
--- Day changed Tue Mar 09 2010
fennbah i picked the one time youtube is down to upload something00:04
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kanzurefenn: were you able to make the SF blue-obelisk dinner meetup?01:00
fennisnt that like march 20th? i totally forget either way01:03
fennritual mutilation of a cockroach: http://www.flickr.com/photos/48181031@N05/01:04
kanzureit might have been last night01:04
kanzurewtf is a "ganglionizer"01:05
kanzure"the idea was to hook electrodes up to the roach so that it could wirelessly control the robot,...  "01:05
kanzure"cyber roach exo-exoskeleton01:05
kanzure" YES01:05
kanzurelava lamp centrifuge: http://neil.fraser.name/hardware/centrifuge/01:08
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fenni have some videos which might be more explanatory, but youtube is being a bitch01:12
fennthey're in ~ /home/fenn/www if you want to see01:12
kanzureyoutube always takes forever to upload01:12
kanzuredamn it i want a cyber roach robot army now :(01:17
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kanzurehm skdb seems to be referenced here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jobless_recovery01:23
kanzurethis feels like paul fernhout01:23
genehackerthat was ybit I think01:28
genehackerfenn you're doing that?01:29
genehackerthat's awesome01:29
fennno that is tim marzullo's, i'm just playing with it01:40
genehackerlooks diy though01:40
fennbtw i toured livly/biocurious/whatever and fixed eri's bike in exchange for some cookies01:41
fennjohn doesn't want me to share pictures though so i won't01:41
fennthey have a pretty nice pipetter/plate changer robot01:42
fennwhat's joseph jackson's friend "alex"'s last name?01:44
kanzureer i need some more context01:45
fennneuroscience guy, glasses, hippie beard, beret01:45
fenni guess i'll just ask him next time01:45
kanzurewtf i didn't know jackie chan did singing? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t80k2sBZmY01:49
kanzurefenn: it might be alex hornstein <bridgewalker@gmail.com>01:50
kanzurehttp://artiswrong.com/projects.html doesn't seem to be much neuroscience stuff going on here01:51
kanzureoh that's right, he's from nublabs and is alec's partner in crime01:52
kanzurehe's probably too elitist to know joseph01:52
kanzuredoes anyone else think that chan video might be star wars kid in disguise?01:53
fennnope, thanks anyway01:55
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fennok here's the actual spikerbox demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bvFJev6yOM02:03
fenni guess my transcoding is not quite right because it processes after uploading instead of continuously like last time when i uploaded the aquarium stuff02:05
genehackeraquarium of the bay is sort of weak sauce compare to the Monterey bay aquarium02:06
genehackerMBARI has an underwater tele-research-station watchamacallit in the underwater canyon which is sort of cool02:07
fennyeah but it's still cool.. do they have tunnels in monterey?02:07
fennhow come i can't tag youtube videos with cc license?02:08
genehackerI believe so02:08
fennhmmm. "Auto-captioning combines some of the speech-to-text algorithms found in Google's Voice Search to automatically generate video captions when requested by a viewer. The video owner can also download the auto-generated captions, improve them, and upload the new version. Viewers can even choose an option to translate those captions into any one of 50 different languages"02:10
fenni'll believe it when i see it02:11
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kanzurefenn: how is emlyn o'regan already subscribed to you on youtube?02:34
kanzureoh, you're following emlyn02:34
kanzurethe rate encoding from a cockroach leg is pretty neat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC-Swg3vsa402:36
fennit was from the wave invite02:51
fenni dont think blowing on the leg is a very good demo02:52
fennit just sounds like he's blowing into the microphone02:52
fennwhich is what is happening, if you think of the leg as a microphone :\02:53
genehackera living microphone? Combine it with flesh acoustic transducers and well... ughh02:54
fenni was also here yesterday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wmgM-CrKEA03:00
fenni'm not good enough to do origami behind my back03:01
genehackersuperluminal computing03:59
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fennthis one's for katsmeow-afk: http://photos4.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/a/8/4/1/global_13423073.jpeg13:29
fenni realized i can automatically transform my lifelog data into a sql database and make a django based website for it13:59
kanzurefenn: yeah but what's the advantage of that?14:03
fenni get to learn django without boring myself to death14:04
kanzure22:41 < kanzure> i hate to say it, but a front-end to your log parser or something14:08
kanzure22:41 < fenn> nah that doesn't make sense14:08
kanzureyesterday hardly anyone wanted to talk with me14:29
kanzurefor some reason everyone and their dog- within the first 10min of me waking up- wants my opinions and advice14:29
kanzurecan't you guys distribute the load :(14:29
fennwhen was 22:41 approximately?14:50
fenni just had the most perverted idea in the shower14:51
fennand i'm totally going to do it, even if it takes years14:51
fennthis is what happens when you get foreign words stuck in your head14:52
fennbeware, american children14:53
fennlearn a foreign language and it will parasitize your soul14:53
