.18:34
JayDuggerYeah, I spent some time in the Navy. :)18:34
genehackerwell I guess you could kill all that biological stuff and be fine18:35
JayDuggerIn a test tank, you'd just buy ocean salt mix from a pet store, dip a chicken wire mesh, and attach a power supply.18:35
genehackeranyway so you want to use it to print huge structures in seawater18:35
genehackerwell find a cheap aquarium or something on craigslist and make a space in your garage18:36
JayDuggerI don't know about that. I live pretty far inland, and probably wouldn't use it anything larger than a forty-gallon tank would hold.18:36
JayDuggerRight. 18:36
JayDuggerStep 0: buy a house with a garage.18:37
genehackerI live fairly inland two18:37
genehackeralso in Dallas area18:37
JayDuggerReally? We might be neighbors, at least for Texas-sized definitions of "neighbor."18:37
genehackerI live in Plano18:38
JayDuggerIrving, here.18:38
JayDuggerToo bad there's no details on the rockprinter site.18:39
genehackerfound it18:41
JayDuggerUT Austin, no less. 18:41
JayDuggerAh, Thank.18:42
JayDuggerthanks, even.18:42
genehackeryup and hookem18:42
genehackerthis is the 3d gazebo printer thing I was talking about:18:44
genehackerit has a resolution of 25 DPI18:44
JayDuggerAnd for fairly large objects, too.18:45
genehackerso it's an expensive process18:49
genehackerbut I wonder if you could use a guided electrode to grow weird shapes18:50
kanzurei haven't seen any EEG papers showing anything better than 15 words/minute18:51
genehackeris that faster than stephen hawking's current output method?18:51
JayDuggerI don't see why you couldn't, or use successive electrode sheets to layer up any thickness you please.18:51
kanzurestephen has been getting slower and slower18:51
JayDuggerWhether you'd get stronger results with electrodes more like rebar than conductive thread, I don't know.18:52
genehackerhe doesn't use EEG18:52
kanzurelast time i heard he was working on a system of blinks18:52
JayDuggerMy ignorance of concrete fills volumes.18:52
genehackerwell you can treat concrete like a composite and it's generally pretty hard to figure out the strength of composites without testing them18:53
genehackerthough calculating young's modulus is pretty easy18:54
JayDuggerPoint taken. I'm not about to try making any in the next few days, so no worries.18:55
genehackerseacrete costs $1 per kg so it's fairly expensive18:55
JayDuggerWhere did you find that number?18:55
JayDuggerFound it.18:56
genehackerwhoa traditional concrete cost about $0.05 per kg18:58
JayDuggerHa. That explains why we build cities of the stuff. 18:58
genehackerseacrete's 22 times more expensive18:58
flamt18:49 < flamt> http://ansistego.sf.net/telepathic-critterdrug.tgz18:59
flamt18:50 < flamt> added a communal hallucination canvas o_o18:59
flamt18:50 < flamt> to draw and watch18:59
flamt18:50 < flamt> 3d well time bounded with rewind18:59
flamt18:50 < flamt> brb18:59
JayDuggerConcrete's harder to repair, I expect.19:00
genehackerwell that could change the lifecycle cost19:01
genehackerbe interesting to see which is cheaper19:01
JayDuggerGood point. I think that calculation would depend on specifics of each case.19:03
genehackerthough do you really need a building that last forever?19:04
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ybithi cyrozap 19:56
ybitmarainein: 19:56
maraineinhey ybit19:56
maraineinwhat are you up to?19:56
ybitdeciding what to do with the extra $1k19:56
ybiti've got $3.7k allotted to the hackerspace19:57
* Trooem is sensing the world is going to be much like resident evil movies... Biological warfare, and altered humans.19:57
maraineinmost of the ideas that come to mind probably aren't very responsible19:57
ybitmarainein: what about yourself?19:57
maraineinbuy some shotguns19:57
maraineinjust jumping from channel to channel as i decide what to do with my day19:58
maraineinwhat projects are you spending money on?19:58
ybitreprap and ceb press are definites19:59
ybitrouter, mill, lathe... the multimachine is highly tempting here in that i could build one practically for free20:00
maraineini'm not sure what a reprap and ceb press are20:01
JayDuggerCompressed Earth Brick Press?20:02
JayDugger(Had to check 'ceb,' myself)20:02
-!- zancas [n=zancas@dsl092-134-109.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:08
Trooemcould you guys like make anything with given blueprints and walkthroughs?20:10
