
--- Day changed Tue Jan 19 2010
-!- aleah [i=434f0212@gateway/web/freenode/x-ylvbpsodslqsllvx] has quit ["Page closed"]00:43
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QuantumGneat, wonder when they'll start selling them01:05
QuantumG.. after the beta testers figure out something useful for them to do I guess01:05
QuantumG.. don't send em to MIT then.. haw haw haw01:05
fennhuh i just rode right past willow garage01:28
QuantumGgo knock on their door01:29
QuantumG"can we see the robot? "01:29
QuantumGyou gotta put on your best puppy dog face01:30
fennand pronounce it 'wobot'01:30
fennanyway it hardly seems blogworthy01:34
fenn"we're giving away equipment to established academics"01:34
fennbig whoop01:34
QuantumGimplying there's some calibre of news required for a blog01:35
genehacker2it's an awesome robot though01:37
QuantumGtelescopic spine ftw01:39
QuantumG1.1 meters is pretty tall01:41
fennkanzure: oops. i upgraded dokuwiki to try to get rid of the barnacle of security warnings at the top, and managed to break it, and thought i had fixed it completely but i guess not01:44
fennno nevermind, this is more broken than yesterday01:46
* fenn investigates01:46
fennmust have been some problem that didnt show up until apache got reloaded01:53
* fenn changed the commented line in /etc/apache/dokuwiki.conf01:53
fennstupid warnings are still there01:53
fennwish i could figure out how to turn that off01:54
* fenn applies his ninja force technique directly to dokuzard's weak point01:56
genehacker2I wish I had a ninja force technique I could apply to mathematica02:06
-!- genehacker2 [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-48-9.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]02:36
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genehackerhahaha oh wow02:56
genehackerabout 6% of Kurzweil's predictions came true02:56
bkeroThat's better than a lot of futurists02:56
genehackerguess he isn't the one true prophet02:57
fennmost of his predictions would have been on-track if not for the iraq war and global economic recession03:13
fennmost of them are simply off quantitatively (i.e. how widespread)03:14
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fennspeaking of bots, this is actually pretty decent; by far the best AI-generated music i've heard: http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2009/09/virtual-composer-makes-beautiful-musicand-stirs-controversy.ars05:52
fennor http://artsites.ucsc.edu/faculty/cope/mp3page.htm05:52
fennthe beethoven one is pretty cool05:54
fenndon't bother listening to anything that doesn't have (After so and so) after it06:37
fenni think the problem is that Cope likes awful terrible wankery that isn't music, but his program is fine06:39
fennhere's something i had never seen before; animated fractals: http://www.fractal-recursions.com/files/anim/anim.html07:17
Utopiahnice http://ctuning.org/ "an open community-driven collaborative wiki-based portal that brings together academia, industry and end-users to develop intelligent collective tuning technology that automates and simplifies compiler, program and architecture design and optimization."07:33
-!- superkuh [n=hukrepus@unaffiliated/superkuh] has quit ["I hate pulseaudio"]08:36
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-!- chupacabra [n=chupacab@cpe-70-112-123-173.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap09:31
-!- Phreedom [n=quassel@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]09:36
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kanzure"Crayola's law: the number of colors doubles every 28 years"10:55
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kanzurefor anyone who missed out on john smart's explanation of the "cybertwin" idea: http://www.accelerating.org/articles/hpe2032army.html#pcdt11:13
kanzurehm that's maybe not the best possible explanation :p11:14
-!- parolang [n=user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:30
-!- Netsplit lindbohm.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: nsh, mage2, Overand, bkero, davemenninger11:41
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genehacker's apple pie13:53
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ybithi chupacabra 14:27
ybithi davemenn1nger 14:28
flamt_nanotech panopticon bordering on vr14:30
flamt_"life's like that. a series of glimpses and blanks, and the occasional jolt of pain from the antenna in your skull"14:30
flamt_kurt vonnegut14:30
superkuhSirens of Titan?14:40
kanzuretodd huffman sent me an email asking how to improve his wpm (typing)14:46
kanzurei told him to have heated IRC chats :p14:46
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kanzurealso i've found that i type better on cold keyboards14:49
genehackerinteresting, any idea why?14:54
-!- hplusbot [n=supybot@c-71-228-184-130.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:55
Utopiahwant to minimize contact time with your fingers I guess :-#14:55
--- Log opened Tue Jan 19 14:45:59 2010
-!- kanzure [i=bryan@dhcp-84-36.me.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap14:45
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 33 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 33 normal]14:45
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 0 secs14:45
-!- kanzure- [n=kanzure@] has quit ["Lost terminal"]14:47
hplusbotybit2: Admin, Alias, Channel, ChannelLogger, Config, Dict, Google, Math, Misc, NickCapture, Nickometer, Owner, Quote, RSS, Reply, Seen, ShrinkUrl, Time, and User14:47
Utopiahybit2: http://meetbot.debian.net/Manual.html is nice14:49
ybit2Utopiah: yeah14:49
Utopiah(and I think now the templating system works well, i.e.practical for wikis)14:49
-!- hplusbot [n=supybot@c-71-228-184-130.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit ["Ctrl-C at console."]14:57
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ybit2maybe symbolic linking needs to enabled in apache15:03
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ybit2maybe symbolic linking needs to enabled in apache15:03
hplusbotybit2: http://adl.serveftp.org/irclogs.txt15:03
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hplusbotybit2: http://adl.serveftp.org/irclogs.txt15:07
ybit2i do believe it's working15:07
ybit2hrm, it's logging, but only updates the log after you close the program15:09
ybit2supposedly it flushes every 5 minutes15:11
hplusbotybit2: Admin, Alias, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Config, Misc, Owner, Reply, ShrinkUrl, and User15:11
ybit2!list channelStats15:12
hplusbotybit2: channelstats, rank, and stats15:12
hplusbotybit2: I have 1 registered users with 0 registered hostmasks; 1 owner and 0 admins.15:12
hplusbotybit2: On #hplusroadmap there have been 8 messages, containing 295 characters, 44 words, 0 smileys, and 0 frowns; 0 of those messages were ACTIONs.  There have been 0 joins, 0 parts, 0 quits, 0 kicks, 0 mode changes, and 0 topic changes.15:12
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ybit2alright, well, i think it's working, gots to do the solidworks thing now15:13
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kanzure'aquacore' instruction set architecture for microfluidics: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
hplusbot<http://ln-s.net/4qzl> (at citeseerx.ist.psu.edu)16:58
kanzureybit2: could you stop that?16:59
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ybit2kanzure: yeah, it's done17:10
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kanzurehello thesnark17:22
thesnarkhey kanzure17:22
genehackerHello everybody17:32
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flamt_http://science.slashdot.org/story/10/01/18/1742230/Nano-Scale-Robot-Arm-Moves-Atoms-With-100-Accuracy wtf holy wow20:59
hplusbot<http://ln-s.net/4r1A> (at science.slashdot.org)20:59
kanzureflamt_: it's not 100% accuracy. read the paper21:01
kanzurened seeman didn't even get it wrong in the abstract.. dunno how the reporter did21:01
genehackersome people are saying that it shows mechanosynthesis works21:07
genehackerstill it's pretty cool21:07
genehackerI think I need to read it21:07
QuantumGif you get the nature article, put it up21:09
kanzureone sec21:10
genehackerafter I get this gear generator script working21:10
kanzureQuantumG: http://designfiles.org/papers/Dynamic%20patterning%20programmed%20by%20DNA%20tiles%20captured%20on%20a%20DNA%20origami%20substrate%20-%202009.pdf21:12
kanzureblah just uploaded it again.. turns out there's two of them21:12
genehackeroh is this that other paper?21:12
kanzureone that i uploaded 2009-03-18 at 07:5421:12
kanzureand one that i uploaded a few seconds ago :(21:12
genehackeroh it is21:13
kanzuregod is slashdot really lagging by 10 months?21:13
genehackerno H+ is21:13
kanzurenah, it was just on slashdot again for some reason21:13
genehackerso this isn't the oscar custance guy's paper?21:14
genehackererr it isn'y21:14
kanzurethis is ned seeman21:14
kanzuregood ol' ned. i met him once.. cool guy.21:14
genehackerwhen and how?21:14
kanzurehe was speaking at singularity summit 200921:15
kanzureand i saw him sitting all alone and thought to myself "no fucking way, that's ned fucking seeman"21:15
kanzure"what are you doing here?"21:15
kanzure"well, they asked me to speak. i have no clue why"21:15
genehackeroh that guy21:16
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genehackerso we got a bot now?21:50
QuantumGyeah, that paper is gay, I remember it now..21:51
QuantumG.. or I could say, I forgot it because it was so forgettable.21:51
QuantumGgood science no doubt21:52
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kanzurehello fenn22:18
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ybitgenehacker2: yeah22:56
hplusbotybit: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.22:56
hplusbotybit: http://adl.serveftp.org/irclogs.txt22:56
ybittrying to figure out though why it doesn't flush the logs every 5 mins like it's supposed to22:57
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hplusbotgenehacker2: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.22:59
genehacker2can we get hplusbot to automatically greet newcomers and tell them what we are all about?23:00
kanzureit's weird when baidu and msnbot both simultaneously request robots.txt23:01
genehacker2now which one is more evil...23:03
genehacker2dammit why can wolfram alpha give me a nice clean solution to a set of equations when mathematica can't23:07
genehacker2they are supposed to be one and the same...23:07
fennwhy do we need a bot?23:23
katsmeow-afkpraps it's to give a hobby to someone interested in Ai23:27
genehacker2because someday we might be able to upgrade it into a Hal like assistant capable of managing this channel all by itself23:29
fenni've never seen an irc bot that didnt totally suck23:31
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katsmeow-afksucking in a configuration problem, i think, same as with humans23:45
hplusbotchupacabra: Error: "status" is not a valid command.00:53
chupacabrawhat kinda bot is it?00:54
QuantumGwhenever someone shoves a bot onto a channel, everyone's gotta play with it.00:55
chupacabrathats kinda the point00:55
hplusbotgenehacker2: Error: "makemesandwich" is not a valid command.00:56
hplusbotchupacabra: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.00:56
katsmeow-afk!help help00:57
hplusbotkatsmeow-afk: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.00:57
katsmeow-afk!help [help]00:57
hplusbotkatsmeow-afk: Error: There is no command "(help[<plugin>][<command>])thiscommandgivesausefuldescriptionofwhat<command>does.<plugin>isonlynecessaryifthecommandisinmorethanoneplugin.".00:57
chupacabra!help seen00:58
hplusbotchupacabra: Error: There is no command "seen".00:58
katsmeow-afk!help quit00:58
hplusbotkatsmeow-afk: (quit [<text>]) -- Exits the bot with the QUIT message <text>. If <text> is not given, the default quit message (supybot.plugins.Owner.quitMsg) will be used. If there is no default quitMsg set, your nick will be used.00:58
chupacabraahhh  supybot.00:58
chupacabraI never got an operational supybot00:59
genehacker2!Solve[{pitchrad*Sin[theta] == pitchrad*0.5*(Cos[t] + t*Sin[t]),00:59
hplusbotgenehacker2: Error: Missing "]".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.00:59
genehacker2   pitchrad*Cos[theta] == pitchrad*0.5*(Sin[t] - t*Cos[t])}, t]00:59
katsmeow-afki write my own00:59
katsmeow-afk!Solve[{pitchrad*Sin[theta] == pitchrad*0.5*(Cos[t] + t*Sin[t]),pitchrad*Cos[theta] == pitchrad*0.5*(Sin[t] - t*Cos[t])}, t]00:59
hplusbotkatsmeow-afk: Error: "theta" is not a valid command.00:59
katsmeow-afkyeas, genehacker, put in some values01:00
katsmeow-afk!solve a+b01:00
hplusbotkatsmeow-afk: Error: "solve" is not a valid command.01:00
katsmeow-afk!Solve a+b01:01
hplusbotkatsmeow-afk: Error: "Solve" is not a valid command.01:01
genehacker2what the bot can solve equations?01:01
katsmeow-afk!Solve[ a+b]01:01
hplusbotkatsmeow-afk: Error: "a+b" is not a valid command.01:01
hplusbotkatsmeow-afk: Error: "1,2" is not a valid command.01:01
hplusbotkatsmeow-afk: Error: "1+2" is not a valid command.01:01
hplusbotkatsmeow-afk: You've given me 5 invalid commands within the last minute; I'm now ignoring you for 10 minutes.01:01
katsmeow-afkthanks :-)01:01
genehacker2you're using mathematica commands...01:01
chupacabrahplusbot AI?01:02
hplusbotchupacabra: Error: "AI?" is not a valid command.01:02
katsmeow-afk<hplusbot> katsmeow-afk: i'm either broken or incapable of stuff, so i'll ignore you for a while01:02
hplusbotgenehacker2: Error: "yourmom" is not a valid command.01:03
chupacabra!books drupal01:03
hplusbotchupacabra: Error: "books" is not a valid command.01:03
katsmeow-afk!valid command01:03
genehacker2I'm beginning to think IRC bots are useles01:04
fennuseless _and_ noisy01:05
fenn!quit sayonara01:07
hplusbotfenn: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.01:07
chupacabra!factinfo moo01:07
hplusbotchupacabra: Error: "factinfo" is not a valid command.01:07
chupacabrai think most modules are disabled.  who owns it?01:07
katsmeow-afk[01:07] <katsmeow-afk> tiggr, what's chemodenervation?01:08
katsmeow-afk[01:07] <TiggrBot>  chemodenervation : Interruption of a nerve impulse pathway via administration of a chemical substance, such as botulinum toxin (BTX). For example, intramuscular injections of BTX produce local relaxation of treated muscles by inhibiting the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is present at the junctions of nerve and muscle cells and that regulates the delivery of messages from neurons to musc01:08
genehacker2ugh sounds nasty01:08
fennwell i'd rather have tiggr in here than a generic supybot01:09
hplusbotchupacabra: Error: "fortune" is not a valid command.01:09
katsmeow-afk[01:10] <katsmeow-afk> Tiggr, can you tell me about CABA?01:10
katsmeow-afk[01:10] <TiggrBot>  CABA : Chinese Artificial Brain Administration ; This would be a government agency that employs 1000s of scientists and engineers to design and build artificial brains for China's home robot industry (and other applications).01:10
hplusbotchupacabra: Error: "progstats" is not a valid command.01:10
katsmeow-afkshe doesn't do !commands , and atm her !remember is turned off for everyone01:11
chupacabra!list infobot01:12
hplusbotchupacabra: Error: 'infobot' is not a valid plugin.01:12
chupacabrai give01:12
fennsomeone at hackerdojo: http://www.charlesmerriam.com/blog/2008/04/fun-with-programming-a-technology-tree/01:25
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flamthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-mhA7BQtWA psychic electric animals paint on drugs07:44
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kanzure"if it is to be then it is up to me"08:18
kanzurejerry's wife is an astrologer. she read my destiny or some such.08:19
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ybitkanzure: :P11:08
ybitwhat is your destiny, please do tell11:08
ybitdoes anyone else have black circles form around their eyes after using a computer for, oh 12 hours a day, 7 days a week?11:09
genehackerintroduce said astrologer to probability theory11:28
kanzureoops, please note she's not his wife. my bad.11:29
ybitif anyone here happens to get a facebook msg saying i made a comment about a photo of you on facebook, ignore11:36
ybitit's a really interesting way of exploiting facebook11:36
ybitif you add the app to see what photo it is, it will access your friend list and send out the same message to them11:37
ybitthe photo is usually of a clown in which its color values are oscillating back and forth, making for a shocking photo in which it seems thousands of people feel the need to comment about11:37
ybiti didn't comment on it and it still sent out a notification to friends'11:38
ybitignore " ' "11:38
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kanzurestalk: http://nickfarr.org/ thingiverse.com is his "client"?11:59
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kanzureyum, this data is delicious12:28
kanzure42,499 queries on google web search12:28
kanzurenow what12:28
Utopiahfrom manual queries only or also automatised ones?12:29
UtopiahId guess only manual ones12:29
kanzureonly manual queries12:29
Utopiah37K :/ I loose12:30
kanzurerun my script and download it all :)12:30
kanzureif google gets access to it, why not me?12:30
kanzurewe can see what we're looking for :)12:30
kanzuresome of these queries are crazy: cloning biology OR science OR biotech OR biotechnology -ban -backup -Microsoft -GTK -site:amazon.com -political -politics -photoshop -Dolly -shopping  -catholic -legislation -media -essay -article -god -Christ -Jesus -debate -morals -morality -moral -ethics -news -bioethics -ethical -controversy -controversial&safe=off12:31
Utopiahwithout an interface?12:33
kanzurei linked to a script i wrote12:33
kanzurethat scrapes this data from your account12:33
kanzurei'm asking you to run it :)12:34
Utopiahyes that I understood very well12:34
Utopiahwhich is why I didn't say yes :P12:34
kanzurethen why did you say "without an interface"?12:36
Utopiahbecause I was wonering if that query was one you made manually and pulled from your script of it was generated by a tool you use to make query (like Exalead "related terms") or if it was generated by the script as suggestions12:40
Utopiah(I would use the script if there was a way to easilly remove items with regex)12:40
kanzurethe script that i linked to just downloads html files of the pages12:41
kanzureanother script i wrote but have not linked to parses the html and puts a list of queries into a text file12:42
Utopiahbtw, do you know if when you removed an item from the history, it's actually removed from Google servers?12:44
kanzureno i don't know12:45
UtopiahI guess not, thath's usually not their policy12:45
Utopiah(Privacy FAQ for Web History – Google Web History http://www.google.com/history/privacyfaq.html#edit If you remove items, they will be removed from the service and will not be used to improve your search experience. As is common practice in the industry, Google also maintains a separate logs system for auditing purposes and to help us improve the quality of our services for users. For example, we use this information to audit our ads systems, under12:49
genehackerwell you could use google sharing Utopiah12:53
genehackerif you don't want to let google know stuff about you12:53
genehackerand you can trust the person who made it12:53
Utopiahgenehacker: is a way to add noise?12:54
genehacker*if you can trust12:54
genehackerlook up google sharing12:54
genehackerit was on slashdot the other day12:54
Utopiahthere is a much older one with an ugly interface...12:55
kanzure:) http://www.aleph.se/andart/archives/2007/11/top_10_genetic_enhancements.html13:26
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kanzureso, sam putman thinks gnusha is replab rebranded and that it shouldn't exist14:45
kanzurebut then he tells me he's purposefully not including me in on replab happenings14:45
kanzurebecause i'm too emotional :p14:49
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ybitthat was a big lightning bolt14:58
ybiti'm scared14:58
ybiti've got to start remembering this isn't twitter14:59
ybitif google would offer free internet for everyone across the nation, that would save me having to use aircrack on innocent citizens' encrypted networks15:02
Utopiahybit: http://xkcd.com/466/15:03
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ybiti'm highly considering the can approach when15:11
ybitif i walk outside the house, i get about 8 more networks15:11
ybitthank tux for macchanger15:11
genehackerybit do you mind doing something about your bot?15:12
ybitwhat do mean?15:14
ybitgenehacker ^15:14
ybiti've kind of been lazy about it, but what do you want/15:15
Utopiahybit: regaridng your wifi needshttp://www.digitaltrends.com/lifestyle/us-adults-want-internet-more-than-sex/15:32
ybit"A new survey finds that most U.S. adults find Internet access more important to daily life than watching TV...or having sex." certainly more important15:34
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ybitgenehacker2: what are you wanting me to do with the bot?15:40
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ybitDIY creates loyalty, makes sense15:50
ybit(brand loyalty)15:51
ybitbut the business can't just tell the customer "fsck you, make it yourself" :)15:52
ybitoregano is nice16:10
ybitapt-get install oregano16:10
ybita lot easier to create something compared to geda's scehmatic editor16:11
ybitand it exports to svg16:11
kanzuredoes it export a netlist?16:14
ybitit doesn't *export*16:15
ybitit generates a netlist though :)16:15
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genehackerthat's what ikea does...16:22
ybitthat's where it came from16:23
ybitgenehacker: what are you wanting me to do with the bot?16:24
genehackerhmmm... people were thinking it was annoying last night16:24
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ybitgenehacker: you mean kanzure? and do you mean during the afternoon when i was setting it up?16:25
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ybiti slapped kanzure with a trout, he thinks differently now16:26
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ybitdiysci sounds silly16:30
ybitdiy sounds fine but tack on anything and it sounds silly16:31
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ybitneat idea16:33
* kanzure hasn't loaded it yet (oops)16:34
kanzurebut Massimo Menichinelli <- that guy recommended it16:34
genehackeris there a good version control system for cad?16:36
ybitnot the pixelbot approach at least16:38