fenni guess i should make a bloggish while i'm at it, and back-date some entries15:03
parolangfenn: What language you learning?15:04
kanzuresomebody wants to pay me to go to singularity university15:11
kanzureshould i go?15:11
Utopiahif you 1st goal is SKDB and going there would make it progress more than not going, then go.15:12
Utopiahbtw will you go to the conf on genetic programming with John Koza ?15:15
fennwhy is skdb the 1st goal?15:20
fenndoing something that matters is my first priority; if that's skdb or not is hard to determine15:21
* fenn mumbles some incoherent utilitarianism15:22
Utopiahright, and that's for you to determine, it's what makes you unique after all ;)15:22
fennkanzure: "should i go?" YES!15:26
kanzurewhy do you say yes?15:30
kanzurejust wondering15:30
fenn1) it blows all your other "business networking" events out of the water15:31
fenn2) it blows all your other "science people" events out of the water15:31
fenn3) tbd15:31
fennand you might actually learn something15:31
kanzuregasp! learnign?!15:36
kanzureokay :) good reasons15:36
* kanzure gets on a conference call with jacob shiach re: icenine (which is basically just gnusha except he hasn't admitted it yet (yes he's read the gnusha business plan doc))15:37
fenn"Stress Outsourced is a networked wearable system that allows users to send and receive massages anonymously. A new type of haptic social networking (or social therapy), SOS allows stressed individuals to send anonymous signals via the wearable to a global social network. In response, individuals within the network calm the stressed victim by sending them a “massage” stroke."15:39
fennunrelated, "the airborne ultrasound tactile display produces a pressure field in 3D free space"15:41
fenn(demo of ultrasound tactile display)15:42
Utopiahweird http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OT5jQCaM8Y15:45
UtopiahSuperpower Promo - Exploring the Extraordinary Power of the Internet - BBC "we are the people of the internet" (and we are kinda shady)15:45
kanzurehm jacob didn't say much15:47
Utopiah(Alpha demo of multi-scale connectome browser http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFXopLd7At8&feature=related 08 March 2010)15:47
Utopiah(bit like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv77bsaD1Sk somehow wonder what's the added value of visualization)15:49
fennUtopiah: i liked it15:52
fennthe superpower video15:54
UtopiahIll try to share links to BBC related shows as they show up15:55
Utopiah(Company to sell 'world's first practical jetpack' for $75,000 (w/ Video) http://www.physorg.com/news187374763.html March 9, 2010 by Lisa Zyga)15:58
fenn~that's not a jetpack15:58
fennstill that's surprisingly cheap15:59
kanzureheh someone told me to contact knome for them, and i had to contact ari16:00
kanzurebut it turns out i sent ari an email last october 16:00
kanzurei cold called him and he remembered me \o/ "oh you're that guy who's taking over the world"16:00
fenni dont get why they're using a piston engine (2 liter V4)16:02
bkero-legacyHehe, honda engine16:04
kanzurethe downside: when i sent ari an email after i met him that first time, i signed my email "Specialist, World Domination"16:05
kanzureso yeah..16:05
kanzurehe didn't reply to my email so i kind of thought i layed on the "specialist, world domination" bit too hard16:06
kanzurebut anyway, he seemed kind enough over the phone16:06
fenn"Cute Circuit: While moving through a city or environment the person wearing the system receives audio files, that are dynamically adjusted in volume to create a tridimensional audioscape depending on the direction or objects they are looking at."16:08
fennwe need this for navigating code16:08
kanzurewhat would that feel like16:08
kanzureor er16:08
fenni had this idea years ago for displaying radar info16:08
fennhmm cute circuit just plays audio files, it's not actually creating an "audioscape" out of 3d surface information16:11
fennit would be interesting to use otoacoustic emissions as a means of controlling a radar emitter16:12
kanzure"Which of these 10 tracks do you consider yourself to be most expert?"16:22
kanzure"Which of the 10 Tracks, other than that Track listed above would you desire to learn most about?"16:22
fennspamming isn't on there?!16:25
fenn"spam studies"16:26
fenni guess networks and computing is pretty close huh16:27
kanzureha ha16:34
kanzure": Bigelow Aerospace seeks professional astronauts to fill permanent"16:34
fenn"we have developed a glove embedded with accelerometers, magnetometers, and a controller. When the glove operator taps Braille codes using his/her fingers, the controller maps them to ASCII codes. Conversely, when ASCII codes are sent to the operator, the controller maps them to finger-vibration-Braille codes."16:35
kanzurefinger-vibration eh?16:36
kanzurei wonder how the braille tapping works. is that just a way of saying "chorded keyboard magic" or 'literally draw out the dots'?16:36
kanzurealso, where are you getting this from?16:36
fennbraille is a matrix of dots, so presumably they traverse the x axis in time and the y axis over the 4 fingers16:41
fenni'd much rather learn braille than some arbitrary chording map16:41
fenni like this picture, i think i'm going to frame it: http://bp3.blogger.com/_nIWiKIscZJY/R7-dUMl6nbI/AAAAAAAAAk4/gxrWd8Jn6bU/s1600/0aelecrtromshjoi9.jpg16:42
fennbetter image: http://www.susannahertrich.com/html/risk.html17:04
fenntineye didn't find that for some reason17:04
