
--- Day changed Sun Mar 28 2010
fennfor people who just don't get it: http://principialabs.com/why-i-use-linux/00:10
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fennhah piratepad.net00:53
fenni dont understand #2 of http://pantonprinciples.org/00:58
fenni'd expect open science data to be attribution/share-alike00:59
fennbut they only recommend CC0?00:59
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fennguh. i hate editing other peoples' crap writing01:29
fennwhen i get done, it's still mostly crap01:30
fenndamn you theodore sturgeon!01:30
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kanzurepanton principles seems to be sponsored by john wilbanks, head of 'science commons'05:42
kanzurefenn: thanks for http://designfiles.org/dokuwiki/call_for_volunteers05:46
kanzurelet's hope jacob uses it05:47
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UtopiahA Turing Machine - Overview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3keLeMwfHY 05:50
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Utopiah<3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYw2ewoO6c406:03
kanzuresuresh quote: "In my days as an investment broker I`ve personally sold millions of dollars worth of structured product of this sort."06:31
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kanzurehaha it should not be so surprising to me that rms wants it to be called GLAMP07:12
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kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoc_(programming_language) is what nrn uses for its config/scripting files07:26
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kanzure"SNP Dr. from DNA Electronics (London, UK): SNP Dr. hand-held lab-on-a-chip device for point-of-care SNP sequencing in 15-30 minutes to evaluate patient drug response. News article: "DNA Electronics has a hand held Genetic Testing Device - Interview with CEO""08:07
kanzurehttp://www.portablegenomics.com/ "smartphone genome browser"08:08
thesnarkbut can I ask you what function that gives me? What can I get from browsing my genome?08:09
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kanzurethesnark: most people want those deets so that they can pursue preventive/predictive medicine08:10
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thesnarkhm, cool08:16
kanzureif the world was cooler than it is, then i would also add "so they know how to put you back together again when some virus nukes your genome"08:18
kanzuresadly the world just isn't cool enough08:18
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kanzurefenn: melanie is in your area. could you stalk her down please?08:25
kanzurefenn: dnanexus.com is also in your area, so consider stalking them as well 08:32
kanzureit's too bad halcyon is so secretive08:32
kanzure"the andregg brohters" as it were08:32
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kanzurehttp://mpiblast.pbworks.com/AmazonEC2 for BLAST09:00
kanzureec2-mpi-config.py and ec2-start_cluster.py  might be worth finding09:00
kanzureweird, http://runblast.com/ redirects to http://snpedia.com/09:00
kanzure"bashreduce" http://blog.last.fm/2009/04/06/mapreduce-bash-script09:21
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kanzureshouldn't this just be a something -> svg translator instead of custom .png files? http://openwetware.org/wiki/Endy:Notebook/BioBrick_Open_Language_Specification09:45
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--- Log opened Sun Mar 28 10:09:17 2010
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kanzurethere are some relatively recent articles listed here: http://pinkarmy.org/media/10:09
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kanzurei updated the diybio news list a bit: http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ#Has_DIYbio_been_in_the_news.3F10:18
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kanzurea lot of comments here on diybio: http://scienceblogs.com/oscillator/2010/03/diybio_and_the_gentleman_scien.php10:41
kanzurelong comments, at that10:41
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kanzurefenn: jacob wrote some responses, apparently http://designfiles.org/dokuwiki/call_for_volunteers14:10
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JayDuggerHello, everyone.14:23