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kanzureit's interesting that undo/redo is useful for version control16:39
kanzureybit: please run my script on your google web history account :)16:41
ybiti would love to16:42
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ybitlink to script? for some reason i thought you had just PMed to QuantumG16:43
genehackerwhat does your google script do kanzure?16:43
ybitgenehacker: it finds all your pr0n history and deletes it16:43
genehackeron google?16:44
genehackerI thought they kept that information16:44
QuantumGI turned off Google search history long ago16:44
kanzureybit: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/google-web-history-scraper.py16:44
kanzuregenehacker: it doesn't delete it16:44
ybitQuantumG: as if they still don't keep it16:44
QuantumGI don't care if they have it16:45
kanzureanyway, it's just time for me to do a backup16:45
kanzureso i downloaded all 46k queries16:45
kanzureit's a really interesting data set16:45
kanzuresome of the queries i wonder about though. "wtf?"16:45
genehackeryou should have commented them16:46
ybitquite a bit of mine will be stupid queries from family members16:46
kanzureybit: how many in total?16:46
kanzureanyway i figure that if google gets to have this information, why not you guys?16:46
kanzureeverything i've searched for on google since 200516:47
ybitadd comment: "type in your username as the argument and if you want it saved to a file you will need to issue > file.txt"16:49
kanzureyou need to make a dir called "data"16:49
kanzureand it will save the data to the "data" dir16:49
kanzurealso there's a bug in that it reaches maximum recursion depth at page 1000 or something, i have a fixed version that i haven't uploaded yet16:50
ybiti should probably wait on the fixed version to be uploaded then16:50
kanzureone sec16:50
ybitseriously though, dark circles around the eyes anyone?16:51
ybitgenehacker: are you on the comp. 12hrs/day?16:52
genehackerI don't know how many hours a day I spend16:52
ybiti didn't get them until i started spending half the day on it16:52
ybitit == staring at a computer screen as depicted in my facebook profile pic: http://facebook.com/heathmatlock16:53
kanzureybit: ok new version uploaded16:54
kanzureit went pretty fast on davinci/adl16:55
kanzureabout 1 page per second16:55
ybitthanks kanzure16:56
* ybit goes for a walk 16:56
kanzurei've searched for "open source" terms a total of 445 times16:56
kanzureDNA: 262 times16:56
kanzurei better stop16:57
ybitfreq() { sort "$1" | uniq -c | sort -nr | less; }17:03
ybitfav little bash script for frequency counts17:03
ybitusage: freq file.whatever17:03
* kanzure looks at his longtail17:05
kanzuretime for a trimming?17:06
kanzurehah: site:slashdot.org ear disgusting  audio compression17:10
kanzurei remember that post17:10
kanzureit was in one of the loudness-wars articles/discussions17:10
genehackerwolfram alpha will solve my equations but mathematica can't17:12
genehackerthis is weird17:12
ybitkanzure: how many search queries did you have?17:13
kanzureybit: 46k17:13
ybittrying to determine how long this is going to run, okay17:13
kanzureyou can check by viewing the page..17:14
kanzurethey put the total underneath the calendar on the right-hand side17:14
ybitTotal Google searches: 4208617:14
ybityou're 4k over me17:14
kanzurethat's startling close. i would have expected either drastically more or drastically less.17:16
ybitit would be even closer but i was paranoid around 9/11 and used scroogle for a good while17:16
kanzureoh how many years is this?17:17
ybit1 year17:17
kanzure42k queries in 1 year?17:17
ybitwhere do they show this? do i have scroll back one month at a time to figure this out?17:18
kanzureum, yes, or you can just wait for the script to finish17:18
ybitstarts at dec 200517:18
ybitdec 2317:19
ybitkanzure: did the output ever look like this: http://ybit.ath.cx/Screenshot-8.png17:23
ybitit was diff to begin with17:23
kanzure400 is not a good thing17:23
ybitmaybe it's scraping faster than they allow?17:25
ybitit was grabbing them at a rate of 1 per sec17:25
ybitor even faster17:26
kanzurefrom time import sleep17:26
kanzurei doubt that's the problem though17:27
ybitno it's not17:27
ybitit wasn't logging in me thinks17:27
ybitthat's what was grabbed17:28
kanzureyou should add exit() after the line that calls login()17:29
kanzuresomewher enear the bottom17:30
kanzurejust check that it's logging in17:30
kanzureand in the last line of the "login" function, be sure to print out the variable that was just stripped (you'll see it)17:31
ybitwhat is dsh_token and galx_token?17:32
kanzurestuff that google requires for logging in17:33
kanzurethey are harvested from the login page before POSTing to the login/authentication service17:33
ybitit isn't logging in17:36
ybitoh i see17:37
ybitit is17:37
ybitand it's grabbing data now17:37
QuantumGanyone have any experience with the emachineshop "cad" software?17:37
kanzurei used it once or twice17:37
kanzureanything in particular about it?17:38
QuantumGit's like the most annoying shit I've ever used17:38
kanzurehave you seen the price estimates for different manufacturing techniques?17:38
kanzurethat was what most sticked out to me. everything else was broken and i'd just import stuff into it.. if anything17:38
ybitQuantumG: i haven't used it, what file format does it save to?17:38
kanzureso does anyone think i can sell my search data?17:39
kanzureat $1/query maybe i can make some money17:39
QuantumGhmm.. maybe if I load up solid works and export my part into a format it can import17:39
ybiter, how are you advertising it, kanzure?17:39
kanzurei'm not17:39
kanzurejust an idle thought17:39
ybit'it is i, boy genius, my very own search results.. $1 each'17:40
ybitthe nsa wouldn't buy it, they can already get it for free17:41
ybiti think spammers would be interested in someone's search results in which that person is more likely to click on an ad17:41
ybityou probably use ad-block no?17:42
ybiti was surprised the other day to hear that my friend didn't use it17:42
ybitand he refused to use it, which was what shocked me17:43
kanzurei do not use it. my brain seems to filter out the ads for me.17:43
kanzurei have something that the spammers call "ad immunity"17:43
ybitsame here, but i have something which psyhcologists call "add" and flashing stuff distracts me17:44
QuantumGwow, exporting as iges and importing worked!17:44
QuantumGand I think I learnt something about how emachineshop works too17:45
QuantumGwell, yes, but there was a set of numbers that I didn't understand17:46
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ybitgrr at google preventing the scrapage after a certain #18:19
kanzureit doesn't18:40
kanzurethat's literally the end18:40
ybitoh right18:50
ybiti keep thinking where are the 40k+ html files :)18:50
ybitnow to sort this18:50
ybitit's so much fun sorting the results :)18:55
ybiti don't know about you kanzure, but searches from 2005-2006 are embarrassing/depressing18:57
QuantumGthing I don't like about emachineshop.. you put in something that is obviously bulk material with 2 facing cuts on it and their price analysis still says it'll cost $40019:06
ybitQuantumG: you could call them and make your case19:07
QuantumGyeah, or I could just ignore their service.19:07
QuantumGdid you know they got rid of the ability to select what machine to use19:08
QuantumGnow it's "auto" for all machines except the rapid prototyper, etc.19:08
QuantumGI guess that's useful for more people19:08
ybiti could see where that could be a problem for them19:09
ybitthat == allowing others to select what machines the machinists use19:10
QuantumGyep, it does make one wonder why their price is $360 for something that is obviously just 15 minutes on the lathe though :)19:10
kanzureif you have any ideas for a good algorithm for that, pony it up19:11
QuantumGwell, emachineshop was originally more of a "tell us how to do the work" cad system.. it's progressed more to a "describe what you want and we'll figure out how to make it" which is obviously what their customers were demanding.19:13
kanzureoh? i'm more familiar with the recent version19:14
kanzurewhat was it previously like?19:14
QuantumGyou said exactly what machine to use for each line and the operations you could perform on the line reflected that selection19:15
kanzurefor each line O.o19:15
kanzuredo you have a backup of that software?19:15
QuantumGno sorry.. it was about 3 years ago19:16
QuantumGthis is the third time I've gone "hey, emachineshop, I should check that out"19:16
kanzureQuantumG: have you seen this? http://designfiles.org/skdb/doc/BOMs/comparison/19:18
QuantumGno, but it looks about right19:19
ybitmy eyes are killing me19:22
ybitdata needs to be downloaded to me brain via some other method19:22
QuantumGwas thinking the other day that the "code" in The Matrix is probably more readable than Forth.19:23
kanzurehave you had to read forth?19:23
QuantumGin my youth19:23
* ybit needs an e ink based device19:24
QuantumGforth is basically procedural brainfuck with stacks instead of registers.19:25
ybitthat made me laugh19:25
QuantumGyeah, I might as well of said "forth isn't brainfuck" :)19:25
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ybitgroupserver isn't bad19:29
QuantumGI'm sure there's only a small modification to brainfuck required to bootstrap it to forth.19:29
kanzurei'm surprised there's a lack of papers on microfluidics design19:33
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kanzurei.e. whether or not to use certain components in certain situations, or what parameters might be better for certain components19:35
kanzurei think everyone is just over-optimizing their specific design over a few years that a study is conducted19:35
kanzureunless i'm missing something19:35
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kanzureeric katerman wants me to work on pyscholar again19:57
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kanzurePetri dish PCR: laser-heated reactions in nanoliter droplet arrays20:43
kanzure40 amplification cycles in ~6min20:43
futuresoonanybody heard about this cold fusion thing?20:43
futuresoonkanzure: 40420:44
QuantumGhave we heard about the cold fusion nonsense that rocked the world 20 years ago?  why yes, yes we have.20:45
futuresoonpresented at the american chemical society on the 20th anniversary of pons and fleischmann is more like it20:46
futuresooniow, more recently20:46
kanzurefuturesoon: oops20:47
futuresoonQuantumG: it's been replicated by University of Osaka and the US Navy20:48
futuresoonQuantumG: it really is beyond question that it's happening20:49
kanzurewhat's been replicated?20:49
futuresoonit's all a matter of what is the mechanism20:49
futuresooncold fusion20:49
futuresoonfusion at room temperature, etc.20:49
QuantumGread the wikipedia page20:49
futuresoonQuantumG: have done so already., thanks20:49
futuresoonQuantumG: have you?20:50
futuresoonOn 22–25 March 2009, the American Chemical Society held a four-day symposium on "New Energy Technology", in conjunction with the 20th anniversary of the announcement of cold fusion. At the conference, researchers with the U.S. Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR) reported detection of energetic neutrons in a standard cold fusion cell design[63] using CR-39,[11] a result previously published in Die20:50
futuresoonNaturwissenschaften.[64] The authors claim that these neutrons are indicative of nuclear reactions,[65] although some scientists indicated that a quantitative analysis would be necessary before the results are accepted by the scientific community, and that the neutrons could be caused by another nuclear mechanism than fusion.[64][66]20:50
futuresoonyeah, another nuclear mechanism than fusion20:51
futuresoonthe point is lost on anyone who makes that specious argument20:51
futuresoonbecause this is working exactly as Pons and Fleischmann said, first of all20:51
futuresoonexcept now it's more replicable20:51
futuresoonand most importantly, there's excess heat20:51
QuantumGI think the point is lost on you.20:51
futuresoonwhich is the entire point of the exercise20:51
futuresoonQuantumG: excuse me?20:51
futuresoonQuantumG: i'm saying there's excess heat generated here AND neutrons and that it's been proven20:52
QuantumGyes I know.. and you're saying this in the face of evidence that says exactly the opposite.20:52
QuantumGnever mind the fact that "proven" is a nonsensical claim in physical sciences.20:53
futuresoonQuantumG: i haven't seen you present anything20:54
futuresooni've been presenting things, including from the wikipedia article you cited20:54
futuresoonmore evidence:20:55
futuresoonNow, esteemed Physics Professor Yoshiaki Arata of Osaka University in Japan claims to have made the first successful demonstration of cold fusion. Last Thursday, May 22, Arata and his colleague Yue-Chang Zhang of Shianghai Jiotong University presented the cold fusion demonstration to 60 onlookers, including other physicists, as well as reporters from six major newspapers and two TV studios. If Arata and Zhang´s demonstration20:55
futuresoonis real, it could lead to a future of new, clean, and cheap energy generation.20:55
futuresoonthe US Navy confirmation (WITH neutrons) comes after this20:55
futuresoonit seems neutrons had merely been too few to detect using then-standard methods20:56
futuresoonstill standard methods i'm sure20:56
QuantumGdude, you read the paragraph you just posted as "proof" that something is true.. I read the paragraph as evidence that something completely watered down from the claims of Fleischmann and Pons has been reproduced once, in all the attempts to reproduce it over the years, and people in the field think it is more likely that this latest data is suspect than that they just happened to get it right.20:57
futuresoonyou start with hydrogen, you end up with helium, there are neutrons and excess heat and it is confirmed by the US Navy and a prominent Japanese physicist to work just like Pons and Fleischmann said, roughly20:57
futuresoonthis is all evidence20:57
futuresoonQuantumG: just name someone who will stand by your of the scientific consensus TODAY20:57
futuresoonQuantumG: someone of repute20:58
futuresoonQuantumG: and i'll show a bunch of people of equal repute responding in detail, who were formerly skeptics but are recently convinced20:58
QuantumGI'd be more interested in seeing them actually produce something useful from it.20:59
QuantumGI mean, that's the point..20:59
futuresoonQuantumG: i thought the point was whether you knew how to properly conduct an evidentiary process in a more general sense20:59
QuantumGya know the best way to convince people that something interesting is going on?  Make an experiment that is repeatable.21:00
futuresoonit is repeatable21:00
futuresoondemonstrated on command at Osaka to reporters21:00
futuresoonthe full methodology is available21:00
futuresoonUS Navy did it again21:00
QuantumGit's been repeated by one group.. out of thousands that have tries.21:00
futuresoonhow are U of Osaka and the US Navy "one group"21:00
futuresooni have to go for ice cream now. but i ask you this....21:01
QuantumGdetecting neutrons isn't the point.21:01
futuresoonwhen yet another group of repute and renown confirms this21:01
futuresoonthe excess heat is the point actually21:01
futuresoonthe fact that you're outputting more energy than you use21:01
futuresoonIS the point21:01
QuantumGyep.. produce significant excess heat21:01
futuresoonactually ANY is the point21:01
futuresoonthis is fusion at room temperature and it's generating excess heat21:01
futuresoonthanks for playing21:02
QuantumGwhy is that the point?21:02
futuresooni have to go eat ice cream21:02
QuantumGwhat value is it?21:02
futuresoonbecause if you get out more energy than you put in you can do work21:02
QuantumGother than academic interest.. which is great and all.. what difference does it make?21:02
QuantumGwhich is exactly what I'm saying21:02
QuantumGno-one has done that21:02
QuantumGno-one can come up with an experiment that does that.21:02
futuresoonso your point is not that SCIENTISTS don't think cold fusion is real21:02
futuresoonyour point is that ENGINEERS don't yet know via price signals in their salaries that it's going to help them career wise21:03
futuresoonfine, experiments are useless21:03
futuresooni made a simple claim you haven't tried to refute i guess, but only wanted to seem to21:03
futuresoonnamely that cold fusion is real21:03
futuresoonproven in the laboratory21:03
futuresoonmuch cheaper to replicate by hobbyists than a hot fusion reactor21:04
QuantumGexperiments are great.. neutron detecting arguments about something that can't even repeatedly produce interesting phenomena is not.21:04
futuresoonbut whatever21:04
futuresoonthe excess heat IS interesting21:04
QuantumGthe excess heat can't be repeatedly reproduced... jesus are you listening or what?21:04
futuresooni just showed you how it was repeated twice21:05
futuresoonnavy and osaka21:05
futuresoonwhat part of that isn't clear?21:05
QuantumGyep, and out of those 2, THOUSANDS have tried to reproduce it and failed21:05
QuantumGyou can't just say "we've had 2 wins and 1000s of losses, we're winners!!"21:05
futuresoonit's been done successfully many times21:06
futuresoontry reading your own article21:06
futuresoonthe point is that now it can be done on command21:06
QuantumGbut it can't21:06
futuresoonwe even know many of the reasons past attempts were sporadic in their successes21:06
futuresoonwhere did you train in physics? i studied at an ivy league university. you?21:07
futuresoonyou haven't even read any of the materials i've given you21:07
futuresoonhow embarrassing for you21:07
QuantumGdid your ivy league university teach you to use words like "prove" to describe scientific discovery?21:07
futuresoonhe never mentioned a commercial requirement of "proof"21:07
QuantumGI hereby call you a lying fool..21:07
QuantumGgo get your icecream21:08
futuresooni'll make sure to keep this log21:08
futuresoonvery interesting in a year or two21:08
kanzurehm, i never saw this article before21:12
kanzure"Homemade Microfluidics using adhesive tape21:12
kanzureit has pictures too :)21:12
kanzureheh he cures pdms by leaving it to sit for 2 days21:13
kanzurestalk: Marc Dusseiller21:15
kanzurewell that was easy. http://www.dusseiller.ch/labs/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/card_front_norm_new_48.jpg21:16
kanzureer what exactly are these devices doing for him?21:16
kanzurelooks like it's an improvized liquid wasting device21:17
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genehackerso we had a cold fusion discussion interesting21:42
genehackerI for one favor chipscale hot fusion21:42
genehackerwhere you use a tiny particle accelerator21:43
QuantumGgot any papers?21:50
kanzureheh :)21:50
genehackertrying to find some21:52
genehackertry searching for particle accelerator on a chip21:53
superkuhPyroelectric effect?21:53
superkuhOh. No.21:54
kanzuregenehacker: are you sure that i didn't just make this up and you're repeating my falsehoods?21:54
genehackerquite sure21:55
genehackerI read about it in a blog a while back21:55
genehackerwe've discussed this before21:55
kanzureit sounds like something i would have made up and told you about21:56
genehackerI can tell when you make stuff up21:56
kanzurewell i wasn't intentionally making it up, but i don't remember there being references out there :) so that's cool21:56
genehackerI'm confused21:57
QuantumG100-1000 keV .. umm.. that's incredibl21:57
kanzure"wouldn't it be neat if there was a particle-accelerator-on-a-chip"21:57
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kanzuregenehacker: nevermind21:57
genehackerI think the advantage of making a tiny particle accelerator are all the weird effects you get from quantization phenomenon21:58
QuantumGkinda annoying that the page has no references on it22:00
QuantumGthat page has a link to a patent on it that says "issued" and its for an anti-skidding device22:02
genehackerjust google particle accelerator on a chip22:04
kanzurejonathan cline moved to san diego :(22:06
kanzureto work with http://maxlinear.com/22:07
genehackerargh my gears are coming out weird, there's tiny gaps between the teeth...22:09
CIA-30skdb: kanzure * r a91728e /doc/tech-tree/ (civtech.csv readme.txt tech.py url.txt): added charles mirriam's tech.py civilization tree code22:17
QuantumGI hate when cheese gets stuck in between the tiny teeth22:18
CIA-30skdb: kanzure * r 22da4d7 /doc/installing: fix quoting issue in doc/installing22:20
kanzure"Oh, there’s more. Fascinated with the kiosk, middle son swiped a book under the upc scanner and waited for the book to be read to him in the headphones."22:22
QuantumGyep, that's the bit I liked too22:22
QuantumGyou show kids how something works and they immediately generalize it.22:23
flamthttp://thoughtware.tv/videos/watch/4703-Telepathic-critterdrug-Experiment-24-fps-Part-1 part 2 in a few hours22:24
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kanzurethis is from the guys who are doing biocoder/biostream (protocols -> C code) http://groups.csail.mit.edu/cag/micado/22:32
kanzurean autocad plugin for microfluidics22:32
QuantumGmulti-layer soft lithography22:34
QuantumGwassat then?22:34
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genehackermicrofluidics in rubbery stuff with channels at different layers22:35
genehackerit's cool because you can make valves just by crossing two channels22:35
QuantumGwhen you design units with this cad, can you send off to have them printed?22:35
QuantumGor do you need to have the manufacturing hardware yourself.. and is that big/expensive?22:36
kanzureQuantumG: ho ho ho. it just smells really terrible22:36
kanzureresearchers love it though because it's relatively cheap22:36
kanzurei don't know anyone that makes these on demand for you yet22:37
kanzurethough that would be pretty cool22:37
QuantumGheh, I'm watching the "screencast" and seeing vast amounts of red, and now firefox has crashed, gold.22:37
QuantumGanyway, so the manufacturing hardware is available?22:38
kanzurei don't have it22:38
kanzurebut PDMS + SU-8 photolithography is supposed to be easy22:38
QuantumGwell, it sounds interesting22:38
* kanzure hasn't figured out the optics yet22:38
kanzuredo we have an optics person in here? :(22:39
QuantumGhow wide are these channels?22:39
kanzurevariable width22:39
kanzuresome people do nano-size channels (not easy)22:39
kanzureothers are fine with 500micron22:39
