
--- Day changed Mon Jan 11 2010
-!- parolang2 [n=user@keholmes.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]00:02
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genehackercabin fever Trooem?00:30
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kanzurepicks from les' shop yesterday: http://papertygre.livejournal.com/348952.html10:02
kanzureswince when are there going to be classrooms? 10:03
kanzureand i thought les told us not to post photos?10:03
kanzurecan anyone convince me that EEG is not lame?10:07
kristianpaulare you smoke?10:14
-!- parolang [n=user@keholmes.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:27
kanzurekristianpaul: someone made a .rpm of pythonocc-0.4 a few days ago, i'm sure "alien" can convert it to .deb10:31
kristianpaulkanzure: yes that is supposed to do10:31
kanzurefenn: have you seen the pythonocc parametric modeling video on youtube?10:34
-!- Noahj [n=noah@host51.155.212.177.conversent.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:35
kanzurehey Noahj 10:35
kanzureanything new?10:35
NoahjI'm setting up and learning how to use Bazaar 10:36
NoahjIt seems pretty standard 10:36
kanzurethe revision control repository?10:36
kanzureplease be sure to also check out git10:36
NoahjGit is nice, I've used it, it doesn't have sftp support though 10:37
kanzureit doesn't? wtf10:37
NoahjWait, I might be BSing10:37
NoahjNope, you can't push with sftp10:37
NoahjAlso, the aironet 1110 router doesn't support openWRT10:38
NoahjWhich is really sad, since we have a pile of them and they look like they'd be good for fabfi 10:39
NoahjOh well 10:39
parolangI did some bzr, they have some good docs on their site.10:39
parolangI'm learning git now.  Probably good idea to learn both.10:39
kanzureyeah, hg and bzr seem to have a lot in common10:40
parolangHaven't done anything with hg.10:40
kanzurehttp://hatta-wiki.org/ uses hg and is worth checking out (distributed revision control wiki in python)10:41
parolangI think the other ones besides git and bzr will eventually move to these two.10:41
kanzurehg has lots of plugins for interoperability with other repositories10:41
NoahjMercurial looks like a good version control system 10:41
kanzurealthough it failed when i tried to convert skdb.git -> skdb.hg10:41
NoahjRight, hg 10:41
kanzure(apparently skdb.git has some weird git peculiarities deep in its history)10:41
Noahjhg also has ssh support10:42
parolangHatta is a good idea :)10:42
* kanzure nods10:42
kanzurebut somewhat poorly implemented10:42
kanzurei want to do hatta-wiki in cherrpy and anyvcs so that you can plug-and-play different dcvs backends10:42
parolangI'm just thinking how superior the Unix DVCS's are to the integrated solutions you find in the commercial world.  With the DVCS tools, you can mix and match to create new uses.10:44
parolangIIRC, Microsoft Word has version control, but it's integrated into the .doc files and can't be used outside of Word.10:44
parolangHmm...sounds like I achieve the benefits of Hatta with my git repository of my org files.  I don't really need an explicit Wiki interface.10:47
-!- genehacker [n=username@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:47
NoahjHatta ties the version history on the wiki pages to the version history of the version control system though, right?10:49
NoahjIt looks slightly shinier than just making your /var/www a git repository10:49
parolangWhat makes it shinier?10:49
NoahjYou can view the version history on the pages themselves10:50
NoahjIt's also got RSS/Atom, but I assume you've set that up separately anyway 10:51
parolangNow, I haven't set that up.10:54
parolangOkay, a little shinier :)10:54
Noahjhttp://hatta-wiki.org/What%20sucks 10:54
NoahjI like this page. 10:54
NoahjAnd apparently there's a workaround for pushing git with sftp, in the git FAQ: http://git.or.cz/gitwiki/GitFaq/ 10:56
NoahjJust mount the partition with "sshfs -o workaround=rename" 10:56
kanzurehm: http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Geocities 49 million URLs from geocities?10:59
kanzureparolang: another shiny feature of hatta-wiki is that people are using distributed revision control without knowing it, via a web interface ;)11:03
NoahjIs there a bittorrent version control system yet?11:04
NoahjOh right, gittorrent11:05
NoahjThat doesn't really /exist/ yet, though11:06
Noahjhttp://www.advogato.org/article/994.html < here's someone talking about how cool it'd be if it did 11:10
kanzureadvogato.org has some nice articles every once in a while11:10
kanzurethis is one of my favorites:11:11
kanzuresome notes on EEG setups i just uploaded: http://designfiles.org/papers/neuro/eeg-notes.txt11:13
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-!- parolang` [n=user@keholmes.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:40
parolanglol @ http://openeeg.sourceforge.net/banner.jpg11:54
