
--- Day changed Fri Mar 19 2010
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk00:00
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kanzurejohn wilbanks replied07:17
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ybitkanzure: wasn't there something named genko?07:32
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ybitah, genshi07:42
-!- qgqg is now known as QuantumG07:57
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kanzurehttp://littlebits.cc/ "This video introduces littleBits, a growing library of preassembled circuitboards, made easy by tiny magnets!"08:33
kanzurethere's a list of names on the bottom left, please stalk08:34
kanzurethey call david cuartielles a "software creator" specifically08:36
kanzureand not "programmer"08:36
kanzurebreast cancer risk snps: http://thegenesherpa.blogspot.com/2010/03/snps-for-breast-cancer-risk-it-depends.html08:49
kanzuresent an email to john wilbanks @ creative commons09:08
kanzureand ayah ddeir at littlebits.cc09:09
ybitthat's very neat, thanks for the linkage09:09
kanzurewhat are you doing here?09:11
ybitidling and answering random questions like so09:12
ybithttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0cz78mCnfE :: pytyle09:14
kanzureoh ayah is female http://www.ayahbdeir.com/about/09:17
-!- genehacker [~noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:19
kanzure"new images of the ben nanonote are out!"09:23
kanzureis it bad that i first thought of photos?09:23
kanzurefenn: the bits you missed http://designfiles.org/~bryan/2010-03-18-reprap-sbailard.log09:42
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kanzureheh, this is how my mom thinks of canada: http://ask.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1588498&cid=3153579210:07
katsmeow-afk"D-Shape, an innovative new 3-D printer, builds solid structures like sculptures, furniture, even buildings from the ground up. The device relies on sand and magnesium glue to actually build structures layer by layer from solid stone. The designer, Enrico Dini, is even talking with various organizations about making the printer compatible with moon dust, paying the way for an instant moonbase!"10:48
Utopiahnot that innovative10:49
katsmeow-afkit's the "3-D" part that got my  interest, i wonder how they created overhangs10:50
katsmeow-afkand then, how they disassembled the entire "solod rock" to glue it back together again10:50
Utopiah(as there was http://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~minides/ and http://craft.usc.edu/ before)10:51
katsmeow-afkdid they use solid rock, and shove it thru a printhead?10:52
katsmeow-afk"His giant 3-D printer is the first of its kind with the potential to print whole buildings, and it makes them out of solid rock"10:53
katsmeow-afkstill hung on the solid rock part10:53
UtopiahI thought it was supposed to be layers of sand10:54
katsmeow-afkthey make WITH layers of sand, but say they make FROM solid rock10:56
-!- nsh-- [~82d1f1c1@gateway/web/freenode/x-dqytasqkfwiupovi] has joined #hplusroadmap10:56
nsh--guys, anyone know of a tool to create slideshows of document revision (in particular, code with highlighting)?10:57
nsh--i want to make some tutorials to help out people on my programming course10:57
nsh--and a nice slideshow format showing the progressive changes to the code would be easier for them to follow than flat comments10:57
drazakkanzure: you ever notice how up and down DIYBio is?11:03
drazakkanzure: some days there's all kinds of chatter11:03
drazakkanzure: and some days there's nothing?11:04
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kanzuredrazak: what's even creepier is that it matches my own communication cycling: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/meetlog/2010-01-01_to_2010-02-25.png12:39
kanzurethese numbers are rather low for people that i otherwise thought i kept up with..'12:54
kanzureon the other hand it says that i have sent 241 emails to om (instead of groups.google.com which counts at 1.2k)12:58
kanzure"sent 0 emails to Phreedom" how sad13:00
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fenndebs for heekscnc, testing requested http://highlab.com/~seb/heeks/14:20