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kanzureso, i bought a laser cutter14:44
kanzureit's more like an engraver though14:44
kanzure25W (it measures in at 28W though)14:45
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JayDuggerWhat have you meade with it?14:48
JayDuggers/ meade/ made14:48
kanzurejust bought it today, picking it up tomorrow14:55
kristianpaulkanzure: ohh14:56
kristianpaulkanzure: wich one?14:56
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kanzureit's a universal-laser-systems brand engraver14:57
kanzurefor some reason i neglected to write down the model number14:58
kanzure10micron wavelength, 25W, not sure the positional accuracy or beam diameter14:58
JayDuggerHave fun with it.15:05
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genehackerhow much and what for?15:23
genehacker25 watts?15:23
genehackerand an engraver?15:24
fenncan you "engrave" microfluidic circuits with a laser?15:26
genehackerone of my fluidics papers said15:27
genehackerinsufficient surface quality15:29
genehackerfor fluidics, which operate at high RE15:29
ybitshould tell me in http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/10951/34490/01645733.pdf 15:33
ybit_ electrode15:33
fennyou could do some kind of surface modification later, like spray a coating or flame polish15:38
kanzurefenn: yes i think so15:39
fennor solvent polish15:39
kanzuredefinitely worth testing15:39
kanzurebasic test is a fucking line (engraved) plus an inlet, maybe with holes for two screws15:41
kanzureplus a complementary piece of whatever material it is15:41
kanzureand some food coloring dyes15:41
kanzurei am disappointed that you have to press print on a computer (or issue the command) and then also press the "START" (yes the one with all caps) button on the machine itself15:42
fenntape down the "START" button :P15:42
fennbasic test for laminar flow would need two inlets for different dyes15:43
kanzurewhy is this?15:43
fennto see if they mix or not15:43
kanzurewithout a pump it's not only lamniar but also surface tension15:44
kanzurei guess i should mentally prep myself to use a pumping system anyway15:45
QuantumGIf you want to intern for @mastenspace  this summer you have one week to get your app in - April 4 deadline! http://bit.ly/bMRdxF15:46
kanzurei saw david masten on the extropy-chat mailing list once and had to do a double take15:47
kanzureturns out he's an extropian15:47
fenn"Thorium Energy Alliance Conference" this week in mountain view15:48
kanzureis this important?15:49
kanzurehey don't you hate conferences or something15:49
QuantumGwhat's an extropian?15:49
kanzureQuantumG: http://www.maxmore.com/extprn3.htm see the numbered list15:50
kanzuresupertranshumanists on steroids15:50
QuantumGand if you wanna talk to someone about Thorium, talk to Kirk Sorenson15:50
kanzureexcept most of them don't actually do anything15:50
kanzureso i guess they aren't that super15:50
kanzureum, nevermind15:50
QuantumGMasten and most the people he's hired are hardcore libertarians15:51
kanzurecrud it's been 30+ days since i've been meaning to reply to isabelle hakala's email?15:52
kanzureman, when i forget to reply to an email, i really really forget15:52
kanzurei found another one today from 20 days ago from someone wanting to build an open source waterjet cutter with me15:52
kanzurewilliam mook too.. blah15:53
kanzurefor some reason february 15th to march 10th was some sort of social deadspot for me where i forgot to follow-up with anyone15:54
QuantumGI said to someone yesterday "hey, I'd love to discuss this further with you if you're interested"  .. he replied to me with a telephone number.  sigh, fucking old people.15:54
fenndon't get burned out15:54
genehackerRE= reynolds number15:55
genehackersolvent polish?15:55
genehackernever thought of that15:55
kanzurewell i think i am just counting the failures, the number of successes is way more and wasn't evident on the view i was looking at15:55
fennare you keeping score? :)15:55
genehackeroh and kanzure the the ion beam lithography machines here supposedly take some non-proprietary fileformat like .dxf too...15:56
fenndxf isn't really "non-proprietary"15:56
genehackerif it's low RE the dyes won't mix15:56
