
--- Day changed Sat Apr 03 2010
nshyou seemed to tick Smith off somehow, kanz00:16
nshoh, he read the word hype and got defensive00:16
-!- marainein [~marainein@220.253-224-130.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap00:23
JayDuggerGood monring, everyone.01:10
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ybitkanzure: whoops02:11
ybitsorry about that02:11
ybitJayDugger: morning02:11
ybitkanzure: i had the phone's volume muted all day and in my room, not my own personal workspace where i've been02:37
ybitfeel free to give me a call in about 9-10hrs when i'm awake02:37
ybitor PM/email me02:37
-!- nchaimov [~cowtown@c-71-237-208-209.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap02:45
-!- Redeemer_2 [~Redeemer_@c-75-72-218-226.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap03:54
Utopiahhttp://hct.ece.ubc.ca/research/pcubee/ A Perspective-Corrected Handheld Cubic Display04:23
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kanzuremarsnews.com wants openvirgle to happen07:53
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-!- Redeemer_2 [~Redeemer_@c-75-72-218-226.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]09:48
kanzurethings not to cut: no ABS, no polystyrene, no polystyrene foam, balsa wood09:55
-!- any14953552 is now known as katsmeow09:57
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk11:33
kanzurefenn: andy wants to know how he can help11:40
kanzurehe's the guy with the 4x8' waterjet cutter and two Objet 3D printers11:40
fennespecially don't cut PVC11:49
fenni dont know what to do with a waterjet, sorry11:54
fenntell him to print parts for mendels, so i can sell them on ebay11:54
-!- Semikolon [~Semikolon@c-171ce055.438-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]12:38
kanzurei am still not sure about thomas paviot's "offer"12:47
kanzureto have me write a pythonocc-related paper for scipy2010 and then put his name on it as the second author (and jelle as the third)12:47
kanzurein exchange for him paying the registration fee ($250)12:48
kanzureUtopiah: that links over to http://techcrunch.com/2008/03/23/a-crisis-in-communication/ where someone is complaining about 2,700 unread emails13:15
kanzurehe's a lightweight and needs to be shot in the head13:15
Utopiahwell that would solve all his problem at lesat13:17
kanzureshould i go to meet jamie hyneman and adam savage? http://www.utexas.edu/txunion/calendar/event/1288/13:41
kanzure"Adam Savage has written a primer on mold-making for Make magazine, and was a featured guest at the 2008 San Mateo Maker Faire."13:43
-!- thesnark [~michael@adsl-75-6-25-214.dsl.toldoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:52
kanzurehey thesnark 13:57
thesnarkhey kanzure13:59
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-!- egeste [~egeste@] has joined #hplusroadmap14:30
egestesup chupacabra 14:31
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@2001:0:53aa:64c:c99:1766:52c6:ef50] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]14:46
kanzurehm the laser is out of alignment15:12
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chupacabraegeste, what you doing in here?15:35
kanzureegeste found me playing with my laser cutter today and wants to do transhumanist things15:35
bkeroWith a laser cutter?15:48
* kanzure nods15:48
kanzurewow only 5 students so far have submitted gsoc2010 applications for OBF15:48
kanzurequantumkat: you should get on that15:49
quantumkatThat sounds fun, but I have no idea how busy I'm going to be. d:15:51
quantumkatI could apply anyway, though.15:51
kanzureoh right, summer school15:51
* bkero is doing gsoc15:51
* bkero is a MENTOR BITCHES15:51
* kanzure fears15:51
quantumkatI'll let my software engineer student friend know, though. He'd like that.15:52
-!- shepazutoo is now known as shepazu15:55
-!- avicenna [~avicenna@CPE001f5b002fd7-CM00407b859474.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:00
kanzureoh look someone is doing a chem lab in a hackerspace: https://www.hackerspace.lu/wiki/Bootstrap_Meeting#Minutes17:06
kanzurethat was via david raison17:07
kanzure"I am so stocking our lab kitchen with these ingredients. A little late night cake while waiting for PCR to finish? I think I will, thanks."17:11
kanzurewaiting for pcr? people still do that?17:12
kanzurealso isn't there some stock brand "microwavable cake" thing in the frozen food isle of shopping centers17:12
QuantumGyes, it does seem kinda absurd to stock your lab with raw ingredients for cooking17:13
QuantumGmy office at the UK used to have microwave powered potato in abundance.. I hated the stuff, but at 2am you'll eat anything17:13
kanzureare you british?17:14
-!- Phreedom [~quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap17:15
QuantumGtechnically?  I hold UK citizen, as well as Australian.. but I was born in Australia.17:15
kanzureegeste: ping us when you're around again17:17
kanzureegeste: http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ#Has_DIYbio_been_in_the_news.3F might be interesting17:17
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kanzureblah whois domain name record spoofing should be illegal18:47
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kanzurecritical mass: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nHKYWc-rnY19:41
-!- thesnark [~michael@ppp-69-221-3-176.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]20:27
kanzurea lot of these people seem to get things wrong: http://es.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/bm32m/genius_idea_form_an_open_source_company_to/20:47
katsmeow-afkKing Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals20:59
katsmeow-afkDhahran, Saudi Arabia20:59
katsmeow-afkOpen Access to Course Material20:59
kanzureare these random strings that you are pasting or are they somehow related20:59
katsmeow-afkor, as i found it:21:00
katsmeow-afkhttp://ocw.kfupm.edu.sa/user/ 21:00
katsmeow-afkwhere you can dl all the course notes for such things as ion seletive electrodes, heat exchanger data, chemistry, etc21:00
kanzure"opengear inc." for a print buffer dealy?21:00
-!- nchaimov [~cowtown@c-71-237-208-209.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:22
egestehello @ all21:57
kanzurehi egeste 21:59
* egeste idles22:00
kanzureegeste: do you have an email address?22:07
kanzureemail sent22:09
egestegot it22:11
egestethats alot of reading material22:11
egesteim going to need an ipad to keep up22:12
egeste*badum ching*22:12

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