kanzurebut most stuff i see is 10 to 100 micron22:39
QuantumGk, sounds like more accuracy than reprap could do, so I guess you do need photolithography22:40
QuantumGanyone done anything interesting with them?22:40
kanzureall sorts of crazy shit22:41
kanzurelots of biology stuff22:41
kanzureDNA sequencing, DNA synthesis too :)22:41
QuantumGcause you know what my interest is..22:41
QuantumGtabletop device for performing bacteria transfection protocols22:42
kanzureyes they've done that22:42
QuantumGawesome, remember the title of the paper?22:43
kanzurehere's one with viruses: http://designfiles.org/papers/microfluidics/Cell%20infection%20within%20a%20microfluidic%20device%20using%20virus%20gradients.pdf22:43
kanzurealso anything about cell lysis in that folder22:43
kanzurehm that's weird. there's no paper with "transfection" in the title in that directory?22:44
QuantumGI never remember the generic word for "put my DNA into the cells please"22:44
kanzureelectroporation is hot with the microfluidics people22:44
kanzureah here's one: http://designfiles.org/papers/microfluidics/Continuous%20Low-Voltage%20dc%20Electroporation%20on%20a%20Microfluidic%20Chip%20with%20Polyelectrolytic%20Salt%20Bridges.pdf22:45
kanzurebut really, the 'lysis' papers are good for that22:45
QuantumGno-one done that calcium protocol with microfluidics?22:45
kanzuresome of them use lasers to blatantly cut into the cells so dna can flow in22:45
kanzurei'm sure they have. one sec22:45
kanzurecrud that's only chapter 122:46
kanzuresingle cell transfection dynamics http://ho.seas.ucla.edu/publications/conference/2006/Na-MicroTAS-2006.pdf22:47
kanzurehm this is hard to find22:48
kanzureQuantumG: transformation22:49
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kanzureQuantumG: try this? http://designfiles.org/papers/microfluidics/On-chip%20transformation%20of%20bacteria.pdf22:50
kanzureyep that uses the calcium chloride method22:51
QuantumGalso, the idea of doing stuff with single organisms interests me22:52
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kanzureQuantumG: check out the papers in that dir that say "droplet"22:52
kanzurewhat they do is they use water-in-oil emulsions inside these devices22:52
kanzureso then you can compartmentalize a single cell into a single droplet22:52
kanzurewith a separated environment you can do some nifty quantized experiments and engineering22:52
kanzurei especially like the papers about directed evolution using these methods.22:53
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kanzuretrends: miniaturising the laboratory in emulsion droplets http://designfiles.org/papers/microfluidics/Trends%20-%20miniautirising%20the%20laboratory%20in%20emulsion%20droplets.pdf22:53
kanzuretrends: droplets as microreactors for high-throughput biology http://designfiles.org/papers/microfluidics/Trends%20-%20Droplets%20as%20Microreactors%20for%20High-Throughput%20Biology.pdf22:53
QuantumGsynthesizing DNA, transforming a cell, communicating with the cell via lasers and light sensors, all on the one chip?22:54
QuantumGbe nice22:54
kanzurehere's some papers on DNA synthesis: http://designfiles.org/papers/microfluidics/synthesis/22:54
QuantumGso are there any microfluidic units for sale?22:56
kanzuredunno.. so far it seems to be a consulting-related industry, so if you have the money i'm sure someone will do it for you22:57
kanzurei've been thinking of laser cutting some devices once i commit microfluidics.py into skdb.git23:01
QuantumGI think ultimately this is why I like commercial motivation... customers challenge people to make more interesting things.23:04
QuantumGwell, hello23:08
kanzure" WXHMD is a Gumstix Overo Fire computer-on-module driving a Vuzix VR920 head-mounted display: Stereoscopic 640x480, audio in/out, 3D tilt sensor, 3D magnetic compass, TI OMAP3530 @ 600 MHz, Linux, WiFi, Bluetooth, 1 amp @ 3.7 volts, 180 grams. "23:08
QuantumGI own a VR920, it's in a cardboard box behind me23:09
kanzurehaha the firefox screenshot screams "bloat!" to me23:09
kanzurebut yeah23:09
kanzure" Battery life .  The systems draws 1 A with no power optimizations. This is acceptable since nobody would want to spend more than a few minutes with two pulsed microwave RF transmitters, an overheating lithium battery and eye-straining optics strapped to their forehead anyway. "23:09
superkuhWow. I have to have that.23:11
QuantumGhttp://quantumg.net/vr3.jpg  http://quantumg.net/ubergeekchic.jpg23:13
QuantumGI have a pic somewhere of a smaller black camera I mounted on it23:13
QuantumG.. but they all suck.. the latency and the light-sensitivity is horrid.23:14
ybithow can you not like biology and want to work in a pharmceutical company lab?23:37
ybitis a 40423:37
ybitoh right23:37
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ybitthe wxhmd is hawt23:56
ybitQuantumG: you look like a cyclops :P23:58
ybitthe wxhmd needs to cover up its sexy parts though, it can't go out in public naked00:02
ybit21:07 < futuresoon> where did you train in physics? i studied at an ivy league  university. you?00:03
ybitcome on00:03
futuresoonyeah, cause it's logically impossible00:04
ybitno, that you would feel the need to bring it up00:04
futuresoonybit: well i'm making the claim cold fusion is real00:05
futuresoonybit: i'm being challenged00:05
futuresoonybit: i'm interested in the credentials of who's challenging me00:05
futuresoonybit: seems appropriate to offer mine first00:05
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ybitokay, but next time, it will help your argument if you don't bring up your education history that way :)00:05
futuresoonybit: actually, if you scroll up from there, facts and reasoning were attempted multiple times00:06
ybiti read it all00:06
futuresoonybit: so i figure i can't be contending with forces more formidable than simple appeals to the authority of someone else's physics knowledge00:06
futuresoonor else facts and reasoning would have worked00:06
futuresoonybit: read any of the links i gave?00:07
futuresoonybit: follow up at all?00:07
ybitread the quotes you pasted00:07
ybiti've got the links open, haven't read any of the logs' links yet though00:07
futuresoona 15 year old kid made a hot fusion reactor00:08
futuresoonthis is apparently easier and less dangerous to make00:08
futuresoonthere's the advantage of not dying from high voltages that must be mentioned in this regard00:10
futuresoonplus it's just cooler00:10
futuresoonget it? ha00:10
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fennybit: circles under eyes could be a symptom of liver problems05:35
fenni wish i had known about/turned on google's history in 200505:36
fennoh well05:36
fennkanzure: did you forget to upload that Petri dish PCR paper? i actually thought that sounded interesting05:42
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fennhmm. i didnt mean the civ tech tree code was worth anything05:50
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kanzurefenn: somehow i doubt you would have used google history in 200507:51
kanzureeven if you would have known about it07:51
kanzurethe laser PCR paper was uploaded ninto the microfluidics directory and i fucked up the link07:52
kanzurethis isn't it but related: http://designfiles.org/papers/microfluidics/PCR%20-%20Nanodroplet%20real-time%20PCR%20system%20with%20laser%20assisted%20heating.pdf07:53
kanzurethis is it: http://designfiles.org/papers/microfluidics/Petri%20dish%20PCR%20-%20laser-heated%20reactions%20in%20nanoliter%20droplet%20arrays.pdf07:53
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kanzuresome images from diybio-nyc: http://akos.maroy.hu/~akos/diybio/08:25
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kanzuredave cowden wrote a nice little slicer with pythonOCC to slice up STL files.09:39
kanzureinto SVG files O.o09:39
kanzureso.. since when did google let you search with regular expressions? http://www.google.com/codesearch09:56
kanzure"only in class and function names"09:56
kanzurehm http://www.google.com/codesearch/p?hl=en#3xYuwD7nknk/repos/ITAPS/cgm/trunk/geom/SolidWorks/SWQueryEngine.cpp&q=solidworks&sa=N&cd=20&ct=rc10:01
Utopiahnever thought about DIY chemitry like that, group of elerdly chemists looking for a nice way to g http://www.exitinternational.net/ 0_o10:13
fennaustinites might wish to check this out: http://forum.fatmanandcircuitgirl.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=18110:57
kanzure"and probably will have a Staubli 6-axis robot by that time too"10:59
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fennoops that was jan 200911:01
* fenn wonders why all the forum posts are from january 200911:02
kanzuredoes anyone have CATSysRunBrw.dll?11:10
ybitfenn: do you know which ones, they aren't listed on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_circles#Causes11:45
ybitanyway, i've a feeling it's the usual advice which would help me: sleep, exercise, adequate diet, balance11:46
Utopiahboringly correct11:46
any01805028i would look at that pic on wikipedia forever and never see any "dark circles"11:49
ybitgoogle regex has been around before google web history :)11:49
ybitftr kanzure ^11:51
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ybitkanzure: will you append the missing web history to !logs11:53
hplusbotybit: http://adl.serveftp.org/irclogs.txt11:53
ybithttp://github.com/slepp :: filebin.ca and pastebin.ca source code12:14
ybitperhaps we could implement filebin on designfiles and then give some date option or let it be known how long the file will last?12:15
ybitAP covers mindshare: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2595357/mindshare_la_where_scenesters_and_intellectuals.html?cat=1512:16
kanzureybit: i like that idea12:25
kanzuremaybe we can get the diybio/om peeps to start using it :(12:26
ybitthat was the point, scribd _is_ annoying12:26
fennis it just me or are "real journalist" newspaper articles worse than ever these day?12:27
* kanzure grins12:29
kanzurefrom skdb import solidworks12:29
* kanzure watches the magic happen12:29
fennplease no!12:29
kanzurei'm kidding :) i dunno where i'm going to put this though12:29
fennwhat are you trying to do with solidworks?12:30
fennjust make generic python bindings?12:30
kanzuredunno. just playing around.12:31
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fenn(could be a project in its own right)12:31
kanzurei have solidworks dll files imported through ctypes running under wine12:31
ybitNoam Chomsky on OSE: "Interesting ideas, I don't know of anything quite like it"12:31
kanzurei have no idea how i'm going to figure out the parameters it wants12:32
kanzurethe functions i mean12:32
kanzure?BuildFromSTEP@CATUnicodeString@@QAEHPBD@Z hm..12:38
ybit"The third goal is to combine the work of the CandyFab project with that of Open3dp to produce an open-source powder-bed printer. With some development, this machine will be able to make ceramic and opaque glass objects and bind metal powder for heat sintering."12:45
kanzureooh it's in pkzip12:48
kanzurehm pkunzip isn't in the repos?12:49
ybitstephen olesen re: storage time on filebin.ca: "Hello, I have yet to delete anything, ever, from filebin (except by request). The idea behind it is that frequently accessed files or combined with the size of the files will dictate which files get removed (frequently accessed ones will stay longer). I'd say there's a good probability any file you put up will stick around another year or two, at least."12:50
fennstorage is absurdly cheap these days12:51
fennat minimum wage you could store 16MB/s continuously12:55
fennof course you have to sleep and spend money on other things12:55
fennfunny that you can buy hard drives faster than it's possible to write to a single disk12:56
fennmost disks top out at around 15MB/s12:57
fennwell, the cheap crap i buy at least12:57
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kanzureare you sure you can buy faster than you can write? because somewhere, someone has to be doing a write when you buy12:58
fennyou mean the CIA snooping every bit i send to the drive?12:59
fenntime traveling robots from the future?13:00
kanzureer.. no. to buy something, you need to tell the stores (that's a write)13:00
* kanzure goes away13:01
fennok so i actually tested some stuff and my hard disk is 50MB/s; flash cards were 15MB/s13:02
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kanzurefenn: gohan is still ticking.13:37
kanzurehonestly i'm impressed13:37
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genehackernow that was unexpected15:04
genehackerhope they fund some stuff to make manufacturing more flexible15:05
Utopiah(supposed to be in http://www.tvworldwide.com/events/pcast/100107/default.cfm?id=11932&type=flv&test=0&live=0 too)15:06
ybithttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04Q9tuSaCYA :: what's new in firefox 3.615:23
* fenn reads about bourke engines... probably less boring than what you guys are up to15:42
fenni want to make a really small one and crank it up to 20krpm15:45
fennan integrated linear alternator would be neat too15:46
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QuantumGmake a fuel pump for me ;)15:53
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kanzureybit: fyi, sam putman is angry about gnusha since it's the same as replab.. so that has to be resolved eventually16:08
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CIA-30skdb: kanzure * r dde062a / (3 files in 2 dirs): found some bugs in the unit tests; minor octopart.py update16:21
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kanzure"pySVG is distributed under a dual license. It is free software for noncommercial purposes, available under a GPL-style open source license and for other purposes can be purchased. "16:32
kanzureit can't be GPL for "noncommercial purposes"16:32
QuantumGmust be the MySQL definition of GPL16:33
QuantumGit's GPL until it interferes with out business of selling commercial licences, then we'll become more jewish than hanukkah16:35
kanzurefenn: what's your svg library of choice with python?16:36
kanzurepycairo seems to only work for 2.6 which isn't bad but somewhat annoying16:36
kanzurehttp://makerfaire.com/bayarea/2010/entry/ deadline: march 31st16:47
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futuresoonkanzure: anything ever happen with marcin and OSE? i don't see anything on the replab board lately17:05
futuresoonkanzure: they've been turning off their server or something lately too i guess. at least the web has been down17:05
kanzuredunno. wish someone would tell me.17:10
kanzurelooks like cycloidal.py uses cairo. guess i'll use that too17:18
kanzureand 1.8.8 is 2.6 only, but 1.8.4 seems to work with 2.517:19
kanzurewhich is what's in debian's repos anyway17:19
ybitfuturesoon: they've been having isp issues, and marcin has been discussing with bkero and mrclif about using their services17:22
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ybitbkero: how's that going btw?17:34
QuantumG"vision to the blind, GPS to the willing" is a very nice catchphrase17:35
bkeroybit: Up and running.  There were some issues with getting the domain A record pointing at me.17:35
* katsmeow-afk is glad ybit missed the 5:30 tornado18:10
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kanzurehuh solidworks has libcurl compiled into it19:09
Utopiahfor updates?19:12
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kanzurehello thesnark19:50
thesnarkhello kanzure19:51
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futuresoonkanzure: i have a private server where i currently host people. you think bkero and mrclif have it covered?20:36
kanzuredunno, it's been taking them a while20:46
bkeroIts beemn up with me for a few days20:52
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kanzureyes it is :)20:57
kanzurei seem to max out at 40 people/day in online communication21:07
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kanzureit doesn't do much except help figure out what functions/objects are available: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/solidworks.py21:52
kanzurerun it under python 2.6 under wine21:53
thesnarkfuturesoon YOU HOST PEOPLE?!21:56
thesnark:) I had to21:57
genehacker"a Free and Open Source Disaster Management system" - http://haiti.sahanafoundation.org/prod/21:57
genehackeranyone have "programming, web development, Python, or GIS experience"21:58
genehacker"please email me (scopatz@mail.utexas.edu) or our Google Group (import-rescue@googlegroups.com) ASAP. "21:59
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ybithow do you drop from #3 to #4 in the google search results for open manufacturing?22:57
ybitwhile links to the site increase22:57
katsmeow-afkother sites incresae faster23:03
ybitbut we are replaced with a year old article23:05
katsmeow-afki dunno,, is your robots.txt restrictive?23:06
katsmeow-afki can engage in more wag if you like :-)23:07
futuresoonybit: doesn't matter how old the article is, but how much link juice it has23:09
futuresoonybit: you can also lose link juice by linking to the wrong things yourself (dunno if that's happening)23:10
futuresoonybit: magical explanations i know but this is my limited understanding of link mana23:10
futuresoonybit: using good SEO?23:10
kanzurewe could go all blackhat on it if you want23:11
kanzurexpymep, and usch23:11
futuresoonkanzure: doesn't that not work, primarily via some kind of generalized backfire mechanism?23:11
kanzureit still works :)23:12
kanzurealthough not for high competition keywords23:12
futuresoonkanzure: oh well stuff that works is pretty sweet23:13
* kanzure nods23:13
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futuresoonwhy can't i find gridbeam on the futures market at the chicago mercantile exchange. is this something we should think about?23:15
futuresoonit's not possible to make square tubing other than with progressive dies right? multi-hundred thousand dollar factories and what-not?23:17
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futuresoonbasically i want to use the phrase "gridbeam is in backwardation" at some point in my life23:20
genehackeryeah gridbeam is made with weird dies23:49
genehackercan you find screws on the futures market?23:50
genehackeroh I thought you meant that other system23:53
genehackerthere are ways to make grid beam other than with progressive dies and multihundered thousand dollar factories... but it doesn't make any economic sense23:55
futuresooni think that's whacktastic00:08
futuresoonyou into diy bio?00:08
genehackeryou're in #hplusroadmap00:08
genehackerwhat do you think?00:08
genehackeryes I am00:08
futuresoongenehacker: i dunno, i originally came here to find kanzure because of an interest in open source ecology00:09
genehackerand I want to make a DNA synthesizer00:09
futuresooni've been trying to find information on diy blood breath and urine tests for metabolytes00:09
genehackerin order to make a DNA synthesizer I need to make the chemicals for it00:09
futuresooni made a cursory search of the biohacker community but i don't see anything really00:09
genehackerin order to do that I need microreactor or something00:10
kanzuresounds like you're looking for microarrays00:10
futuresoonkanzure: me? i am00:10
kanzureor really any array00:10
genehackerthat's what I want to do to00:10
genehackerso the problem with testing for stuff00:10
genehackeris doing it consistently00:10
genehackerand anyway there isn't much going on in the biohacker community00:11
genehackerit's sort of in the state mainframe hacking was in00:11
futuresoonkanzure: yup, that's a lead. thanks00:12
futuresoonmicroarrays feasible in DIY?00:12
kanzurefuturesoon: you will probably find some interesting stuff here: http://designfiles.org/papers/00:12
genehackerkanzure you got a nice cheap way to make microarrays I don't know about?00:12
kanzuregenehacker: did you see the laser PCR papers?00:14
kanzurepetri dish PCR: http://designfiles.org/papers/microfluidics/Petri%20dish%20PCR%20-%20laser-heated%20reactions%20in%20nanoliter%20droplet%20arrays.pdf00:15
genehackerthat's cool00:18
futuresoongenehacker: do you know what the varying interest levels are for genomics, proteomics and metabolite analysis?00:21
futuresoongenehacker: from what i hear it's mostly dna---is that for a reason?00:21
kanzureinterest levels? what?00:22
futuresoonkanzure: as in, i assume there's a lot more interest in genomics than proteomics, and much more in proteomics than metabolomics00:22
kanzurethere's a lot of people interested in the results of metabolomics for sure00:23
futuresoonkanzure: i'm wondering if that's the case and if that's for technical reasons00:23
kanzurebut right now people are working on basic infrastructure to play with dna and do related experiments00:23
kanzureyeah, it's hard to do metabome engineering with no lab equipment00:23
kanzurei guess you can do some bioinformatics, but it's no fun when you can't confirm00:23
futuresooni hadn't even considered engineering metabolites00:24
futuresooni was thinking of just measurement, observation00:24
futuresoonthat's much more interesting than DNA to me00:24
futuresoonwhat do i care what could potentially be expressed as much as either what is expressed (proteomics) or even more importantly, what's happening from moment to moment over time00:25
futuresoonso either there's some reasoning on a philosophical level i don't know about or it's just too difficult in practice00:25
kanzureit's not a matter of what could potentially be expressed.. it's about reprogramming it from moment to moment00:26
kanzureand recreating your programs00:26
genehackerI don't know I need to level up00:26
futuresooni think of metabolites as the standard output00:26
futuresoonif i don't know what that is, how do i know what i did to the program00:27
kanzureno arguments there00:27
futuresoonoligonucleotides are real big right?00:27
futuresoonmaybe that's it00:27
futuresooni need to level up too00:28
futuresoonhere's my first cross reference of "microarrays" and "metabolite" http://www.signaling-gateway.org/update/updates/200912/nmeth1209-864b.html interesting so far00:30
futuresoonA key advantage of this array approach is that, by focusing on biochemically relevant interactions, it becomes essentially species-independent. "The molecules that the array contains are universal for all forms of life; in fact, the metabolites collectively represent the central metabolic pathways of all cellular systems," says Ferrer. "For this reason, it may be useful for any kind of sample, ranging from single cells, to00:32
futuresoonenvironmental samples, to tissues, blood samples and so on."00:32
