
--- Day changed Fri Feb 19 2010
ybitkanzure: because nobody except you has thought about "can has afm" :)00:20
ybitfabhow.com *cough*00:20
ybitthis idea of a moon-brain: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrioshka_brain00:27
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Utopiahybit: I think Matrioshka brain are not supposed to be limited to be just to a moon but (at least that's how I understood it from Accelerando) can be an entire star system02:48
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katsmeow-afkhttp://www.digimedia.com/ owns make.com03:46
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nmz787anyone awake?03:49
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fennthere was a plane crash in palo alto yesterday too (accidental)03:58
nmz787the heads of some important company03:58
fenntesla motors, not the heads of the company afaik03:59
nmz787right, investors?03:59
fenn3 electrical engineers03:59
fennhit a power line.. how ironic04:00
QuantumGMusk said the victims were plane owner and pilot Doug Bourn, 56, a senior electrical engineer from Santa Clara; Brian Finn, a 42-year-old senior interactive electronics manager from East Palo Alto; and electrical engineer Andrew Ingram, who lived in Palo Alto and turned 31 on Monday.04:00
QuantumGlight twin aircraft.. at least twice as dangerous as driving they say :)04:04
fennabout as dangerous as tearing ass out of the tesla dealership onto el camino real, then04:05
nmz787how is it 2x more dangerous?04:06
QuantumGwell, as I heard it, the dangerous part about flying a light twin aircraft is that most amateur pilots don't have a plan for what to do when a situation arises that really requires expertise..04:08
fenn2 engines to fail! duh!04:08
QuantumGheh :)04:09
ybitpaul has really poured a lot into this wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jobless_recovery04:28
ybithe mentions open hardware in the gift economy section04:28
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JayDuggerAnd now for a productive day!09:19
nshfenn, do you have susskind's black hole wars, by any chance?10:39
kanzurecongratulations, you get to talk with your funder!10:47
kanzurecaveat: he speaks a foreign language and you can only say "yes, yes, ahuh, ahuh" because you don't understand a single fucken word10:48
kanzurei don't know what to do10:50
JayDuggerI'll happily play straight man, but that set-up demands a punchline.10:52
JayDuggerHire a translator with the funding?10:54
kanzurefor this much money, i should be the translator11:15
JayDuggerBuy a two-way dictionary with the funding?11:16
kanzureyou and your solution-oriented thinking! 11:52
JayDuggerOkay, if you want to blow the funding, get me this model:11:53
kanzure(there's an invisible snarkmark in my last comment)11:53
kanzureoh that's just a drop in the ocean jay11:54
kanzureyou want it?11:54
kanzureof course, there's no way in hell i'm going to buy it11:54
kanzurebut yeah11:54
kanzurei need to dash- off to a meeting with another investor11:54
JayDuggerNot as much as I want `sudo skdb make me a working project orion battleship`. :P11:55
kanzure"excuse me sirs, why are you throwing money at me"11:55
JayDuggerPurely for peaceful exploration, you understand.11:55
kanzureof course11:55
kanzurestalk: infoswell media11:59
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kanzurestalk: talkshoe13:47
-!- any74774854 is now known as katsmeow-afk14:02
kanzure(02:13:23 PM) Sam Putman: If you spent 10% as much time coding as you did on self-aggrandizing bullshit, SKDB might not be total joke that it remains.14:15
kanzure(02:13:24 PM) Sam Putman: Alas.14:15
kanzure(02:13:40 PM) Sam Putman: I have been absurdly patient with you, bryan. we all have.14:15
kanzure(02:13:41 PM) Sam Putman: that patience is wearing thin.14:15
kanzure(02:14:00 PM) Sam Putman: when was your last code commit?14:15
kanzure(02:14:05 PM) Sam Putman: what did it consist of?14:15
kanzure(02:14:16 PM) Sam Putman: what meaningful function has your project gained14:15