kanzurefenn: i am, surprisingly, not tracking my follow-ups-needed at the moment. wtf is up with that15:57
genehackeras there is no turbulence15:57
genehackerbecause there is no turbulence the process is isentropic and reversible15:58
kanzureyou can add in some mixing chambers15:58
* genehacker digs up a cool video showing this15:58
kanzureright now i am primarily interested in flow15:58
kanzurefenn: did microsoft ever get a patent on the .doc format, or anyone else on a proprietary file format for that matter?15:59
kanzureoh, png15:59
genehackerfast forward to 3:0016:00
genehackerfor something neat16:00
fenni wonder how the google streetview works on bike trails16:09
kanzurei don't think the google van does bike trains16:10
kanzurecool les is giving me a key16:11
fennbut they have photos on the trail16:11
kanzureit's been only, what, 14mo?16:11
genehackerthey have bikes them with a street view omnicam setup16:12
kanzure"warning: google is not responsible for any lions and/or cougars on bike trail"16:12
kanzureactually, if anyone can radio tag all of the wild animals in the u.s., it'd be google16:13
fennwell here's my answer http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article6702161.ece16:14
genehackernow that'd be neat16:15
fenni'm going to make a helmet setup for recording omnidirectional images, but not with the spherical reflection thing16:16
genehackerwill you do omnidirectional stereo imaging?16:17
fennthat trike looks awful heavy and clunky16:18
genehackerso you can put on some shutter glasses and see things in 3D16:18
fenni dont think stereo would work very well with the limited resolution16:18
fennand small spacing distance16:18
fennyou can do 3d in some directions based on the fact that you moved x meters16:19
genehackeromnidirection stereo uses mirror balls from what I know16:19
genehackerif you took lots of pictures and had lots of computational power you could build up a 3d point cloud then do that for 3d16:20
fennjeezus.. this from a country that has the most security cameras per capita: "Villagers in Broughton, Buckinghamshire, even formed a human chain to stop the Street View car entering its quiet roads, forcing the driver to make an abrupt U-turn, leaving the village off the mapping service."16:22
genehackerwell I guess they have so many cameras they don't need it16:24
fennUK military using designs from US video games: http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article7078725.ece16:24
fennactually i dont really see what the link to video games is16:24
genehackersee what your friends see after you've been killed, but before that16:26
fennhopefully realtime streaming video doesn't get restricted under ITAR16:26
genehackerhopefully opencv doesn't fall under ITAR16:27
kanzureis the military using big dog from boston dynamics yet?16:28
genehackeruses heuristics of human movement16:29
genehackeroh wait that's right opencv sucks16:29
genehackerhow could I forget16:29
genehackerso kanzure that microfluidics stuff you're trying to do relies on marangoni convection?16:30
fennwhy does opencv suck?16:30
kanzureno, this is not marangoni convection16:31
kanzuremarangoni is where you use either applied force on a surface or use heat on a surface to make fluids move16:31
genehackerI don't know, apparently according to the software people on the IGVC team it's code is not optimized so it's not fast or something16:31
kanzureacademics sfucking suck at programming16:32
kanzureno exceptions, ever16:32
genehackerwe're not even academics16:32
kanzureyou're students.16:32
kanzurehave you read their source code?16:33
fenni figure igvc would have plenty of processing power available16:33
genehackerI haven't16:33
genehackerI'm on the mechanical team16:34
kanzureyou probably have svn access to the source 16:34
kanzurei think it's on igvc.ras.ece.utexas.edu16:35
kanzure.. maybe.16:35
genehackerI suck at programming, so what's an svn again?16:36
genehackercode repository?16:36
kanzuresvn is short for "subversion", a centralized revision control system 16:36
kanzureprogrammers download the svn repository with svn tools, make their changes to the code until it does what they want16:37
kanzurethen they have svn send it back to the original server16:37
