
--- Day changed Thu Mar 04 2010
CIA-47pyscholar: kanzure master * r5378eee / doc/url.txt : link to python-spidermonkey to execute javascript in a python script - http://bit.ly/bj4JmY00:02
CIA-47pyscholar: kanzure master * rec1e91f / sciencedirect.py : given a link to an abstract on sciencedirect.com, sciencedirect.py downloads the PDF - http://bit.ly/9iQz4700:02
kanzurecan i hear a "hell yeah"?00:02
kanzureno more waiting for annoying popups to get a pdf from sciencedirect :)00:05
katsmeow-afki did that with php years ago for a few sites00:06
kanzureyeah but you never released your code00:06
katsmeow-afkactualy, i did00:06
katsmeow-afkancient history, it's all gone00:06
katsmeow-afkthe sites don't exist anymore00:07
kanzureis it on web.archive.org at all?00:07
kanzure`papers2/thesplitcp/Methyl group as a probe of chirality in Raman optical activity.pdf' -> `/mnt/externia/nature/papers2/thesplitcp/Methyl group as a probe of chirality in Raman optical activity.pdf'00:07
* kanzure hopes this will finish in time00:07
katsmeow-afki doubt it, other pages i had online in that time frame weren't archived either00:08
katsmeow-afkheh, even as a .txt, and no opening <? , the server is trying to run it00:12
katsmeow-afki broke it with text, fill in your auth tests as neded00:14
katsmeow-afkthe only site i left in it may not be the same format any more, i didn't test00:14
katsmeow-afkwith intellicast serving 150k html for a 60k gif, and me on dialup, i often simply cold not get their pages before timeouts occured00:15
kanzureweird, diveintopython.org is down :(00:16
katsmeow-afkdive in topy thon, eh?00:16
katsmeow-afki think that was php v4.x too, maybe v500:17
CIA-47pyscholar: kanzure master * r3093f44 / (9 files in 5 dirs): sweet-and-simple DOI resolver - http://bit.ly/dx4Z4t00:26
-!- spvensko_ [~spvensko@] has joined #hplusroadmap00:28
ybitsex robot, what's not to like00:30
katsmeow-afka blow up doll with a tape deck00:31
ybit22:30 < QuantumG> kanzure: the ACM programming competition does something like that00:31
ybiti attended one of these about 4 years ago00:31
ybitibm sponsored most everything00:31
QuantumGI hate them00:32
spvensko_bkero: you owe me a beagleboard write up :P00:32
QuantumGthey're math competitions with a programming element00:32
bkero-legacyspvensko_: I do?00:33
kanzurespvensko_: you might be able to get fenn to do that writeup00:33
bkero-legacyWhat do you want to know about one?  I have one in a box that I fried.00:33
spvensko_yes bkero, you were talking about doing a beagle board write up several months ago in #bioinformatics, i'd forgotten about it til i saw you in here00:34
bkero-legacyspvensko_: I can answer any questions you might have :)00:34
spvensko_i may PM you some questions a little later if that's okay, i don't want to be too off-topic in here00:34
kanzurehow'd you fry the poor guy :(00:34
kanzurespvensko_: nah, some of us are building wearable computers00:35
kanzureout of beagleboards00:35
kanzureso it's on-topic00:35
spvensko_ah, in that case, what did you use for a "case"? i've look at altoid cans, etc. but i'm not sure what's suitable since i don't have one in front of me00:35
bkero-legacyMy crimpers accidently slipped on my desk and fell onto my keyboard tray, right on top of the beagle.00:35
bkero-legacyspvensko_: There's a nice $20 jigged acrylic case that is sold for the beagleboard.00:35
-!- katsmeow-afk is now known as katsmeow01:02
kanzuregah why is #bioinformatics more interesting tonight01:03
kanzureyou guys suck01:03
-!- tari [~adam@2610:130:115:b00:223:54ff:fea4:a5fb] has joined #hplusroadmap01:09
kanzurehey tari01:09
kanzurewhat brings you here? :)01:09
tarijust checking it out01:09
kanzurewe were just talking about microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip stuff a few minutes ago01:09
taricouldn't tell you what those are, unfortunately01:10
kanzureer, miniaturized biology laboratory :)01:10
tarion a chip, though?01:10
* kanzure nods01:10
tariwell, what kind of chip?01:11
kanzureplastic of some sort01:11
tariso chemical reactions through small tubes?01:12
kanzureyep. but also biology lab equipment on a small scale, like sensors and thermocyclers and heat and the cold01:13
kanzurei'm growing kind of tired over here so i might randomly fall asleep01:13
tarialright then01:13
kanzurebut last year when i was talking about this, this happened: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/msg/1197606e3c3dc43901:14
kanzureit might make for interesting reading (maybe not)01:14
kanzuredepends on how you got here :)01:14
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 40 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 40 normal]01:14
tariI found heybryan.org01:15
kanzureoh! that's me :)01:15
tariI had a feeling it was01:16
tarinice that some people actually talk on some of these irc channels01:18
* katsmeow agrees01:19
* katsmeow slowly leans over and falls asleep01:21
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk01:22
-!- hplusbot [ybit@dhcp-84-36.me.utexas.edu] has quit [Quit: Ctrl-C at console.]01:26
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ybitUtopiah: do you have the Facts on File - Genetics Edition 2010 book? The torrent has been stalled for days now01:28
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]02:09
Utopiahybit: nop sorry02:15
-!- futuresoon [~futuresoo@cpe-68-175-67-66.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap02:30
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-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 40 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 40 normal]02:51
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap05:57
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:3001:55a8:52c6:ef50] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]06:41
-!- nsh [~nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has quit [Quit: Leaving]06:49
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:422:84a2:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap07:00
fenn"It surprises to find fenn watches that much TV."  I have a high hypnotic quotient. I NEVER initiate the tv-watching myself.07:05
fenn"debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it."07:09
-!- klafka [~klafka@] has joined #hplusroadmap07:12
fennthe chronicles of externia07:15
JayDuggerYou are getting very sleepy...07:16
JayDuggerYour eyes are getting heavy...07:17
fennre: beagleboard write-up, wtf is a "write-up"?07:17
fennmy initial assessment is that booting your distro of choicr is harder than it ought to be07:18
fennJayDugger: i just woke up07:19
Utopiah(KSRM Table of Contents Page http://www.molecularassembler.com/KSRM.htm 07:19
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JayDuggerI meant to test your hypnotic quotient, but fell victim to my own mesmeric prowess.08:01
-!- Noahj [~noah@ip68-230-157-203.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]08:19
-!- hundred-ideas [~100ideas@209-6-54-14.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap09:06
kanzurehey hundred-ideas 09:07
kanzurehow did quantified-self go last night?09:07
kanzurehm also it seems i still haven't replied to your email. this sucks09:08
hundred-ideashey kanzure it was a little boring09:14