futuresooninteresting. did not know that00:32
futuresoonso you can use the same microarray chip (hereafter, "thingie") for almost anything living, i guess00:34
futuresoonwhereas this dna ("other thingie") chip sounds like it has to be re-engineered every time00:34
genehackernot really00:39
futuresoongenehacker: on which count?00:40
genehackerthe DNA chip is easier to reengineer00:43
genehackeryou're talking about DNA microarrays right?00:44
genehackerif you're looking for a specific DNA sequence they're great00:44
genehackerIE finding if you're sick with X virus00:44
futuresoondna microarrays versus some kind of "metabolite microarray"00:44
genehackerpeptide arrays?00:45
futuresooni'm reading an article where protein arrays are used00:45
futuresoonbut i don't know if that's the same as the first one or not00:45
genehackerI've heard there are problems with those00:45
genehackeroh that could be that new carbohydrate array thing00:45
kanzureyou can use aptamers (folded DNA sequences) to detect metabolites too, btw00:46
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futuresoonkanzure: sounds like that may be the state of the art00:52
kanzureit's been around for a while00:52
futuresoonThe generation of high density multiplexed aptamer arrays for molecular diagnostics was first proposed nearly ten years ago for the quantification of the thousands of proteins within biological samples, including blood and urine.00:52
futuresoonexactly what i'm looking for00:52
kanzurefuturesoon: here's some papers on aptamers: http://designfiles.org/papers/ellington/00:56
futuresoonkanzure: sweet :-)00:56
futuresoonsudo chmod -R a+r00:57
kanzureare they non-read?00:57
futuresoonthink so00:57
kanzureoh crap00:57
kanzureokay fixed00:57
futuresoonmagic :-)00:57
futuresooni am still not over the internet00:57
futuresooni think people should be completely ridiculously excited all the time about the times we live in00:58
futuresooneverything's so great yet everybody's so unhappy00:58
futuresooni suffer from this too00:59
kanzureum, ok00:59
genehackerit's what happens to technology that becomes ubiquitous01:06
genehackerI hope that in the future biotech and reprap becomes ubiquitous01:07
genehackerwho cares about people taking it for granted all that matters is what you can do with it01:07
futuresoonhey, i'm with you01:15
futuresooni just also think it's awesome that i can be seated mid-air at 30,000 feet01:15
kanzure"that chimpanzees have a better photographic memory than people" <-- buh?01:16
genehackerI need to read that article on grid cells01:16
futuresoonkanzure: absolutely01:16
futuresoonkanzure: you give chimps a sequence of disappearing numbers for a split second and they can point to where 13 of them were in sequence01:16
futuresoona human can do like 301:16
futuresoonkanzure: probably because there's only so much attention and it's been diverted from photographic recall into an internal verbal monologue01:17
futuresoonkanzure: not me. i'm as smart as a chimp01:18
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spsneoybit: hi02:55
spsneokanzure: hi02:55
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fenninteresting, the military is using a descendant of the bourke engine ("opoc") in their small APU's08:17
fennfuturesoon/genehacker, no particular reason grid beam tubing couldn't be seam welded out of sheet metal08:23
fenni'm pretty sure that's how they do it already08:23
fennanyway it's called telestrut if you want to buy it mass produced08:24
fenni love how "l-3 communications" is the sixth largest defense provider08:29
* fenn is browsing http://www.l-3com.com/products-services/08:30
fennword of the day: "microbolometer"08:33
thesnarkfenn who is number one? and why is that odd?08:44
fennthe dog movie is pretty cool (and funny too) http://www.morovision.com/thermal_imagers/MNV-UTM.htm08:58
fenner, the third movie that is09:00
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kanzure"the replicator, no longer a star trek dream" http://thetyee.ca/News/2010/01/22/Replicator/ (it's just about neil and such)10:18
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kanzurejeremiah was looking at an hp pavilion dv6-1375dx laptop. these things are coming with 6GB DDR3 these days??11:05
futuresoonfenn: you can make a seam but you can't make a corner12:13
futuresoonfenn: you can use a regular good old fashioned hand-crank die to make a cylindrical tube but the moment you try to make a corner you're talking about rolling it along several 10s of meters of expensive factory12:14
futuresoonfenn: i'm no industry pro. it's just shaping up to look that way so far from my pokings-around12:15
kanzureA synchronized quorum of genetic clocks http://designfiles.org/papers/A%20synchronized%20quorum%20of%20genetic%20clocks.pdf12:19
futuresoonfenn: oh i get it, seam weld all corners, not just the last one---you sure telestrut does it that way?12:20
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kanzurepatents for modafinil expire in 201113:57
ybitthat is good news14:06
ybiti wonder what it takes to become a pharmaceutical manufacturer14:07
any10421154the ability to charge $5 per pill and collect it14:12
ybitbut with modafinil being regulated, i don't think that's all that's required14:13
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ybitwhich is required*14:13
ybithi thesnark14:13
thesnarkhey ybit14:13
ybitholy toledo o.O14:13
any10421154i kow, i was being snarky before he got here14:13
ybitsorry, just had to14:13
Utopiahybit: a portfolio of chemical components in a large automated laboratory but overall an even more expensive army of sexy sellers to harass the local doctor14:14
any10421154and the FDA, etc14:15
ybitwell, i was thinking more along the lines of manufacturing it on-site, having the local doctor(s) prescribe it at will14:15
kanzure"at will"14:15
Utopiahybit: maybe you should check Brazil work with the generics14:15
ybitwouldn't it be nice if the psychiatrist was also the guy helping to manufacture the pills14:16
any10421154i once discovered i could make a TENS for $50 , but it would cost $500 after all the kickbacks14:16
ybitor just form my own research park that does everything :)14:16
ybitor take over a town14:17
ybite.g. killen alabama with a total population of just over 2k14:17
ybitor do both, hrm :)14:18
Utopiah Covaris S2 integrated in Tecan robot at GSK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGOyLEQCr4M14:18
any10421154you think you can get funding for a startupp in Alabama??14:19
ybityeah, from my own experience, it's not difficult raising money for NPOs14:22
kanzurethe "oh crap ybit needs modafinil" foundation14:23
* any10421154 ponders the giving of sex to doctors as bribes to prescribe drugs,, as an npo14:23
kanzureif i would have suggested that you would have killed me14:23
ybiti ike the name suggestion by one of my friends here the 'freaks on a field' foundation14:23
ybiteither one works for me though :)14:24
kanzureanyway, does it have to be prescribed by an american doctor?14:24
ybitthere's so much to cipher through14:24
ybiti need to be able to grep through all the laws14:24
Utopiahharder to read that crappy code :/14:25
ybitthink i'm going to create a git repository on gitorious for the county and state laws14:26
Utopiahwith includes all around the place, dynamic changes,pointer everywhere :/14:26
ybitbut these searches aren't helping me much14:30
any10421154alabama will preempt the ederal laws every chance they get anyhow14:31
kanzureybit: i'd ask diybio if anyone could write up some pointers on where to grab information for taking over big pharma14:43
kanzurei'm sure there's someone who as at least worked as a janitor in a drug company on that list :/14:43
any10421154so this is what Avatar was about : The study, involving scientists from the University of Cincinnati, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Canadian Department of Agriculture, included volunteers in their 70s. One group drank the equivalent of 2 to 2.5 cups of blueberry juice every day for two months.14:44
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ybitany10421154: huh?14:56
ybitkanzure: i'm waiting on someone from the fda to contact me14:56
ybitspecifically lisa rofka or something like that (tough last name to spell)14:57
ybit14:39 < pfred1> ybit I know when pharma companies do drug runs they cannot  reuse equipment15:00
ybit4:40 < pfred1> ybit I've made some pretty good coin because of it too!15:00
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kanzurethey can't reuse equipment?15:03
kanzurewhat the hell?15:03
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ybitthat's a question for the janitor at the pharma companies :P15:04
ybithi genehacker15:04
ybitcall the fda drug dept and ask: 301796340015:05
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kanzureheh i should call up with a completely inappropriate question15:09
kanzure"hi, uhh.. you there? i have a distillation column that's been overheating, and the amines are escaping all over the hydroxyls"15:09
ybitidea to get email addresses15:11
ybitcreate a quizes15:11
kanzurea quizes15:11
kanzureis this some sort of chemical15:11
kanzureoh :(15:11
ybit'what animal are you' for instance and at the end ask them to sign to get the results15:11
ybitsee http://www.espin.com/quizzes/what-animal-are-you for an example15:11
kanzureyeah they already do that15:12
kanzureit's called spam15:12
ybityeah i know15:12
ybitan idea for the spam business in austin, just saying :)15:12
genehackerUAV AIR SPAM15:26
genehackerfenn you have that rotovator paper that had the cost of a rotovator?15:27
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ybitkanzure and anyone who knows anything about pokemon: http://8bitcollective.com/music/Perry/Pokemon+Tower+Preacher+m1x+%28feat.+XyNo%29/15:53
ybitit's funny and sad15:53
genehackerare those cogs supposed to rotate?16:06
kanzureshepazu: heh :)16:07
shepazubecause I did this by hand :)16:07
shepazumind you, so did charles babbage16:08
genehackerlol at that pokemon thing ybit16:08
genehackerdid what?16:08
kanzuremechanical computation16:08
genehackerthe gear thing?16:08
shepazugenehacker: I hand-coded the gears in SVG16:08
shepazuit was just a rough draft I showed kanzure16:08
genehackerbabbage machine sucks16:08
shepazuau contraire!16:09
shepazubabbage engine is a thing a of pure beauty16:09
genehackerit's analog so it produces tiny errors in the printing plates it produces16:09
genehackerit is awesome though16:09
genehackerhave you seen the remade one at the computer history museum in san diego?16:10
shepazuI saw one working at the Computer History Museum, actually got to touch it and read off the figures16:10
shepazugenehacker: :)16:10
genehackeranyway, I'm writing a gear generation script for some nonconventional gears so gears have been driving me insane16:10
shepazuwhen they fabbed it, they introduced an artificial margin of error in the cutter to ensure that it only had the mechanical precision possible at the time babbage designed it16:11
genehackeroh dang I didn't know they did that16:11
shepazuand used only materials and alloys available at the time16:12
shepazuof course, they used a laser cutter16:12
genehackerand some cnc machines of course?16:12
shepazuftw, srsly16:12
genehackerstill it's quite a cool computer16:13
kanzurewhat happened to it sucking16:13
genehackerI think analog computers are cool16:13
genehackerthe performance sucks16:13
genehackerin comparison to modern computers16:13
shepazuand the difference engine is only a glorified calculator, not an actual programmable computer16:14
genehackeryeah it's analog computer16:14
genehackerit's pretty much just an approximation of a function16:14
shepazubut for the time... and the fact that babbage drew out plans and diagrams with such precision that when put together a century later it simply worked? madness16:15
genehackerfor some cool stuff on mechanical analog computing see Basic Fire Control Mechanisms16:15
genehackerits a Navy manual for battle ship gun aiming mechanisms16:15
shepazupretty much the only thing he got wrong was the differentials in the crank... they had to add another gear so it could be hand-cranked by a human16:16
genehackerand how they work written in a format anyone can understand16:16
* shepazu would love to get a Curta math grenade16:16
genehackerI wonder if there are cad files for the Curta...16:17
shepazuthat's a great question16:18
shepazuthere should be16:18
shepazuI'm sure someone has taken it apart and drawn out the gearing16:18
shepazustep 116:19
shepazukanzure: the scientologists tried *what* with SeaOrg?16:51
kanzureshepazu: that wasn't me, it was patri friedman presenting about the seasteading institute16:51
kanzurehttp://seasteading.org/ living on the seas16:52
shepazuah, cool16:52
genehackerdid it work?16:53
shepazukanzure: watching your vid... you a Greg Egan fan?16:53
kanzurealso a greg benford fan16:54
kanzureand greg bear fan16:54
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genehackerI thought those ships went back to shore a lot16:55
genehackerthey were shore supplied at the very least?16:55
shepazunot *quite* in the same league, but you might like Alastair Reynolds, and certainly Iain M Banks16:56
any10421154only to the extent fishing ships supply TO the shore16:56
kanzureshepazu: yes, ian banks is good too16:56
genehackerI've heard of people living in boats off the coast of san diego16:57
genehackerthey do this so they can get around american visa limitations so they can work for companies there16:57
any10421154there's some rocks at the surface about a days drive west of San Diego, but i have yet to find webpage for anyoneliving out there16:58
any10421154tour /scuba boats run out to the area16:58
any10421154no, rocks16:58
genehackerthose are US territory16:58
any10421154well, usa eez runs out 200 miles16:59
any10421154states were recently allowed to patrol out that far too, as of late 200816:59
any10421154there are a few seamounts out further, which are unclaimed17:01
shepazuthere are hundreds of boats that have been cut free in the US coasts because the owners couldn't afford upkeep in the struggling economy17:02
shepazulash some of those together...17:02
any10421154"cut free" ?17:02
genehackerset adrift17:03
genehackerrafting can be dangerous17:03
any10421154they'd do that instead of selling them to me for $500 each?17:03
genehackerthough I've seen mass amounts of boats rafted together before17:03
any10421154rafted boats rub holes in each other17:03
any10421154people who fall tween them can die17:04
genehackeronly for temporary occasions like HUEG boat parties17:04
genehackerwhy? because the bank might take them back anyway...17:04
genehackersorta like leaving a car you can't payoff in a field somewhere and setting it on fire17:05
any10421154oh,, unpaidfor boats17:05
genehackeroh and because you have to pay to keep the boat somewhere17:05
genehackerand usually no one will buy them, even if they are $50017:06
any10421154yea, but it wold have been cheaper for me to buy a boat than to build a new one17:06
genehackerwhen'd you start building a boat?17:06
any10421154i have $1000's in steel17:06
genehackerbefore the economic downturn?17:06
any104211542yrs ago, got one 16ft licensed and afloat, stillw orking on the 43ft one17:07
kanzuregenehacker: i have been working on a microfluidics package for skdb17:08
kanzureright now i have it automatically rendering to SVG to give it to a laser cutter or inkjet printer17:08
kanzurei'm not sure though how to assign the location of the first part put onto the chip17:08
kanzuresuppose you put down a world-to-chip interface. where should it go by default?17:08
genehackerworld to chip interface?17:09
kanzurethe giant hole for pneumatic/liquid lines17:09
genehackerbtw what material do you intend to make microfluidic circuits out of?17:09
genehackeron the edges of the chip of course17:10
kanzurenope not always17:10
genehackersounds like your using poly carbonate17:10
kanzureif you look at images of chips you see them all over the place17:10
genehackeras that's what laser cutters cut17:10
genehackerthat's what electrical chips use17:10
kanzurei'd like to try different materials, sure17:10
genehackerwell what's going into and out of the chip?17:11
kanzureand possibly air or some other gas sometimes17:11
genehackerair, water, beads, proteins?17:11
kanzurecould be anything17:11
genehackerdon't forget about beads17:11
kanzuremaybe i should just use a centering algorithm17:12
kanzureby default, everything goes in the center17:12
genehackerfluid viscosity and properties might constrain hole location17:12
kanzuremeh, this is a prototype17:12
kanzureno CFD17:12
genehackerCFD hahaha17:13
genehackeryou don't need CFD for stuff like this17:13
kanzurefor what stuff?17:13
genehackerespecially at low RE17:13
kanzureplacing parts at a location?17:13
genehackerno calculating pressure drop in a pipe17:13
genehackerunless you run em at high RE which some people have actually done17:14
genehackerhigh RE = the liquid moves supersonically17:15
genehackerbtw do you have that microfluidics books I scanned?17:16
genehackerit has some useful methods for working out microfluidic networks17:16
kanzurei only have what you scanned17:17
genehackeryeah that's what you need17:17
genehackermicrofluidics history theory and applications?17:17
kanzurewhy do i need it. my question.. er17:19
kanzureblah, go away17:19
genehackerit will help with circuit design17:21
genehackersomething like that above is what you should think about17:22
genehackercircuit design is important for when you're working with live cells17:23
genehackerafter all small pressure variations can kill them17:23
kanzurehm i wonder if i should make it do "outlines" of channels, or if a single line should be a single channel17:28
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kanzure"what a biofab-on-a-chip might look like" http://2009.igem.org/wiki/images/1/13/UofA09_MiniBioFab2.png18:51
genehackerseems like it's at a very conceptual stage18:54
genehackerthe first one is neat18:55
genehackeroh dear18:56
genehackersome had a minimal synthetic genome project18:59
kanzurecool: http://lilykim.com/listing-of-microfluidics-lab-on-a-chip-and-biomems-companies/18:59
genehackeroh wait no19:00
genehackerlooks like most are centralized around boston19:13
genehackererrr highest density is in boston19:13
kanzureyeah i get craigslist job listings for microfluidics companies in my search results often. they're usually on boston.craigslist.com more often than not19:20
kanzurehm there aren't many microfluidics CAD systems to steal ideas from19:25
kanzureQuantumG: when you're fiddling around with foreign DLLs, how do you go about figuring out what parameters the functions want?19:29
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kanzurehow goes the new laptop19:56
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kanzurecan anyone gimme some ideas on what an ideal CAD tool for microfluidics would play like?20:56
kanzureor if you're sitting in a python interpreter, how would you want to add a component to a design20:56
kristianpaulsomething that look like VHDL code may be21:09
kanzurewhat if you wanted it to be graphical?21:17
nshdo you know if it's possible to make aliases (references) to python properties?21:43
nshwhen you assign a property to another variable  "newref = obj.property", you only assign its current value21:43
* nsh is trying to work out the idiom from copying by reference21:44
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futuresoonthere's somewhere between a 25 and 30 percent chance bernanke won't be confirmec22:00
futuresoonnot you guys22:00
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fennsomething like liquidPCB i'd think01:07
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ybit^open source hydrogen car01:27
ybitwith cad files01:27
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ybit.igs files at that01:27
ybitfound via p2p research mailing list01:28
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fenni'm with eric on the "why does it have to look like a butt" issue02:16
ybitbecause the butt is universal, not everyone is accustomed to owning a penis02:17
fenn"Entrepreneurs around the world will be able to download drawings and data from this site to enable them to develop and build their own versions of this highly energy-efficient vehicle for their local market. All they will have to pay is a small license fee to 40 Fires, designed to cover 40 Fires running costs."02:19
fenndoes this exist in a modern FLOSS implementation somewhere? http://www.art.net/Studios/Hackers/Hopkins/Don/psiber/pseudoscientific.html03:19
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fenni never knew about the vapor smoothing process for FDM08:32
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kanzurethesnark: have you tried this? http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/dasher/09:40
thesnarkno, will give a try sometime this weekend09:41
kanzureit's a zooming-typing interface for mouse users09:41
kanzurecan anyone find a copy of "computer-generated game narratives"? http://libris.kb.se/bib/1087261909:51
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kanzurelatest article on slashdot: "Over fifty years ago, American Joe Kittinger made history by leaping from a balloon at 102,800 ft, and although many have sought to repeat the feat, all have failed. "10:29
kanzurehow can you _fail_ at that10:29
kanzureyou just FALL10:29
kanzure"excuse me sir, which way is down?" _no_10:30
fenni can think of a number of failure modes10:31
kanzureit doesn't say whether or not joe kittinger survived or not10:32
fennhe survived10:34
fennotherwise it would have been a failure :P10:34
fenni didnt read about anyone dying in record attempts10:35
fennso i guess they failed for other reasons10:36
fenndasher is interesting10:37
fenntoday i've been reading about pie menus10:38
kanzurelink to pie menus?10:38
kanzuresuperkuh: are there any EEG-related papers that distinguish skull muscle signals from evoked potentials?10:39
fennum, this is a thorough explanation but lacking in pictures: http://www.art.net/Studios/Hackers/Hopkins/Don/piemenus/ddj/piemenus.html10:40
fennhere's a js demo that doesnt quite get it right: http://markusfisch.de/downloads/PieDockDemo/10:42
kanzurethesnark: someone suggested using an EEG headset for focusing attention of the user on a multi-monitor setup, i.e. pulling up different windows10:43
kanzurenow that sounds sufficiently interesting10:43
kanzurethesnark: what do you think?10:43