fennapparently it's part of an installation that charges you with static electricity in proportion to the threat17:05
fennoh i guess the images aren't quite the same17:06
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fennthe alex i was asking about last night: http://www.meetup.com/DIYbio/members/6937509/17:38
kanzurehm i've seen that face before17:42
fennhe usually wears a golf cap17:44
fenndamn ustream seriously blows17:48
fennso, html5 will allow video without flash? finally17:49
fennstill uses way more cpu than mplayer17:55
jrayhawkyoutube uses h264, which is only compatible with Safari/Chrome as far as I know.18:07
jrayhawkYou probably want to use thoera, which has compatability with all webkit/xulrunner browsers.18:07
jrayhawkhttp://www.omgwallhack.org/home/jrayhawk/ahl/vid/ has a bunch of videos encoded using for i in $(ls *.avi | cut -f 1 -d .); do ffmpeg -i $i.avi -vcodec libtheora -b 1200000 -acodec libvorbis -ac 2 -r 60 $i.ogv; done18:08
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fennh264 plays fine in mplayer, why do you think it's only "compatible with safari/chrome"?18:16
fenni can open a downloaded youtube file and have it play in firefox, if that means anything18:17
fenn.mp4 file (and .flv file)18:17
jrayhawkI mean, in terms of web publishing.18:19
jrayhawkAs in "you do not need to require consumers to download a plugin in order to watch video", which was the whole point of HTML518:20
jrayhawkI don't know exactly what your use case is.18:20
fennyou used to have to download a flash plugin (still do, technically speaking)18:23
fenndo safari/chrome come with built in video playback software?18:23
fennand why can't firefox just include gstreamer?18:24
fennprobably some legal bullshit18:24
fennin which case i don't care18:24
kanzurehm http://singularityu.org/programs/curriculum/18:26
jrayhawkYou only need IE users to download a plugin at this point.18:28
jrayhawkYes, Safari/Chrome come with ogv and mp4 support, Xulrunner/Gecko come with just ogv support.18:29
jrayhawkEr, xulrunner/webkit18:29
kanzure"# Advisor: Mike Linksvayer, Vice President of Creative Commons " hmm18:31
fennkanzure: they have a lot of impressive "advisor" names but who are the actual teachers?18:31
kanzurethose *are* the teachers 18:32
kanzuredunno about the "co-chair" people though18:32
fennuh, no way18:32
kanzurebecause frankly i'd love to be taught by freitas and merkle18:32
fennpeter norvig is teaching a class?18:32
kanzureyeah, there's lots of google integration in the program apparently18:32
* fenn contemplates stealing kanzure's identity and keeping him in a box18:33
fennyou'd probably like that too much18:34
kanzurelike the box too much or singularityu.com?18:34
fennthe box18:34
kanzurekind of impressive what you can get done when you have deep pockets18:34
kanzurewtf atilla teaches there?18:35
kanzureyeah but i didn't know people thought highly enough of him to put him on the lst18:36
kanzure"Tom Wujec, Autodesk Fellow" hmm18:36
fennoh, i guess it _is_ a partial listing18:37
kanzureif i do this, i'm going to have to have a stalklog18:37
fennmake sure to talk to tim ferriss18:37
kanzurethe 4-hour work week?18:38
kanzureit basically amounts to "outsource even brushing your damn teeth"18:38
* kanzure hasn't read it18:38
fennsort of18:38
fenna lot of it is about managing email and separating parts of your life18:38
fennand implementing automation (based on a human substrate)18:39
kanzureari almost hired me on the spot when i called him :/18:39
kanzurefrom knome.com18:39
fennwhat did you say?18:39
fennhow come nobody ever wants to hire me :(18:40
kanzurei wanted to "hire" you, but you never gave me a fucking invoice18:40
kanzureanyway, ari was saying that they are looking to hire bionformatics people18:40
fenni am falling behind, it's terrifying18:40
kanzurei mentioned that i'm doing some programming for someone who purchased knome.com services a few years ago18:40
kanzureand he was so excited to hear this for some reason18:41
kanzurewoah the price has gone down: http://knome.com/service/knomecomplete.html $68k18:41
kanzure"# A private, in-person roundtable discussion held at the Harvard Club of Boston with Knome’s team of world-leading geneticists, clinicians and bioinformaticians to review your sequence data, present the results of your analysis, discuss the role of genetic variation in the development of disease and highlight the latest research and discoveries."18:42
fenni thought genomes were down to like $10k now18:42
fennis their annotation that good that people pay an extra $50k?18:43
kanzurethey are lagging a bit18:43
kanzurea few years ago they were $300k+18:43
fenncan i just give them my sequence and pay for the annotation separately?18:43
fennsrsly $50k is a lot18:43
kanzuresee pm18:43
kanzureso yeah18:46
kanzurefenn: re: the $10k/genome sequencing out there in hong kong, i didn't see a "click here to buy" button18:51
fennhm can you send $10k to hong kong with paypal?18:52
kanzureif they have a paypal account, yeah18:53
fennso today i assimilated a big stack of business cards.. how do you keep track of all these people?18:53
fenni should have been keeping track of context from the start..18:54
kanzuremeetlog.txt is about the best i've been dong18:54
fennhow do you write down who the fuck the person is and why you were talking to them?18:55
kanzurebasically i have it set up so that each day i can use the person's name as the attribute name and then give them a dictionary of extra values like address, phone number, tags, email address, etc.18:55
