
--- Day changed Fri Feb 26 2010
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kanzuredoes anyone have a copy of buechley_LilyPad_adopt.pdf ?00:16
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* QuantumG just inhaled a coffee00:40
flamti forgot about my coffee00:48
flamtyou're my caffeine hero00:48
QuantumGsee the latest focus fusion post?00:49
QuantumGPreliminary Evidence of Angular Momentum Effect00:49
QuantumGgraphs and shit00:49
flamtno! is that plasmoid related00:51
flamtim most skeptical about xray to voltage conversion still but hopeful00:51
flamthopeful. some big lab is also doing DPF but all that could be cover for classified or black fusion projects you hear rumblings of00:51
flamtthe big ones00:51
flamtyou know00:51
flamteven eric lerner himself could be00:51
flamtjust to draw eyes away. i don't know00:52
flamtbut i hope he gets over unity00:52
flamti think he will00:52
flamti think he will.00:52
fenngo away00:52
QuantumGyep, they've got data to back up their hunch that putting angular momentum into the field increases the plasmoid heat.00:52
flamtfenn go fuck yourself00:52
kanzurefenn: welcome back?00:54
flamthttp://boards.4chan.org/x/res/3648294 almost whole thing is up00:54
flamtimplant story for those who care00:54
flamtsee grant morrison's story about businessmen driving possess crackheads from the boardroom with vr headset 00:55
flamtcharles stross's child porn themed story 'generation gap'00:55
flamtand that new comic in hplus one time about rich guys' kids using their android doubles for mischief00:55
flamtall about this very real topic00:55
flamtgoodbye ,_,00:55
fennbaypiggies was nice, some things i learned about: clonedigger, searches for copypasta in your codebase. cyclomatic complexity analyzes the number of unique paths possible. and python-restkit which probably sucks00:56
kanzureyeah restkit was mentioned on the baypiggies web page00:56
kanzurezach, bre and adam have put in a crapload of work into makerbot.com it looks like00:57
kanzurethey are either doing it wrong or it's really that hard to sell makerbots00:57
kanzureor they are just playing it up00:57
kanzurenot really sure what's going on.00:57
kanzure1k kits sold, $750/kit, they're on batch 14 (not sure how many per batch)00:58
kanzurethat's not really stellar performance00:59
kanzureis it?00:59
fennno, not really00:59
fennhuh. a transcript of the newbie nugget from baypiggies: http://simeonfranklin.com/blog/2010/feb/25/python-code-quality/01:04
kanzure"the first reason is that i suck. the second reason is that you suck."01:05
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kanzurewhat's this about code complexity? huh?01:07
kanzurefenn: what do you think about datapkg's method of just having fake packages all over the place?01:13
fenni haven't looked at datapkg01:14
fennwhat's a "fake package"?01:14
kanzurebasically you try to datapkg install <name of a package here> and it can't do it because the package is just in name only and isn't actually useful01:14
kanzurei dub those "fake packages" because they might as well not exist01:15
* Utopiah thinks wget works well but that it's still an interesting effort01:15
kanzurebut rufus insits01:15
Utopiahthey add a single point of reference, licenses, date of update, format of data, ... maybe it will become really useful with APIs in different languages to use their functions directly within your code (maybe OpenDBX , ODBC, ... in the futur)01:18
Utopiahflamt: if you want to advertises your links out of context, you might want use a trigger script...01:20
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genehackerflamoot what's this critterdrug thing01:25
kanzurefenn: QuantumG: i get the feeling that freenode doesn't actually have any admins or sysops01:26
genehackeroh shit 01:26
QuantumGkanzure: search for a FAQ somewhere I guess01:27
kanzurethe FAQ says to register the channel, and i did that 2 years ago01:27
QuantumGsurely there's commands that you send to some bot01:27
kanzureyou must be a channel operator in order to register a channel01:28
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katsmeow-afkso did anyone goto #freenode about the channel?02:31
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Utopiah(BioMoby ยป What is MOBY? http://biomoby.open-bio.org/index.php/what-is-moby/ interoperability between biological data hosts and analytical services)05:09
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fennO_o  "Hash trees were invented in 1979 by Ralph Merkle"05:31
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fennpainfully reading http://steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2008/03/get-that-job-at-google.html  (skip down to "tech prep tips")05:37
