
--- Day changed Sun Mar 14 2010
* kanzure wonders what "ambient metal" is00:21
fenn"Vernor Vinge is working on a sequel to A Fire Upon the Deep"  i guess i'll have to read that first00:23
kanzurewhat happened to a deepness in the sky?00:25
kanzureweird, i found the one transhumanist (real) chick on okcupid00:26
fenno rly00:27
kanzureer, wait, katia is also on there so nevermind00:28
fenn"By using a single lens and a sophisticated array of photon detectors, signal processors and computers he is able to freeze a 6 nanosecond pulse of laser light (roughly 6 feet long) and do this feat 30 times a second. Steve takes individual photos or a complete sequence over a very short period of time to create a movie. The movie can be processed to create a 3 dimensional model of the scene - each picture is illuminated at a subsequently differen00:43
fenn"He shows a series of images taken through a window with venetian blinds drawn. The light illuminates the window and the blinds first, then a person sitting in a chair behind the window and finally, the back wall."00:44
kanzuresounds like BEC stuff00:44
kanzureor ultracold stuff00:44
kanzurehm, nevermind00:46
kanzurethere was some literal "freeze a nanosecond pulse of light" stuff a while back via ultracold physics00:46
fennvideo about it http://www.gadgetoff.com/2007/video-silverman.html00:46
fenn"advanced scientific concepts"00:49
avicennahow does he create the 3d images??00:56
avicennafrom single point of capture00:57
fennthe laser pulse scans through the depth of field at the speed of light. the camera is fast enough to watch as it progresses01:00
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap01:10
fennlol, robotic boomerang: http://www.veratech.aero/phantom.html01:19
fennfascism is alive and well, in, well, wherever this is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/novas0x2a/3882576557/01:23
kanzurei read it as "facism" 01:27
kanzurefacism is a SERIOUS problem01:27
fenni'm a facist01:40
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ybitdid we ever get a link for the optogenetically controlled mice?04:06
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:2c80:12d9:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap05:02
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.05:17
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Utopiahhuge... http://crisismaven.wordpress.com/references/references-subjects-covered/data-structuring/data-visualisation-references/13:10
kanzureguess i'll submit gapminder to him13:16
Utopiahjrayhawk: since you seem to be into geolocalisation http://developer.yahoo.com/geo/placemaker/13:35
kanzurealec emailed me today asking for stl2iges .. hate to break the news for him though13:51
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kanzurehey kingjacob 15:01
kanzureoh, just a ping timeout15:01
kanzurei saw infochimps.org's capitalfactory pitch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIuqJ1QZpvI15:25
kanzurewhy don't i have a /var/git15:42
fennbecause it's one more random directory to remember to backup?15:55
kanzurebut at some point i had a /var/git for some reason15:55
kingjacobkanzure ?16:00
kanzureyou had a ping timeout and i thought you had logged in16:00
kingjacoboh haha.16:01
kingjacobWe're getting into austin late morning tomorrow, when are you free?16:03
kanzureall day, but maybe busy from 5pm to 7pm16:04
kingjacobIn that case, I'll just call when we're an hour out, cool?16:07
kanzuresounds good16:07
kanzurealso: super mario on an 8x8 LED matrix http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2361357,00.asp16:07
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kanzurehm they typoed it with "Ardiuno"16:08
fenndamn i should be here right now: http://www.exploratorium.edu/pi/16:09
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-!- genehacker [~noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:27
fennhmm so, yeah. i dont know what i'd use a crappy 3d camera for, but apparently i have one already: http://vimeo.com/839256616:40
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-!- ferrouswheel [~joel@121-98-81-17.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #hplusroadmap17:14
kanzurehi ferrouswheel 17:18
kanzureiirc, you do opencog magic?17:18
ferrouswheelkanzure, indeed I do17:25
ferrouswheelI vaguely recall I've hung out here in the past, but thought I should join the channel as a H+ board member ;-) ... even though I know this channel isn't necessarily associated with the H+ org.17:26
-!- genehacker [~noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:29
genehackerfenn is that 3d camera just one camera?17:30
genehackeror is there some sort of projector projecting on what is being scanned17:31
genehackernow does that PS3 eye have good optics?17:31
genehackerbecause it certainly fulfills the low resolution requirements for our robot17:31
kanzuregenehacker: you going to this? http://www.texaslinuxfest.org/talks/17:47
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kanzurewhat if i pick you up18:31
genehackerwould love to18:36
genehackerI'm in Dallas18:36
genehackerthat's going to make things hard18:36
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fenngenehacker: it's one camera, 640x480, something about a projector doing "structured light" which i can imagine might increase the 3D resolution19:12
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kanzurewow, this is impressive in the spam-is-terrible way: http://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/03/14/1551230/Classmatescom-Settles-Lawsuit-Over-Phony-Friends?art_pos=719:29
fennwow a $3 cash payout!19:35
