
--- Day changed Fri Mar 12 2010
kanzure"    Note that this option is ignored if Apache wasn't started as the root user, in which case no matter what the settings, the daemon processes will be run as the user that Apache was started as." lovely00:01
kanzuresomething just irks me about running apache as root00:01
jrayhawkThe apache parent process only parses configuration, logs, and brokers connections to children, who run as another user.00:05
jrayhawkWell, usually, anyway.00:05
kanzurei got a server from a previous dev team for a startup i've been conscripted into, and for some stupid reason they always ran apache as root00:05
kanzurethis caused all the log file sto be root-only00:05
kanzurewhat is that, chmod 600?00:06
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jrayhawkRunning apache as root is neither particularly dangerous nor particularly uncommon.00:06
jrayhawkWhat matters is the owners of the child processes.00:06
kanzurefor some reason i thought that apache2 by default runs as www-data when you install it (i.e. by apt-get and use the usual dpkg-reconfigure settings)00:07
jrayhawkroot      5716  0.0  0.1  17108  6776 ?        Ss   Jan27   1:02 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start00:07
jrayhawkwww-data 17504  0.0  0.9  58396 37640 ?        S    05:11   0:02  \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start00:07
jrayhawkwww-data  7607  0.0  0.9  58400 37072 ?        S    12:42   0:01  \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start00:07
jrayhawkUsually trac is run with http auth digest or basic as managed by Apache00:10
jrayhawkwhich then passes that information onto running CGIs00:10
jrayhawkI think you can shim a client-certificate-to-auth-user translation of some sort in there, too, if you're crazy.00:12
kanzurehttp://blog.gitorious.org/2009/05/09/weve-made-a-few-changes/ they want you to do: git push git@gitorious.org:~~johan/fish-nuggets/johans-clone.git00:54
kanzurewith the double ~~00:54
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kanzuresometimes i wonder if joe is just making up computer names and randomly assigns them as a subdomain to omgwallhack.org01:52
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kanzurejrayhawk: while you were gone i was postulating a theory that you randomly generate subdomains for omgwallhack.org because every time i talk with you i learn a new server name, or you log in with a different server, etc.02:01
jrayhawkjblake has a list in ~/MACHINES, usually02:01
jrayhawki guess that list isn't exhaustive; i use a bunch of blackadder-related names for systems, too, and occasionally i name vservers after their actual application02:10
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fenni wonder why johhn schloendorn is all paranoid about there being pics of his lab getting out if they're already all over the net03:57
QuantumGhttp://www.willowgarage.com/blog/2010/02/01/lots-texas-robots   <- did anyone reply when I posted this?04:02
QuantumGpretty cool I though04:03
fenndamn i just lost two days of data.. bad crash wiped out my lifelog file somehow and no way to recover (i tried undel, looking around for .save files)04:23
QuantumGI had a work win64 machine that deleted all of c:\cygwin\home the other day 04:24
QuantumGalong with some of c:\cygwin\etc04:24
QuantumGnfi why or how04:24
fenni thought this was supposed to be impossible with ext3 (but i appear to be using ext4 whatever that means)04:24
QuantumGyeah, you should have journaling, it shouldn't be possible04:25
QuantumGbut hey, maybe its an app error04:25
fennok so why do i have a 4k file04:25
fenni wasnt doing anything with nano at the time of the crash04:26
QuantumGno idea04:26
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fenntoday i randomly recognized someone in a subway station for the first time06:18
fennit was aubrey degrey06:18
QuantumGsomeone you'd never met before?06:18
fennno i've met him06:18
fennanyway i thought it was funny06:19
QuantumGahh.. I was catching a bus from San Francisco to LA back in 2001.. this guy in a military uniform comes up to me and says "hey, are you QuantumG?"06:20
QuantumGtook me a few minutes to answer...06:20
QuantumGhe continues to tell me that he's some hacker recruit heading to Fort Meade and had read some of my security articles.. seen my face on the net.06:21
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JayDuggerSo many departures...08:52
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kanzurefenn: time to get out a magnifying glass and look at the hard drive directly10:39
kanzurehave you tried fscking it?10:39
kanzuresox21 responsible for hair loss?10:40
kanzuresynthetic biology / pharma conference: http://www.www.avakado.eu/dev/Biofine/Synbio/Conference?gclid=CJqWjfHTs6ACFSpiswodhXspTA10:45
kanzuremakerbot filament backpack http://charlespax.com/2010/03/12/filament-back-pack/10:46
kanzurestalk: Philip Steffan10:47
