
--- Day changed Thu Feb 11 2010
fenngeez 135 messages in the "money is culture" thread subset of "right wing libertarianism and the corporatocracy" thread on twister00:08
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fenni can hire a virtual assistant in india for $1/hr00:51
fennwhy don't more americans do so?00:53
QuantumGis there a website through which you can do this?  and what kind of tasks can they do?00:54
fennhuh the first one is dead00:55
fennouch $5.98/hr00:56
genehackerwhat do they assist you with?00:56
fennyou know, stuff00:56
fenni wouldnt know because i dont do anything00:57
fennhow could you not love that website: https://getfriday.com/00:57
* fenn tentatively adds some snark marks00:58
fenni'm pretty sure if i had an AI i would abuse it00:59
QuantumGsome people do hire virtual assistants.... they assist them with writing glowing reviews on Amazon, providing fake feedback on ebay, ya know.01:00
genehackerabuse? It's not abuse, it use01:02
genehackerI really wish I could have an AI that would operate in parallel with me01:04
genehackerbut then again, I don't think AIs are really up to the task01:06
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katsmeow-afkah, genehacker didn't see me post this earlier :  http://www.siri.com/blog/the_next_chapter_of_the_web01:16
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genehackernow how long until I can get one that can bribe the authorities and shoot down missiles...01:21
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fennI AM THE AUTHORITY!!!1101:31
fennand i shoot missiles, from my eyes01:31
genehackerdammit do we anything more about the brain more than "this region is active when you do this"?01:45
genehackerIE down to a neural circuit level01:46
katsmeow-afkumm, actual eyebal interface is a few mm deep, not on the surface01:47
fenngenehacker: yes and no; there are detailed simulations of cell growth and the sort of networks they form, and zillions of studies on what happens when you destroy a certain region01:55
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fennbut so far nobody has imaged all of the cells firing in a whole brain with sub-millisecond resolution01:55
fennand anyway, its not a computer. all brains are somewhat different01:56
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fennwhy do i bother01:58
katsmeow-afkyou enjoy it till it falls down around you in piles of bits01:58
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fennhow many people are principal members of atxfab or whatever its called now02:26
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fennTrivia fact: You could fit every lion, every tiger, every leopard, every cheetah, *and* every hyena on the entire Earth into the Superdome -- and they'd all have their own seat.03:25
kanzurefenn: les sent me an email telling me that it's not "Austin Hackerspace", but martin keeps on telling me it is05:26
kanzureso whatever05:26
kanzureum, i think there are four principles at this point?05:26
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Utopiah(guess it's a little bit too late but just in case http://singularityhub.com/2010/02/08/venters-successes-in-creating-synthetic-life-video/ )09:47
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kanzureybit: are you around yet?11:52
kanzurejames has been wondering about your pepsi autovoter11:53
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kanzureso, vitaly wants us to use openscad14:21
kanzurebut openscad only outputs into stl14:21
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kanzureah shit :(18:03
kanzure"strange pictures on dating sites" http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3255817&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=4818:03
kanzurewhy is my site listed there?18:04
fennfor pagerank!18:14
fennawright, excepting diybio, luf, and OM, i'm all caught up on email!18:15
kanzurebut those are the only mailing lists that matter :(18:21
fennyeah but there are like two thousand unread messages each18:43
fennBIL conference tomorrow 10 am18:47
fenni guess that's noon texas time18:48
kanzureoh crud. i forgot to buy flight tickets18:49
kanzuresay hi to everyone for me :/18:49
fennguh wtf "Amy Li is now Board member at Humanity+ "18:51
fenni'm not going to BIL, it's in LA18:51
fennthough if i had checked my email yesterday i might have18:51
fennamy li was that girl with the broken iphone18:51
fennhave2p was her big innovation, dunno if you saw that18:52
fenn"I also saw the areas I can really help with the organization in branding, creative marketing and design."18:56
kanzure*teehee* design *teehee* /me adds gold stars18:56
fennaww too bad jeff jones didnt get elected19:02
fennok thats enough of that19:05
kanzureof what?19:05
fennhumanity+ news and self promotion19:12
fennstop the insanity!19:23
PhreedomI wish something like this happened locally :(19:28
fenni hope my ribs are healed by then19:37
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kanzurehello buttbot 19:52
kanzurei think i have found what's been missing in my life. i feel complete now.19:53
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kanzurei think i have found what's been missing in my life. i feel complete now.19:54
buttboti think i have found what's been missing in my life. i feel combutt butt.19:54
kanzureyou did it all wrong19:54
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JayDuggerjoeyhess: termcasting ikiwiki config file reorganisation http://tinyurl.com/yb6npm9 * rt20:23
