
--- Day changed Fri Mar 26 2010
-!- marainein [~marainein@220-253-115-251.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap00:54
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fennhmmm @ http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=28048429758602:46
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TaoisticBeerHello people03:30
maraineinhi there03:33
maraineinan article published as a viewpoint is different from a literature review, right?03:33
TaoisticBeerDepends on what the article is about.03:35
maraineinwhen could the two be the same?03:35
TaoisticBeerIf it's just a commentary piece then there's no real difference I guess...03:36
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TaoisticBeerWhy do you ask?03:39
maraineinjust tampering with wikipedia03:40
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TaoisticBeerOh well04:03
TaoisticBeerSo I just learned how to tame my soviet microscope. What could I do with it?04:04
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kanzurehttp://code.google.com/p/lic/source/checkout "LEGO Instruction Creator - create your own instruction books from your virtual LEGO models."06:28
kanzurewhat did genehacker mean with "war on reprap"?06:29
Utopiahhttp://usinette.org/ is reprapping lego , he also linked to ttp://reprapdelft.wordpress.com/06:29
kanzure01:16 < sbailard_> Forrest_Higgs, bre decided to write a little public accusation on the makerbot blog chewing out RepRap user-developer kimberly 06:30
kanzure                   for being laggardly in not uploading her gen3 board variant a) sufficiently promptly, b) only in a .pdf format, rather than in 06:30
kanzure                   a .propriatary_e_cad_format_she_figured_would_be_of_no_use_to_us.06:30
kanzure01:20 < Forrest_Higgs> lol!  no wonder Bre is squawking!  he doesn't want a lot of reprap boards on the market.  suppressed his sales.  :p06:30
kanzure01:21 < sbailard_> Well, bre is riding a tiger, trying to monetize reprap.06:30
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kanzureand from lic: "So far, Lic can import any LDraw model, but its dynamic importer makes it easy to add an importer for any 3D file type, and create instructions for that model. A Lego Digital Designer (LDD) importer is coming soon. "06:33
kanzureComputer Company Started In Garage 30 Years Ago Now In Smaller Garage http://www.theonion.com/articles/computer-company-started-in-garage-30-years-ago-no,17124/06:37
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kanzurehey reg_ 07:30
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kanzurehey splicer 07:34
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kanzurehello hoboasa 09:06
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kanzurei posted that article to the groups: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/browse_frm/thread/4b30c35f1b409d2710:01
-!- genehacker [genehacker@w-central-233-233.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap10:04
kanzurei think sebastien over-reacted. bre was in the clear, genehacker10:05
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kanzureneato just got an email from someone working at http://www.wpafb.af.mil/afrl/711HPW/11:30
kanzure"human performance sustainment"11:32
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splicerhi kanzure12:29
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kanzureanything new?12:31
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splicerkanzure: nah12:47
kanzurewhat the hell12:54
kanzurethat cover feels like something out of the 50s12:54
kanzurebut look who's on it12:55
kanzurehm http://www.crnano.org/bootstrap.htm12:57
-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-56-220.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap13:06
splicer(the woman on the bottom may be vulcan) 13:08
kanzureyou should be appointed to the head of the vulcan outting committee. good job!13:23
fennan ebook reader with a crappy keyboard is "the future"?13:30
fennthat cover doesn't make me want to read it13:31
kanzurei think the cover is attempting to be "old school"13:38
kanzurethe headline font at the top hasn't been used except on scifi published in the 60s13:38
kanzureand there's some filter effect on all of the photos 13:38
kanzurescript used to generate that last link: http://namcub.accela-labs.com/stories/markinf.py13:40
-!- any92938068 is now known as katsmeow-afk13:41
kanzurefenn: i think freitas might live near you?13:45
kanzurethird-party blog picked up eyebeam.org's "opening hardware" nonsense: http://electronic-geek.com/opening-hardware-at-eyebeam/13:48
kanzureSKDB mentioned: http://2and2.blogs.experienceproject.com/280644.html13:49
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fenni wish people would stop naming their (non-laboratory) startup companies/shared space "* labs"14:12
kanzurewhat if they do labwork in their shared space14:13
kanzurealso, i wish .net/mono fans would read stuff like this: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/java-trap.html14:14
fennthen i have no problem with it14:19
fennbut it seems like if you actually had a lab, you wouldnt name it "master evil scientist labs" because people might get confused and think it's a startup company or something14:19
kanzureso you should name it BioLogic Inc. and people will then be unconfused and know that it is a science lab?14:20
kanzurei am thinking about helping treadwell buy a laser cutter14:24
kanzureit's $1.2k in the austin area. 25W, 12x12" bed14:25
kanzurewell, it's not really a cutter 14:25
kanzure25W can cut acrylic but not much else14:25