kanzureand then everyone else can play with the changes, and revert things if that guy screwed it all up16:37
genehackerthat's what I figured16:37
kanzureRAS uses svn everywhere16:37
fennthis is fun.. remote control reprap cam http://shop.metrixcreatespace.com:8821/16:38
genehackerit's not really remote control16:38
genehackerso it's more like just reprap cam16:38
fenni can control it from here16:38
genehackeryou can?16:38
fennpan and tilt16:38
fennit actually has decent response too, unlike most webcams16:39
kanzurehow are they solving race conditions?16:39
genehackeroh neat16:39
kanzurei.e. two people trying to tilt in the wrong ways16:39
genehackerthat's amazing response time16:40
fenn"That's because we have fast tubes (50mbps/10mpbs). We have a managed Cisco switch rather than a linksys hub. Our WiFi gear is from our 'other store', which primarily sells WiFi gear to people building WiFi businesses. We give you a publicly routeable IPV6 address."16:40
fennkanzure: you get a 30 second guaranteed lock16:41
kanzureheh 16:41
genehackerso telerobots don't suck now16:41
kanzurei can't remember where i played with someone's house robot before16:42
kanzurebut it was a telerobo16:42
genehackerback in the day you'd have to wait seconds for a robot response16:42
kanzure thing in a java applet, you could make it bump into his walls for him! :P16:42
genehackerwas it a kit robot he was selling?16:43
kanzurejust something custom he built16:43
kanzurei think a lot of people have done this16:43
kanzurebut it's nice to have a shop-cam exposed over the web, that's kinda new in comparison16:43
genehackerwell a lot of people, but not the average joe16:43
kanzurejrayhawk: is genehacker talking about you?16:44
genehackerwell now the thing to do now that laptop cams are ubiquitous is have a telerobot people can be at a hackerspace16:44
genehackerI don't think so16:44
genehackerit's just something I found on a list of webtoys16:44
genehackernow I wonder if the response time is good enough for a manipulator setup16:46
genehackerafter all, surgeons are able to do operations over the web(no priority bandwidth, from a couple miles away though...)16:47
kanzurepwm over the internet!!!11one it's the next best thing in CAM tech! cloud machining16:47
kanzurehahaha sadly people are probably pouring money into it :(16:47
fenni think they are using http://www.fastpath.it/products/palantir/16:47
genehackercloud machining would be cool16:47
kanzureno it wouldn't16:48
genehackerbut first you need to put mills in everyones house16:48
kanzurewtf is wrong with you16:48
kanzurethat's not cloud16:48
genehackeroh then I'm confused about the cloud16:48
kanzureit's this thing that only companies can own and that you don't.16:48
fennwhat is the point of telerobotic surgery from a couple miles away16:48
fennyou can just drive to the operating room instead16:48
genehackerI guess that would be something like a big lights out machining center16:48
genehackerso the doctor can do a surgery in his beach luxury home without driving16:49
kanzurei was about to ask bill today if he has ever tried nrn on ec216:49
kanzureand then i realized he's buying a 240-node supercomputer16:50
kanzurei don't want to stop that :)(16:50
genehackerdid you hear they're upgrading the RANGER here?16:50
kanzurewhat are the upgrades?16:50
genehackerthey're going to cool it with fluorinert16:50
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fennhum the camera they're using is only $5716:54
kanzuretoo expensive for your tastes?16:55
fennnot at all16:55
fennit'd be hard to build one for less16:56
kanzuredoes cupsd work with a network?16:56
kanzurei want to get the laser on wifi16:57
fennyes, cupsd supports print servers16:57
fenni've been traumatized by cups repeatedly though16:57
genehackerhmmm you can get ~50 Mbps upload/download WiMAX in europe and korea17:00
fennand in austin17:00
fennbut not in much of silicon valley, oddly17:00
genehackerwith that clear stuff?17:02
fennhmm they charge $0.50/min for makerbot usage17:02
fennthat seems like a lot to me17:02
kanzuremartin wants to charge $10/hour for laser cutter usage17:22
kanzureoh per minute?17:22
fennhow did he come up with that number?17:23
kanzureeveryone else in austin charges $75/hour to $100/hour17:24
kanzureles suggested that martin goes $25/hour17:24