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fennblog.okcupid.com is fascinating... actual data on human behavior!06:41
fennthe js graphs are cool too06:42
katsmeow-afkit's all heterosexual tho, so it's skewed somewhat, somehow06:46
fennthey usually provide same-sex graphs separately, if it's relevant06:48
fenn"Either something very sad happens to a woman at 40, or something incredibly awesome happens at 39. Hard to tell."06:53
katsmeow-afki didn't notice anything06:54
fenndo you have an okcupid profile? :P06:55
fennthe graph for that one is pretty amazing06:55
fenngoes from 85% "the best days of my life are ahead of me" at 39 to 49% at 4006:56
katsmeow-afkmine hit zero ~3006:56
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fennmore fascinating data from okcupid: "Generally speaking, the colder it is, the more likely you are to hate yourself. "07:44
katsmeow-afkthat's generic depression from being restricted by weatehr07:46
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.08:37
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kanzure(steve's attempt at explaining suresh)09:53
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JayDuggerAh, kanzure, did you post the link you intended?10:07
JayDuggerThat's from Robin Hanson, not "steve."10:07
kanzurehttp://www.thingiverse.com/rss/tag:makerbot zach implemented a new feature this morning. woopdiedo10:21
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kanzurei guess i should get over myself and starting making "virtual" skdb packages that have no content / bullshit content (like .stl files)10:23
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kanzure"Yes, I'm bitter. I'm surrounded by pointy-clicky types who insist on procedural thinking when writing queries. Set theory? What's that?" didn't know that happened10:30
kanzurethat was re: http://developers.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1563946&cid=3128496410:30
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kanzuresomeone just dropped a link reminding me of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaced_repetition10:40
kanzurehm the majority of the links from the last 48 hours that i've come across have been *given* to me10:41
kanzurethis is not normal10:41
JayDuggerDo you look gift horses in the mouth?10:45
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JayDuggerAnd the fellow complaining of procedural thinking in queries should work where I do.10:47
JayDuggerI've a manager who doesn't know the difference between a model and a database and a texture, and only one co-worker who doesn't need "falsifiable hypothesis" explained to him.10:48
JayDuggerComplaints come cheap.10:48
kanzurewhy are people just now learning about http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2009/03/open-source-har/ ? in the past 3 days i've got more links to this than i would care for..10:50
JayDuggerThink of those incoming links as time trials for meme propagation speed through your social network.10:51
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NoahjIt's important to look gift horses in the mouth in case they're carnivorous 11:44
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kanzurewtf? http://www.cbc.ca/olympics/blogs/postblog/2010/02/emergency-shipment-of-condoms-headed-to-olympic-athletes.html14:43
katsmeow-afki liked the comments better14:47
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kanzurecan anyone give me a reason to be interested in "the internet of things" other than a sense of FOAF?17:37
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thesnarkhey kanzure17:46
thesnarkthat was a nice writeup you had on your facebook17:46
kanzurethanks :)17:46
kanzureare we still doing the eeg project eventually?17:46
thesnarkhah, I hope to, yes :) I'm incredibly busy with 2 jobs and school atm =p17:47
thesnarkkanzure if things go the right way I will be down there working for somebody this summer17:47
thesnarkso we'll be in a close physical proximity17:47
thesnarkit will be great to be able to actually discuss and do things in person17:48
kanzureis AIM or OSCAR down?17:48
* thesnark is unsure17:48
* thesnark tries17:48
thesnarkworks for me17:49
kanzurehm it works for one of my usernames but not the other17:50
* thesnark gasps17:50
thesnarkthey're on to you!17:50
kanzureaha, there it goes17:54
kanzurewell that took forever17:54
kanzureanyway, yeah, it'd be good to meet up17:54
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kanzurefenn: aren't you into that? don't you have a rant you can give me about why i should be gaga about "the internet of things"?18:28