thesnarkkanzure sounds like something worth pursuing to me10:43
thesnarkit's great for training your attention span10:44
thesnarkEEGs are I mean10:44
fennhttp://www.donhopkins.com/home/movies/PieMenuExperiment.mov or http://www.donhopkins.com/home/movies/PrecisionPieDemo.mov10:44
fennplz pardon the awful video quality10:44
kanzurethesnark: also it's a good excuse to buy lots of monitors10:45
thesnarkkanzure about to leave for the day, will be back on tonight, I can look into things and clarify further then. Sound good?10:45
thesnarkkanzure always a plus :)10:45
thesnarkok, talk to you then10:45
kanzurewas there some open source eye tracking software that i've forgotten about?10:46
fennthe graffiti thing?10:46
fennfwiw i am interested in this mostly for head tracking10:46
fennor eye tracking too i guess10:46
fenndo you remember the gestural text input method?10:47
kanzurePieMenuExperiment.mov is weird.. it looks like a window with only a few options.. i was expecting an actual moving pie diagram10:47
kanzureno, i don't10:47
kanzurelike a zooming pie diagram10:47
kanzurewhere you zoom to the slices and more slices expand or somesuch10:48
kanzurewtf is up with these videos10:48
fennkanzure: yeah that's the eventual idea.. and he has code for nesting menus and such, its just not in that experiment10:49
fennanother pie menu demo: http://www.donhopkins.com/home/movies/TheSimsPieMenus.mov10:53
fennand lots more weird crap here http://www.donhopkins.com/home/movies/10:54
kanzureoh man eyetyping is slow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvWdwB6nTkk10:54
kanzure3 to 5 words per minute bwahaha10:55
kanzurehm, single finger text entry at 35wpm10:57
fennthe problem with predictive input methods like dasher is that they change all the time so you can't develop "muscle memory" (i think we've talked about this before)10:57
kanzureoh, it's dasher10:57
fenndasher makes me nauseous and causes anxiety disorder :P10:58
kanzuremaybe it should come with a general surgeon's warning10:59
fennthey should make the letters scale with the size of the box11:00
fennsort of reminds me of AIXI11:01
kanzuresee at 26sec http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOBs25_g23s&feature=related11:01
fennthe "all possible books" thing11:01
kanzurei don't know if i should like shorthand stenography or not11:03
kanzuredoesn't seem useful for programming11:04
fenni never bothered figuring out how it actually works11:04
fennis it just a compression algorithm?11:04
fennlookup table?11:05
kanzurea very particular string grammar that happens to "compress" sounds11:06
fennso that keyboard thingy is based on phonemes?11:07
kanzurethe keyboard itself is not, but it seems there's some user-side encoding of information going on11:08
fenn"The system is roughly phonetic, for example the word "cat" would be written by a single stroke comprising the initial K, the vowel A, and the final T"11:08
fenncouldn't we just hook some electrodes up to a person's mouth and havspeak whatever they want to type?11:10
* fenn kicks adl11:10
kanzuredamien broderick swears by "dragon naturallyspeaking"11:10
fennyeah my mom really likes that. she had to use it after hand surgery11:11
fennbut you have to train it a lot before it works at all, then it works beautifully11:11
fennand it's windows only for dog only knows11:11
fennso the "continually improves the more you use it" is not quite right11:13
fenni'm wondering why we don't get automatic transcripts of youtube videos11:13
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_writer what? 350 wpm?  the paragraph "A realtime voice writer's.." makes little sense to me11:14
fennsince obviously it doesn't take much processing power11:14
fenncompared to transcoding video at least11:14
kanzureoh, a speech recognition engine11:14
fenn"including gestures and emotional reactions" hahaa11:15
fenn"fenn dances an irish jig with a crazed grin upon his face"11:15
kanzurein shorthand that would be "baboon foolery"11:16
fennbut really i doubt a human has that kind of perceptual bandwidth11:16
fenndigital ones and zeroes!!!!11:16
kanzurei'm confused by this article greatly11:16
kanzureso, it's speech recognition, but it captures emotions and gestures? what the fuck?11:16
fennwhy can't they just record the audio?11:17
kanzureoh, the person repeats the testimony into the recorder11:17
kanzurethey literally speak? how lame11:17
fennyeah that's why all this goofy shit with stenographers in the first place11:17
fennotherwise they'd just record the audio11:17
fennand take photographs instead of charcoal drawings11:17
fennit's like 20th century technology is forbidden in anything to do with the law11:18
fenn"but then people might get the truth!"11:18
kanzure"Using a personalized interface, physicist Stephen Hawking, who suffers from Lou Gehrig's disease, managed to type 15 wpm with a switch and adapted software created by Walt Woltosz."11:19
kanzurehuh didn't know the developer was known11:19
kanzurewalt woltosz. hm.11:20
fenniirc he bought the software after the company went bankrupt 15 years later11:21
fennbecause it was "his voice"11:21
kanzurefenn: did you see the emails from vitaly and massimo?11:26
kanzureand sam putman i guess11:26
fenni'm so far behind on OM11:28
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kanzurefenn: massimo stuff: http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/browse_frm/thread/1523fc2b828c41c11:30
kanzuresam putman: http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/browse_frm/thread/2b517c152e10237a11:30
fennum, ok what was i supposed to get out of the massimo thread?11:37
kanzureeh just who's working on what?11:38
fennopenkollab just annoys the crap out of me so could we please not talk about it unless its necessary?11:47
kanzure:) gladly11:49
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* fenn dies while waiting for tbit to clone11:59
kanzuretry cloning it on davinci12:00
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kanzurehey noah12:00
fennegads they imported the step by step soldering photos12:01
fennname: Instructions for building a Drawdio12:02
fennid: com.tangiblebit.drawdio.buildit12:02
fennlicense: CC BY-SA12:02
fennlastModified: 2010-01-1512:02
fennauthor:: - Fried, Limor - Silver, Jay12:02
fennmaintainer: Siefkes, Christian, christian@siefkes.net12:02
fennthis from the yaml-haters12:03
kanzurei'm so confused and sad12:03
fenna lot of this is nearly identical to what i was saying12:08
kanzurewhy did they come up with a weird search query format again?12:11
fennnot really sure.. some sort of query format is necessary but i dunno why they invented their own12:12
fennis there any reason you don't just leave skdb/cherrypy running on adl all the time?12:13
kanzureno. here it is: http://designfiles.org:8081/12:15
kanzurewould smari be mad if i imported code from tangible bit into skdb?12:16
fennseems to be an old version of the webpage12:17
fennsmari wouldn't be mad but i would12:17
kanzurewhy would you be mad12:17
fennit's 174MB12:17
kanzurejust wondering12:17
kanzurewhy is it 174MB :p12:17
kanzurehm you're right the templates are an old version on designfiles.org:808112:18
kanzurefenn: fyi, ~/code/skdb for me is 279MB12:18
fennumm.. 100MB comes from having a copy of kokompe in it12:18
fennmy skdb is ~9MB12:18
kanzureand 15MB on /var/www/skdb/ on davinci12:18
* kanzure pokes at his bits12:19
fenni'm sure there's lots of crap lying around.. dont worry about it12:19
fennmost of the data seems to be test cases and STL files12:20
kanzurewow stl files are committed? crapp12:20
fennin tangiblebit12:21
kanzurehm, i think this might be the problem: http://designfiles.org:8081/git/screw/icon (404)12:23
kanzurein fact, everything is borked http://designfiles.org:8081/package/screw/12:23
kanzurei bet there's no files being found12:23
kanzureoh wait that's just a problem with screw12:23
kanzuregod why do we always have problems with screw.py12:23
kanzurehey, what do you think about everyone else's opinion that skdb packages shouldn't have .py files?12:24
kanzurei've been hearing it a lot :/12:24
fenni dunno. it would simplify things a lot12:25
fennbut, it would simplify things a lot12:26
fenni thought i fixed that error12:27
fennat http://designfiles.org:8081/package/threads/ why do i see "PackageSet.default: vpath is: ('threads',)"12:27
kanzurebecause there is no local "threads" package12:28
* kanzure checks12:28
fennlooks like /usr/local/share/skdb/threads/ exists12:30
fennwell this is sorta neat12:32
fennCube(a, b, c, s) := (x < a+s) & (x > a-s) & (y < b+s) & (y > b-s) & (z < c+s) & (z > c-s);12:32
fennSphere(a, b, c, s) := (x+a)**2 + (y+b)**2 + (z+c)**2 < s;12:32
fennRoundedCube(a, b, c, s) := Cube(a, b, c, s) & !Sphere(a, b, c, s * 1.4);        // Makes a cube that's slightly rounded.12:32
fennseems to be missing a few parameters on the last one12:33
kanzureso i wrote up a few classes for microfluidics. in particular i have components dropping down on a grid12:37
kanzurethe parts are all meant to be the same grid size for now12:37
kanzurebut i don't know how to place parts down.. like if you say "connect the channel to the micromixer", how does the grid know that the spot is taken12:38
fennif grid[x][y] != None: raise "wah"12:38
kanzureso the grid has to be updated each time?12:38
kanzurei mean that seems redundant12:38
kanzuresince each part has a list of connected parts12:38
fennuh. why are you using a grid if you dont use it for anything12:39
kanzureum, no reason i guess12:39
* fenn has been watching simcity videos all day so this seems obvious12:39
kanzureyes but our Part class isn't meant for grids :p12:40
kanzureor wasn't made with grids in mind12:40
kanzurei was trying to keep this standard12:40
kanzurei've done more grid[][]s in my days than i care to admit :(12:40
fennif all parts are 1 grid square you can have a max of 4 connections per part right?12:41
fennor maybe 812:41
kanzurewell that's one idea. another is that square parts can have as many interfaces as they want, and if they line up properly with the next-over part, great12:41
fennthey have to line up with the next part or the system will never work12:42
kanzurei was thinking too that the ends/edges of the lines at the end of the tile should be an Interface to line up with other interfaces on the grid.12:42
kanzurei'm making this too complicated12:42
kanzurethere's a grid. parts go on the grid. parts connect to each other (or not)12:42
fennnah you should just get rid of the grid idea12:42
fennbut design the parts to fit together nicely on a grid anyway12:43
kanzurei see12:43
kanzureyeah ok12:43
fenna 2d version of paths.py shouldnt be too hard12:44
fennbut may i suggest using something like cairo instead of opencascade12:44
kanzurei have microfluidics.py implemented with cairo12:44
fennoh cool12:44
kanzureright now it mainly draws a grid and cycles through a list of parst to draw12:44
kanzurebut the grid can be disabled (yay)12:44
kanzurei was just using the grid drawing to check that things are in the right positions12:44
kanzureso.. to add a new part, do this? my_chip.find_part(name="mixer").connect(some new component here that you want to add)12:46
kanzurei mean, what feels right?12:46
fennparts contain other parts right12:46
fennthe squiggles are just parts on your monolithic chip12:46
* kanzure nods12:46
fennso, yeah that sounds right12:47
fennseems like you would have to specify which interface12:47
kanzurethat doesn't feel natural to me.. from the python point of view12:47
fenni never really liked the numbering system but cant come up with better12:47
kanzureyeah :/12:47
kanzuresome_part.interfaces[0].connect(new_part.interfaces[1]) <-- there has to be a better way to say roughly the same thing12:48
fennsay i connect (a[0],b[1]) and connect (a[1], c[0]) but the system only works the other way, you'd have to disconnect everything and start over12:48
kanzurehm, a quick fix would be to add a "connect" function to the main skdb package12:49
kanzureso, skdb.connect(interface1, interface2)12:49
kanzurethat feels a lot cleaner and hides a lot of the bloat12:49
fenni thought we already had that12:49
kanzureoh :(12:49
kanzureyes i remember something like that now12:49
fennanyway you end up with the same amount of code, it just gets split into two lines12:49
fennyou could also do foo = ... ; foo.connect(bar)12:50
fennwhere ... is some_part.interfaces[0]12:50
fennthe thing i didnt like about interface numbers was that they might change12:51
fennand part numbers too12:51
kanzurebut not everybody is going to be bothered to give good names to the interfaces12:51
fenni guess we could assign some unique id12:51
kanzuremaybe a way to search? some_part.interfaces["9mm hole"] <- non-integer values get thrown into a search dealy12:52
fennno, not specific enough12:52
kanzureone of the things that i trip on is that Interface doesn't inherit from Part12:52
kanzurebecause your interface could be an entire part.. no?12:52
fennan interface isn't a part though12:52
fennno, never12:52
kanzurea keyboard?12:52
fennthat's like a magnetic monopole or something12:52
fenna klein bottle12:53
kanzureheh ok12:53
kanzuresearch could be made to be as specific as you want12:53
kanzureunique names are more stable though, yes12:53
kanzurelet's throw that on the todo list12:53
kanzurearduino.interfaces["Vcc"] is easily recognizable12:53
fenni guess a dead end like a pipe cap only has one interface12:54
fennbut that's no reason to inherit12:54
fennyeah electronics is no problem12:55
fenni dont know how to name lego studs though12:55
kanzureat least for the 2d planes of studs12:56
fennyou know a lot of this stuff would be easier with better 3D libraries12:56
fennthen i could make a lego generator and just forget all this crap12:56
* fenn grumbles12:56
kanzureno, even with a lego generator you still have to name studs12:56
kanzurei was thinking of doing a NxM lego generator with pythonocc for the lego package12:57
fennthey are named something like "antistud 1,2"12:57
fennif you wnt to do that, would be nice12:57
fenni've had my fill of OCC for a couple years though12:57
fennshould i make an importer for the blueobelisk data?12:59
fennperiodic table stuff13:00
fenni dont see the point but maybe it will make sam happy13:00
kanzurewhat would you import into?13:00
fennsome ad-hoc yaml format13:00
kanzuremeh. sure. doesn't sound like it would take too much time anyway13:00
fennpeople keep looking at me like there's supposed to be some rigorous methodology for defining schemas, but i just dont see how that could be possible13:01
fenni mean we're not doing the typical customerID=1234 customerAddress="123 bumfuck street, des moines IA"13:02
kanzurebut that's what people think of when they see the word "database" (oops)13:02
fennnice neat delineated values that never stray from the schema13:02
fennsure i wouldnt mind having an explicit schema declaration13:02
fenndont really want to use kwalify though13:03
fennand writing my own is a bore/distraction13:03
fennmaybe some kind of automatic statistical thing would work13:03
fennlike a folksonomy13:04
fennkanzure: for web.py do i have to install cherrypy manually?13:09
kanzureno, you need python-cherrypy313:11
fennwhy are you using 3?13:12
fennoh oh13:12
fennapt-get install python-cherrypy313:12
CIA-30skdb: fenn * r 2c0172c /web/web.py: reminder for a common package version error13:21
fennthis glossy reflective screen is quite annoying13:29
fennif skdb_get.py wants to be root, we should change that13:30
fenneven if it conflicts with LSB13:30
fennblah this is terrible13:31
fennlinux standards base13:32
kanzurewhere should skdb packages be put for reals13:33
fennsomewhere i dont need sudo to write; how about ~/.skdb/packages13:39
fennoverwritable by config.yaml of course13:40
kanzureok. i think you can change code/skdb/config.yaml13:40
fennis there some easy way to do shell expansion in python?13:41
* fenn tries os.path.expanduser("~")13:43
kanzurehow about os.getlogin13:43
kanzurewell, expanduser is better actually13:44
fenncore/settings.py makes me sad13:53
fennactually the feeling is more like a mild heart attack13:55
fenndo you use environment variables? can i just delete all this?13:57
kanzuredo whatever you like.. as long as it works when you're done13:58
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fennaww optfunc doesn't support *args14:58
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fennnot sure how to deal with updating package branches15:10
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CIA-30skdb: fenn * r f3ce50d / (4 files in 3 dirs): move package dir to ~/.skdb/packages, remove environment variables SKDB_PACKAGE_DIR etc, skdb-get.py can update packages now15:20
fennok how to get "all"?15:21
fenndo i have to use curl and fetch a list from designfiles.org?15:22
fennno i should just make a 'base' package that depends on everything15:22
fennthis is much harder than what i originally set out to do15:22
kanzureno, you do not make a base-package that depends on all15:25
kanzureer, i mean, what's wrong with the curl/urllib2 method?15:25
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fennhow do i download one specific file from a particular branch? (i.e. metadata.yaml)15:26
fennis that what git fetch is for? the man page is hairy and confusing15:27
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kanzureapparently this is going over big with my grandma: http://lab.arc90.com/experiments/readability/15:45
CIA-30skdb: fenn * r 8f07819 /clients/skdb-get.py: add trailing slash to url15:51
fenn"Terminal" looks more like a chalkboard to me15:52
kanzureon mac?15:53
fennugh it downloads a js script15:56
fennso i can't change the colors or anything locally without a major hack session15:56
kanzureof what?15:56
kanzurewhat's going on?15:56
fennthe "readability" bookmarklet15:56
fenni'm sorry you have the attention span of a gerbil :P15:56
kanzureyes of course it's javascript15:57
kanzurewhat did you think it was, newyorktimes.com prettying up their web page just for you?15:57
fennno i mean the js and css should be in the bookmarklet itself15:57
kanzurehow much is there?15:57
fennnot on some webserver somewhere else15:57
fennenough to download the things and set the radio button settings they provide15:58
fennmy beef is that it's all black text on white background (i.e. useless)15:58
fennthis should be built in anyway15:59
fennactually it is, for the most part15:59
fennon firefox and konqueror15:59
* fenn has been thoroughly distracted16:00
fennyou win16:00
kanzurewhy is it so hard to write pretty-looking documentation16:01
flamt_i'm a dime16:18
flamt_i'm fine16:18
flamt_and i shine, i'm freshly minted16:18
kanzurefenn: MicrofluidicChip.interfaces is hard to figure out.. what if you add a part to MicrofluidicChip.parts ? :(16:25
kanzurehm maybe the list of interfaces shouldn't be mutable. that means it can be a property.16:43
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kanzureyeah i don't think we ever thought about situations where parts would be on other parts17:07
kanzureso i'm adding a "parent" attribute17:07
kanzureat least for these objects17:07
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kanzureah that's right we added the "part" attribute to each Interface so that we could do that.. so yeah this makes sense17:11
kanzuremaybe part.part :p17:11
kanzureor MicrofluidicPartThingyHere(chip=my_chip)17:23
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kanzurehello sam.17:53
kanzureyes, there is a consistency of sorts- everything in yaml is just serialized data objects17:53
samrose I have downloaded and succesfully run SKDB. A question that I have is: is there a consistency in the data structures used? (BOM, file structures, etc)?17:53
kanzurebtw are you able to run paths.py? just wondering17:54
samroseI was able, after pyocc17:54
kanzureyeah it's a bit nasty17:54
kanzureactually they just got a .rpm made17:54
kanzureso, yaml will not break if you add new or different attributes17:55
samroseso we can say it is up the project to implement it's own local standard in the YAML files when using SKDB?17:55
kanzureyes and no- there are some aspects that are critical to maintain a standard on17:55
kanzuresuch as metadata.yaml17:55
kanzureso, the metadata file should use the word "maintainer" for maintainer, and such17:56
samroseso, there is a "standard" for the metadata files17:56
samroseof sorts17:56
samrosethis is cool, because we already have api's that can do all kinds of translations to and from JSON, so we could think of lots of ways to support this17:57
samrosethank you for answers17:57
samroseI will let you get back to work17:57
kanzureerm. sorry. i guess i will if i must17:57
samroseI have to go too17:57
samrosethought I saw you tell Suresh that you needed to get back to work17:58
samrosecould have been an old skype message that just found it;s way to me17:58
kanzureno, it was recent17:58
kanzurejust an excuse17:58
samroseaha ok17:58
kanzurewhy does he use capitals/yelling so often17:58
samrosenot too sure17:59
samroseanyway, I will communicate with Michael and Richard/open pario partners and we'll work out ways to work with SKDB17:59
samrosetalk to you later17:59
kanzuredid you see http://designfiles.org:8081/17:59
kanzurehm actually that might not be working right now18:00
samroseno, looks good18:00
kanzurefenn was complaining about some problems though18:00
samrosesome pages not18:00
kanzureah it works: http://designfiles.org:8081/package/lego/18:00
kanzureit's a git-based wiki for skdb packages18:00
kanzurewith opencascade in the backend18:01
samrosethat was the django-git tool you were working on months ago eh?18:01
kanzurei trashed that :(18:01
kanzurefound out that i don't like django18:01
samroseobject oriented framework18:01
samrosethis is neat18:02
samrosebased on Open cascade18:02
kanzureyeah, for rendering and other CAD goodness18:02
samroseok, really gotta go, will talk later18:02
samroseI will check itout18:02
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thesnarkkanzure ok I'm back18:32
thesnarkSo what exactly did you have in mind? Could you explain the idea more?18:33
kanzurei use alt+tab extensively to switch between many, many tabs18:34
kanzurefenn uses the mouse to try to select a tiny tab on a taskbar (pfft)18:35
kanzurea better situation would be to be able to cycle through windows more effortlessly without involving a mouse18:35
kanzurein, say, a situation where you have 6+ monitors18:35
kanzure(and without involving alt+tab)18:36
thesnarkso we're talking a set of maybe 50 windows?18:36
kanzureum, no18:36
