
--- Day changed Sat Mar 06 2010
kanzure"EmoEngine (TM)"00:00
ybit2sounds similar "everything is a filesystem" in plan 9 from bell labs00:05
ybit2re: 23:59 < kanzure> weird, the headset is a web server00:05
kanzureBartlett's statistic?00:38
kanzurehuh, PCA :)00:38
kanzure"EmoDongle" heh00:42
JayDuggerDo you suppose Instructables would trade me a pro account for editing services?02:00
kanzure    Murphy's (First) Corollary: Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first.02:04
kanzureJayDugger: what's a pro account02:04
kanzureoh boy, yet another mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/makerbot-dev02:13
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kanzurehttp://www.hackfromacave.com/projects.html bluetooth hacking/phreaking stuff02:18
kanzurehuh: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/573768/sentiment-analysis-for-twitter-in-python02:29
kanzurewhois alexander sotirov03:01
kanzureand why did he turn up in my search for character frequency analysis03:01
kanzuresomething about project honeynet?03:02
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kanzurethesnark: http://etacts.com/09:32
thesnarkso is 1kfriend.ly done then?09:34
kanzurenot really :) etacts.com is only one half of the equation09:34
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kanzurei have residual and significant skin damage from attempts at inserting the electrodes10:11
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kanzurethe damage is to the fingers, not the scalp at least11:15
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kanzurethe electrodes are made up of three parts- a metal layer, felt, and plastic keeping the felt and metal layer together11:16
kanzurethe plastic is circular of course, and has these plastic spikes on the side that are supposed to be helpful for "clicking" them into the slots on the headset11:16
kanzurenaturally, these spikes hurt11:16
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fennthe part that touches skin is smooth?11:17
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kanzurefenn: when the headset is put together and on your head, only felt is touching your head11:22
kanzureer, and two rubber "electrodes" or thingies11:22
kanzurethey store the electrodes in what they call a "hydrator pack"11:22
kanzurewhich is just a way of storing the felt so that it doesn't dry out. they give you this little saline bottle to wet them so they don't irritate your skin for the inevitable 20-hour gaming sessions11:23
kanzureso, their website is absolutely terrible, and so is their business model11:23
kanzurethey have different .dll files for people with different licenses11:24
kanzureif you pay $1k, you get the .dll that has access to the raw EEG data11:24
kanzurebut otherwise, if you're an application developer or something, you have to use the dumbed-down .dll file11:24
kanzurewhich makes no sense to me because someone can just get the .dll and upload it11:24
fennoh i didnt realize they were wet electrodes11:25
fennso did you get the super dll file?11:25
fenni'm actually really surprised there isn't a linux driver for it yet11:26
kanzureworking on it :)11:29
fennwhy did you pick epoc vs OCZ neural impulse actuator, or some other thing, or all of them?11:31
fennok OCZ nia sucks, nevermind11:35
fenngoogle swedish translation is surprisingly good11:46
fenn"wearable remembrance agent" http://www.bradleyrhodes.com/Papers/wear-ra-personaltech/11:49
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fennSemikolon: have you been around here much? new nick perhaps?12:30
Semikolonused to be branstrom12:30
fenni can't figure out why i'm procrastinating on making a wishlist of cool stuff i want12:32
Semikolonfenn: There's no really great app for that?12:55
fenni'm going to use a spreadsheet13:22
fenni assume you were referring to http://xkcd.com/662/13:23
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fennwhere was this when i was in school... http://kanjidamage.com/15:24
genehackercan you read kanji fenn?15:25
fennsorta not really15:30
fenni know maybe 30015:30
genehackerdammit, so you can't translate Japanese papers for me....15:31
fenni wouldnt anyway15:31
genehackerspeaking of japan did you see that fanuc robot factory video?15:32
genehackerwhere they use robots to make robots?15:32
fennall lies15:33
fennomg this is all so true http://kanjidamage.com/tags15:44
fennhuh i wouldnt have expected "spaceship earth" to be in the dictionary15:52
fennthis is almost sorta like whuffie http://www.scripting.com/stories/2010/02/03/googlesTwowaySearchIsGoodF.html15:56
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fenn甘党 - member of the candy party16:43
fenni'm going to get that tattooed on my face16:43
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ybitkanzure: of the ~12,020 links which you have posted in here, do you recall the recent link of some group to further synthetic biology? it's a collaboration effort between colleges and they have a neat acronym for a name16:56
klafkabiobits? bricksomething also17:13
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ybitbiobits sounds like it, need to find the link to confirm17:23
kanzureybit: synthetic anesthetics?17:55
kanzurehow recent is recent17:55
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ybitrecent is this year19:34
ybitlinkage for biobits?19:34
ybitbricklets maybe...19:34
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klafkawell biobricks is real20:06
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klafkaprobably biobricks20:07
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ybitklafka: i've been aware of biobricks for awhile, it's related, but isn't what i was referring to, ended up just giving up on it21:20
ybithrm, this is vague: http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=503476&org=CISE&sel_org=CISE&from=fund21:22
klafka a lot of nsf grants are21:22
klafkathey are usually really buzzwordy21:22
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kanzureklafka: yeah, the last NSF grant i was working under was super buzzword city21:51
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kanzurewe had a population over 900021:51
NoahjWhat 900021:51
klafkathe most buzzwordy ones i saw were some of the cyberinfrastructure ones21:52
kanzureyep that's what this was21:53
kanzureit was called "virtual organization for innovative conceptual engineering design" under the cyberinfrastructure program21:53
kanzuresadly i am not shitting you :(21:54
klafkawe looked at one i can't remember which, we ended up going with an NIH grant for that proposal cycle21:54
klafkano i can completely believe that21:54
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kanzuremy mom claims she has 90min REM cycles and does a full days work in her (ridiculously lucid) dreams21:58
kanzureapparently she sleep walks, sleep talks, sleep types, and even sleep-breaks-up-with-men21:58
-!- any80927598 is now known as katsmeow22:23
genehackerso it's genetic then...22:35
kanzureis it?22:38
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kanzuremom's twin in the upper left: http://d.yimg.com/kq/groups/9200033/homepage/name/homepage.jpg?type=sn22:45
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JayDuggerGood evening.22:52
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JayDuggerQuitters. It's only 2319, CDT.23:18
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