
--- Day changed Thu Jan 14 2010
-!- biohackernoob [i=a9e844d6@gateway/web/freenode/x-ydxismuidzqxvjvz] has joined #hplusroadmap00:00
biohackernoobbah fire drill... had to move :/00:00
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biohackernoob_fire drill ended, moved back XD00:10
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-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@adsl-68-88-67-28.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:03
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-!- Noahj [n=noah@ip98-182-59-157.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap02:54
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facefaceThe main grant recipient, Kei Sakamoto, used to host a fitness program on Japanese TV, but was keen to find out how exercise could help people fight obesity and metabolic disease at the molecular levels. He therefore decided to undertake research for his PhD at the Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School, USA, where he became an expert on the molecular physiology of exercise and muscle metabolism. He then moved to Dundee to join Dario Alessi05:29
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@adsl-68-88-67-28.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has quit ["Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de"]06:06
fenngoosh.org - the unofficial google shell06:23
superkuhI spent a few days trying to modify someone's python script for using goosh with bash. I never could get autocomplete to work.06:32
superkuhautocomplete of goosh through bash would be wonderful.06:32
fennhave i met whurley?06:51
fenndoes he show up in here?06:51
fennoh he's the barcamp guy06:53
fennhe's giving a talk on the 21st http://araustin.eventbrite.com/06:54
-!- JayDugger [n=duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:30
facefacesuperkuh: can you do somethign with fuse?08:37
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kanzureso uh09:43
kanzureapparently patri friedman is milton friedman's grandson09:43
Utopiahso it wasn't his artist name, hmmm09:45
Utopiah(I think that's the 1st thing I checked when I read about the fake island project, relation to the economist)09:46
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-!- elmom [n=elmom@hoasnet-fe29dd00-137.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]10:13
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katsmeow-afkUtopiah, which fake island project?10:15
Utopiahpatri friedman's http://patrifriedman.com/projects/seastead/seastead.html10:16
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katsmeow-afkseems like a lot of amateurs playing in that sandbox10:17
Utopiahkatsmeow-afk: I gathered few others at http://fabien.benetou.fr/Content/Projetautonomieenergetique#UtopianProjects too10:19
kanzuremore printed legos http://makerblock.com/2010/01/new-print-legos/10:20
kanzureUtopiah: patri's project isn't really utopian10:20
katsmeow-afk" which has a 1 acre top deck and can support ~100 people. " <== i don't think it's possible for aperson to live in a 20x20 ft space, grow all their food, collect fresh drinking water, dispose of wastes, generate electricity10:21
kanzure20x20 is not for one person's agriculture10:21
Utopiahkanzure: let's say "utopian according to my perspective" so Ill (diplomaticly) change its status after trying to live there a bit, sounds fair? ;)10:22
katsmeow-afkno one in #UtopianProjects10:22
katsmeow-afk[09:19] <Utopiah> ..... #UtopianProjects too10:24
kanzureer, no10:24
kanzurehe said: http://fabien.benetou.fr/Content/Projetautonomieenergetique#UtopianProjects10:24
katsmeow-afkoh, heh, it wordwrapped here and the gui insterted a space10:24
Utopiah(I try not to shorten URLs when they look informative)10:25
Utopiahkanzure: arguably every political project, even the most conservative ones, are utopians, I put those there because they look radical to the current society (independantly of my wish for them to succeed)10:26
kanzurefenn: what is charles collis' background? is he a programmer, or what, i can't tell10:29
katsmeow-afkgd "www", entering "amazon.com" into ie results ina google search, and "search from addy bar" is "disabled"10:35
-!- randallagordon [n=randalla@c-76-115-127-7.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Organize your IRC"]10:45
kanzurei guess he has to have some software background10:50
kanzurehe writes too well abotu it10:50
-!- parolang [n=user@keholmes.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:54
-!- randallagordon [n=randalla@c-76-115-127-7.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:56
* katsmeow-afk sighs:11:04
katsmeow-afkThe talk I held at the 2009 Seasteading conference is up! Thanks everyone who was there, for the interesting discussions we have had afterwards.11:04
katsmeow-afkSome comments on the then and now: I unfortunately no longer have the confidence in this concept I had back then11:04
katsmeow-afk</sigh> and </quote>11:04
kanzurefor which presentation?11:05
katsmeow-afkre talking to Utopiah, http://seasteading.org/blogs/engineering/2010/01/08/engineering-talk11:05
