
--- Day changed Mon Jan 18 2010
-!- genehacker2 [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-55-168.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap00:01
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ybit2just in case someone ever has to use something like that00:23
fennybit i bought an eee 1005HAB from the openeeg guy who was visiting langton labs. but i didn't bring it to the conference today00:29
kanzurehaving fun?00:40
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randallagordonbkero, thanks for that link!01:13
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QuantumGsweet, Amazon finally sent me Sutton02:23
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ybit2did anyone happen to grab the available files (dxf, pdf, etc.) from mtm.cba.mit.edu/machines/mtm_az/index.html  ?08:56
kanzurewhat is richard stallman doing on the openkollab project?09:24
kanzureand they have $2M USD?09:41
ybit2that's a good idea http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_eOhujvXdG1Y/SQeyNsd1RfI/AAAAAAAAAAU/v-tAQ8mKCuE/s1600-h/CIMG0225.JPG09:42
ybit2an enclosure for his cnc machine09:42
kanzurewasn't that the idea of cubespawn09:43
kanzurealso how do you rescue it if it spontaneously combusts09:43
ybit2i thought the idea of the cubespawn was to be able to link machines together for more efficient space usage09:45
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ybit2i don't see a mention of enclosure09:46
kanzurestandardized form factor09:46
kanzureit's a fucking cube09:46
ybit2"A 'Cube' form factor makes all the machines standard, so that they can be linked together to form assembly lines, in addition, each machine has a pallet mover in the base to transport workpieces between cubes."09:46
kanzurehow is that not an enclosure09:46
ybit2look at the designs already made, no enclosure09:46
kanzureare you kidding me? it's a cube.. just put up some sheet plastic to complete the effect09:46
kanzurebtw that smaller cube is missing its head :(09:47
ybit2sure, but no enclosure so far, it's not "the point" of cubespawn :)09:47
ybit2my original point was that an enclosure for a cnc machine is a good idea09:48
ybit208:47 < ybit2> sure, but no enclosure so far, it's not "the point" of cubespawn :) was in response to 08:43 < kanzure> wasn't that the idea of cubespawn09:49
ybit2and i realize now you didn't say 'the point'09:49
kanzurei see09:49
kanzureyes cubespawn is non-exclusive09:49
kanzurethe idea seems to sleep around09:50
ybit2the image i posted is from this blog post: http://fabricationsofthemind.blogspot.com/2008/10/in-praise-of-good-workshop.html09:51
CIA-30skdb: kanzure * r 43c7c0e /cycloidal.py: way to draw a cycloidal gear11:01
kanzuredunno where to put it11:01
kanzureis a fluidic connector (a hole for fluid to travel out of or into a microfluidic device) an Interface or a Part?11:30
kanzurei would consider a bubble concentrator or fluidic mixer to be a part, and a hole is defined similarly, yet is technically an interface at the same time?11:30
kanzurei guess it's both a part and an interface, so the "fluidic connector part" should have an "interface" on it11:34
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kanzurehey uh, http://designfiles.org/dokuwiki/12:49
kanzurewhy is it 403'd?12:49
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kanzureclient denied by server configuration: /usr/share/dokuwiki/doku.php13:06
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kanzurewell i can't seem to figure that one out13:19
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ybit2i wonder why it is that alex lightman is fascinated with what books people read, kanzure, what was your list? :P14:58
ybit2there's no doubt, klord, you have the best beard of everyone here if this is you: http://www.facebook.com/MongoLord15:00
genehackerI've been outbearded15:04
klordsadly, it is not15:07
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kanzurehttp://agoralink.org/ hackerspace vpn15:23
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kanzurewelcome back to the living, klord 15:55
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genehackersecret data sharing hackerspaces?16:21
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kanzurelinkdump on google and china: http://tech.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1514762&cid=3081058217:06
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ybit2http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=10/01/16/1239212 :: "German Government Advises Public To Stop Using IE " makes me happy17:27
kanzure"the pocket size machine shop" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Dremel_Moto-Tool_advertisement,_1947.jpg17:45
kanzurefor $16.5017:46
kanzure27k RPM?17:46
QuantumGneed quite a few vices to turn that into a lathe :)17:49
kanzureQuantumG: i hate how everyone i've been meeting recently is using the word "ecology" instead of "toolchain"17:50
kanzurethanks for pointing it out to me17:50
kanzurei wouldn't know wtf these people are talking about if it wasn't for you17:50
QuantumGin a way, it's more broad than toolchain.. toolchain suggests things that are critical.. ecology just means everything that can work with each other.17:51
QuantumGbut as it's a buzzword.. the meaning could change tomorrow17:52
kanzureecology could also just mean "stuff that happens to be living on the same landscape"17:56
kanzureso that's why i always find its use really inappropriate17:56
kanzurei mean, anyone can namesquat17:56
QuantumGI could imagine people talking about "the ecology of DirectX games and applications"17:56
* kanzure twitches17:56
QuantumGor "the ecology of PDF tools"17:57
kanzureQuantumG: in particular i'm getting "ecology" buzzspeak from people interested in "open manufacturing"17:58