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fennwell this is neato http://www.openphotovr.org/  "3d transitions between photos"14:54
-!- shepazu [~schepers@31-34-247.wireless.csail.mit.edu] has quit [Quit: shepazu]14:57
kanzurefenn: hey could you stalk jon philips in your area? thanks14:59
kanzurehe does open clip art, and that "statusnet" thing that you thought sounded pretty cool15:00
-!- fenn [fenn@dhcp-84-36.me.utexas.edu] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]15:00
kanzureand open source hardware sorta-kinda15:00
kanzurefine, be that15:00
kanzure*that way15:00
kanzuremy inbox is staying relatively stable at 66666 unread emails15:06
kanzureheh someone made the epilog laser cutter play super mario themes with the servos http://newstoday.smashits.com/video/ZZhdQjPAc9g/laser-your-credit-cards.html15:06
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kanzure16:59 < kanzure> fenn: hey could you stalk jon philips in your area? thanks15:19
fennfabricatorz.com eh15:47
fennoh it's rejon15:49
Utopiahrather misleading vocabulary 15:53
fennkanzure: why am i stalking rejon again?16:05
-!- genehacker [~noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:10
fennheh overheard from todd huffman, "they said 'no you cant email us the receipts, you have to print it out and scan it and send us the scan'"16:13
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-!- klafka [~klafka@cpe-66-66-5-254.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:24
fennlook it's not twitter i swear http://fenn.status.net/16:33
kanzureum are you sure?16:34
kanzure"a micro-blogging service" lookks like twitter to me16:34
kanzure"fenn is a microblogging service brought to you by Status.net. It runs the StatusNet microblogging software"16:34
kanzuretodd hangs out at langton labs?16:39
fenni think he lives there 50% of the time16:40
fennhe's packing up for afghanistan right now16:40
fennpiles of power over ethernet, radio transmitters, and camera gear16:41
kanzurewhat about the piles of ak47s :(16:42
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kanzureisn't there one that picasso/google uses?17:48
fenneye.fi uploads to picasa/flickr18:06
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-!- shepazu [~schepers@2002:d106:d41b:1234:21e:52ff:fe81:88fa] has joined #hplusroadmap18:08
fennomg fire safety cabinets are fucking expensive18:35
genehackerstoring something flammable?18:37
fennhacker dojo people are being lame18:41
fenn1 kg of sodium persulfate18:41
NoahjFireproof safes are like $130 18:44
Noahj...are they not fireproof from the inside?18:44
NoahjOr is that what you meant by expensive?18:44
drazaksodium persulfate?18:46
drazakwe have like 3 kilos at the lab18:46
drazakand we have no fireproof cabinents18:46
drazakor rather we have one, but we keep lame stuff like methanol in it18:46
drazakif you put it in solution it's not flamable, but then you have to freeze it, and I don't know how much freezer space you have18:46
fennflammables cabinets are like $500-100018:54
fenndrazak: freeze it?18:55
drazakfenn: AP (3 or 5% for WB) goes bad in 3-6 months in the fridge, a week or two on the counter18:59
drazakfenn: it just doesn't work, it decomposes19:00
drazakfenn: so you need to freeze19:00
drazaker, freeze it19:00
kanzureseeing this in action is cool https://etacts.com/media/js/controllers/import/simpleimport.js19:01
kanzurei think i'll steal it for the animated tag cloud 19:02
drazakI hate this laptop19:14
kanzurethe laptop probably hates you19:15
-!- ceil [~omg.wtf.l@adsl-75-60-12-163.dsl.spfdmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:16
-!- katsmeow-afk is now known as katsmeow19:34
drazakwell, it's impossible to use it on my lap, as a ball warmer, and use my headphones at the same time19:40
-!- ceil [~omg.wtf.l@adsl-75-60-12-163.dsl.spfdmo.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]19:42
drazakpart of that might be due to the fact I have a 1/4" to 1/8" adapter on the 'phones19:46
kanzureed boyden labslave: http://openwetware.org/wiki/User:Annabelle_C._Singer19:56
kanzure"The neurotech industry is already substantial and growing rapidly, accounting for more than $130 billion in revenues in 2007, according to a November report in the journal Nature that cited the MIT class."19:57