kanzurehow is this not the same thing as stuff like "the global brain"18:32
kanzureholy crap, google did something useful with its social search.. it brought up ybit's link to http://singularityu.org/news/2009/07/david-orban/18:34
kanzuresorry this just doesn't interest me.. am i missing something18:36
katsmeow-afkyea: the reason you are reading things that don't interest you18:38
katsmeow-afk"If all objects of daily life, from yogurt to an airplane, are equipped with radio tags, they can be identified and .... " and i hope the used yogurt is not tracked as intact yogurt18:40
kanzurehm bricophone?18:42
kanzure"I was at CES in Vegas a few weeks back. They were showing microwaves with Android, refrigerators with Android, weight scale with Android. All devices interconnected, talking one to another. All syncing data among themselves"18:49
kanzureew why would you want your fridge running android18:49
kanzureer, that was from http://www.funambol.com/blog/capo/2010/01/chumby-and-internet-of-things.html18:49
* kanzure still doesn't get it18:49
kanzurei'd like my fridge to be on the network, sure, but android??18:49
kanzureopening soon? it's already open.18:58
kanzuredna breakout: http://www.natasha.cc/image1.htm19:06
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kanzurehi michael__ 19:10
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michael__hey, hm I don't know why my name changed19:11
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timschmidthowdy everyone20:01
* timschmidt is 25 parts into printing a 90 part set of RepRap parts.20:02
QuantumGhey tim, what did you think of my link set the other day for metal printing?20:03
timschmidtdidn't see it...20:03
timschmidtgot it handy?20:04
QuantumGBryan Bishop = kanzure20:04
QuantumGTrent Waddington = quantumg20:04
timschmidtI've seen the tech before...  it's interesting, but (though I'm sure the knowledge is out there) I haven't seen any easily approachable lasers or high-wattage electron beams or such for hobbiests.20:08
timschmidtmaking it technically possible for one guy to create something usable from scratch, but hard to get any traction in a collaborative setting20:08
QuantumGdon't confuse NASA's overengineering with the concept20:11
QuantumGthey're using fill wire to make stuff20:11
QuantumGelectron beam welding is just the highest technology way to do it20:11
timschmidtI, for instance, would love to experiment with such a machine, hack on the software for it, etc.  But without an existing PCB design for the business end, and easily source-able parts, I'm SOL.20:11
QuantumGwhat if you used simple arc welding instead and a helium filled work chamber instead of vacuum.20:12
QuantumGthe RepRap2 is a "movable platform, fixed head" right?20:12
QuantumGso, put it in a box and flood the box with helium.20:13
timschmidtIt certainly sounds simpler...  but the same issues still apply.  Someone's going to have to educate us non-welders about what to buy, where, and how not to kill ourselves doing so.20:13
timschmidtMendel (RepRap v2) has a head that moves in Z and Y and a bed that moves in X.20:13
QuantumGreplace the head with a mig welder and connect the return lead to the platform20:13
* QuantumG is a (poor) welder20:14
QuantumGI've done a 3 week course on mig and know how it works20:14
timschmidtI'm working with several others on a gridbeam RepRap skunkworks project to support development of powder printing as well as more robust milling in which the head moves in X, and the bed moves in Z and Y.20:14
timschmidtAFAIK, there are no current repstrap designs in which the bed moves in X, Y, and Z.20:16
timschmidtwhich is not to say it couldn't be done20:16
QuantumGwell, I was imagining the bed moving in XY20:16
QuantumGand the head moving in Z20:16
timschmidtThe mcwire functions like that20:16
QuantumGbut whatever design works, you're the reprap guy :)20:17
QuantumGpoint I'm trying to make is, a MIG welder is just a wire extruder20:17
timschmidtvery true20:17
QuantumGwith voltage running from the wire to the work20:18
QuantumGyou could conceivably do it with an unmodified MIG.. only putting the shield gas where the wire is arcing20:18
QuantumGbut if you're making a robot it's a lot easier to just put the robot in a box and fill the box with shield gas20:18
katsmeow-afki would think you'd then accumulate a *lot* of crud in the air in the box20:20
katsmeow-afkit would deposit out and interfere with the welding20:20
timschmidtone thought...  welding produces all sorts of fun metal compounds - often as gasses or airborne powders.  Plus the shield gas.  This would have to be done in a well ventilated area...  preferably in a garage or shop setting.20:20