kanzureonebay these go for about $1k but on the other hand there's (1) shipping and (2) you can't really examine it or play with it14:26
kanzure*on ebay14:26
kanzurelots of data: http://pidgin.im/survey/results/14:35
kanzuremonday-morning meeting scheduled with boingboing.net editor14:35
kanzureanything in particular i should mention?14:35
kanzurejavascript notebook with ajax hooks to sympy: http://2.latest.sympy-gamma.appspot.com/nb/14:38
-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-56-220.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]14:46
kanzurewtf is this http://orly.thingiverse.com/15:00
kanzuredeviverse? http://dev.thingiverse.com/15:01
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kanzureupcoming commit has a bad name15:28
kanzureor bad description15:28
CIA-55skdb: kanzure * r 47de2e4 /clients/thingiverse.py: apt-get for thingiverse15:28
kanzureplease don't kill me15:28
kanzuretry with: python thingiverse.py thing:148315:31
kanzureor: python thingiverse.py 148315:31
kanzureles is showing up in under 5min. what do i tell him re: the $600 he wants from me for the austin hackerspace rent-a-space?15:33
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fennwhat's the name of the calendar thingy where everyone throws up their weekly schedule and we all agree on a time?16:12
fennhas a sort of goofy name16:12
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fennyes, thanks16:16
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fennwhat did you tell les?16:21
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fenn"which file do you want to download?" what's the point of that? just get all that shit16:41
fennmkdir thingiverse-1483; wget blah16:42
fennand get the metadata too, dammit. what am i paying you for?16:42
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kanzurefenn: his metadata sucks17:30
kanzure*their metadata17:30
kanzureor i guess i meant his=zach17:30
kanzureit actually went better with les than i expected it to17:31
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fennthere's other metadata like author, description, that are actually useful17:57
fennor "uploader" in this case17:58
kanzureokay okay. i'll do it18:00
kanzureany ideas on how to improve the how-to-specify-a-package? thingid sucks18:00
kanzureand there's no "packagized name"18:00
kanzureer, unix name18:00
kanzurefenn: aren't you our resident cory doctorow know-it-all? what should i mention when boingboing.net talks with me on monday18:01
fenn"You agree not to use the Service in the design, development, production, or use of missiles or the design, development, production, stockpiling, or use of chemical or biological weapons."18:21
fennin addition to anything else that might be illegal18:22
kanzureor useful18:26
kanzurecool looks like we might get the $20k for the iphone app i've been working on 8)18:27
kanzurediybio-seattle has put itself on the web: http://www.diybiosea.org/18:28
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kanzurething:xxx is a terrible naming convention18:52
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kanzuredan barry the astronaut posts to thingiverse? http://www.thingiverse.com/SingularityU19:31
kanzuregod damn it why does zach have to allow fucking unicode in package titles21:23
kanzurethe package name list is the equivalent of /list on a script kiddie's IRC server21:23
kanzure"l@@k *BRIGHT FLASHING RED* <(. 0#14.)> :dancykirby:" and other crap21:23
fennomfg this is homework #1 for the class i signed up for in april: http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs229/ps1.pdf21:29
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kanzurefenn: i think you could have just as easily signed up for a community college21:43
kanzurei heart slashdot http://science.slashdot.org/story/10/03/27/0010246/Could-Colorblindness-Cure-Be-Morally-Wrong?art_pos=321:47
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kanzurethis is neat re: cataracts surgery and UV detection: http://science.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1597242&cid=3163582621:49
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kanzureoh boy, controversial article from hplusmagazine 21:54
kanzurehrm, http://hplusmagazine.com/articles/bio/monkey-see-or-one-man%27s-fix-another%27s-enhancement but it doesn't load21:54
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kanzure"All you Texans, come on out to Trinity University in San Antonio on Monday March 29, 2010. I'll be speaking about "Hijack The Singularity or The Future Must Be Post Scarcity or Not At All" as part of their Reality Hackers series"21:55
kanzurekind of late notice ken! gah21:55
fennkanzure: i didnt enroll at stanford.. i'm taking the class at hacker dojo22:23
fennholy shit, free wifi everywhere in mountain view22:44
fenni almost feel like i'm living in the future22:45
QuantumGin the future you wouldn't notice22:46
fennin the future i wouldnt have to open up a webpage before i'd be allowed to ssh anywhere23:20
QuantumGhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZ7wL4gIzCE  <- nice23:21
fennkanzure: could you point me to the wifi fingerprinting code? did you get it to work on linux ever?23:21
fenn"DIY Genomics presentation and discussion by Melanie Swan and Raymond McCauley"23:26
fenni wonder if they will talk about anything i dont already know23:27
QuantumGwhat do they go over?23:27
QuantumGoh, you don't know23:27
fennit's tomorrow at 1pm23:27
fenni have too many maps in my pocket :\23:28

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