hundred-ideasi stayed for the first hour, which featured "10 minute" talks about the zeo sleep tracker, a user of the zeo sleep tracker and his analytics, a group attempting to to "self futures" prediction or some nonsense09:15
kanzurespvensko: ok, 60GB of nature copied to a fresh external drive09:21
kanzurei'll be taking it by sneakernet to a faster network today09:21
-!- hundred-ideas [~100ideas@209-6-54-14.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has quit [Quit: hundred-ideas]09:54
fennhmm he left09:56
fennsupermemo is exhausting.. i feel like i'm training for a marathon :)09:58
kanzuretold you09:58
kanzurehey how are you running it?09:58
fenni'm using anki, not supermemo09:58
fenni guess i should say "srs" as the generic word09:58
kanzureoh yay another TLA09:59
fennok ok "spaced repetition" good?09:59
* kanzure adds it to his nonexistant collection (er, dictionary)09:59
kanzureyeah spaced reps09:59
kanzuremakes it sound like bodybuilding09:59
kanzure20 push ups, 50 put downs, 200 putters, 1400 spaced reps09:59
fennit doesn't convey the sense of an increasing interval09:59
fenn"spaced repetition" makes me think you do the same thing every 2 days or whatever09:59
fennmaybe i'll use "graduated interval" instead10:00
-!- root_ [~root@CPE00222d1cc6d1-CM00222d1cc6cd.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]10:02
fenni dont suppose you want to learn japanese10:02
kanzuresure, why not10:02
kanzurealso, i was always taught to never ever log into an IRC network as root10:02
kanzurewhy hasn't flamt been hacked to hell and back yet?10:02
fennoh, cool. so, apt-get install anki, then go to file->download shared deck and get the "core 2000 vocab and listening" step 110:03
fennthen get ready to memorize memorize memorize!10:03
kanzurecouldn't find package anki10:03
kanzureit found pyscrabble though10:04
kanzurelibfinance-bank-ie-permanenttsb-perl - perl interface to the PermanentTSB Open24 homebanking10:04
fennanki is in debian-stable, wtf are you running10:04
kanzurelibaqofxconnect5 - library for OFX online banking10:04
kanzureaha, there we go10:06
kanzurefor some reason i had *only* lenny/unstable and lenny/volatile10:06
kanzurenot smart10:06
fennoh,  you should probably start with hiragana10:07
fenn(there's a deck for that)10:08
kanzureit's anki 0.9.6 and there's no "file" or any other menu item with "download shared deck"10:09
kanzureoh, there's deck->import10:09
fennthat's for opening local files10:09
kanzure"not syncing, username or password unset"10:09
fennnot sure where the shared decks are actually hosted10:11
fenni'll just upload it to you10:11
-!- root [~root@CPE00222d1cc6d1-CM00222d1cc6cd.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #hplusroadmap10:13
-!- root is now known as Guest6200410:13
JayDuggerLOL. Anki has a Newspeak deck. Awesome.10:17
fennsorry for teh slowness: http://fennetic.net/irc/Hiragana.tgz10:19
fennuntar that in .anki (it's a tarbomb)10:20
-!- spvensko [~spvensko@] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep]10:22
fenn"he" sounds like "hey" and "hi" sounds like "hee"10:22
fennwo->oh  a->ah  ra->la  fu->hu10:23
kanzureso, i've been working on this dev server that someone left off at my house10:24
kanzurethe previous coders were sharing an svn repository10:24
kanzurebut it looks like one of them didn't know how to use it10:24
kanzureso they just modified the copy of the svn repo in /var/www/10:25
kanzurenow i'm left trying to figure out what should be kept and what should be thrown away10:25
kanzurei think all the dwoo template changes should stay i guess10:25
fennburn it all!10:25
kanzurei'd very much like to10:25
fennyou could import it into git and then merge in /var/www10:25
kanzurefor some reason /var/log/apache2/* was all owned by root10:26
kanzurebut apache2 runs as www-data on the box10:26
fenni find it's not worth the effort to preserve peoples' weird-ass systems10:27
fennset it up the correct way, make sure it works, if so you're done10:27
fennresistance is futile!10:27
kanzurehave you ever seen someone developing a website under svn?10:27
kanzureamong multiple developers? this is terrible10:27
kanzurehow would you know if your change to the php source is going to do what you think it will?10:28
fennbetter than no svn?10:28
kanzureyou have to commit before you test10:28
fennnot necessarily10:28
kanzuredo tell10:28
fennuh, well when i was doing a php website i just ran all the php/mysql bullshit on my laptop before uploading10:28
kanzureyeah but they have these super-large databases of ridiculous size10:29
kanzurewhich i guess i can remotely connect to10:29
fennwhat does the size matter?10:29
kanzurewon't fit on my laptop10:29
fennthen make up some data10:29
kanzuremore "open" stuff that's really just cc3.010:30
fennwhat's wrong with cc?10:31
kanzureit usually means it's not software10:32
kanzureso i've learned to doubt that the people who are doing it know what "open source" refers to10:32
fennwell, sometimes the data is good10:32
kanzureisn't nist supposed to be doing this10:33
fennthat's what i thought10:33
fennwe should bomb them10:33
fennoops did i say that10:33
kanzureedward you might stop you: http://www.fbi.gov/hq/nsb/wmd/images/hrtppe.jpg10:33
fennoo scary10:33
kanzure(he's the special agent assigned to diybio)10:33
fennwhat he doesn't know is that i am also a ninja10:33
kanzuretheir web page sucks too! http://www.fbi.gov/hq/nsb/wmd/wmd_home.htm10:33
-!- hundred-ideas [~100ideas@dhcp-147-137.harvard.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap10:33
kanzurehey hundred-ideas 10:33
-!- Guest62004 [~root@CPE00222d1cc6d1-CM00222d1cc6cd.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]10:34
fennhundred-ideas: was the "future self" person a red headed british woman?10:34
hundred-ideasfenn: no, it was a finnish? guy who used to work at nokia10:35
kanzurei updated the doc: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/1kfriend.ly.pdf10:36
kanzurei'm thinking: free up to 100 connections or friends, then $25/year and $1 for every 100 extra connections, or some sort of logarithmic price breaks :P10:44
kanzurethe current alternative is subscribing people to private mailman mailing lists and managing those mailing lists and sending out updates10:46
kanzurebut then people get multiple emails if you subscribed them to more than one of your lists10:46
kanzureand the management overhead kinda sucks for that10:46
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]10:47
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futuresoonsvn is awesome btw10:54
futuresoonnever used it with multiple people, actually, but i don't think that's a problem10:54
wonklabIt does pretty well with multiple people as long as they know what they're doing.10:56
futuresoonif it's highly modular, but there's a lot of module permutations to keep track of, svn is good10:56
wonklabSome of the gui wrappers suck, though.10:56
wonklabIt's nice writing papers and grants in latex using version control.10:56
futuresooncombinations rather10:57
futuresoonpelletized biomass -> pellet stove -> closed loop steam engine -> hot sauce10:58
UtopiahMeet the new revolutionaries of the Do-It-Yourself cultures VPRO 2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqpVe9kNbhg11:25
kanzurewonklab: have you tried distributed revision control like git, bzr, hg?11:38
fennthat gizmodo article pisses me off11:42
fenn<- got trolled11:43