ybitJayDugger: yes20:10
ybitTrooem: what do you have in mind20:11
Trooemany mechanical, electronics parts?20:11
Trooemah.. it's something very private. i can't discuss it openly in the channel.20:11
Trooemmaybe one day hahaha20:11
genehackerjoin #reprap if you want to know more about reprap20:11
Trooemit can make 50k per month for sho 'cause it's all about messing with the world believe it or not :P20:12
genehackerI think I know what your making trooem if it involves mechanical and electronic parts and is private20:12
Trooemdon't go there20:12
Trooemthe perfect vagina...20:13
genehackerif it involved chemicals it would be a bomb or something dangerous20:13
genehackerugh, I thought you were making a sentry turret20:13
Trooemi'm sorry.20:13
Trooemi was way off.20:13
Trooemno no.... it's more to do with gathering intelligence. like a spytool of sort. i've ran the idea of it to few people, and they said it's certainly plausible to make...20:14
Trooembut will it make money?20:14
Trooemyes, if i sell it underground with a purpose20:15
Trooembut hey.......20:15
Trooemwrong idea there maybe.20:15
Trooemi shall shut up now.20:15
* Trooem shuts up.20:15
genehackerplease do20:15
Trooemyou too.20:15
Trooemyou do know i hate you genehacker.20:15
* Trooem hits genehacker with a abnormally large trout, and genehacker flies away like Mario.20:16
genehackerI really don't care20:17
Trooemcome on have sense of humour20:17
Trooemhacker of genes.20:17
Trooemwonder we will change our own genes one day20:18
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* genehacker installs the latest humour package20:18
Trooemeverybody wanting to become... hispanics... or... aliens..20:18
maraineinjust how much does a 'make anything' setup cost?20:18
Trooemim not qualified to answer that, but im probably right.20:19
Trooemany sufficiently good fabrication of anything requires a good amount of .... well, 20k.20:19
Trooemtried thinking of making a mocap studio with 3D characters. 20:20
Trooemneeded 20k.20:20
genehackerI'm sure you could check kanzure's fablab inventory and figure the cost 20:20
Trooemtried getting into the video game industry purchase of license 20k.20:20
genehackerI think it's more than 20k though20:21
Trooemkanzure is an anomoly. he can probably do it for 2k.20:21
Trooemthat's something.20:21
genehackerI doubt that20:21
* Trooem can go hardcore.20:22
* Trooem had a dream last night where he saw large coy fish hanging around a ankle-high murky waters.20:23
Trooemi think it's a good sign :)20:23
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* Trooem thinks it's not way too difficult to luck out on making 10k per month or so... but how about 10k a day? that is the question...20:37
maraineinwhat are you trying to do?20:39
Trooemall things manual labour-related ends at 10k per month, at best... quantifying that is the problem...20:40
Trooemwith softwares.20:40
Trooemso many options...20:40
maraineini don't understand, and i don't think that's just because i've been drinking - how are you going to make this money?20:43
Trooemif i just tell you here for things that i've worked for, thats not fair i don't think...20:43
Trooemso i'm talking in riddles. sorry about that.20:44
Trooemjust writing things, how i think...20:44
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genehackerargh so neither sympy nor mathematica want to solve my equation21:22
genehackerflamt what is that thing?21:22
genehackersome sort of cellular automaton or a-life thing?21:23
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genehackermathematica rocks21:42
Trooemi am so addicted to castlevania symphony of the night...21:43
flamtgenehacker: yeah it's a cellular automata running on an eco sim21:46
flamtlike it's vertical streaks because i scroll it up to teach them the row size21:46
flamtthen it's animated in two directions in time21:47
flamtso they see this is the same kind of input as their retina21:47
flamtjust with 3 channels not 4 since i can't show alpha21:47
flamtthen i expect horizontally coherent patterns to appear21:47
flamtbut so far i'm having trouble wiring them into it for long when it gets brighter they slow down21:47
flamti'm overfeeding them and pushing brain mutations21:47
flamtbrb >_>21:47
flamthttp://ansistego.sf.net/telepathic-critterdrug.tgz btw ._.21:48
flamtfrom critterding <_<21:48