fennthis seems like a common enough problem, so it's strange that i haven't heard of any solutions18:55
kanzurewhen the parser finds a person that is already in the list, it just adds those extra attributes to the Person object18:55
fenncool, that's about what i'm doing too, or should be doing18:56
kanzurethere's solutions for big companies that have to manage their customers (like keeping notes, etc., so that everyone knows what the status is)18:56
kanzureoh i should upload the parser18:56
kanzurei'm really embarrased because it sucks so much18:56
fennoh is this what "CRM" is?18:56
jrayhawkCRM is a catchall term for that sort of thing.18:57
kanzurealso, http://etacts.com/ and http://designfiles.org/~bryan/1kfriend.ly.pdf18:57
fennthey're always some web 2.0 bullshit so i just completely ignore anything labeled "CRM"18:57
kanzurei haven't seen any CRM web2.0 bullshit yet actually18:57
kanzureanyway, here you go: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/parser.py18:57
fennthank you18:57
kanzurejrayhawk: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/meetlog.txt18:57
kanzurejust for context18:57
fennyou should add that to robots.txt so everyone doesn't get spammed18:59
fennif it isn't already18:59
kanzurehow do i add a ~/bryan/thingy/ to robots.txt properly18:59
kanzure(in particular the tilde)18:59
fennit's ~bryan18:59
kanzureer, right18:59
fenndoes it not work if you just type the url part?19:00
fennpath part of the url*19:00
kanzurehow do i know if it works or not? other than trial and error19:00
fenni think wget complains about robots.txt19:00
kanzurei see no complaints19:01
kanzurejust uploaded 2010-02-26 to 2010-03-09 for meetlog.txt (as if it matters)19:02
jrayhawkwget complains if you're in a recursive mode.19:02
jrayhawkThere's an undocumented option to disable that check, though.19:03
fennso you are editing meetlog in vim? or is it automatically dumped from a python session or something?19:04
kanzureediting in vim19:05
kanzurei'd have python tools to check my gmail account, irc logs, pidgin logs, etc., except that i really hate how it messes up the yaml ordering19:05
fennhow do you associate names with names after you know the email address? since the address is part of the dict key19:05
jrayhawkUser-Agent: *19:05
jrayhawkDisallow: /~bryan/thingy/19:05
kanzureaha, /~bryan/19:06
kanzurefenn: ask again? "names with names" ?19:06
kanzurea name could look like this: joe bloe / irc_handle19:06
kanzureand then also optionally something lke <joe.bloe@gmail.com> any where in the string19:07
fennheh "laundry room girl"19:07
kanzurethe email address is extracted from the string19:07
kanzurethe / is used to separate a name from a nickname on the webz19:07
fennso it's not yaml?19:07
kanzureit is yaml19:07
jrayhawkrobots.txts are funny to manually look around for since they're usually explicitly denoting things you're not supposed to find19:08
fenn- Ari Kiiriki <akiirikki@knome.com>: ["knome"]  is a list item with a dictionary key pointing to a list with one item (knome)19:08
fennhm that made sense in my head19:08
kanzurewhat's wrong with it though?19:08
fennsay you had an earlier entry: - Ari Kiiriki: ["world domination"]19:09
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fennhow do you connect the two entries?19:09
kanzurethe dictionary key could be ponting to either (1) a list (a list of tags), or (2) a dictionary of terms like phone/address/email/nickname/links/blah/blah/blah19:09
kanzurewell, the entries are connected by name19:09
kanzureso there's a Person object that is created19:09
kanzurethe problem- as you might see- is that ambiguity is not handled correctly19:10
kanzurei.e. what if i know two people named "john smith"?19:10
fenni thought that was why you had the email in the key in the first place19:10
kanzurewell, sometimes i know the email, sometimes i don't19:10
fenninstead of just Ari Kiiriki: email: blah19:10
kanzureoh, no19:10
kanzurebasically what i've done in the mean time is just number people i know19:11
kanzure"john smith 2"19:11
kanzureor "alter ben" *cough*19:11
fennyou still dont know his name? or is this my alternate personality that only comes out on full moons19:11
kanzureoh, i know ben peterson's name19:11
kanzurebut when i talk with you i call him alter ben :P19:11
fennwhat do you call me when you talk to him?19:12
kanzurefenn, and sometimes alter ben :)19:12
kanzureoh oh19:12
fennwhat happens when you meet another ben? then there's alter ben 1.1 alter ben 2.119:12
kanzurei once called you "primal ben"19:12
kanzuredelta ben :P19:12
kanzurei need a nickname generator for these situations19:13
kanzurekanzure@pikachu:~# python name_picker "ben peterson"19:13
fennpeople should just stop naming their kids ben19:13
kanzureERROR: 20 others identified19:13
kanzure"Would you like 'omega ben'?"19:13
kanzureor something :)19:13
kanzurepeople should stop naming their kids dave. god damn19:13
fennactually i hate greek letters19:14
nshaleph neil?19:15
kanzurefenn: i would appreciate thoughts on how to make parser.py suck less19:18
fennwell it seems rather complicated19:19
fenni'd probably split it into different files19:19
fennone for graphing, one for parsing/updating 19:19
kanzurewhat really matters is "def meetlogr"19:20
kanzurethere is no updating on it :( because it messes up the order19:20
fennmesses up the order?19:20
fenncan't you sort yaml by date?19:20