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Trooem...do CNC machines cut metal like butter and shape it to way you want it?12:37
Noahj15-axis waterjets cut metal like a hot knife cuts butter, actually, much better 12:38
-!- Noahj1 is now known as Noahj12:38
Trooemwonder if one can use that as a weapon12:38
Trooemin military12:38
NoahjIt wouldn't have very good range12:39
Trooemi see12:39
NoahjIf you could get right up next to the enemy's equipment you could cut nice round holes in it 12:39
NoahjOr maybe a funky celtic knot or something 12:39
NoahjBut it'd be a bit redundant as if you're that close and intend only destruction you could simply file a couple rounds into it or light it on fire or what have you12:39
NoahjLaser cutters are more weaponizable, indeed, Israel and the US have a join Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser project 12:40
NoahjThey use it to melt missiles 12:40
Trooemguess rocket launchers are much more effective12:40
Trooemlaser weapons finally12:40
NoahjIt's easily subverted by mirror-coating the missiles or changing the shape so the laser doesn't heat them as quickly12:41
NoahjOr by firing them quickly enough that the motors on the laser don't catch up 12:41
NoahjBut that's its own arms race 12:41
parolang`So...what is the high energy laser project intended to fight?13:06
parolang`Sorry...bad question.13:06
parolang`I just mean...we're investing all this money in our military, for what?  To fight al-Qaeda?  Pfft.13:07
parolang`The military is just a cash-sink.13:07
kanzureplease don't be so boring13:07
NoahjMelting rockets is boring?13:08
parolang`Heh, alright.  You don't discuss politics here.  I guess that's what boring is code for :)13:08
kanzureNoahj: complaining about the military is boring13:09
NoahjComplaining about difficulties with the machines the military uses is interesting, though, right?13:09
parolang`Noahj: I think the code is to discuss technical rather than ideological matters.13:11
kanzuredo you speak english?13:12
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parolang`Sorry, I fail at rhetorical questions.13:14
parolang`But yeah, I was offended when you called my comment boring, which isn't unreasonable.  Lets move on.13:14
kanzurei'm having a hard time understanding you13:15
-!- Trooem [n=adfasfda@S0106001d724fcb1d.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:28
genehackerwaterjets have a points in time been considered as use as weapons13:34
genehackerspace is a better cash sink13:34
-!- chupacabra [n=chupacab@cpe-70-112-123-173.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:37
kanzurehello chupacabra 13:38
kanzureare you from the robot group?13:38
chupacabrakinda.  heybrian.org seems down.13:49
chupacabra  heybryan.org even13:50
kanzureyeah my isp sucks a lot13:57
chupacabraat home?13:57
chupacabraI think I have mastercam somewhere.  never had a win machine to run it and never got it right under wine.13:58
chupacabraIv'e been a machinist since 73 so maybe I can be of some use here.14:01
kanzurecool :)14:06
kanzurethere are some videos on youtube that describe what we've been up to14:06
-!- chupacabra changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: see some talk of AI too.hehe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/ http://heybryan.org/14:07
chupacabraoops didn't mean to do that.14:07
* Utopiah didn't know anybody could change the topic,nice14:07
chupacabranot a good idea14:08
bkerokanzure: What's the deal with the site?14:08
chupacabrano ops here either14:08
-!- chupacabra changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/ http://heybryan.org/14:09
kanzurechupacabra: the channel isn't registered, so i can't get op status14:09
kanzurebkero: ask marcin, not me14:09
kanzurechupacabra: have you seen the youtube videos?14:09
chupacabranot yet14:10
genehackerchupacabra you have a CNC machine I assume?14:10
-!- chupacabra changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: i hate debian. hehe http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/ http://heybryan.org/14:14
chupacabraI hate Debian...  hehe14:14
-!- kanzure changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg http://designfiles.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/ http://heybryan.org/14:14
kanzurechupacabra: any particular reason why you hate debian?14:14
Trooemanyone can change the topic?14:14
UtopiahI think the channel could still be registered after asking a network op on #freenode or #help14:15
kanzureUtopiah: they don't reply to my requests14:15
kanzureUtopiah: i also sent in the paperwork too14:15
kanzureit's been a few years by now :(14:15
chupacabraMainly because of their elitist developers.14:15
Utopiahyes, I also had "delay" with freenode admins (read actually "still waiting" :/14:15
chupacabraya, I have regestered a couple of channels a while back.14:16