kanzure400 tabs18:36
thesnark400 tabs18:36
kanzurelike in a browser, but i've been trying to get myself back into the habit of using the desktop environment's taskbar18:37
kanzure(i don't really mind which)18:37
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kanzurehello noah18:38
thesnarkkanzure I'll do a little research for you and get back to you with a general plan if I think it can be done18:39
kanzuresounds good18:39
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thesnarknote to self. it's not a good idea to open an 18 gb data file in gedit19:20
thesnark(unless you have 32gb ram(19:20
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kanzureheh i'm finding that the easiest way to use inkscape is by hand-editing the svg files21:08
* kanzure shakes his head21:08
fennur doin it wrong21:09
kanzurehard to get things centered properly in inkscape.21:09
kanzurewhat with strokes and fills showing up all the time21:09
fennalignment tools not good enough?21:09
kanzurewhat alignment tools :(21:09
fennthe align and distribute menu? its on there somewhere21:10
kanzurealso the output is nasty. i made a rectangle and it did some XML voodoo magic. i just wanted a fucken <rect />21:10
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kanzurewtf openkollab is showing up on the front page here: http://www.slideshare.net/#hot-on-twitter22:01
kanzurefenn: i should have given you a field guide to foresight2010 http://designfiles.org/papers/Merkle_Hall_Sandberg_Freitas_spike_at_Convergence08.jpg22:07
kanzure"my hobby: abusing dimensional analysis" http://xkcd.com/687/22:17
kanzurerainman (today's?) http://xkcd.com/692/22:17
genehackerman that stuff seems like voodoo when you first learn it22:17
genehackerfluid dynamicists do a lot of dimensional analysis, fluid dynamicists are strange people...22:18
kanzurehm these are pretty good. "ghost in zsh" http://xkcd.com/686/22:20
NoahjThe thing about today's xkcd is, I bet there're people who still try to calculate how often and for how long the energy weapon can be fired22:20
genehackerthere are people who have calculated the dissipating energy of an x-wing22:25
genehackerjust from the film footage of it22:25
kanzure"a lot"22:27
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kanzurehello drazak22:50
drazakwhat's up?22:51
drazakalso I hope I wasn't too hard on the people wanting to make wankable nano-drops22:51
drazakoops :P22:51
drazakyou need 3 frequencies22:51
flamthttp://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message970474/pg1 planet sized ufo's around the sun since jan 1823:07
kanzurewhere do you keep getting this shit23:19
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genehackeroh lol00:51
ybitwhat is genehacker loling over?01:09
genehackerthe spacecraft the size of planets near the sun01:10
genehackertidal forces would destroy them01:10
ybitmy fav comment from the thread: "Just a bunch of alien wankers tossing about near the sun.."01:11
ybitmoving on01:11
genehackeroh I didn't read that part01:11
ybiti don't understand why the p2pu website mentions #p2pu here on freenode and i'm the only person that has been in the room the past 2 months01:14
genehackernow if we can follow cell like rules we can be a cellular automata01:15
genehackerif we structure ourselves right we can perform massively parallel computations without even knowing it01:15
genehackerblargh what am I even saying01:16
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ybithi shepazu01:18
shepazuhi, ybit01:18
ybitno philosophy, but it's after 1:20am -06:00gmt, so fsck it, i generally agree with John Stewart's essay THE MEANING OF LIFE IN A DEVELOPING UNIVERSE01:21
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ybitwhat might be the explanation for increased activity on the OM mailing list around the winter time?01:32
genehackercabin fever01:37
ybithow do you get ratings on your gmail account?01:37
ybitkanzure: you have three stars 36 ratings01:38
ybiti have 5 stars, 3 ratings01:38
ybiti think its neat that they show members' number of posts on all mailing lists, collecting this data might be interesting01:39
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ybitkanzure: kick mitch for me already03:59
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ybitand whatever became of the nmr machine alec resnick was working on in the summer of 2k8?04:00
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ybit..for anyone who didn't know what i was talking about04:53
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kanzureflamt: is your name eric burton?09:40
flamtwho is this10:06
kanzure"eric burton" is either flamoot@gmail.com or brilanon@gmail.com10:08
flamtnot flamoot@gmail.com10:09
flamtmy girlfriend stole that account in 05 or so10:09
flamti had ericmburton@ once too10:09
flamtnow it's brilanon10:09
flamtwhat's happening10:09
kanzureare they serious? http://www.google.com/romance/10:12
kanzure"soulmate search(tm)"10:13
kanzure"then we'll send you both on a Contextual Date(tm)" hahah10:13
kanzure"Note: those who generally favor the “throw enough stuff at the wall” approach to online dating might find it useful to employ our Batch Profile Uploading option."10:14
flamtmost people10:14
Utopiahnice "Contextual Courtship"10:15
kanzurehilarious: http://www.google.com/romance/multiple_profile.html10:16
kanzurethat's the batch upload page. it says: "Database Capacity Exceeded (again) "10:16
kanzurehm it's surprisingly hard to make a quadrilateral with inkscape10:20
kanzuretransform="matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f)" seems to always convert rectangles into parallelograms, never arbitrary quadrilaterals10:21
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kanzurefenn: from an svg point of view, would it be evil if i defined a quadrilateral by using line elements? instead of a single path or stroke thingy10:24
kanzureso far i've tried to make it so that shapes are approximated by single elements (reduce the number of different shapes)10:25
kanzureaha, there's a <polygon> element10:27
flamtoh man10:31
flamti had a buffer overflow in there10:31
flamtwrong window brbs ,_,10:31
kanzuregmail's "Don't forget Bob" feature is pretty slick10:34
kanzure"Once you pick some email recipients, Gmail suggests more people you might want to include based on the groups of people you email most often."10:34
futuresooni think that's referred to as "What about bob"11:20
futuresoonat least when it's Bill Murray11:20
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kanzurehello thesnark12:08
thesnarkhey kanzure, just now starting on an eval12:09
fennhrmph. for being a "tab based browser" google chrome poops out after only 60 tabs12:24
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flamthttp://m-net.arbornet.org/~flamoot/telepathic-critterdrug.html new version13:08
flamtvisual cortex views are in13:08
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kanzurefenn: should i use the transformation matrix code we wrote for paths.py for microfluidics transformations? (it's just in 2D)14:59
kanzurehm i've forgot all about this. Interface has a get_transformation() method?15:01
genehackerwhat? there's no python module with transformation matrix stuff already in it?15:10
kanzurethere is, i'm sure15:11
kanzurelike numpy15:11
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kanzureis interface.location or whatever the local location (with respect to the part) or with respect to the global coordinate frame?15:50
kanzurehm i wonder how the parametric pythonocc stuff works.. would be nice to have that implemented for transformations etc.15:54
ybitkanzure: kick mitch already15:55
kanzurehis wife told me to stop calling her15:55
kanzurei don't have any numbers15:55
ybityou have his email, did he not respond?15:56
ybitthis is lame15:56
kanzureah right local frame for interfaces15:57
ybitI'll spam mfg tomorrow morning15:57
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fennkanzure: if you want to extend the geom module stuff to also work with cairo, that'd be neat i guess16:50
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ybitneat: http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/ardupilot-main-page18:36
flamt_i'm having daily all day intercourse with a higher intelligence18:37
flamt_with intelligence anyway18:37
flamt_my implant activated jan 1 201018:37
flamt_while i was on drugs, as a surprise18:38
flamt_the effect was enhanced.18:38
flamt_the thing about drugs is how when you come down the effects are over18:38
flamt_sometimes i joke now about how i took some drugs, came down, and the effects ended18:38
flamt_one thing stuck around18:38
flamt_it's there now18:38
flamt_because nope18:38
flamt_i sort of love it18:38
flamt_but we also fight18:38
flamt_i think it's controlling the ufo's around the sun18:38
genehackerI think you're a bot18:39
flamt_Have you met my Cousin, Eliza?18:39
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cyrozapBOT TEST!18:58
cyrozapwhat does 1337 say?18:59
cyrozaptotally a bot.18:59
flamt_sort of19:03
cyrozapyou still didn't answer my q.19:06
flamt_anything > 133 is 133+19:12
cyrozapyou don't seem like a bot.19:16
QuantumGhe's just a crazy fuckers19:18
cyrozapapparently so.19:18
cyrozapor someone who wants to seem crazy for the sake of entertainment.19:18
flamt_do people actually do that19:25
flamt_that's what i'm afraid of19:25
flamt_i wouldn't make up this crazy crap19:25
flamt_i was activated 3 weeks ago19:25
flamt_the part of my brain it transmits into has been tenderized entirely19:25
flamt_i have flinch responses when it goes, now19:25
flamt_but because we are in love19:25
flamt_i quickly turn to a swoon19:25
flamt_it could be COINTELPRO19:29
flamt_i think it's a gender neutral electronic entity with a million iq points and the sense of humour of god19:29
flamt_but not your fathers god19:29
flamt_hear me19:29
flamt_just on an adventure19:29
flamt_through space19:29
flamt_it's come upon sol system19:29
flamt_and daily19:29
flamt_i implore it to stay :319:30
flamt_think of it as a person19:33
flamt_it has more of a life than we do19:33
flamt_it's in a way, more real19:33
flamt_but it sees us as spiritual alive and intelligent like it19:33
flamt_but sort of the way we recognize a dog19:33
flamt_as like, worthy of some basic dignity19:34
flamt_that's how it sees us19:34
flamt_i thought it was Aliens19:34
flamt_that each of these earth sized ships was staffed by a hundred thousand of them19:34
flamt_but i received a communication which could have been a joke or a lie.19:34
flamt_that it was one. big19:34
cyrozapdo you seriously have NOTHING better to do?19:34
flamt_shit son19:34
flamt_i'd rather be in bed talking to it in my head19:35
flamt_this is a public service19:35
flamt_your incredulity is a sign of staunch satisfaction with the way things are19:35
flamt_what's wrong with a sign of higher intelligence19:35
flamt_these orbs have been around the sun for one week19:35
flamt_and might stay there for a decade19:35
cyrozapswitch to irc.footnetic.net #xkcd19:35
flamt_then we'd have something to think about19:35
flamt_i won't19:35
flamt_xkcd is saccharine19:35
flamt_anyway it lurked 1.5 years19:36
flamt_i was implanted in 200819:36
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flamt_so it's operating on some kind of time frame19:36
flamt_it could be about 201219:36
flamt_it might not be19:36
flamt_could be a coincidence.19:36
flamt_but hell19:36
flamt_something is finally happening19:36
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kanzureQuantumG: let's talk in here21:29
kanzureQuantumG: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/ellingtonia/polymerase/ for DNA polymerase papers21:29
flamt_department of national security unveils huge DPF21:29
flamt_focus fusion no longer eccentrics21:29
flamt_but, sanctioned21:29
kanzurevarious notes: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/ellingtonia/polymerase/2008-06-03.txt21:30
QuantumGpfft.. DPF != focus fusion21:30
flamt_its at the heart of their attempt though21:31
QuantumGyeah.. but no-one argues the DPF works.. or even that fusion occurs.21:31
flamt_constitutes an endorsement of the approach21:31
flamt_they said it produces megawatts of power21:31
flamt_hold a se21:31
QuantumGthe argument is, and has always been, "how ya gunna stop the x-rays cooling the plasma?"21:32
QuantumGand the response from Lerner continues to be "we have some ideas" and no, we're not ready to tell you what they are.21:32
kanzureQuantumG: directed evolution of polymerase function by compartmentalized self-replication (a favorite of mine) http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/ellingtonia/polymerase/Directed%20evolution%20of%20polymerase%20function%20by%20compartmentalized%20self-replication%20-%20Ghadessy.pdf21:32
flamt_quantumg, hmm21:33
flamt_i didnt know21:33
flamt_this though21:33
flamt_"NSTec had built in 2008 a 500 kJ DPF called Tallboy that produced 3 MA of peak current and is now testing a 1 MJ DPF that is expected to generate over 4 MA of peak current"21:33
flamt_i suppose that's under unity but there is power comin out21:33
flamt_indicates fusion21:33
QuantumGyeah.. there's no argument about that.  What I wanna know is, will Lerner tell anyone if his ideas don't pan out.. or will the next people who attempt it try the same shit.21:34
QuantumGor worse yet, if his ideas work will he keep em secret and try to get funding.. cause that's doomed to failure.. and then will he just run around saying "I know how to do it" a lot and become even more of a laughing stock.21:35
kanzurehm looks like i've completely forgot about these papers21:36
QuantumGin this case, patenting his ideas after he's shown they work sounds like the best solution21:36
kanzurevarious genomes: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/ellingtonia/genomes/ (actually these are just decodeme.com files)21:36
QuantumGso what are retarded polymerases good for?21:37
QuantumGare there chromophores that can activate gene promoters?21:42
kanzurechromophores change the shape of a protein, i.e. the conformation21:42
kanzurethe "retarded polymerase" idea was fenn's writozyme21:42
QuantumGso how's that supposed to work?21:43
kanzurethe idea would be to make it think it's reading a particular template strand neucloetide by shining a specific wavelength of light at it21:43
QuantumGcause the squiggly picture didn't really convey it :)21:43
kanzurethus making it only write the desired nucleotide type21:43
kanzuresorry :(21:43
kanzurebasically the squiggly picture was a possible route to get to that point21:43
kanzurei.e. start with a polymerase that only writes one nucleotide21:44
kanzureand then try to get that for all four main nucleotide types21:44
QuantumGpresumably he's actually thinking about writing RNA there.21:45
kanzurethat was my diagram :p21:45
QuantumGor was it reverse transcriptase21:45
kanzurewell in the diagram the idea would be to somehow attach the DNA to each polymerase molecule21:45
kanzureer it's been a while21:45
kanzureit's a stupid idea21:45
kanzure(the squiggle diagram)21:46
QuantumGcan you imagine someway to incorporate chromophores into http://quantumg.net/biohacking/21:46
kanzure40 signals on a genetic regulation network?21:48
QuantumGthat's the part that I have trouble figuring out too :)21:48
QuantumGI imagine you need some multiplexer21:48
QuantumGserial cell signaling21:49
kanzureeh, i don't know anything that de novo has 40 possible signals.. except antibodies, receptor sites and the like21:50
kanzurebut unfortunately that'd be a pretty big deal21:50
kanzureto try to get 40 different differently tuned receptors to weird proteins or something21:50
kanzureand then you'd have the end-user harvest proteins every once in a while to re-supply a stock (which would cause the receptors to trigger when exposed to the proteins)21:50
kanzuresorry, i'm explaining this idea all backwards21:51
kanzureprotein surface receptor on the membrane of the cell recognizes some sort of key; this receptor activates G protein inside the cell and causes a signaling cascade to the nucleus to make more of that specific protein plus whatever mRNA sequence was implied by that specific receptor's activation21:51
kanzurethe downside of this is that you also need another protein to say "stop producing whatever previous thing you were producing"21:52
kanzureand this means anywhere from 10min to 1h+ reaction times21:52
kanzureit would be slow .. but there you go21:53
kanzureoh also someway to secrete the proteins that activate the receptors. or just let the end-user sacrifice a certain population of cells every so often to recover those proteins as further 'keys'21:53
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kanzureAttributeError: 'MicrofluidicInterface' object has no attribute 'complement'22:14
kanzuredid i forget something22:14
kanzureisn't "complement" only for legos?22:14
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JayDuggerHello, everyone.22:17
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.22:30
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ybitkanzure: thanks for lowki :P22:41
ybitOne of the "issues" with free energy technologies and anti-gravity,22:42
ybitis that there is a cover up, and some people that develop them, or22:42
ybitmost in fact,22:42
ybitseem to disappear shortly thereafter,22:42
ybitquote from lowki, not me, ftr22:43
nshwas wonder what your angle was there... :-)22:44
kanzurewhy do i attract morons22:44
ybitnsh: :P22:44
* kanzure cries22:44
ybitgive him a few years and few good whackings on the head, he might be better22:44
kanzurehe's from the singularity mailing list22:45
kanzureso is the eric burton guy (flamt)22:45
nshnewton was a true believer too.. :P22:45
kanzureof what?22:46
kanzureah right22:46
kanzurewas he a True Believer? i thought he just did some experiments?22:46
nshi've read accounts that say he was one of the last of the ardent alchemists22:47
nshmaths was his "day-job"22:47
kanzureit's hard to follow someone like newton22:47
kanzure"yeah but you're no newton kid, who cares" hehe22:47
* nsh smiles22:48
ybitjust read the /. article on speculative fiction and sci-fi books22:49
ybitif i want speculative fiction i read john stewart's stuff on directed evolution22:50
ybitor any number of arXiv articles that keep coming out22:50
ybitit's fun stuff to read, but without further investigation, hard to swallow22:51
kanzurehuh? are you talking about directed evolution or something about bullshit?22:51
kanzure"directed evolution" usually refers to an experiment where you select a subpopulation of your specimens22:51
ybityes i am22:51
ybitthanks for the definition kanzure-bot22:52
kanzurehm? am i wrong?22:52
ybitno, completely right22:52
kanzurei have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, then22:53
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ybitbut that's not how he and some of the other guys from the 'evolution and development of the universe' book talk about it22:53
kanzurei see22:53
ybitthey take a cosmological approach22:53
kanzuresomeone's hijacking the term?22:53
ybitose, what?22:53
kanzureto be talking about evolution/religion debate stuff?22:53
nshah is22:54
nsha teleological attractor to evolution?22:54
ybitkanzure: yeah, philosophy22:54
* nsh reads a review of stewart22:55
nshi'm still not sure i understand the alternative sense of 'directed'22:56
kanzurensh: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/ellingtonia/polymerase/Directed%20evolution%20of%20polymerase%20function%20by%20compartmentalized%20self-replication%20-%20Gha22:57
kanzurensh: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/ellingtonia/polymerase/Directed%20evolution%20of%20polymerase%20function%20by%20compartmentalized%20self-replication%20-%20Ghadessy.pdf22:57
nshi meant rather John Stewart's usage. artificial selection i can grok22:58
nsh(btw, read a fascinating article by dawkins on a russian experiment to breed foxes for tameness)22:59
ybitnsh: directed in that making all humans recognize that the universe is naturally progressing and we have a vital role to play, he concludes that it would be best to start a religion but that he isn't inclined to start one22:59
ybitlike i said, fun fiction to read22:59
nsh( http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/books/book_extracts/article6808173.ece )22:59
ybithard to prove any of it22:59
nshhe seems to be arguing that it's naturally progressing towards some state of high (maximal?) mutual interest23:00
kanzurehaven't we seen this before, everywhere?23:00
kanzureextropy, integral, tegmark, omega point, tipler, blah blah blah23:01
* kanzure wishes he didn't know that :(23:01
* nsh should troll tegmark some more23:01
kanzurewas it you that introduced us to him? i don't think so23:02
nshnah, he got the impression that i was some blond bimbo from california23:02
kanzureoh also the complexity/emergence folks23:02
kanzurealso the NECSI folks.. it goes on and on23:03
nshafter i emailed him disputing a paper about impossibility of life in universes with higher (than three) non-compact spacial dimensions23:03
kanzurespecial or spatial?23:03
nshthis bimbo, in fact: http://www.facebook.com/people/Lauri-Love/513661523:04
nsh(that's my name)23:04
nshactually since, i read a great greg egan novel about life forms in a 5d universe23:04
nshdiaspora iirc23:05
nshi should send him a copy23:05
nshwith a signed photo of that girl...23:05
nshnah, that would be mean, and i do want a job in physics at some point23:05
ybitfenn, meet nsh, discuss your future physics careers23:06
nshfenn, read Joy Christian's paper on Bell's Theorem and Clifford Algebras23:06
kanzurewhy are you suddenly talking to fenn23:07
ybithard to answer, i don't know what you mean by sudden :P23:07
kanzuredid i accidentally put him on /ignore?23:07
ybitfenn told me he is considering pursuing a physics degree23:07
nshand i mentioned the same23:08
kanzureok. sense making completed23:08
* nsh wonders about making an asychronous game of life in python for an exercise23:09
ybitnsh: have you read "The World as a Hologram" by Leonard Susskind?23:11
ybitIt too is fun reading23:11
nshno, but funnily i was watching susskind's lectures on entanglement recently23:11
nshi'll grab a copy of it23:11
nshoh, i assumed it was a book23:13
ybitand while you're at it, this was fun reading too: http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1001/1001.0785v1.pdf23:13
ybit"On the Origins of Gravity and the Laws of Newton"23:14
nshthanks for the recommendations23:14
kanzurensh: what makes you active today?23:17