katsmeow-afkit's like 2009 ended 2 weeks ago, and he already changed his mind, and this is after years of research into whatever it was he said in 200911:06
katsmeow-afk"Connecting seasteads in such a manner is more difficult than I supposed, because the horizontal forces involved are much larger than I anticipated on an intuitive basis." which is why i am engineering 100klb joints on my boat duh11:07
katsmeow-afkit's why the Texas Towers collapsed11:07
katsmeow-afkit's why a perfectly good boat becomes scrap afetr a few hrs on a beach11:07
katsmeow-afkhow the hell do those guys get funding without doing adequate research intot he basics?!11:08
katsmeow-afk"Under worst case conditions , these horizontal acceleration forces are of the same order of magnitude as the weight of the entire structure itself. the components required to withstand such thousands of tons forces get a little bit out of hand", and he didn't have that clue till early 2010?11:09
parolangkatsmeow-afk: Funding to do homework :)11:10
katsmeow-afkdid no one understand the deeper a floating ship gets inthe water, the more liable it is to breakup because of the sloshing forces of the water?11:11
katsmeow-afkparolang, no one funded me11:11
parolangkatsmeow-afk: Sorry, I thought you were saying that the seasteading guys were funded.11:11
katsmeow-afkthey are, i aren't11:12
parolangNeat idea though.11:12
katsmeow-afkFri, 01/08/2010 - 15:37 — Wayne Gramlich 11:12
katsmeow-afkFlip Ship11:12
katsmeow-afkSince you are up to speed on Morrisons equations.  How does a structure like the Flip Ship perform in the comfort department?11:12
katsmeow-afkdamnit, they said 20 yrs ago the flipship wallows +/- 10 ft and is damned uncomfy11:13
katsmeow-afkbasically, i am designing for any one joint to be able to lift the entire boat x2, and then count on the forces to be shared11:17
-!- MrClif [n=clif@c-67-189-76-247.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:40
MrClifHey gang, Morning!11:47
MrClifThere was some discussion last week or so about an Oregon Pizza night in Eugene.11:47
MrClifLooks like it could happen this week, tentatively on Friday.11:48
MrClifBut we're still working that out. Please chime in if you're interested.11:49
kanzuresomeone trying to do "openscenegraph"+opencascade http://groups.google.com/group/osg-users/browse_thread/thread/e6017fce82a33b0511:57
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ybitkanzure: if the torrented solidworks doesn't work, yeah, having it uploaded somewhere would be nice12:27
kanzuresorry, what? is that a go or a no-go12:31
ybitno-go atm12:35
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:45
ybitgenehacker: do you have your attempt of a sympy script?12:47
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-!- Noahj1 [n=noah@ip98-182-59-157.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:51
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flamt_http://tinyurl.com/lsd-25-ai now with morphic resonane15:12
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:12
ybithttp://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1136417 if anyne wants to grab that for me....15:12
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ybiter, "Development of a Sheet Metal Part Stock Layout System Based on OPENCASCADE Platform"15:13
genehackerthat's pretty cool as sheet metal is a great way to make cheap things15:39
genehacker-for high production runs15:39
genehackerthough with laser cutters you can do shorter production runs15:40
katsmeow-afkgenehacker, re ears: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otoacoustic_emissions15:40
genehackerthat's very interesting thank you16:34
-!- Trooem [n=adfasfda@S0106001d724fcb1d.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:35
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kanzure"ben lipkowitz - Trash Re-purposing and Dumpster Diving Meetup"17:37
kanzurehello Noahj17:39
NoahjI was just outside sort-of-taking-inventory17:42
NoahjI found a power supply with a huge capacitor in it that outputs 24v and 12amps17:42
NoahjAnd an amplifier which mysteriously dies, I suspect it's overheating 17:43
NoahjSounds like they're having fun dumpster diving in California. 17:46
Utopiahjust one of the top 10 economy on earth dumpster diving, sounds ok18:07
genehackerit's not dumpster diving it's unused resource reclamation!18:10
-!- thesnark [n=michael@ppp-69-221-8-112.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:23
kanzurehey thesnark 18:43
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kanzureybit: you guys have a "division of human gene therapy" at the university of alabama? neat19:10
-!- JayDugger [n=duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:17
kanzurehello JayDugger 19:26
JayDuggerHello, kanzure.19:26
* kanzure has been reading up on gene therapy19:26
kanzureapparently i didn't have any papers on the topic19:26
JayDuggerDid you ever discuss Mendeley vs. Zotero for organizing research?19:27
kanzurei tend to use zotero19:27
kanzuremendeley turned me off sort of19:28
kanzurealthough they do have a nice OCR system (or some other magic going on)19:28
JayDuggerDo you often encounter papers that need OCR?19:30
kanzuremendeley uses OCR to extract metadata (DOI number, etc.)19:31