fennwell, for one "apple is doing it, so it's automatically not a 'revolution'"11:45
fenn2) single man businesses are not fucking awesome??11:45
fenn3) a single man business runs behind production schedule, OMFG11:46
fenn4) diydrones is cool11:46
fenni'd continue but nobody cares, and then i'd have to read it again11:46
fennpublic service announcement: if you want to print an SVG at kinko's, export to pdf first11:47
wonklabkanzure: I've used git and github a little.11:47
wonklabWe've used svn in the lab for a few years, though.11:48
klafkaChina Is Not A Robot is  a great title11:48
klafkaor possibly the name for some neo-folk band11:48
fenni don't get it11:48
fennwhat's the alternative to making low-volume batches in china?11:49
fennmaking low volume batches yourself?11:49
fennhow is that any better?11:49
klafkai suppose11:49
fenni mean, not by hand at least11:49
klafkapresumably you will allow yourself better working conditions than the factory owner allows their workers11:49
fennwhat if i don't? what if i'm a fucking loser bum and i sleep at the computer lab11:49
fennthey don't use prison labor to do low volume manufacturing.. it's too complex11:50
klafkathey don't have to use prison labor they just have to have shitty conditions11:50
wonklabMaybe you could go hang out at the plant in China and see how things look.11:50
wonklabChill with the workers.11:51
fennwonklab: i'm going to do that11:51
wonklabSounds pretty fun to me.11:51
fennwonklab: i'm just juggling language s right now a11:51
klafkareally i think the alternative should be someone should make a real 3d printer11:51
fennnot sure whether to learn korean or mandarin first, or fix up my japanese11:51
fenn"real 3d printer" as in molecular nanotech? nothing else will ever be good enough11:52
klafkaprobably mandarin11:52
klafkafenn, yep11:52
fennok nano boy, get right on it11:52
wonklabDoes Japanese make learning Mandarin harder or easier?11:52
* fenn whips klafka with a carbon nanonoodle11:52
klafkai think it has little relevance11:52
klafkai'll stick to biomolecules11:52
klafkathese are things i know about11:52
klafkananotech seems to be complicated physics, p-chem, and chemical engineering11:52
klafkafuck that11:52
fennwonklab: easier because you already recognize some of the characters and root words, harder because everything's totally fucked11:52
wonklabI'm studying the ribosome, and that's a pretty decent molecular assembler.11:53
klafkaalso tones11:53
klafkawonklab, did you see the group that created a ribosome taht can accept 4 nucleotide codons?11:53
wonklabYeah, it seems like there's so much overlap in the characters that that might get confusing.11:53
wonklabklafka: yeah11:53
wonklabThat sort of thing has been done before.11:53
klafkaoh really?11:53
klafkaor rather11:54
klafkait didn't go anywhere huh?11:54
wonklabAnd people have been adding new amino acids to the genetic code for several years.11:54
klafkai wonder would a 4 nucleotide codon make tRNA binding more stable11:54
klafkaso you have less wobble?11:54
wonklabBeats me.11:54
wonklabI think sometimes you get slippage on the ribosome and subsequent frameshifting because some tRNA binds 4 nucleotides from the mRNA.11:55
wonklabThere's a guy Peter Schultz who's done a lot of novel amino acid stuff.11:55
klafkafenn, like in the standard genetic code there is a lot of duplication with the first nucleotide because the wrong tRNA binds sometimes11:55
fenni've heard of that happening in dna copying in some viruses, but not transcription11:55
klafkathat's why the genetic code is redundant11:56
wonklabthis is in translation11:56
fennerm, yeah. translation11:56
klafkatranslation is probably the most error prone isn't it wonk?11:56
wonklabBut similar slippage errors happen in transcription, too, I think.11:56
* fenn needs a supermemo for molecular biology11:56
wonklabI don't know if translation is more error prone than transcription.11:57
wonklabReplication is definitely high fidelity, though.11:57
klafkait seems to matter a lot less for both transcription and translation than replication11:57
wonklabI put some biochemistry in supermemo.11:57
wonklabLike pKas of various chemicals, and I'm working on the metabolic network.11:58
klafkawhat is supermemo ?11:58
wonklabA flashcard program.11:58
fenndna slippage: http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/media/tri_nucleotide_repeat-lg.mov11:58
wonklabYou use it each day, and it gives you a set of cards for that day.11:59
fennit's more than just flashcards, it models your forgetting curve and shows the card just before you forget11:59
wonklabAnd if you miss stuff, it shows up more often.11:59
wonklabThere's like an exponential decrease in the frequency of cards you keep getting correct.12:00
fennanyway the point is you actually learn stuff and remember it ten years later, unlike school12:00
wonklabBut you have to keep up with it daily.12:00
klafkai see12:00
klafkaidk i'd rather just learn what i use12:00
klafkamaybe i should do it w/ theorems though12:00
fennthat's the point though, you don't learn unless you review months and years later12:01
wonklabIt's especially good for foreign language vocabulary.12:01
wonklabYeah, I put in a bunch of math and physics.12:01
fennmodern biology == foreign language12:01
wonklabStuff that just shows up sometimes, and it's good to have on hand.12:01
klafkado you do it every day?12:01
wonklabOtherwise it builds up.12:01
klafkafor like how long?12:01
wonklabIt depends on how many cards you're putting in and how well you're doing.12:01
wonklabUsually just a few minutes.12:01
klafkawth no osx12:02
fennuse anki, the open source clone12:02
wonklabI started a couple of years ago.12:02
fennwonklab: what do you use it for?12:02
wonklabjapanese, german, math, chemistry, and biophysics12:03
klafkashit though12:03
wonklabI'm slowly going through kanji.12:03
fennhow does chemistry work?12:03
klafkawhere was this when i was an undergrad12:03
wonklabI put in pics of organic groups.12:03
wonklabAlso, I put in a bunch of stuff for the periodic table.12:03
fennok so not reaction mechanisms12:04
wonklabI don't really deal much with chemical reactions.12:05
wonklabAnd when I do, it's just one or two that are really specific.12:05
wonklabI've got a bunch of stuff from the enzyme commission in, though.12:05
klafkaactually i could totally use this for studying measure theory12:06
klafkabasically all of math12:06
wonklabLike E.C.6 is ligases and E.C.2.1.1 is methyltransferases.12:06
wonklabI hope I got those right.12:06
wonklabI put in a bunch of stuff from group theory.12:06
klafkathe problem imo w/ math is that you can make really awesome discoveries by sort of cross-pollinating theorems 12:07
fennthat sounds like memorizing ISO standard numbers12:07
klafkabut it requires you to have really good recall and insight12:07
wonklabThere aren't too many E.C. numbers that I care about.12:07
wonklabBut it's been useful.12:07
wonklabSort of gives a general feel for the chemical capabilities of enzymes.12:07
wonklabThe top level groups are stuff like oxido-reductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, and ligases.12:08
klafkathat does seem pretty useful actually12:08
wonklabIt's got a tree structure to the numbering convention so you can go as deep as you care to.12:08
klafkasort of like GO12:09