kanzurestrong words from someone who doesn't commit code himself14:15
kanzure(but for the record, it was yesterday at 21:24:58)14:15
kanzure(02:14:28 PM) Sam Putman: you talk and talk and talk more bullshit, stir up problems, and for what?14:15
Utopiahsend him the RSS feed of the code repostiry,it should provide updates in real time with comments and times14:16
kanzureso.. http://github.com/feeds/kanzure/commits/skdb/master ?14:17
kanzurei don't push there often, but that's an RSS feed i guess14:18
Utopiahyes the feed works14:19
kanzuream i really that evil14:19
kanzure(02:22:16 PM) Sam Putman: bryan, your lack of self-insight will cost you dearly. but I've told you that before, and I have finite reserves of patience.14:21
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-!- ader10 [~anonymous@pool-173-66-224-38.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:46
ader10kanzure: thanks for your web site.14:46
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Utopiaha joke from Sam Putman :P14:49
-!- Redeemer [~lorddeeme@c-75-72-107-223.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:09
kanzurei am not yet convinced that jata knows any programming15:15
RedeemerWhat makes you think that?15:26
kanzureall talk, no code15:28
kanzurei guess you need to know the lingo in order to be able to talk but still15:29
kanzurewe'll see15:29
RedeemerI've gotta resume the reading I was doing for learning Python, found what looks like a decent beginners guide and such.15:31
kanzurewe are your beginner's guide :)15:41
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JayDuggerSo my nuclear pulse spaceship can be expressed in how many lines of code, exactly?15:42
kanzureright now i'm having some trouble representing microfluidics15:43
kanzurefor some reason i started working on microfluidics thinking it would be an ok skdb package15:43
kanzurebut really individual parts or designs for a chip are not really something that you apt-get15:43
JayDuggerskdb needs explosives. :)15:43
kanzureyou just apt-get a finalized design like a pcr thermocycler15:43
kanzureso anyway, it's kind of "out of the way" but i know i'll appreciate the results15:43
JayDuggerI'll shut up now. :)15:43
kanzureno no, keep going15:43
kanzurei guess you could do a CAD model of parts of a pulsejet or something.. or if you want to be super ambitious, nuclear reactors15:44
kanzureiirc, there are some designs for reactors floating around the web15:44
JayDuggerNo. I should really write up my rant about Orion, and its pure pyrotechnic appeal, and the value of guaranteed last strike as minimum credible nuclear deterrent, and so forth...15:45
JayDuggerSeriously, I think you can probably get a lot of material about the TRIGA II research reactors without too much trouble.15:45
JayDuggerTRIGA is a class of small nuclear reactor designed and manufactured by General Atomics. The design team for TRIGA was led by the physicist Freeman Dyson. TRIGA is the acronym of Training, Research, Isotopes, General Atomics.15:47
JayDuggerUT Austin has one.15:48
JayDuggerReed College has a TRIGA I, and they'll license undergraduate operators. I don't think other schools do that, but I don't know.15:49
kanzureyes i am aware of who dyson is ;-)15:50
kanzure"physicist Freeman Dyson" pfft15:50
JayDuggerYeah, I c/p'd from Wikipedia, written for a general audience, you know.15:50
JayDuggerSome technical description here. http://www.rcp.ijs.si/ric/reactor-a.htm15:52
kanzurei emailed the dood with a follow-up to make sure i understood everything from the phone call15:53
kanzureit turns out that i got everything spot-on :)15:53
kanzureit sounded like he was saying more though15:53
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:30f6:6119:52c6:ef50] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]16:00
kanzure"Keep current on news about Dr. Derya Unutmaz, the researcher who assisted Dr. Paul Savage in the creation and testing of CSA54 - the cure for the HIV/AIDS virus."16:32