QuantumGfor some the word has replaced "community"17:58
kanzurewhen did we decide to do that17:58
QuantumGumm.. when linux started getting contributors who weren't acting very "communal"17:59
kanzurehave you guys seen how nathan is signing his emails lately?18:14
kanzureNathan Wilson Cravens18:14
kanzureSir Christ Lord Cosmos Superior18:14
kanzureFacilitator of Gods18:14
genehackerI want a true pocket size machine shop...18:22
QuantumGbe nice18:22
QuantumGthere's those microlathes18:23
genehackerI want a micromill18:23
genehackera CNC micromill18:23
genehackerkanzure you have a maxtor backup drive?18:24
kanzurei have a few different drives, but yes18:24
genehackerhas it ever been completely invisible to your computer?18:25
kanzureinvisible means what?18:26
genehackeras my computer can't see it but other computers can18:26
genehackerseems you haven18:26
genehacker't had that problem18:26
kanzurewhat is the file system on it?18:28
genehackerdoes the automatic backup feature work on linux?18:28
kanzurei ignore that option18:28
kanzurei wouldn't trust it anyway18:28
genehackerI'm not sure18:29
genehackermaybe FAT?18:29
kanzurethen that's not the issue18:29
genehackerwell does the automatic backup feature work on linux?18:29
kanzurenever tried it18:30
kanzurei'm guessing it's some sort of windows-only software that you're talking about18:30
kanzureif you want to make a cronjob for linux, it's more than possible18:30
kanzureoh google ads how i hate you "Learn Real Hacking Skills - www.HackerDegree.com - Earn a Degree in Network Security Learn, Experience, Innovate"18:31
genehackerlooks like not18:32
kanzurewhy do you need it?18:33
kanzuremaybe you should investigate RAID18:33
genehackerbecause I like to have backups18:33
genehackerthe maxtor drives have this nice feature for doing a fast backup that starts at the press of a button on the drive18:35
genehackerbacking up usually takes ~5 minutes so it's rather nifty18:37
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kanzureQuantumG: is greason saying anything interesting18:57
QuantumGtune in18:59
kanzurehuh, an exploit unit testing framework19:20
kanzureholy shit: http://www.metasploit.com/images/icbm.jpg19:20
QuantumGmetasploit has been around since 2003, yes.19:21
kanzurenice branding19:23
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ybithttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gGXCM-zuFI :: kew ecovillage, this is apparently where nathan cravens has been21:14
ybitjust got word from him that he may be more active21:14
ybitgoogle didn't know his twitter account and so the last i saw of him was in november, so i sent out an "update me" email21:16
-!- Noahj [n=noah@209-6-49-226.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap21:45
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ybit2anyone recall the buzz from mit's chem department early last year on a new patent they were filing for concerning electrolesis?22:24
ybit2i can't find it anywhere22:24
ybit2daniel nocera was the lead researcher22:24
cyrozapgoogle patent search?22:25
ybit2not there22:27
ybit2In Situ Formation of an Oxygen-Evolving Catalyst in Neutral Water Containing Phosphate and Co2+22:27
ybit2"Cobalt-Phosphate Oxygen Evolving Compound"22:27
ybit2relevant papers ^22:27
cyrozapHmm... Well, I got nothing.22:27
genehackerspace travel or clean cars or both?22:32
kanzurehope you guys took a look at the other new papers22:34
genehackerdoes gene therapy work now?22:35
kanzureit always has worked IIRC22:35
genehackerin humans22:35
kanzurepeople didn't want to pursue it because a few people died from immune system reactons22:35
genehackerwithout them dieing22:35
kanzurewith the adenovirus issues22:35
kanzureyeah not all of them died genehacker 22:35
genehackerhow big is n?22:37
genehackern= number of trials22:37
genehackerif you know it22:37
kanzurelots of different studies22:37
kanzurecheck the papers :) many different values of n22:37
kanzurealthough i'm not sure which ones are human trials, i didn't label them22:38
kanzurethough there are a few labeled "adult primates"22:38
ybit2http://www.peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:MIT:Daniel_Nocera:Catalytic_Electrolysis 22:38
ybit2no sun catalytix patent found22:39
genehackermaybe it's still stuck in the patent office22:40
genehackermy dad filed an application years ago and we haven't heard from them...22:40
ybit2yeah, i'm sure it is22:41
genehackeror they may not have patented it22:43
ybit2it's in the patent office22:43
ybit2two more relevant papers: http://designfiles.org/papers/unsorted/A%20Self-Healing%20Oxygen-Evolving%20Catalyst.pdf22:47
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ybit2the exploit used to hack google: http://wepawet.iseclab.org/view.php?hash=1aea206aa64ebeabb07237f1e2230d0f&type=js23:06
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-!- aleah [i=434f0212@gateway/web/freenode/x-ylvbpsodslqsllvx] has joined #hplusroadmap23:15
kanzurehello aleah23:15
aleah...I win?23:15
kanzurewe were looking at http://wepawet.iseclab.org/view.php?hash=1aea206aa64ebeabb07237f1e2230d0f&type=js a few minutes ago. it's the exploit the chinese used to hack google23:16
genehackeryour prize is several grams of insubstania23:17
ybit2http://www.re-energy.ca/t-i_waterbuild-2.shtml :: build your own small-scale hydroelectric generator23:20
* kanzure sleeps23:20
ybit2yeah, it's not much to stay awake for :P23:21
kanzurewho uses .shtml or server side includes any more anyway23:21
kanzureklord: how long has it been since you've even seen that :p23:22
kanzureer, right, sleep23:22
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klordi still see it ocassionally23:29
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