kanzureon the output?19:20
kanzureworth a try19:21
kanzureand if not, i guess i could just split up the dates by file anyway19:21
fenni think yaml understands date data types just like alphabetical order19:21
fennbut you could sort in python first and make a list19:21
fenni might be getting confused with sql or something else19:21
kanzuretry this: yaml.dump(yaml.load(meetlog_data))19:22
kanzureand presumably you'll see what goes wrong19:22
fenni'm 100% certain it's going to be different19:22
kanzure(also meetlog.txt has been under revision control since day one)19:22
fenni wonder why it errors on line 1114219:25
fennah missing comma19:25
kanzurewait, what? i don't see it19:26
kanzureah the previous lne19:26
fenn  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/yaml/representer.py", line 125, in represent_mapping19:26
fenn    mapping.sort()19:26
fennTypeError: can't compare datetime.date to str19:26
fennso presumably you changed the way you represent dates somewhere in there19:27
kanzuretry this: log = yaml.load(codecs.open(meetlog_file, encoding="utf-8"))19:27
kanzurealthough i don't see how that would help with the datetime.date issue19:27
kanzurewhich version of pyyaml?19:27
fenn(2008, 6, 30), 'description',  19:29
* fenn deletes the first line and tries again19:30
fennyou know it doesnt look too bad to me after being dumped19:31
* kanzure checks19:31
kanzureoh the error was with dumping?19:32
fennpython -c 'import yaml; print yaml.dump(yaml.load(open("meetlog.txt")))'>test19:32
kanzureon yaml.dump i get TypeError: can't compare datetime.date to str19:32
fenni dunno if you've ever used "kompare" but it's a good way to see diffs like this19:33
fenndelete "description: meetlog"19:33
kanzurewonder why that's still in there anyway19:34
kanzurewow you're right19:34
fennalso you're spelling "john schloendorn" wrong19:35
fennunless there really is a john schloernborg19:35
kanzurecool yaml.dump(load of 'test') diff'd to 'test' shows no differences19:36
fennof course19:36
kanzurealthough i don't like how it deals with smári et al.19:36
fennyeah i forget how to make it print unicode19:36
kanzurewell, this looks fairly promising19:37
kanzuremaybe when i tried it last time i was wearing failpaints19:37
fennpython -c 'import yaml; print yaml.dump(yaml.load(open("meetlog.txt")), default_flow_style=False)'>test19:39
fennyou can actually read the diff on that one19:39
kanzureoh btw the tag tracking code in parser.py doesn't work19:41
kanzurewhen i print out a list of people that are interested in a certain tag, it's definitely totally wrong19:41
fenndo i know kevin wasson? why is my name listed under his?19:43
fennoh he must be a MIT PERG guy19:43
fennprecision engineering research group19:44
fennthere's a way to make it print the condensed flow style for names only, like you have in meetlog.txt19:44
fennyaml_flow_style=True or something like that19:45
fennin the Person class19:45
kanzurefenn: "do i know kevin wasson?" -> "oh" is the exact reason i started this :/19:45
fennwell it turns out i don't know kevin wasson19:46
fennso there :P19:46
kanzureyeah but you did tell me about him19:46
kanzureor i discovered him via you19:46
fenni guess19:46
kanzureso anyway, if he screws me over later in life, i'm totally going to blame you19:46
fennsynthetic serendipity19:46
* fenn counters with the twinkie defense19:47
fennfascinating, really: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twinkie_defense19:48
kanzure"By this time, the "Twinkie defense" had become such a common term that one lawmaker had waved a Twinkie in the air while making his point during a debate"19:51
kanzurewhy don't they just waive piles and piles of steamling bullshit?19:51
kanzureme and i just don't seem to be gettng along today19:51
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fennWOAH  "This tiny device attaches to your fingertip, using a camera to translate visual images into feelings by activating a little vibrator attached to the sensitive nerves in your finger. So you wave your hands around and “feel” objects across the street."19:57
fennit's actually a laser and photodetector, not a camera19:59
kanzurevint cerf "Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google Inc."20:00
kanzureso it's not just norvig20:00
kanzure"Open Source Program Manager, Google Inc."20:01
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c80:12d9:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap20:01
JayDuggerGood evening, all.20:01
kanzurehello JayDugger 20:01
fennno there are a lot of awesome people on that list20:02
kanzure"Senior Mathematician, Google Inc."20:02
fenni just had to pick one20:02
kanzurenorvig is definitely fairly awesome :)20:02
fenn"leopardskin taser with built-in mp3 player"20:04
fennjeez it's huge20:05
fennstill, a taser that charges over USB is kinda cool20:06
JayDuggerWhere did you find this gadget, fenn?20:10
fennSomeone stole your future. Don't you ever wonder who?"20:12
fennJayDugger: shitty website warning: http://www.designnews.com/article/8233-Taser_Adds_Music_to_Tasing_at_CES_2008.php20:12
fennvia grinding.be sorta (it was in a comment or something)20:13
JayDuggerGood Lord...20:13
JayDuggerand I thought their "hot pink" grips were silly...20:13
JayDuggerHa! the comment about Carlos's soundtrack fits.20:14
JayDuggerI think I'll stick with my phone's MP3 playback.20:17
JayDuggerAnd just wait for an open-source program that works as a taser.20:17