flamtyeah 7 synapses per cell was too many with 2 they're moving ahead but its slow21:48
flamtactually i could only have 521:49
flamtwell the array is 64*48*321:49
flamtthey have almost 2000 neurons so i could have 5 synapses per unique colour cell in the psychic grid21:49
flamtbut i couldnt have 7 you can see that21:49
flamteven 3 killed most of them eventually though poor bastards21:49
flamtnow i'm trying 2 per21:49
flamtabout hmm a third of the screen21:50
flamtthen they have 1 motor connection per neuron to it but there are twice as many of those so they have write to maybe a tenth21:50
flamtbut strains will not be randomly assigned locations in it like i did to load these in21:50
flamtfrom the old sim21:50
flamtstrains will use the same cells21:50
flamtanyway. they will make art and myths and shit21:51
flamtit's their racial movie21:51
flamtthe disabled can just watch it instead of suffering21:51
flamtit's really fun21:51
flamti'm going nuts21:51
flamtbut. still brb21:51
flamtoh it's 1024 frames long >_>21:51
flamt9,216 colour elements * 1024 frames == 9 mega colour elements21:51
flamtso it's like, really big to them21:52
flamtthat's what i'm going for21:52
flamtbye ._.21:52
genehacker2000 neurons seems like an awful lot per critter21:55
genehackerhow many are in a litter?21:55
genehackerif you keep them in one location they'll probably learn to recognize one object21:57
genehackerIE they'll be just like a parrot that can only repeat words and not form them into coherent sentences21:57
genehackersounds cool21:57
Trooemhey wait, are you guys talking about hooking up neurons with chaos?22:02
Trooemerr.... how plausible do you think biological AI is coming around to do our bidding22:03
Trooemi read this article on how leech neurons can add up numbers :)22:04
genehackerflamt is playing around with evolving some virtual critters to see stuff22:04
Trooemoh it's a virtual thing22:04
genehackerI don't think it's very plausible22:04
genehackeranalog electronics are much better for that sort of thing22:04
Trooemi guess it would be hard to make it expandable..22:05
Trooemwouldn't be able to keep the neurons alive for long...22:05
Trooemwhen do you guys think life extension therapy is going to be practicle?22:05
Trooem10 years from now?22:05
* Trooem doesn't understand why marvel sold so many characters to disney.22:08
cyrozapdisney wanted marvel so they can appeal to the male side of the market.22:11
cyrozapthey have the princesses for the girls, and now they have superheroes for the boys.22:11
flamti gave them four types of drugs and a potentiator substance22:13
flamtthen this psychic array22:13
flamtnow i dont think there's anything left22:13
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Trooemoh i see22:15
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genehackerflamt stop messimg with those poor things brains22:26
genehackeryou know caffeine's effects on insects right?22:28
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-!- Aliks [n=epicurea@76-14-163-117.wsac.wavecable.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:49
AliksAnyone here have suggestions on what I should do about the following?  I just filed a patent application for a way to reduce software/music/etc. piracy.  Should I approach trade organizations, or release publicly and hope they contact me, or just publish for free, or what?22:51
-!- Noahj [n=noah@ip98-182-59-157.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:56
Trooemnot too sure, but unless they approved the filings already, and at least at 'patent pending' status, you wouldn't want to give out your ideas, they would at least make it something similar...22:58
Trooemso approach directly 22:58
Trooemno idea i think you know the answer22:59
nshhow, Aliks ?22:59
Alikssorry was arguing in another room23:10
Alikswhere I asked the same question23:10
Alikshot topic23:10
AliksI do have "patent pending" status23:10
Aliksnsh, can't say specifically but it isnt the usual DRM type stuff23:10
Aliksyes, every CD comes with two miniature basilisks23:11
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nshi would buy23:13
Aliksusually they've been in the box for several weeks so they are very hungry23:13
Aliksah, I am still connected23:21
flamti have an implant23:29
flamtthe american government in the guise of scientology popped up in my life because i talk to aliens and advocate lsd23:29