kanzurechupacabra: :) what are your opinions on dpkg, yast, yum, pacman, emerge, etc.?14:16
chupacabrai like yum most.  emerge if I have the time14:17
kanzurewe're building an "apt-get" for open source hardware in here :)14:18
kanzurealso, random trivia- it looks like carl feynman likes python14:18
chupacabrano cnc atm.  access to some if I asked.14:18
kanzurein fact he contributed to the python documentation apparently14:18
Utopiah( regarding apt-get and Debian package managers there was few discussions about it during http://events.ccc.de/congress/2009/Fahrplan/events/3647.en.html )14:19
chupacabrasounds like what I have wanted in manufacturing forever.  What a proprietary world manufacturing is.14:19
kanzureyeah :(14:21
genehackerI have access to one too supposedly14:25
genehackerI think I have to pay to use it though14:25
bkerokanzure: I would, but he's not here :/14:26
kanzurebkero: try calling him14:26
-!- Aliks [n=epicurea@76-14-163-117.wsac.wavecable.com] has joined #hplusroadmap14:27
bkeroI'll have to do it later, I'm in class.14:27
kanzurebkero: marcin is 816 256 383914:27
bkeroThanks for the number.14:27
bkeroWhat timezone is he in?14:27
kanzurehe's an alien from another dimension, i don't think he requires sleep14:28
chupacabraHaving been in on lots of robotic/machine tool builds I still have to say that the big boys have the upper hand.  A good maheenite casting for a base beats the heck outa any welded, jury rigged thing most people can afford to build.14:28
chupacabravery disheartening14:29
kanzurei'd be willing to do some casting14:29
chupacabraLarge mills are maheenite or some other proprietary material they can tout in ads.14:30
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Utopiahkanzure: during H+ summit talk you talked about "civilization seed" perspective, do you have reference of post-civilisation collapse (Maya, Rome, ...) rebuilt kit (vademecum) that were historically very efficient to bootstrap communities? (i.e. if corporation scale technology becomes for a reason or another unusable, what are according to history the most efficient ways to restart)14:34
chupacabraweird, google doesnt really find maheenite.  I hit14:34
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Utopiah(Handbook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handbook A handbook is sometimes referred to as a vade mecum (Latin, "go with me") or pocket reference that is intended to be carried at all times.)14:35
chupacabracant remember what manufacturer was so proud of that but I used to sleep in the ways of this machine that said "Genuine maheenite casting" engraved right where I looked before dropping off to sleep.14:35
UtopiahI guess right now it should be in algorithmic form, but my point is14:38
Utopiahthat there should be comparative studies of post-collapse communities and which were the most efficient ones14:38
Utopiahand, I guess, based on what tools and technique at that time14:38
Utopiahthus if there is such a post-collapse efficiency pattern, it could be useful for a "civilization seed"14:39
Utopiah( http://www.longnow.org/seminars/02009/nov/18/long-and-short-it/ http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=052138673X and http://www.longnow.org/seminars/02005/jul/15/how-societies-fail-and-sometimes-succeed/ made me wonder about it)14:41
chupacabraMaybe I should start "The Open Machinery's Handbook"  hmmmm14:44
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chupacabrawith machine tool documentation.14:44
chupacabrado to Industrial Press what Wikipedia did to Funk and Wagonals14:47
chupacabraThanks fo getting me thinking so early today guys.14:48
chupacabraWho here is in the Robot Group?14:51
kanzurei attended a few times but now i just avoid it14:52
kanzurethe meetings at least14:52
chupacabrahehe  maybe better I have avoided them.14:52
chupacabraI've met most of them at the Linux users group and at expos and things14:53
chupacabraover the years14:53
chupacabraim on the mail list and someone said to check this channel out14:54
kanzurethat was me :)14:55
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chupacabracool.  praise bob14:56
chupacabralooks like a fine place for good work.14:57
-!- Noahj1 [n=noah@wsip-70-184-10-225.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:57
chupacabrawhen does most of the discussion take place?14:58
chupacabraI gotta go work on a cctv project downtown today.  better get moving14:59
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kanzurechupacabra: most people on IRC just idle all day until something interesting happens15:06
Noahj1I'm kind of surprised they don't sell an extruder head for the modela 15:12
-!- Noahj1 is now known as Noahj15:12
NoahjThere's a laser-cuttable pinch wheel extruder on thingiverse, I wonder if it'll be difficult to adapt 15:13
NoahjThe modela's a little CNC mill15:13