wonklabI feel like supermemo is good for memorizing a bunch of facts that you can use as scaffolding for building your web of knowledge.12:09
wonklabGene Ontology12:09
fennhm i'll have to look into that12:09
klafka*nod, that's why it seems especially appealing to me for theorems12:10
wonklabSome of the theorems don't make a whole lot of sense at first, but if I get interested, I'll go check them out.12:10
wonklabAnd math books tend not to give the best motivation for what you really need to know and what you don't.12:11
fenngene ontology refers to the chemical pathway? what if the gene doesn't actually do anything (not an enzyme)12:12
klafkagene ontology is a way of representing genes and gene products across species and stuff 12:12
wonklabklafka: You ever actually used GO for anything?12:13
klafkayeah wonk12:13
fennyeah but they seem more concerned with what the product does than, say, what promoters it has12:13
klafkaumm mainly w/ this gene network reconstruction program via literature12:13
klafkai used GO to grab geneids for say a related batch of genes, then ran the associated microarray probes through this12:14
wonklabGO seems good for genome annotation.12:14
klafkaalso i'm trying to do the opposite, basically from microarray annotation build the files that this program needs to do the literature mining12:14
klafkaone of the things it needs for every probe id is a genbank accession # though12:14
klafkawhich is driving me crazy12:14
klafkasince they are non-unique12:15
fennok now i see it.. "transcription regulator activity"12:15
kanzureoh shit, they be reading my brains12:29
kanzurewonklab: did you ever see fenn's writozyme idea?12:43
kanzurelots of notes on polymerase papers in general: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/ellingtonia/polymerase/2008-06-03.txt12:44
kanzurebeta clamp magic: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/ellingtonia/polymerase/2008-06-06_beta_clamp.png12:44
kanzureaha here we go: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/ellingtonia/polymerase/retarded_polymerase/12:45
fenncool, wifi in the park13:25
fennsomehow it took them an hour to read a file from my SD card at kinko's... in the meanwhile i browsed their material sampler, then got bored and uploaded it to the net and downloaded it onto their computer13:26
fenntotal cost: $1.1813:29
fenneven as a bum my time is worth more than that13:29
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futuresoonbiomass pelletizer -> pellet stove -> closed loop steam engine -> electricity14:19
futuresoonya dig?14:19
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nshi wonder14:28
nshwhy we can't oxidise straight into electricity14:28
futuresoonsolid oxide fuel cells are awesome14:28
futuresooni meant something you could build for less than $2k though14:28
futuresoonplus you could put a steam engine on the axle of a car today14:29
futuresoonbut a big SOFC won't fit as they exist today14:29
futuresoonor they'd cost a ridiculous amount14:29
futuresoonSOFC is like your big power system and this is like super-reliable backup for when your fuel cell modules crack14:30
nshi guess someone else wondered that too then :-)14:30
* nsh nods14:30
futuresoonhttp://bloomenergy.com is doing well14:30
futuresoonthat's a SOFC company14:30
futuresoonmy thinking is to take a SCWG supercritical water gasifier and have its standard output go to the fuel cell's standard input14:30
futuresoonthat way you could do wastewater treatment as well as organic hydroponics as well as electricity14:31
futuresoonbut i'm thinking of stuff that could work today as well14:31
futuresoonso biomass pelletization it is i think14:31
futuresoonnsh: you know QCAD?14:33
nshunfortunately not14:33
futuresoonanyone in here know QCAD?14:34
nshi bet some people in #qcad do 14:34
nshoh, except it's an empty channel14:34
futuresoonhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhW4p0tpnAE <---- fairly simple design i think14:35
futuresoonthe LifeTrac motor from http://openfarmtech.org/weblog is 5000 inch pounds14:35
futuresoonthe casing can be welded metal, say half an inch thick or so14:35
kanzurehttp://www.hubbell-automation.com/ in a meeting with these people14:36
futuresooni've found rollers and a die set for $499 but i wanted to know how one roughly would make specs for a set in QCAD, whether that's difficult or easy14:36
nshoh, i was hoping that article was about making smarter dumb, kanzure 14:36
nshas in, edging the bell curve to the right a little14:36
fennwhat do you mean "know qcad"14:41
fennit's a drawing program14:41
futuresoonknow enough to say whether it's a drawing program is more than me14:41
futuresooni'd like a QCAD version of this thing http://ascof.com/uploads/userup/0808/2611135Y412.jpg14:42
futuresoongiven that i am a complete beginner, do you think i can figure that out?14:42
futuresoonor would it just be impossible14:42
fennyeah but i'd use inkscape since it has hex grid capability14:43
futuresoonthis thing is basically a pellet mill----1 mm separation between the roller and the die allows a carpet of biomass to form. a motor rotates the die and out pops pellets14:43
futuresoonoh, cool i know someone who's very good with inkscape14:43
fennyour mechanics probably want it in dxf thoguh with means qcad14:43
futuresoonthese holes aren't hex btw14:43
futuresoonthey're circular14:44
fennok do you have a better picture of one of these things?14:44
futuresooni have video one sec14:44
fennno, dont want video14:44
fennwant larger pic, directly facing camera, no crap in the way14:44
futuresoonthe video takes the machine apart14:44
futuresoonthat useful?14:44
futuresoonthis is the best i could find then14:44
fennok, dimensions?14:45
futuresoonthese are sort of like it http://www.generaldies.com/index.php?blk=dies-and-roller-shells14:45
futuresoon1/4 inch thickness die, 6mm die holes14:45
futuresoondon't know much about the rollers, i can only estimate that the die is probably 6 inches diameter14:45
fenndo you actually want to manufacture this?14:47
futuresoonmanufacture the die on site at replab using something like these http://www.onlinemetals.com/merchant.cfm?pid=2047&step=4&id=8&top_cat=114:48
futuresoonby drilling14:48
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futuresoonsource the rollers elsewhere, china probably14:48
fenndon't buy round.. get plate and cut it out on a bandsaw or plasma, then turn if needed14:49
futuresoonwhy? cheaper?14:49
fennactually CNC plasma would be the best way to go14:49
fennonlinemetals says $65/each14:50
futuresoonyeah, so we can bring that down huh14:50
futuresoonokay i'll look into that too14:51
fennalso plate will be flatter and since you're doing cnc plasma you dont have to do anything except let me make the file14:51
futuresoonyeah it's all going to be CNC14:51
futuresooni have this group for uploading files and discussing changes: http://replab.sigmanode.com/pelletmill/dashboard14:53
fenni dont think 6mm is right14:53
futuresoonwhy not?14:54
fenni just drew the grid @ 8 mm and it looks too coarse14:55
fenntrying again 6mm grid spacing14:55
futuresoon6.5 inches was an arbitrary choice. maybe 6 inches is better14:57
futuresoonbut stick with whatever you've got14:57
futuresoonanother picture http://www.makeyourownpellets.com/wp-content/uploads/image/Pellet_Mil_Die_Rollers.JPG15:00