flamti camped out alone one night which sounds so nice and they chipped my skull23:29
flamtnow this thing makes mocking noises and sensations in the upper left of my head all day for days now23:30
flamtfor a few days after new years it was trying to make me believe it was from aliens or some intelligent fungus23:30
flamtso i actually enjoyed having it and hearing from it23:30
flamtnow it's just making impressions of huge smiles and reminding me of the night they used it to electroshock me23:30
flamtabout a week ago23:30
flamtmy neighbours downstairs are pretending to be some sick woman and her kid but it's a bunch of CIA people with clearance23:30
flamtmy landlord finally figured out something was the hell wrong, they've been trying to get him to evict me for six months so i've been living rent free23:30
flamtand so for the foreseeable future23:31
flamtthey called the cops three times between christmas and new years so i couldnt like, party alone for that23:31
flamttrying to get me put in the hospital which they couldn't, but did last year this time23:31
flamtalso for christmas, then23:31
flamtthis is what they do, pop up in your life and try to terrify you23:31
flamtall the implant does is make these dumb smiling and inappropriately happy impressions and sounds23:31
flamtwet mouth sounds like smiling all the time, really happy and it wont stop being so happy23:31
flamtat really bad times especially23:31
flamtand i know they're doing it from downstairs. that sounds so stupid23:32
flamtit's supposed to23:32
flamtgoogle implants and look at the offensive obvious psy-ops disinfo shit you get23:32
QuantumGirc and drugs don't mix flamt23:32
flamtoh it kissed real quiet when i said that23:32
flamti'm not on drugs atm QuantumG LOL23:32
flamtdont blame the drugs23:32
flamtit's the government23:32
flamtand it's disgusting23:32
QuantumGmaybe you should be then23:32
flamti'll toke in a sev23:32
flamtbut let me say23:32
flamti'm getting this imaged and removed23:32
flamtand also23:32
flamti've started a list23:32
flamtit's all really silly23:32
QuantumGprescribed ones would be better23:32
flamtwhat you hear is like ridiculous words or just mocking noises and you're not supposed to record it because of how it would look23:33
flamtbut now i do because in ten years i'll be breeding not a-life but bacteria23:33
flamtand i'll be feeding them not glucose but titanium23:33
flamtand i'll spill this shit from time to time23:33
flamtin places23:33
flamti just need reasons23:33
flamti just need reasons.23:33
flamti'm not confused by like the sound of myself blinking, smiling or breathing23:34
flamtit's really in my head, since '07, and i've been absolutely sure since well start of this year23:34
flamti don't know why they wanted to make me absolutely sure for PR or to discredit me i expect23:34
flamtanyway i'm doing good work right now i don't think it's because of the implant though i thought it had some bonuses at first i don't now23:35
flamtit's just for control surveillance and discouragement23:35
flamtmy communities are a target, it went nuts during the last live podcast i tried to hear23:35
flamtso i wouldn't participate meaningfully23:35
flamti was watching a series of videos about mind control on youtube... marsboy683 i think23:35
QuantumGok, you can stop talking now flamt23:36
flamthis second series with the mexican guy suddenly turns into a bunch of horrifying kiddie porn23:36
flamtafter telling you scientology is mkultra23:36
flamtand other shit like this23:36
flamtscientology stalks me like crazy23:36
flamtbut i will, quantum g23:36
QuantumGgo see a doctor, get some anti-psychotics ok?23:36
flamtlike you i wouldn't jeapoardize our mission here i just wanted it off my chest23:36
flamtno dude they p23:36
flamtyou made me knock my pipe off the stand23:36
flamtthey psychiatrically suppressed me this year already23:36
flamtlast year for six months with risperdal but my pineal gland apparently survived23:37
QuantumGif you're against medication you're for Scientology.. choose.23:37
flamtunless i am now nursing prolactinoma23:37
flamtnah, i've talked to scientologists about this23:37
flamtthe only thing we agree on is that antipsychotics have never furnished a cure23:37
flamtwhere we part ways again is on the fact that the psychedelics have23:37
QuantumGflamt is a Scientology23:37
flamtbrb >_>23:38

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