NoahjSomeone's building a MakerBot, but it seems like we could just attach some kind of extruder to it and switch to additive15:13
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* Trooem would buy a GPS made by Arnold Schwarzenegger16:35
Trooemgerman accent: "Look out to your left, there goes a motorcyle." "Watch out, that guy looks like T1000 from my terminator movie."16:36
chupacabraMaybe Wikipedia would be glad to have machinery facts too.16:39
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chupacabraWould it be better to have all data in page form or to calculate only what the user wanted at the time?16:41
genehackerwhat do you want calculated?16:42
chupacabrai guess just in a db unless it was special16:43
timothyschmidtNoahj: have a link for the modela?16:43
NoahjTuhn Left on Pine St, get to da choppa 16:43
genehackerI made some messy datafiles for a couple manufacturing processes a while back 16:43
chupacabrathings like measurements of threads over wires or something like that.16:43
genehackernot very useful, but it helped me on an open note quiz16:43
genehackerforce necessary to roll a billet of aluminum to a sheet x units thick?16:44
chupacabraMachinerys handbook has endless pages of data like that.16:45
genehackerit's a pretty simple formula16:45
chupacabraya, at what point is it easier to calculate vs list16:46
chupacabralist for constants.16:46
genehackerat the point you input the properties of the material you have at hand16:46
timothyschmidtthe handbook(s) likely have both tables of calculations, and the formula16:46
genehackergenerating lists is so old school16:47
* genehacker should probably write a python script that will when asked for a given variable solve for it using sympy16:47
timothyschmidtIIRC, genius will do that, as well as everything else you could ask of a graphing calculator.16:48
timothyschmidtI started using it after my TI-92+ was stolen :(16:48
timothyschmidtFLOSS graphing calculator software16:49
genehackeris it better than mathematica?16:50
genehackeroh thanks16:50
timothyschmidtIn that it's open-source, yes.16:50
timothyschmidtfeaturewise, no.16:50
timothyschmidtit's not really meant to compete with mathematica.  You want Sage for that.16:51
kanzurechupacabra: skdb isn't really a "database". the machinery's handbook is encoded into it16:52
kanzureit should be16:52
timothyschmidtspeaking of which...  plugging sage into skdb might come in handy16:52
kanzurebut right now only screws and legos are ;)16:52
kanzuretimothyschmidt: pythonocc has some support for parametric modeling16:52
kanzureand hooking up the parametric modeling to sympy might be fun16:52
kanzureand/or sage/octave :)16:52
timothyschmidtcompletely unrelated, but I got my new glasses from Zenni Optical in the mail today.  $12.50 shipped.  Very happy.16:54
genehackerhooking up sympy to parametric modelling would definately be fun16:54
genehackerspeaking of glasses anyone know of any CAD programs that are compatible with Nvidia stereo drivers?16:55
genehackerIE so you can put on shutter glasses and do 3D modelling16:56
chupacabrashoot fedora 12 yum is installing genius16:56
kanzurechupacabra: what?16:56
kanzureis "genius" a program?16:56
timothyschmidtkanzure: it's a graphing calculator program16:57
genehackernow if I could only install stereodrivers on school computers...16:57
timothyschmidtIOW, it functions as a graphing calculator16:57
kanzureah. there's also qalculate16:57
* timothyschmidt is downloading the Sage livecd right now17:01
chupacabralooks like text only.  gotta read the manual later.17:05
chupacabrahad to get gnome-genius17:18
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QuantumGCONCLUSION: Duct tape occlusion therapy was significantly more effective than cryotherapy for treatment of the common wart.18:00
timothyschmidtnot a great sample size, to say the lease.18:07
timothyschmidtbut interesting nonetheless18:08
QuantumGya, its one of those things that are likely to be repeated because its interesting18:08
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bkeroI need someone in china to buy me a phone.19:11
nshmy friend ee bei might be able to do that for you19:20
timothyschmidtbkero: what phone are you interested in?19:29
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/ is back and online19:33
bkerotimothyschmidt: The Lenovo Lephone19:34
bkeroCan you get me one?19:34
kanzuredoes anyone know of a reusable arsenic sensor?19:34
kanzurefenn: tub should be back19:34
timothyschmidtbkero: Nope.  I cannot.  Just curious as to what type of gadget it was19:36
bkerotimothyschmidt: 1ghz snapdragon processor, 512mb ram, android 1.6, 12mm thick.  THe shell it goes in has a keyboard and extra battery19:39
timothyschmidtI see.  I am distrustful of phones these days...  since the NSA and FBI's capabilities to use them as remote microphones have been reasonably well documented.  I own an OpenMoko, for which the circuitry is documented, and there is no direct connection between the GSM portion which runs a proprietary firmware and the mic, but I suppose it would be just as easy to design audio and GSM chipsets capable of communicating19:44