kanzure"n the same year, the report said, venture capitalists invested more than $1.7 billion in new businesses in the sector."19:57
* kanzure needs to adjust his brain19:58
kanzure$1B of business isn't much these days (apparently)19:58
-!- Noahj [~noah@ip68-230-157-203.ri.ri.cox.net] has left #hplusroadmap []20:18
fenn"neurotech" means what now?20:26
kanzurehahah `A "pump party" involves groups of transgendered men getting together to  illegally inject silicone in an effort to make their lips, hips, cheeks and buttocks look more feminine and avoid the cost and scrutiny of legitimate medical treatment. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of transgendered men have attended "pump parties." `20:39
kanzureillegally inject silicone! oh noes!20:39
katsmeowwait a min,, weren't there a dozen women admitted to hospital for getting their butts injected with silicone caulk at such a party last week?20:40
katsmeownot "women" as in "men", afaik20:41
kanzureyeah, i don't know when "women" became synonymous with "men" either20:52
fennthey're not that different really20:58
fennalso i think you're supposed to inject collagen, not silicone20:58
kanzureheh heh20:58
kanzuremistake #120:58
fennalso, is "making their x's look more feminine" really "legitimate medical treatment" by any definition?20:59
kanzureyeah transgendered folks get their surgeries and hormones covered by insurance21:01
katsmeowreal women get **planned** pregnancies covered too <shrug>21:04
katsmeowno other insurance coveres planned events, like arson21:04
kanzureyou mean if the fire gets put out? or if it's successful21:04
kanzurekinda ambiguous21:04
katsmeowplan to get pregnant, insurance pays21:05
katsmeowplan to burn car down, nothing pays21:05
kanzureyeah, hospital bills for a birth are like $20k for anything they consider 'decent'21:05
katsmeow"but i had full replacement coverage on that car!" "that's why you're going to jail!"21:06
katsmeowi disagree that pregnancies should be covered, not till your own arson is also covered21:06
katsmeowsame for getting a buttload of window caulk too21:07
kanzurejust call him "my little firecracker"21:07
kanzurewhere's my damn WPA of transhuman health21:08
kanzure"In addition, other non-surgical procedures are also considered medically necessary treatments by WPATH, including facial electrolysis."21:09
kanzurefacial *wut*21:09
kanzureoh, hair removal21:09
katsmeowwait, ftm don't have faicial hair to remove21:10
kanzure"A growing number of public and commercial health insurance plans in the United States now contain defined benefits covering sex reassignment related procedures"21:11
katsmeowIn response to questions about medical necessity of transgender treatments and sex reassignment surgery, particularly in the U.S.A., where insurance exclusions often prevent access to health care for transgender people, 21:12
katsmeowmy quote was from http://www.wpath.org/ , where was your's from?21:13
kanzurewikipedia wpath article :(21:14
kanzure"more than 50 percent of transgender people did not have any form of health insurance"21:15
* katsmeow nods21:16
katsmeowi wonder if the health debate in congress now will cover them21:16
fennbecause nobody will hire transgendered people for any decent jobs21:25
katsmeowno one hires disabled people too21:26
kanzurenah, they are legally obligated to hire disablies21:26
fennat least you have the ADA21:26
katsmeowno, they aren't, and most get away wirh firing disabled people21:26
katsmeowADA never did anything for me or anyone i ever met21:26
kanzurethe only disability you have is 21:27
kanzureinsert witty comments here21:27
katsmeowpartially broken back21:27
katsmeowthere's tons of jobs anyone can do that aren't interfacing to the public, but i dunno how you'd go about getting tg/ts peoples into those jobs21:28
fenni dont really see what the big deal is21:29
katsmeowsame as with any sex issue "that's a man's job" "really? show me the penis detector on these tools?"21:30
fennlike, if you put down "we didnt hire this person because they're ugly" it's not ok, but "this person didn't fit our expectations of how a person should look" is suddenly ok?21:30