kanzure(martin is buying his own laser cutter apparently?)17:25
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CIA-55skdb: kanzure * r c44663d /clients/thingiverse.py: various methods to parse pages from thingiverse17:37
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kanzurewow that guy who wants to do an oshw waterjet spent $100k on his17:44
kanzure(and the laser cutter i bought today was $25k new in 1990)17:46
-!- genehacker [genehacker@wireless-128-62-146-4.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap17:50
fennthis sounds really great at first and quickly turns sour http://mbed.org/tour/18:02
fennwaterjets are typically about $100k18:03
kanzureyes but.. why18:07
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kanzuremaybe it's $1 per psi?18:15
fennpretty much18:23
kanzure"adverse drug reactions (ADRs) account for an alarming 7% of all hospital admissions and are ranked as the 5th leading cause of death in the USA with costs exceeding $100 billion annually in the USA."18:25
kanzure7% is pretty high18:26
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fennweird, ubuntu is going with my light gray on dark gray color scheme18:34
fennas default18:34
kanzurei wish that was a robotic hand18:40
fennwhere did that come from?18:42
kanzurepresentation crumbs randomly spread out over the web by jason bobe18:42
fenni mean who drew it18:43
fennanswer: http://diybio.org/2009/12/11/diybio-graphics/18:43
kanzureit was found in file:bobe_presentation.pdf (2010-03-11)18:44
kanzurenotes they gave the designers: http://etherpad.com/DoP7WIcYPm18:45
kanzurei wonder how much that cost18:45
kanzurebecause that's pretty good :)18:45
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kanzurecool link in that etherpad.com page: http://www.droplet-microscopy.org/18:46
kanzurehaha "== actual hardware ==" quick someone contact dave rauchwerk for trademark infringement!18:47
fennis it just me or is everyone using etherpad all of a sudden?18:47
kanzureor something18:47
kanzureit's just you, it's been gaining popularity over the past 6mo or so18:47
kanzurepiratepad, etherpad, etc.18:47
fennwell it was released open source in january or so.. i've just seen a lot of it the last 4 days or so18:49
kanzurewhere else have you seen it except panton principles, or something18:49
fennmmm rainbow poke-vomit: http://polytroncorporation.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/goodgames.png18:50
kanzureoh and other than ben goertzel / pathetic-attempt-to-get-google-to-reconsider-opencog-for-gsoc201018:50
fenni attended a workshop on google app engine where we made extensive use of it18:51
kanzurewoah where the fuck did this come from18:51
QuantumGheh, why was google hating on opencog?   do they recognize a dead project when they see one?18:52
kanzurei don't know why they accepted opencog in the first place18:52
kanzure"# holding a brush, probably at an angle, dipping it in paint"18:54
kanzureheh two laptops piled up in one of the photos18:54
kanzurehm even extrusion18:55
kanzuresome consultant18:57
kanzurepeter mabardi <glovescout@aol.com> phone: 617-497-990018:58
kanzureer, not sure about the aol address though18:58
kanzureoops, he's extension 110 and peter_mabardi@invivia.com18:59
kanzurelooks like they actually have employees?18:59
kanzurewtf is up with that pumpkin19:00
fennone is barfing into the other19:01
kanzurehttp://www.seedinglabs.org/ "Seeding Labs supports scientific research in developing countries by providing affordable reclaimed laboratory equipment and facilitating connections within the global scientific research community."19:02
kanzuream i a developing country? :/19:02
kanzurefound that via http://outlawbiology.net/symposium-notes-from-diybio-org/19:02
kanzurehey wtf a link to etherpad19:03
kanzurefine, you win, fenn.19:03
kanzurematt mccabe wants to give a talk about the austin hackerspace at defcon1819:15
kanzurei simply don't get it19:15
kanzurewhy is martin's austin hackerspace so important that defcon should accept a talk on it19:15
kanzurewhat about the other hackerspaces?19:15
-!- chupacabra [~chupacabr@cpe-70-112-123-173.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:16
kanzurewoahzo the $100k waterjet guy says: "I have about a 10k sq ft workspace", and it runs on debian :)19:18