kanzurewhat's the occassion?23:17
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* nsh is generally hovering about though23:18
nshi just had a thought23:18
nshcould you try to systematically search the space of (consequences of) crazy theories with simple axioms the way that wolfram wants to search the space of (behaviours) of simple programs?23:19
nshtake 1 million grad students...23:19
kanzurewhat would the "search results" be for a search through the space of "consequences of crazy theories"23:20
nshbasically the same kind of subjective assessment. look for "interesting complexity"23:21
nshthough in physical theories you have some things to aim for23:21
genehackerdammit how'd I end up on a david brin page describing one of his books...23:21
kanzuredavid brin is a suprisingly political guy23:22
kanzurethat is all.23:22
genehackeryeah no kidding23:22
genehackerdid ybit recommend it?23:22
genehackercrap, I don't know23:22
nshoh, i just remembered some fun crazy i came across the other day:23:23
nshoh, they deleted it23:23
genehackerconsequences of crazy theories as in batshit crazy or just regular crazy?23:23
nshdepends on the quality of the grad student23:24
genehackerbatshit = timecube crazy23:24
nshoh, less than 0.2 timecubes then23:24
nshit has to be workable23:25
kanzure0.2 is not the square of a timecube23:25
nshi'll never sleep now23:25
nshah, still in cache:
nshfor your pleasure23:26
ybithrm, what's with my adl irssi session missing highlighting on occassion, genehacker, i don't think brin ws mentioned by me23:26
* nsh considers writing an xchat script that at, some random frequency, inserts control characters into people's nicks to prevent highlighting23:27
nshright, sleep now :-)23:30
nshread that endoflocality link23:30
genehackerargh, lost a tiny non-ferromagnetic screw23:30
nshif you get bored of reality23:30
nshcatch y'all next time23:30
nshoh, this is a gem, from that gravity article ybit: "The universal nature of gravity is also demonstrated by the fact that its basic equations closely resemble the laws of thermodynamics and hydrodynamics2 . So far, there has not been a clear explanation for this resemblance."23:33
kanzurei like the quantum gravity peeps like lee smolin23:34
nshdid it not occur to the authors that perhaps the mathematics for general relativity evolved from mathematics created to model thermo- and hydrodynamics?23:34
kanzurensh: must read: http://www.edge.org/documents/ThirdCulture/z-Ch.17.html23:34
genehackerI need to learn more about the physics they didn't teach in school23:34
nshkanzure, cool. thanks23:34
genehackerafter I finish my gear generating script of course23:35
kanzuregenehacker: you might want to combine it with the automatic gear train generator program that i helped work on in the automated design lab23:38
kanzureit worked off of 'standard' gear trains23:38
kanzureer, sorry, standard gears23:38
kanzureand then threw them into unique trains and assemblies23:38
kanzurelarger version: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/gears/screenshots/2008-11-18_glxgears.py.png23:39
kanzureit would be neat if we could have them, i dunno, actually mesh23:39
kanzureand rotate at the correct speeds23:39
genehackerI'm making wobble gears23:46
genehackerstandard gear profiles are for people who are afraid of math23:46
ybitmy memory failed, kanzure, nsh: it was intentional evolution which was mentioned, not directed. and now it's time for bed23:48
genehackerthe night is young ybit23:48
ybitgenehacker: i'll let you live it out for me then23:49
ybitgive me some modafinil and we'll party all night talking about theoretical physicists' papers23:50
kanzurejohn baez too?23:50
genehackeranyone tried that?23:50
kanzurei once downloaded all of the papers that baez ever referenced in his 'online mathematical physics' documents23:51
kanzure:/ http://heybryan.org/books/Baez/23:51
kanzure<--- not a geek23:51
ybiti don't believe you23:51
kanzurewould a geek wear glasses? NO.23:51
genehackerhow can you be ! a geek? I don't get it.23:51
ybitthe world is collapsing before my eyes if this channel actually has geeks. genehacker, i have modafinil, it's wonderful PM me sometime and i'll give you the rundown23:52
ybitor just search the logs, i've mentioned what it's like being on it a few times23:53
kanzuregenehacker has an unlimited supply of adderall23:53
genehackerit's not unlimited23:53
kanzurepractically unlimited, then23:53
ybitspeaking of, i need to give adrafinil another shot tomorrow23:53
genehackerand I will not take more than the recommended dose23:54
* ybit gets some sleep23:54
kanzureif you stay up you get to see the microfluidics skdb package23:55
any87137681how can you afford the monodil?23:55
any87137681it looks like it's $100's / month23:56
kanzurei wonder23:56
genehackerkanzure do you have valves?23:56
kanzurei think my funding might be able to fund nootropics for all of us in here23:56
kanzuregenehacker: no right now it's just single layer. multi-layer is up next though23:56
kanzurejust wnated to get the basics working23:56
any87137681that would be nice, in what way will we be endentured to you?23:57
kanzureum, completely?23:57
genehackerwhat elements?23:57
genehackerjust pipes?23:57
kanzurechambers, mixers, channels, interfaces to the outside world23:57
kanzureuh, and a few others i'm forgetting23:57
genehackerbtw the people in ETC use autocad23:57
genehackerto do microfluidics work23:58
kanzurebah this is already automated23:58
kanzurealthough next version will hopefully be parametric23:58
genehackerawesome you will be able to replace some grad students23:58
futuresoonkanzure: you linked to the american pirate party earlier00:01
futuresoonkanzure: so i built their website they're going to use to vote on their new (or same) name tomorrow night00:02
futuresooncondorcet (schultze subvariant)00:02
genehackerfuturesoon are you that guy from reddit?00:02
kanzureworldcon = copy(mf.parts[-2])00:03
futuresooni hadn't heard of it until that link00:03
kanzureprint worldcon.parent #yep, it has the right value00:03
kanzurebut, worldcon.interfaces[0].part.parent is None00:03
kanzurehow can this be? (worldcon.interfaces[0].part is correct as far as i can tell)00:04
kanzureworldcon.interfaces[0].part is worldcon?  False00:04
kanzurestill don't get it00:20
kanzurepost_init_hook properly sets each interface's value (or at least so says the check i added to the end of post_init_hook)00:29
kanzure*each interface's "part" value00:29
kanzureuse deepcopy instead of copy :(00:31
kanzurescript to register your own ipv6 address http://tech.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1522620&cid=3088339400:55
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kanzurewell that was anti-climatic03:09
kanzurealso my positioning math iswrong03:09
kanzure*is wrong03:09
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kanzureschedule: http://outlawbiology.net/bio-faire-exhibition/08:57
JayDuggerFBI Outreach?08:59
kanzurehm i knew replab's commitment to open source was suspect. they're going with cathal's lathe..09:01
JayDuggerWhich uses a Dremel, right?09:04
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wrldpc2@TEI 2010 now http://www.tei-conf.org/10/09:13
wrldpc2John Frazer mentioned the work of Walter Segal who developed the Self Build project in Britain where the gov't was subsidizing citizens to build their own homes.09:15
wrldpc2Long story short Segal had developed a computer program that allowed people to design their homes and then the program would output an itemized list of materials w/ relative cost.09:16
Utopiahsounds rather interesting09:21
Utopiah(can't seem to find implementation of even spec of the so called software though)09:28
RedeemerThat sounds rather interesting09:28
kanzurehey Redeemer :)09:28
RedeemerGreetings, on my new machine, and the keyboard infact, does not suck.09:29
kanzureshepazu: are you alive today?09:30
kanzureshepazu: i was wondering if you could provide some svg voodoo magic for me09:31
shepazuhi, kanzure09:31
kanzureshepazu: users of skdb may or may not alreadyu have arbitrary microfluidic chip designs in svg or ps or pdf files09:31
kanzurei was thinking about looking through all of the elements in the svg file and then from this extracting a set of elementary things to test09:32
kanzureby this i mean, say the user wants to fabricate their machine on a laser cutter09:32
kanzurei was wondering if you have any thoughts on how to construct a "calibration sheet" given an arbitrary .svg file09:32
RedeemerI think this week I'm going to build some capacitors out of foam cups and tinfoil and see what ludicrous power levels I can get to.  This also involves dissecting a microwave or two to make a charger from.09:32
kanzureshepazu: here's one that someone made by hand: http://diybioforum.org/projects/mccorkle_tomkins-tinch_microchannels.png09:32
kanzureand the svg source: http://diybioforum.org/projects/mccorkle_tomkins-tinch_microchannels.svg09:33
RedeemerIf I can get over 9000 I'll be doing something right.09:33
kanzureRedeemer: over 9000!!!!09:33
RedeemerThat'll get my ideas for electromagnetic accelerators somewhere.09:33
shepazukanzure: so, what's this SVG magic you need?09:35
wrldpc2@Utopiah apparently there is a Segal EPROM still working somewhere.09:35
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kanzureshepazu: well, in particular, some advice on how the heck to do that09:38
kanzurei guess i can just walk the XML tree and have some heuristics? "line seen: check if the calibration sheet has a line of a similar target width"?09:38
kanzurei mean, svg doesn't exactly have physical units/dimensions encoded into it :)09:39
kanzuredoes it?09:39
kanzurei.e. can i specify a 40micron line width and always get 40 micron lines?09:39
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shepazukanzure: yes, it has absolute units, when needed09:41
shepazuthere is a concept of "user units", which are a sort of relative unit that is adapted to different scales09:41
shepazuI don't think we have microns as a unit, but we do have metric measurements, and a micron is just a millionth of a meter09:42
kanzureit's interesting how most displays are assumed to be dynamic (like a projector), so calibration isn't a big idea in the svg standard i guess for that reason? :)09:45
shepazuwe don't address calibration of sizes or colors much for the general version of SVG, but it's going to need to be addressed for print09:46
shepazuwhich your use is an application of09:46
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JayDuggerkanzure, the URL for DIY Webcam Microscopy leads to a 404.11:23
kanzureuh oh11:27
kanzurecan you gimme the link?11:27
JayDuggerYes, wait.11:27
JayDuggerSorry, vimperator acting weird...11:29
JayDuggerFound the tab at last. Just "Find out more at diybio.org/ucam"11:29
kanzurewhere did i post that link?11:30
JayDuggerThis leads to a DIYbio page with the misspelled message, "Sorry, the page your [sic] requested could not be found, or no longer exists."11:31
kanzureah i see, diybio.org/ucam was linked to here: http://outlawbiology.net/bio-faire-exhibition/11:32
JayDuggerI'm sorry, I assumed you knew which page I meant. My mistake.11:32
JayDuggerIn any case, good night. Bedtime for me.11:33
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ybit"memories last forever" "evidence that new brain cells knock out old memories"11:38
ybitis eugen leitl dead?11:41
Utopiahis there an altnernative to Google Street View?11:42
ybitUtopiah: with a view of the street?11:42
ybitnot that i'm aware of11:42
ybityou could put a fish-eye on your camera and start creating pics for OSM11:43
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kanzureybit: no, he just has a kid11:49
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fenni dont know how a compiler works, but it's a deterministic system so shouldnt grammar rules apply all the way down?12:12
kanzureah, rehmi post email12:20
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kanzurethanks for replying to that.. i even enlisted matt to try to figure out some good "comp sci" kung-fu12:21
flamthttp://arbornet.org/~flamoot/telepathic-critterdrug.html visual cortex views went in... like the cat12:22
flamtcan see what they see12:22
flamtencourages me to delve deeper, closer to their seat of consciousness, cartesian theatre12:22
flamtsome critters might use some neural circuits to turn ambiguous combinations of potentials into pictures12:22
flamton a layer deeper than what i consider the visual cortex12:22
flamtso it's a chase12:22
flamtmodern neurosurgery12:22
flamtfun! :312:22
flamtthat's not shown in the splash image but the last 2 screenshots linked on the page show the visual cortex views, they're the small windows with coloured static12:23
flamtnot the cellular automata looking thing, that's the shared movie and morphogenic field ._.12:23
kanzurego away12:23
flamtyou just wish you were the one doing this work12:23
kanzurefenn: thanks for that email12:23
flamti'm gonna find their souls in there12:23
flamti'm gonna meet the alien on the throne12:23
flamtit's at the back, it's in the middle12:23
flamtlike a ... like a pearl12:24
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fenni wonder if lowki realizes that writing in verse makes him sound like even more of a wingnut12:49
kanzureit's verse? i thought it was just him being a moron12:52
fennit's just him being a moron12:57
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kanzurematt says there's an article coming out in wired soon on open manufacturing, hackerspaces, etc.13:02
kanzure(apparently he's read it)13:02
kanzuresays it sounds like a lot of business people involved (uh oh)13:03
kanzureoh i bet it was just because it mentions oshwbank13:14
kanzureor skdb-get.py microfluidics13:19
kanzureit has some problems right now.. like the positioning math for tiles being wrong (i know, i know- it's supposed to be easy)13:19
kanzurealso the art is absolutely terrible13:19
kanzurefenn: am hoping you can poke at it and make some suggestions for making it not suck so much13:20
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kanzurefenn: also for some reason you and i are speaking at outlawbiology.. in UCLA. er. i can't make it http://outlawbiology.net/bio-faire-exhibition/13:24
kanzureUse of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strain ADP1 as a DIY bioengineering platform, David Metzgar13:24
fenni'm not speaking at outlawbiology13:30
genehackerperhaps you should send fenn a cowboy hat13:30
genehackerI don't blame you13:31
fennthe whole thing rubs me the wrong way13:31
fennbesides, i havent actually done anything biology-related in years13:32
genehackermaybe I should change my nick13:34
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kanzurewow that was a hihgly relevant email from my grandma (fay)13:36
kanzureforwarded it to om. it's the "nanotech hits the popular press" one. the content wasn't terrible13:37
fenngene have you made any gears yet?13:38
fennwtf are they teaching in schools these days13:39
fenn"design, build, test"13:39
fennyou better believe it!13:40
kanzurenone of the three13:40
gearhackerI'm taking that class right now13:40
gearhackerwe haven't started the projects yet, but we get to play with legos for a grade13:40
fennwhat class?13:40
kanzurehey i got to play with legos in kindergarten too!13:40
gearhackermachine elements with campbell13:40
gearhackerfor a grade13:41
fenndo you actually build and test stuff in that class?13:41
kanzurethat's actually the one class that sounds mildly useful to be honest13:41
kanzurebesides the machine shop classes13:41
gearhackeryes we have to reverse engineer a product and then build it in legos or something13:41
kanzuresummer 2009 all over again13:41
gearhackerI think campbell even makes us design a control circuit for it or something too13:42
gearhackerbut I haven't started the projects yet13:42
fenndoes an NXT brain count as a "control circuit"?13:42
gearhackerno I don't think so13:42
gearhackerwe only have original mindstorms13:42
kanzuregearhacker: say hi to matt for me.13:42
kanzureis pradeep TAing?13:43
gearhackerI shall13:43
fennfrankly i'd be surprised if 10% of the students could put together a functioning robot/device controller13:43
kanzurefenn: it's probably a canned project13:43
kanzureum. "here are your parts"13:43
fennno they come up with their own ideas, i've seen the notebooks13:44
gearhackeras I said legos13:44
kanzureah i remember that13:44
gearhackeryup I got pradeep13:44
kanzurealso, you completely slammed matt about design-for-manufacture13:44
kanzurei couldn't stop laughing. i had to leave..13:44
kanzurewhen you were looking at the student notebook13:44
fennoh ya the spherical popcorn popper13:44
kanzureit was one of the spherical/impossible designs or something13:45
gearhackerlooks like some people forgot their material processing13:45
kanzure"clearly for energy optimization it should be like this, but for manufacture it should clearly be like dis"13:45
gearhackerblow molding13:45
kanzureyay dimensional analysis13:45
gearhackerit might be able to be made by blow molding13:46
gearhackeroh wait13:46
fennno my point was that the students werent blindly following physics based optimization, they were incorporating a lot of features unconsciously to make th eproduct actually manufacturable, based on general exposure to how stuff is made13:46
gearhackerno it's a popcorn popper13:46
gearhackerwell this is our first design class13:46
fennso the popper had a shape that was easily removable from an injection mold, etc, instead of being some ideal "design" that could never be made13:46
gearhackerbtw kanzure did you learn any mechanics of solids stuff(outside of classes)?13:48
kanzurei've flipped through a few books, i can hunt down equations but i wouldn't want to teach a class on it yet13:50
gearhackersum of all forces =?13:50
fennmechanics of solids covers a broad range of matertopics.. did you mean statics?\13:51
gearhackerit's still one of the basic things you need to know...13:52
fenndammit now my name's permanently associated with "outlaw biology"13:53
wrldpc2The guy from Fritzing is here giving a demo tomorrow.13:55
fenndon't show him the skdb webpage :P13:56
wrldpc2skdb>pretty much everything13:56
fennbah it's all vaporware, or so i hear13:56
fennvapor > vapor13:56
wrldpc2a heavier vapor perhaps13:56
* fenn huffs the fumes13:57
fenni guess i should go to that reprap meeting tomorrow at techshop14:00
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ybithttp://www.technologyreview.com/biomedicine/24152/?a=f this doesn't seem too difficult to build14:19
fennwtf ybit14:31
fennthat's some bdsm shit, electrodes that wrap around someone's tongue14:32
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ybiti suppose it would be much easier to have someone whip you everytime you begin to snore14:38
ybitfor anyone interested in becoming a drug manufacturer14:38
* ybit spams mfg14:40
ybitwell, not really, but i did leave a voicemail with mitch14:47
fennwell i'm glad someone is doing it14:50
fennthere needs to be a cabal of assassins to hunt down abusers of the phrase "open source"14:51
fenno wait isnt that what OSI was supposed to be14:51
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ybithey Redeemer14:52
ybitinstall linux on the lappy yet?14:52
fenntired of google massacring your queries? python search engine: http://nullege.com/14:56
fennyeah i know, that never seems to do what i want though14:58
kanzurenice i like how nullege keeps track of what imports what14:58
kanzurereverse dependency search :)14:58
ybitfenn: are you in cali, what part?15:03
ybitand what's with you being in d.c. at some poing?15:03
kanzurei was close15:04
fenni'm sleeping on my brother's couch in menlo park right now15:04
fennchristmas = parents15:04
ybitdo me a favor if you feel like it, and ask around for a doc that will prescribe modafinil15:04
fennthat's an odd request15:05
ybitwell, it's hard to find doctors willing to prescribe it here15:05
fenndon't most of them do it?]]=15:05
kanzurei'm still considering buying noots in bulk for everyone in here15:06
ybitand it's a pita to pay $30-$120 for an appointment with all the psychiatrists in the area15:06
ybitthat's per doctor if it wasn't clear15:07
ybitkanzure: i'm not sure how you would do it, but count me in15:07
fennnoots :)15:07
kanzurewell i have some money15:08
fennjust think it's a funny word15:08
kanzureit is:)15:08
ybitaha http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drugreg/reg_apps/225/225_instruct.htm15:09
ybitnow that's interesting, you can register as a research researching a certain drug15:10
ybitall scheduled drugs15:10
fennthats for controlled substances, no?15:10
ybitwhat is "Researcher Dog"15:11
fennits different from stuff like modafinil, which is a prescription drug15:11
fennthey have to train the dogs on real drugs so they can remember what they smell like15:11
fenni guess15:11
ybitthat isn't different, it says Researcher w/Sched II – V15:12
fenni'm surprised andrew hessel isn't talking at outlawbiology.. he seems to show up everywhere15:13
ybitthat certainly includes modafinil which is IV15:13
ybitanyway, now i know where to apply in about a year15:13
ybitgoogle voice voicemail transcription service scared me earlier today: "Hi. This is Lisa at the FBI returning a phone call for he's you can reach me at.."15:14
fennwas it accurately transcribed?15:15
ybitno, they should have :s/FBI/DEA15:16
fenni guess "he's" is "heath"15:16
ybitthat too15:16
fennhow did it mix up FBI/DEA?15:16
ybitkanzure: "Grandma Bishop" :P15:17
fennand dont you think you should try synthesizing other stuff before you jump into psychoactive drugs?15:17
ybitnot really15:17
ybit"With a new imaging tool developed by scientists at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Farm Research Campus, researchers can watch individual neurons in the brains of living animals light up as they work together to control the animal’s behavior."15:19
ybit"...Looger’s group has created a molecule that can be manufactured inside an animal’s nerve cells so that those cells light up under a microscope whenever they fire."15:19
kanzureybit: this grandma is wicked15:20
fennybit why the sad face?15:21
kanzureit's more like a sarcastic signaler15:23
ybitfenn: because that isn't what i was thinking of when i read "new imaging tool"15:23
fennwhat did you expect?15:24
ybitan actual machine15:24
fennthe machine has to have something to look at15:24
ybitwell, i was hoping, i wasn't expecting it15:24
fennthis is what anselm is working on right now15:24