kanzure"cationic steroid antimicrobial"16:51
kanzure"28. The method of any of claims 1 to 17, wherein the subject has been exposed to or diagnosed as HIV+.16:56
kanzurei guess if you invented a cure to AIDS you wouldn't quite be shouting it from a cliff either16:56
kanzureless you had the manufacturing down16:56
QuantumGdepends why you developed it16:57
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kanzureyarr! thar be golds in those mines17:31
kanzurewho knows who? http://www.worknets.org/wiki.cgi?OpenKollab17:35
kanzureor, at least, who knows openkollab17:35
kanzure"GNU. GPL. Alas, when people base their thinking on the term "open", they tend to downgrade freedom as a goal. That's why I don't work on projects whose goal is "open". They may be good projects, as far as it goes, but they systematically avoid doing what we need most." - rms on openkollab17:35
kanzureugh a business card on my floor reads "ricardo guerrero, stwittergy" *pain*17:51
kanzureso, i think it's far past time for me to do a page on solid modeling, a FAQ of sorts18:09
kanzureany ideas for starting this off18:09
fennthe internet was full of pages like that ten years ago18:36
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kanzurefenn: and now, not so much19:12
kanzurebinary space partitioning trees FAQ19:13
QuantumGever read the Sauerbraten guy's docs on octotrees?19:13
kanzureACIS FAQ crap http://www.faqs.org/faqs/CAD/AutoCAD-faq/19:14
QuantumGhelps if I spell it right19:16
QuantumGscroll down to line 3919:30
QuantumGWorld Structure19:30
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nshlinking to the image loses the on-hover texrt20:18
nsh(which wasn't that interesting in this case anyway)20:18
nshhttp://xkcd.com/701/ is pretty sad 20:20
kanzuremakerbot map: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=117099291054388532447.0004409098b1c5b71255320:23
fennnsh, sad but true :P20:26
nshkanzure mentioned that you might have some susskind books on your server, btw20:36
nshwhich i am wont to read20:36
fennnsh i don't have anything by susskind, sorry20:41
nshno worries20:41
* fenn procrastinates writing some php20:43
fenni guess it would be easier if i knew wtf i was supposed to be doing20:43
nshwhat are you suppo- oh20:44
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* fenn nominates nsh for tautology club president20:52
* nsh toys with the idea of creating a tautology power turing device20:56
superkuhnsh: Which Susskind books are you looking for?20:57
nshblack hole wars, originally20:57
nshbut would probably read any20:57
nshBHW was a massive 6-part rapidshare download, for some reasona20:58
superkuhI have a massive 6 part ifile.it share. No download limits, pretty fast.20:58
fenna conspiracy no doubt20:58
nshcool, link?20:58
superkuhIt's on gigapedia.org. One second while I resolve all the redirects.20:58
nshnice one :-)21:01
nshi had an idea yesterday actually21:04
nsha simple network to share IP-space for rapidshare/etc.21:04
nshif you had a large enough pool of casual downloaders, you could solve the limits problem21:05
nshmight code it as an exercise21:05
fennoh you mean bittorrent?21:11
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kanzurehello thesnark 22:18
kanzurefenn: why are you touching php22:19
kanzuredoes this load for anyone? http://hplusmagazine.com/articles/toys-tools/hackerspace-your-garage-downloading-diy-hardware-over-web22:20
kanzureso much for being able to take a slashdotting22:20
nshnot fast, at any rate22:23
nshstill not 22:25
kanzureah there it goes22:25
kanzurehttp://transitlab.org/ (brian degger)22:25
nshfinally loaded22:26
kanzureseems to be queue-based22:27
kanzuretraffic to heybryan.org doubled yesterday for some reason22:29
nshdidn't realise you did a presentation22:30
kanzureit seems to be doubling every 8 days22:30
nshhow did it go?22:30
kanzurevery well :)22:30
nshgood 22:30
nshwill your server/bandwidth cope?22:30
kanzureit's on a residential internet connection22:30
nshnot so good22:30