kanzureso why did i let this guy slide for almost a month19:18
kanzurei wonder where he is19:18
kanzureupdated: http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ#Has_DIYbio_been_in_the_news.3F19:32
fenn"On Saturday the Federal Communications Commission the Orange County Sheriff's department raided a pirate radio station called "Street Heat" that ran ads for gangs and provided information on where to get drugs and prostitutes. "19:36
fenndoes the waterjet use EMC?19:37
fenndoes he have a webpage? why the fuck not (if not)19:37
fennit's a ... turing machine19:40
fennactually drawing out the 1's and 0's is a bit much though19:40
kanzureandy (the waterjet guy) randomly emailed me first, so i only have an email address that doesn't lead anywhere19:47
fenn"Ever since the full text of the secret Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) leaked earlier this week, scholars and activists have been poring over the document, finding the buried bodies. Today, Michael Geist discusses the way that ACTA makes the UN copyright agency, WIPO, irrelevant, replacing it with a private members' club composed of rich countries that get to dictate information policy to poor countries."19:50
kanzureneat the german wikipedia article on diybio is more developed http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIYbio19:53
fennlooks about the same to me19:54
kanzuremore references19:55
fennisnt there a markup protocol for crosslinking translated sentences between documents? so if one sentence changes it gets flagged in the other doc19:55
kanzurei just updated this: http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ#Has_DIYbio_been_in_the_news.3F19:55
kanzuregoogle translate has some nifty javascript for hover-over translations on chunks of a page19:56
kanzurebut no19:56
kanzureUtopiah: you might know something?19:56
fennthere is something like this for .po files (GNU gettext strings for programs) but not general wiki/web page stuff afaik19:57
kanzureare .po files where translations (for internationalization) come from?19:58
fennthere is even some support for auto-translating strings that haven't been looked at by a human translator yet20:00
kanzurethis sounds like a potential completely comedic disaster waiting to happen20:01
fennhail eris!20:01
fenni mean, um, do you think anything would happen if i were to carry several enrcrypted hard drives on an international flight20:02
* fenn mumbles something about OCR'ing secret government treaties20:03
kanzureno, but why would you do that? internetz?20:03
fennsneakernetz is faster20:04
fennand cheaper20:04
kanzureis there a mail-order upload service yet?20:06
kanzure!paper Cell culture in 3-Dimensional microfluidic structure of PDMS20:06
kanzurei've been holding off writing a long-overdue long email to mr. anonymous20:10
kanzurehow do i artificially motivate myself to do this20:11
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fenni dont know why you want to write an email or what motivates you20:13
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kanzurei am supposed to be writing weekly update emails20:15
kanzurethat's what that super-long 2010-01-12 email was all about.20:15
kanzurethe motivation is mountains and mountains of funding20:16
kanzureoh maybe i should work on the presentation for http://texaslinuxfest.org/ instead20:17
kanzure"To launch and recover a rocket powered by sugar-propellant to an altitude of 33 km, thereby achieving 1/3 the altitude goal of the Sugar Shot to Space program."20:18
kanzure^ from http://docs.google.com/View?id=ddx6cw25_8fjzhxggc20:18
fenni can write updates if it matters20:34
fennfor stuff i do, i mean. i dont know wtf you are doing :P20:34
kanzurethat would be cool and helpful, yes20:35
kanzurewhat /am/ i doing20:36
fennthat's why i started keeping track.. i didnt know20:36
kanzuremore in the sense of "what are you doing 'with your life'" (which i know, but nobody ever really knows if it's working)20:38
fennyeah, that's that i mean20:38
-!- sebastien_b [~sbailard@69-165-163-131.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #hplusroadmap20:43
sebastien_bEvening all.20:44
kanzuresebastien_b: http://designfiles.org/~bryan/thingiverse/thingiverse_packages/20:44