timothyschmidt via covert channels - power usage spikes and such.19:44
QuantumGif you want some tinfoil19:45
QuantumGhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8QuUEwrKm8#t=36m15s is probably the best part of that video :)19:45
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timothyschmidtsadly, there's not much tinfoil in my stance.  GM's onstar system has even been used as a remote mic via court order.  And with the recent disclosure by Sprint of the number of times GPS tracking of phones has been queried by government officials, I would rather not be carrying a device with Gbs of storage, a powerful CPU, sensitive mic and DSP, camera, multiple radio transceivers including GPS, all controlled by so19:48
timothyschmidtmeone else.19:48
QuantumGbut dude, why are they listening to you?  It's not like they can listen all the time and record it for later processing.. they can only do it for someone of value.. what makes you think you're so important?19:50
timothyschmidtThe amount of storage required to record all audio from all available phones in the nation for even the next hundred years is actually quite reasonable.  A single datacenter stocked with TB hard drives would do the trick.19:51
QuantumGyep, that's for calls19:52
QuantumGyou're talking about being able to turn on microphones19:52
timothyschmidtNo, the math I've done is for 24/7/365 audio recording19:52
QuantumGthere aint no way (currently) that can be done scattershot19:52
timothyschmidtregardless of whether or not it seems practical, it is demonstrably possible.19:53
QuantumGthat's great, but mobile phones simply cannot be connected to a call for that long19:53
timothyschmidtThese days they don't need to be...  they have tons of storage.19:53
QuantumGcan you please make a full argument, cause I'm sick of playing 20 questions to hear your stupidity.19:54
timothyschmidtThe only thing I'm arguing is that it's not smart to carry around a powerful computer full of sensors that reports to someone else.19:54
QuantumGthat's not an argument19:55
QuantumGmake one19:55
QuantumGor shut up19:55
timothyschmidtNo, that's a statement.  You would be providing the other half if we were having an argument.  Instead, you're telling me to shut up.19:56
kanzuretimothyschmidt: it's ok, he admits he's an ass19:56
QuantumGno dude, "it's not smart to carry around..." is a declaration of fact.. you havn't made any argument to support your position.19:56
timothyschmidtI assume you're familiar with google.  You can type in "sprint GPS law enforcement" or "GM onstar eavesdropping" as I mentioned earlier.19:58
timothyschmidtMy mistake in assuming a minimum level of competence.19:58
QuantumGright, so now you're actually asking me to go make your argument for you.19:58
kanzuretimothyschmidt: he's saying that you don't have enough storage space on individual phones for full audio recording 24/7/365 19:58
timothyschmidtTelling you how to access my primary sources is not asking you to make me an argument.19:58
kanzurehm, what's emcrepstrap?19:59
QuantumGactually, I'm not.. I'm saying tim has failed to even mention what he's on about and why it should be a concern.. and just expects me to agree with him.19:59
timothyschmidtI expect you to do some research before telling someone to shut up.20:01
timothyschmidtI don't expect agreement20:01
QuantumGtim, you either care whether I accept your opinion or you're just yelling into the wind20:01
QuantumGif you wanna yell into the wind, do it elsewhere thanks20:02
timothyschmidtExactly the same could be said of you20:02
timothyschmidtIt is not crackpottery to desire open and verifiable systems.20:03
timothyschmidteven if there is no such thing20:04
QuantumGwhat's the cost/benefit though?20:04
timothyschmidtWhat is the cost/benefit of FOSS?  It is largely the same argument.20:05
QuantumGwhat is?20:06
timothyschmidtYou're asking me to determine the cost / benefit of freedom.20:06
timothyschmidtof control of the things you own20:07
timothyschmidtTo you, that benefit is apparently quite low.  To others, it approaches pricelessness.20:08
QuantumGthis is what is annoying me man.. I can't have a conversation with someone who isn't even willing to string together some coherent thoughts.20:08
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timothyschmidtAnd despite trotting out logical fallacies, I still try.20:09
timothyschmidtdespite (you) trotting out...20:09
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QuantumGdid you read that page?20:13
QuantumGAn ad hominem argument is an argument which links the validity of a premise to an irrelevant characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise.20:13