JayDuggerAfter all, I hardly need a flashlight with the right program on my phone...20:17
JayDuggerSo discharging current is just another software problem, right? (I know, I know,...)20:18
nshsci-fi recommendations?20:19
JayDuggerGreg Egan.20:19
JayDuggerOlaf Stapledon.20:19
fennder.. did we just go through a daylight savings switch or something? or did i get abducted by machine elves and sent backwards in time one hour with false memories?20:19
JayDuggerIf you're here, you'll probably like them.20:20
JayDuggerfenn, the latter.20:20
JayDuggerWho do you like, nsh?20:20
fennnsh: neal stephenson, vinge20:21
nshegan, stephenson, asimov, vinge20:21
nshany particular good reads lately?20:21
* nsh smiles20:21
JayDuggerEscape From Hell, but that's satire and not SF.20:22
fennted chiang "the story of your life"20:22
JayDuggerDavid Marusek, Counting Heads.20:22
nshjust read Factoring Humanity by Robert Sawyer, but wasn't overwhelmed20:22
JayDuggerYeah, I don't care for Sawyer either.20:22
fenni liked "themepunks" but only because i'm practically living it20:22
JayDuggerAlastair Reynolds, if you like space opera.20:22
JayDuggerSome Heinlein, some Haldemann.20:23
fennthe forever war, the golden compass20:23
JayDuggerHerodotus is awesome with the HESTIA project's interactive maps.20:23
nshoh, i'm halfway through Time Enough For Love. i should finish that really20:23
JayDuggerfenn, did you like Forever Peace?20:23
kanzure"MIT Prof of Aerospace Eng, former NASA Astronaut"20:24
fenndragon's egg, timemaster (maybe), integral trees20:24
JayDuggerEric Nylund's Signal to Noise, Signal Shattered.20:24
JayDuggerOh, yeah, Forward. Good call.20:24
fennnsh have you read anathem?20:24
nshyeah, was great20:24
JayDuggerI like Niven's Known Space better.20:24
JayDuggerI keep getting Suarez recommended to me, but I've not read his work.20:25
* nsh appreciates the tips, by the way20:25
JayDuggerYou might like C. Stross, if you've not read any.20:25
kanzurecharlie stross basically took the extropy-chat mailing list and turned it into books20:26
nshi have, but i can't remember which20:26
kanzureprobably accelerando20:26
JayDuggerWell...in some of his books, yes. Accelerando, definitely.20:26
JayDuggerI like his horror better.20:27
nshoh, i think i started Halting State and got distracted or something20:27
kanzureJayDugger: btw i've been looking over http://singularityu.org/programs/curriculum/ because someone is funding me to attend the 10-week session20:27
superkuhStanislaw Lem's "His Master's Voice" is the best scifi I've read in the last year.20:27
JayDuggerYeah, read Lem.20:27
kanzureyeah lots of people recommend lem20:27
JayDuggerYou've nothing better to do.20:27
JayDuggerAssuming you've read Egan, and that you don't need an overview of all SF in one book (i.e., Stapledon's Star Maker.)20:28
fennif you want to read about awfulness "after the siege" in "overclocked" by doctorow20:28
kanzurei still recommend david zindell's neverness: http://heybryan.org/docs/Zindell,%20David%20-%20Neverness%20(v1.0).txt20:29
JayDuggerWas his fantasy any good?20:29
fenni didn't really like neverness, it was just so fluffy and ungrounded20:29
nshright, i'd better get started20:29
JayDuggerOh, and Greg Zebrowski's macrolife.20:29
kanzurebasically his fantasy mirrors his scifi20:29
fennand why the fuck did they go live with the cavemen20:29
kanzure"to learn the secret of life"20:30
kanzureor something20:30
fennbut.. but..20:30
JayDuggerNeverness read like a blend of Brin and Gene Wolfe.20:30
kanzurezindell studied under gene20:30
fennthey should have just asked the SSE20:30
JayDuggernsh, google for a list of Hugo and Nebula winners.20:30
kanzureoh right20:30
kanzuredidn't he?20:30
nshJayDugger, aye, i've gone that route a few times20:30
JayDuggerStart there, but remember some books win for want of competition.20:30
fennyeah and iirc she called him a fucking moron for living with the cavemen20:30
JayDuggerExcept for H.P., which I can't explain.20:31
fennbut my memory may be incorrect20:31
kanzurefenn: he met SSE before the cavemen20:31
fennand after, no?20:31
fennoh crap i'm mixing up stories now..20:31
JayDuggerSSE=Solid State Entities?20:31
kanzureer, solid state entity (singular)20:32
kanzureJayDugger: so you've read it?20:32
kanzurehow did you find it20:32
fennconfused neverness with modesitt "gravity dreams"20:32
kanzurehey don't i have that modesitt on my shelf?20:32
fennit's another hyperspace pilot book20:32
JayDuggerNeverness? Gosh...it was okay. I read that ages past.20:32
kanzurebut how did you find it, JayDugger?20:33
JayDuggerOh, I lived in an area with a very good public library at the time.20:33
kanzureso you just randomly decided to read it because it was on the shelf?20:33
JayDuggerTop 10 in the nation for the population base, actually.20:33
kanzureit's a book that not many people know about20:33
JayDuggerYes, I found it by shelf reading in the library's fiction section.20:33
kanzurei do that a lot too :/20:34
kanzurebut in my case, an internet buddy recommended it20:34
JayDuggerI used to do that, but now I use book burro. It searches WorldCat.20:34
JayDuggerBook title to Amazon (via Hyperwords), Amazon to WorldCat (via BookBurro).20:34
JayDuggerI found Ted Nelson's Computer Lib/Dream Machines by shelf reading at the same library. :)20:35
fennlibraries usually have books that people request, right?20:36
JayDuggerDepends on your library.20:36
fennor do they just order books randomly based on what they think people should be reading20:36
