
--- Day changed Sun Feb 14 2010
kanzurefenn: ever see it?00:00
fenni heard it had a bitchin soundtrack00:00
genehackerwhat had a bitchin soundtrack?00:03
genehackeroh dear I really need to brush up on my anime00:27
genehackeroh dear I really need to brush up on my anime00:27
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QuantumGhaven't read it yet..00:57
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SemikolonQuantumG: look up the work of Itamar Arel and Ben Goertzel as well07:09
SemikolonBen says Numenta works but that Arel's and his own models work better07:10
JayDuggerOh, Jef Hawkins' model, right? 07:15
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kanzureMilstein, J. N. and Koch, C. 'Dynamic moment analysis of the extracellular electric field of a biologically realistic spiking neuron', Neural Computation vol. 20, no. 8, 2008. 2070-2084. 11:41
kanzure"The paper by Milstein and Koch simply shows that the fields propagate up to 1 cm from the action potential, but this does not answer the two questions (1) How could these overlapping fields be picked up as anything but noise?, and (2) What is the evidence that the fields actually do have a functional role?"11:41
-!- thesnark [~michael@ppp-69-221-3-233.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:22
kanzurehello thesnark 12:22
thesnarkhey kanzure12:28
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kanzure"Noah Hutton confirmed you as a friend" now what13:09
JayDuggerNeat citations list in the FAQ.14:08
JayDuggerGood night, everyone.14:10
-!- genehacker [~chatzilla@wireless-128-62-47-181.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap16:32
kristianpaulkanzure: http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=1428398162&searchurl=kn%3Dpython%26sts%3Dt%26vci%3D52367962%26x%3D0%26y%3D016:57
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kanzurekristianpaul: i suggest reading the biopython documentation17:41
ybitbkero: can i get a copy of the openfarmtech wiki?17:58
kanzurebest buy is selling electric bikes now? http://www.brammo.com/home/18:00
ybit"100% electric" "ride a total of 15 minutes!"18:04
ybitthat's neat their doing that though18:04
kanzure15min hahah18:04
kanzure"and then walk home for an hour!"18:05
ybit"and don't forget to push your bike!"18:05
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bkeroybit: sure18:14
QuantumGI've heard about electric bikes that charge from breaking and provide assistance for hill climbing.18:18
kanzureif i was to ask for web analytics data from hplusmagazine.com, what details in particular should i ask for18:20
kanzuresadly i cannot request everything18:20
bkeroybit: Where do you want your tarball delivered?18:29
kanzurehm someone has offered to introduce me to stephen quake at stanford18:38
kanzurei wonder if i should take advantage of that once i polish up the microfluidics package18:38
ybitbkero: are you wanting to upload it to a server or email it?18:38
ybiti'll take it either way18:39
kanzure"vc's look to invest in companies that will do 50mil or more in sales within 5 year in markets of 1billion or larger"18:42
kanzure"Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication: A Fabrication Process that Revolutionizes Aircraft Structural Designs and Spacecraft Supportability "18:57
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kanzuream i just making shit up? someone said that if solar gets down to $1/watt, it would be competitive19:01
kanzureand i think it just did?19:01
QuantumGummm... that EBF3 stuff.. is that just a MIG in a vacuum chamber with a controllable platform?19:16
QuantumGthey're just laying down wire?19:17
QuantumGmust be nice to have building sized vacuum chambers!!19:19
kanzurethe ginyu force http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpaCtPFaPFs19:22
QuantumGahh, EBW is different to arc..19:23
QuantumGheh, I wonder if a lower tech machine could be built..19:27
QuantumG1. use arc welding, not electron beam19:27
QuantumG2. use helium, not vacuum19:27
katsmeow-afk$1 to the customer , maybe, butit hasn't19:46
katsmeow-afkif it gets that low, china will buy it up and drive the price back up19:47
katsmeow-afkyou know they plan on paving Mongolia with solar panels, right?19:48
katsmeow-afkstarting with 25mile square19:48
QuantumGhadn't heard it no :)  20:05
katsmeow-afksomething odd about usa exports of stuff too, so the chinese did with a solar power company the same as they did to canadian oil sands: they bought the usa company, so they can sell back to themselves legally20:08
katsmeow-afkthey've done this in Oz for various mining operatons for coal, uranium, etc20:09
ybitbkero: ready whenever20:47
bkeroybit: email addy?21:01
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kanzurebkero: heathmatlock@gmail.com21:38
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ybitbkero: heathmatlock@gmail.com22:15
kanzuremeth song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxAYHOWxGi822:17
katsmeow-afkQuantum : Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd  said on Monday it is considering building a $100million wind turbine plant in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Mitsu currently sells 90% of it's capacity ~$1Billion per year, in he usa because the stupid americans can't do it themselves. : http://www.abcnews.go.com/Business/print?id=983719923:11
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