futuresoonthis one's straight on but it's tiny http://img.tradekey.com/images/uploadedimages/offers/1/5/A17402-20090903073115.jpg15:01
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fennanyone know what "el taragna" means?15:06
fenncould be "teragna" too15:06
futuresoonnope. google translate doesn't know15:07
futuresoonanother picture http://www.kingstarmachinery.com/cp/html/?85.html15:09
futuresooni think there's some kind of groove in the center so that a motor can fit in there and turn the die15:09
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kanzurei have the naturedump uploaded, who wants15:11
futuresoonwhat's a naturedump15:11
futuresoonweb crawler?15:12
futuresoonpython? beautiful soup?15:12
kanzurejust the papers15:12
fennfuturesoon: http://fennetic.net/irc/pellet_grid.dxf15:13
kanzurei'm convinced they don't know what they're doing15:14
fennfuturesoon: on the first image you showed, the left and right arent even the same design15:14
futuresooni meant the one with the rollers, sorry15:15
fennanyway those are 5mm holes on a 6mm grid15:15
futuresooni see15:15
futuresoonso i can open this file in qcad huh?15:15
fenni dunno, can you?15:15
fennthe problem with etacts is that it's not facebook...15:16
fennfuturesoon: i put the actual stuff you want to cut on the layer named "holes" - click the eye next to layer 0 to hide the construction lines15:19
futuresoonokay. i'm just trying to make qcad's readme correspond to reality atm15:20
fennhm i learned it by clicking around15:20
futuresoonactually i've abandoned my attempts to install it according to the readme and i'm just apt-getting it so no prob15:20
fennbetter strategy15:21
futuresoonyeah for reelz15:21
fenndebian ftw15:21
futuresoonthis is kick ass15:21
futuresooni'll upload this with a note like "fenn of #hplusroadmap on freenode did this"15:22
futuresoonsounds good?15:22
fennkanzure: do you know what's the story behind this massive ad campaign for "single mom discovers trick to turn teeth white at home"15:23
fennfuturesoon: i'm ben lipkowitz if it matters15:23
futuresoonben lipkowitz it is then15:23
futuresooni remember that now from that hplus summit video15:23
fenni get around :P15:24
superkuhkanzure: I'm interested in the nature papers. URL?15:26
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futuresoonfenn: http://replab.sigmanode.com/pelletmill/node/4915:31
futuresoonthat's you, buddy :-)15:31
futuresoonawesome work15:31
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futuresoonyeah i totally see now what you're talking about with the hex grid15:32
fennfuturesoon: openID login doesn't seem to work? "only site administrators can create new user accounts"15:34
futuresoonfenn: oh i haven't tested that yet15:34
fennok, just FYI nobody can see anything unless they log in15:35
futuresoongive me your email and i'll make you an account Ben Lipkowitz password: changeme15:35
futuresoonreally? damn15:35
futuresoonone sec15:35
futuresoonlemme change that15:35
futuresoonit's here at least15:35
fennso many languages to learn15:37
fennpart of the reason i want to live forever is so i can learn all of them15:37
futuresoonnatural or programming?15:37
fennat least they don't invent 50 new natural languages every year15:38
Phreedomfenn: actually a lot more languages die every year :)15:48
Phreedommostly because they are useless15:48
fennno way15:48
fennI don't count "dialect" as language15:49
fennmost computer languages are actually just dialects anyway15:49
* nsh muses15:53
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fennguh.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2230_Basic_Kanji.svg16:16
fennthis map is fucking stupid16:22
fennthey're all out of order16:23
Phreedomfenn: you expect any kind of order or system in arcane hieroglyphs?16:23
Phreedomjust ask some fairy to fix the pic then ;)16:25
fennleft of lower right corner is where they should start16:25
fennPhreedom: the map represents the sequence japanese schoolkids are taught16:27
fenni can't just wave a magic wand at it16:27
fennok i was confused, it's actually SKIP (a lame alphabetization system)16:33
kanzurefenn: no, i don't know the person behind that ad campaign, but i hate him anyway16:34
ybitwas sent to me16:41
ybitfab lab start up general budget16:41
ybityear 1 total: $312,610, year 2 total: $222,558, year 3 total: $222,55816:42
kanzurewhy did someone send that to you16:47
kanzureso, i'm buying a: nokia n900, droid nexus, motorola droid, iphone 3GS, palmp ree, blackberry bold 9000/9700/8300/8310/8320/pearl/pearl flip/storm/tour/8800, motorola moto q, anything else?16:48
kanzurebecause you bitches aren't using my money fast enough16:51
kanzureand it's a cross-platform development environment i'm constructing16:51
kanzureplus testing :/16:51
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klafkahey i can spend money plenty fast 16:54
fennsend me a nexus one plz16:55
fennwhy do you want so many cellphones though16:56
fenndon't you know cellphones are evil?16:56
fennthere's no such thing as a "droid nexus" btw16:57
kanzuregoogle.com/phone whatever the heck that is16:57
fennmaybe you meant droid eris16:57
fennnexus one is the google phone16:57
kanzureNexus One or something16:58
kanzurebtw, yes i know this is all evil16:58
kanzurethe $2.5k/phone 2-year-contract deal bullshit is kind of annoying too16:58
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* ybit can't seem to grep to the part of the logs where the rent-a-car on campus web links were17:40
ybitanyone recall the name17:40
ybitJayDugger: i think you responded17:41
JayDuggerJust awake for a quarter hour, and no coffee yet.17:41
ybitthat's it :)17:42
ybitthank you JayDugger 17:42
JayDuggerYou're welcome, ybit.17:43
ybitnow, does anyone recall that ground nutrient sensor system that looked like a plant itself?17:51
kanzureybit: i don't have access to that google docs spreadsheet re: fablabs18:21
futuresoonybit: botanicalls18:23
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ybitkanzure: http://ybit.ath.cx/text/fab_lab_start_up_general_budget.html18:32
ybitfuturesoon: that came to mind, but that's not it18:32
JayDuggerThat's a second-rate oscilloscope.18:37
JayDuggerSorry, on the general budget table.18:37
JayDuggerAdequate, at best.18:38
JayDuggerCan't gold-plate everything, I admit.18:38
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kanzure""how a big site like MySpace uses thousands of cloud computing cores to do performance testing on its live site. There are some really great numbers in there from the performance tests, like generating 16GB/second of bandwidth and 77,000 hits/second during testing (not including the live traffic on the site at the time).""18:42
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kanzureybit: what's the general terms on distribution of that spreadsheet18:45
kanzureis it cool if i, say, send that to the press18:45
ybitkanzure: i'm not sure, i can let you know when i get a response18:52
ybitit was sent to my from sherry lassiter @ mit18:53
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ybiti'm looking into making the hackerspace affiliated with the fab lab network18:53
JayDuggerWhich hackerspace, ybit?18:54
ybitthe one i'm working on creating here18:54
ybithere == florence, alabama18:54
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ybitthe core of the equipment though is about $25-50k 18:56