genehackerthat'll never work for a robot19:36
genehackerwhich means we'll stick with laser scanners19:37
fenn640x480 is plenty19:37
kanzurenice someone on slashdot discribes gpl as "freedom forward"19:37
fennmore than that and you will be wasting cpu cycles dealing with all the pixels19:37
kanzures/freedom forward/forward freedom/19:37
kanzurei'm sure there's some way to improve on that stylization of the idea19:38
genehackerI know19:38
genehackerwe need low res cameras with high optics19:38
genehackerwe'll probably go with an i-sight19:38
genehackeran isight with the apple scrapped off...19:38
fenni was not impressed with the i-sight19:39
fennyou really ought to try out a ps3 eye before making any decision19:40
kanzurehttp://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html how to report bugs effectively (simon tatham)19:40
fennit rocks.. it's like an old CCD camera19:40
kanzureew wtf is the "opencontent license"? http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml19:40
kanzureis cooperable a word?19:42
kanzure`dict` says no19:42
genehackerwell I'll have to talk to our vision team19:44
fennapparently it's a trademark though19:44
kanzuregenehacker: are you talking about the RAS vision team?19:44
genehackerwe're doing IGVC19:44
kanzureare you on the igcvc mailing list too?19:44
kanzurei wish i could do real-time network diagnostics.. i.e. "why does my connection suck?"19:45
genehackerdrop yourself from the list on sunday, it makes our leaders angry19:45
kanzurekanzure@pikachu:~$ whylag19:45
kanzure200.222.222.222 is downloading /blah.avi19:45
genehackeryou named your box pikachu?19:45
kanzurepikachu is my laptop19:46
kanzureleibniz is heybryan.org19:46
kanzuredavinci is designfiles.org19:46
fennkanzure: netstat --inet ?19:46
fennyou'd need a real linux router to do more complicated stuff, otherwise you couldn't know about what's happening on other computers on your NAT LAN19:47
genehackerdammit why can't we all just have fiber that plugs in straight to the router?19:47
kanzurewhen i run that on leibniz i get only a weird udp thing (localhost-only) and the ssh session i just popped open19:47
kanzurealthough there is a weird thing on davinci on port 40047 to ides.fscked.org:909019:48
kanzuremike perry?19:49
kanzureare we running a tor node?19:49
kanzure"Mike Perry Mad Computer Scientist fscked.org evil labs"19:49
kanzureapparently he posts to kde.org19:50
genehackerthat's odd19:50
kanzure"As if publicising the security flaws isn’t enough, Perry will be releasing an automated hacking tool that exploits them."19:50
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kanzurethat connection is no longer there19:51
genehackerhe feeds the skiddies...19:52
fennmike perry sounds familiar.. didn't i just run across that name?19:54
fennoh heh it was on fscked.org, nevermind19:55
fennapparently i can remember a name's context for less than 5 minutes19:56
kanzurecongratulations, you're only marginally smarter than a fish!19:57
genehackeryou're running a tor node?19:57
genehackerhave you been attacked by a world government yet19:57
kanzurei am not running a tor exit node19:59
kanzurejrayhawk: should i know the name "mike perry"?20:02
jrayhawkNot a name I recognize.20:04
fennthere's a bit of a difference between a UPS and a power strip20:15
genehackernow I wonder if that cryptomnicon door with a powerful electromagnet trick works 20:22
-!- kingjacob [~Jacob@ppp-70-250-112-29.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:27
genehackerdsl.hstntx.swbell.net, do we have someone from houston here?20:37
genehackeror more specifically do we have someone who's been to TX-RX20:37
genehackeroh cool20:39
genehackerI need to visit TX-RX sometime20:39
genehackermaybe this friday20:40
kingjacobwe have open house every friday, 20:41
kingjacobso there should be a few people there after 720:42
genehackeryeah I know20:42
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:2ca3:3941:52c6:ef50] has joined #hplusroadmap21:27
JayDuggerGood night, everyone. Time to commute.22:11
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fennoo oo can i buy this: http://search.ebay.com/39016439639222:12
kanzurei might be talking with this guy on monday: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2369.txt?number=236922:18
fennneeds more borg encrustation22:19
fenni bet bart is about as loud as a fuckin tank22:20
fennriding bart and trying to decipher japanese with my crap headphones is an exercise in futility22:20
fennwho are grant neufeld and/or josh baer?22:23
fennok i'm getting that helmet22:29
fennthen i'm going to put a tux penguin pin on it22:31
kanzurewill you be listening to "gnu free radio" all day?22:37
fennradio free mars22:44
fennor was that galaxy free radio.. i forget22:44
fennyes, i will be monitoring all frequencies for abnormal activity22:44
fenni'm putting together an order for circuit specialists right now22:47
fennwhat should i do with it when i'm done? a lot of it is basic electronics development crap22:47
fennstuff hacker dojo should have but doesn't for some reason22:48
fennwell i guess i oughta catch the train instead of riding an hour home22:57
fenndiurnal bastards22:57
kingjacobwhat's worth checking out in Austin tomorrow?23:07
kanzureif you've never been to a "visualization lab" before you should stop by ACES 2.404a on the utexas.edu campus23:10
kanzureit's a 307 megapixel display23:11
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kanzure"Thiel, by then a board member of Facebook, indicated that Facebook's internal valuation was around $8 billion based on their projected revenues of $1 billion by 2015"23:58

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