
--- Day changed Sat Mar 27 2010
-!- jrayhawk [~jrayhawk@orchitis.omgwallhack.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]00:55
fenninteresting, the frankencamera is based on OMAP301:19
fennooh this is neat.. "dark flash photography" using IR/UV instead of visible light: http://cs.nyu.edu/~dilip/wordpress/?page_id=3801:26
maraineinhopefully it won't damage anyone's eyesight01:41
fennother neat links on this page http://graphics.stanford.edu/projects/camera-2.0/faq.html01:47
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Utopiah(LHC First Physics Live Webcast http://webcast.cern.ch/lhcfirstphysics/ 30 March 2010)04:17
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kanzurehttp://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?p=466186811 "Official Company Rep for Myo-T12."04:59
kanzurefenn: yes the wifi fingerprinting code works on linux04:59
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kanzurewtf he used eval() to do this? sigh05:06
kanzuregoogle scholar cloaking? what? http://news.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1597368&cid=31638332 i presume this is about their papers showing up in search results that nobody is able to access?05:21
QuantumGthat and the "8 more results like this", some of which are full text because the author retains copyright and isn't a cunt.05:22
kanzureor because someone likes me posts up a pdf to the interwebz05:23
QuantumGfor sure05:23
QuantumG>For inspection systems I've done at a nuclear fuel manufacturer, we05:26
QuantumG>have a lot of parameters that vary with the type of nuclear fuel rod05:26
QuantumG>(fat ones, skinny ones etc.) being inspected before they go into05:26
QuantumG>electric power generating reactors.  Mistakes can be *very* costly,05:26
QuantumG>though fortunately not likely to be deadly.05:26
QuantumGEven ones with chickenpox.05:26
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kanzurei thought 'art applewhite' was a fake name. i keep seeing it show up, but now i can't remember where06:11
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kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avatar_%282009_film%29 gross revenue: $2,668,266,471 O_o06:17
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kanzureis this some weird part of the uzbl ecosystem? 06:51
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-!- JayDugger [~Jay_Dugge@] has joined #hplusroadmap08:07
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.08:09
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kanzureyay we have wifi08:20
JayDuggerI don't suppose you're in Los Angeles, too, kanzure?08:38
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kanzureJayDugger: in austin08:59
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kanzurenow what09:12
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kanzurehttp://code.google.com/p/hackerspace-os/ what a poor name for something that isn't an operating system09:25
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kanzure"Replicating the great work at Factor e Farm and improving upon it" RCCS?09:33
kanzurehttp://hackerspaces.org/wiki/RepLab_-_the_Open_Source_Fab_Lab so.. why did they split from OM again? someone?09:34
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kanzureshould i grab download stats from thingiverse too?10:23
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kanzurethis guy wants to hire me: http://www.downstate.edu/pharmacology/faculty/lytton.html11:07
kanzurehe's doing an MEA-interception project with NEURON on live animals11:08
kanzureand i just noticed he also coauthored with markram, hm11:08
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kanzureha ha he wants to give me access to an hpc supercomputer?11:56
kanzurefoolish mortals11:56
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kanzurerobert young wants you to talk about supercentenarians here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Worlds_Oldest_People/index/12:38
kanzurebut i think the GRG list is probably more active12:38
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fennanything i should mention/ask at "personal genomics"?12:41
kanzurehttp://designfiles.org/~bryan/thingiverse_packages/ behold!12:42
kanzurefenn: 12:42
fennoops, looks like i was an hour off in the scheduling12:42
kanzurenevermind then.12:42
fenn(it's 12:45 right now, i'm waiting for the 1:00 train)12:42
fennmeh, i'll be a half hour late is all12:42
kanzuremake sure they cover genome alignment and assembly, i guess12:43
fenn"It's free food Saturday! We have plenty of breakfast carbs left and fancy pizzas are showing up around noon."  these guys know how to do it12:44
fennso are you planning on scraping all of the thingiverse data too? or just the metadata12:48
kanzurei haven't downloaded the images and files yet for each project12:48
kanzurealso, i am not capturing "tools this depends on" or discussion data or license data 12:49
kanzurecrud i forgot to do license metadata?12:49
fennlicense seems important12:50
kanzurethe "bare bones license"?13:20
kanzureguess we're getting militant about the networking thing13:29
kanzurei better make a business card grenade before i forget13:29
fennhm well it's more of a powerpoint thing13:49
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kanzurefenn: i wonder why melanie swan is mentioned on diygenomics.org17:06
kanzurehm: http://openthoughtspace.pbworks.com/Personal-Genome-Analysis17:07
kanzurevarious startups17:07
kanzureneato: http://soap.genomics.org.cn/soapsnp.html17:10
fenndiygenomics is her + mccauley i think17:52