ybit..the min. set of equipment for a fab lab18:56
JayDuggerOpposite corner of the state from Dothan, got it.18:56
ybit1hr away from huntsville18:56
JayDuggerLocal news full of doom & gloom about Constellation cancellation?18:56
JayDuggerYes. I assume so, since Huntsville lies so close.18:57
ybit85% of the population ascribes to that type of stuff i'm sure18:57
ybitafk, pizza time18:57
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QuantumGyeah, the Constellation people have fought a very effective campaign.19:03
QuantumGbarely 5% of pundits even mention that the Constellation program was never going anywhere cause it has always been underfunded19:03
JayDuggerYeah, I know. Meanwhile Bigelow & Boeing claim 2014 is no problem for their launcher.19:04
JayDuggerI'd love to know if Bigelow and Blue Origin talked, but that's pretty off-topic for #hplusroadmap.19:05
QuantumGnot if kanzure got the job with BO19:07
JayDugger"Here's your NDA, Meat. In blood, sign here, here, and here. Initial each page, and kindly underline section 35 (c), 'First-Born Child.' You may line through the section on adoption, that's just a standard clause which doesn't apply here."19:09
JayDuggerPerhaps B.O. HR doesn't have the same kind of people as my employer, but I doubt it.19:09
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fennconstellation was retarded19:42
fenni'm just glad they finally killed the shuttle19:42
parolang`Well, moon base sounded cool :)19:44
parolang`But the rest of it sounded lame.19:45
JayDuggerLet me NOT play the tape of STANDARD SPACE RANT #2. 20:15
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JayDuggerVideo of a Contraptor drawing a circle (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6Xhl5fGJpk)20:39
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hundred-ideasJayDugger: have you checked out the MTM project at the media lab?20:42
fennthere's no plans or source or anything.. bastards20:42
fennhm, ok now the pcb mill has files20:43
fennwhat was the big directory of machines that students had made20:48
fennthis is what i was thinking of http://mtm.cba.mit.edu/20:49
JayDuggerhundred-ideas, No, I hadn't. Thank you for the reference.20:49
JayDuggerfenn, yup...stingy bastards.20:49
fennmakes me want to cry20:50
fennhalf of them are 40420:50
hundred-ideaswhat is needed?20:51
fennfiles for "fluxmacutter"20:52
hundred-ideasanyone know anything about http://biotechinstitute.org/index.php?20:53
NoahjFluxamacutter's far from finished20:53
NoahjBut yeah, the MTM site sucks 20:53
NoahjEmail shawn@as220.org, he's the guy building the fluxamacutter20:53
fennfuck i don't know.. tell them to get a clue20:54
fennPDF's are not cad files20:54
fennphotographs are not cad files20:54
fenndrawings in crayon are not cad files20:54
NoahjMost of the fluxama-projects are currently in more of a fuxama-project state 20:54
NoahjDXFs are cad files, right?20:55
NoahjAre SVGs cad files? 20:55
fennobviously most of these things were designed in a cad program at some point20:55
NoahjOr do you mean cad.py cad files :-p20:55
fennsvg is good.. i'd rather not be forced to use cad.py20:55
NoahjThe fux... er, fluxamacutter wasn't designed in a cad program20:55
NoahjIt was designed in inkscape :-p20:55
fennsbp is bad because it's currently only implemented by shopbot, even though supposedly it's open20:56
NoahjBut yeah, Shawn'll have those SVGs. Lion/tiger/bear in mind that we don't have a working one yet 20:56
NoahjIt's pretty much just a pretty box with some laser cut bearings and some threaded rod 20:56
fennand how about putting some license info and other metadata while you're at it20:57
fenndescription of the machine's capabilities: work envelope, rapid speed, cutting speed20:58
NoahjIt doesn't have any capabilities yet20:58
fennthe pcb mill looks functional20:59
NoahjBut I'll ask Shawn what the target is 20:59
NoahjYeah, the A-Z mill works 20:59
NoahjThe one we built at AS220 isn't currently in working condition but we just haven't set up the stepper drivers yet 20:59
fenni fucking hate this mit bullshit21:00
NoahjI saw a demo of the first one, though, and it's quite nice 21:00
fennwhat exactly does "Permission granted for experimental and personal use." MEAN??21:00
fennevery time you ask someone they just sort of shrug, like it doesn't matter because nobody is ever going to do anything with it anyway21:00
NoahjYeah, it's probably more constructive to ask them for permission to do specific things or classes of things 21:01
NoahjOr forgiveness for the same ;-)21:01
fennhow about i ask them to license it as GPL21:01
fennfucking universities21:02
NoahjDoes the GPL work for physical objects?21:02
* fenn goes back to sleep21:02
fennonly if they're copyrightable21:02
fennwhich means basically never21:02
fennonly if it's mickey mouse21:02
fennthe copyright is for the cad files21:03
NoahjMakes sense21:03
NoahjMaybe creative commons is more appropriate 21:04
NoahjIs the ambiguity about the distribution of the files? 21:05
NoahjI'm pretty sure "experimental and personal use" covers anything you could call an experiment 21:05
hundred-ideasmedia lab is weird, they get a lot of corporate funding, so they sometime superficially support open source but don't actually release21:05
fenni really doubt the students care about that21:06
fennthey are just incompetent21:06
NoahjI've met a couple MIT students who care about licensing 21:06
NoahjBut most people I've talked to don't. 21:06
NoahjIt's a shame how many things are made, not documented, and then put on a shelf 21:09
NoahjThe fablabs have all been pretty bad about that21:10
NoahjIf I'd built anything significant I'd license it under CC-NC-SA...  21:15
NoahjI'll go license my insignificant projects as such 21:15
fennwhy NC vs BY?21:21
fenna huge problem is nobody knows how to interpret "non-commercial"21:22
fennand it's stupid anyway21:22
fennif someone sells your design, that's a good thing21:23
fenner, i mean if they sell the finished product21:23
fennSA means they can't charge for it i think21:23
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NoahjAh, I didn't know SA covered that 21:24
NoahjI don't care too much about BY21:24
NoahjActually, I don't care at all about BY 21:24
fennthat's the dividend though21:24
fenngo read about gift economies21:24
NoahjI have a friend who licenses everything under all licenses not under themselves 21:24
fennso you are the "anonymous donor" eh?21:25
NoahjNah, not me, I'm not anonymous, I'm not anyone 21:25
fennin that case why not just do public domain?21:25
NoahjI'll consider BY when I want to be accountable for my work21:25
Noahj*held accountable for 21:25
NoahjThe problem with gift economies is that if people can trace my work back to me I might end up with an angry mob 21:26
NoahjEr, at best, I doubt anything I've done is that significant 21:26
fennor a happy mob21:26
NoahjPublic domain stuff ends up used as clipart and other awful nonsense 21:26
NoahjI'd rather businesses in general stay away from things I've made, unless they're businesses I control 21:27
fennso does CC stuff these days, see clipart.org or whatever21:27
NoahjThat's fine, I mean "clipart packs" 21:27
NoahjThere're businesses which just repackage public domain things and sell them 21:27
fenni don't really see what's wrong with that at all21:27