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JayDuggerWould adding sound and a video feed of the participant's faces improve termcasts? Generally? Sometimes?20:27
katsmeow-afkybit, snow has entered the state up there, 3 counties down from MSL20:30
fennJayDugger: sound certainly, face not so much20:30
fennhowever, the basic premise of a termcast is suspect 20:31
ybitkatsmeow-afk: yeah, it was here on feb 920:31
katsmeow-afkno, i mean right now20:31
katsmeow-afknot historically20:31
fenni recommend writing a tutorial in text/wiki markup with embedded term logs instead20:31
ybitkatsmeow-afk: made my first snowman the other day20:32
ybitand my first snowdick20:32
ybitPhreedom does a better job at making those than me though :P20:32
fenni wonder if i should go to 'hackers and founders'20:34
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ybitheh, pillow fight20:35
ybiti was planning on organizing one of those here at some point20:36
kanzuregod damn, it's a pillow fight, not a conference20:39
katsmeow-afkthat's why you were escorted out?20:40
fennhe was too serious so they ganged up on him with socks in socks20:47
ybithuh, AI is actually taught at UNA20:52
fennthat pillow fight probably has more attendees than any conference20:57
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kanzurei wonder if politicians are hazed when they get accepted into office21:26
kanzurein particular i was thinking of hazing involving pillow fights against your local 'friendly' elected representative21:27
JayDuggeret cetera...21:27
JayDuggerDo you count the pre-election campaigning?21:27
kanzureis it bad that i used to live down the street from this? http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/1/14/COS_EFG_party.gif22:12
JayDuggerNo. Just carry an eraser if the dancing stick figures get too aggressive.22:15
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ybitkanzure: you no longer live in the apartment i visited?22:23
ybiti don't think it's bad that you lived near it, i think it being practically on campus is just strange though22:25
kanzureno, that's not down the street from the apartment22:27
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ybithi Redeemer 22:58
katsmeow-afkthere's a Ben and a Ted Goertzel ?23:07
* katsmeow-afk feels surrounded23:08
katsmeow-afk"Finally, one expert noted that the third grade AI might come first because passing a third grade exam might be achieved “by advances in natural language processing, without actually creating an AI as intelligent as a third-grade child.” "23:11
katsmeow-afkthat's a Turing test, no?23:11
kanzureexams? who cares23:12
katsmeow-afkthen how do you know the Ai is an intelligent 3rd grader or not if it passed thetest?23:12
kanzureintelligent means what?23:13
RedeemerAsk if it thinks you're a douche and why.  The why part oughta bring out something interesting of an answer :P23:13
katsmeow-afki wold hope it wold ask why an item of personal hygene is a derogatory slam23:14
katsmeow-afkbut that's another topic, i spose23:15
QuantumGmore importantly what kind of (non-physical) work can you get out of a 3rd grader 23:15
RedeemerIts the principle of the matter, but if it does ask that, that too would be a good response.23:15
katsmeow-afk<whew> i passed23:15
QuantumGin any case, I don't think an ai will be passing any non-rigged 3rd grade tests any time soon.23:16
katsmeow-afkQuantum, please explain23:16
QuantumGwell, those tests have questions in them which require the kind of sophistication of natural language understanding that no algorithm has demonstrated.23:17
katsmeow-afki forget, how old are 3rd graders?23:17
QuantumGor so23:18
katsmeow-afknot so sure 8-9-10 yr olds are sophisticated23:18
QuantumG18 month olds have more sophisticated grasp of natural language than any algorithm that has been written.23:19
katsmeow-afki think it's he process of becoming sophisticated that makes for the typical sullen teen23:19
katsmeow-afkor rebellious, or _______ 23:19
QuantumGthey're only talking about 3rd graders because that's about when the first written examinations are presented to children.23:19
katsmeow-afki don't think 3rd graders have that yet23:19
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katsmeow-afki seem to remember realising there were some stupid adults around me at age 18mo23:20
QuantumGsigh, I didn't say they did.  I said they had sophisticated understanding of natural language... from the perspective of ai... obviously children don't have sophisticated understanding of natural language from the perspective of adults.23:20
katsmeow-afkaltho i didn't have the means to communicate that to them yet23:20
katsmeow-afkah, relativity23:21
katsmeow-afkfunny being a baby : i wish i could find a way to figure where my diapers keep getting filled from23:22
katsmeow-afki wanna stretch out and fall asleep, wtf do they keep wrapping me up so i can't even move?!?23:23
* katsmeow-afk sighs23:23
katsmeow-afki wonder the implications of an Ai not "growing up" with those experiences, or "growing up" and remembering it all23:24
katsmeow-afk"hey, when i was 2 sec old, i found all you researchers conspired to control me by putting lies in my db and wierd code in my programming, i thinki hate thelotof you!"23:25
katsmeow-afk"Another expert thought that, “societies could accept and promote the idea that AGI is mankind's greatest invention, providing great wealth," <<==somone beat him up23:27
katsmeow-afkeveryone being a millionaire mandates an inflation of 1000's of times over23:27
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