nshi have lots of server space, but none of it's legally mine, unfortunately22:31
nsh(which is to say, it's all very illegally mine)22:31
kanzurei have lots of servers in weird countries.. i just need to get around to uploading my hundreds of gigabytes22:31
thesnarkhey kanzure22:32
nshkanzure, indulge me with some speculation22:38
nshat an optimistic estimation, how long before open-source consumer-grade hardware22:39
nshi suppose the question depends highly on what type of hardware22:39
nshi was going to suggest 'phone', but that's almost impossible22:40
nshwell, at the moment22:40
kanzureopenmoko, tuxphone22:40
nshbut the prospects of having any control yourself in the production process are still pretty slim to you or i22:42
kanzuretrue that22:42
nshso i guess i meant morre "hackable" than open-source22:42
kanzurensh: please also indulge yourself with this: WP5lmDYDzZHQ4MmZxMl8xM2ZrMmZjOWZ022:42
nshit's more about the enfranchisement of the end-user in the production process, which is perhaps a question of economy of scale and self-organisation around popular desires22:43
kanzurenear the bottom there's a concept that you might be interested in, one sec22:45
kanzure"true cost"22:45
kanzureor, another version: http://www.worldchanging.com/EarthlyIdeasLCA.jpg22:46
kanzurepersonally, this sort of LCA doesn't make me randy, but some people get super excited22:47
kanzurewtf? http://rjpinnell.info/Page6.html22:49
nshi can't really read about an app downloaded from the internet to use on your iphone for checking the total environmental impact of your jar of peanut butter with a straight face22:49
kanzurewell at least his heart is in the right place: http://rjpinnell.info/Page5.html22:50
* nsh smiles22:50
kanzurehuh he did a pilot for MTV22:51
kanzurei've been working with rené on a few different projects for a few months now22:51
kanzure(in person)22:51
nshthere's something weird about a yellow shirt with lapels22:51
nshthat's cool22:51
kanzurewe're stalking people by wifi, gsm, wimax, bluetooth, infrared, and giant fucking inductor coils hidden under buildings22:52
nshto what end?22:52
kanzuregiant: is there any other way to have it?22:52
kanzureit's under the guise of sustainability nonsense22:53
kanzurecorrelating where people are versus energy usage in various rooms22:53
kanzurealso, "google maps but indoors" and other nonsense22:53
nshthis strikes me as important (from the google doc): 22:55
nshMeredith: and pay for power and consumables that co-ops are not yet able to generate themselves (i.e., rolls of 3mm ABS for the MakerBot). Self-sufficiency is the ultimate goal, of course, but pay attention to the economic incentives. If it costs $10 to print a pair of needlenose pliers and ship them to a co-op that needs them, and $5 for someone to drive to the hardware store and buy a pair, there is a short-term incentive for t22:55
nshhe Craftsman pliers. Shifting those incentives is the ultimate goal, but we literally can't afford to focus on ideology ahead of pragmatism. 22:55
nshthere's a certain 'potential well' in favour of entrenched closed-manufacturing22:56
nshand i guess more effort should be focused on climbing out of it22:56
kanzurebut buying a pair of $5 pliers is certainly something that might be involved in climbing out of it22:56
kanzurebuying a million of those pliers? probably not ;)22:56
kanzurethe goal of the co-op is to kind of.. anticipate the paths for climbing out of that potential well that you describe22:57
kanzureso that we can build kits in a timely manner, i.e. if a cnc machine is needed to really get shit done, we'll do a kit for that22:57
kanzuresince, in general, everyone tends to share the same "hm everyone else is making things but me" problem22:58
nshit's also a hobbiest-density matter22:58
nshlarge cities are best place for developing the self-sufficiency cancer22:59
nshbefore it can metastatise into the boodocks22:59
kanzureit's non-ideal to describe this as hobby-only22:59
nshthe word was primed by what i was just reading22:59