QuantumGcan you please explain how you think I've done that?20:13
QuantumG(if that's the case)20:14
timothyschmidt" I can't have a conversation with someone who isn't even willing to string together some coherent thoughts.", tinfoil hat references, etc.20:14
QuantumG... ok.  I've specifically said that you've failed to make a coherent argument.  Clearly, I am attacking your argument (or lack there-of) not you.. so how is it an Ad hominem attack?20:15
QuantumGif I had said "Your name is Tim and I've never met a Tim who ever had a sensible thing to say, therefore you must be saying stupid things."  that would be an Ad hominem attack.. but I didn't.20:15
QuantumGyou'll also note that the second line on that page says: The ad hominem argument is not a fallacy despite there being fallacious instances of the argument.20:16
timothyschmidtYou have not addressed any single point I've made.  At all.  Instead, you've characterized me as someone who can't string together thoughts.  That's an Ad hominem attack.20:16
QuantumGwhich I find strange because you offered this page after saying that I was "trotting out logical fallacies".20:17
timothyschmidtnote it's presence on this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies20:17
timothyschmidtIt is therefore a matter of some dispute.20:17
QuantumGthat would be the second sentence on that line, yes.20:18
QuantumGin any case tim, I've had about enough of talking to you and will be ignoring you from here on.20:18
timothyschmidtWell done, on your part, not adding anything of value to the conversation.20:19
kanzurehm since when did this exist? http://www.pythonocc.org/blog/20:21
timothyschmidtDuring all this, for anyone curious, I re-ran some math.  A typical phone conversation over copper is sampled at 8hz mono, and can be recorded at reasonable fidelity at 8bits per sample.  That gives us something like 64kbit/s of data.  A full day's data uncompressed is about 650Mb.  Speex can knock that down to under 100Mb.20:22
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thesnarkhttp://mouse.brain-map.org/welcome.do;jsessionid=07C1B975B38E4D92FC48627D76E959DD Map of which genes are most commonly active in each part of a mouse brain20:34
thesnarkjust great detail20:36
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fennomg quantumg liked something20:43
QuantumGI like lots of stuff fenn, follow me on twitter if you really wanna know what they are :)20:43
fennno, i dont really care20:44
QuantumGcheck that out.20:45
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kanzurethesnark: i parsed that dataset from brain-map.org btw20:59
kanzureand put it into a repository20:59
kanzureenjoy :)20:59
* thesnark could hug kanzure20:59
thesnarkI swear20:59
kanzurein particular see this:20:59
thesnarkI MEAN, WHAT?20:59
kanzurehm i wonder why i don't have location data in there for those files21:00
kanzure" mgrube  forked  kanzure/brain   just now"21:02
thesnarkwhat tool did you use? homemade script?21:03
* kanzure nods21:03
thesnarkI didn't even look at what data format they were using21:03
thesnarkbut uh this is pretty nice :)21:03
kanzurethis one should also be interesting http://github.com/kanzure/brain/blob/master/human_brain.yaml21:03
kanzurei got tired of reading all these papers and forgetting where the hell things were21:04
kanzureso now i just document stuff when i read it21:04
kanzureand maybe one day will have a 3D visualization of the literature mapped to the brain21:04
QuantumGtrans-splicing looks interesting21:34
kanzurefenn: are you around?21:36
QuantumGseems you could selectively express two genes and have their pre-mRNA splice together in vivo.21:36
kanzurefenn: were you trying to convince me to do an EEG project once?21:37
kanzureor at least arguing for one21:37
kanzurethesnark: let's talk in here21:37
fenni think openeeg should be packaged like any other open hardware project21:37
thesnarkfenn hm?21:38
kanzurei agree21:38
kanzurethesnark wants to do some improvements and builds21:38
thesnarksorry what do you mean packaged?21:38
fennit's fun to play with but ultimately really hard to do anything with21:38
kanzurei can't find any convincing reasons to give him the funds to build one :(21:38
fennthesnark: put the files in a common/standardized data format21:39
kanzurethesnark: that's the SKDB idea talking (re: packaging)21:39
kanzurefor apt-get install eeg-setup-goes-here21:39
thesnarkright ok21:39
fennisnt openeeg exceedingly cheap? like some optocouplers and an AVR21:39
thesnarkhm not really that simple and cheap I suppose is relative21:39
kanzurean avr is a few bucks21:40
* thesnark laughs21:40
thesnarkit is not <5021:40
fennthen you must be doing it wrong21:40
fennhow could it possibly cost more21:40
thesnarkgo look at the bom, it is not just the boards21:40
QuantumGI think ybit expressed some interest in EEG21:41
kanzurethesnark: link?21:41