katsmeow-afkyeas, i think the enclosed box won't do20:20
katsmeow-afkplus the heat20:20
katsmeow-afkyou'd be dumping 100's of watts, if not kilowatts into the box20:21
QuantumGyep, all of those fumes come from either:  the workpiece, or the inability of the shield gas to block 100% of the surrounding air from getting into the arc20:21
katsmeow-afkQuantum, plus vaporised metals20:22
QuantumGthe wire doesn't vaporize20:22
* katsmeow-afk has a different opinion20:22
timschmidtAnother thought...  you'd have to invest in a quality 100% duty cycle welder.  Lincoln or the like.  Harbor Freight welders seem to be 20% duty cycle or similar.20:22
QuantumGwhen was the last time you welded anything katsmeow?20:22
katsmeow-afkthe otehr day, i have a growlbox and a wirefeed20:22
katsmeow-afkyou have obviously not seen my boat webpages20:23
timschmidtI'm not attempting to shoot holes in the idea...  just thinking through the details.20:23
QuantumGya, I think "try it" is the best way to think through the details.. but maybe others disagree.  20:24
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katsmeow-afktim, best to sort it out in your head, it's cheaper than sorting out the hardware20:24
QuantumGpeople do this stuff manually20:24
timschmidt"try it" before thinking about whether or not to have good ventilation gets you dead.20:24
katsmeow-afkyeas, building up an object by laying beads down is common, just not in a sealed box20:25
QuantumGwho said anything about a sealed box?20:25
katsmeow-afk[20:19] <QuantumG> but if you're making a robot it's a lot easier to just put the robot in a box and fill the box with shield gas20:25
QuantumGyep, did I say sealed?20:25
QuantumGwhat I said was "box" and "helium tent" .. 20:26
timschmidtit's implied if you want to keep your shield gas around20:26
katsmeow-afk[20:12] <QuantumG> what if you used simple arc welding instead and a helium filled work chamber instead of vacuum.20:26
katsmeow-afkchamber and "able to contain vaccumn" implies sealed20:26
QuantumGit's not like I invented helium tent welding20:26
QuantumGsigh.. shall I explain helium tent welding?20:27
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kanzureQuantumG: there's not many search results on google for it, so yes20:27
katsmeow-afkheck, in an open space in winter with forced air vent, i've had 4ft dia steel that was too hot to touch for an hour, i don't think you want that much heat in a box20:27
* QuantumG stops talking now20:28
kanzureQuantumG: please explain tent welding20:28
QuantumGI dunno why this channel has to be so confrontational all the time20:28
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kanzurefuck you too20:28
katsmeow-afkme too, i am obviously all wrong, there's no reason the shielded arc gun was ever invented20:28
timschmidtthere's nothing confrontational about figuring out the particulars of an idea...20:29
katsmeow-afki suspect overall, keeping the environment the way you want in the box/tent/whatever will cost you more in many terms than using a regular helium flow wirefeed gun in the open20:30
timschmidtRepRap already has the ability to do cooldown pauses between layers...  I see no reason something similar couldn't be done for this20:31
* katsmeow-afk nods20:31
katsmeow-afkskip welding will tend to get the temperature down for the same heat input too20:32
timschmidtAnd it's not as if laser sintering is energy efficient...  additive construction of metal objects is obviously worth the power budget for many things.20:33
katsmeow-afkkeeps my boat ribs from warping, and allows me to keep welding, pausing only to powerbrush slag off20:33
timschmidtcolor me curious...  I'd like to build a bigger machine (than a mendel) from metal bits before testing it though.20:34
timschmidtI assume the welder has some sort of trigger?  A circuit we can just hack a fet or something into in order to get extrusion control...  Are there different speeds?20:35
katsmeow-afkyeas, and yeas20:35
timschmidtspeed control is a pot generally?20:35
katsmeow-afkit's just a low voltage feedback to the 12v feed motor's pwm controller20:36
timschmidteven better20:36
katsmeow-afkand fwiw, those feed motors look susiciously like some windshield wiper motors20:37
timschmidtSounds very reprap-compatible.  20:37
katsmeow-afkthe guns with the 2lbs spools on them have smaller motors, of course20:37
timschmidtI bet you could hack one onto a set of stock reprap electronics without so much as an added circuit, and even use the stock software stack to produce usable output.  Maybe not _great_ output, but something recognizable.20:38