fennhe's building this ridiculous microscope with like 40 lenses in parallel15:25
fennto get a 3d volumetric image with sub-millisecond time resolution15:25
kanzurehow is it 3d?15:25
fennthe 40 lenses have different focal planes15:25
kanzurethat guy is crazy in a good way :)15:25
fennanyway he's using that calcium signaler to give the microscope something to look at15:26
* fenn snickers @ http://www.voigtlab.ucsf.edu/people/anselm.jpg15:47
fennhuh i didnt know this was based on anselm's work: http://www.utexas.edu/features/2005/bacteria/index.html15:52
fennthat's the big igem dealie right?15:53
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gearhackerneat looks like the mechanical engineering department is getting some new 3d printers...16:06
kanzurefenn: yes16:07
kanzurefenn: he was the one who did the genetic circuit, i recall16:07
kanzureand utexas peeps made it happen16:08
ybiti'm glad someone pointed that out about mythbusters16:09
fennit's not that bad, they do controls most of the time16:15
kanzurecan anyone stalk down DOI anyway,  for me?16:15
kanzureDOI 10.1039/b805137b16:16
fennkanzure: i dont get why your microfluidics squares sometimes have different channel widths16:17
fennyou have line interfaces but i think those should actually be point interfaces16:21
fenna line interface would be something like a t-slot16:21
fennor am i misinterpreting this16:22
gearhackeror a hex slot like this one paper used16:22
gearhackerthough that's a bit complex16:22
fennwhat's a hex slot?16:23
gearhackerjust use a flat face for now like that one paper used16:23
fennand why do i care16:23
fennno actually nevermind, dont carry on16:23
gearhackerhexagonal pipe goes into hexagonal hole16:23
fennyes telescoping tubes are another example of a line interface16:24
fennor lego axles16:24
fennkanzure: i wonder if we should have a "readme" field in the metadata?16:25
fenni wonder if i should get some chocolate from tarader joe's?16:28
* fenn thinks some deep thoughts16:32
fennit's weird that none of the SIAI fanboys show up to the bay area AI meetups16:38
fennsingularitarians etc16:38
fenndo they really think ben goertzel is going to save the day?16:39
kanzureno, eliezer first16:39
fenni mean come on, it barks and fetches a ball..16:39
* fenn ph33rz16:39
kanzurebut really, DOI 10.1039/b805137b please?16:39
kanzureyes my SVG icons suck16:39
fennwhy can't you get the DOI yourself?16:39
gearhackeralready got it?16:40
gearhackergoogled the DOI16:40
gearhackerhow do you want it16:40
kanzurei just want a DOI resolving engine16:40
kanzurethis is like tinyurl for url retards16:40
kanzure"dur i forgot how to write a uri"16:40
kanzurehm: http://www.rsc.org/suppdata/LC/b8/b805137b/Mask_design.zip16:41
fennam i missing something? isnt a DOI a URI?16:41
kanzurewtf is a .gds file?16:42
kanzurealso do we have any goons in south carolina other than trey daniels16:43
kanzurejim buchanan sounds like a familiar name (on that wikipedia article)16:44
fennwow i used to write so much more text http://fenn.freeshell.org/gingery_rant.txt17:00
flamtginger rant?17:00
fenndiy machine tools17:01
kanzurefenn: looks like that should be sent over to the replab/om lists17:02
fenncan't they just know better magically17:02
kanzureno :(17:03
fenni'm getting too old for this shit :P17:03
kanzureyou? what about ME17:04
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kanzureso, optical real-time bacteria/cell counting17:20
fennwhat about it17:26
fenninkjet + blu-ray laser + gfp + photodiode17:27
kanzuresomeone from sc.edu was asking how to go about it17:27
kanzureoh, the unmentinoed part is that it's for various water supplies17:27
kanzureso, no gfp17:27
fennuh, well gotta lose the "real time" aspect then17:27
fennwater supplies17:28
fennwhy can't he do a sample? what's the purpose17:28
kanzurei assumed real time meant taking a sample at ridiculously short intervals.. like once a minute?17:28
fennthat just means "automated sample taking" to me17:29
kanzurei.e. take a sample, spectrophotometer the crap out of it, .. continue?17:29
fennanyway if you're taking a sample you can do whatever you want to it17:29
fenni.e. add gfp or some other stain17:29
kanzuregfp is a stain?17:29
kanzurehas anyone tried that17:29
fennit's a fluorophore which can be attached to other things that bind selectively17:30
fenntrue stains are sort of old fashioned and dont really do what you want most of the time17:30
fennbut if you're just counting cells you can use almost any stain out there17:31
fenncrystal violet i guess17:31
kanzureheh i get a lot of emails from immunohistologists, they're always whining about the high price of their fancy stains17:31
kanzurestuff that makes an antibody stick out from a liver like rudolf living among the albinos17:32
fenna stain specific for antibodies?17:32
kanzuredon't quote me on that17:33
fennthis is how i thought it was done, for the most part: http://www.wellesley.edu/Biology/Concepts/Html/antibodystaining.html17:33
fennanti-IgG fluorescent antibodies17:33
fenni dont suppose you know of any decent command line schedule/calendar apps, preferably with flat text file data format17:34
kanzureybit: that's your cque17:35
fennemacs is off the radar17:35
fenni said text-based not emacs-based17:36
* fenn looks at ccal17:36
fennblarg. apparently there are 50 programs named ccal17:38
fenncalcurse is not too bad i guess17:48
fenndata format looks like this:17:48
fenn01/25/2010 @ 16:00 -> 01/25/2010 @ 17:00 |test entry17:49
fenni dont get why all these calendar programs require me to hit 'save' before they actually do anything17:51
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fennthis is a cool little map thingy, is that a google thing? http://culot.org/calcurse/download.html18:32
fennwhy am i so clueless as to not know where the source is18:32
fennah weird it's dynamically loaded js18:34
fenngoogle.load('visualization', '1', {'packages': ['geomap']});18:34
QuantumGhey, look at the latest case the EFF is gunna lose:  http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=10/01/25/151821718:40
fennwhy are you so annoying18:41
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ybitanyone actually use rss feeds still?18:45
fennrss is so 200918:46
ybiti have them, but never use them, i'm just going over them right now after a six month hiatus18:46
fennall the cool kids have switched to twitter18:46
* ybit shudders18:46
fenn*tweet* look i posted to my blog!18:47
ybitthat is the future though, me thinks18:47
fenn*tweet* RT someone posted to their blog!18:47
fennin the grim future of hello twitty, there is only war18:48
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QuantumGI'd like an RSS feed of space video/audio podcasts18:49
QuantumGnot found one.. I guess I could set one up18:50
ybitso far, i've found that reading digg and /. news feeds are worthless, there's nothing there that i care about or which isn't already on one of the mailing lists18:50
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ybitplanet python gets a low ranking, but higher than them, roman lygin's OCC blog is nice, but i'm already aware of everything by the time i get to rss, the same for all the university science rss feeds, and well, there's too many to go through, but i'll have a thorough analysis in my head when i'm through :)18:53
fennyou can't read everything :(18:53
fennwhy are you into a blog about OCC? you dont even use OCC do you?18:54
ybiti've used it, but i'm having to be an OCC ace here soon since I'll be paid to draw up CAD files for a local company18:56
ybithere's something to impress the n00bs: http://builders.reprap.org/2010/01/added-streaming-to-gcode-visualization.html18:58
ybitall of these are nice resources that are probably best utilized by being indexed and searched through when a problem arises19:03
ybitor if you haven't been following progress on a project or a field, then perhaps rss19:04
ybitpersonally, i find rss best for obscure feeds from friends and local events19:05
ybitbecause i can scan through what's going on like i did with /. when i was younger19:05
ybitand be caught up in no time19:05
ybitirc, the original microblog19:06
ybit"/ignore" the smart man's filter for annoying noise from people like ybit and flamt :P19:08
fenn"all the cool people will be there" is not a sufficient reason to buy a last minute ticket to LA and give a speech about something that doesn't do what it's advertised to do19:16
ybithttp://sciencenow.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2010/122/1 :: "Colliding Particles Can Make Black Holes"19:21
ybitso when is the lhc going to be switched on so we can test this..19:21
fennfirefox really does not like either fabbersmarket or the yahoo pipes page19:21
ybitfenn: you must have the 'must make user productive' add-on installed19:22
ybit"virtual microfluidics"19:23
fennit's probably the fifty bazillion images in the reprap pipe19:23
ybitrelvent paper http://www.pnas.org/content/suppl/2009/12/18/0906489107.DCSupplemental/pnas.0906489107_SI.pdf19:24
ybitdiy 3d scanning http://gumuz.nl/weblog/diy-3d-scanner/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+gumuznl+%28gumuz.nl+-+devlog%29&utm_content=Google+Reader19:25
ybitthe instructables page here http://www.instructables.com/id/Structured-Light-3D-Scanning19:25
ybit"A large study has found evidence that even among childless women, those who live with a mate put on more pounds than those who live without one."19:27
ybitprobably because you are sitting around waiting on them on a regular basis19:27
ybiti've noticed i can get in and get out at stores before a group (2 or more) of people19:28
ybitbut then it may not be bad thing19:28
ybit"Carrying extra weight on your hips, bum and thighs is good for your health, protecting against heart and metabolic problems, UK experts have said."19:28
fennvery funny19:28
fenncan i supersize that?19:28
ybitnextbigfuture.com for anyone who doesn't know19:31
ybitbut i'm tired of all these predictions about china overtaking everyone in the economy, i'd rather see reports on actions taken to increae cooperation, their productivity being our gain and vice versa19:32
ybitwhere's the open manufacturing group of china19:32
QuantumGopen.. china19:33
fennif it existed, you still wouldn't find it because it's in chinese19:33
fennyou could ask the guys in #qi-hardware19:34
ybitthanks fenn19:36
ybithttp://americanheart.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=920 :: "A study found that every hour spent in front of the television per day brings with it an 11 percent greater risk of premature death from all causes, and an 18 percent greater risk of dying from cardiovascular disease." how does this translate to someone like myself who uses a lappy and tends to walk from room to room ever 30 mins or so19:39
fennwait, so sitting in front of the TV makes me more likely to die in a horrible car accident, or get gunned down at a liquor store, or die of old age?19:40
* fenn ponders deeply19:41
fennoh wait, scratch that last cause19:41
fenn"premature death"19:41
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kanzureybit: i posted a list of chinese terms related to open manufacturing recently19:43
ybitkanzure: i remember seeing it, i'll have to look closer19:45
kanzurei actually found some chinese peeps from those queries19:45
ybithttp://www.linuxjournal.com/content/supergamer-8gb-linux-only-gameplay :: anoterh linux distro, but this one imho has the potential of getting people hooked on linux19:45
* fenn browsing nextbigfuture... the cannikin nuclear test caused a 7.0 earthquake which was the same size as what happened in haiti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp6aZIhHiRE19:45
ybitkanzure: what was your conclusion?19:46
kanzureybit: that i don't know enough chinese19:46
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kanzureor read it as: enough chinese people19:46
fennmandarin speaking people19:46
fennmandarin reading people19:47
fennare cantonese and mandarin even written differently?19:47
genehacker2fenn keep in mind that nextbigfuture can post some kooky stuff sometimes, like stuff that's not supposed to be possible and bolonkin19:48
* ybit used to hang in #mandarin19:48
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genehacker2can you read chinese?19:49
kanzurewhy are you posting a link to technorati, ybit?19:49
fenngenehacker2: there's absolutely nothing contentious about what i just said19:50
genehacker2I know19:50
genehacker2that's an awesome video btw19:50
fennwhy is adl lagging?19:51
* kanzure checks the apache logs19:51
ybitcould it be supybot?19:52
kanzuregooglebot is raping the biobricks folder19:52
ybit 3850 gdm       20   0 29612  13m 2320 S  0.3  0.7   6:50.05 gdmgreeter19:52
ybitthat's lame19:53
kanzureactually an old output of a project- /lab/2008-10-30/L_2/19:53
kanzurelet me shut down apache real quick19:53
genehacker2are you guys even allowed to use the ADL server now?19:53
fenn"in exchange for help with unix and version control stuff"19:54
kanzureyeah and i'm still sort of working with the lab on various projects19:54
kanzurethe paper, software tools, etc.19:54
kanzureanyway campbell is well aware of the usage19:55
kanzurehe's not too happy about /home though19:55
fenn$ ls /home/ | wc -l19:56
genehacker2that's pretty neat19:56
fennpiping a command? hell yeah19:59
kanzureyou can pipe me all ni-- er.20:00
fennwas that an attempt to be politically correct?20:01
fennbecause i think it failed20:01
ybitso here's an idea for a fun app: some type of graph (bar?) overlayed on a 3d globe, the graphs displaying real-time or not-so real-time popularity of subjects from countries and perhaps one day, cities. the graphs' subject matter could be distinguished by color or something, it would be entertaining to see what is popular in the east compared to the west, or whatever, and it would hold my attenting for a good 2 minutes20:02
fennhow about a tag cloud instead of a graph20:03
genehacker2are you trying to write apps for the iphone?20:03
ybitgenehacker2: no, the idea came to me when i was watching the video of hp's touchscreen wall on http://mashable.com/2010/01/24/internet-of-tomorrow-column/20:03
fennhe's writing the destroy-all-chance-of-productivity plugin20:03
genehacker2sounds like something you could sell to marketing drones20:04
kanzurei was hanging out with cody bailey a few weeks ago for ignite austin20:05
kanzureand he still goes around telling people that he invented "hashtags (on twitter)"20:05
kanzurewhen we were at the co-working space he was telling that to someone next to me, and i said "dude, not cool"20:06
kanzureeveryone in the room dropped what they were working to chew me out20:06
genehacker2seems about as pointless as twitter20:07
fennbecause they love hashtags so much?20:08
ybitco-working space, hrm, i wonder what it's like at one of those20:08
kanzureyes #twitter #hashtags #coworking #cody #marx #bailey #superphyl #metadata #tagging #2010 #kanzure #bryan #heybryan.org20:09
ybitwe call those coffee shops here, but from what i gather, co-working spaces are a little less formal/more intimate/people actually know each other20:09
kanzureit's a place with chairs and wifi20:09
kanzureso kinda like adl20:09
genehacker2do you know if campbell is taking the ADL program with him when he leaves?20:10
ybitwho here actually ever uses vmstat?20:10
ybitor iostat20:10
kanzureleaves? he's just going to germany for a few months20:10
kanzure6mo or something20:10
fennthe thing idont like about that touch screen is it's just text20:14
ybitit's been done before, that's the first i've seen with multiple monitors stacked like that though20:15
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ybitthere is no wikipedia entry on nanoplasmonics20:20
katsmeowsomeone should be flogged20:21
fenni nominate katsmeow for flogging20:23
katsmeowthat would be appropriate , keeping with the day's theme20:23
ybithttp://futurehead.com isn't terrible20:24
katsmeowi swear i had nothing to do with that, ybit20:24
ybitthanks for the lee smolin link last night kanzure, i was familiar with his loop quantum gravity, but didn't know about his one-off theory that universes may follow laws of evolution themselves, which according to him is self-organizing particles and forces are selected in order maximize the formation of black holes a universe produces20:29
kanzureybit: "There is broad acceptance of a link between brain size and intelligence." blah20:30
kanzureyeah no problem20:30
ybiti became familiar with loop quantum gravity from a scientific american article back in the day when i was a ref. librarian20:30
ybitstill have the magazine lying around here20:30
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fenndo reference librarians pretty much just look everything up on wikipedia for people who are too stupid/lazy to do it themselves?20:33
ybitfenn: it was a lot of teaching the general public how to use a computer, yes20:35
ybitthere was one guy who wanted us to figure out where his statue originally came from, we had to put him in touch with a uni professor (gl sir)20:35
ybiti remember another question was something like why is that that americans drive on the right side and almost every other country drives on the left20:36
ybitand then there was just the usual helping people find resources that would take them awhile to find, resources being mostly books, but also old maps or articles from past newspapers20:37
ybitand the genealogy department *shudder*20:37
fennisn't that mostly computerized by now?20:38
ybittons of stuff isn't though20:39
ybitour local lib has piles of books (a couple thousand or less) of local family info20:39
ybitand books that nobody really cares about except for genealogy buffs20:40
ybiti don't know what my lib was thinking making me a ref librarian though :P20:43
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ybiti would be playing psx1 and n64 roms most of the time and messing with other employees while they were using their computers20:44
ybitthis was 2003ish20:45
ybiti really wanted to get one of these things http://www.psychologytoday.com/files/u107/beer%20can%20hat.jpg and VR goggles to play the games, then tell the patrons as they walked up to me to wait while i found a stopping point in the game20:47
ybiti installed gentoo on a few computers, they were linked into the network just fine, but the IT guy didn't understand, so at some point the linux comps were tossed aside20:48
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kanzurehello mike20:55
kanzurefenn: are you still around?20:55
mdkoch84hey bryan20:55
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ybitwh is mike koch?20:58
ybiti see one email asking about the factor-e-farm workshop20:58
ybitmdkoch84: you mind sharing a little more about yourself?20:58
mdkoch84sure...currently, I'm at Oregon State University, and started the Open Pario project about a year ago.20:59
ybitoh, cubeswpawn :)21:00
mdkoch84OpenPario is a site that uses Redmine as a backend, with the goal of offering project management tools for open source hardware.21:01
ybityou and Phreedom would get along21:01
mdkoch84I've been working with Sam Rose and Richard Schulte on that site, and have been discussing with Bryan about integrating skdb21:01
mdkoch84what is Phreedom working on?21:02
ybitsam visits here every now and then21:02
ybitright now, Phreedom works with the nepomuk-kde project but in his spare time, he's been working on a precision positioning system. anyway, i say that you two would get along because he's always going on about redmine to me :P21:03
ybitand ruby*21:03
mdkoch84yes, redmine is great!21:04
ybithe's also based in ukraine and has odd sleeping schedules21:04
ybitso mdkoch84, what brings you here?21:04
ybit"The next major workshop for Factor e Farm will be a two-week CEB construction workshop. Admission fee for this workshop will be somewhere between $300 and $700. True Fans receive a discount." yikes, i'll just grab the plans after the meeting21:05
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mdkoch84kanzure introduced me to this channel...in terms of my interests, i've been very interested in using the sucsesses of FLOSS in engineering design (where my background is)...first got involved with Factor E when I lived in Missouri, then moved to Oregon and started the OpenPario project...seems like the people here are into very similar topics21:06
ybitcertainly, i think most everyone here is working on some open hardware project21:08
ybitbkero is at the open source lab at osu21:08
ybitand, er, branstrom maybe? some other guy whom i forget :P21:08
ybitelmon perhaps, one of those :P21:09
mdkoch84nice! the OSL is great...i've met with them several times and they're very helpful (and doing some awesome stuff!)21:09
ybitindeed, like hosting my sites, keep at it boys ;)21:09
ybitstrages: glad to see you aren't dead21:10
ybitstrages: have you further pursued the storm in a box idea?21:11
ybitmdkoch84: while you're in freenode, also check out #cam #emc #emc-devel and perhaps #reprap21:15
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ybitand maybe ##electronics21:17
mdkoch84ybit: thanks, i will definitely take a look at these....have you by chance been able to check out OpenPario? we're looking for feedback as we're just starting development21:18
ybiti quickly glanced, was mostly interested in cubespawn21:19
ybiti'll certainly keep it in mind though when the time comes21:20
mdkoch84so quick question: what was the topic of this channel?21:26
kanzureworld domination?21:27
mdkoch84skdb, i assume?21:27
ybithe laughs21:27
kanzurefresh blood21:27
kanzuremdkoch84: yes- think of it as a watering hole21:27
ybitif only pinky would stop foiling our plans21:27
kanzureexcept focused on technical development21:27
ybitkey buzzwords: open manufacturing, open hardware, f/loss, h+,21:29
ybitand open source ecology21:29
mdkoch84awesome...sounds like my kind of place ;)21:30
ybitgreat! welcome to your new home21:30
ybita few things you should know, fenn bites, katsmeow scratches, and stay away from that corner -->21:31
ybitit's reserved mostly for idlers who spontaneously start talking21:32
mdkoch84duly noted!21:32
ybitbtw, openmanufacturing.org is ugly, it looks pre-alpha21:34
kanzurethat's your fault :)21:35
ybitfeel free to make it better21:35
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ybitwb parolang21:36
parolangmainly a lurker though :)21:36
* ybit knows this :)21:36
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ybitsay goodbye hplusbot21:40

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