JayDuggerAgain, it depends on your library.20:36
JayDuggerThat's really a question for my sister, the librarian.20:36
JayDuggerThe one in question, they had a policy of spending as much as they could on the collection.20:36
JayDuggerAlmost everything else came second.20:37
fennduh. what else would you spend it on20:37
JayDuggerFacilities, salaries, computers, database subscriptions, etc...20:37
fenni should invent a UAV that slaps people with a trout20:37
JayDuggerOnce the FAA approves mixed-use airspace, the "Duh-slap" UAV would make you a fortune. :)20:38
fennafter a week of flying cross country the trout would be pretty smelly20:38
JayDuggerSo much the better.20:38
JayDuggerYou can ask a library to get a book for you, but that's slow.20:39
fennthis for slapping library administrators who don't buy books, if that wasnt clear20:39
kanzurehuh the detroit makerfaire is going to be *in* the ford museum? i've been there a few times20:39
JayDuggerDo they have the money, is it a popular request, and then--how often do they buy?20:39
JayDuggerInter-Library Loan probably works faster, but...20:39
kanzureknowing about ted nelson is almost a pre-req for talking in here, JayDugger :)20:40
JayDuggeryou might have to pay shipping.20:40
JayDuggerNowadays just buying it via Amazon works nearly so well for books in-print.20:40
fennyeah just about everything i would want is $1-320:44
fennfor fiction at least20:45
fennfor everything else, there's pirate bay :P20:45
kanzure"Medical nanorobotics, an introductory textbook. By Robert Freitas. $895.95"20:45
fennfrom amazon?20:45
JayDuggerIs that in print?20:45
kanzurei'm just making it up, but he did author a nanorobotics textbook and yes it was ridiculously expensive20:46
JayDuggerYeah...I have a few collectibles which make destructive scanning too awful to contemplate.20:46
QuantumGI wouldn't put it past him20:46
fennkanzure: you might have to buy that for singularityu20:46
fennor whatever it's called when you exchange someone else's money for something nobody wants20:47
kanzureoh that's under $100 20:47
kanzure(or you can just read it for free online)20:47
kanzurei'm going to try to convince singularityu to have an "all star" track where i don't have to give up people like peter norvig or have conflicting decisions like "sherlock holmes versus superman"20:48
kanzurei'm certainly paying enough for that..20:48
QuantumGthere's a tradition in the sci-fi world of writing "manuals" for technology that doesn't exist20:48
QuantumGI see most of this nanomedicine stuff like that20:49
* kanzure wants a flux capacitor manual20:49
QuantumGand a lot of nanotechnology in general20:49
fenncan you just go to whatever class you want?20:49
jrayhawkkanzure: Jamey Sharp and Josh Triplett wrote XCB20:50
fenni mean it's not like you get a degree for completing a set curriculum20:50
jrayhawkJosh Triplett, in particular, has an *amazing* capacity to tolerate walking through minute technical implications for hours and hours20:50
kanzurefenn: dunno.. just walking around hanging out probably wouldn't be entirely out of the question (especially if it's all in the same place)20:50
fennbart massey again.. add to stalk log20:51
jrayhawkwhich makes him hilariously intolerable to talk to in person, but quite a useful asset on a lot of projects.20:51
kanzurefenn: how did you find bart massey?20:52
kanzuredid he just send an email to you?20:52
fenni dont know it's just the third or fourth time i've run across that name20:52
kanzureer, where did you run across it20:52
kanzurethis time20:52
kanzuredid joe just say something?20:52
fennmaybe it's bkero's boss or something20:52
kanzurebecause i've been emailing bart back and forth today20:53
kanzureoh i guess bart is associated with xcb20:53
JayDuggerOn the topic of ikiwiki?20:53
kanzurewait, why is ikiwiki coming up20:53
kanzurejrayhawk: help20:53
JayDuggerMassey-->Portland State Aerospace Society (hosted on ikiwiki)20:54
jrayhawkYeah, he was the clever one who said "hey let's replace xlib with a macro language" which then set Jamey and Josh into motion.20:54
jrayhawkJosh wrote large portions of Ikiwiki, too.20:54
kanzurehas ikiwiki expanded past just joey hess?20:54
jrayhawkNot really; I think Josh stopped once it got good enough for PSAS.20:55
kanzurestalk: Jamey Sharp <jamey@thesharps.us>20:55
kanzurestalk: Josh Triplett <josh@joshtriplett.org>20:55
jrayhawkPSAS is going to meet in about four minutes, actually, so hopefully I've gotten skdb to disrupt that a bit.20:56
jrayhawkThey're full of interesting open hardware projects.20:57
kanzurebkero-legacy: do you know PSAS?20:57
kanzurejrayhawk: do you know OSUOSL?20:57
jrayhawkI am usually skirting the edge of OSUOSL projects.20:57
kanzuregah http://osuosl.org/advisory has "Chris DiBona" listed, who i just learned of today because of http://singularityu.org/programs/curriculum/20:58
jrayhawkI think a bunch of them actually wound up getting moved to PSU partially as a result of Bart.20:58
kanzurewell, OSUOSL stalks us in here- there's like 20 of them in here20:59
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 36 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 36 normal]20:59
fennah massey also worked on cairo20:59
jrayhawkMassey is the secretary of the xorg foundation; he has his hands in everything.20:59
jrayhawkcworth also has involvement in PSAS, as it happens.21:00
jrayhawkBart is a magical guy at social networking amongst technical communities; "who should i talk to about x problem" is a useful thing to ask him under most circumstances.21:01