katsmeow-afkyeas, you can buy the entire gun assy for a current source for cheap, if you build the wire feed and gas handler, and you already have the current sourse20:39
timschmidtcurrent is rough.  pretty much every RepRap uses a stock PC power supply because they're cheap, and powerful enough.  But that won't work for a welder.20:39
katsmeow-afki think the gun is $200 at HF , ordered as a repair/replacement part assy for their wirefeed welders20:39
katsmeow-afkorder it from Miller and it's $90020:40
timschmidtand am I right in assuming that the duty cycle of the welder is essentially determined by it's power supply?20:40
katsmeow-afkthe new switcehrs will run all day at full output, no problem20:41
katsmeow-afkthe older hunky 240v 60hz transformers need cooldown time20:41
timschmidtshould be do-able then.  Where does one acquire such a power supply, and importantly, helium?20:41
timschmidtor argon or whatever20:42
katsmeow-afki buy from Airgas South, but thelocak yellow pages fromt he telco can be a friend20:42
fennnuclear fusion reactor20:42
katsmeow-afkAirgas S can get me whatever gas or mix i want, in many sizes, leased tanks or purchased20:42
timschmidtfenn: a nuclear powered fabber of any sort would be quite nice to have...  post-apocalyptic fabbing, here we come!20:43
katsmeow-afki don't use the wirefeed so much lately, but i keep an account open for oxygen tanks20:43
timschmidtand the power supplies?20:44
katsmeow-afkgenerally, you buy them, you can make them, you can even use a slightly modded growlbox as a source20:44
katsmeow-afkdifferent people have different preferences, some build everything, yo can find lots of stuff with google20:45
timschmidtfair enough20:45
timschmidtwhat would you expect to pay for a decent one?20:45
katsmeow-afkyou will need lots of voltage compliance to keep the current in your ballpark as you move the wire moves, the plasma moves, etc20:45
katsmeow-afkhmm, i haven't priced them in 25 yrs, i dunno20:46
katsmeow-afka wire feed all set up with fancy options and ready to plug in and use, very power efficient, 1 yr guarantee, etc etc, prolly $200020:47
timschmidtnot too terrible20:48
timschmidtbuilding the pinchwheel wire feed mechanism should be hard.  Lots of experience with that sort of system within the RepRap community.20:48
katsmeow-afkask at your local friendly arc welder repair/sales place, see if they have something used in 20yr old technology they can throw you,,, but agian, the newer the better20:48
katsmeow-afkthe pinch system needs to accommodate a range of wire guages,, if you use a range of wire guages20:49
timschmidtright...  not too much of an issue20:50
timschmidtplus, with this sort of system, I think you could get away with a single wire gauge.  20:50
katsmeow-afkyou definitely want high voltage arc start circuit, and arc stabilisation circuit20:50
* katsmeow-afk nods, i use only one guage20:51
timschmidtIt's pretty much single purpose.  Not exactly asking it to weld any two random pieces of metal together.20:51
timschmidtOK, I'm going to be AFK for a while.  Off to help another reprapper20:52
* katsmeow-afk draws dirty pics of 74abt374 and 74ac32's and things20:53
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kanzuredurr? jerry just sent an email to om because he's discovered a new programming language called QT22:00
katsmeow-afkQT is new?22:01
kanzurenot at all..22:03
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kanzurei wonder what's next?22:10
kanzure"jerry discovers `ls`"22:10
kanzureor "jerry discovers ncurses"22:10
kanzurewell at least he didn't reinvent the wheel. i'll give him that22:13
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fennthis guy is my new hero: http://okcupid.com/profile/RyogaVee/pictures23:24
fennor should i say "hiro"23:30
kanzurei can't stop laughing :(23:33
kanzuremy face hurts23:33
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kanzurestill laughing23:44
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kanzurehttp://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/tags incomplete view of it (it's not counting people that have been written down only once)23:50
kanzureand obviously some of this seems to be off23:50
kanzurelike, ybit never was talking about oct-tree23:50
kanzureand "john minarcik" was never talking about austin hacker association23:50
kanzureyeah wait, this is all wrong23:51
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kanzurehttp://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/tags2 hrm. what's with the dupes23:56
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