fennso the guy who is against me doing circuit board etching designed leonardo's motor controllers? http://www.maximumentropy.org/about/17:53
kanzurei suspect melanie has some deep pockets17:54
kanzuremaximum entropy huh17:54
-!- Semikolon [~Semikolon@c-171ce055.438-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #hplusroadmap17:54
kanzureseems like minimized entropy or something if he's against circuit board etchants17:56
kanzureit's not even piranha that you're looking to use, is it?17:57
fennit's basically chlorine-free bleach17:58
fennchris meyer (the guy who brought in a 90% complete repstrap) told me i should teach a class on circuit etching as a way to bootstrap people feeling comfortable about having chemicals around17:59
fennwhy do you think melanie has deep pockets?18:02
fenn"independent technology analyst" doesnt seem like a lucrative profession18:03
fenn"hedge fund manager" does, however18:09
kanzureand she funds half the transhumanists, or something18:15
kanzurehmph my front audio jack has been torn to shreds and doesn't give a good signal any more18:16
kanzureupdated, now with license metadata and tiny images/thumbnails 18:47
fennhow long did that take to scrape?18:48
kanzureno more than 3h but probbaly less18:49
kanzurei had various interruptions in between and didn't grab everything at once18:49
kanzurei should probably grab the discussion stuff on each project page :/ and the tools required to build it (but i don't expect this to be thorough or useful)18:50
kanzurei was sitting around at the shop today and could have really used an skdb/generated tutorial (even if it was just 2min) on how to use a table saw "properly"19:03
kanzureprimarily i really wanted an ordering system hooked up to BOMs and skdb packages :( but this doesn't exist yet19:04
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kanzurewow wtf http://principialabs.com/python-web-search-agent/19:19
kanzuredark ages19:20
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kanzurei wonder what the half-life is for an item listed on a BOM anyway19:28
kanzuremanufacturers tend to update their catalogs and so on19:28
kanzurefor electronics, the components keep the names19:28
kanzurebut i can imagine "oh we don't offer that size any more" and other weird things from non-electronics suppliers19:29
kanzure(especially in cases where hardware hasn't been commotized)19:29
kanzurefenn: please check your inbox re: "proofread 'Call for Volunteers'"19:55
kanzurewas wondering if i could get your thoughts on that.. jacob is biting off a lot to chew all at once19:56
kanzureand i fear that he doesn't actually have the ideas developed well enough to do a launch19:56
kanzure"Income distribution within producer cooperatives is structured along egalitarian principles. Either peer pressure or cooperative bylaws see to it that, depending on their skill-level, members receive equal pay for equal work while differences in the number of hours worked are minimized."20:06
kanzure"Most cooperatives institute income differential constraints. In terms of voting weight, and unlike a CF, the principle of one-person one-vote applies independent of member's percentage share of ownership. "20:07
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kanzurei am surprised that debian is not a cooperative, even though it has the same structure20:21
kanzurei think before jacob launches gnusha for me, we should have (1) the open source hardware licensing issue resolved (TAPR + non-assert pledges), (2) debian social contract equivalent, (3) debian free software/hardware guidelines equivalent, (4) and then the co-op constitution thingy (like what the voting is going to be like etc.)20:22
kanzureor not necessarily TAPR but.. yeah.20:23
fennperhaps old news: http://numptyphysics.garage.maemo.org/21:09
fenni dont know what is involved in a "launch" or even what that means21:10
fennbah numpty-physics isn't in ubuntu? wtf21:11
kanzurenumpity dumpity?21:18
kanzureor humphrey mcdumphrey? or something21:18
kanzurefenn: did you see the email21:18
kanzurehe forwarded what he considered to be a "launch"21:19
kanzureand i forwarded that to you, plus another email21:19
fennwah. you're not paying me to read emails :P21:24
kanzureone of these days we're really going to have to figure out who is paying who (even if it's just hypothetical)21:28
kanzurebecause earlier today i was apparently paying you :x21:28
kanzure*because earlier today you were paying me :x21:31
kanzuresee? i even got that wrong on the first time around21:32
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fennheh the wifi even works on the train sporadically22:57
kanzurewe call that network whoring23:04
-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-60-26.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap23:18
genehackerkanzure you there?23:19
genehackeryou said you used some sort of image tracker for one of the physics labs here?23:22
genehackerdo you remember what that was called?23:23
genehackerit's used with java correct?23:24
genehackerI'm trying to hack together a laser guided sentry turret23:26
kanzureknome hasn't replied to my email in 11 days.. 23:27
kanzuregenehacker: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/thingiverse/thingiverse_packages/23:28
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kanzurenrn is more sophisticated than i thought it would be23:32
kanzureat least when it comes to units, variables and cell cross sections23:32
kanzurei am not yet convinced that the parallel MPI architecture is well designed though23:32

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