kanzuresometimes it just finds the DOI number in the text (if the .pdf is not just a giant image)19:31
JayDuggerAh, but none of that metadata had value enough to continue its use?19:31
kanzurewell, mendeley is proprietary and lock-in, so yeah19:31
kanzurei separated myself from it quickly :)19:32
JayDuggerFair enough.19:32
kanzurezotero has this nice export utility that i've used every once in a while19:32
kanzureto do a dump of a folder on a certain topic19:32
kanzurethe dump includes the metadata (citation information) plus the pdf itself19:32
kanzuresoo that's nice for others :)19:32
JayDuggerI currently keep all the papers I collect and read in doc/non-fiction/<AUTHOR>/, along with all the other non-fiction I have.19:33
JayDuggerWhoops, that'd be doc/non-fiction/[a-z]/<Author's Surname, Author's First Name>/19:34
JayDuggerThis fails for papers, as I remember their content more accurately than their author's name.19:34
JayDuggerI don't really need citations because I live and work outside academia.19:36
JayDuggerThis prompted my questions about Zotero and Mendeley.19:36
kanzurejust uploaded: http://designfiles.org/papers/gene-therapy/19:37
ybitkanzure, JayDugger, fenn: what is the service at u.t. austin where the cars are at random spots and people pay so much to use them?19:42
kanzuredon't know the name :(19:42
JayDuggerI don't know, ybit. I haven't heard of it.19:43
kanzureit's not by the uni btw19:43
-!- parolang [n=user@keholmes.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:43
ybitthat's it19:43
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-!- JayDugger [n=duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:44
JayDuggerClosed the wrong window. I need eye-tracking for window focus. 19:44
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:47
kanzurei went in for a surgery follow-up appointment today19:57
kanzurethe surgeon's fiance was the receptionist, and she looked at me, looked back at the documents19:57
kanzureand said "oh! you're bryan bishop!"19:58
kanzure"my son and i use heybryan all the time for his biology homework"19:58
JayDuggerI hope the follow-up had good news.19:59
kanzureprobably because of http://heybryan.org/school/Biology/notes/output.html and http://heybryan.org/school/Biology/19:59
JayDuggerAnd that you got a friendly discount.19:59
kanzurenah this was just to make sure i'm not gushing blood still19:59
JayDuggerYou'd a follow-up appointment to see if whether you'd leaked out all your blood?20:00
JayDuggerThat seems rather amenable to remote diagnosis. 20:00
JayDuggerCall you and ask, "Sir, do you see a red puddle beneath your feet?"20:00
kanzurerandom search query of the day for visitors to heybryan.org: "20:02
kanzurerandom search query of the day for visitors to heybryan.org: "working memory impairment related to glutamate toxicity in ocd20:02
kanzureer, that was a weird paste20:02
kanzurehow .. how did that happen?20:02
JayDuggerWindow focus wrong?20:03
genehackerif you get that many visitors you should start selling ads20:03
Utopiahwell you managed to be on Google top 10 for quite very precise things, for example http://www.google.com/search?q=G+J+Chaitin+Home+Page20:03
kanzurei don't seem to be on that page20:04
Utopiah(doesn't seem to be there nowbut few days ago I made a query on his homepage and ended up on Heybryan bookmarks)20:04
kanzureUtopiah: you might find this interesting:20:05
kanzurethat was an old parse of a log from 2006 to 2008 of what search terms people were using to get to heybryan.org20:05
Utopiahlooks like rather precise topics 20:06
* kanzure nods20:06
kanzureisopods are a very popular topic20:07
genehackermaybe it's a standard experiment or something20:08
kanzureit is20:09
kanzurescroll down to "2007-10-18 03:36:41"20:09
kanzuredidn't know that yahoo allowed multi-line queries20:09
Utopiah(btw... regarding overall Yahoo!, #bloglines topic is rather explicit and a friend working there, Europe branch, wants to quit so maybe it's better enjoying it while it's free and... running ;)20:14
Utopiahs/it/Yahoo! BOSS/20:14
Utopiah(gosh, my connection is so crappy I can't even type a full line, better come back later...)20:15
kanzureBOSS is a pretty sweet deal20:15
kanzure10k queries/day for free20:16
kanzurewish they had that on a growth curve though20:16
ybitstupid fortran eerrors with elmer, rr20:18
ybitgrr *20:19
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thesnarkybit zipcar?21:10
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kanzurehm kozuch frquents #cam?22:19
JayDuggerWhat's #cam cover?22:20
kanzurecomputer-aided manufacturing and machining22:21
Utopiahwhat's the SantaFe link to the DB of exp. curves?22:21
kanzureUtopiah: performance curves database is the name i think22:21
Utopiahthanks, find it 10sec before...22:21
kanzurethere you go :)22:21
Utopiah(hate that, I search and search and finally ask and find it right after asking, duh)22:23
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kanzureybit: i'm going to stop the upload. it's going to take forever.23:50
genehackerwhat are you uploading23:51

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