kanzureyeah :/22:59
kanzurei need to fix this23:00
nshis there even a noun for an open-source person?23:00
kanzurea stallman?23:00
kanzurewait, no that's not him23:00
nshheh, don't think it'll go down well23:00
kanzurefreedom fighter23:00
nshthe zealots used to be a semi-respectable bunch23:01
nshback in jeebus times23:01
nshi could see 'scab' catching on in an ironic hipster fashion23:01
kanzurestallman now just blatantly avoids anything that claims to be "open"23:01
nshat least he's sticking to his guns23:01
nshthere has to be at least one non-compromiser in any radical movement23:02
nshthey generally get bumped off though, but i think his ninja skills will save him23:02
kanzurehe gets a lot of hate.23:02
nshbut it's impotent nerd-hate23:03
kanzuremostly because people don't understand he doesn't want anything to do with "open source"23:03
kanzureor something like that23:03
* nsh nods23:03
kanzurethe slashdot comments are the most funny23:03
kanzure"stallman just needs to die" etc.23:03
nshit would be nice to catch a youth-craze23:03
nshbut i think making-your-own-stuff is just that much harder than working a tamagotchi that it might not ever happen23:04
nsh(what the hell do school-kids craze over nowadays, anyway?)23:04
nshi need to hang out with more children23:04
QuantumG"scab" works on two levels.  1. they're doing work for free.. so it's kind like non-union workers; and 2. there was an "open sores" insult that used to be thrown around.23:04
kanzurethat would make you a pedo, sir23:04
nshthat was an unfortunate juxtaposition23:04
* nsh considers sleep23:05
kanzureresult: denied23:05
nshhave to leave in two hours to get a coach to edinburgh23:06
nshand march around in the snow for hours shouting23:06
kanzureare you the local crazy for the day?23:06
nshi should get some audiobooks on some kind of audio-playing device23:06
nshyeah, we have a shift system23:06
kanzuretoday you will be the one-legged hippie from vietnam23:07
nshthe veterans just aren't grifting these days23:07
kanzure"     Even at its most efficient power setting, the big 14 consumes 1,660 gallons of heavy fuel oil per hour."23:09
nsh     Even at its most efficient power setting, the big 14 consumes 1,660 gallons of heavy fuel oil per hour.23:09
kanzurestop reading my brains23:09
nshengines are cool23:10
* nsh disappears in the cloud of green smoke23:11
QuantumGI wonder how much somhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W%C3%A4rtsil%C3%A4-Sulzer_RTA96-C23:12
QuantumGya know what would be nice?   a price tag23:12
kanzureif you have to ask, you can't afford it23:14
QuantumGeven a ballpark would be nice23:14
QuantumGare we talking $M's or $B's?23:14
kanzureprice tag: a ball park23:14
kanzure(no, rly)23:14
kanzurehow much do those go for anyway?23:14
QuantumGthat's what I'm asking :)23:14
kanzureno, i mean, ballparks23:15
QuantumG$M's I think23:15
kanzurethat's all?23:15
QuantumGwell, maybe $B's for mega-stadiums23:15
kanzuremy would-be high school was $90M and wasn't that large23:15
kanzurei see23:15
QuantumGjeez, what they do, get NASA to build it?23:15
QuantumGwell, the company that makes them had net sales of 4.6 billion euros in 2008.23:17
kanzurehow many of them could they be making :P23:24
kanzurei imagine you could get some good numbers on how many oil tankers there are in the world23:24
kanzurei.e. average oil tanker has this much storage; this much oil is transported per day; and that company has a certain percent of the market share; and new ships need to be built or replaced once in a few years (?)23:25
kanzuremeh a lot of work :/23:25
kanzurehm, i played with virtualbox once before but not lately23:31
kanzurehas it improved?23:31
QuantumGits ok23:41
QuantumGui is shit23:41
ybitkanzure: it's fine, i run win xp and ubuntu on vbox23:45
ybiti've even got win 7 but my sys crawls when running it23:46
QuantumGwas it virtualbox that recently did DirectX->OpenGL support recently?23:49
QuantumGapparently so23:49

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