NoahjWhich is fine, but I don't want things I've made to be included in those packages 21:27
NoahjYeah, there's nothing wrong with that21:28
fennplease explain why you don't want someone to do something that's totally ok21:28
kanzurethis worked for me: http://www.tineye.com/21:28
NoahjI mean, it's unlikely anything I've made's worth selling 21:28
NoahjI can't explain that21:28
NoahjI can explain why I don't want someone to do something that's not okay with me21:28
NoahjThe distinction I'm trying (and failing) to make is that I still want to exercise that much control over the content I produce21:29
fennthen don't use a permissive license21:29
NoahjBecause I'm selfish and don't want people who didn't make it to profit from it21:29
NoahjEr, not to profit to profit...21:29
NoahjI'm fine with people benefiting from it, but not profiting from it :-p 21:29
NoahjYeah, luckily, my choice of licenses doesn't matter, because I don't produce content worth distributing/utilizing/etc.21:30
fennyou should work on that21:31
NoahjIt's more important than choice of licenses...21:31
NoahjI think that's what the MIT students are doing21:31
fennunfortunately their machines arent that good21:31
NoahjBetter than their licenses 21:32
fennthere's some awesome stuff coming out of PERG but none of it is open licensed (and they aren't interested, more like "how can we get more patents")21:32
Noahj"This machine's design files are under a license exactly as permissive as the quality of the machine"21:32
fennyou are allowed to redesign the machine 0.001" in any direction21:33
fennreminds me of http://xkcd.com/287/21:34
NoahjOh man21:43
NoahjI hadn't worked that out until now 21:43
NoahjI'm facepalming at it 21:43
NoahjSeven orders of mixed fruit works fine 21:44
fenni'm guessing you didn't go for the general solution21:44
NoahjI can't produce a general solution though 21:44
-!- parolang` is now known as parolang21:46
JayDuggerPERG? 21:50
JayDuggerNot www.lesley.edu/perg.htm or www.physics.umd.edu/perg/ ?21:51
fennin particular this guy has some awesome stuff http://rogercortesi.com/portf/index.php21:51
fennit's like ... Engineering *gasp*21:52
fennalso i sort of go into a nice place when i think about this: http://pergatory.mit.edu/perg/awards/TURBOTOO.html21:53
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap21:54
fennapparently they are part of CBA21:55
fennthat's "center for bits and atoms"21:55
NoahjPERG is?21:56
NoahjIt doesn't look like it...21:56
fennyeah i think they are ashamed or something21:56
NoahjThe CBA's all the way on the other side of campus 21:57
NoahjMaybe there was a schism or something 21:57
fennCBA is currently contributing support to: ..... Alex Slocum (Mech. E.)21:57
-!- hundred-ideas [~100ideas@209-6-54-14.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap21:58
fennalso see for example fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/MIT/960.07/03.19/error_budgets.pdf21:58
kanzurefenn: noah is well aware of CBA :P21:58
NoahjNot aware enough to know about PERG 21:58
kanzurei met noah via stalking david dalrymple (my CBA insider, sort of)21:59
NoahjHe's more MMP now 21:59
fennthe ai rehash project21:59
kanzureoh well21:59
NoahjJonathan apparently uses structural loops in his milling machine22:00
fenni think it's more of a funding strategy actually22:00
fennuh.. all machines use structural loops22:00
fennits like saying "i use electrical circuits in my arduino"22:00
hplusbotkanzure: Error: "!!1" is not a valid command.22:00
fennwtf is that thing for22:00
hplusbotfenn: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.22:00
hplusbotfenn: Error: "fuckoff" is not a valid command.22:01
fenni hate bots22:01
kanzureybit is using it to log apparently, but he fails at logging22:01
hplusbotfenn: Error: "bookmark" is not a valid command.22:01
hplusbotkanzure: http://adl.serveftp.org/irclogs.txt22:01
NoahjEr, yeah, I meant something more like "has small-ish structural loops" 22:01
kanzurethat's basically the only command it does22:01
kanzureit probably also does22:02
hplusbotkanzure: Error: "roll" is not a valid command.22:02
kanzureoh yay 22:02
NoahjI'm going to sleep, it was nice not lurking for a while 22:02
kanzurei *hate* this bullshit excitementism22:04
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]22:05
ybiti do suck at logging22:06
kanzureybit: just set up an irssi session for hplusbot and have irssi send logs over to /var/www/irclog.txt22:07
ybithttp://www.asc.edu/ :: alabama supercomputer authority22:09
kanzurei think jonathan wrote most of this page? http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ/Projects22:13
kanzurehm there's nothing on the web about "excessive excitement" 22:18
kanzureexcept a few pages that relate it to anxiety disorders22:18
kanzureheh maybe bre pettis, zach et al. have anxiety issues22:18
kanzure`Uncover Ways To Prevent A Dog From Unwanted Urination22:18
kanzurehim to that situation until it no longer causes excessive excitement`22:18
kanzurethe effects of excessive motivation on sports: http://medwelljournals.com/fulltext/TSS/2008/654-663.pdf22:19
fennare you on adderall?22:19
JayDuggerWow...error budgets...I wish I could make all my co-workers read this, and then THINK.22:19
fennyeah unfortunately spreadsheets are state of the art?22:20
fenni mean error budget is pretty basic if you think about it22:20
JayDuggerMost people I've worked with use spreadsheets for table design.22:20
fennshouldnt all cad programs have this functionality as default?22:20
JayDugger"What's a formula?"22:20
kanzurefenn: yes, why?22:20
fennit was the fifteen links about "excessive excitement" that gave it away22:21
JayDuggerError budgets are widely useful, not just in tool design.22:21
kanzurefenn: i sent only one, re: medweeljournals.com22:21
kanzurefenn: unless i missed something?22:21
fenndon't mind me, i'm grumpy22:22
kanzurecome on, surely you've noticed this22:22
kanzurewhere these bullshit "social media" people get *super-excited*22:22
kanzurebut are full of shit :(22:22
fennyeah i think they do it on purpose22:22
JayDuggerE.g., my boss, the fool, won't spend $100 on a 1TB external drive to reduce errors in database content that might cost customers and break FAA regulations.22:22
kanzureyes, i think they do it on purpose as well22:22
fennit's an excitement arms race, inflation, something like that22:22
kanzurebut excitement inflation isn't sustainable22:23
JayDuggerThe error budget for this project is quite tight.22:23
* fenn highfives parolang for being SO AWESOME!!!122:23
kanzureOH MAN22:23
kanzureGIMME SOME OF THAT22:23
parolangfenn: just meant I agree :)22:23
fennuh, BIFF22:23
kanzurei hate myself22:23
parolangSometimes I get the idioms messed up :)22:23
kanzure(in the sense that i'm sorry i subjected the channel to that)22:23
kanzureparolang: yes that was understood22:24
fennooh does the bot keep score?22:24
fenn!karma fenn22:24
hplusbotfenn: Error: "karma" is not a valid command.22:24
parolangoh...the excitement thing :)22:24
fenn!troutslap hplusbot22:24
hplusbotfenn: Error: "troutslap" is not a valid command.22:24
kanzureyou will _not_ be reincarnated according to hplusbot22:24
kanzurei guess congratulations are in order22:25
parolangFor an H+ bot, you'd think it'd have more functionality :)22:25
fenn!cryo-freeze parolang22:25
hplusbotfenn: Error: "cryo-freeze" is not a valid command.22:25