kanzurealso, he (along with joe here) is hosting gnusha.org21:02
JayDuggerjrayhawk, has Keith Lofstrom any connection with PSAS?21:03
jrayhawkThe face and name looks familiar...21:04
JayDuggerLinux Northwest...21:04
JayDuggerServer Sky presentation21:04
jrayhawkI don't see him showing up in the mailing list archives.21:04
kanzureoh! btw i'm presenting at texas linux fest in austin in april or whatever21:04
JayDuggerYes, but on what?21:04
kanzure"apt-get for hardware" :/21:05
JayDuggerGot it.21:05
kanzurei'm going to have to freshen up on my "why i'm not using apt-get itself" arguments21:05
jrayhawkI think I might've met him at a PLUG meeting.21:05
JayDuggerI think he's at this year's Intl. Space Development Conf. in Chicago, but I don't plan to attend.21:05
kanzurei almost went to ISDC08 but it conflicted with high school graduation21:06
JayDuggerAnyhow... http://server-sky.com/, a fun speculative proposal, and educational if not practical.21:06
JayDuggerI've only attended one ISDC, in high school, and in Austin, by coincidence, but long ago.21:07
jrayhawkThe people involved in the discussion are actually more likely to attack your model than your choice of toolchain.21:09
jrayhawkI don't think apt is going to enter the discussion all that significantly.21:09
JayDuggerHmm...I wonder if Lofstrom and Bradbury realize similarities between Server Sky and Matroishka brains?21:09
JayDuggerAnd now I have to attend to IRL tasks. :(21:10
JayDuggerGood night, all.21:11
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c80:12d9:52c6:ef50] has left #hplusroadmap []21:11
bkero-legacykanzure: PSAS?21:14
jrayhawkmy mouse is a little screwy :(21:15
kanzurewhy do you even have one21:15
jrayhawkBecause webbrowsers all have terrible interfaces21:16
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fennthe only reason i use gnome, and hence gnome-terminal, and hence have to click the damn tabs to switch to another terminal, is because gnome comes with this wifi NetworkManager icon in the menu bar, which is great and seems to be missing in everything else21:30
fennso, is there some alternative wifi connection manager that i'm unaware of that doesn't require gnome?21:31
fennoh and the transparent terminal is cool but i can probably find something else besides gnome terminal21:31
kanzure"Singularity University is a modern-day Jedi Academy for young leaders." 21:34
kanzurefenn: you can use shift+arrow to switch to other tabs in gnome-terminal21:34
fennno i can't21:37
fennit just types "DCDC"21:38
kanzuregah no thanks to this rammstein amv asuka now has a massive german accent in my mind :(21:38
kanzurefenn: are you still on OSxucks?21:38
fennisn't asuka german?21:38
kanzurealso, gnome-terminal should have keyboard shortcut configuration capacitiers21:39
fennwhile i'm bitching about gnome and window managers and mouse clicking, WTF IS WITH THE 50 PASTE BUFFERS21:40
kanzurewhat 50 paste buffers?21:40
fennshift-insert is different from middle click is different from "paste" is different from firefox "paste"21:40
fennand i can never figure out which action puts it in which buffer21:41
fennso i end up pasting and deleting like 4 times21:41
fennthis worked perfectly with kde and icewm21:41
QuantumGnever had that problem, but hey, I like GNOME21:42
kanzurewhy are you using gnome, fenn? kde seems to be the better choice in general21:43
fennthat's probably one of the best AMV's i've seen21:48
fennas i explained above, KDE doesn't have a wifi manager for shit, afaict21:48
QuantumGso, umm, I missed it, what was your problem with gnome terminal?21:49
kanzureoh yay it's a fully assembled genome already21:53
fennmostly just the ti forget21:59
fennso the kde install on this netbook is well and truly fucked22:00
kanzureoh you got yourself a netbook22:01
fennkonqueror works fine but the kde wm itself malfunctions in bizarre ways22:01
fennanyway, i _want_ to use icewm and just have some app i can pick a wifi AP with, and type in the password and it actually works22:02
jrayhawkshift-insert and middle click use the same buffer, which is one negotiated between applications.22:02
fennjrayhawk: not for me22:02
fennand no i dont understand where the discrepancy comes from22:03
-!- jblake [~jblake@pool-98-108-160-129.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:03
fennhello jules22:03
jrayhawkit's behavior is application-specific, and, in particular, Firefox is very easily confused about what to pull from.22:03
jblakeHi there. I'm probably just going to be lurking for a while more; I still have some other things to get through before I can devote attention to here.22:03
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* kanzure is done extracting 72 people from http://singularityu.org/programs/curriculum/ for meetlog22:26
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-!- katsmeow-afk is now known as katsmeow22:36
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fennstartuplinkup.com is kinda cool if you're into that sort of thing23:14
fennsemantic mediawiki23:14
kanzureoh look it's andrew http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbxOPustYBc23:17
-!- parolang [~user@8e4a01246100775874c4f448e9887093.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]23:39
fenn"paul bohm said... since techcofounder is basically a dating site, you should approach this like a dating event"23:59

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