kanzuredoes this url make anyone else lose their eyes in an eye rolling accident? http://tweetmeme.com/story/677598040/miniseries-unsung-heros-of-the-3d-printing-revolution-part-i-makerbot-industries10:48
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kristianpaulkanzure: is not bad idea have a jpg preview of skdb design files (if notis already made)11:13
genehackerkanzure want to go bother bre pettis, he's going to dorkbot11:20
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kanzureto be honest i'd rather not go near him, i might punch him11:35
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genehackerI figured as much12:22
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kanzurei wonder if WSGIDaemonProcess directives work in .htaccess12:38
kanzurejrayhawk: well, here's some on django + mod_wsgi: http://www.davidcramer.net/code/django/108/setup-mod_wsgi-for-django-and-shared-hosting.html which came up as a random result in an unrelated search12:43
jrayhawkI'll probably just set up Tornado and use this as an excuse to play with nginx.13:03
kanzureso, this is interesting13:06
kanzurehttp://broadband.gov/ just a simple FCC "tell us how much your ISP sucks" site13:06
kanzuredown to the street address level13:06
kanzurewhat's interesting is that brighthouse and some other ISPs are already selectively routing data to artificially inflate the numbers13:07
kanzurei.e. 5 hops on brighthouse instead of the average 15 to 30 hops to get anywhere when you look at the traceroute13:10
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kanzuremaybe i over-did the import today? http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/meetlog.txt14:07
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kanzurebehold! http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/tags.html15:04
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* kanzure makes it a point to go to the ycombinator sxsw event on the 15th15:39
Utopiah#startups is mainly a ycombinator crowd btw15:40
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kanzurehey hundred-ideas 15:49
kanzurehundred-ideas: i wasted some time today and did a tag cloud of stuff that people talk with me about: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/tags.html15:49
hundred-ideasfrom email or irc?15:50
kanzurein person, internet, phone15:50
hundred-ideasyou have annotated recordings of your voice conversation?15:52
hundred-ideastranscriptions, rather?15:52
kanzureno, i just remember what i talked about and write it down15:52
kanzurethe tag cloud is generated from this data: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/meetlog.txt15:53
hundred-ideaswho do you talk with about that?15:53
kanzurei should fix this. this tag cloud is from (1) internet, (2) phone, (3) in person, and (4) people that i have learned about15:54
kanzurethecommonsjournal.org is squarely in #415:54
kanzurei wrote down the names of everyone who published in that latest issue that i really liked15:54
hundred-ideaswell, it's still neat.15:54
hundred-ideasoh hey, have you heard about SKDB?15:54
kanzureare you trying to screw up my tag cloud :P15:55
kanzureoh much better, i got rid of everything from the "knowledge" category15:55
hundred-ideasSKDB is supposed to be launching ANY day now15:56
hundred-ideasSooo much hype, though...15:56
kanzureyes the skdb name sucks15:56
kanzureybit: no i will not change it to "fabhow" gah15:57
hundred-ideashaha it's just funny that of all things, the Orbo guys are using it15:57
kanzureooh the page looks even better now15:58
kanzurewhat would be really cool is showing it change shape over time :)16:03
kanzurehave different tags "die off" as i talk about them less16:03
hundred-ideasI'm going to read over some of the latest articles in the commons journal.  microbial commons?  cool16:11
hundred-ideasalso, what's up with the houston diybio folks / diybio incubator?16:11
kanzurei fwd'd an email to diybio about thecommonsjournal.org 16:11
kanzurehundred-ideas: basically jacob (diybio-houston) wants to do gnusha with us16:11
kanzurehe has a little money (less than me though) that he has been throwing at marketing and images16:12
kanzureand presumably i'll get the skdb infrastructure up and running enough16:12
kanzureyesterday he purchased http://opensciencefund.org/16:12
kanzurebasically it's kickstarter+thingiverse+diybio or something16:12
hundred-ideasthat's the impression I got16:13
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hundred-ideaswell, I don't understand the precise goal, but I like the idea16:14
kanzurethe plan for gnusha is to channel money into diybio/open hardware kits16:14
hundred-ideaswhat makes a kit open?16:17
hundred-ideasis there a standard16:17
kanzureyes there is16:17
kanzuresadly most people just say "it's open!" and then you discover, it's not16:17
kanzureand they just uploaded a jpeg or something16:17
kanzurehere is the open source definition: http://opensource.org/16:18
kanzureoh i guess it's here: http://opensource.org/docs/osd16:18