kanzureit's just a stripped down version of supybot22:25
parolangheh, like that :)22:25
kanzure!fix fenn22:25
hplusbotkanzure: Error: "fix" is not a valid command.22:25
fenni couldnt think of anything22:25
fennwhat's the atheist version of reincarnation?22:26
parolang!fabricate exoskeleton22:26
hplusbotparolang: Error: "fabricate" is not a valid command.22:26
kanzurehow about !skdb-get install spaceship22:26
fennhmm an skdb interface would be possibly useful22:26
kanzurehow would it work22:26
kanzureooh ooh22:26
fenn!p <insert python command>22:26
hplusbotfenn: Error: "p" is not a valid command.22:26
kanzureso, datapkg has been doing packaging for data sets22:26
kanzurebut they don't actually package the data (for some reason)22:27
fennso they say22:27
kanzureand it's more like a registry but you download bits of the registry22:27
kanzurewhich makes *no* sense to me (how is that like apt-get? it's totally missing the point)22:27
fennwhat's a registry?22:27
kanzuredunno, but they call it a registery22:27
fennsounds windows-ey22:27
kanzureanyway, i've been meaning to bring up the idea of hollow packages without actual content22:27
kanzureso mostly just the metadata without anything useful22:27
kanzurein the hopes that, some day, someone will fill it in22:27
parolangRegistery is where you register things...probably meant generally.22:27
kanzureonce someone gets a clue that they should be making (gasp) real CAD data22:28
fennok, hollow away22:28
kanzurewell, the bot interface would be nice for that22:28
fennjust mark it as 'metadata-only unfinished' or whatever22:28
kanzuresomeone mentions yet-another-bullshit-open-source-hardware project22:28
kanzureand then we could do !create-a-package-for-this-and-add-it-to-the-server22:28
JayDuggerfenn: the atheist version of reincarnation is the food web.22:28
kanzureand it could interview us with some questions (or something) re: authors, links, whatever22:28
kanzureJayDugger: sounds a lot like caste :P22:29
fennJayDugger: i mean the technoprogressive model-all-atom-trajectories-and-reinstantiate-your-synaptic-network process22:29
kanzureoh, the omega point22:29
JayDuggerOh...let me know when you have a working example.22:29
JayDuggerTipler's a little too Christian for me.22:29
fennthere's no reason the omega point couldn't get stuck in an infinite loop22:30
kanzurealeph point?22:30
JayDuggerI think that's Nietzsche's model of the Eternal Return.22:30
kanzureer not what i wanted to show up in my search: http://www.aleph.se/Trans/Global/Omega/22:30
kanzurei should have expected anders to show up, but not for that reason ;)22:30
parolangEternal return is an interesting idea...but it's a scientific hypothesis which I think has been falsified.  But that's besides the point of the eternal return :)22:31
JayDuggerI would like to hear more about hollow packages.22:31
kanzurethough, there are some good links on that page22:31
kanzurehollow packages are utterly useless except as "IOUs" plus metadata22:31
* parolang is a Nietzsche junky :)22:31
JayDuggerMy long-stalled DIY book scanner gets a kick in the pants this weekend.22:31
kanzureis this a good kick in the pants or a bad one22:31
fenni would like someone to enter real data into skdb22:31
kanzurefenn: i don't think anyone has real data :/22:31
fennif making stub packages is the way to get started, so be it22:31
JayDuggerEh...If I get all my 45' of shelves scanned? Good.22:32
kanzurefenn: what do you think of the .tb file format? the one that "isn't yaml"22:32
JayDuggerMy current lease ends in June, and I move then.22:32
kanzureJayDugger: i have an open room22:32
fennare you sure that's not yaml?22:32
kanzurethey claim it's not22:32
kanzurei don't like their camelcase, dunno what's going on there22:32
kanzure- object ? (category ~ PrintedCircuitBoard & producer = Adafruit)22:33
kanzurethat makes mehfarts come out my butt :/22:33
fennthat doesn't make sense22:33
kanzurewell, my butt is an amazing thing22:33
fenni mean having it all on one line22:33
fenncategory and producer22:33
JayDuggerAnyhow, time to commute. Good night, all.22:34
kanzureodd how it's adafruit-only PrintedCircuitBoard objects 22:34
-!- hundred-ideas [~100ideas@209-6-54-14.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has left #hplusroadmap []22:34
fennwhat if you have multiple producers, you do an | (OR) statement?22:34
kanzurei guess22:34
kanzurebut why should you have to list out all possible producers in the definition file?22:34
fenn.tb is metadata only right?22:35
fenncategory ~ Thumbtack22:35
kanzureit has "required input" and "required output", and then another .tb file defines the steps22:35
fenni'm not going to cooperate with someone who refuses to cooperate22:36
fennthey can do whatever they want and i won't complain22:36
kanzurethat's so meta it's making my meninges cry22:36
kanzure"i'm not going to cooperate"22:36
kanzure"with someone who refuses to cooperate"22:36
fennyour arachnoid is fuzzy22:37
kanzurei don't get it22:37
fennlet thine pili fly freely22:37
kanzureare you implying that my meninges are in fact made up of fuzzy spider hair?22:38
kanzureit's not a very good insight, that seems to be the etymology of it..22:39
kanzurestub packages. guess i need to make a few examples22:40
fennso i want to get some practice with django22:40
kanzureare you sure22:40
fennwhat should i do? i mean i dont really need to make anything22:40
kanzurehere's my notes: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/django22:40
fenneveryone and his dog is hiring for django people22:40
fennbut i dont get it.. i mean you get to map url's and do python code... why do websites need this?22:41
kanzurei hate to say it, but a front-end to your log parser or something22:41
kanzuredjango is a project management framework more than anything22:41
fennnah that doesn't make sense22:41
kanzurebasically when you update your python classes included in your django project, the django python scripts that you call (like manage.py syncdb) update the database table structures22:42
kanzurewithout deleting the previous data, etc. etc.22:42
fennit chugs through the whole db and reorganizes it?22:42
kanzureno, i think in most cases it just throws some ALTER TABLE 'blah' ADD COLUMN 'guh' type varchar 255 22:43
kanzureshit like that22:43
fennwell that works i guess22:43
fennodd way to do data persistence if you ask me22:43
fennso i'm trying to sleep but it's not happening22:44
fenni almost bought melatonin today as an experiment22:44
kanzurei sent you a "super exciting email" a few seconds ago, if you're trying to find an excuse to stay up (re: pink army, mail-order drug design services, ..)22:44
fennandrew hessel needs supermemo22:45
kanzurei think his vision in that email is a little short-sighted22:46
kanzurethere's already other personalized medicine stuff showing up, he needs to push for developing a personalized platform thingy22:47
kanzureactually that email makes him sound really flat22:48
kanzurei'm pretty sure we've seen more interesting ideas out there already22:48
kanzuremeh http://blog.makerbot.com/2010/03/04/makerbot-survey/22:49
kanzurehttp://blog.styleguidance.com/post/406444907/ycombinators-etacts-steals-ballparks-layout <-- haha23:19
kanzuremore: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=114463323:20

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