katsmeowfenn, actually, epople get fired for that all the time21:30
kanzurethat's basically what it boils down to21:30
fennkatsure but they' don't come right out and say it21:31
katsmeowmodels 10lbs overweight, IBM once hired men only over 6ft tall, etc21:31
kanzurefenn: i think they do say it about the transsex'd though21:31
kanzureonly over 6ft eh?21:31
* kanzure shines his boots21:31
fennno company would get away with that these days21:32
katsmeowthey wanted the sales reps to look down from inposing authoritative heights onto the targe,, i mean clients21:32
fennassociation of people with short person syndrome would be all over them21:32
kanzureif the guy in gattaca could fake his identity, ...21:32
kanzureactually, a lot of actors are really good at playing opposite genders21:32
kanzuremichael j. fox for instance (wtf? yeah..)21:32
fennin what movie?21:32
katsmeowhe played a girl?21:32
kanzureback to the future, apparently all the women were him21:33
fennhuh. like eddie murphy i guess21:33
kanzureoh except for the hot one21:33
kanzurei think i should go away now21:34
kanzurethe laughing hurts too much21:34
kanzurei need new anime, suggestions? 21:36
kanzurethis is my presently filtered list: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/anime-to-watch21:36
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fennyou haven't seen haruhi suzumiya?21:50
fennor is that list "things i've watched already"?21:50
kanzureoption three, unorganized list of recommendations not sorted by whether or not i've seen them21:52
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kanzureit's because the list of seens is too embarassingly short21:59
fennthat's a stupid thing to be embarrassed about22:00
fennis it a list of "things i have on my hard drive"?22:00
kanzureno :(22:00
fennkanzure: http://pastebin.ca/184638822:04
fennthat's not necessarily "best manga ever" but more like awesome/obscurity ratio22:05
fennor maybe it is22:05
fenni've started keeping track of all movies i can remember watching (to accompany all books i remember reading):  http://pastebin.ca/184638922:07
fennsomehow anime didnt make it on that list22:07
fennoh wait it did22:07
fenni need to hurry up with this wearable camera stuff.. rawr22:09
kanzure"and some stuff about airplanes"22:10
kanzuretenchi muyo was good?22:11
fennhum yeah i have positive memories of it. i had sort of an obsession with ryouko for a while22:12
kanzurefenn: it wasn't "matrix 4" but "animatrix" i think22:14
QuantumGfood dependence has to be the stupidest national behavior of the modern era22:14
QuantumGwhy are our people starving?  we grow lots of cotton/coffee!22:15
QuantumG80% of undernourished people are farmers......22:19
genehackerwhat? put farmers in the matrix?22:21
genehackeroh so you watched eden kanzure?22:22
genehackerNow if we could only get a juiz for SKDB...22:22
fennkanzure: i hate it when they change names and it's just a sequel22:24
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk22:28
kanzurei blame igem for the over-representation of university labs22:43
-!- genehacker [~noko@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]22:51
kanzure"Sugar-Based Synthesis of Tamiflu and Its Inhibitory Effects on Cell Secretion"22:58
kanzure"Mr. Vinay Gidwaney, Research Affiliate, Synthetic Neurobiology Group .. where he is developing software development kits that could alter brain functions"23:00
kanzurei've only met 20 new email address contact people over the past 3mo? i think etacts.com is fudging numbers23:18
kanzureoh it's spidermanboy23:32
kanzurehttp://bioinformatics.org/pogo/ has a 403 forbidden error 23:33
kanzurealso, i've been getting tons of signals that lots of people other than genehacker want to do a DNA synthesizer via DMD micromirror array now23:33
fennhopefully at least one of them will be able to get the required chemicals and components23:52
fenn"It's a chicken and egg problem: if there were already a culture of people regularly working with chemicals at the23:58
fennDojo, then it would not be an issue because there would be more people around who were qualified to keep an eye on23:58
fennthings and help respond to incidents."23:58

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