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hundred-ideasand there are no special caveats for hardware / kits?  we should just use something compatible with the osd principles? 16:19
kanzurewe should *definitely* use the OSD principles *regardless* but yes there are additional criteria that would be super-helpful with open source hardware and kits16:20
hundred-ideasare there any "open-source" kits that exist already that you find acceptable?16:21
kanzurereprap and makerbot have had a lot of love poured into them16:21
kanzurei think there's also some ladayada kits that might qualify? but usually she publishes proprietary file formats for designs, which is really annoying and useless (from an open source point of view)16:22
kanzureso for that "additional criteria" that i mentioned- there's things like CAD files (the source to the 3D objects), schematics, blueprints16:23
kanzureeach of these have some vague analogies to "source code" that you could probably come up with16:23
hundred-ideaspractically speaking, what do we want to enable with our open-source-hardware standard?16:23
kanzurethe "open source" part is for things like re-use, the ability to develop improvements and distribute it, redistribution licensing, etc.16:25
kanzurepackaging allows you to redistribute and install the kits (whether just in terms of metadata or the *real things*) 16:26
kanzureand with the open source hardware standard already developed (1) you get to redistribute and all the benefits and arguments of open source; (2) computers and designers get the data that they *need* to have included in the kit/package to make use out of it16:27
kanzureone of the sadest things out there is all the "open source" car projects16:28
kanzureand all of them just have pictures of cars or something, and that's it16:28
kanzure"look! see? it's a car!"16:28
hundred-ideasdesign files to enable others to build, improve, distribute, and sell the design and the device16:29
hundred-ideaslet's take the gel box as an example16:29
hundred-ideaswhat's missing?16:29
kanzureer what do you mean "the gel box"? are you talking about a specific one?16:32
hundred-ideasyes, tito's $200 "open source" gel box16:32
kanzurewell, it's completely done in sketchup, which isn't an open source standard16:32
kanzureit's also not under revision control thus not allowing collaborative development16:32
kanzurein skdb, hardware is thrown into .git repositories so that anyone can push/pull changes, merge them in or do whatever they want16:33
kanzurealso, i'm concerned about its license (CC) but that's not a big deal (i.e. other people in here think CC is ok for hardware (so it's entirely possible i'm just inflating that particular issue))16:33
hundred-ideasis that all?16:34
kanzurejust off the top of my head16:34
kanzurewhy does he call it "open source"?16:34
kanzureopen source is a development model.. not a business model. blah i just don't see development going on in tito's head :/16:35
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hundred-ideasprobably because there are no canonical "open-source" hardware projects that have done a good job publicly demonstrating what the elements of an open-source approach should be16:36
kanzureyeah i guess even reprap sucks from that point of view, although it's light-years ahead of pretty much everything else16:37
kanzure(in terms of understanding open source hardware)16:37
kanzurebar none, reprap is definitely the largest example of an open source hardware project16:38
kanzurethey do get things wrong from time to time, but heck at least they have an svn repository and something resembling a project16:38
hundred-ideasso it seems like there are a couple of key factors you described:  1) access to all critical design files 2) revisioning of these files and developer/designer culture that understands and uses source control 3) a perpetual license to resuse, modify, distribute, and sell the designs and the object they specify16:38
kanzurewell also for #1 is the issue of choosing file formats that facilitate #2- i.e., giving .sketchup models isn't really all that good if the only tool for modifying those files is sketchup itself..16:41
hundred-ideasis c an open-source language?  I guess it is, because of gcc16:41
kanzurei guess i'm thinking in terms of the licenses of the toolchain: it's really useless if it costs $10k to buy solidworks to modify your .sldprt file that you made "open source"16:41
kanzurebrb phone16:42
hundred-ideasme too16:43
jrayhawk'open development' is probably a better term than 'open source' in the contexts you guys are using.16:44
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kanzurejrayhawk: how about "OSI-compliant"16:59
kanzureer maybe i meant OSD-compliant16:59
kanzureheck even GPL would be a good start17:00
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kanzurelist of makerbot employees: Bre, Adam, Zach, Sam, Marisol, Isaac, Ian, and Widget17:28
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kanzureheh i just got a list in my inbox of the world's oldest living people18:14