* sebastien_b clicks the link.20:45
sebastien_bdid you just crawl thingiverse?20:45
sebastien_bkanzure, this looks cool.  What is it?20:47
kanzureit's an attempt at converting thingiverse.com's collection into skdb stub/skeleton packages20:48
kanzurethere's only a few repraps in the austin area, but i've been meaning to demonstrate20:49
kanzureer, to demo something like "skdb-get cathal-microlathe-project-thingy --build" (or whatever)20:49
kanzureand then have the reprap start up20:49
kanzure(or for the marketing people, "an app store")20:50
* sebastien_b doesn't _do_ marketing. :)20:50
kanzureyes you do20:50
sebastien_bkanzure, I guess so.20:51
sebastien_bI think of it as trying to maximize people's ability to participate with RepRap.org.20:52
sebastien_bBut I've never sold anything.20:52
sebastien_bI don't think I'll have any stuff to sell at Bay Area Maker Faire.20:52
sebastien_bHey, how's the 80-20 thingy going?20:53
* sebastien_b needs to go afk right _now_.20:53
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kanzurei have some goons working for me pursuing the paperwork20:53
* kanzure sends them an email20:54
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sebastien_bkanzure, cool.21:03
sebastien_bYou know about bothacker's new RepStrap?21:04
kanzureno, but you linked me to it a few days ago and i completely spaced on it :(21:05
kanzureit's 8020-based, right?21:05
sebastien_bYes. He's going to be doing it up in the RepRap wiki. And he's planning on selling kits at MakerFaire.21:06
fennmmm t-rep *drool*21:25
fennare those plate cutouts w/rounded corners a standard t-slot thing?21:26
sebastien_bNope, waterjet cutter stuff. Just send the dxf file to you local waterjet shop ...21:26
sebastien_bOr maybe your buddy with the laser cutter.21:27
fennor maybe buy a makerbot21:27
fennoh well i can drill 4 holes without needing a laser cutter21:28
* sebastien_b didn't realize people could work sheet plastic without laser cutters or waterjet cutters. :p21:29
* sebastien_b will learn how to use a tablesaw this summer or fall.21:30
fenntablesaws are overrated21:30
fennit's like duct tape or dremel tool21:30
sebastien_bMaybe a radial arm saw then.21:30
fennyeah, better chance of keeping fingers that way21:30
sebastien_bfenn, I don't have a good way to make square cuts in sheets of wood.21:30
fennwhy do you need large square pieces of wood?21:31
sebastien_bBecause I want to make crates and boxes.21:31
fennif under 14" or so you should use a miter chop saw21:31
sebastien_bAnd then put some gears in them, and call them repstaraps.21:31
fenni'm not successfully visualizing this21:32
sebastien_bfenn, visualize a mendel.21:33
sebastien_bNow, cut pegboard and make a box around the mendel.21:33
sebastien_bLet some of the rods poke through, and bolt them to the box.21:33
sebastien_bNow, remove most of the plastic parts of mendel.21:34
* sebastien_b recognizes that picture.21:34
sebastien_bYes, you can use angle as well.21:35
sebastien_bBut _decent_ angle is a bit difficult to source. Contraptor chooses to drill the angle manually, I'd prefer to have a machine do it.21:36
fennthey're experimenting with using a shopbot to drill21:36
sebastien_bAnd, before that, I'm going to make boxes out of pegboard.21:36
sebastien_bfenn, I heard about that.21:36
sebastien_bSlightly different approach. I spend too much time talking about it, and too little time making it.21:38
* sebastien_b is back in 600 s.21:40
* sebastien_b pokes kanzure and fenn.21:57
jrayhawkKYDEX is neat stuff :)21:58
sebastien_bthe local ottawa robotics club loves that stuff.21:58
jrayhawkI just made me a holster. Very easy to work with.21:59
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sebastien_bkanzure, fenn, let's talk another time about git, gitorious, reprap, and skdb.23:02
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fennkydex eh? i should get some to play with23:32
fenni wonder if it makes sense to do a composite kydex/ABS part23:34
fennis there a generic version that's cheaper?23:35
kanzurei wonder if i'll be able to get cheap 8020 as a distributor23:38
* kanzure is done with his ridiculously long update email23:38
fenn"panera bagels" is an oxymoron23:55

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