thesnarkthe microcontroller turns the A/D data into serial data but there is more than just the chip for sure....21:41
fennif i'm reading this right, he spent $90 on two 47uF capacitors?????? ???21:42
fennthis is a sorry excuse for a BOM21:43
* kanzure cries21:43
fennhttp://openeeg.sourceforge.net/buildeeg/parts.php#componentshttp://openeeg.sourceforge.net/buildeeg/parts.php#componentshttp://openeeg.sourceforge.net/buildeeg/parts.php#componentshttp://openeeg.sourceforge.net/buildeeg/parts.php#componentssorry i'm having trouble pasting21:43
kanzurei can tell21:44
thesnarksorry it's zipped21:44
thesnarkbut labeled as the bom21:44
kanzureer is it in the .xls file?21:44
thesnarkor pdf21:44
kanzurelovely :(21:44
fennthesnark: see what i mean about standardized data formats?21:45
thesnarkwell ok but this is what we're working with for our discussion, we can worry about data formats after21:46
kanzurei don't think he's initiated into skdb-dom-hood21:46
kanzureskdbdomhood? w/e21:46
thesnarkat any rate21:46
thesnarkthat bom will be >50, especially if you want just 6 channels21:47
thesnarkat any rate I didn't think cost was the focus of the discussion?21:48
thesnarkmore like "is it worth pursuing?"21:48
kanzureit's more than worth pursuing if it's less than a few hundred bucks21:49
kanzurethat's what he was highlighting21:49
kanzure"if it's only a few bucks, what the hell are you waiting for bryan"21:49
kanzureregardless of whether it's worth pursuing or not :)21:49
fenni'm sorry but i dont see anything on that BOM that is expensive21:50
* thesnark wants to remind kanzure that it could end up being more expensive than a few bucks for 32 channels plus computers21:50
thesnarknah, none of the individual parts are21:50
fennwhy do you need 32 channels?21:51
fennisnt the point of it being modular that you can add more if you need it?21:51
thesnarkmore definition, more data, more to process21:51
thesnarkfenn right21:51
thesnarkbut it's only designed to support a pathetic 6 channels21:51
thesnark1 analog board = 2 channels21:52
thesnarklame lame lame lame21:52
fennbetter than nothing at all i guess21:52
thesnarkhaha of course it's better than nothing21:52
thesnarkbut I'd like to see more21:52
fennso modular only goes up to 6 channels?21:52
fennwhy dont they use i2c or something?21:52
fenna local bus21:53
thesnarkI don't know, good question21:53
thesnarkthat's the point21:53
fennactually SPI woul dbe better21:53
thesnarkyeah, the microcontroller is limited by # of A/D converters 21:53
thesnarkhence 6 channels21:53
thesnarkI don't want to give false impressions, I believe it will be more than just a small amount of money to turn into something usable21:56
thesnarkbut the end product will be 1) cheap 2) usable by "joe"21:56
kanzureyeah but.. to do what?21:56
kanzuredo a little avie dance?21:56
fennwhat, you're doing product development? already missed the boat on that one21:57
fennemotiv, force trainer, etc21:57
* kanzure nods21:57
fenni think it would be a neat piece of clothing/jewelery21:58
fennsome cloth that changes color and patterns based on eeg feedback21:58
fennlike the phillips glowing fabric i can't remember the name of21:58
* thesnark can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but hopes you're not21:58
fennall existing applications of lighted fabric are horribly cheesy of course21:59
kanzurefenn: you forgot the snarkmark22:00
thesnarkbut isn't changing color of clothing just one example of a more general activity?22:00
fenn whoever made lumalive.com should probably be shot22:00
fennthesnark: not sarcastic22:00
fennanyway there are lots of ways to do it22:01
thesnarkbasically I want to make software that allows somebody to use this eeg and very easily say "this means change the color"22:02
fenni don't think it's "communicating" or "controlling external devices" as some EEG nerds seem to think22:02
kanzurethen what _is_ the point22:02
* kanzure has been trying to figure this out22:02
thesnarkhow is that not controlling an external device fenn?22:02
fennthesnark: in a technical sense, yes, but not like using a mouse or steering wheel22:03
fennkanzure: mostly misunderstanding i think22:03
fennwhy is EEG "medical equipment"22:05
fenni dont need a license to own a mood ring22:05
QuantumGcause its used in the practice of medicine22:05
thesnarkit's used to diagnose things like epilepsy or sleep disorders22:05
fennor to attach titanium horns to my skull22:05
kanzureQuantumG: so is a penis22:05
QuantumGwell, maybe your doctor does :)22:05
fennheh kanzure i think you goofed that one22:05
fennnow add "so is a penis" to every sentence22:06
QuantumGtongue depressors are medical equipment.. stupid as that sounds.22:06
fennQuantumG: but i can buy popsicle sticks at craft crap stores22:07
thesnarkdid nobody see what a wrote?22:07
thesnarkI wrote22:07
thesnarkfuck me22:07
QuantumGEEG is a stupid name anyway22:07