kanzurei feel compelled to make a list of current child-bearing-age womenly descendents of these people18:14
kanzurefor 100+ people over 110, that makes for, what, at least 500 children (who are already "pretty old" themselves)18:14
fenni dont get why you dont like heinlein18:49
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fenni managed to do a decent reconstruction of the last two days from receipts, shell and browser history, and stuff i had written down :\18:50
kanzurefenn: my dad liked it a lot, and it's standard rules for young kids to pretend to hate what their parents like18:51
fenni guess i'll be backing up daily from now on18:51
fennannoyingly though i didnt remember what time i took melatonin18:52
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kanzurehello kimyu 18:52
kanzurethere was a spanish article about diybio a while back: http://www.publico.es/ciencias/184626/biohackers/reventar/reinventar/biologia/garajes18:52
kimyuthank you very much kanzure18:55
fennre: tag clouds, apparently you can do animation with css? http://www.webdesignerwall.com/trends/47-amazing-css3-animation-demos/19:02
fennsomething like this would be really cool for skdb part previews: http://www.romancortes.com/blog/css-paper-bird/19:10
fennalso if anyone cares i've been talking with people from fundscience.org.. maybe jacob could cooperate with them?19:11
kanzurei thought we were the people's front of judiah!19:28
fenni forget if someone said it already, but you could weight tags by logarithmically decreasing their size over time19:42
fennor perhaps some variant of the supermemo algorithm19:42
fenn"these are thing bryan actually remembers"19:43
fennhmm i should do that with my lifelog data19:44
fennyay for having data!19:44
fenn"ben, you havent read about brlcad in a year, reconnect with hir!"19:47
any49828803gee, i haven't seen "hir" in 25 yrs19:55
any49828803er,, deja vu, i think i said that in here already20:01
kimyusee you tomorrow20:09
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fennin this context "vim" would have been confusing20:14
-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]20:14
fennword of the day: "periphrastic"20:17
fennoh "vim" would have been wrong anyway, it's actually "ver"20:27
* fenn makes a note to use singular "they" in the future20:27
kanzurewhat happed to vir and ir?21:17
kanzureor whatever the gender-neutral terms were that were floating around the orionsarm.com community?21:18
fennthere seems to be a distinction between gender-ambiguous and non-gendered pronouns21:20
fenn"they" is ambiguous but "ve" is non-gendered21:20
fennve/vis/ver is egan's thing, probably what was used on orionsarm21:21
kanzurebut yes i want to do something like the slidey-go-go charts on blog.okcupid.com21:26
kanzureexcept a slide-with-respect-to-time for a tag cloud21:26
kanzureand show different terms growing relatively larger/smaller with respect to time based off of some exponental decay or half-life coefficient21:27
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kanzureanyone want a shanghai java gig?21:47
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fennhyberbolic discounting *mumble mumble*22:08
fenni wish there were an openAL for IRC22:08
fennso related channels would sort of leak in weakly22:08
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c80:12d9:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap22:24
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kanzuremore pubhubblahblahblha http://status.net/wiki/OStatus which i somehow stumbled into from the gitorious main page23:02
-!- timschmidt [~tim@h75-100-200-130.prrymi.dsl.dynamic.tds.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:11
timschmidt.join #reprap-m23:11
timschmidtdamn new keyboards23:12
kanzureyou need to "break them"23:12
timschmidtmeh.  I just need to find some more Model Ms23:13
kanzurei know someone with a closet full of 'em23:13
kanzurewant one?23:13
timschmidtI'll take ten23:13
kanzureha, no23:13
kanzure1 per customer :)23:13
timschmidtyes, though.  I'd never turn one down.23:13
kanzurei'll ping him (it will take a day to get back on it since he's on the wrong side of the planet)23:14
timschmidtAll good computer equipment was built in 198523:14
timschmidtI put a massive amount of work into my RepRap tonight23:15
timschmidtBTW, if you're thinking of shipping that keyboard to me, my address has changed, I can email you the new one23:16
kanzureyeah wouldn't want to mis-ship one of these23:16
timschmidtI'm preparing to build my next machine...  with a 14x22" build area23:17
timschmidtaddress sent23:21
kanzurediybio-budapest http://biopunk.hu/2010/03/12/sf-meetup/23:31
kanzure"the street finds its own uses for things"23:32
kanzurestalk: Endre SebestyƩn23:35
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c80:12d9:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap23:52
fennpubsubhubbub/ostatus looks pretty cool23:52

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