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QuantumGgive it a nicer marketing name.  "brain signal sensor"22:08
thesnarkannnd this is why we didn't talk in the room22:08
QuantumGwhere's our marketing guy22:08
fenn"WARNING: it is best to avoid touching live mains wires" OK i'll keep that in mind22:08
fennbut what does that have to do with EEG22:08
timothyschmidtI think not touching live mains counts as a general life skill...  other than that, not much.22:09
kanzure"life skill"22:09
fennthis should be totally wireless by now anyway22:10
thesnarkthere are wireless systems22:10
fennthesnark: if you're spending $100 on capacitors then you ought to afford a bluetooth chip22:10
thesnarkright because it's that simple22:11
kanzureplease put a snarkmark (~) when you're being snarky22:11
QuantumG~I'll just put it on everything I say then ok?22:13
thesnarkall he has to do is check the price of those systems to see if I'm being sarcastic22:13
thesnarkI mean sure it's possible and can probably be done cheaply22:13
QuantumGanyone know if splicing is "clean"?  does it leave consensus sequences in the exons?22:15
fennit leaves half the palindrome22:18
fenndoes that count?22:18
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kanzurefenn: so.. color changing?22:25
fennblinky led's and such22:27
fenn"I used a PIC17C756 to :22:27
fenn- Acquire in real time an audio signal at 16Ksps22:27
fenn- Calculate the FFT of the signal, using a 256 points 16-bits fixed point22:27
fennFFT. This FFT itself took around 40ms22:27
fenn- Generate in real time the FFT spectrum on a VGA display using22:27
fennsoftware-generated video22:27
fennso it's possible to do the heavy lifting on a $2 microcontroller22:28
fennwhich simplifies the whole wearable blinky device considerably22:28
kanzureFFT is some sort of fourier transform?22:28
kanzuresorry that i'm not impressed by blinky leds hooked up to an eeg22:29
fennyeah it's a fourier transform algorithm22:29
fennkanzure: it's not supposed to be impressive, shut up22:29
kanzurei see22:29
kanzurebut i should do it anyway?22:29
fennnobody is saying you should do anything22:32
fennkanzure: ok you want a "go do this" idea? go find someone with an EEG and see what it's like22:33
fennthen decide for yourself whether you care or not22:34
timothyschmidtSo the RepRap folks are starting to work on a modern, self-replicating erector set-style building system for small - medium scale machinery.23:09
timothyschmidtakin to 802023:09
timothyschmidtor gridbeam23:09
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kanzure"or start with said mirroring and eventually bootstrap the RepRap website into a debian-like apt-get repository. "23:11
timothyschmidtAlso, a RepStrap that will be capable of not only FDM, but also milling and 3D printing - where a dust-like material is sprayed with glue to form both a support material and the object itself.23:13
kanzuretimothyschmidt: someone needs to tell them about skdb23:13
kanzureno need to repeat work..23:14
timothyschmidtwhat parts of this would skdb negate?23:14
kanzurethe apt-get part23:14
timothyschmidtThere's no apt-get part being worked on23:14
timothyschmidtJust the nuts and bolts23:14
kanzuremaybe you didn't read the page23:14
timothyschmidtquote a section23:15
kanzure"or start with said mirroring and eventually bootstrap the RepRap website into a debian-like apt-get repository."23:15
timothyschmidtno one is working on that ATM, and if anyone started, they would use skdb23:16
kanzureif you say so23:16
timothyschmidtwe don't have enough manpower to re-invent wheels that big23:17
kanzureyou'd be surprised.. zach hoeken23:17
timothyschmidtwe only have one of him23:17
kanzureyeah and he reinvents wheels all the time23:17
kanzureor hires them23:17
timothyschmidtAs soon as we can reprap a cloning machine...23:17
kanzure(and i'm trying to say that he shouldn't)23:17
timothyschmidtNothing inherently wrong with re-inventing wheels if you can spare the manpower to do so...  multiple projects allows one to explore more ideas in the same concept space.  The only problem is that there's never enough manpower.23:18
timothyschmidtAFAIK, there's no one in the main project as willing to do so as Zach.23:20
kanzureoh man. i feel so old: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linuxquestions.org-member-intro-24/hello-157541/23:28
timothyschmidtshut up.  you're 2023:28
timothyschmidt"highly modivated."23:29
kanzureif you think that's bad, check this out: http://www.neoseeker.com/forums/directmessage.php?m=73118923:30
kanzurehahah "MOD WARNING: Links to hacker sites are not allowed."23:30
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kanzurehm for some reason heybryan.org:8081 is indexed on google23:42
kanzurehey does anyone know who this is? http://fabien.benetou.fr/Cookbook/Objects23:43

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